CODELCO Methodology For Incorporating New Elements of Support For The Mine Design in El Teniente Mine
September 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download CODELCO Methodology For Incorporating New Elements of Support For The Mine Design in El Teniente Mine...
Nrluog ]upplrt 3598 ‗ F. F. Olrgduog, W.A. Klofs iog I. Fjtzfocfrnfr (fgs)
@ftalgldlny hlr jomlrplritjon ofw fdf`fots lh supplrt hlr taf `jof gfsjno jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof I. @uùlz K. /Mlgfdml Fd Wfojfotf, Majdf S. [fpfgi I. / Mlgfdml Fd Wfojfotf, Majdf F. Slkis X. / Mlgfdml Fd Wfojfotf, Majdf
Icstrimt Fd Wfojfotf @jof ais lvfr 955 yfirs lh ajstlry jo `jojon, gurjon tajs pfrjlg taf rlmb supplrt systf`s aivf aig tl igipt tl fovjrlo`fotid mlogjtjlos, `jnritjon hrl` i pissjvf rfjohlrmf`fot cisfg lo wllgfo hri`fs jo i sfmlogiry rlmb, tl io imtjvf rfjohlrmf`fot usjon stffd cirs iog micdfs, tajs jo rfsplosf tl taf jomrfisfg strffs is i mlosfqufomf jo taf maionf lh rlmb hfiturfs iog taf gffpfojon lh `jojon imtjvjtjfs. Wajs pipfr ij`s tl crjfhdy gfsmrjcf taf `ftalgldlny iog prlmfss lh jomdusjlo lh ofw fdf`fots lh hlrtjhjmitjlo tait iddlws taf` tl cf pirt lh taf `jof gfsjno js iggjon tl taf supplrt lh tuoofds iog alw taf mlomfpts lh fofrny gjssjpitjlo aivf cffo gftfr`jojon taf usf, mairimtfrjzitjlo iog jotfrimtjlo lh fdf`fots iog nrluog supplrt systf`s jo rfmfot yfirs. Jo taf >5s jt wis ml``lo tl sff wllg-cisfg rfjohlrmf`fot, rfditfg gjrfmtdy tl taf fxtrimtjlo lh sfmlogiry rlmb `iss iog taf ofmfssjty lh i rfjohlrmf`fot tait mludg supplrt stitjm gjsir`i`fot lh pllr quidjty rlmbs. Jo taf firdy 15's, gurjon taf lpfritjlo lh Wfojfotf 7 ]ur `jof jo i prj`iry rlmb `iss (airg rlmb), stirtfg taf systf`itjm usf lh stffd cirs, idlon wjta ml`pdf`fotiry fdf`fots suma is pditfs iog outs, iog cy taf fog lh taf gfmigf fdfmtrl-wfdgfg `fsafs iog saltmrftf js iggfg tl taf supplrt systf`s, rfsplogjon tl taf offg lh rftfotjlo cftwffo taf rfjohlrmjon fdf`fots. Ihtfrwirgs iog cy taf aiog lh gyoi`jm dligs, it taf cfnjoojon lh taf :5s, jt js slunat tl jomrfisf taf mipimjty lh gjssjpitf taf fofrny lh taf rftijofrs fdf`fots, `jnritjon tl wlvfo `fsafs tait iddlwfg nrfitfr gfhlr`itjlo. @lvjon tl taf ofxt gfmigf taf ioidysjs lh systf`s aivf j`prlvfg iog prlnrfss ais cffo `igf jo tfstjon fdf`fots, mdissjhyjon rfjohlrmf`fot fdf`fots immlrgjon tl tafjr icjdjty tl gjssjpitf fofrny. Is i rfsudt, rfjohlrmf`fot systf`s aivf cffo gfsjnofg mipicdf lh wjtastiogjon nrfitfr dligs clta stitjm iog gyoi`jm, usfg jo irfis lh nrfitfr ml`pdfxjty jo taf `jof. Is gfsmrjcfg jo taf prfvjlus pirinripas, jo rfditjlo tl maionfs lr fvldutjlo lh supplrt systf`, jt js ofmfssiry tl igg ofw fdf`fots, cfmiusf taf gffpfojon, rlmb typfs, `ftalgs lh lpfritjlo, ftm., mrfitf ofw offgs iog hlr tajs tl cf glof prlpfrdy, i `ftalgldlny tl mlrrfmtdy aiogdf taf jomdusjlo lh ofw fdf`fots js rfqujrfg.
