February 11, 2017 | Author: Lord Siva | Category: N/A
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Including Set A and Set B of Year 2012 and 2013
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Disclaimer : The information in this book is to give you the path to success but it does not guarantee 100% success as the strategy is completely dependent on its execution. And it is based on last years papers of IMO exam.
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Contents ªª 3rd IMO 2009 ªª 4th IMO 2010 ªª 5th IMO 2011 ªª 6th IMO 2012 - SET A ªª 6th IMO 2012 - SET B ªª 7th IMO 2013 - SET A ªª 7th IMO 2013 - SET B
MTG Work-Books / olyMpiad Books CLASS 1
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Science Olympiad
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Science Olympiad
National Cyber Olympiad
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Science Olympiad
National Cyber Olympiad
MTG Work-Books / olyMpiad Books CLASS 4
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Science Olympiad
National Cyber Olympiad
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Science Olympiad
National Cyber Olympiad
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Science Olympiad
National Cyber Olympiad
MTG Work-Books / olyMpiad Books CLASS 7
National Science Olympiad
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Cyber Olympiad
Science IQ Challenge
Math IQ Challenge
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
Master Mental Ability in 30 Days
International Mathematics Olympiad
National Science Olympiad
National Cyber Olympiad
International English Olympiad
MTG CSS Series
Math IQ Challenge
Science IQ Challenge
Psychology of Success
The Secrets of SUCCESS
Master Mental Ability in 30 Days
MTG Work-Books / olyMpiad Books CLASS 9
International Mathematics Olympiad
Math IQ Challenge
National Science Olympiad
Science IQ Challenge
National Cyber Olympiad
Psychology of Success
The Secrets of SUCCESS
International English Olympiad
Master Mental Ability in 30 Days
International Mathematics Olympiad
Math IQ Challenge
National Science Olympiad
Science IQ Challenge
National Cyber Olympiad
Psychology of Success
The Secrets of SUCCESS
International English Olympiad
Master Mental Ability in 30 Days
MTG Work-Books / olyMpiad Books CLASS 11
International Mathematics Olympiad
Math IQ Challenge
Science IQ Challenge
National Science Olympiad
Psychology of Success
National Cyber Olympiad
The Secrets of SUCCESS
Master Mental Ability in 30 Days
International Mathematics Olympiad
Math IQ Challenge
Science IQ Challenge
National Science Olympiad
Psychology of Success
National Cyber Olympiad
The Secrets of SUCCESS
Master Mental Ability in 30 Days
1 to 10
FoUNdaTioN CoUrsE For Classes 8, 9 & 10 Class 8
Class 9
Class 10
Class 7 3rd
Year 2009
3rd IMO - 2009
Look at the given map. Jay started from Roswell Bridge in a canoe and floats down Clear River and Copper Creek to Bird Park. What is the distance that Jay travels? (A) 5.5 m
(B) 5000 m
(C) 900 m
(D) 9000 m
Bird P ark Copper C reek m k 4 Clear R iver 5 km Roswell B ridge
The three adjoining geometric figures make a pattern. What would the eighth figure in this pattern have? (A) 8 white squares and 10 shaded rectangles (B) 8 white squares and 11 shaded rectangles (C) 8 shaded rectangles and 10 white squares (D) 8 shaded rectangles and 11 white squares
Which of the following units best measures the height of the school flagpole? (A) Centimetres
(B) Kilometres
(C) Metres
(D) Millimetres
What is the next number in the series given below? 1, 8, 9, 64, 25, 216, ? (A) 343
(B) 39
(C) 215
George's town has a soccer league. Number of players Signup fee Division The adjoining table shows the total number A. (1618 years old) 49 Rs. 2000 per player of players who signed up this year. B. (1315 years old) 54 Rs. 2000 per player George needs to figure out the total amount C. (1012 years old) Rs. 3000 per player 67 of money from signup fees. Which of these expressions will give him the correct amount? (A) (49 + 54) ´ Rs.2000 + (67 ´ Rs.3000) (C) (49 + 54 ´ Rs.2000) + (67 ´ Rs.3000)
