Coagulation Flocculation Jar Test of Water ASTM D2035 PDF

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Designation: D 2035 - 08


~u 117


Standard Practice for  Coagulation-FlocculationJar Test of Water 1 This standard is issued under the fix ed designation D 2035; the the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original adoption or, in the case of revision , the year of last revision. A number in parentheses parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial ehange ehang e since the last revision or reapproval.

l. Scope

1.1 This practice covers a general procedure for the evalu ation of a treatment to reduce dissolved, suspended, colloidal, and nonsettleable matter from water by chemical coagulation flocculation, followed by gravity settling. Toe procedure may  be used to evaluate color, turbidity, and hardness reduction. 1.2 The practice provides a systematic evaluation of the variables normally encountered in the coagulationflocculation  process. 1.3 This standard does does not purport purport to address the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety safety and health practices practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents

2.1  ASTM Standards: 2 D 1129 Terminology Relating Relating to Water D 1193 Specifica Specification tion for Reagent Water  D 1293 Test Methods for pH of Water  D 3370 Practices for Sampling Water from Closed Conduits D 6855 Test Method for Determination of Turbidity Below 5 NTU in Static Mode D 7315 Test Method for Determination of Turbidity Above 1 Turbidity Unit (TU) in Static Mode


This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee Dl9 on Wat Wateer and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Dl9.03 on Sarnpling Water Water and WaterFormed Deposits, Analysis of Water for Power Generation and Process Use, OnLine Water Analysis, and Surveillance Surveillance of Water. Curr ent edition approved May 1, 2008. 2008. Published May 2008. Originally approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D 2035 80 (2003). 2 For referenced ASTM standards,  visit the ASTM website,, or  contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information ,  refer to the standard's Document Summary page on the ASTM we bsit  bsite. e.

3. Terminology

3.1  Definitions-F  Definitions-For or definitions of terms used in this prac tice, refer to Terminology D 1129 1129.. 4. Summary of Practice

4.1 Toe coagulationflocculation coagulationflocculation test is carried out to deter  mine the chemicals, dosages, and conditions required to achieve optimum results. The primary variables to be investi gated using the recommended practice include, but are not limited to: 4.1.1 1.1   Chemical additives, 4.1.2 pH, 4.1.3  Temperature Temperature,, and 4.1.4 Order of addition and mixing mixing conditions. S. Significance and Use

5.1 This practice permits the evaluation of various coagu lants and coagulant aids used in the treatment of water and waste water for the same water and the same experimental conditions. 5.2 Toe effects of concentration of the coagulants and coagulant aids and their order of addition can also be evaluated  by this practice. 6. Interferences

6.1 There are sorne possible interferences interferences that may make the determination of optimum jar test conditions difficult. These include the following: 6.1.1 Temperature Change (During Test)Therm Test)Thermal al or con vection currents may This occur, with by thetemperature settling of  coagulated particles. caninterfering be prevented control. 6.1.2 Gas Release (During Test)-Flotation of coagulated floc may occur due to gas bubble formation caused by mechanical agitator, temperature increase or chemical reaction.

Copyright ©ASTM lnternational, 100 Barr Harbar Orive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959   United States. ,

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A = t. Oistance between Jars rer in multiple stir re apparatus d} { 6" for a Phipps-Bir d} TUBES- 1" x 7• 50ml Co Collor  Comparator Type Oak k 3 /4 RACK - Oa  /4" " x 1-5/8" FIG.  1

Reagent Rack for MultipleStirrerJar Test Apparatus

6.1.3 T esti esting  ng -Peri -Period-Biological activity or other other factors may alt lter er the co coagul agulaation characteristics of wa watter upon  pro lon ong ged standing. Por this rea reason the perio period bet etween ween sampling and testing testing sh sho ould be be k ept ept to to a minimum,  with the time be bein ing g recoorded. rec 7.

sufficiently hi sufficiently hig gh purity to perrnit its its use with witho out lessenin g  the accura ccuraccy of th thee determination. 8.2  P ur  ur ity ity of Wat er-Unl e ss otherwis therwisee indicated,  r efer  efer ence to water fo forr re reag agent ent prepar ation shall  b  bee und undeersto rstoo od to mean water th thaat meet quaantit itaati tiv ve qu meetss the qu quaality s pecifi  pecifica cati tio ons for  Ty pe IV reagent water confo conformin rming g to Spe Speci cific ficaation D 1193, Section 1.1.


