COA MC For Study Leave

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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION ON AUDIT  Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines   


No.  2002-002 No.  Date   February 7, 2002 Date

SUBJECT  :  Implementing Guidelines on Study Leave for Bar/Board review and SUBJECT examination or completion of Master's Degree pursuant to Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 14, series of 1999.

WHEREAS, the Commission recognizes the importance of every member of the WHEREAS, the organization whose self-development and general well being are its concern and therefore is supportive of various human resource development activities within and outside COA; WHEREAS, Section 68 of Civil Service Commission WHEREAS,  Co mmission (CSC) Memorandum Memo randum Circular (MC) No. 14, s. 1999 on Additional Provisions and Amendments to CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998, provides that officials and employees, excluding those in the teaching profession, who are covered by different provisions of law, may be entitled to go on study leave on official time to prepare for their Bar/Board examinations or to complete their master's degree; WHEREAS,  for an equitable and rational availment of the study leave by COA WHEREAS,  officials and employees subject to the general guidelines stated in the aforementioned CSC MC, the Scholarship Board recommends the adoption of the herein implementing guidelines on the matter; NOW THEREFORE, the THEREFORE, the Commission Proper resolves, as it does hereby resolve to adopt the following implementing guidelines on study leave for Bar/Board review and examination or completion of Master’s Degree pursuant to CSC -MC No. 14, series of 1999:


QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The applicant for study leave – leave  –   1. Must be a permanent employee of the Commission. 2. Must have rendered at least two (2) years of service in the Commission at the time of application. 3. requires Must have graduated with a Bachelor's Degree which consequently passing the Bar/Board licensure examination. For thesis


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


writing or comprehensive examination, the official/employee must have completed all the academic requirements for a Master's Degree. Must have at least very satisfactory performance rating for the last two (2) semesters and favorably recommended by his Director. Must have no pending administrative and/or criminal case. Must have no current local or foreign scholarship scholarshi p grant. Must have fulfilled fulfill ed the service obligation for any previous local or foreign scholarship. Must not be more than fifty-five (55) years of age. Must not have previously failed the same examination under a government scholarship grant.

PRIVILEGES OF THE GRANTEE If the study leave is approved, the applicant – applicant  –   1. Shall be authorized to avail of the study leave on a full time basis for a period not exceeding six (6) months on official time. 2. Shall continue to receive his salary and all authorized allowances or benefits. 3. Shall enjoy continuous service during the period of the study leave and shall earn the corresponding leave credits.


RESPONSIBILITIES/OBLIGATIONS RESPONSIBILITIES/OBLIGATIO NS OF THE GRANTEE 1. The grantee shall sign a Study Leave Contract, and abide by the terms and conditions stipulated therein. 2. For the grantee of study leave for Bar/Board review and examination  –  –   a. Upon approval of the study grant, the grantee shall enroll immediately in a school of his choice and complete all requirements to qualify for admission to take the Bar/Board examination for which the study leave was granted. b. After taking the Bar/Board examination, he shall immediately submit the following documents to the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) for monitoring and updating purposes:   Certificate of enrollment in a school   Proof of having taken the Bar/Board examination   Certificate of assumption after the study leave   Report of Rating (for Bar/Board passers) upon release by the Supreme Court of the Philippines/ Professional Regulatory Regulato ry Commission (PRC) 3. For the grantee of study leave for completion of of Master's Degree – Degree –   a. He shall furnish the HRMO a copy of his thesis proposal and/or certification from the Dean of the Graduate School that he has completed the academic requirements and is qualified to take the comprehensive examination and/or complete his    


thesis. b. After the study leave for completion of his Master's Degree, he shall submit the following:   Diploma and Transcript of Records   Copy of thesis/research paper or its equivalent   Certificate of assumption   

4. The grantee shall render the required service obligation reckoned from his date of assumption after the study leave, as follows:

No. of Years Service Obligation

Period of Study Leave  Leave 

Three (3) years

More than three (3) months to six (6) months

Two (2) years

One (1) month to three (3) months

5. In the instance that the grantee fails to complete his Bar/Board review and examination and/or his Master’s Degree, he shall immediately inform the Scholarship Board through the HRMO of the same.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CENTRAL/REGIONAL OFFICE DIRECTORS 1. Accept and initially screen applications for study leave using the qualification criteria mentioned in Item I. 2. Forward/submit Forward/subm it to the HRMO the application(s) together with the required documents in one (1) copy, as follows: a. Personal Data Sheet b. Service Record c. Transcript of Records/Certification Records/Cert ification of Grades issued by the School Registrar   in Law Proper, for those applying for Bar review and examination   in Accountancy/Engineering etc. for those applying for Board review   in Master’s Degree showing completion of all academic requirements for comprehensive examination and/or thesis writing d. Performance rating for the past two (2) semesters e. Certification Certifica tion that the applicant has no pending administrative/criminal administra tive/criminal case f. Certifica Certification tion that the applicant is not enjoying another 