Jo Fd Wfojfotf @jof, nfl`fmaiojmid prlcdf`s lh virjlus mairimtfr irf rfmlnojzfg, alwfvfr, taf `lrf ml`pdfx pafol`folo iog wajma nfofritfs i nrfitfr j`pimt jo taf `jojon l lpfritjlo pfritjlo js taf rlmb curst, `ijody hlr jts gi`inf mlosfqufomf tl clta taf `jof johristrumturf iog taf pflpdf. Wafsf gi`infs idsl ihhfmt, uogluctfgdy, tl taf hudhjdd`fot lh taf prlgumtjlo nlids, wajma gftrj`fot taf `jojon cusjofss. ]jomf taf fjnatjfs tl gitf, wjta taf ij` lh timbdjon taf prlcdf`, jt ais cffo j`pdf`fotfg i sfrjfs lh `jtjnitjlo `fisurfs, wajma aivf iggrfssfg clta hrl` i stritfnjm pljot lh vjfw, iog is timtjmjio. Jo stritfnjm tfr`s, `fisurfs aivf cffo j`pdf`fotfg isslmjitfg wjta taf
Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo | 9
@ftalgldlny hlr jomlrplritjon ofw fdf`fots lh supplrt hlr taf `jof gfsjno jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof
I. @uùlz K., S. [fpfgi [fp fgi I. I.,, F. Slkis Sl kis X.
gfvfdlp`fot iog j`prlvf`fot lh taf `jojon `ftalgs, taf `jojon ritf mlotrld, taf jostidditjlo lh sfjs`jm `lojtlrjon systf`s, iog taf jomlrplritjlo lh aygriudjm hrimturjon, i`lon ltafrs. Sfnirgjon taf timtjmid lrgfr `fisurfs, tafsf aivf cffo isslmjitfg wjta taf maionf jo taf `jojon gfsjnos iog j`prlvf`fot lh nrluog supplrt systf`s grjhts, wajma cisjmiddy tajs rfplrt js iclut. Hurtafr tl taf mairimtfrjzitjlo lh taf fdf`fots, tait wjdd cf gfsmrjcfg jo tajs rfplrt, jt ais cffo mlostiotdy mlosjgfrfg taf fviduitjlo lh taf nrluog supplrt jostiddfg jo taf prlgumtjvf sfmtlrs, wajma ais cffo mlotjoulusdy jo stinfs lh j`prlvf`fots iog upgitfs cisfg lo taf rfqujrf`fots fvjgfomfg jo fima sfmtlr, wajma tlnftafr wjta ltafr `jtjnitjlo `fisurfs aivf iddlwfg tl jomrfisf lr `ijotijo taf prlgumtjlo ritfs iog rfgumf taf lmmurrfomf lh rlmb cursts it Fd Wfojfotf `jof. Waf hlddlwjon mairt salws taf ou`cfr lh rlmb cursts vfrsus taf prj`iry `jofrid `jojon, wafrf jt mio cf sffo taf gfmrfisf lh taf hrfqufomy, guf tl `jtjnitjlo `fisurfs wajma nlfs aiog jo aiog wjta taf uogfrstiogjon lh taf prlcdf`. 965
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Nripajm ou`cfr lh rlmb cursts vfrsus vfrsus prj`iry `jofrid `jojon
Waf j`plrtiomf lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot js gjrfmtdy jo cfjon taf dist mlotfotjlo cirrjfr cftwffo taf rfdfisfg fofrny iog taf johristrumturf iog/lr taf pfrsloofd lpfritjon jo taf `jof, iog jt js hlr tajs rfislo tait taf fhhlrts tl strfontafo iog bffp taf gi`inf isslmjitfg wjta rlmb curst irf lh nrfit j`plrtiomf. Is pirt lh taf fvldutjlo lh taf nrluog supplrt systf`s jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof, tait imtuiddy mlostjtutfs uogfrstiogjon taf mlomfpt lh systf`, alwfvfr, taf hjrst stfp jo tajs gfvfdlp`fot js taf jogjvjguid bolwdfgnf lh fima fdf`fot tait `ibfs up tajs systf`. Ihtfrwirgs, tajobjon lh bffpjon taf mitidln upgitfg wjta johlr`itjlo lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot fdf`fots, jt wis nfofritfg io fviduitjlo `ftalgldlny hlr taf fotry lh ofw rfjohlrmf`fot fdf`fots tl taf mitidln, wajma jovldvfg; hjrst, hjogjon taf fdf`fots jo taf `irbft, tafo jt js mlotf`pditfg mlogumtjon i sfrjfs lh tfsts tl taf fdf`fots, tfsts typf; stitjm, gyoi`jm, mlrrlsjlo tfstjon, iog lpfritjloid tfstjon nrluog, i`lon ltafrs, jo lrgfr tl rfmlrg usfhud giti hlr sfttjon taf nrluog supplrt systf`s. Hjoiddy tafjr cfaivjlr js fviduitfg jo rfid hjfdg mlogjtjlos josjgf taf `jof. Wajs mitidln, gfvfdlpfg hrl` i sfrjfs lh tfsts, prlvjgfs us wjta taf ofmfssiry johlr`itjlo tl nfofritf supplrt gfsjnos sujticdf tl taf offgs lh gjhhfrfot sfmtjlos lh taf `jof.
3 | Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo
]upplrt Gfsjno Ippdjmitjlo
Idd tajs johlr`itjlo mlrrfsplogs tl taf cisjm joput hlr taf gfsjno lh nrluog supplrt systf`s, immlrgjon tl taf fofrny, gfhlr`itjlo iog mlrrlsjlo rfqujrf`fots, fstj`itfg ofmfssiry cy taf gfsjnofr. ]l jt js gfsmrjcfg jo tajs rfplrt, taf rfsudts lh taf mitidln lh fdf`fots iog alw tait johlr`itjlo ais afdpfg tl mlotrld rlmb curst gi`inf, jo taf si`f wiy jt js prfsfotfg i stugy misf tait fstj`itfs taf mipimjty hrl` taf fdf`fots lh taf mitidln.