mulltip tipo ositi sitio on stirr er with continu 7.1  Mult i pl   pl e Stirr er-A mu ous s peed vari ous ariaati tio on fr om a b  bo out 20 to 15 150 0 rpm should  be used. Toee stirrin To stirring g  paddles should  be of light gag gagee corrosionresistant mateer ial mat ial ali of the same config onfigur  ur ation ation and size. An illu illumi min nated  base  ba se is use seful ful to o b  bsser ve the flo floc formation. Pr ecauti ecautio onar y meas easure uress shou houlld  be taken to to avo avoid id heat being being imparted by by the illurninatio illurninati on sys system tem which may co counte untera ract ct no n ormal settling.  Beeak ers), ali of the 7.2  J ars ars (or  B the same size size and shape; (100 000mL 0mL rec 1500 15 00mL mL Griffin bea Griffin beake ker  r s may be us used (1 reco omm mmeended mínimum size). 7.3 7. 3  R  Reage eagent nt Rac Rack   s-A  s -A meanss of intr odu mean duccin ing g each test

8.3  To Toee foll follo owin wing g chemi chemiccals and additi dditiv ves are ty pical of  testt solutions  and suspensions.  Toe latter ,  with tho th ose use us ed for tes the exception of coag coagula lant nt aids,  may be prepared dail daily y by rnixing che chernicals with wate water to a concentrati concentratio on of 10 (:±::0.1) g/L (1.0 mL of test soluti lutio on or sus pen  pension  when added to 1 L of sample is equi equiv val aleent to 10  mg/L): Pri rime me Coagulant nts s  Alum[Al2(S0 4h· 18H20] Ferric sulfate [Fe2(S0 4}a}a-XH XH20] Ferric Ferri c chloride (FeCl3-6H20) Ferro rrou us suttate (FeS04-7H20) Magne gnes sium carbon arbona ate (MgC03-3H20) Sodium Sod ium alumin inate ate (NaA l02) Aids Coagulan! Aid  Ac  A cti tiv vated silic silica  Ani  A nio oni nic c (p (po olyelectr olyte ) Cationi nic c (po lyelectrolyte ) Nonionic Polymer  Oxidizing  A  Age gen nts Ch lor ine ine  (Cl2) Chlorine dio dioxide (CI02) Potass Pota ssiu ium m pe perm rma ang nga anat ate e (KMn04) Calcium hypochlor tte tte [Ca [CaC Cl( l(C CI0)-4H20] Sodium Sodiu m hypochlorrt e  (Na CIO) orrte  Alk alis carbonat rbonate e (CaC03) Calcium  ca Dolomiti Dolom itic c lime (58 (5 8 % CaO .  40 % MgO ) Lime.  hydrated [Ca [Ca((OH )e )e]] Mag nesium oxide (MgO) Sodium Sod ium carbo carbonat nate e (Na2C03) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) We ighting Age Agents Benton ite Kaolin Othe herr clay cl ays s and min ine eral rals s

solution to ali li jars  jars simultane simultaneo ousl sly. y. There should b should bee at le leaast one rack for ea each ch test solution or suspension. The racks should be similar to to that shown in Fi g.  l. 8. 

R eagents

i y t  of Rea ge 8.1  P ur it   gents-Reagent nts-Reagent grade che chemicals shall be used in ali tests.  Unl use Unless ess oth otheerwis rwisee indicated ,  it is int inteended that that  peecifi ficcation tionss of the Comrnít ali r eagents eagents sha shall co c onfo form rm to the s p teee on te o n Ana Analy lyti tical cal R eag agents ents of the America American Chernic Chernicaal Society, where such sp specifi ecificcation ationss are av avai aillable.3 Oth ther er grades may be be used,   provided it is fir st st as ascert certaained tha that the rea reagent is of 


