
October 4, 2017 | Author: Lungu Teodor | Category: Leisure
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4 / 40 marks

Vocabulary and Use your English Choose the correct answers. 1 We had very good seats in the fifth a aisle b foyer c row d wings 2  I hope to go to the film a festival b show c performance d stage

from the stage.

in Cannes next summer.

11  When are they going to film? a release b publish c broadcast d reveal

4  The director was over two hours late for the final rehearsal! a dressing b dress c dressed d dresser

of the theatre.


8  My mum really likes chick like Mamma Mia! and Love Actually, but I prefer action films. a frights b flicks c roles d films

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the next Coen brothers

12  The tripped in the darkened theatre as he was showing me to my seat. a assistant b guide c leader d usher

5  We’re all amateur actors here; in fact, I’m a chef profession. a by b at c in d with

7  Which of the students has been chosen for the of Hamlet? a first b name c title d front

the background of

10  The dog in the film was adorable and really tugged at my  . a heartstrings b heart-rending c heart-warming d heartthrob

3  Reality TV shows don’t ____ to me; I find them ridiculous. a attract b enjoy c like d appeal

6 They’re selling lovely ice cream in the a foyer b row c backstage d stage

9  Extras usually walk around film scenes. a at b on c in d through

13  At the we went out into the foyer to talk. a intermission b interruption c pause d break 14  All of the theatre critics were invited to the night of the play. a starting b beginning c showing d opening 15  The director advised the actor to remain in when not on the set. a person b type c personality d character


16  I thought the musical would be a disaster, but thankfully it went off a hitch. a out of b without c out d with Close-up C1 Second Edition Quiz 4

17  A lot of people want to be showbiz for the money and fame they hope to achieve. a at b in c on d to

19  It was a brilliant performance which received a standing from the audience. a ovation b applause c cheer d praise

18  She tried meditation and hypnotism to get over her fright, but nothing worked. a star b screen c stage d stadium

20  Sarah loves Jennifer Lawrence’s Everdeen in The Hunger Games. a acting b portrayal c performance d representation

of Katniss

(___ / 20 marks)

Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1  He had better a learn b learns c to learn d learning

9 I tickets for the performance. a forgot buy b forgot to buy c forgot to have bought d forgot to buying

his part by tomorrow.

2  is his passion and he is very good at it. a Direct b Directs c To direct d Directing

10  He was to the theatre to see Hamlet, but he didn’t really want to. a persuaded go b persuaded to going c persuaded to go d persuaded going

3  Gilly in the mountains every weekend. a goes hike b goes hiking c goes to hike d goes to hiking 4 , I never want to see him again. He really upset me. a Namely b Apparently c Frankly d By all means 5  ‘Have you ever been to an outdoor theatre?’ ‘ a As a rule b For one thing c In other words d As a matter of fact 6  It was silly photos of Brad and Angelina. a for you not take b of you not to take c for you taking d of you not taking 7 The director was the script. a very busy for rewriting b busy enough to rewrite c enough busy rewriting d too busy to rewrite 8 I a film than a TV show. a would rather watch b would rather to watch c would prefer watch d would rather watching Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

, I have.’

11  The drama teacher a let me go b let me going c let me to go d let me to going

home early, as I was unwell.

12  The star ____ her little dog onto the set. a was allowed take b was allowed taking c was allowed takes d was allowed to take 13  I can’t stand interviews with actors; they all sound like idiots! a watching b to watch c to watching d watch 14  Costas knows how to make films; good director. a no doubt b after all c surely d as a rule

, he’s a very

15  His agent never roles he doesn’t like. a makes him accepts b makes him to accept c makes him accepting d makes him accept

Close-up C1 Second Edition Quiz 4

16  I was I had been offered a part in a film. a thrilled to finding out b thrilled to find out c thrilled finding out d thrilled find out 17  Sue to a matinee performance this afternoon. a feels like to go b feeling like going c feels like going d feeling to go 18  The star is going into hospital a and has b to have c having d for having

plastic surgery.

19  The actress’s personal assistant shopping. a was to make carrying b was made carry c was made to carry d was made carrying

all of her

20  The young actor isn’t Oedipus Rex. a enough experienced to play b experienced enough to playing c experienced enough to play d enough experienced playing

(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-up C1 Second Edition Quiz 4

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