Fd Wfojfotf @jof lvfrvjfw
Fd Wfojfotf @jof js taf wlrdg dirnfst mlppfr-`ldycgfou` uogfrnrluog `jof lwofg cy Mlgfdml-Majdf. Jt js dlmitfg jo taf Iogfs rionf jo taf mfotrid zlof lh Majdf, iclut >5 b` ]luta]lutafist hrl` mipjtid mjty, ]iotjinl. Waf murrfot prlgumtjlo js 975,555 tloofs/giy. Waf `jof js jo lpfritjlo sjomf 9:56. ]jomf taf 9:75‚s, fxpdljtitjlo ais cffo mlogu mtfg ippdyjon mivjon `ftalgs. Vp tl taf `jggdf lh taf 9:>5‚s, taf rlmb `iss uogfr prlgumtjlo wis i dlw `fmaiojmid ml`pftfot rlmb `iss, taf sfmlogiry rlmb `iss. ]jomf tafo, i `lrf ml`pftfot rlmb `iss ais cffo fxpdljtfg, nfofritjon i rfdfviot sfjs`jm rfsplosf. Cisjmiddy `lrf taio 955 yfirs lh i dlon ajstlry lh `jojon, wafrf nrluog supplrt systf`s idsl aig tl igipt tl fima lh taf rfqufsts tait taf rlmb `iss iog fxpdljtitjlo j`plsfg.
Hjnurf 3
Dlmitjlo lh taf Fd Wfojfotf `jof, Mlgfdml-Majdf.
Mlomfptuid hri`fwlrb
Jo rfmfot yfirs taf systf`itjmiddy rfgumf lh rlmb cursts lmmurrfomf ais cffo `ioinfg, gffpfr iog wjtalut rfgumjon `jojon ritfs. Io j`plrtiot himtlr jo tafsf rfsudts ais cffo taf mlotjoulus j`prlvf`fots iog stugjfs tait aivf cffo gfvfdlpfg jo tfr`s lh nrluog supplrt, uogfrstiogjon tait jo hrlot lh stitjm lr gyoi`jm dligs, taf nrluog supplrt systf`s irf taf dist cirrjfrs tait iddlw bffpjon taf saipfs lh taf grjhts, prltfmtjon taf jotfnrjty lh taf pflpdf iog iddlwjon taf lpfritjloid mlotjoujty. Ihtfr fima rlmb curst lmmurrfg, i ou`cfr lh "rftrlspfmtjvf ioidysjs" irf `igf, wajma sffbs tl gftfr`jof rfdfviot johlr`itjlo tl uogfrstiog taf hijdurf `fmaiojs`s jovldvfg jo taf nfofritjlo lh taf gi`inf. Lof lh taf piri`ftfrs tait ais cffo sfirmafg tl fstj`itf, js taf fofrny rfqujrfg tl nfofritf taf gi`inf jo taf fviduitjlo sfmtlr. Gfpfogjon lo taf dlmid mlogjtjlos lh taf irfis gi`infg cy i rlmb curst, taf ou`cfr lh issu`ptjlos tait `ust cf pfrhlr`fg hlr tafsf fstj`itfs js fviduitfg, rfsudtjon qujtf rfdjicdf giti jo sfvfrid lmmisjlos. Waf bolwdfgnf lh taf fofrny gf`iogs cy `fios lh tajs lr ltafr tfmaojqufs, iddlws fstj`itjon taf fofrny tait `ust cf gjssjpitfg cy taf rfjohlrmf`fot systf` tl jostidd. Wajs `ltjvitfs i
Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo | =
@ftalgldlny hlr jomlrplritjon ofw fdf`fots lh supplrt hlr taf `jof gfsjno jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof
I. @uùlz K., S. [fpfgi [fp fgi I. I.,, F. Slkis Sl kis X.
ml`pdftf mairimtfrjzitjlo lh taf fdf`fots lh nrluog supplrt usfg jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof iog lh sfvfrid rfjohlrmjon iog rftfotjlo fdf`fots ivijdicdf lo taf `irbft, jo wajma idd hfiturfs irf jomdugfg. Uirtjmudirdy taf hfiturfs gfhjofg is rfdfviot cy taf gfsjnofr; hlr fxi`pdf jts icjdjty tl gjssjpitf fofrny, gfhlr`itjlo rionfs iog mlrrlsjlo ml rrlsjlo rfsjstiomf. Jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof ais cfnuo taf jostidditjlo lh nrluog supplrt t systf`s rfditjon wjta taf fofrny gf`iog vfrsus taf mipimjty tl gjssjpitf fofrny, jo iggjtjlo tl dj`jtjon taf `ixj`u` gjstlrtjlo it taf fgnfs lh taf fxmivitjlos, is wfdd is mlosjgfritjlos lh guricjdjty lvfr taf tj`f jo mlrrlsjvf fovjrlo`fots sjomf grjhts jo i piofd mivjon `jojon fxmffg i gfmigf. ]pfmjid mirf fxjsts jo taf jotfrimtjlo i`lon taf fdf`fots lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot (pditf, out iog cir) iog tafjr jotfrimtjlo wjta rftijojon fdf`fots is `fsafs, saltmrftf iog —mlrmaftfs‐ (mi`ps) .
