Cod Liver Oil Emulsion

October 22, 2018 | Author: Haroon Rahim | Category: Emulsion, Purified Water, Oil, Water, Chemical Substances
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Short Description

Cod Liver Oil...


You receive a prescription in your pharmacy with the following details: Patient: ABC,


Age: 40 Years

Sex: Female

Prescription: Cod liver oil 30% v/v emulsion Directions: 10 ml tds ac Mitte: 200 ml Mitte means send. ac for ante cibum means before meal. se of the product:

Used as a source o vitamin A and !" Also contains several unsaturated att# acids $artindale31st edn, & 13'()" !. "s it safe and suitable for the intended purpose#

 As a &ro&*#lactic a+ainst ricets, t*e dose o Cod -iver .il is not more t*an 10 ml/da#, alloance  ein+ made or vitamin ! otained rom ot*er sources $Britis* $Britis* *armaceutical Code 1(3, & 124)" *e dose o t*is &roduct on t*e &rescri&tion is 10 ml t*ree times a da#, +ivin+ a total dail# dose o 30 ml" As t*e &roduct ill contain 30% cod liver oil, t*is +ives a dose o $30 5 100) 6 30 7  ml cod liver oil &er da#" da #" *ereore t*e dose is sae and suitale" $. %alculation of formula for preparation

 re&are 200 ml o Cod -iver .il 30% emulsion" Product &ormula S. 'o 1" 2" 3" 4"

'ame of "ngredients Cod -iver .il B Acacia B !oule tren+t* C*loroorm ;ater B Fres*l# oiled and cooled &uriied ater

Master &ormula 30 ml 9s '0 ml to 100 ml

&ormula sed 8 0 ml 9s 100 ml to 200 ml

(he )uantity of emulsifying agent *Acacia +P, re)uired to produce !-- ml of the emulsion must be calculated. &ormula for primary emulsion

Cod -iver .il B is a ied oil" *ereore t*e &rimar# emulsion ratio is: .il: ;a ;ater: ter:
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