Clinical Manager, Clinical educator, staff nurse

June 12, 2016 | Author: api-77353332 | Category: N/A
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Clinical Manager, Clinical educator, staff nurse...


LeeAnn P. Sears RN, MSN Education MSN 1999 East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina 27858 Master of Science in Nursing Major: Midwifery BSN 1996 Fayetteville State University Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Baccalaureate of Science Major: Nursing ADN 1979 Hesston College Hesston, Kansas 67062 Associate of Science Major: Nursing Experience 2009-2010 July 2009 Valley Regional Medical Center 100A Alton Gloor Boulevard Brownsville, Texas 78521 Clinical Nurse Educator Women's Services Full Time Exempt Position Initiated and implemented a community outreach Prenatal and Breastfeeding progra m in both English and Spanish for expectant parents and initiated a Big Brother/ Big Sister class for targeted siblings aged 4 to 8. Began groundwork for both an internship/residency program for new employees, particularly new graduates as w ell as groundwork for implementing a change in philosophy for normal newborn nur sery and post-partum to become an integrated mother/baby unit. Produced and/or c oordinated numerous in-services for Women's Services, to include skills day asse ssments, telephone courtesy, narcotic usage and wastage protocols, post-partum h emorrhage, deep-vein thrombosis, and most recently was coordinating an in-servic e on diabetes and working on a self study power point for the nurses to take in preparation of hands on skills for opening sterile packs and scrubbing for cesar ean sections. Was mindful of Joint Commission philosophy as well as HCA policies and protocols. Had begun work on maintaining data for Vermont-Oxford. Was activ e in participating with both United Way funding and March of Dimes at VRMC in co njunction with Valley Baptist Hospital in Brownsville. Supported immediate super visor, even when not in total agreement. University of North Carolina at Pembroke One University Drive Pembroke, North Carolina 28378 Associate Professor Course: Fundamentals of Nursing Adjunct Position; 5 week Summer II term

During a fast paced summer session, responsible for classroom lecture and produc ing NCLEX type test based on lecture and textbook materials, with methodology ba sed on Gordon's functional health patterns in a team approach with 5 other profe ssors. Also jointly responsible for specific clinical skills instruction during clinical labs and subsequent weekly testing for entire class of Junior students, as well as sole clinical instructor for 8 students during their very first clin ical rotations, with application of initial clinical skills and formulation of i nitial concept maps and nursing care plans. 2008-2009 Cumberland County Schools Gray's Creek High School 5301 Celebration Drive Hope Mills, North Carolina 28348 Health Occupations Teacher; HOSA Co-director Course: Biomedical Technology and Health Team Relations; grades 9-12; 4X4 block schedule; Full Time, 12 month option Taught Health Team Relations and Biomedical Technology to high school students w ith a desire to work in a medical or health related career upon graduation. Inte racted with students, parents and faculty regularly in an attempt to provide a r igorous and challenging classroom experience while meeting the educational needs of students at all levels of ability. Provided for special needs student popula tions by offering materials, tutoring and individualized testing situations that met the criteria set forth in individual educational plans (IEP). Acted as Heal th Occupations Students of America (HOSA) co-director; facilitating meetings alo ng with fund raisers and regional and state competition. As such, also acted as judge during some regional competitions. Participated in school mandated "Senior Project" as mentor and facilitator. Also participated in after hours duties ran ging from sports ticket taker and seller to prom chaperone. 2004-2007 First Home Health and Hospice 235 N. McPherson Church Road Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303 Hospice Nurse; Hospice Case Manager Home Health Nurse and Case Manager Full time with call weekly and every 3rd weekend Provided end of life care to terminally ill patients in their homes during the l ast six months of their lives, keeping them comfortable through physical and pha rmaceutical means. Managed all professional and unlicensed personnel updating ot her team members to insure that each patient was being provided with adequate an cillary care, adjusted care as needed. Taught family members regarding end of li fe management and care, kept physicians informed, pronounced patient at the very end of life and provided immediate grief support to attendant families and care givers. 2004-2005 Spectrum Health Care 103 Sleepy Drive Spring Lake, North Carolina 28304 Labor and Delivery Staff Nurse; Contracted by Womack Army Center Per Diem: 20-40 Assisted with all aspects of perinatal care in the hospital setting including tr iage of patients and assisting with vaginal or surgical births. Also administere d tocolytics as ordered by the physician and according to standard operating pro