 Reeagen  R agentt C hem hemical  s    A  Am meric rican an C hemical   Society Sp Speeciji ijiccati tio on s Ameeri Am riccan Chemi Che miccal Society,  Washington,  DC. Fo Forr sugge ggesstion tionss ou th thee tes estin ting g of r eage agent ntss not listted by th lis thee Amer ican Chemical  Society,  see  An  Ana a / ar S t  ta   nda ndar  r d  d s  s   f         f    ar  La  Lab bora orat  t ory BDH H Ltd.,  Poole, Dor set set,  U. U.K. K.,  an and d th thee U nued nued S t  t a /e s  P hannaco p  pei eia a Chem Che micals   BD Pharmac aco peial  Convent (USP SPC),  R ock  and  Ntuio  Ntuion nal  F onnu.l ary   U.S.  Pharm ntiion,  In Inc. c. (U ock vill ille, e, MD.  ,




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c0 Miscellaneous  Activated carbon (powdered)



10.3 Start the multiple stirrer operating at the "flash mix" speed of approximately 120 rpm. Add the test solution or  . 8.4 Coagulant AidsThere are   numerous commerciall commercially y available P coagulant aids or polyelectrolytes. All polyelectro lytes are classified r o anionic, cationic or nonionic, c depending upon their composition. These aids may have the ability to e d u r e

 produce large, tough, easilysettled floc when used alone or in conjunction with inorganic coagulants. A small dosage (under  1 mg/L) may permit a reduction in the dosage of, or complete elimination of, the coagulant. In the latter case, the polyelec trolyte would be considered the prime coagulant rather than a coagulant aid. Aids come in powdered and liquid liq uid for form. m. Pow Powder dered ed aidss aid should shoul d be prepa prepared red as 0.1 % soluti sol utions ons with wi th approp app ropri riate ate aliquots aliqu ots to provi provide de proper  prope r 

10.1 Measure equal volumes (1000 mL) of sample into each of  thee ja th jars rs or 15 1500 00mL mL Gr Grif iffi fin n  beakers  bea kers. As many sample  portions may be used as there are  positions on the multiple stirrer. Locate beakers so that the  paddles are offcenter, but clear  the beaker wall by about 6.4 mm (V 4 in.).. Reco in.) Record rd the sample temperature at the start of the test.

dosage. Always dosage. Always add powde powdered red aids to the dissolving water rather  than the reverse, and add slowly to the shoulder of a vortex created by stirring stir ring.. If a vortex is not formed, the dry powder will merely collect on the surface of the water in gummy masses and become very difficult to dissolve. Dissolving time may vary from several minutes to several hours. Suggested manufacturers'  procedures for wetting, dissolving, and storing should be followed when available. Liquid forms can

10.2 Load the test chemicals in the reagent racks. Use one rack for  each series of chemical additions. additions. Make up each tube in the rack to a final volume of 10 mL, with water, befare using. There may  be a situation where a larger  volum vol umee of re reage agent nt wil willl be required. Should this condition  prevail, fill all tubes with water to a volume equal to the largest volume of reagent in the reagent rack. When adding slurries, it may  be necessary to shake the rack to  produce a swirling motion just

 be readily prepared to the4 above strength without difficulty.

 prior to transfer.

9 .   S a m p l i n g


A perio periodicall dically y updated updat ed "Report "Repo rt on is Coagulant Aids for Water Treatment" Coagulant Treatment"  published by the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Supply, Cinc nciinnati, Ohio 45268, listing coagulant aids that that may be used in water treatment without adverse  physiological  physiologi cal effects on those using the water,  based on information su subm bmit itte ted d by th thee manufacturers or distributors, or  both.

9.1 Collect the water sample under test in accordance with the applicable Practices D 3370. 1 0 3 Licensed to Wendell Sawyer. ANSI order X_ 103007. Downloaded 1/20/2009 5:28 PM. Single user license only. Copying and networking


suspensi ons, on s, at  predeter  mined dosage levels and sequence . Flash mix for  approxim ately 1

and mixer  speed (rpm). If  coagulant aids ai ds ar aree used, mixing speed is critical  because excessive

currents. If so, the recorded settling time should be that at which the unsettled or residual  particles appear to be moving equally upward and downward. 10.6 After 15 min of settling, record the appearance of floc on the beaker bottom. Record the sample temperature. By means of  a pipet or siphon, withdraw an adequa ade quate te sample sam ple vol volume ume of  supernatant liquor from the jar at a