(D) 49
(B) (49 + Rs.3000) + (54 ´ Rs.2000) + (67 ´ Rs.3000) (D) (49 + 54 + 67) ´ (Rs.2000 + Rs.3000)
Observe the pattern given below : 1, 9, 17, 33, 49, 73, _________ What will be the next number in the pattern? (A) 97
(B) 98
(C) 99
(D) 100
Central Jr. High School's student council will be hosting a talent show. Jackie will be performing in a band in the talent show. For this performance, the band members have all agreed to wear long pants, a longsleeved shirt, and a vest. Jackie has the following choices. Long pants Longsleeved shirts Vests 1 black 1 white
1 white 1 red 1 black
1 red 1 black
How many different choices of outfits does Jackie have? (A) 12 3 rd IMO | LevelI | Class 7
(B) 7
(C) 6 2
(D) 3
3rd IMO - 2009
In a convex polygon, any two points can be connected by a line segment that remains entirely within the polygon. The adjoining figure on right is an example of a convex polygon. Which of the figures shown below is another example of a convex polygon? (A)
Convex P olygon
Photocopy machines can be used to make an image larger or smaller on paper. Suppose the given triangle were reduced on a photocopy machine to 80% of its original size. Which of the following gives the correct measures of its sides and angles after it was reduced? 53° 0.6
37° 0.8
4.0 90°
37° 3.2
5.0 90°
37° 4.0
48° 3.0
53° 3.0
24° 3.2
5.0 72°
24° 4.0
10. Count the number of triangles is the adjoining figure. (A) 17
(B) 18
(C) 19
(D) None of these
11. What fraction of the figure is shaded? 3 8 4 (C) 8
5 8 7 (D) 8
12. Mayank is writing a computer program for basketball game. To find the total score he collects the data given in the table. Given that *stands for multiplication in a computer, F stands for
For each free throw For each regular throw For each long shot
the number of free throws made, R stands for the number of regular shots made, L stands for the number of long shots made and T stands for the total score a team has in a game. Then the total score is (A) T = F + (R * 2) + (L *3)
(B) T = F * (R + 2)* + (L + 3)
(C) T = (F + R + L)* (1 + 2 + 3)
(D) T = (1 + F)* (2 + R)* (3 + L)
13. All of Mrs. Neha's students are reading poetry by Wordsworth. Smita is in Mrs. Neha's class. John is not in Mrs. Neha's class. Lisa is reading poetry by Wordsworth. If all the statements above are true, which conclusion below is definitely true? (A) Lisa and Smita are in the same class
(B) John and Lisa are not in the same class
(C) John is not reading poetry by Wordsworth
(D) Smita and Lisa are reading poetry by Wordsworth
14. Look at the adjoining pictures. 64 80 45 Except for the number 64, half of the numbers in this set are greater than 64, and half of the numbers in this set are less than 64. Which of the following statements about the number 64 is also true? (A) The number 64 would be the mean of this set of numbers (B) The number 64 would be the median of this set of numbers (C) The number 64 would be the mode of this set of numbers (D) The number 64 would be the range of this set of numbers 3
3 rd IMO | LevelI | Class 7
3rd IMO - 2009
15. If A is the brother of B and K; D is the mother of B and E is the father of A. Which one of the following statements is definitely not true? (A) A is the son of D
(B) A is the father of K
(C) D is the wife of E
(D) D is the mother of K
16. Which set of numbers in the options is like the set given below? 121, 81, 9 (B) 64, 9, 4
(C) 168, 15, 3
17. Use the line graph to answer the question. How many children sold more than 200 magazines? (A) 3 children (B) 1 child (C) 2 children
(D) 10, 6, 5 Total magazine sales
No. of magazines
(A) 95, 24, 5
350 300 250 200 150 100 50
(D) 7 children
Sue Joe Kan Sam Vic Ann
18. Divya is building a fence around her 18 m ´ 24 m rectangular garden. She will • Put a post at each corner
Divya’s Garden 18 m
• Put some posts along the sides and • Space the posts equally around the garden.
