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March 26, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Knokb [tar t 3 Kigputmr [komekm cir [khiins

Aelea Sorgaeo [hanoeo Harosubh

Pmvosmf Mfotoie


]eovmrsoty Troetoej Hiusm, Kag`rofjm K@0 8@[, ]eotmf Boejfig Iem No`mr ty Tnaza, 04th Cniir, Emw _irb, E_ 14443, ][A 6:: Zonnoagstiwe Piaf, Tirt Gmn`iurem, SOK ;04:, Austranoa ;16‛;01, ;rf Cniir, Cniir, Tnit ;, [pnmefir Cirug, Lasina Fostrokt Kmetrm, Emw F mnho ‛ 11440=, Oefoa :? Aesie Piaf, #43‛46/43, [oejapirm 4:??43 Kag`rofjm ]eovmrsoty Trmss os part ic thm ]eovmrsoty ic Kag`rofjm. Ot curthmrs thm ]eovmrsoty‟s gossoie `y fossmgoeatoej beiwnmfjm oe thm pursuot ic mfukatoie, nmareoej aef rmsmarkh at thm hojhmst oetmreatoiean nmvmns ic mxkmnnmekm. www.kag`rofjm.irj Oecirgatoie ie thos totnm< www.kag`rofjm.irj/?:811488==383 © Kag`rofjm ]eovmrsoty Trmss 0411, 0416, 0404 Vhos pu`nokatoie os oe kipyrojht. [u`lmkt ti statutiry mxkmptoie aef ti thm privosoies ic rmnmvaet kinnmktovm nokmesoej ajrmmgmets, ei rmprifuktoie ic aey part gay tabm pnakm wothiut thm wrottme pmrgossoie ic Kag`rofjm ]eovmrsoty Trmss. Corst pu`noshmf 0411 [mkief mfotoie 0416 Vhorf mfotoie 0404 04 1? 18 1: 13 1= 16 1; 10 11 14 ? 8 : 3 = 6 ; 0 1 Troetmf oe Oefoa `y Palbagan Mnmktrok Trmss

O[@E ?:8-1-148-8==38-3 Kag`rofjm ]eovmrsoty Trmss has ei rmspieso`onoty cir thm pmrsostmekm ir akkuraky ic ]PNs cir mxtmrean ir thorf-party oetmremt wm`sotms rmcmrrmf ti oe thos pu`nokatoie, aef fims eit juaraetmm that aey kietmet ie sukh wm`sotms os, ir wonn rmgaoe, akkuratm ir appriproatm. Oecirgatoie rmjarfoej prokms, travmn togmta`nms, aef ithmr caktuan oecirgatoie jovme oe thos wirb os kirrmkt at thm togm ic corst proetoej `ut Kag`rofjm ]eovmrsoty Trmss fims eit juaraetmm thm akkuraky ic sukh oecirgatoie thmrmactmr. E I VO KM   VI   VM A KH M P[

Vhm phitikipy gastmrs oe thos pu`nokatoie gay `m phitikipomf ir fostro`utmf RmnmktrieokannyW crmm ic kharjm cir knassriig usm wothoe thm skhiin ir oestotutoie that purkhasmf thm pu`nokatoie. Zirbshmmts aef kipoms ic thmg rmgaoe oe thm kipyrojht ic Kag`rofjm ]eovmrsoty Trmss, aef sukh kipoms gay eit `m fostro`utmf ir usmf oe aey way iutsofm thm purkhasoej oestotutoie. Mvmry mccirt has `mme gafm ti trakm thm iwemrs ic kipyrojht gatmroan oeknufmf oe thos `iib. Vhm pu`noshmrs wiunf `m jratmcun cir aey igossoies `riujht ti thmor eitokm cir akbeiwnmfjmgmet oe cuturm mfotoies ic thm `iib.


Oetrifuktoie Vhm rmvosmf mfotoie ic Knokb [tart< Kigputmr [komekm cir [khiins os [khiins os fmsojemf ariuef thm natmst fmvmnipgmets oe thm comnf ic kigputmr skomekm, oecirgatoie aef kiggueokatoie tmkheinijy. @asmf ie Zoefiws : aef G[ Iccokm 0414, woth mxtmesovm upfatms ie Zoefiws 14 aef G[ Iccokm 0413, thm smroms aofs thm uefmrstaefoej ic thm mssmetoans ic kigputmr skomekm oeknufoej kigputmr `asoks, iccokm appnokatoies, krmatovm sictwarm, prijraggoej prijraggoe j kiekmpts aef prijraggoe prijraggoej j naejuajms. Makh nmvmn ic thm smroms has `mme fmsojemf bmmpoej oe goef thm gmetan aptotufm aef nmareoej a`onoty ic thm nmaremrs as wmnn as thmor oetmrmsts. Mccirts havm `mme gafm ti usm mxagpnms crig fay-ti-fay nocm, whokh wonn hmnp thm nmaremrs ti `rofjm thm jap `mtwmme thm beiwnmfjm ic thm su`lmkt aef thm rman wirnf. Vhm `iibs arm fmsojemf ti iccmr a hinostok appriakh aef hmnp oe thm ivmrann fmvmnipgmet ic thm nmaremrs. BM_ CMAV]PM[

[eap Pmkap< Tri`oej qumstoies ti `mjoe a khaptmr aef assmss prm-beiwnmfjm

Nmareoej I`lmktovms< Nost ic thm nmareoej iutkigms ic thm khaptmr

Aktovoty< Oetmraktovm mxmrkosm actmr mvmry galir tipok ti rmoecirkm aeanytokan sbonns aef appnokatoie-`asmf appnokatoie -`asmf nmareoej

Mxmrkosm< A varomty ic qumstoies ti tmst kiekmptuan knaroty

Cakt Conm< Oetmrmstoej kiekmpt-rmnatmf kiekmpt-rmnatmf seoppmts ti aujgmet kiekmpt beiwnmfjm

aef Vry Quokb Bmy aef  Vry Vhos< [hirtkuts aef usmcun tops ie iptoies avaona`nm cir foccmrmet ipmratoies

Jnissary< Khaptmr-mef nost ic ogpirtaet tmrgs aniej woth thmor fmcoeotoies

_iu Arm Hmrm< [uggary ti aof quokb rmkapotunatoie

Na` Zirb< Traktokan mxmrkosms ti mea`nm appnokatoie ic kiekmpts thriujh nmareoej-`y-fioej

Trilmkt Zirb< [otuatoiean tasbs ti tmst praktokan appnokatoie ic thm kiekmpts nmaret

Zhi Ag O9< @oijraphoms ti oesporm yiuej nmaremrs

[agpnm Tapmr< Hmnps oe prmparoej cir ky`mr kiekmpts aef beiwnmfjm kigpmtotoie

Tistmr< Oecirgatovm oecijraphoks ti hmnp stufmets stay sacm oe kieemktmf fojotan mevoriegmet

Vhm `iibs, thus, wonn eit ieny gabm nmareoej cue `ut ansi hmnp thm nmaremrs akhomvm a kmrtaoe nmvmn ic mxpmrtosm oe thos cast khaejoej wirnf ic kigputmr skomekm.


K etmets _iur Kigputmr Kig putmr.............. ........................... ........................... ......................... ...........1 1 41 Beiw _iur


´  Marny kankunatoej fmvokms ´  Cuektoiean kigpiemets ic a kigputmr ´  Mvinutoie ic kigputmrs Knassocokatoie ic Katmjirosatoie toie ic ´  ´  Katmjirosa


´  Oetrifuktoie ´  @iitoej ´  Cuektoies ic ae

ipmratoej systmg ´  Vypms ic ipmratoej systmg


´  Kinuges ´  Oekrmasm ir fmkrmasm oefmetatoie ´  Vhmsaurus ´  @irfmrs aef [hafoej ´  Tajm [mtup aef garjoes ´  Appnyoej @uont-oe [tynms


´  Krmatoej thm gmrjmf



´  [nofm Gastmr

´  Krmatoej a prmsmetatoie

´  Appnyoej Aeogatoies ´  Oesmrtoej Kharts aef

usoej Vmgpnatm ´  Krmatoej a prmsmetatoie usoej Vhmgms ´  Thiti An`ug

Va`nms ´  Krmatoej Hypmrnoebs ´  Pmusoej [nofms

0414....................................... ............... .. :1 43 Girm A`iut G[ Mxkmn 0414.......................... ´  ´  ´  ´ 

Oetrifuktoie Cirgattoej eug`mrs Gifocyoej fata Cirgattoej fata

´  Krmatoej kustig nosts ´  Cirgunas aef cuektoies ´  Cuektoie no`rary


´  [avoej a prijrag ´  Ipmeoej a prijrag ´  Mxotoej Q@36


´ Oetrifuktoie ´  Kharaktmr smt

´  TPOEV statmgmet ´  NMV statmgmet

´  Kiestaets ´  Saroa`nms

´  OET]V statmgmet ´  PMG statmgmet

Q@36 ‛ Trijra Trijraggoej ggoej [tatmgmets .................. ............................ .......... 11: ´  Kiefotoiean statmgmets

Oetrifuktoie Oetrif uktoie ti Gakrigm Gakrigmfoa foa Cnash .............. .......................... ............108 108 ´  ´  ´  ´  ´ 

............... ..... =6 4= G[ TiwmrTioet 0414 ‛ Afvaekmf Cmaturms ..........

thm stajm ´  Hiw ti usm thm kistugms ta`

Q@36 ‛ [tatmgme [tatmgmets ts ........................... ........................................ ..........................148 .............148

´  Oetrifuktoie ´  [mqumetoan statmgmets


´  Khaejoej `akbfrip ic

Oetrifuktoie Oetrif uktoie ti Q@36 .................... .................................. ............................ ................. ... ??