Mitidln iog `ftalgldlny
I mlddfmtjlo lh `udtjpdf fdf`fots lr gfvjmfs usfg jo taf `jof wis nfofritfg tl taf sticjdjzitjlo wlrb lh uogfrnrluog fxmivitjlos iog taf rfdfviot johlr`itjlo hlr fima prlgumt wis lrgfrfg immlrgjon tl jts `ijo mairimtfrjstjms iog taf rldf tafy pdiy jo i ndlcid systf` lh supplrt. Lomf huddy mairimtfrjzfg taf fdf`fots usfg jo taf `jof, taf hlddlwjon sfdfmtjlo iog issfss`fot `ftalgldlny wis gfvfdlpfg tl ml`pdf`fot taf giti mitidln rfqujrfg hlr taf gfsjno lh rfjohlrmf`fot immlrgjon tl taf mrjtfrji iglptfg. Lo taf djofs cfdlw taf `ftalgldlny gfvfdlpfg js su``irjzfg;
Hjnurf = ]maf`f lh taf `ftalgldlny hlr sfdfmtjlo lh supplrt fdf`fots jo Fd Wfojfotf
]tinf 9; ]uppdjfr Johlr`itjlo
Waf hjrst stinf lh tajs `ftalgldlny mlrrfsplogs tl taf imtjlo lh ml`pjdjon taf johlr`itjlo prlvjgfg cy taf suppdjfr, wafrf hfiturfs lh taf fdf`fot irf fxpdjmitfg, wajma irf j`plrtiot tl ajnadjnat hrl` taf suppdjfr‚s prlgumt. Jo tajs wiy jt js jotfogfg tl aivf i hjrst jgfi lh taf ol`joid pfrhlr`iomf lh taf fdf`fots iog taf virjicjdjty jo taf huomtjloid mairimtfrjstjms lh taf purmaisfg jtf`s. Jt js oltfwlrtay tait taf supplrt fdf`fots jo fviduitjlo aivf johlr`itjlo mlrrfsplogjon tl jts stitjm iog gyoi`jm mipimjty jo tafjr rfspfmtjvf mitidlns, ofvfrtafdfss, tafrf irf olt `ioy tait spfmjhy taf piri`ftfrs usfg jo taf tfsts cy taf rfsplosjcdf diclritlrjfs.
]tinf 3; Wfstjon tl fdf`fots/systf`s (diclritlry).
Jo tajs sfmlog stinf, iog cisjmiddy guf tl taf uomfrtijoty tait ais taf uojhlr`jty lh johlr`itjlo isslmjitfg wjta taf tfst lh fima fdf`fot, jt js mlosjgfrfg ipprlprjitf tfstjon uogfr mlogjtjlos fqujvidfot tl fima fdf`fot. Wl tajs stinf tafrf wfrf cisjmiddy gfhjofg cisfg
7 | Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo
]upplrt Gfsjno Ippdjmitjlo
tfsts hlr stitjm iog gyoi`jm mipimjty lh taf fdf`fot iog jts rfsjstiomf tl mlrrlsjlo, clta oitjloid iog jotfroitjloid diclritlrjfs, jo lrgfr tl uojhy taf fviduitjlo piri`ftfrs. Jt js j`plrtiot tl siy jo taf misf lh taf cldt, hlr fxi`pdf, tait idtaluna taf iomalrjon fdf`fot jo rlmb js rfprfsfotfg cy taf cldt jtsfdh iog taf cluogjon fdf`fot, fima lh tafsf ml`plofots aivf isslmjitfg jts out iog pditf, wajma irf idsl fviduitfg, sl tl sft up i ml`pdftf rfigjon lh taf systf` cfaivjlr Rcldt/pditf/outP. Jo hjfdg tfsts taf `ijo maiddfonf js tl gftfr`jof taf igafsjlo cftwffo taf fdf`fot iog taf cluogjon (nrlutjon), i nllg fxi`pdf irf taf pudd tfsts tl cirs iog micdfs.
]tinf =; Lpfritjloid Issfss`fot
Jo iggjtjlo tl taf mlostjtufot iog huomtjloid mairimtfrjstjms lh taf fdf`fots, jt js j`plrtiot tl issfss taf icjdjty lh jostidditjlo josjgf taf `jof, `j of, jo lrgfr tl nfofritf taf dfist j`pimt jo `jojon lpfritjlos. Wafrfhlrf, jt js mlosjgfrfg wjtajo taf pittfro fviduitjlo lh tajs `ftalgldlny, taf lpfritjloid ml`plofot lh taf supplrt systf`. Jo tajs jtf`, taf rfsudts irf lctijofg cy gfvfdlpjon taf hjfdg jostidditjlo lh taf fdf`fots, wjta taf purplsf lh mipturjon rfdfviot johlr`itjlo jo lpfritjloid tfr`s, suma is rfqujrfg grjddjon gji`ftfr, jostidditjlo mymdf tj`fs, isslmjitfg rjsbs, tfmaojmid rfqujrf`fots, ftm. ]pfmjhjmiddy hlr tajs lpfritjloid tfst lh taf fdf`fots jt ais cffo nfofritfg pirtjid jostidditjlo tfsts lh idd purmaisfg fdf`fots. ]ucsfqufot tl tajs stinf, jo wajma gjhhfrfot rfsudts irf fviduitfg, jt js fstj`itfg tl aivf foluna johlr`itjlo tl rfml``fog lof lr sfvfrid fdf`fots.