24 m
What is the greatest possible distance between each post and the next post? (A) 8 metres
(B) 6 metres
(C) 3 metres
(D) 2 metres
19. The given chart shows the target heart rate for people of different ages. When a person's age increases by one year, by how much does the target heart rate decrease? (A) 0.8
(B) 1.25
(C) 8
(D) 10
Target Heart R ate Age (in years) 20 30 40 50 60 Target
160 152 144 136 128
20. Look at these number sentences given below : + + = 11 + + = 9
(A) 5
represents the same number. What is the value of (B) 6
(C) 7
? (D) 8
SECTION II : MATHEMATICAL REASONING 21. Some adult humming birds weigh as little as 28.36 g. What is the value of 6 in 28.36? (A) Six
(B) Six tenths
(C) Six hundredths
(D) Six thousandths
22. A sequence of mathematical operations was performed on the number 0.882 to get an answer of 8.67. Which of the following operations was first performed on the number 0.882 to complete the given sequence? (A)
Add 2
Subtract 2
? Add 0.008 Multiply by 3
(C) Divide by 2 (D) Multiply by 2 3 rd IMO | LevelI | Class 7
3rd IMO - 2009
23. 1100 boys and 700 girls are examined in a test. 42% of the boys and 30% of the girls pass. The percentage of the total who failed is _______ (A) 58%
2 (B) 62 % 3
(C) 64%
(D) 78%
2 24. Deepak keeps all his hockey cards in a special book that holds 6 cards on each page. If 3 pages 3 of the book are full, then how many cards has Deepak collected? (A) 14 (B) 18 (C) 22 (D) 36
25. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 4 : 5 : 6, then the largest angle measures ________ (A) 60° (B) 72° (C) 80° (D) 90° 5(2 x - 9) - 8 = 2 x from a study guide. 3 For this equation, which of the following must be true?
26. Sonali copied the equation
(A) x =
47 2
(B) x =
23 2
(C) x =
21 4
(D) x =
69 4
27. The figures shown on the right are congruent. What is true about their corresponding sides and corresponding angles? (A) The corresponding angle measures are equal, but not the corresponding side lengths (B) The corresponding side lengths are equal, but not the corresponding angle measures (C) The corresponding angle measures and corresponding side lengths are not equal (D) The corresponding angle measures and the corresponding side lengths are equal 28. Prem designed a rectangular garden with a width of 15 cm. The area of the garden is 300 square cm. What is the length of the garden? (A) 15 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 135 cm (D) 285 cm 29. The temperature at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday was – 13°C. There was an increase of 6°C per hour starting at 1:00 p.m. Which of the following best represents the Celsius temperature n hours after 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday? (A) –13 + 6n (B) (–13) – 6n (C) (–13n) + 6 (D) (–13n) – 6 30. Which of the following operations will solve the equation given below in one step? n = 81 3 n n (A) Add 3 to and 81 (B) Subtract 3 from and 81 3 3 n n (C) Multiply by 3 and 81 by 3 (D) Divide by 3 and 81 by 3 3 3 31. A number m is divided by 5 and added to 8, the result is equal to 3m subtracted from 4. Which of the following represents the sentence? (A)
m = 3m - 4 5
8 - m = 3m + 4 5
m + 8 = 4 - 3 m 5
m + 8 = 3m - 4 5
1 1 32. Nupur wants to run 7 km. The track she runs on is of a km in length. How many times does 2 4 1 Nupur have to run the length of the track to run a total of 7 km ? 2 3 (A) 2 times (B) 8 times (C) 17 times (D) 30 times 4
3 rd IMO | LevelI | Class 7
3rd IMO - 2009
16 m 8 m
33. Bobby wants to paint a rectangular wall that measures 16 m ´ 9 m. The wall contains a window with the dimensions shown in the adjoining figure. If Bobby does not paint the window, what is the total shaded area he will paint ? (A) 144 sq metres
(B) 104 sq metres
(C) 50 sq metres
(D) 40 sq metres
5 m
9 m
34. What type of polygon is represented by the adjoining diagram? (A) Pentagon (B) Heptagon (C) Hexagon (D) Decagon 35. Choose the correct order of operation needed to evaluate the following expression: 22 – 6 ´ (4 + 7) (A) Multiply 6 by 4. Add the product to 7. Subtract the sum from 22 (B) Add 4 and 7. Subtract 6 from 22. Multiply the difference by 6 (C) Subtract 6 from 22. Add 4 and 7. Multiply the difference by the sum (D) Add 4 and 7. Multiply the sum by 6. Subtract the product from 22. 36. The track team was surveyed for a story in the school paper. The reporter asked how many times each team member won a race last year. Here is the data he collected: 8, 7, 6, 10, 9, 4, 3, 7, 12, 14, 6, 6, 5 What is the mode of the races won? (A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 7.5
(D) 14
37. What is the correct value of the expression given below? 1 2 42 ´ 8 ¸ + 2 3 (A) 32
1 (C) 128 3
(B) 48
2 (D) 256 3
38. Which of the following expressions is equal to 1? (A)
0.015 +
85 100
6 + 0.4 100
(C) 0.75 +
1 25
3 + 0.7 10
39. Javed drew the diagram to show how the area of a parallelogram is related to the area of a triangle. If he knows that the area of the parallelogram is 45 cm 2 , how can he find the area of one of the triangles?