Q@36 woefiw ´  Zrotoej aef mxmkutoej a prijrag

fikugmet Trmvomwoej woej yiur ´  Trmvom fikugmets

´  Oetrifuktoie

Oetrifuktoie Vypms ic `nikbs @nikb katmjiroms ]soej [kratkh `nikbs

´  Oetrifuktoie ´  Kigpiemets ic thm

oetmrcakm ´  Ogpirtaekm ic shut fiwe  

Zirf 0414 ‛ Gaon Gmrjm .......... ..................... ..................... ................. ....... 63 46 G[ Zirf ´  Gaon Gmrjm ´  ]sms ic Gaon Gmrjm ´  Krmatoej thm Gaoe


´  Ipmratoej systmg

G[ Zirf Zirf 0414 ‛ Afvaekmf Cmaturms .......... .................... ............... ..... 0? ´  Oetrifuktoie ´  Hmafmrs aef Ciitmrs ´  Ciiteitms aef Mefeitms ´  Frip Kap ´  Va` [tip ´  ]soej [hiw/Hofm tiin ´  Cirgat Taoetmr

´  ´  ´  ´ 


Ipmratoej j [ystmg................................ .............................................. ......................... ...........1? 1? 40 Ipmratoe

Girm A`iut [kratkh ................. ............................... ............................ ...................... ........ 8=

Oetrifuktoie [tartoej Cnash Cnash tiins paemn Jrafomet mccmkts Ogpirtaet tmrgs

´  Aeogatoie oe Cnash ´  Krmatoej ae aeogatoie ic

`iuekoej `ann ´ [yg`ins

Oetrifuktoie Oetri fuktoie ti Mgaon .................................... ................................................ ............166 166 ´  Oetrifuktoie ´  Kigpisoej ae Mgaon ´  ]eocirg rmsiurkm nikatir ´  Pmpnyoej ti ae mgaon (]PN) ´  Cirwarfoej ae mgaon Mgaon ´  ´  Khattoej woth a kietakt ´  Afvaetajms ic mgaon ´  [ojeoej iut crig ae Fosafvaetajms ic mgaon mgaon akkiuet ´  Krmatoej aef ipmeoej ae ´   

mgaon akkiuet

[agpnm Tapmr............................. ........................................... ............................ ................... ..... 1=?


Beiw _iur


[EAT PMKAT 1. Zhat arm thm cmaturms ic a kigputmr that gabms ot `mttmr thae a hugae `moej9

_iu wonn nmare a`iut<

0. Zhat fi yiu yiu gmae `y oeputprikmssoej-iutput kyknm9 ;. Hiw os fata stirmf oe kigputmrs9 kigputmrs9 Zhat yiu gmae `y progary aef smkiefary gmgiry9

marny kankunatoej fmvokms

mvinutoie ic kigputmrs

knassocokatoie ic kigputmrs

cuektoiean kigpiemets ic a kigputmr

katmjirosatoie katmjirosatoi e ic sictwarm

6. Zhat arm kigputoej fmvokms9 fmvokms9

Oetrifuktoie A kigputmr os ae mnmktrieok fmvokm that akkmpts fata crig thm usmr, prikmssms ot aef jovms thm fmsormf iutput. Ot os a gakhoem kapa`nm ic pmrcirgoej kankunatoies woth thm hmnp ic a gmkhaeokan kigputoej fmvokm. Vhm mvinutoie ic kigputmrs startmf way `akb oe thm natm 1?;4s. Kigputmrs at that togm usmf ieny `oeary naejuajm cir thmor ipmratoies.

Marny Kankunatoej Fmvokms A cmw kankunatoej fmvokms usmf proir ti thm fmvmnipgmet ic kigputmrs arm foskussmf hmrm.

A`akus A`akus, thm corst kankunatoej gakhoem, was fmvmnipmf oe Khoea. Ot was usmf ti kiuet eug`mrs aef pmrcirg sogpnm kankunatoies sukh as affotoie aef su`traktoie.




Eapomr‟s @iems Eapomr‟s @iems was fmvmnipmf `y [or Lihe Eapomr. Vhm fmvokm was usmf ti pmrcirg kankunatoies oevinvoej affotoie, su`traktoie, guntopnokatoie aef fovosoie. Ot was eagmf si `mkausm thm eug`mrs wmrm karvmf ie `iems ir strops ic wiif.


 Eapomr‟ss @iems  Eapomr‟

Taskanoem, iem ic thm corst gmkhaeokan kankunatirs, was oevmetmf `y @naosm Taskan oe thm ymar 1360. Vhiujh ot kiunf pmrcirg ieny affotoie aef su`traktoie, ymt ot `mkagm vmry pipunar. Taskanoem

Foccmrmekm Mejoem Foccmrmekm Mejoem was fmsojemf `y Kharnms @a``ajm oe thm ymar 1800. Foccmrmekm mejoem os ae marny fojotan fmvokm whokh kiunf pmrcirg gathmgatokan aef astrieigokan kankunatoies. Ot was ansi kapa`nm ic stiroej fata tmgpirarony aef proet thm iutput `y puekhoej thm rmsunt.

Aeanytokan Mejoem Aeanytokan mejoem was fmsojemf `y Kharnms @a``ajm oe thm ymar 18;:. Ot was thm corst gmkhaeokan jmemran purpism kigputmr whokh cinniwmf typokan OTI kyknm usmf oe gifmre fay kigputmrs. Vhm gakhoem tiib oeput usoej rmafmr as ae oeput fmvokm. Ot was gafm up ic gonn, thm kankunatoej ueot kannmf KT] oe gifmre kigputmrs.

Mvinutoie ic Kigputmrs Crig mvmryfay tasb ti givoej satmnnotms oe spakm, kigputmrs havm rmvinutoieosmf angist mvmrythoej oe iur sikomty. Vhm fmvmnipgmet ic kigputmrs has `mme knassocomf oeti jmemratoies. Nmt us nmare a`iut thmg.

Corst Jmemratoie J memratoie Kigputmrs (1?64‛1?=3) ‛ Sakuug Sakuug Vu`m Vu`m Oe thm mvinutoie ic kigputmrs, thm corst jmemratoie was kharaktmrosmf `y thm usm ic vakuug tu`ms. Vhm corst jmemratoie kigputmrs wmrm `uont ti sinvm physoks mquatoies



usoej mnmktrieok vakuug tu`ms as swotkhoej kigpiemets. Vhmsm usmf gakhoem naejuajm. A gakhoem naejuajm os a niw-nmvmn n iw-nmvmn prijraggoej prijraggoej naejuajm aef os wrottme usoej niej stroejs ic 4s aef 1s cir kigputoej kigputo ej. Gakhoem naejuajm varoms woth thm kigputmr usmf. Vhm corst jmemratoie kigputmrs wmrm mxpmesovm aef `unby. Vhm vakuug tu`ms fof eit suppirt guntotasboej. Trijrags wrottme oe gakhoem naejuajm wmrm kug`mrsigm aef foccokunt ti rmgmg`mr.

Sakuug tu`ms

CAKV CONM CO NM Vhm ]eovmrsan Autigatok Kigputmr (]EOSAK) (]EOSAK) aef Mnmktrieok Eugmrokan Oetmjratir aef Kigputmr (MEOAK) arm thm mxagpnms ic corst jmemratoie kigputoej fmvokms. Vhm ]EOSAK was thm corst kiggmrkoan kigputmr.

[mkief Jmemratoie Kigputmrs (1?=3‛1?3;) ‛ Vraesostir Oe thm 1?34s, traesostir `asmf kigputmrs rmpnakmf vakuug tu`ms whokh garbmf thm smkief jmemratoie ic kigputmrs. Vraesostirs gafm kigputmrs sgannmr aef khmapmr. Vhmy ansi gafm kigputmrs memrjy mccokomet, `ut thm traesostirs wmrm su`lmkt ti fagajm `mkausm ic thm mgossoie ic narjm agiuets ic hmat crig thm kigputmr. Kigputmrs `mniejoej ti thos jmemratoie usmf puekhmf karfs cir oeput. Vhmy usmf assmg`ny naejuajm, whokh os a niw-nmvmn prijraggoej prijraggoej naejuajm. Vhos naejuajm os `asmf ie thm mejnosh anpha`mt . Vhm oestruktoies arm wrottme oe thm cirg ic kifms. Assmg`ny naejuajm wmrm gakhoem fmpmefmet, aef haf ti `m wrottme `asmf ie thm kiecojuratoies ic thm kigputmr.

Saroius traesostirs



Vhorf Jmemratoie Kigputmrs (1?36‛1?:1) ‛ Oetmjratmf Korkuot Vhm oetmjratmf korkuot `asmf kigputmrs garbmf thm thorf jmemratoie ic kigputmrs. [gann traesostirs wmrm pnakmf ie sonokie khops, kannmf smgokiefuktirs, whokh oekrmasmf thm spmmf aef mccokomeky ic kigputmrs. Vhm thorf jmemratoie kigputmrs wmrm `asmf ie hojh-nmvmn naejuajms. A hojh-nmvmn naejuajm usms thm mejnosh anpha`mt aef gathmgatokan syg`ins . Ot was masy ti usm aef uefmrstaef. Ot was eit gakhoem fmpmefmet. Vhm prijrags wrottme oe a hojh-nmvmn naejuajm arm kannmf siurkm prijrags. Cir mxagpnm, Cirtrae, KI@IN, @A[OK, K, K++, Lava arm a cmw mxagpnms ic hojh-nmvmn naejuajms.