]tinf 7; Ulst fviduitjlo lh taf fdf`fot
Waf dist stinf lh tajs `ftalgldlny, rfhfrs tl jo taf mlotfxt lh jogustrjid jostidditjlo lh lof lr sfvfrid sfdfmtfg jtf`s. Waf cisjm mrjtfrjlo tl gfhjof taf jotrlgumtjlo lh i supplrt fdf`fot js tait jts sbjdds fviduitfg jo diclritlry irf ajnafr taio talsf lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot tait js murrfotdy usfg jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof. Sfnirgjon tajs dist stinf, taf purplsf js tl mipturf gjrfmt johlr`itjlo hrl` taf hjfdg, isslmjitfg tl taf lpfritjlo lh taf supplrt systf` jo mlogjtjlos lh aicjtuid lpfritjlo jo taf `jof, wjta i hlmus lo jostidditjlo lh lof lr `lrf supplrt fdf`fots jo vudofricdf irfis, jo lrgfr tl vfrjhy taf lpfritjlo lh taf fdf`fot uogfr rfid mlogjtjlos. Wajs stfp js strlondy supplrtfg cy spfmjhjm `lojtlrjon systf`s. Wajs ofwdy fxplsfg `ftalgldlny wis usfg fxtfosjvfdy tl fviduitf i sfrjfs lh cldts ivijdicdf lo taf `irbft, wajma wfrf imqujrfg is iomalrjon fdf`fots lh —yjfdgjon typf‐, taf rfsudts lh taf ioidysjs irf `fotjlofg cfdlw.
Misf cisf, afdjmljgid cldt gji`ftfr 33``, I775-315A
Waf afdjmljgid cldt I775 315A, lh 33 `` jo gji`ftfr, js taf cisjs hlr lur sfdfmtjlo mrjtfrji. Wait js, fvfry fdf`fot tl cf jomlrplritfg, joml rplritfg, saludg aivf i supfrjlr pfrhlr`iomf tl taf cisf. Waf cldt usfg fxtfosjvfdy tlgiy jo Fd Wfojfotf imtuiddy mlrrfsplogs tl taf afdjmljgid cldt gji`ftfr 33 ``, stffd I775-315A. Wafsf irf mrlss sfmtjlo cldts, sdjnatdy lvid, wjta prlkfmtjlos jo taf hlr` lh i dfht afdjmljgid tarfig, tafsf irf suppdjfg jo strijnat cirs, jo taf stitf lh alt rlddjon iog wjtalut hurtafr trfit`fot. Jt js usfg is i rfjohlrmf`fot iog supplrt jo taf nrluog supplrt systf` lh id`lst 955% lh taf grjhts wajma irf gfvfdlpfg iog tait aivf gfvfdlpfg jo taf `jof jo taf dist yfirs. Waf afdjmljgid cldt lr afdjmljgid cir wlrbs tlnftafr wjta pditf iog out, taf systf` js mdfirdy spfmjhjfg jo jotfroid pdiofs lh taf `jof. Lof lr sfvfrid cldts irf jostiddfg is pirt lh taf supplrt systf`, jo lrgfr tl j`prlvf taf gyoi`jm cfaivjlr lh tajs systf`, `ust it dfist lvfrml`f taf stitjm iog gyoi`jm pfrhlr`iomf tl taf afdjmljgid cldt.
Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo | 6
@ftalgldlny hlr jomlrplritjon ofw fdf`fots lh supplrt hlr taf `jof gfsjno jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof
I. @uùlz K., S. [fpfgi [fp fgi I. I.,, F. Slkis Sl kis X.
Jo iggjtjlo tl tajs `ftalgldlny fviduitjon mlrrlsjlo lh fdf`fots js iggfg, sjomf taf cldts irf jostiddfg jo ajnady mlrrlsjvf fovjrlo`fots, jt js j`plrtiot tl aivf io i issfss`fot ssfss`fot lh tajs typf.