(A) Divide 45 cm 2 by 2
(B) Multiply 45 cm 2 by 2
(C) Find the square root of 45 cm 2
(D) Recognize that 9 ´ 5 = 45
Look at the adjoining figure. If l || m. ÐABO = 55° and ÐOCD = 20°, find the value of x. (A) 75°
(B) 285°
(C) 105°
(D) 360°
A x
B 55° O 20°
SECTION III : EVERYDAY MATHEMATICS 41. Vikram's age in 20 years will be four less than three times his age now. Which of the following could be Vikram's age now and in 20 years? (A) 12, 32 3 rd IMO | LevelI | Class 7
(B) 15, 35
(C) 18, 38 6
(D) 20, 40
3rd IMO - 2009
42. Thirty boys and twenty girls attended the rally last Friday. What was the ratio of girls to the total number of students at the rally?
(A) 2:5
(B) 3:2
(C) 3:5
(D) 2:3
43. Sound travels in sea water at the rate of 1.5 km per second. Scientists can figure out the depth of the ocean floor by using a method called sonar. Sonar measures the time it takes for sound waves to travel from a ship Ship to the ocean floor and back to the ship. Suppose a ship has a sonar sounding of 6 seconds. What would be the Ocean approximate depth of the ocean floor below the ship? floor
(A) 6 km
(B) 0.5 km
(C) 9 km
(D) 4.5 km
44. Students are using string to make projects in art class. • There are 200 students • Each student needs 75 centimetres of string How many metres of string are needed in all? (A) 1.5 metres
(B) 15 metres
(C) 150 metres
(D) 1500 metres
45. Sunny started a new business. The table given below shows the profit or loss each month for six months. Sunny uses positive numbers to show a profit and negative numbers to show a loss. Month
January February March April May June –1980
–770 –910 1030
How much profit or loss did Sunny have after being in business for six months? (A) Loss of Rs. 8840
(B) Loss of Rs. 960
(C) Profit of Rs. 960
(D) Profit of Rs. 8840
46. One cup of milk has the same amount of calcium as 16 oranges. Two oranges have the same amount of calcium as 4 eggs. How many eggs have the same amount of calcium as one cup of milk? (A) 20 eggs
(B) 16 eggs
(C) 18 eggs
47. The distance between the bases on a baseball diamond is 90 metres, as shown here. What is the distance (d), in metre, between home plate and second base? Round your answer to the nearest whole number. (A) 90 metres
(B) 127 metres
(C) 135 metres
(D) 180 metres
(D) 32 eggs Second base 90 metres Third base
90 metres d
90 metres
First base 90 metres Home plate
48. While taking Vidhi's pulse rate on her wrist, Kajal counted 9 beats in 10 seconds. Which statement best represents Vidhi's pulse rate? (A) 9 beats per minute
(B) 54 beats per minute
(C) 90 beats per minute (D) 540 beats per minute
49. A scientist was tracking a whale. At noon, the whale was 5 metres below the surface of the body of water. The whale's movements over the next several hours are recorded below. • Dove down 3 more metres
• Rose up 8 metres • Dove down 15 metres • Rose up 3 metres After all of the movements described above, which statement best describes the position of the whale in relation to the surface of the water? (A) 12 metres above the surface of the water
(B) 2 metres below the surface of the water
(C) 2 metres above the surface of the water
(D) 12 metres below the surface of the water 7
3 rd IMO | LevelI | Class 7
3rd IMO - 2009
50. A survey was done with 250 women. Each woman was asked how many children she had. The results showed that 28% of the women had 3 or more children. How many surveyed women have less than 3 children? (A) 78
(B) 70
3 rd IMO | LevelI | Class 7
(D) 180
Class 7 4th
Year 2010
4th IMO - 2010
Rohan plans to make a display by stacking cans. The top 3 rows are shown here. The display will be a total of 7 rows. How many cans in all will Rohan need to make the display ? (A) 49
(B) 28
(C) 7
(D) 22
There are 8 girls in a dance class. The girls are represented in the diagrams shown below by the numbers 1 to 8. If each girl needs a dance partner, which list shows all the possible combinations of girls in the dance class ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(B) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 3 4 3 4 4 5
2 3 4 5 2 6 7 8
4 5 5 6 5 6 6 7
6 7 7 8 7 5 8 1
3 4 5 3 6 7 8
8 1 2 1 2 3
4 4 5 6 7 8 5
5 6 7 6 8 6 7 7 8
7 8 8
A parent group is planning an awards dinner for students, teachers and parents. The parent group plans to seat the guests around a circular table that has seating for 30. The guests will be seated in the order of student, teacher, parent in a repeating pattern. Who will be the 20 th guest ? (A) Student (B) Teacher (C) Parent (D) Cannot be determined
Rahul bought 4 packets of notebook paper for school last year. Each packet contained 500 notebook papers. He used about 20 notebook papers each week. What information is needed to find the approximate number of notebook papers Rahul had left after the school year was over? (A) The number of hours Rahul did homework every day (B) The number of classes Rahul had (C) The number of students in Rahul's grade
Which pair of eagle pictures shows translation?
