A small tutorial as how to install and configure clonezilla Server...
3o )ou want to let the 3HC% service in 3"L server offer same '% address to the client ever) time when client !oots ='f )ou want this function )ou have to collect the ,C addresses of clients and save them in file=s? =as in the #revious #rocedure??. This is for the clients connected to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 I Select Y O:J %lease tell me the file name which contains the ,C address of clients line !) line for eth0$0. 'n this ste# we can s#ecif) the location of the file which contains the ,C addresses. 8ive the exact location of the file K-x 'n our s)stem our file is etcdr!lmacadrMeth0$1.txtN
/hat is the initial num!er do )ou want to use in the last set of digits in the '% =i.e. the initial value of d in the '% address a.!.c.d? for 3"L clients connected to this ethernet #ort eth0$0. 10. This will !e the starting '% address of )our 3HC% range. The file name )ou set is Bmacadrð0$1.txt. The clients num!er in this file is 1. /e will set the '% address for the clients connected to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 ") the ,C address file )ou set the ' % addresses for the clients connected (
to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 as$ 1
[email protected] A 1
[email protected] ,cce#tI Y Dext Clonezilla will show )ou how )our networ( configuration will loo( li(eG this is Fust information so #ress BenterB.
Clonezilla will then as( )ou if )ou want to have the o#tion of !ooting com#uter to Linux using the networ(. we are just setting the server for cloning so choose option “2“.
Choose Clonezilla !ox mode o#tion B1B. This wa) the whole cloning o#eration will !e lighter on the server.
Dext 9uestion as(s what will !e the default director) where )ou want to store )our images. To me the default B+home+#artimag is not intuitive so ' change it to B+clonezilla so it can !e easil) accessi!le in the file&s)stem. "ut this is u# to )ouG Fust remem!er that if )ou decide to change it ma(e sure )ou create the new folder manuall) since the setu# will not do it for )ou.
Enless )ou want to !e anno)ed with a #assword #rom#t ever) time )ou want to clone a com#uter or )ou are a securit) frea( choose BD in the next 9uestion.
Choose BD at the next 9uestion as well )ou do not need a !oot #rom#t for clients.
' recommend )ou choose B; in the next 9uestion.
Choose B; in the next 9uestion.
%ress -nter to continue.
Choose B; of course to finish
R. ST,T CLOD->'LL, S1$
Dow that we have finished with the configuration of Clonezilla we need to start our server to get it read) for cloning. To ma(e that t)#e the following command$ $: suo !usr!s"in!cs
,t the first screen choose BSelect all the clientsB.
,t the second Screen Choose Bclonezilla#startB
,t the third screen we recommend using Beginner %oe for now.
'n the fourth screen choose Bselect#in#clientB. 1&
Select the default o#tion in the ste#
Select B%ower Off from the next ste#. 't is to mention what ha##ens to the client after it is cloned.
clic( Bo& and we are doneJ P. a(e Clonezilla server as en(ins Slave$ 1. Create a new Dode !) clic(ing on anage en(ins from en(ins 3ash!oard 2. Then Clic( on anage Dodes&7 Dew Dode&7-nter Dode Dame&7 Select 3um! Slave and clic( on O: @. 'n the Dext Ste# enter of -xecutors as 1 emote S root as +home+en(ins UThis needs that a director) Ben(ins should !e created in Bhome and chec( if it has all #ermission for the en(ins userN 4. -nter Esage as BEtilize this slave as much as #ossi!le and Launch method as BLaunch Slave agents on Enix machines via SSH. or the Host enter the '% of the clonezilla server li(e 10.220.1Q.VVV and go to credentials field and clic( on B,dd !utton in the right. R. 'n the ,dd Credential screen leave the (ind and sco#e to !e default enter Esername as Clonezilla user name and #assword and clic( on ,dd. a(e sure the Credentials field has !een selected as Broot =oot Eser?. Clic( on Save. Ua(e sure SSH is ena!led in Clonezilla server machineN
Select the Linux :ernel =2?
,fter 3"L finishes downloading and installing all its de#endencies we are done installing 3"L. 4. Configure Clonezilla$ $
-nter the following command$ *$ sudo +usr+s!in+dr!l#ush Ai ,t the first 9uestion Fust #ress Benter to leave the default name.
,t the second 9uestion again Fust #ress Benter to leave the default domain name.
,t the third 9uestion again Fust #ress Benter to leave the default server name
The fourth 9uestion as(s to choose which card to use to go to the internet #reviousl) we chose eth0 as our connection to the we! and eth0$0 as our virtual interface for Clonezilla so enter Beth0 &
Dext 9uestion as(s if )ou want to collect ,C addresses of com#uters to !e clonedG this is done so that onl) com#uters that are going to !e cloned get assigned an '% from 3"L. ' find this time consuming and unnecessar) since it is easier to turn 3"L off once )ou are done cloning so that it does not conflict with )our networ(s 3HC% server. 3"L is ver) eas) to turn on and off with a sim#le short&cut on )our servers des(to#. So we are going to choose BDB
3o )ou want to let the 3HC% service in 3"L server offer same '% address to the client ever) time when client !oots ='f )ou want this function )ou have to collect the ,C addresses of clients and save them in file=s? =as in the #revious #rocedure??. This is for the clients connected to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 I Select Y O:J %lease tell me the file name which contains the ,C address of clients line !) line for eth0$0. 'n this ste# we can s#ecif) the location of the file which contains the ,C addresses. 8ive the exact location of the file K-x 'n our s)stem our file is etcdr!lmacadrMeth0$1.txtN
/hat is the initial num!er do )ou want to use in the last set of digits in the '% =i.e. the initial value of d in the '% address a.!.c.d? for 3"L clients connected to this ethernet #ort eth0$0. 10. This will !e the starting '% address of )our 3HC% range. The file name )ou set is Bmacadrð0$1.txt. The clients num!er in this file is 1. /e will set the '% address for the clients connected to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 ") the ,C address file )ou set the ' % addresses for the clients connected (
to 3"L servers ethernet networ( interface eth0$0 as$ 1
[email protected] A 1
[email protected] ,cce#tI Y Dext Clonezilla will show )ou how )our networ( configuration will loo( li(eG this is Fust information so #ress BenterB.
Clonezilla will then as( )ou if )ou want to have the o#tion of !ooting com#uter to Linux using the networ(. we are just setting the server for cloning so choose option “2“.
Choose Clonezilla !ox mode o#tion B1B. This wa) the whole cloning o#eration will !e lighter on the server.
Dext 9uestion as(s what will !e the default director) where )ou want to store )our images. To me the default B+home+#artimag is not intuitive so ' change it to B+clonezilla so it can !e easil) accessi!le in the file&s)stem. "ut this is u# to )ouG Fust remem!er that if )ou decide to change it ma(e sure )ou create the new folder manuall) since the setu# will not do it for )ou.
Enless )ou want to !e anno)ed with a #assword #rom#t ever) time )ou want to clone a com#uter or )ou are a securit) frea( choose BD in the next 9uestion.