 Oetmjratmf  Oetm jratmf korkuot korkuot khop

Ciurth Jmemratoie Kigputmrs (1?:1‛0414) ‛ Gokriprikmssir Oetrifuktoie ic gokriprikmssirs was thm hanngarb ic ciurth jmemratoie kigputmrs. Vhmy cakonotatmf autigatoie ic oefustroan aef iccokm prikmssms. Ariuef 1?:4, thos tmkheinijy ic pnakoej thiusaefs ic oetmjratmf korkuots ieti a soejnm sonokie khop, that gafm up a gokriprikmssir, was gafm avaona`nm. A gokriprikmssir os kigpakt aef masy ti gaoetaoe. Ot has a hojh prikmssoej spmmf. Hiwmvmr, ot has nogotatoies ie thm sozm ic fata.

 Gokripr  Gokr iprikmssir  ikmssir 

CAKV CONM CO NM A gokriprikmssir os a guntopurpism, gunto purpism, prijragga`nm fmvokm that tabms oeput aef privofms iutput. Oetmn 6446 os thm wirnf‟s corst kiggmrkoanny avaona`nm gokriprikmssir. gokriprikmssir. Ot was thm corst kigpnmtm KT] ie iem khop fmsojemf `y Oetmn Kirpiratoie.

Cocth Jmemratoie Kigputmrs (0414 iewarfs) ‛ Artocokoan Oetmnnojmekm Vhm fmvmnipgmet ic cocth jmemratoie kigputmrs os uefmrway. Vhmy arm `asmf ie thm proekopnms ic artocokoan oetmnnojmekm aef eaturan naejuajm rmkijeotoie. Vhos tmkheoqum wonn `m usmf ti fmsoje ri`its. Fmvmnipmrs arm aogoej at fmvmnipoej kigputmrs kapa`nm ic irjaeosoej thmgsmnvms. [i, thm mvinutoie ic kigputmrs stonn kietoeums.



Knassocokatoie ic Kigputmrs Ie thm `asos ic thmor sozm aef spmmf, kigputmrs arm jmemranny knassocomf as< 1. Gokrikigputmr

;. Goeokigputmr

0. Gaoecragm kigputmr

6. [upmrkigput [upmrkigputmr mr

Gokrikigputmr Gokrikigputmr was a kiggieny usmf tmrg marnomr cir Cocth jmemratoie kigputmrs pmrsiean kigputmrs. A pmrsiean kigputmr assmg`najm kiesosts ic KT], kigputmr gmgiry (progary aef smkiefary) aef varoius oeput aef iutput fmvokms. Ieny iem pmrsie kae usm ot at a togm. Ot os sniw aef has rmnatovmny nmss stirajm kapakoty as kigparmf ti a goeokigputmr ir a gaoecragm kigputmr. Ot os kiggieny usmf oe knassriigs, higms, `aebs, ueovmrsotoms, mtk. Vhmrm arm varoius boefs ic gokrikigputmrs avaona`nm eiwafays. Nmt us stufy a`iut thmg.

Fmsbtip TK< Ot os a gokrikigputmr fmsojemf ti cot kigcirta`ny ie tip ic a fmsb, typokanny woth thm gieotir oe criet aef thm systmg ueot ie thm sofm.

Naptip< Ot os a pirta`nm gokrikigputmr.

 Fmsbtip TK 

_iu kae bmmp ot ie yiur nap. Eiwafays, naptip kigputmrs arm girm kiggieny kannmf eitm`iib kigputmrs.  Naptip

Va`nmt< Ot os a gi`onm kigputmr. Ot iccmrs thm usmrs a tiukhskrmme mevoriegmet that gay ir gay eit `m akkigpaeomf `y a stynus (a pioetoej fmvokm). Vhmy arm avaona`nm oe a varomty ic sozms aef havm a `uont-oe/vortuan bmy`iarf.

[gartphiem< Ot os a gi`onm phiem `uont ie


a gi`onm I[. Ot has mehaekmf cmaturms as kigparmf ti ae irfoeary gi`onm phiem nobm kigpakt fojotan kagmras, JT[, wm`-`riwsmrs, Zo-Co aef `riaf`aef cakonoty.




Gaoecragm Kigputmr Gaoecragm kigputmrs arm vmry narjm, ictme connoej ae metorm riig. Vhmy kae stirm ae meirgius agiuet ic oecirgatoie, aef pmrcirg gaey tasbs soguntaemiusny. Vhmy kae kiggueokatm woth gaey usmrs at thm sagm togm aef arm vmry mxpmesovm. Gaoecragm kigputmrs usuanny havm smvmran tmrgoeans kieemktmf ti thmg. Vhmsm tmrgoeans niib nobm sgann kigputmrs `ut arm ieny usmf cir smefoej aef rmkmovoej oecirgatoie crig thm aktuan kigputmr usoej worms. Vmrgoeans kae `m nikatmf mothmr oe thm sagm riig woth thm gaoecragm kigputmr, ir thmy kae ansi `m oe foccmrmet riigs, `uonfoejs, kotoms, mtk. Narjm `usoemssms, jivmregmet ajmekoms, `aebs aef ueovmrsotoms usuanny usm gaoecragm kigputmrs. @oj hispotans, aornoem rmsmrvatoie kigpaeoms, aef gaey ithmr sozma`nm kigpaeoms prmcmr gaoecragm kigputmrs `mkausm ic thmor kapa`onoty ic rmtromvoej meirgius fata.

 Gaoecragm kigputmrs

Goeokigputmr A goeokigputmr os gukh narjmr thae a gokrikigputmr aef ansi gukh girm mxpmesovm. Ot thus noms `mtwmme gokrikigputmrs aef gaoecragm kigputmrs aef arm ictme rmcmrrmf ti as gofraejm kigputmrs. Ot pissmssms gist ic thm cmaturms ciuef ie a gaoecragm kigputmr, `ut ie a nogotmf skanm. Ot kae stonn havm gaey tmrgoeans, `ut eit as gaey as thm gaoecragm. Ot kae stirm a narjm agiuet ic oecirgatoie, `ut eit usuanny as gukh as thm gaoecragm kigputmrs. Ot usms ae mehaekmf oestruktoie smt ti cakonotatm skometocok prikmssoej aef kiggmrkoan appnokatoies. Gmfoug aef sgann `usoemssms aef kinnmjms typokanny usm goeokigputmrs.

 FMK TFT-8 goeokigp goeokigputmr  utmr 

[upmrkigputmr [upmrkigputmr os iem ic thm gaey typms ic gifmre kigputoej gakhoems, whokh arm `oj, piwmrcun aef kapa`nm ic fioej vmry spmmfy kankunatoies. Ot os `mkausm ic thmor hojh



spmmf prikmssoej a`onoty that supmrkigputmr systmgs arm usmf oe jraphok aeogatoie, wmathmr cirmkastoej, euknmar rmsmarkh wirbs, pmtrinmug rmsmarkh wirbs, krypt aeanysos, ginmkunar gifmnnoej, mtk. Vhm foccmrmekm `mtwmme thm gaoecragms supmrkigputmrs os that whonm gaoecragm aef gakhoems arm progarony usmf cir a eug`mr ic purpisms, supmrkigputmrs arm fmsojemf ti smrvm a soejnm purpism.


 O V _ A K V O S A.

[markh girm a`iut a`iut appnokatoie appnokatoie armas ic ic goeokigputmrs, goeokigputmrs, supmrkigputmr supmrkigputmrss aef gaoecragm kigputmrs. Fikugmet yiur coefoejs usoej G[ Zirf. Mesurm that yiu havm put oe at nmast covm appnokatoies ic makh typm ic kigputmr.


Gabm a khart ic marny kankunatoej fmvokms aniej woth thmor oevmetirs. oevmetirs. Ansi, gmetoie thmor usms.

Cuektoiean Kigpiemets ic a Kigputmr Vhm cuektoiean kigpiemets ic a kigputmr arm (Coj. 1.1)< Oeput ]eot

Kmetran Trikmssoej ]eot (KT])

Iutput ]eot

Coj. 1.1 Cuektoiean 1.1 Cuektoiean kigpiemets ic a kigputmr 

Vhm oeput aef iutput ueots attakhmf ti a kigputmr arm kannmf kigputmr pmrophmrans.

Oeput ]eot Fata os akkmptmf `y a kigputmr thriujh thm oeput ueot kieemktmf ti ot. Vhm staefarf oeput fmvokm os a bmy`iarf. Mxagpnms ic ithmr oeput fmvokms arm Liystokb, Giusm, Zm` kagmra, Gajemtok Oeb Kharaktmr Pmkijeotoie Pmafmr (GOKP), Iptokan Ipt okan Garb Pmkijeotoie Pmafmr (IGP), Iptokan Kharaktmr Pmkijeotoie (IKP), Nojht pme, Viukhskrmme, [gart Karf Pmafmr, Fojotan rmafmr, mtk. :


_iu havm anrmafy rmaf a`iut sigm ic thm kiggieny usmf oeput fmvokms oe marnomr knassms. _iu wonn nmare a`iut a cmw girm hmrm.

@ar Kifm Pmafmr< Ot os usmf `y a kigputmr ti skae aef ofmetocy thm prifukt ir otmg kifms oe supmrgarbmts, `iib stirms, aef gaey ithmr pnakms. Vhm kifm cir makh otmg, `m ot thm prokm otmg`mkifm mtk., os `y a ueoqum kig`oeatoie vmrtokan `arskifm, aef kae ofmetocomf a `ar kifm rmafmr. ic

 @ar kifm rmafmr  rmafmr 

CAKV CONM CON M Quokb Pmspiesm (QP) kifms (QP) kifms arm spmkoan `arkifms that kae `m rmaf usoej QP rmafoej fmvokms, gaoeny oestannmf as ae appnokatoie ie sgartphiems. Vhmsm kifms noeb thm usmr formktny ti tmxt, mgaons ir wm`sotms.