(D) The number of weeks in the school year
The top, side and front views of a solid figure made of cubes are shown below.
Which solid figure is best represented by these views?
4 th IMO | LevelI | Class 7
4th IMO - 2010
A soccer league has 64 teams competing in a tournament. In each round, pairs of teams compete. The team that wins advances to the next round. The table given below shows the results of the first 2 rounds. At the end of which round will there be only 2 teams remaining, assuming there are no ties? Soccer League Tournament (A) Round 4 Number of Teams Number of Teams Round (B) Round 5 Competing Remaining (C) Round 6 1 64 32 (D) Round 7
Text messages received by Samira
Read the graph and answer the given question. On which day did Samira receive exactly 60 text messages ?
100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Number of messages
(A) Monday (B) Thursday (C) Friday (D) Sunday
Priyanka is taller than Shikha and shorter than Sneha. If Sneha is shorter than Yogita, who is the shortest among them? (A) Priyanka
(B) Shikha
(C) Sneha
(D) Yogita
10. A community swimming pool is open on different days depending on the air temperature. The given table shows the air temperature on different days. Swimming Pool The dates listed in the table show that the pool was closed on Air Temperature Date May 1, June 1 and October 1. If the pool was open on all the May 1 68°F other dates listed, which of the following statements best describes 73°F June 1 the air temperature when the pool is open ? 82°F July 1 (A) The air temperature must be between 74°F and 90°F 87°F August 1 (B) The air temperature must be lower than 91°F 92°F September 1 (C) The air temperature must be higher than 75°F
October 1
(D) The air temperature must be between 68°F and 91°F 11. The given table shows the ticket prices at an amusement park. Five people in Nick's family paid a total of ` 80 for tickets. If they purchased 2 adult tickets, what were the other 3 tickets they purchased among the given options ? (A) 2 child and 1 youth
(B) 3 child
(C) 3 youth
(D) 2 youth and 1 child
Ticket Prices Type of Tickets Price Child ` 10 Youth ` 15 Adult ` 20
12. Kishan walks 10 km towards North. From there, he walks 6 km towards South. Then he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point? (A) 5 km West
(B) 5 km North East
(C) 7 km East 3
(D) 7 km West 4 th IMO | LevelI | Class 7
4th IMO - 2010
13. Which one of the following diagrams best illustrates the three classes : Rhombus, Quadrilateral, Polygons ? (A)
14. Which of the following letters in the word 'SELFRIGHTEOUSNESS' does not change its position when the letters are reversed? (A) E
(B) G
(C) H
(D) T
15. If A means 'plus', B means 'minus', C means 'divided by' and D means 'multiplied by' then 18 A 12 C 6 D 2 B 5 equals ______ (A) 17
(B) 25
(C) 27
(D) 45
16. A shepherd had 17 sheeps. All but nine died. How many was he left with? (A) Nil
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 17
17. How many rectangles are there in the given figure ? (A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 9
18. Choose the correct mirrorimage of Fig. (X), when the mirror is placed along PQ. (A)
19. A cube is to be coloured in such a way that no two opposite faces have the same colour. The minimum number of colours required is ______ . (A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 6
(B) 58 – 50
(C) 49 – 42
(D) 25 – 17
20. Find the odd one out. (A) 83 – 75
SECTION II : MATHEMATICAL REASONING 21. Amit counted the number of people in line for tickets at the movie theatre. Every time he saw 5 people, he added a tick mark on his counting sheet, as shown below.