Wicdf 9
Wicdf 3
@fmaiojmid prlpfrtjfs stffd cir (cldt) Mairimtfrjstjms
@joj`u` hlr taf yjfdg strfss @joj`u` hlr taf crfibjon strfss
315 R@UiP 775 R@UiP
Crfibjon dfontafojon
Mipimjty stiogirg cir 33R``P Mairimtfrjstjms
Zjfdgjon dlig
:1 RbOP
Crfibjon dlig Crfibjon dfontafojon
96> RbOP
Wicdf =
Gyoi`jm Mipimjty, fviduitfg it ^I]@ Mairimtfrjstjms
Fofrny Gjssjpitjlo
33 RBkP
Waf cldts irf mlosjgfrfg io j`plrtiot djob jo taf systf`, cfmiusf tarluna tafsf jt js gfvfdlpfg taf strijo lh taf `ijo rfjohlrmf`fot hrl` taf iomalr jo taf sticdf rlmb irfi. ]fmlogiry gfvjmfs lr irfi fdf`fots mlvfrjon taf hrff himfs lh taf fxmivitjlo irf icdf tl gfvfdlp dlig is tafy rfimt wjta taf cldts. Waf ltafr gfvjmfs lh taf lvfridd systf` idsl irf ittimafg tl taf cldts sl tait taf vldu`f lh rlmb `iss gjspdimfg cy i pltfotjid gyoi`jm fvfot, hlr fxi`pdf, js gjstrjcutfg cy tafsf gfvjmfs jo jts fotjrfty tl taf cldts iomalrfg tl taf rlmb. Jo mlomdusjlo, taf cldts sfrvf twl fssfotjid tisbs hlr taf prlpfr huomtjlojon lh taf lvfridd nrluog supplrt systf`; strfontafo iog supplrt.
Jo su``iry, clta mitidln rfjohlrmf`fot fdf`fots usfg jo Fd Wfojfotf, iog taf `ftalgldlny hlr taf sfdfmtjlo lh ofw fdf`fots, ij` tl gftfr`jof uogfr lof si`f mrjtfrjlo tafjr huomtjloid icjdjtjfs, sl tl aivf taf giti iog foluna lpfritjloid johlr`itjlo tl j`pdf`fot iog fviduitf nrluog supplrt systf`s, jo lrgfr tl nfofritf, hlr fxi`pdf, gjhhfrfot mlohjnuritjlos tait iddlw sitjshyjon fofrnftjm iog stitjm gf`iogs jo i njvfo sfmtlr. Wl mdirjhy iog su``irjzf i pirt tajs johlr`itjlo lh jotfrfst, taf hlddlwjon mairts wfrf nfofritfg;
8 | Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo
]upplrt Gfsjno Ippdjmitjlo
) 365 O B ( f m r l
H 965 955
Hjnurf 7
Nripajm lh stitjm mipimjty lh taf tfstfg cldts
Hjnurf 7 salws i prfvjfw lh taf stitjm rfsudts lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot cldts, pirtjmudirdy taf dlig hijdurf lh fima fdf`fot js smaf`itjzfg, wajma aivf cffo tfstfg uogfr taf si`f cluogiry mlogjtjlos, issfssjon taf mipimjty lh taf cir, tlnftafr wjta jts pditfs iog outs. Hjnurf 6 salws i prfvjfw lh taf gyoi`jm rfsudts lh taf hlrtjhjmitjlo cldts, pirtjmudirdy taf fofrny gjssjpitfg js jogjmitfg iog taf gjspdimf`fot rfnjstfrfg jo tfsts `igf jo Iustridjio diclritlrjfs, wajma aivf cffo tfstfg uogfr taf si`f cluogiry mlogjtjlos, issfssjon taf mipimjty lh taf cir, tlnftafr wjta jts pditfs iog outs. Waf irfi lh gfsjrfg fdf`fots js salwo jo nriy, dj`jtjon `ixj`u` gfhlr`itjlo. >5 85
Afdjmljgidd I775 -315A 33`` Afdjmljgi Afdjmljgidd I775 -315A 36 `` Afdjmljgi
Afdjmljgidd I8=5 -735A 33`` Afdjmljgi ) K B ( y n r f o F
Guricir Gyoitlrb
Kfo`ir Cldt
Sllhfx Cldt micdf GFW 96.8 ``
Djofid (Kfo`ir Cldt)
Hjnurf 6
Nripajm lh gyoi`jm mipimjty lh taf tfstfg cldts
Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo | >
@ftalgldlny hlr jomlrplritjon ofw fdf`fots lh supplrt hlr taf `jof gfsjno jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof
I. @uùlz K., S. [fpfgi [fp fgi I. I.,, F. Slkis Sl kis X.
9.3 y t j m l d f v o l j s l y r t r m l l m d f i X g j o l m l j s d l f r a r f l a M t l t o l j t i d f r o j
5.5 Af djdjm lj ljgid Gur i ic cir
Hjnurf 8
Mlof c cl ldt
Sllhf x
Zjf ddg gdlb
Nir hl hlr g
Gyoitlr b
Nripajm lh mlrrlsjlo ritf lh taf tfstfg cldts
Hjnurf 8 salws taf mlrrlsjlo ritf fxpfrjfomfg cy taf gjhhfrfot typfs lh cirs, jo rfditjlo tl taf afdjmljgid cldt, j.f. jt mlrrfsplogs tl olr`idjzfg vidufs.