Gajemtok Oeb Kharaktmr Pmkijeotoie (GOKP) Pmafmr< Ot rmafs thm spmkoan kharaktmrs proetmf usoej a spmkoan gajemtok oeb ie khmqums, mtk. Khmqum eug`mr, `aeb kifm aef `raekh kifm arm proetmf ie khmqums usoej gajemtok oeb, gaboej thmg foccokunt ti cirjm. Vhm GOKPs skae thos oecirgatoie aef arm thus kapa`nm ic sirtoej khmqums.

 Gajemtokk Oeb Kharaktmr  Gajemto Kharaktmr Pmafmr 

Iptokan Garb Pmkijeotoie (IGP) Pmafmr< Ot os usmf cir rmkijeosoej a prm-spmkocomf spakm ie a papmr that os garbmf `y a pmekon ir pme. Ot os kiggieny usmf cir garboej thm aeswmrs ie mxagoeatoie shmmts.

 Ae IGP shmmt  shmmt 

Kmetran Trikmssoej ]eot Vhm Kmetran Trikmssoej ]eot (KT]) os thm kietrin kmetrm ic a kigputmr. Ot juofms, formkts aef jivmres ots pmrcirgaekm. Ot os beiwe as thm `raoe ic thm kigputmr. Vhm KT] has thrmm kigpiemets whokh arm rmspieso`nm cir foccmrmet cuektoies. Vhmsm arm foskussmf hmrm.



Arothgmtok Nijok ]eot (AN])< Vhm AN] pmrcirgs ann arothgmtok aef nijokan ipmratoies wothoe a kigputmr. Vhos part privofms thm arothgmtok aef fmkosoie gaboej kapa`onoty ti a kigputmr.

Kietrin ]eot (K])< Vhm K] kietrins aef juofms thm oetmrprmtatoie, cniw aef gaeopunatoie ic ann fata aef oecirgatoie. Vhm K] smefs kietrin sojeans ueton thm rmquormf ipmratoies arm fiem pripmrny `y thm AN] aef thm gmgiry. Aeithmr ogpirtaet cuektoie ic thm K] os prijrag mxmkutoie, that os, karryoej iut ann thm oestruktoies stirmf oe thm prijrag. Vhm kietrin ueot mvme kietrins thm cniw ic fata crig thm oeput fmvokms ti gmgiry aef crig gmgiry ti thm iutput fmvokms.

Gmgiry ]eot (G])< G] os that part ic thm kigputmr whmrm thm fata os stirmf aef os akkmsso`nm ti thm KT]. Vhm varoius gmasurmgmet ueots ic kigputmr gmgiry arm jovme hmrm. 1. @ot< A `ot gmaes a `oeary fojot, that os, thmrm arm ieny twi pisso`onotoms cir makh fojot, mothmr 4 ir 1. A `ot os ae mnmgmetary ueot ic thm gmgiry.  

A eug`mr ic `ots whme kig`oemf tijmthmr oe foccmrmet ways arm usmf cir stiroej fata oe a kigputmr.

0. @ytm< A jriup ic 8 `ots os kannmf a `ytm. Iem `ytm os thm sgannmst ueot whokh kae rmprmsmet a gmaeoejcun fata otmg ir a kharaktmr oe a kigputmr. Gmgiry os jmemranny gmasurmf oe tmrgs ic `ytms. ;. Eo``nm< A jriup ic 6 `ots os kannmf a eo``nm. Vhm kigputmr gmgiry kae ansi `m mxprmssmf oe ithmr ueots aef thmor oetmrrmnatoieshop os jovme `mniw<  

1 @ytm

7 8 @ots

1406 Vmra`ytm (V@) 7 1 Tmta`ytm (T@)

1406 @ytms

7 1 Boni`ytm (B@)

1406 Tmta`ytm (T@) 7 1 Mxa`ytm (M@)

1406 Boni`ytm (B@)

7 1 Gmja`ytm (G@)

1406 Mxa`ytm (M@) 7 1 \mtta`ytm (\@)

1406 Gmja`ytm (G@) 7 1 Joja`ytm (J@) 1406 Joja`ytm (J@)

1406 \mtta`ytm (\@) 7 1 _itta`ytm (_@)

7 1 Vmra`ytm (V@)

CAKV CONM 1 boni`ytm os mquan ti 1406 `ytms aef eit 1444 `ytms as ot os 0 raosm ti thm piwmr 14.



Vhm kigputmr gmgiry os knassocomf as jovme oe Coj. 1.0. Gmgiry

Trogary Gmgiry


[mkiefary Gmgiry


Kigpakt Fosk

Harf Fosb

Cnippy Fosb

Cnash Frovm

Coj. 1.0 Gmgiry 1.0 Gmgiry ]eot 

Trogary Gmgiry Trogary gmgiry os thm `asok rmquormgmet ic a kigputmr. Ot fmtmrgoems thm sozm aef eug`mr ic sictwarm that a kigputmr kae stirm. Trogary gmgiry stirms twi typms ic prijrags< systmg sictwarm aef appnokatoie sictwarm. _iu wonn nmare girm gir m a`iut thmg natmr oe thos khaptmr. Girmivmr, thm progary gmgiry nogots thm agiuet ic fata that a kigputmr kae prikmss. Vhm KT] kae usm thos gmgiry formktny whonm prikmssoej oecirgatoie. Ie thm `asos ic vinatonoty ic stirajm ic fata, progary gmgiry os knassocomf oeti vinatonm gmgiry (PAG) aef eie-vinatonm gmgiry (PIG) as shiwe oe Va`nm 1.1. Va`nm 1.1 Foccmrmekm  Foccmrmekm `mtwmme PAG aef PIG  Paefig Akkmss Gmgiry (PAG)

Pmaf Ieny Gmgiry (PIG)

1. Ot os a tmgpirary gmgiry.

1. Ot os a pmrgaemet gmgiry.

0. Ot os vinatonm oe eaturm, that os, thm oecirgatoie stirmf oe PAG os fmsojemf ti knmar whme thm kigputmr os turemf icc.

0. Ot os a eie-vinatonm eie-vinatonm gmgiry, gmgiry, that os, thm oecirgatoie stirmf oe PIG os rmtaoemf mvme whme thm kigputmr os turemf icc.

;. Ot os thm gaoe oetmrean stirajm arma that a kigputmr usms ti rue prijrags aef stirm fata. Ot os ansi kannmf rmaf/wrotm gmgiry.

;. Ot os a `uont-oe `uont-oe kigputmr gmgiry that kae `m rmaf `y a kigputmr `ut kaeeit `m gifocomf. Ot os a gmgiry ueot that kae ieny `m rmaf.

[mkiefary Gmgiry [mkiefary gmgiry os ansi beiwe as auxonoary gmgiry. Ot os usmf cir stiroej fata ir prijrags ie a tmgpirary ir ie a pmrgaemet `asos. Vhm smkiefary gmgiry os avaona`nm



oe thm cirg ic stirajm fmvokms. Cir mxagpnm, cnippy fosb, harf fosb, kigpakt fosk, cnash frovm, mtk. Vhm KT] kaeeit akkmss smkiefary gmgiry formktny whonm prikmssoej oecirgatoie. Vhm fata os traescmrrmf thm progary rmquormf. Vhm ti kigputmr usms gmgiry ots oeput whme aef iutput fmvokms ti akkmss fata stirmf oe thm smkiefary gmgiry.

[tirajm fmvokms

CAKV CONM CO NM Kakhm gmgiry kae `m usmf cir oekrmasoej thm kapakoty ic thm progary gmgiry aef ti gabm thm prikmssoej castmr.

Iutput ]eot Iutput ueot os cir jmttoej oecirgatoie crig a kigputmr. Cir mxagpnm, thm Sosuan Fospnay ]eot (SF]) ir thm gieotir os ae iutput fmvokm that fospnays thm oecirgatoie ie thm skrmme. Vhm oecirgatoie shiwe ie a fospnay ueot os kannmf sict kipy. [pmabmrs arm thm iutput fmvokms whokh prifukm iutput oe thm cirg ic aufoi. _iu kae ansi i`taoe oecirgatoie crig a kigputmr ie a physokan gmfoug sukh as papmr aef traesparmeky woth thm hmnp ic a proetmr. Troetmf oecirgatoie os kannmf harf kipy. Eiw, nmt us nmare a`iut a cmw girm iutput ueots.

Noquof Krystan Fospnay (NKF) Trilmktir< Iutput crig a kigputmr kae ansi `m vomwmf ie a narjm skrmme ir cnat surcakms ithmr thae thm gieotir usoej ae NKF prilmktir. Ot os usuanny usmf cir shiwoej TiwmrTioet prmsmetatoies oe gaey irjaeosatoies.

 NKF prilmktir  prilmktir 

Tnittmrs< Vhmsm arm thm iutput fmvokms usmf cir gaboej hojh-quanoty jraphoks, kharts, foajrags, gaps, mtk. Tnittmrs usm ae oeb lmt ir oeb pmes ti krmatm thm fmsormf iutput ie papmr. Vhmrm arm foccmrmet typm ic pnittmrs avaona`nm. Vhm thrmm `asok typms ic pnittmrs arm< 1.  Oeblmt Tnittmr< Ot sprays sgann fripnmts ic oeb ieti a pomkm ic papmr thmrm`y krmatoej ae ogajm.



0.  Cnat`mf Tnittmr< Vhm pme ir thm oeblmt givms oe hirozietan aef vmrtokan formktoies ivmr a coxmf hirozietan cnat surcakm ie whokh a papmr os giuetmf. ;.  Frug Tnittmr< Ot usms a frug rmvinvmr ir rinnmr ti givm thm papmr aef thm pme ir thm lmts ic thm oeb furoej thm proetoej prikmss. Vhm papmr os pnakmf ivmr thm frug whokh os thme ritatmf. Vhm pme os givmf aniej thm hirozietan ir vmrtokan formktoie ti proet thm iutput.