cedures (SOP) as well as initiating inductions, also as ordered by physician. Pr ovided initial neonatal exams and care, initiated CPR in absence of NICU nurse a nd until their arrival. Cared for equipment and as with all positions, maintaine d HIPPA mandated confidentiality. 1990-2004 Cape Fear Valley Medical Center 1638 Owen Drive Fayetteville, North Carolina 28304 Labor & Delivery Triage, Charge & Staff Nurse; OB Recovery and Circulating Nurse Full time 12 hr shifts (36 hr), with call Managed all aspects of both high and low risk laboring and pregnant women after 20 weeks gestation. Assisted with both vaginal and operative births. Assessed an d cared for neonate during first hour or so of life, initiated CPR in absence of NICU nurse and until their arrival as needed. Administered tocolytics as ordere d by the physician and according to hospital policies and procedures as well as initiating and assessing maternal-fetal unit during inductions of labor as order ed by physician, and by hospital policy. Took charge of 15 bed labor and deliver y unit with an additional 3 bed labor triage and 4 bed OB Recovery room with an additional 3 Operating rooms; assigning care appropriately, trouble shooting and insuring appropriate ancillary staff and care was also available and maintained . Occasionally assisted physician with operative delivery under sterile precauti ons. Initially assessed perinatal women, providing the provider with correct inf ormation to make a disposition appropriately. Provided intensive care for critic ally ill pregnant or postpartum women as either direct admit or transfer in. Was proficient in antenatal testing and ultrasound for position and heart rate. Car ed for equipment needed for labor, delivery, resuscitation and transfer of perin atal women. Cared for pre-viable infants as determined by NICU standards and the ir parents, initiating the grief process and assuring proper respect and dignity were provided to both. 1994-1998 Southeastern Regional Medical Center 300 W. 27th Street Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 Labor, Delivery & Gynecologic Surgery Staff and Charge Nurse PRN: 20 to 36 Cared for perinatal patients as at Cape Fear Valley above, but in a 6 bed Labor & Delivery unit with 1 Operating room and 1Recovery room for post surgical patie nts. In addition, cared for pre and post operative GYN patients, as well as all perinatal (early gestation through postpartum) women on a 30 bed perinatal/gyn u nit. Rarely assisted physician with operative delivery when surgical staff were slowly available, turning over care to surgical staff on their arrival. Went on emergency transfers of antenatal women with EMS to level III and higher receivin g units. 1983-1990 Womack Army Medical Center 1638-Bldg 4-2817 Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310 Rated GS 9, promoted to GS 10-4, Staff Nurse 6B Full Time (40 hr) with comp time Cared for pre and post operative orthopedic, podiatric, ophthalmologic and otola ryngolic patients in a busy military hospital serving 82nd Airborne, Retired, Sp ecial Forces and Civilian dependants. Performed treatments, changed dressings, a dministered medications, took detailed histories and kept physicians informed of patients' progress. Provided complete care as needed and insured that the patie

nts kept clinic appointments. Updated SOPs and initiated Nursing care plans. Pro vided pertinent information for patients in transit to Walter Reed or Fort Sam H ouston Army hospitals. 1980-1983 St. Michaels Hospital 900 Illinois Avenue Stevens Point Wisconsin 53381 Staff Nurse: L&D, AP, PP, Gen Nurs, Level II Nurs, OBRR Full Time, 40 hrs/wk Cared for basically low risk Labor, Delivery & Post Partum patients and their i nfants in either general nursery or Level II nursery. Initiated STAT care ordere d by physicians in neonates 1st hour of life, i.e.: AGNO3, or EES to eyes, Aquam ephyton IM, and initial physical exam. Notified or alerted MD with appropriate i nformation. Helped to initiate Level II Nursery for neonates at least 30 weeks g estation during growth of the hospital. Also helped initiate Cesarean Section de liveries on L&D instead of in the main hospital OR. Participated in neonatal tra nsfers when needed. Provided initial neonatal care to infants in general nursery and Level II nursery. 1979-1980 Lakeview Medical Center 1100 N Main Street Rice Lake, Wisconsin 54868 Graduate/Staff Nurse, Charge Nurse Full time This was my first position as a registered nurse. Initially worked as a graduat e nurse prior to taking my national boards when I became Registered following sa tisfactory completion of those. Worked as the only RN, charge on nights on a 26 bed post operative ward dealing with all types of surgical patients: orthopedic, general, podiatric and ophthalmologic patients. Also concominently responsible for 3 bed labor & delivery and 8 postpartum beds. Had ancillary personnel to sup ervise, NA and LPN. Taught parenting and prenatal classes. Licenses Maintained both Wisconsin and North Carolina RN Licensure until well after the m ultistate compact. All three states are part of that compact and all licenses ar e maintained online and can be verified online. #781295 #81970 Texas License; granted 2/10/2010;expires 9/30/2012 North Carolina License; granted 8/12/1983; expires 9/30/2011 #74412-30 Wisconsin License; granted 9/1/1979; expired 2/28/2002 Certifications Basic Life Saving: expires 10/10 Advanced External Fetal Monitoring: expires 2/12

Awards 1994 Listed in: Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities 1996 2009 Award for Academic Excellence Cambridge Who's Who of Executives, Professionals and Entrepeneurs References Available on request Hobbies I have been told that work is my hobby, but actually, I love to spend time at ho me with my husband and family, and look for any excuse to have the entire family present. However, I enjoy travel also, especially if it involves a cruise to an ywhere. I am an avid bowler, and bowled as a sub on the Valley Regional Bowling League. I am an active member of the USBC. I have enjoyed active participation i n both state and national tournaments. I enjoy participating on committees, and happily attend the annual Awards banquets and end of season shindigs. I will rea d everything I can get my hands on: love stories, mysteries, drama, etc. I enjoy logic puzzles, and have caught the Sudoku craze; anything that makes me think! I love animals, and presently my husband and I are staff to two cats and two dog s. I am just beginning to enjoy gardening, especially in pots.

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