CM Prep Course - Lecture 4 Concrete

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Rules of Thumb for Concrete Design Date March 8th 2011 Lecture 4

Chander Cha nder Shahdadpuri Vice-Chai Vice -Chairman rman UAE Divi Division sion BEng BEn g CEng CEng FIStruc FIStructE tE MAS MASCE CE PMP

 Are you sure you y ou have a strategy? str ategy?

“Every Battle is Won or Lost Before It is Fought” - The Art of War by Sun Tzu •

Does the building lend itself to a concrete solution?

Is this the path of least resistance?

SAMPLE TIMETABL TIMETABLE E 9:00 am - Set up 9:15 am - Choose Choose the the question question

Basic guidelines for choice could be:- Can I formulate two two solutions to the client’s requi requirements? rements? - Is the structure similar similar to one that I have designed b before? efore? - Can I answer all all the parts of the questions? (esp, letter letter & Final). 9:30 am

- Start. Read Read question. Think Think out two schemes.

10:15 am - Write two schemes. schemes.

The appraisal should include: - structural structural arrange arrangement ment - load load transfe transferr - stabi stabili lity ty - position position of movement movement joints joints - fire resi resistan stance ce - serviceability (long spans and cantilevers) - builda buildabil bility ity - econo economy my - relationship relationship to other structures structures

20 marks

11:15 am - Recommend Recommend a scheme scheme

10 marks

Reasons should include:- Cos ostt - builda buildabil bility ity - adapta adaptabil bility ity - aesthet aesthetics ics 12:00 am - Writ Write e the the lett letter  er 

10 marks

The letter should be in the same form as a standard office letter – Brief and professional 12:30 pm - Star Startt the calcu calcula latio tions ns

The calculations should be scheme calculati tio ons to esta tab blished the sizes zes of members in the th e st stru ruct ctur ure e – see see ‘Con ‘Concr cret ete’ e’ hand handou out. t. Help Help th the e Exam Examin iner er th thro roug ugh h yo your ur scri script pt wit ith h ex expl plan anat ator ory y notes notes and and cl clea earr calc calcul ulat atio ions ns.. Re Reme memb mber er to state state th the e Code Codes s and and mater materia ials ls us used ed and and be ca care refu full to all allow fo forr all all th the e loadi oading ngs s an and d lo load ad and and mate materi ria al fa fact ctor ors. s. 1: 00 00 pm Lunch 1:3 :30 0 pm - Compl omplet ete e th the e ca calc lcul ulat atio ions ns

20 ma marks rks

2:15 pm - Dr Draw aw the schem scheme e 20 marks marks

The drawings must be clear and well laid-out. Practice drawing on graph paper and laying out plan plans, s, elev elevat atio ions ns,, se sect ctio ions ns and and deta detail ils. s. Also Also pr prac acti tice ce dr draw awin ing g th the e sche scheme me in an hour hour and and a quar quarte terr. Remember a border and a title help make the drawing look good and first impressions count. Ste tenc ncil ils s fo forr re rect ctan angu gullar base bases s and and ci circ rclles fo forr pile iles ar are e al also so usef useful ul.. 3:3 :30 0 pm - Draw the the detai tails 10 ma marks rks

The deta detail ils, s, adde added d to th the e dra raw wing, ng, sh sho ow how how th the e st strructu ucturre fi fits ts to tog get ethe herr. Str tru uctu cture res s are more more th tha an a pile of elements because of their joints, and so a prior study of connections is worthwhile. If  thre ree e details are required, each will only generate a few marks – so make sure all th the e details are at atte temp mpte ted d rath rather er th than an goi going into into one one in to too o gr grea eatt a dept depth. h. 4:1 :15 5 pm - Fina Finall ques questi tion on / exer exerci cise se

10 ma marks rks To t al

100 m ar k s

The Th e end end que quest stiion, on, lik ike e th the e lett tte er, req require uires s a bro road ad gene genera rall kn know owlledge edge wit ith h backgr ckgrou oun nd re rea adi din ng. It must be answered red properl rly y and not as an afterr-th tho ought. A fi fille of general refe ferrences ces, including buildi buil ding ng deta detail il book books, s, and and pape papers rs on ge gene nera rall to topi pics cs wil illl pr prov ove e a help help.. 4:4 :45 5 pm

- Check through

5:0 :00 0 pm



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