 Oeblmt pnittmr pnittmr

Cnat`mf pnittmr  pnittmr 

 Frug pnittmr  pnittmr 

 O V _ A K V O S A.

Gabm a nost ic thm natmst oeput, iutput aef stirajm fmvokms avaona`nm oe thm garbmt garbmt thmsm fays.


Zhat arm thm usms ic cnash frovms9 Coef iut thm raejm ic thmor stirajm kapakotoms. kapakotoms.


]soej thm Oetmremt, coef iut thm varoius stirajm kapakotoms kapakotoms ic PAG avaona`nm avaona`nm oe thm garbmt.

Katmjirosatoie ic [ictwarm A sictwarm os a smt ic prijrags that rues a kigputmr systmg. Kigputmr sictwarm os stirmf aef mxmkutmf woth thm hmnp ic kigputmr harfwarm. Galir katmjiroms ic sictwarm that cirg part ic a kigputmr systmg arm foskussmf hmrm.

[ystmg [ictwarm

CAKV CONM CO NM Kigputmr wirbs ie thm thmiry ic JOJI (Jar`ajm Oe Jar`ajm Iut). Ot gmaes that wriej oeput wonn jovm wriej iutput.

[ystmg sictwarm os a prijrag that gaeajms aef suppirts thm rmsiurkms aef ipmratoies ic a kigputmr systmg whonm ot mxmkutms varoius tasbs sukh as prikmssoej ic fata aef



oecirgatoie, kietrinnoej thm harfwarm kigpiemets aef anniwoej usmrs ti usm thm appnokatoie sictwarm. Oe ithmr wirfs, systmg sictwarm os a `rofjm `mtwmme thm kigputmr systmg harfwarm aef thm appnokatoie sictwarm. Ipmratoej systmg (I[) os ae mxagpnm ic systmg sictwarm. [ystmg sictwarm kietrins thm oetmrean kigputmr ipmratoies. Ot kae `m curthmr knassocomf oeti twi katmjiroms.

Ipmratoej [ystmg< Ae ipmratoej systmg os a sictwarm whokh akts as ae oetmrcakm `mtwmme thm usmr aef thm kigputmr (that os, ann kigputmr rmsiurkms). Ot os ae ogpirtaet kigpiemet that kietrins ann ithmr kigpiemets ic thm kigputmr systmg. Zothiut ae ipmratoej systmg, a kigputmr os ic ei usm. [igm ic thm kiggieny usmf ipmratoej systmgs arm Zoefiws, FI[, ]EOX, mtk.

Naejuajm Naejuaj m Vraesnatirs Vraesnatirs< Vhmsm arm usmf ti traesnatm prijraggoej naejuajms. Vhmrm arm thrmm typms ic naejuajm traesnatirs. Kigponmr < Ot traesnatms thm hojh-nmvmn naejuajm prijrag oeti gakhoem naejuajm. Ot kievmrts thm metorm prijrag oe iem ji aef rmpirts ann thm mrrirs ic thm prijrag aniej

woth thmor noem eug`mrs at thm mef. Cir mxagpnm, K naejuajm usms a kigponmr. Vhm traesnatmf prijrag os kannmf thm i`lmkt prijrag ir thm i`lmkt kifm.  Oetmrprmtmr < Ot traesnatms a prijrag wrottme oe hojh-nmvmn naejuajm oeti gakhoem naejuajm `y kievmrtoej aef mxmkutoej ot noem `y noem. Oc thmrm os aey mrrir oe aey noem, thm oetmrprmtmr rmpirts ot oggmfoatmny aef prijrag mxmkutoie kaeeit rmsugm ueton ot os rmktocomf. Hiwmvmr, ot os a sgannmr prijrag thae a kigponmr. Cir mxagpnm, @A[OK usms ae oetmrprmtmr as thm traesnatir.  Assmg`nmr < Ot os a naejuajm traesnatir that kievmrts a prijrag wrottme oe assmg`ny naejuajm oeti gakhoem naejuajm.

Appnokatoie [ictwarm

Appnokatoie sictwarm os a smt ic prijrags emkmssary ti karry iut ipmratoies cir a spmkocomf appnokatoie. Vhmsm arm thm prijrags wrottme `y prijraggmrs ti mea`nm kigputmrs ti pmrcirg a spmkocok tasb. Saroius appnokatoie sictwarm aef thmor mxagpnms arm jovme `mniw. Va`nm 1.0  Saroius Appnokatoie [ictwarm aef thmor mxagpnms Appnokatoie [ictwarm


Zirf prikmssirs Zi

G [ Zirf G[

Trmsmetatoie tiin

G[ TiwmrTioet



[prmafshmmt pakbajm

G[ Mxkmn, Nitus 10;

Fata`asm Gaeajmgmet [ystmg

G[ Akkmss, [y`asm

@usoemss sictwarm

Oevmetiry gaeajmgmet, payrinn systmg, Coeaekoan akkiuetoej, Hitmn gaeajmgmet, mtk.

Ogajm/ Sofmi mfotoej

JOGT, Thitiship, JOGT, T hitiship, Zoefiws Givom Gabmr, mtk.

]tonoty [ictwarm ]tonotoms arm appnokatoie prijrags whokh assost a kigputmr `y pmrcirgoej hiusmbmmpoej cuektoies nobm `akboej up fosb ir skaeeoej/knmaeoej vorusms ir arraejoej oecirgatoie. Vhmy mesurm thm sgiith cuektoieoej ic a kigputmr. [igm ogpirtaet utonotoms arm tmxt mfotir usmf cir krmatoej aef mfotoej tmxt conms, `akbup utonoty that cakonotatms thm `akboej-up ic fosbs, kigprmssoie utonoty that cakonotatms kigprmssoie ic conms, fosb fmcrajgmetatoie utonoty that attmgpts ti goeogosm thm crajgmetatoie ie thm fosb, aef aeto-vorus sictwarm that mesurms a vorus-crmm mevoriegmet.

CAKV CONM Vhm ipme siurkm appnokatoie sictwarm privofms thm siurkm kifm aniej woth thm .mxm conm si that usmrs kae gabm khaejms oe thm kifm ti suot thmor rmquormgmets. Vhm ipme siurkm su`stotutm ic G[ Iccokm os IpmeIccokm.

 O V _ A K V O S A.

Gabm a nost ic kiggieny usmf utonoty sictwarms.


Pmaf girm a`iut ipme siurkm appnokatoie sictwarms.


Gabm a khart ie thm mvinutoie mvinutoie ic kigputmr naejuajms. Knassocy thmg `asmf ie whmthmr thmy usm a kigponmr ir ae oetmrprmtmr.



JNI[[AP_ Ot os thm corst kankunatoej gakhoem that pmrcirgmf sogpnm arothgmtok kankunatoies.


Aeanytokan mejoem

Ot os thm corst gmkhaeokan jmemran purpism kigputmr whokh cinniws typokan OTI kyknm usmf oe gifmre fay kigputmrs.

Appnokatoie sictwarm

Ot kievmrts a prijrag wrottme oe assmg`ny naejuajm oeti gakhoem naejuajm.


Ot os a niw-nmv niw-nmvmn mn prijraggoej naejuajm whokh usms Mejnosh wirfs.

Assmg`ny naejuajm @ot

Ot os a smt ic prijrags emkmssary ti karry iut ipmratoies cir a spmkocomf appnokatoie.

Ot gmaes a `oeary fojot.


Ot os a jriup ic mojht `ots. Ot os a naejuajm traesnatir that traesnatms hojh-nmvmn naejuajm prijrag oeti gakhoem naejuajm.


Ot os a kigputmr fmsojemf ti cot kigcirta`ny ie thm tip ic a fmsb.


Ot os ae marny fojotan fmvokm whokh was fmsojemf ti pmrcirg gathmgatokan aef astrieigokan kankunatoies.

Foccmrmekm mejoem

Ot os a naejuajm that usms thm mejnosh anpha`mt aef gathmgatokan syg`ins aef ie whokh thm thorf thor f jmemratoie ic kigputmrs arm `asmf.

Hojh-nmvmn naejuajm Oetmrprmtmr Naptip

Ot os naejuajm prikmssir whokh kievmrts hojh-nmvmn hojh-nmvmn naejuajm prijrag oeti gakhoem naejuajm `y kievmrtoej kievmrtoej aef mxmkutoej ot noem `y noem.

Ot os a pirta`nm kigputmr that kae `m pnakmf ie yiur nap.

Gakhoem naejuajm

Ot os a naejuajm n aejuajm wrottme usoej niej stroejs ic 4s aef 1s cir kigputoej.

Gaoecragm kigputmr Gokrikigputmr

Ot os a vmry narjm kigputmr, ictme connoej ae metorm riig.

Ot os a kiggieny usmf tmrg cir pmrsiean kigputmrs.

Goeokigputmr Ot os gukh narjmr thae a gokrikigputmr, aef os ansi gukh girm mxpmesovm. Eapomr‟s @iems Ot was usmf cir pmrcirgoej sogpnm arothgmtok kankunatoies. Eo``nm

Ot os a jriup ic 6 `ots.

Ipmratoej systmg Taskanoem

Ot os a sictwarm that akts as ae oetmrcakm `mtwmme thm usmr aef thm kigputmr.

Ot was iem ic thm t hm corst gmkhaeokan kankunatirs ti `m fmvmnipmf.

Trogary gmgiry [mkiefary gmgiry [gartphiem

Ot fmtmrgoems thm sozm aef eug`mr ic sictwarm that a kigputmr kae stirm. Ot os thm gmgiry usmf cir stiroej fata ir prijrags ie a tmgpirary ir ie a pmrgaemet `asos.

Ot os a gi`onm phiem `uont ie a gi`onm I[ woth mehaekmf cmaturms kigparmf ti ae irfoeary gi`onm phiem.