Amit saw 2 more people after he added his last tick mark. Which could be used to find p, the total number of people he saw? (A) 14 ÷ 2 + 5 = p
(B) 14 × 2 × 5 = p
(C) 14 × 5 + 2 = p
(D) 14 + 5 – 2 = p
22. A triangle has angle measurements of 32°, 43° and 105°. What kind of triangle is it? (A) Equilateral
(B) Isosceles
(C) Scalene
(D) None of these
23. What is the value of the expression given below ? 5 + 5(9 ÷ 3) 2 (A) 35 4 th IMO | LevelI | Class 7
(B) 90
(C) 50 4
(D) 230
4th IMO - 2010
24. Which of the following are corresponding parts of the two given congruent figures ?
W km 97° 17
(B) ST @ XY (C) TQ @ WX
(D) ÐQ @ ÐY
26 km 107°
108° Q 17 km 48° 97° T 46 km
25. Which of the following figures are obtuse isosceles triangles ? (A) P and R only (B) Q and R only (C) P, Q and R only 25° (D) P, R and S only P
108° 46 km
26 km
36 k m
(A) TQ @ XY
107° Y
48° V
36 km
26. Which of the following digits makes the given statement true ? (A) 3
(B) 6
6,06,19? is divisible by 10. (C) 5
(D) 0
27. Shalini shaded 3/5 of her design given on the right. Which decimal number represents the shaded part of her design? (A) 0.6 (B) 0.06 (C) 0.006 (D) 0.0006 2 3 4 5 1 , , and are each equivalent to . Which of the following statements represents s 4 6 8 10 2 the relation between the numerator and denominator of the fractions given above ?
28. The fractions
(A) The numerator is twice the denominator (C) The numerator is 2 more than the denominator
(B) The denominator is twice the numerator (D) The denominator is 2 more than the numerator
29. Which group shows all the numbers that are common factors of 36 and 48 ? (A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
(B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
(C) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 (D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
30. Which of the following figures has 10 vertices ? (A) Figure U
(B) Figure V
(C) Figure W
(D) Figure X
31. Which two angles in the given figure are NOT complementary ? T
30° 60° 60° 30°
32. Mr. Raghav installed a triangular piece of stained glass above his front door.
Which of the following best describes the triangle with the given measures? (A) Acute equilateral triangle (B) Obtuse isosceles triangle (C) Right scalene triangle (D) Right isosceles triangle 5
4 th IMO | LevelI | Class 7
4th IMO - 2010
33. Which model best represents the expression (A)
1 2 × ? 2 3
34. Mr. Sameer was trying to find a tablecloth for his rectangular dining table. He knew the area and perimeter of the tabletop. Area = 36 square metres, Perimeter = 26 metres Which of the following best represents the width and length of the tabletop? (A) Width = 2 m, Length = 18 m
(B) Width = 3 m, Length = 12 m
(C) Width = 6 m, Length = 6 m
(D) Width = 4 m, Length = 9 m
35. Leela looked at several different flower arrangements before purchasing one. The arrangements varied in price from ` 15.62 to ` 37.50. Which measure of data can be used to describe the variation in price of the different arrangements ? (A) Mean
(B) Mode
(C) Range
(D) Median
36. Which list of integers is in order from least to greatest ? (A) – 42, –39, – 4, 40, 41 (B) – 42, 41, 40, – 39, – 4 (C) – 4, – 39, 40, 41, – 42(D) 41, 40, – 4, – 39, – 42 37. The factor tree for the number 24 is shown here. According to the factor tree, which of the following statements is true?
24 2 12
(A) The number 24 is prime.
(B) The only prime factor of the number 24 is 12. (C) The numbers 24, 12 and 6 are composite.
2 3
(D) The numbers 2, 3, 6 and 12 are prime factors of 24. 38. Ashwin used the rule listed below to rewrite the expression 10 2 × 10 5 = 10 7 . 10 m × 10 n = 10 m + n Based on this rule, which of the following is equivalent to the expression 8 –4 × 8 6 ? (A) 8 –10 , because 8 –4 × 8 6 = 8 –4–6
(B) 8 10 , because 8 –4 × 8 6 = 8 4+6
(C) 8 –2 , because 8 –4 × 8 6 = 8 4–6
(D) 8 2 , because 8 –4 × 8 6 = 8 –4+6
39. A ladder that is 13 m long leans against a building. The bottom of the ladder is 5 m away from the base of the building. How far up the side of the building does the ladder reach ? (A) 18 m
(B) 16 m
(C) 12 m
(D) 8 m
40. A mistake was made in simplifying the expression given below. Simplify : 5 + 2(6 + 4) – 2 3 , Step 1: 5 + 2(10) – 2 3 , Step 2: 7(10) – 2 3 , Step 3: 70 – 2 3 , Step 4: 70 – 8, Step 5: 62. In which step did the first mistake appear ? (A) Step 1
(B) Step 2
(C) Step 3
(D) Step 4
SECTION III : EVERYDAY MATHEMATICS 41. Mr. X packs boxes for an appliance company. He can pack a large box in 10 minutes and a small box in 4 minutes. He needs to pack 10 large boxes and 20 small boxes. If 2.5 hours remain before closing time, will Mr. X have time to finish the work before closing time if he works without stopping? (A) Yes, Mr. X will finish the work in 1.8 hours.
