
October 4, 2017 | Author: Lungu Teodor | Category: N/A
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1 / 40 marks

Vocabulary and Use your English Choose the correct answers.

1  The tyrant was ruled. a fearless b merciless c reckless d selfless

and felt no pity for the people he

2  If there is something you want to achieve, you should go it. a for b to c near d at 3 Loyalty is a quality that a discriminates b distinguishes c disturbs d determines

dogs from other animals.

4  Try as he might, he couldn’t fix the problem and had to admit . a trouble b downfall c loss d defeat

5  Gary is too and makes decisions without giving them any thought. a industrious b virtuous c impetuous d cautious

6  People used to have more respect for the elderly, whom they considered to be . a bold b wise c rash d vain 7  It’s hard to a dream when no one supports you. a realise b make c know d understand

8  If you are committed to your goals, you will the end. a be b get c arrive d go Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

there in

9  My brother is very and knows how to take care of himself. a brainy b streetwise c smart d bright 10  Of course Joe won! He beat the rest a mile. a over b for c by d above 11  He on paying for dinner despite our suggestion to split the bill. a resisted b assisted c persisted d insisted 12  When you move to another country, you need to be in order to adjust to your new surroundings. a honourable b adaptable c inflexible d sensible 13  Try pressing the yellow button first; maybe that’ll the trick. a do b make c play d have 14  My plan to visit Japan when I lost my job and couldn’t afford a holiday. a blew away b got ahead c fell through d knuckled down 15  The head teacher came fire for suggesting more exams should be introduced. a at b on c in d under 16  I didn’t think he could convince them to sell, but somehow he ! a broke through b pulled it off c hung on d came up against it Close-up C1 Second Edition Quiz 1

17  Jerry tends to hide the truth and is never completely . a cunning b confident c candid d conceited 18  Mandy all out to land the job of her dreams and she succeeded! a went b did c got d tried

19  We’re the that have been brought up with technology, so we know how to use it more effectively than our parents. a group b generation c class d set 20  All of the spectators applauded the injured athlete’s performance when he finished the race. a crafty b touchy c tricky d gutsy

(___ / 20 marks)

Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 Henry in sales, but now he’s a postman. a works b would work c used to work d is working

8 Hayley can’t join us right now; she a attends b is attending c has attended d was attending

2  Jasmine her family tree for months before she uncovered a dark secret. a researches b has researched c has been researching d had been researching

9 Don’t you know that water a boil b boils c is boiling d has boiled

at 100°C?

10  Marge isn’t going jogging better. a yet b right now c at the moment d for the time being

until her cold gets

3  This documentary about young entrepreneurs interesting; let’s watch it. a looks b is looking c has looked d has been looking 4  James isn’t here at the moment; he a has been b has gone c is going d goes


to the gym.

5  Joe is talking about his new car; it’s really annoying! a usually b often c always d seldom 6  Martin the same woollen coat since high school. a has b is having c has been having d has had 7 It’s the second time I a have lost b am losing c was losing d have been losing

my mobile phone this week.

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a meeting.

11 Nigel for the bus when I saw him this morning. a has run b was running c has been running d used to run 12 When I was a teenager, I a would listen b had listened c have listened d use to listen

to really bad music.

13 My friends in watching documentaries. a seldom interested are b are interested seldom c are seldom interested d seldom are interested 14  My sister her speech for school for several weeks. a practises b is practising c had practised d was practised

Close-up C1 Second Edition Quiz 1

15 Her tweet a bit strange to me. a seemed b is seeming c has been seeming d was seeming

18 Josh has been on Facebook a yet b for c already d since

16 I think it harder now to achieve my ambitions. a gets b would get c is getting d had got

19 What your brother think of your boyfriend? a has b is c does d was

17 By the time Julie arrived, the first singers a are performing b would perform c have performed d had performed

20 Griselda to Transylvania and she loved it. a has been b is going c had been going d has gone


five years.

(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-up C1 Second Edition Quiz 1

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