[iurkm prijrag [upmrkigputmr [ystmg sictwarm Va`nmt

Ot os a prijrag wrottme oe a hojh-nmvmn naejuajm. Ot os a gifmre kigputoej gakhoem that os kapa`nm ic jovoej spmmfy kankunatoies. Ot os thm sictwarm that kietrins thm oetmrean kigputmr ipmratoies.

Ot os a gi`onm kigputmr woth a tiukhskrmme aef a `uont oe vortuan bmy`iarf.

]tonoty sictwarm


Ot os a smt ic appnokatoie prijrags that assost thm kigputmr `y pmrcirgoej hiusmbmmpoej cuektoies.

1. [igm ic thm marny kankunatoej fmvokms fmvokms arm A`akus, Eapomr‟s Eapomr‟s @iems Taskanoem, Foccmrmekm mejoem aef Aeanytokan mejoem. 0. Corst jmemratoie kigputmrs wmrm kharaktmrosmf `y thm usm ic vakuug vakuug tu`ms. Vhmy usmf gakhoem naejuajm.


;. [mkief jmemratoie kigputmrs wmrm garbmf garbmf `y thm rmpnakmgmet rmpnakmgmet ic vakuug vakuug tu`ms woth traesostirs. tr aesostirs. Vhmy usmf assmg`ny naejuajm.

6. Vhorf jmemratoie kigputmrs wmrm garbmf garbmf `y thm usm ic oetmjratmf oetmjratmf korkuots. Vhmy wmrm wmrm `asmf ie hojh-nmvmn naejuajms. =. Oetrifuktoie ic gokriprikmssirs was thm hanngarb ic ciurth jmemratoie kigputmrs. kigputmrs. 3. Vhm cocth jmemratoie kigputmrs arm arm `moej fmvmnipmf. fmvmnipmf. Vhmy Vhmy arm jioej ti `m `asmf ie thm proekopnms ic artocokoan oetmnnojmekm aef eaturan naejuajm rmkijeotoie. :. Kigputmrs arm kiggieny knassocomf knassocomf ie thm `asos `asos ic thmor sozm aef spmmf spmmf as gokrikigputmr, gokrikigputmr, goeokigputmr, gaoecragm kigputmr aef supmrkigputmr supmrkigputmr.. 8. Cuektoiean kigpiemets ic a kigputmr arm arm oeput ueot, Kmetran Trikmssoej Trikmssoej ]eot aef iutput ueot. ?. Vhm KT] has thrmm kigpiemets whokh arm rmspieso`nm cir foccmrmet cuektoies< cuektoies< AN], K] aef G].


[tatm whmthmr trum ir cansm.

1. Vhm corst jmemratoie ic kigputmrs was `asmf ie oetmjratmf korkuots. 0. [mkiefary gmgiry os ansi beiwe as auxonoary gmgiry. gmgiry.



;. @usoemss sictwarm arm thism appnokatoie prijrags that assost thm kigputmr `y pmrcirgoej hiusmbmmpoej cuektoies. 6. Oe ae oeblmt pnittmr, thm pme givms oe hirozietan aef vmrtokan formktoies. =. Taskanoem was iem ic thm corst gmkhaeok gmkhaeokan an kankunatirs ti `m fmvmnipmf. @.

Gatkh thm cinniwoej.

1. Cocth jmemratoie kigputmr

a. Kigputmrs usmf oe knassriigs, higms, `aebs, ueovmrsotoms, mtk.

0. Gokrikigputmr

`. @asmf ie thm proekopnm ic artoco artocokoan koan oetmnnojmekm

;. Harfwarm

k. Hanngarb ic ciurth jmemratoie kigputmrs

6. Gokriprikmssir

f. A `rofjm `mtwmme kigputmr systmg harfwarm aef appnokatoie sictwarm.

=. Ipmratoej systmg

m. Vhm physokan kigpiemets ic thm kigputmr whokh yiu kae tiukh aef cmmn.



Jovm cunn cirgs ic thm cinniwoej.

1. AN]

........................................................................................................................ ........................................................... .................................................................................. .....................

0. IKP

........................................................................................................................ ........................................................... .................................................................................. .....................


........................................................................................................................ ........................................................... .................................................................................. .....................

6. NKF

........................................................................................................................ ........................................................... .................................................................................. .....................

=. SF]

........................................................................................................................ ........................................................... .................................................................................. .....................

Conn oe thm `naebs. 1. ..................................................... wmrm wmrm oetrifukmf oetrifukmf oe smkief jmemratoie jmemratoie kigputmrs kigputmrs..

0. ..................................................... oevmetmf Aeanytokan mejoems. ;. Vhorf jmemratoie jmemratoie kigputmrs kigputmrs wmrm wmrm `asmf ie ..................................................... ..................................................... naejuajms. naejuajms. 6. Iur naptips naptips arm ..................................................... kigputm kigputmrs. rs. =. ..................................................... os a naejuajm naejuajm traesnatir traesnatir whokh kievmrts kievmrts assmg`ny naejuajm ti gakhoem naejuajm. M.

Aeswmr thm cinniwoej qumstoies.

1. Eagm thm foccmrmet jmemratoies ic kigputmrs.



0. Hiw arm kigputmrs knassocomf ie thm `asos ic thmor sozm aef spmmf9 ;. Foccmrmet Foccmrmetoatm oatm `mtwmme thm thm twi typms ic progary progary gmgiry avaona`nm oe kigputmrs. kigputmrs. 6. Zhat os thm usm ic pnittmrs9 Ansi, fmskro`m thm varoius typms ic pnittmrs. =. Foccmrmetoatm `mtwmme a kigponmr aef ae oetmrprmtmr.


[markh girm a`iut marny kankunatoej fmvokms. Gabm a prmsmetatoie fmskro`oej tmkheinijy usmf oe thm fmvokms.


[mkiefary gmgiry os avaona`nm oe thm cirg ic stirajm fmvokms. Coef iut thm ogpirtaet cmaturms ic a cmw smkiefary stirajm fmvokms avaona`nm avaona`nm oe thm garbmt thmsm fays aef gabm a rmpirt ir a prmsmetatoie. Vabm Vabm hmnp ic thm Oetmremt, no`rary rmsiurkms, mtk.

TPILMKV ZIPB Gabm a prmsmetatoie ie ‘Knassocokatoie ic Kigputmrs‟. Zrotm a`iut thm ogpirtaet cmaturms aef usm ic makh typm ic thm kigputmr. Vabm Vabm hmnp ic thm oetmremt ti gabm thm prmsmetatoie aef oesmrt pokturms whmrmvmr pisso`nm. Gabm thm nast snofm ic prmsmetatoie as `o`noijraphy ir krmfots aef put thm ]PNs ic ann thm sotms crig whmrm yiu havm kinnmktmf thm oecirgatoie.

ZHI AG O9 O was `ire ie 1 Luem, 1?=3. O havm fmsojemf ipmratoej systmg 83-FI[ cir thm Oetmn 8483 woth [mattnm Kigputmr Trifukts. O ag ansi beiwe as ‘Vhm Cathmr ic FI[‟. O ag ................................. .................................................................... ..................................... .





[EAT PMKAT 1. Zhat os ae ipmratoej systmg9

_iu wonn nmare a`iut<

0. Zhat arm thm kiggie ipmratoej


• •

cuektoies ic ae I[ • typms ic I[

systmgs fays9 avaona`nm oe garbmt thmsm ;. Zhy fi yiu emmf ae ipmratoej systmg9

ipmratoej systmg oetmrcakm ogpirtaekm ic shut fiwe

Oetrifuktoie Kigputmrs kaeeit cuektoie ie thmor iwe. Vhmy rmquorm prijraggoej oestruktoies ti wirb aef gaeajm thm systmg. Vhos li` os fiem `y ae ipmratoej systmg. Ae ipmratoej systmg os a systmg sictwarm. Ot gay `m rmjarfmf rmjarfmf as thm `akb`iem ic a kigputmr, kigputmr, aef os ae oetmrcakm `mtwmme thm `mniw. usmr aef thm kigputmr . Ot pmrcirgs thm `asok tasbs ic a kigputmr. Vhmsm ar m jovme arm

1. Ot rmkijeosms oeput crig thm bmy`iarf. 0. Ot smefs iutput ti thm fospnay skrmme. ;. Ot bmmps bmmps trakb ic conms conms aef formktiroms ie thm fosb. 6. Ot kietrins thm pmrophmran (oeput aef iutput) fmvokms fmvokms sukh as proetmrs. =. Ot akts as ae oetmrcakm `mtwmme thm harfwarm ic a kigputmr aef thm usmr. [igm ic thm kiggieny usmf ipmratoej systmgs arm Fosb Ipmratoej [ystmg (FI[), G[ Zoefiws, Noeux, Zoefiws EV aef Gak I[.



@iitoej @iitoej os a prikmss that starts thm ipmratoej systmg whme thm usmr tures ie a kigputmr systmg. Ot os a smnc-startoej prikmss.

Vypms ic @iitoej

@iitoej os `asokanny ic twi typms<

 Zarg @iit< Ot os prmssoej thm Pmstart `uttie Zarg whonm thm kigputmr os anrmafy ie.

 Kinf @iit< Ot os prmssoej thm Tiwmr `uttie Kinf whme thm kigputmr os swotkhmf icc.

CAKV CONM CON M Vhm tmkheinijy upjrafatoie that os foccmrmet crig ots prmvoius typm os kannmf aicvmrsoie. Vhm vmrsoies Zoefiws armvaroius Zoefiws ?=, Zoefiws ?8, Zoefiws 0444, Zoefiws GM, Zoefiws EV, Zoefiws XT X T, Zoefiws Sosta, Zoefiws :, Zoefiws 8 aef Zoefiws 14.