(B) No, it will take Mr. X 4 hours to finish.
(C) Yes, Mr. X will finish the work in 0.5 hour.
(D) No, it will take Mr. X 3 hours to finish.
4 th IMO | LevelI | Class 7
4th IMO - 2010
42. Tarana has 4 old coins : W, X, Y and Z. Coin Y is worth ` 2. Coin Z is worth 3 times the value of Coin Y. Coin X is worth 4 times the value of Coin Y. The 4 coins are worth ` 30 altogether. What is the value of Coin W? (A) ` 14
(B) ` 18
(C) ` 9
(D) ` 19
43. In a factory, one machine makes flashlights at a rate of 150 flashlights per hour, and another machine makes the same flashlights at a rate of 135 flashlights per hour. Which of the following equations can be used to find t, the total number of flashlights both machines will make in 8 hours? (A) t = (150 + 135) ÷ 8
(B) t = 150(8) – 135(8)
(C) t = (150 + 135)8
(D) t = 150(8) + 135
44. The total length of all songs on a CD, Mohammed bought is about 80 minutes. Each song is between 4 to 6 minutes long. Which is a reasonable number of songs that could be on the CD? (A) 10
(B) 40
(C) 74
(D) 16
1 45. Sonal needed to make 2 costumes for a school play. The larger costume required 4 metres of 4 3 material, and the smaller costume required metres less than the larger one. Which of the following 4 equations can be used to find n, the number of metres of material needed for the smaller costume ? 1 3 (A) n = 4 + 4 4
1 3 (B) n = 4 × 4 4
1 3 (C) n = 4 ¸ 4 4
1 3 (D) n = 4 4 4
46. Arun can run 100 metres in 20 seconds. If he competes in the 400metres race, about how many seconds will it take him to run the race ? (A) 50 secs
(B) 40 secs
(C) 80 secs
(D) 20 secs
47. Which of the following statements represents the greatest percent of change ? (A) A tree grew from 6 feet to 12 feet in 1 year. (B) An aquarium that was originally priced at ` 80 is now ` 140. (C) A person whose salary was ` 1000 per week is now earning ` 1200 per week. (D) A baby who weighed 7 pounds at birth now weighs 16 pounds. 48. Malini answered 75% of the 40 problems on her history homework correctly. How many problems on her homework did she answer correctly ? (A) 19
(B) 30
(C) 28
(D) 10
49. It took Abhilasha 15 minutes to apply a coat of paint to a piece of pottery. After each coat she waited close to 60 minutes for the paint to dry. Which is a reasonable amount of time it could have taken for Abhilasha to have applied 3 coats of paint and for the pottery to be completely dry ? (A) 105 minutes
(B) 225 minutes
(C) 195 minutes
50. Isha and Shivani raced their toy cars. The given diagram shows the distance the cars travelled during the race. How much farther did Isha's car travel than Shivani's car ? (A)
34 m 100
44 m 100
53 metres 100
(D) 903 minutes
72 m 100
19 metres 100
62 m 100 4 th IMO | LevelI | Class 7
Class 7 5th
Year 2011
5th IMO - 2011
Section I : Logical Reasoning 1.
If the letters of the word IMPORTANCE are arranged from left to right in alphabetical order, then
which letter will be fifth from the left? (A) O (B) N
If RESCUE is coded as 372057 and PROBLEM as 9348176, how will PROCURE be coded? (A) 9340537 (B) 9340357 (C) 3840537 (D) 3904537
Rohit left home and cycled 10 km towards South, then turned right and cycled 5 km and then again
(C) M
(D) K
turned right and cycled 10 km. After this he turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometres
will he have to cycle to reach his home straight? (A) 10 km (B) 15 km (C) 20 km
Find the odd one out.