min the after  additions of  chemical s. Record the flash mix time and speed (rpm). 10.4 Reduce the speed as necessary to the minimum re quired to keep floc  particles uniforml y suspende d througho ut the "slow mix"  period. Slow mix for 20 min. Record the time for the first visible floc formatio n. Every 5 min (during thee sl th slow ow mix

stirring tends to  break up early floc forma tion and may redispers e the aid. 10.5 After the slow mix  period, withdraw the  paddles and observe settling of floc  particles. Record the time required for the  bulk of  the  particles to settle. In most cases this time will  be that required for the  particles to settle to the  bottom of the  beaker; however, in sorne cases there may be

 point one half the depth color, of the5 sample, to ofconduct turbidity, pH and other required analyses,  Note  (Note 1) determined in accordance with Test Methods D 6855 or D 7315 (for turbidity) and D 1293 (for pH). A suggested form for recording results is appended (see Fig.  2).

 period), record relative flocc siz flo sizee

interferin g convectio n

1 2 .   K  e y w o r d s

12.1 coagulation; flocculation;  jar tests 5

For the color determination, reference is m ad ad e to St Stan anda dard rd Meth Me thod odss farr fa thee th  Examination ofWater and Waste Water, Fourteenth Fourt eenth edition , Americ American an Publi Publicc Health Association,  Inc., New York,  NY,  1975 ,   pp. 6471.

 Nora 1Tests for residual chemicals should be included, for example, alum; residual Al203;  copperas; copp eras; resid residual ual Fe203;  etc.

10.7 Re 10.7 Repe peat at st step epss 10.110.6 until all pertinent variables have  been evaluated. 10.8 Toe times given in 10.3, 10.4, and 10.6 are only suggestions. 1 1 .   R  e p r o d u c i b i l i t y

11.1 It is recognized that reproducibility ofresults is impor  reproducibility tant. To demonstrate reproduci repr oducibilit bility, y, the soca socalled lled 3 and an d 3  procedure is suggested. In this procedure, duplicate sets of 3  jars each are treated simultaneousl simultan eously y wit with h the same chemical dosages in jars 1 and 4, 2 and 5, and 3 and 6.

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Dotte Do

Loco ocottion 


Temperotture Tempero

Sompl Som ple e Size 





 _ ml





Chemicols,  mg/litr e  (g)

Flash Mix Soeed.rom Flas Flash Mix  Time, min Slow Mix  Speed, rpm Slow Mix  Time, me,   min Temperoture , ºF Time me   First Fice, min Size Fice Settling ng   rote Turbidity Color  pH order of oddition of chemicols. (g) lndicote order FIG   2 Jar Tes estt Data .

 ASTM lnternational takes no position respecting the va/idity ot any patent rights asserted in conne connec  c tion tion with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ot this standard are expressly ad v  v ised ised that determinati on of the va/idity of any such patent rights, and the risk ot intringement of such rights ,  are ent  ent irely irely t heir heir own responsibility  This standard is subject t o revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised ,  either reapproved or withdrawn. Yourcomments are invited either tor revision of t his his standard or tor additional  standards an and sh shou ou /d be addressed t o  AST M ln lnte tern rna at ion ional He Headq adqu uarters. You omment s w i// i// r eceiv e ce cere retu tutt c onsideration ata Yourr c omm meeting me eting of th the e respon responsible technical committee,  which you may att  a tt end. end. lf you teel that that your comments have not received a tair  hearing you shou/d make y our views known to the AST  AST M Committee on Standards ,  at the address stiown below  .

This Th is st  s t andard andard is copyrighted by AST  AST M l nternationat  nternationat ,  100 Barr H arbar arbar Orive,  P O Box C700 ,  Wes Westt Conshohocke Conshohocken n,  P   A 194282959, United States I ndividua ndividual reprints (si ngle or mu/ t  tiple i ple copies) ot this standard may ma y be obtained by contacting AST  AST M at the above address or at 610 -832-9585 (phone) ,  610-832 -9555 (fax),  or serv i ice c   (e-mail); (e-mail); or t hrough hrough t he he AST  AST M  M    e@ast  website (w w  ww.a w   .a st m org) .



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