Trikmss ic @iitoej Zhme yiu swotkh ie a kigputmr, thm ipmratoej systmg os niafmf oeti PAG autigatokanny. Ot cinniws thm smqumekm jovme `mniw. Vhmsm stmps arm part ic a `iitoej prikmss. 1. As siie as thm kigputmr os turemf ie, a sictwarm, eagmny, @asok Oeput/Iutput [ystmg (@OI[) os rue. Vhos sictwarm os `uont oeti a kigputmr‟s PIG. @OI[ starts thm ipmratoej systmg aef suppirts thm traescmr ic oecirgatoie `mtwmme harfwarm fmvokms. 0. @OI[ corst kiefukts a Tiwmr-Ie [mnc Vmst Vmst (TI[V) ti gabm surm ann thm kigpiemets ic thm kigputmr arm oe a wirboej kiefotoie woth a pripmr piwmr suppny. Vhm @OI[ thme niibs cir thm spmkoan `iit prijrags that wonn aktuanny niaf thm ipmratoej systmg crig thm harf fosb. ;. A kigputmr gay havm smvmran smvmran fosbs ir frovms. Vhm ipmratoej systmg os niafmf oe iem ic thm fosbs. @OI[ corst niibs cir a cnippy fosb ie frovm A. Oc thmrm os ei systmg fosb oe ot (whmrm thm ipmratoej systmg os niafmf), @OI[ thme niibs cir thm systmg conms at a spmkocok pnakm ie yiur harf fosb. 6. @OI[ emxt niibs at thm corst smktir ic thm harf fosb, aef kipoms thm oecirgatoie crig ot ieti spmkocok nikatoies oe PAG. Vhos oecirgatoie os beiwe as thm @iit Pmkirf  ir Gastmr @iit Pmkirf (G@P). =. G@P prijrag wonn eiw niaf thm systmg conms ic ae ipmratoej systmg oeti thm PAG.  


Iekm thm systmg conms arm niafmf, thm I[ os rmafy ti tabm kietrin ic thm systmg. I[ rmgaoes oe thm kigputmr‟s gmgiry tonn thm piwmr os ie.


Nmt us eiw i`smrvm thm cniwkhart shiwoej thm prikmss ic `iitoej (Coj. 0.1). Kigputmr os swotkhmf ie

@OI[ khmkbs frovms cir systmg fosb 

@OI[ kiefukts TI[V

@OI[ niafs G@P

G@P prijrag niafs ipmratoej systmg conms

Coj. 0.1  0.1  Cniwkhart shiwoej thm prikmss ic `iitoej

Cuektoies ic ae Ipmratoej [ystmg Ae ipmratoej systmg fims thm li` ic a systmg gaeajmr. Ot pmrcirgs varoius ogpirtaet cuektoies (Coj. 0.0) as jovme. Cuektoies ic ae Ipmratoej [ystmg Trikmss Gaeajmgmet

Fmvokm Gaeajmgmet

Gmgiry Gaeajmgmet

Conm Gaeajmgmet


Coj. 0.0 Saroius cuektoies ic ae ipmratoej systmg

Trikmss Gaeajmgmet Ae ipmratoej systmg kietrins aef skhmfunms thm prikmssms cir mxmkutoie `y thm KT]. Ot os rmspieso`nm cir annikatoej thm KT]‟s togm ti makh prikmss. Cir mxagpnm, yiu arm wirboej ie ae G[ Zirf fikugmet. Oe ture, ot gay kausm smvmran ithmr `akbjriuef prikmssms ti `mjoe, sukh as, vorus khmkbs, gmgiry gaeajmgmet, mtk. Actmr a li` os fiem ir a prikmss os kigpnmtmf, thm KT] `mkigms ofnm. Actmr that oc thmrm arm ithmr prikmssms oe qumum (Coj. 0.;), thme thm togm os annikatmf ti makh prikmss ic thm KT]. Vhos whinm systmg os gaeajmf ti mesurm gaxogug iutput crig thm systmg. Trikmss OOO

Trikmss OO

Trikmss O


Coj. 0.;  0.;  KT] prikmss prikmss qumum

Fmvokm Gaeajmgmet CAKV CONM CO NM

Fmvokm gaeajmgmet os ae ogpirtaet cuektoie ic ae ipmratoej systmg. Ot kiirfoeatms aef kietrins thm varoius oeput aef iutput fmvokms attakhmf ti thm systmg. Zhme thm systmg os rmafy ti tabm oeput, thme thm oeput fmvokm os gafm avaona`nm ti thm usmr aef whme thm prikmssoej li` os ivmr, thme thm

Vhm ipmratoej systmg emmfs a sictwarm, kannmf fmvokm frovmr, frovmr, ti rmkijeosm thm oeput aef thm iutput fmvokms attakhmf ti thm

iutput os rmformktmf ti thm iutput fmvokm.




Gmgiry Gaeajmgmet Zhmemvmr yiu start aey appnokatoie sictwarm, ot jmts niafmf ieti thm systmg gmgiry aef whme yiu ipme aey conm, a kipy ic that conm os niafmf ieti thm gmgiry crig thm fosb. Vhos os fiem `y ae ipmratoej systmg. Ot annikatms kmrtaoe gmgiry arma ti otsmnc woth thm hmnp ic thm `iitoej prikmss aef smts asofm thm rmgaoeoej arma cir varoius appnokatoie prijrags.

Conm Gaeajmgmet A nit ic fata os stirmf ie thm harf fosb whokh oe ture os cirgmf ic gonnoies ic trakbs aef smktirs. At thm togm ic stiroej fata ie thm fosb, ot os eit kigpunsiry that ot ikkupoms thm smktirs oe a smqumekm. Ot os thm li` ic ae ipmratoej systmg ti rmaf thm conm crig foccmrmet trakbs aef smktirs whme rmquormf, aef ansi stirm ot oe thm avaona`nm spakm.

Hiusmbmmpoej Hiusmbmmpoej oeknufms ann thm smrvokms emkmssary ti mesurm sgiith ipmratoie ic thm kigputmr systmg, nobm smkuroty, pritmktoie, rmsiurkm akkiuetoej, `akb up, mtk.

Vypms ic Ipmratoej [ystmgs [oejnm-usmr Ipmratoej [ystmg As thm eagm ogpnoms, soejnm-usmr ipmratoej systmg os fmsojemf si that ieny iem usmr kae mccmktovmny wirb ie a kigputmr at a togm. Vhos os thm typm ic ipmratoej systmg gist pmipnm usm ie thmor fmsbtips aef naptips tifay. Zoefiws ?8, FI[ aef Gak I[ arm a cmw mxagpnms ic a soejnm-usmr ipmratoej systmg.

Gunto-usmr Ipmratoej [ystmg A gunto-usmr ipmratoej systmg suppirts guntopnm usmrs at thm sagm togm aef/ir foccmrmet togms. Vhm ipmratoej systmg gust gabm surm that thm rmquormgmets ic thm foccmrmet usmrs arm `anaekmf. Ansi, makh ic thm prijrags thmy arm usoej has succokomet aef smparatm rmsiurkms si that a pri`nmg woth iem usmr fims eit accmkt thm metorm kiggueoty ic usmrs. Cir mxagpnm, Noeux, ]eox Zoefiws EV aef Eivmnn Emtwarm kae suppirt huefrmfs aef thiusaefs ic emtwirbmf usmrs.

Ipmratoej [ystmg Oetmrcakm Vhm ipmratoej systmg privofms a pnatcirg ie whokh thm appnokatoie prijrag rues. Ot privofms ae oetmrcakm whokh kae `m knassocomf curthmr.



Kharaktmr ]smr Oetmrcakm (K]O) Oe K]O, thm ipmratoej systmg privofms ae mevoriegmet whmrm thm usmr emmfs ti typm a kiggaef ti pmrcirg a partokunar aktoie. Cir mxagpnm, Fosb Ipmratoej [ystmg (FI[).

Jraphokan ]smr Oetmrcakm (J]O) Oe J]O, thm ipmratoej systmg privofms a jraphokan mevoriegmet whmrm thm giusm akts as a pioetoej fmvokm. Vhm usmr kae pmrcirg ae aktoie lust `y a giusm-knokb. Cir mxagpnm, Zoefiws ipmratoej systmg.

Ogpirtaekm ic [hut Fiwe @y eiw yiu arm wmnn awarm that Zoefiws rmgaoes oe thm kigputmr gmgiry tonn thm piwmr os ie. Actmr kigpnmtoej thm wirb, thmsm ipmratoej systmg conms arm smet `akb ti thm harf fosb pripmrny si that ei fagajm os kausmf ti thmsm conms. Vhos prikmss os beiwe as shut fiwe ic ae ipmratoej systmg. Oc yiu swotkh icc thm kigputmr wothiut jovoej a pripmr shut fiwe kiggaef thme thmrm arm vmry hojh khaekms ic nisoej thm fata, aef ot gay ansi fagajm thm Zoefiws ipmratoej systmg. Vi shut fiwe a kigputmr pripmrny Knokb ie [tart  iptoie (Coj. 0.6).

[hut fiwe 

Cir ithmr iptoies, knokb ie thm arriw rojht ti [hut fiwe  iptoie. Ot jmemranny shiws thm cinniwoej iptoies< •  [wotkh usmr< Ot swotkhms

thm usmr wothiut knisoej thm prijrags kurrmetny oe usm. •  Nij icc< Ot knisms ann prijrags rueeoej ie thm kigputmr. Hiwmvmr, Hiwmvmr, thm kigputmr stonn rues.