scholarship grant with the government and that he has no pending service obligation for any previous local or foreign scholarship to be signed by the Administrative Officer and noted by the Director. 3. For Regional Directors, sign the Study Leave Contract for and in behalf of the Chairman upon receipt of the advice of the favorable recommendation of the Scholarship Board and submit the same to the HRMO to facilitate preparation of the Office Order. 4. Ensure that the limitation limitati on on the number of grantees per Office and per Region is strictly observed so that the study leave shall not in any way prejudice/hamper the smooth operation of their offices. 5. Maintain a list of grantees under their supervision and monitor the grantees' compliance with the herein guidelines and the terms and conditions of the Study Leave Contract.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE HRMO 1. Evaluate the initial screening made by the Central/Regional Office Directors to ensure that the applicant meets the requirements under Item I hereof and returns application papers of applicants who do not meet the qualification requirements of the study leave. 2. Inform the Scholarship Board of of applications that have been returned for failure to meet the qualification requirements. 3. Submit the evaluated application of qualified applicants to the Scholarship Board for appropriate action. 4. Advise the applicant through his Director of the action of the Scholarship Board and require the execution and submission of the Scholarship Contract for applicants outside Metro Manila. 5. Prepare the Study Leave Contract of all Metro Manila grantees, upon favorable recommendation of the Scholarship Board and require the grantee to sign the same. The Director, HRMO, signs the contract for and in behalf of the COA Chairman. 6. Upon receipt of the duly notarized Study Leave Contract, prepare the Office Order for the signature of the COA Chairman authorizing applicants to avail of the study leave. 7. Act on requests for reconsideration on returned applications. 8. Submit to the Scholarship Board appeals on requests for reconsideration denied by the HRMO. 9. Maintain a list of all grantees, monitors their compliance with the herein guidelines and the terms and conditions of the Study Leave Contract, and submit a semestral report on the status of scholarships granted to the Scholarship Board.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SCHOLARSHIP BOARD 1. Evaluate the study leave applications submitted by the HRMO for appropriate action. 2. Recommend to the COA Chairman for his approval study leave


3. 4.



applications favorably acted upon. Evaluate and recommend action to the COA Chairman on appeals of applicants whose applications have been disapproved by the Board. Evaluate whether the reasons behind the scholar’s non-completion non -completion of his review classes and/or Master’s Degree and/or failure to take the Bar/Board examination is justifiable or not and recommend appropriate action thereon. Require the submission of a semestral monitoring report by the HRMO for their evaluation and submit the same to the COA Chairman. Oversee the implementation of the policy on study leave and imposition of sanctions on violations of the Study Leave Contract.

VII. ADMINISTRATIVE AND IMPLEMENTING CONTROLS 1. An applicant who obtained failing grades may still be considered provided he did not fail twice in any major subject. 2. As a general rule, a grantee who fails to complete review classes and/or take the examination within the period authorized for his Bar/Board review and examination or complete his Master's Degree shall refund the salaries and allowances received during the period of the study leave and shall be disqualified from availment of future scholarships or study grants in the Commission. However, in exceptional cases where reasons are justifiable as determined by the Board, the grantee may be allowed to avail of the unexpired portion of the six-month period without refunding the salaries and allowances received during the period of the study leave. 3. A grantee who fails to render in full the required service obligation on account of voluntary resignation, optional retirement, separation from the service through his own fault, or other causes within his control, shall refund the gross salary, allowances and other benefits received while on study leave based on the following formula: R=



where: R = refund TCR = Total Compensation Received (Gross salary, allowances and benefits) SOS = Service Obligation Served SOR = Service Obligation Required

4. A grantee is given fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice of refund to settle the amount. If the grantee fails to refund within the reglementary period, the refund shall be effected through salary deduction to be determined by the PFMO. 5. Grantees shall not be more than two (2) for every Bar/Board examination including Master’s Degree completion for each Office/Region, provided that the number of grantees per


Office/Region shall not exceed six (6) in a given year. Provided further that should the slots for Board examination and/or completion of Master’s Degree not be filled up, the slots for Bar review and examination may be increased to four (4). 6. The study leave may be availed of more than once, provided the service obligation on the study leave previously availed had already been rendered. Provided further that the study leave application shall not be for the same category previously availed of. 7. The study leave shall take effect at the start of of the review classes.


AMENDMENT AND/OR REPEALING CLAUSE COA Resolution No. 97-019 is hereby deemed repealed in its entirety. The provisions under COA Resolution No. 97-020 pertinent to the time scholarship for Bar review and examination and Sections 2 and 4 of COA Resolution No. 97-031 on cash grants are likewise repealed accordingly.


EFFECTIVITY This COA Resolution takes effect immediately. Quezon City, Philippines.

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