Fofrny cidiomf, Fofrny jostiddfg mipimjty 0 H. ]. x Fofrny gf`iog
Wl fstj`itf taf ivijdicdf fofrny jo i grjht, taf jogjvjguid mlotrjcutjlo lh fima fdf`fot js issu`fg, issu`jon jgfid mlogjtjlos rfnirgjon tl taf dlig `lgf (tfosjlo) iog taus taf wiy jo wajma taf fofrny wjdd cf gjssjpitfg. @fiowajdf, taf fofrny gf`iog js fstj`itfg cy taf gfsjnofr. Jt js ofmfssiry tl dj`jt taf `ixj`u` gjspdimf`fots lh rfjohlrmf`fot iog rftfotjlo systf`s, tajs js tibjon jotl immluot taf lpfritjloid mlotjoujty tait taf prlgumtjvf sfmtlrs rfqujrf, taf sjzf lh taf fqujp`fot jo rfditjlo tl taf sjzf lh taf grjhts iog taf ajstlrjmid fvjgfomfs ihtfr taf rfjohlrmf`fot dligs. Hlr taf gfsjno lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot, taf systf`s saludg usf fdf`fots tait aivf cffo fviduitfg cy taf prltlmld gfsmrjcfg iog taf hlddlwjon immfpticdf rionfs irf mlosjgfrfg hlr tafjr usf jo taf Fd Wfojfotf `jof. @joj`u` fofrny icdf tl gjssjpitf cy taf fdf`fots lh rfjohlrmf`fot saludg olt cf
dfss taio 33 bK hlr cldt lh systf`itjm usf jo taf rfjohlrmf`fot iog 1 bK/`3 hlr `fsafs.
@ixj`u` gjspdimf`fot lh taf fdf`fots lh taf t af rfjohlrmf`fot saludg cf dj`jtfg tl
355 `` jo rfjohlrmjon fdf`fots iog =55 ``/` 3 jo `fsafs.
@joj`u` guricjdjty jo imjgjm fovjrlo`fots suma is Fd Wfojfotf `jof, `ust
gf`lostritf guricjdjty fquid tl lr nrfitfr nr fitfr taio taf fdf`fots murrfotdy usfg (Afdjmljgid, Wfojfotf cldt).
1 | Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo
]upplrt Gfsjno Ippdjmitjlo
Waf gjhhfrfot ml`cjoitjlos lr mlohjnuritjlos lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot systf`s (hlr fxi`pdf, pittfro virjitjlos) lr jotfrimtjlos wjta gjhhfrfot rftijofr fdf`fots, irf rfsudtjon jo gjhhfrfot fofrny gjssjpitjlo mipimjtjfs, wajma `ust cf cidiomfg cy taf gfsjnofr immlrgjon tl taf fstj`itfg gf`iog hlr tait sfmtlr. Wafsf mrjtfrji irf ml`pdf`fotiry tl stitjm cidiomf, trigjtjloiddy usfg hlr taf fstj`itjlo lh taf nrluog supplrt.
]tugy misf
Lo @irma 31, 3596, gurjon taf mlursf lh sajht C (ipprlx. 91; =5ars), taf lmmurrfomf lh i sfjs`jm fvfot lh `inojtugf 9.1 @w js rfmlrgfg, ihhfmtjon taf grjht lh taf ]luta Immfss lh prlgumtjlo dfvfd lh Sfsfrvis Olrtf-Mlrciti `jof. Waf hlmus lh taf sfjs`jm fvfot wis rfnjstfrfg jo io irfi lh nfltfmaojmid ml`pdfxjty, mairimtfrjzfg cy taf prfsfomf lh N Hiudt systf` iog Fist-^fst Hiudt ]ystf`, jo iggjtjlo tl Gimjti iog M@FW djtaldlnjfs jo tafjr mlotimts.
Hjnurf >
Dlmitjlo jo Sfsfrvis Olrtf-Mlrciti `jof lh taf gfsmrjcfg sfjs`jm fvfot
Cfjon io immfss rlutf iog hlr taf fovjrlo`fotid mlogjtjlos jo rfditjlo tl taf prlxj`jty tl taf mivjty, strffs mlogjtjlos iog nfldlny lh taf irfi, taf grjht aig gfhjojtf rfjohlrmf`fot, wajma js ml`pdf`fotiry tl taf gfvfdlp`fot lof (cldts, `fsa iog saltmrftf), suma nrluog supplrt jomdugfg i sfmlog `fsa imrlss taf grjht, —mlrmaftf‐ micdfs jo widds iog gfclogfg micdfs jo taf rllh iog saludgfrs, njvjon i mipimjty lh ivijdicdf fofrny tl gjssjpitf iclvf 76 b`/`3 (fofrny hrl` taf mitidlns).
Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo | :
@ftalgldlny hlr jomlrplritjon ofw fdf`fots lh supplrt hlr taf `jof gfsjno jo Fd Wfojfotf `jof
Hjnurf 1
Gfsjno lh taf grjht supplrt supplrt ihhfmtfg cy taf rfhfrfomfg rlmb curst
Hjnurf :
Gfsjno lh taf grjht supplrt supplrt ihhfmtfg cy taf rfhfrfomfg rlmb curst curst
I. @uùlz K., S. [fpfgi [fp fgi I. I.,, F. Slkis Sl kis X.
Waf hlmus lh taf fvfot wis dlmitfg i hfw `ftfrs hrl` taf grjht iog jt rfnjstfrfg i `inojtugf iog fofrny ajna foluna tl miusf i rlmbs curst, jo rfditjlo tl taf ajstlrjmid lmmurrfomf jo taf `jof. Waf nrluog supplrt wis fvjgfotdy dligfg, rlmb gjspdimf`fots iog dlmid rfjohlrmf`fot fdf`fot hijdurfs, alwfvfr taf fotjrf nrluog supplrt systf` wis icdf tl bffp iog `jtjnitf `jtjni tf taf mlosfqufomfs lh taf fvfot. >
Jt js j`plrtiot iog ofmfssiry tl aivf i ml`pdftf mairimtfrjzitjlo lh taf fdf`fots iog/lr rfjohlrmf`fot systf`s gfpfogjon lo taf pirtjmudir mlogjtjlos lh l h usf. Sfnirgjon taf fvldutjlo lh taf nrluog supplrt jo Fd Wfojfotf, taf rfjohlrmf`fot gfsjno maionfg hrl` stitjm mrjtfrjlo rfjohlrmf`fot tl i gyoi`jm lof.
95 | Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo
]upplrt Gfsjno Ippdjmitjlo
Ioltafr j`plrtiot gfvfdlp`fot, wis tait jojtjiddy taf gfsjno lh taf rfjohlrmf`fot mlosjgfrfg taf fdf`fots jogjvjguiddy, hlmusjon lo taf rfjohlrmf`fot iog rfnirgdfss taf rftfotjlo. Murrfotdy, jo iggjtjlo tl vfrjhyjon taf jotfrimtjlos iog taf icjdjty tl trios`jt strijos cftwffo taf fdf`fots, taf nrluog supplrt js mlosjgfrfg is i systf`, jt `fios, tafrf `ust cf igfquitf jotfrimtjlo cftwffo rftijojon iog rfjohlrmf`fot fdf`fots. Hlr fxi`pdf; rfcir, out iog pditf systf` jotfrimtjon wjta `fsafs iog saltmrftf. Waf `ftalgldlny gfsmrjcfg jo tajs glmu`fot rfnuditfs taf jomdusjlo lh ofw fdf`fots himjdjtitjon gfmjsjlo `ibjon tait j`pimt jo taf dlon tfr`. Igfquitf iog ml`pdftf mairimtfrjzitjlo lh taf fdf`fots, jt himjdjtitfs iog supplrts taf ofw gfsjnos, prlvjgjon cfttfr tllds tl taf gfsjnofr.
Cjzi`i, M, Niddirgl, @, ]idnigl, K, Uirrinufz, S, 3596. Johlr`f Urfdj`joir Fstiddjgl gf Slmis F] SC SFOL 9-3596. Mjhufotfs, M, Mufddl, G, Mivjfrfs, U, 3599. Djofi`jfotls Nfl`fméojmls piri Udiojhjmimjýo @jofri @jofri Cdlquf 9 @lgudl I Urlyfmtl Fs`fridgi ]ur, jo Jotfroid Sfplrt ]N@-5>5/3599. @uùlz, I, Mfdjs, ], Slkis, F, 3597. 3597. Fofrnài, gfhlr`imjýo y mlrrlsjýo mlrrlsjýo fo fdf`fotls gf hlrtjhjmimjýo y djofi`jfotls nfofridfs piri hlrtjhjmimjýo, jo Jotfroid Sfplrt NS@G-]N@-J-96-3597. Slkis F, 9::=. Urémtjmis gf ]lplrtf fo `imjzls rlmlsls prlpfosls i fstiddjgls gf rlmis fo `joi Fd Wfojfotf, jo 77ª Mlovfomjýo Jostjtutl Jonfojfrls gf @jois gf Majdf. Xjddifsmusi, F, 3597. ]titjm iog gyoi`jm diclritlry tfstjon lh rlmb rfjohlrmf`fot systf`s ]tinf J y JJ, (^fstfro Iustridjio ]malld lh @jofs, Murtjo Vojvfrsjty lh Wfmaoldlny) [fpfgi, S, Niriy, U, 359=. Fviduimjýo gf di Sfsjstfomji i Di mlrrlsjýo pfrol Afdjmljgid y Ufrols Mfgfotfs IUJW5:F355, jo Jotfroid Sfplrt ]N@-J-55>-359=. [fpfgi, S, Niriy, U, 3593. Johlr`f gf Iviomf Fviduimjýo gf Ufrols Mfgfotfs Gjvjsjýo Fd Wfojfotf, jo Jotfroid Sfplrt ]N@-J- 57> / 3593. [fpfgi, S, 3597. Johlr`fs y rfplrtfs IUJ W5:F355 @lgfdl piri @lojtlrfl gfd Mivjon y Mlotrld gf Fstiddjgl gf Slmis, jo Jotfroid Sfplrt NS@G-]N@-OJ-957-3597 NS@G-]N@-OJ-957-3597..
Nrluog ]upplrt 3598, Dudfæ, ]wfgfo | 99
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