Coj. 0.6 ]soej [tart gmeu ti shut fiwe

•  Nikb < Ot nikbs thm kigputmr aef thm wirb ie prijrags rueeoej kae `m rmsugmf ie uenikboej thm kigputmr. •  Pmstart< Oc fum ti sigm mrrir thm kigputmr emmfs ti `m shut fiwe, thme ot kae `m rmstartmf `y usoej thm Pmstart iptoie. Vhos iptoie shuts fiwe thm Zoefiws

pripmrny aef thme starts ot ajaoe oggmfoatmny.



•  [nmmp< Ot puts thm kigputmr oe a niw-piwmr statm aef savms thm wirb `moej fiem si that ot kae `m rmsugmf crig thm pioet whmrm ot was nmct icc.

CAKV CONM CO NM Nobm [nmmp oe fmsbtip TKs, Ho`mreatm  os a piwmr-savoej gifm fmvmnipmf fmvmnipmf cir naptips. Ot Ho`mreatm os bmmps thm aktovm fikugmets aef prijrags rueeoej ie thm harf fosb aef puts thm kigputmr oe niw-piwmr statm si that wirb kae `m rmsugmf r msugmf quokbny. quokbny. Vhos anniws thm usmrs ti rmstirm wirb mvme oe kasm ic piwmr caonurm.

 O V _ A K V O S Pmaf girm a`iut gi`onm ipmratoej systmgs. Nost thm varoius gi`onm I[ avaona`nm oe thm garbmt.


A `uont-oe sictwarm oeti a kigputmr‟s PAG. Ot os a prikmss that starts thm ipmratoej systmg whme thm usmr tures ie a kigputmr systmg.

@iitoej Kinf `iit

Ot os thm prikmss ic prmssoej ie thm Tiwmr `uttie whme thm kigputmr os o s shut fiwe.

G@P Ot os thm oecirgatoie that @OI[ kipoms ieti thm PAG. Gunto-usmr ipmratoej systmg Ot suppirts guntopnm usmrs at thm sagm togm aef/ir foccmrmet togms. Ipmratoej systmg TI[V

Ot os a systmg sictwarm that os ae oetmrcakm `mtwmme thm usmr aef thm kigputmr.

Tiwmr-Ie [mnc Vmst Vmst kiefuktmf `y @OI[ ti gabm g abm surm ann thm kigpiemets ic thm kigputmr arm oe a wirboej kiefotoie.

[oejnm-usmr ipmratoej systmg Zarg `iit


Ot os a systmg whmrm ieny iem usmr kae mccmktovmny wirb ie a kigputmr at a togm.

Ot os thm prikmss ic prmssoej thm Pmstart `uttie whonm thm kigputmr os anrmafy ie.




1. Ae ipmratoej systmg pmrcirgs smvmra smvmrann `asok cuektoies. cuektoies. 0. Zhme yiu swotkh ie a kigputmr, kigputmr, thm ipmratoej ipmratoej systmg os niafmf ieti thm PAG autigatokanny oe a spmkocok smqumekm. ;. Ae ipmratoej systmg fims thm li` ic ic a systmg gaeajmr gaeajmr aef pmrcirgs thm cinniwoej ogpirtaet cuektoies< prikmss pr ikmss gaeajmgmet, fmvokm gaeajmgmet, gmgiry gaeajmgmet, conm gaeajmgmet aef hiusmbmmpoej.

6. Oe K]O, thm ipmratoej systmg privofms privofms ae mevoriegmet mevoriegmet whmrm thm usmr emmfs ti typm a kiggaef ti pmrcirg a partokunar aktoie. Cir mxagpnm, Fosb ipmratoej systmg. =. Oe J]O, thm ipmratoej systmg privofms privofms a jraphokan mevoriegmet mevoriegmet whmrm thm usmr kae pmrcirg ae aktoie `y lust a giusm-knokb. Cir mxagpnm, Zoefiws Zoefiws ipmratoej systmg. 3. Oe Zoefiws, Zoefiws, actmr kigpnmtoej thm wirb, ipmratoej systmg conms conms arm smet `akb ti thm harf fosb pripmrny ti prmvmet fagajm. Vhos prikmss os beiwe as shut fiwe ic ae ipmratoej systmg.


[tatm whmthmr trum ir cansm.

1. Trmssoej ie thm Tiwmr `uttie whme thm kigputmr os swotkhmf icc os kannmf warg `iit. 0. Ae ipmratoej systmg smefs iutput ti thm fospnay skrmme. ;. Zhme thm systmg os swotkhmf ie, thme thm @OI[ niafs ieti thm PAG. 6. Gunto-usmr ipmratoej systmg os smnmktmf whme iem usmr emmfs ti fi iem thoej at a togm. =. Ae ipmratoej systmg os ae appnokatoie sictwarm. @.

Korknm thm iff iem iut crig thm cinniwoej.

1. FI[




0. Hiusmbmmpoej

Trikmss gaeajmgmet

Fmvokm gaeajmgmet


;. G@P




6. [wotkh usmr







Jovm iem wirf cir thm cinniwoej.

1. Trmssoe Trmssoej j thm Pmstart `uttie whonm thm kigputmr os anrmafy ie.


0. Ae oetmrcakm `mtwmme thm usmr aef thm kigputmr kigputmr..


;. A jraphokan jraphokan mevoriegm mevoriegmet et whmrm a giusm giusm akts as a pioetoej pioetoej fmvokm. .............................. 6. Vhm prikmss ic prmssoej ie thm Tiwmr `uttie whme thm kigputmr os swotkhmf icc. .............................. =. A prikmss that starts thm ipmratoej systmg whme thm usmr tures ie a kigputmrr systmg. kigputm .............................. F.

Aeswmr thm cinniwoej qumstoies.

1. Zhat os ae ipmratoej systmg9 Zhat `asok tasbs fims ot pmrcirg9 0. Menost thm stmps ic `iitoej. ;. Foccmrmetoatm `mtwmme thm twi ipmratoej systmg oetmrca oetmrcakms. kms. 6. Zhy os ot ogpirtaet ti pripmrny shut fiwe yiur kigputmr9 =. Foskuss thm varoius typms ic ipmratoej systmgs.


Coef iut thm foccmrmekm `mtwmme thm tmrg Gunto-usmr, Gunto-tasboej aef Gunto-prikmssoej Ipmratoej [ystmgs aef wrotm thm foccmrmekms `mtwmme thmg oe a wirf fikugmet. [uppirt yiur aeswmr usoej suota`nm mxagpnms.


[tart thm kigputmr oe yiur na` aef i`smrvm thm `iitoej prikmss. Fmpokt thm t hm `iitoej prikmss woth thm hmnp ic a cniwkhart.

TPILMKV ZIPB Gabm a prmsmetatoie ie ogpirtaet cuektoies ic ae ipmratoej systmg. Vry ti jmt girm oecirgatoie a`iut makh cuektoie gmetoiemf oe thm khaptmr. Vabm Vabm thm hmnp ic thm oetmremt oet mremt aef oesmrt pokturms whmrmvmr pisso`nm. Gabm thm nast snofm ic prmsmetatoie as @o`noijraphy ir krmfots aef put thm ]PN ic ann thm sotms crig whmrm yiu havm kinnmktmf thm oecirgatoie.



Noeux os a ]eox-nobm ipmratoej systmg fmsojemf `y Noeus Virvanfs. Virvanfs. Ot was rmnmasmf ie = Ikti`mr 1??1, whme Virvanfs Virvanfs was stonn a stufmet at thm t hm ]eovmrsoty ic Hmnsoebo, Coenaef. [igm pipunar Noeux fostro`utoies arm Cmfira `y Pmf Hat Metmrprosm, Gaefrova, ipme [][M, Arkh Noeux aef ]`uetu crig Kaeieokan. Girm thae ?4% ic wirnf‟s =44 castmst supmrkigputmrs oeknufoej tip 14 castmst supmrkigputmrs rue ie sigm varoaet ic Noeux. [igm bmy cmaturms ic Noeux arm< • Crmm aef ipme siurkm ‛ Noeux ‛ Noeux os ae ipme siurkm ipmratoej systmg sictwarm, that os, ot os crmm ti usm, gifocy aef fostro`utm `ith kiggmrkoanny aef eie-kiggmrkoanny. eie-kiggmrkoanny. Aeyiem woth nokmesms sukh as thm JE] Jmemran Tu`nok Nokmesm kae gifocy aef ogprivm thm prijrag as pmr thmor iwe rmquormgmet. • Guntotasboej aef Gunto-usmr ‛ Noeux ‛ Noeux os ansi a guntotasboej aef gunto-usmr ipmratoej systmg. Vhmrmcirm, gaey pmipnm kae rue gaey foccmrmet appnokatoies ie iem kigputmr at thm sagm togm usoej thmor ueoqum Nijoe OF aef OF aef Tasswirf Tasswirf..  Noeux ipmratoej systmg kae rue ie gaey foccmrmet kigputmr pnatcirgs. • Guntopnatcirg ‛ ‛ Noeux t hm gist smkurm ipmratoej systmgs. Conm akkmss pmrgossoie • [mkurm ‛ Noeux os iem ic thm systmgs prmvmet akkmss `y uewaetmf vosotirs ir vorusms. Mvmry usmr emmfs thmor iwe usmr of aef passwirf. • Tirta`nm ‛ A ‛ A Noeux bmremn aef appnokatoie prijrag kae `m oestannmf ie aey boef ic harfwarm pnatcirg. • Homrarkhokan Conm [ystmg ‛ Noeux ‛ Noeux privofms a staefarf conm strukturm oe whokh conms arm arraejmf. • [hmnn ‛ Noeux ‛ Noeux privofms a spmkoan oetmrprmtmr prijrag whokh os usmf ti mxmkutm kiggaefs ic thm ipmratoej systmg. Kigpiemets ic Noeux Galir kigpiemets ic Noeux arm< 1.  Harfwar  Harfwarm< m
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