The Philippine public expenditures are classifed in such a way as to permit the measurement o the costs and benefts o the entire program o the government.
National government expenditures are broadly classifed into fve (5) types which are !. "evel o government #. Nature o expense $. %unctional categories &. Type o unds 5. 'rganiational nits
!. "evel o government a.National *overnment +eers entirely to the machinery o the central government, as distinguished rom the di-erent orms o local government.
b. "ocal *overnment +eers to the political subdivisions established by or in accordance with the onstitution '/cially local government in the Philippines, oten called local government units or "*s, are divided into three levels 1 provinces and independent cities2 component cities and municipalities2 and barangays.
#. Nature o expense a.urrent operating expenditures Purchases o goods and services in current consumption within the fscal year, including the ac3uisition o urniture and e3uipment normally used in the conduct o government operations and or temporary construction o promotional research and similar purposes.
4. Personal services salaries and wages, social security contributions,overtime pay, etc. 44. aintenance and other operating expenditures traveling expenses, supplies and materials, water, illumination and power 6ervices, rent, etc.
#. Nature o expense b. apital 7xpenditures 8re outlays which are used or the purchase o goods and services, the beneft o which extend beyond the %iscal 9ear and which add to the assets o the government including investments in the capital o the government owned and controlled corporations and their subsidiaries.
$. %unctional categories 8re broad grouping o expenditures covering the main unctions o the national government. a) 7conomic :evelopment;6ervices b) 6ocial :evelopment;6ervices c) National :eense d) *eneral *overnment;Public 6ervices e) :ebt 6ervice
a.7conomic :evelopment;6ervices overs the agriculture and natural resources, industry, trade and tourism, utilities and inrastructures.
b. 6ocial :evelopment;6ervices overs those o education, public health and medicare, housing and community amenities, social service and welare, and other social service expenditures not classifed elsewhere.
c. National :eense;6ecurity 4ncludes all military expenditures but excluded those or the police orce.
d. *eneral *overnment;Public 6ervices 4ncludes all general administration expenses (inclusive o allotments to local governments), administration o ond und
a.*eneral %und 4s available or any purpose to which the legislative body may choose to apply it, and is composed o the receipts or revenue which are not by law or by contractual agreement applicable to a specifc purpose or purposes.
b. 6pecial 8ccount 1 *eneral und +eers to the und created or a special purpose or ob
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