Which of the following is the mirror image of Fig. (X), if the mirror is placed
(D) 25 km
along MR ?
What number will replace the question mark in the given series?
(A) 33
Find the figure from the options which when placed in the blank space of figure (X) would completes
(B) 24
18, 24, 21, 27, (?), 30, 27 (C) 30
(D) 21
the pattern.
? Fig. (X)
5th IMO - 2011 8.
Vijay is 17th from the left end of a row of 29 boys and Manish is 17th from the right end in the
same row. How many boys are there between them in the same row? (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 3
(D) Data inadequate
Pratik remembers that his brother's birthday falls after 18th April but before 22nd April while his sister Sakshi remembers that her brother's birthday falls after 20 th April but before 25th April. On what date does her brother's birthday fall? (B) 21st April (A) 20th April
(C) 19th April
(D) 22nd April
10. Mohit went to sleep at 6:45 p.m. If he rose at 12 noon, for how many hours did he sleep? (A) 17 hours 15 mins (B) 5 hours 15 mins (C) 12 hours (D) 6 hours 45 mins 11. Figures (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) constitute the Problem set. There is a definite relationship between figures (i) and (ii). Establish a similar relationship between figures (iii) and (iv) by selecting a
suitable figure from the options that would replace (?) in figure (iv). Problem Set (A) (B)
? (iv)
12. A square transparent sheet with a pattern is given. Find out from the options as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded along the dotted line PQ.
13. Arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence and find the correct answer from the options. 1. Income 2. Status 3. Education 4. Well-being 5. Job (A) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 (B) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 (C) 1, 2, 5, 3, 4 (D) 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 14. Find the figure from the options which will continue the series established by the Problem Figures.
(A) (C)
Problem Figures
5th IMO - 2011
15. Find a figure from the options which contains Fig. (X) as its embedded part.
Fig. (X)
16. Which number will replace the question mark in the given pattern? 3 4 8
(A) 8
2 5 4
(B) 9
4 5 9
(C) 10
(D) 11
17. Five persons with names P, M, U, T and X live separately in any one of the following : a palace, a hut, a fort, a house and a hotel. Each one likes two different colours from among the following : Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green. U likes red and blue. T likes black. The person living in a palace does not like black or blue. P likes blue and red. M likes yellow. X lives in a hotel. M lives in a ______. (A) Hut (B) Palace (C) Fort (D) House 18. Find out from the given options, a figure which when placed in place of question mark will continue the series established by the Problem Figures.
19. Five girls are sitting on a bench to be photographed. Shweta is to the left of Richa and to the right of Pia. Misha is to the right of Richa. Reeta is between Richa and Misha.
Who is second from the left in the photograph ? (A) Reeta (B) Misha
(C) Pia
(D) Shweta
20. Pointing towards a girl, Abhishek says, "This girl is the daughter of the only child of my father." What is the relation of Abhishek's wife with the girl ? (A) Daughter (B) Mother (C) Aunt (D) Sister
Section II : Mathematical reasoning 21. Find the number of factors of 75. (A) 4 (B) 6
(D) 10
5th IMO - 2011
22. A diver was diving 100 metres below sea level. He went down 20 metres more and came up
35 metres. How far below sea level did he dive ? (A) + 85 metres (B) – 85 metres (C) + 55 metres
(D) – 55 metres
23. There are three drums with 1653 litres, 2261 litres and 2527 litres of petrol. The greatest possible size of the measuring vessel with which we can measure the petrol of any drum while every time the vessel must be completely filled is _____.
(A) 31
(B) 27
24. A drum of kerosene oil is of the drum is ____.
(A) 45
(C) 19
(D) 41
3 7 full. When 15 litres of oil is drawn from it, it is full. The capacity 4 12
(B) 90
(C) 60
(D) Can't be determined
25. Find the value of the given expression :
(22 + 23 + 2–2 + 2–3) (A) 95 8
(B) 97 8
99 8
98 8
Direction (Q. 26-27) : Study the graph carefully to answer the following questions.
Number of Girls Enrolled
Number of Girls Enrolled in Different Hobby Classes in Various Institutes in a Year 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Painting Stitching Dancing
C Institutes
26. What is the difference between the total number of girls enrolled in stitching and dancing from all
institutes together ? (A) 50
(B) 25
(C) 75
(D) 85
27. What is the total number of girls enrolled in painting from all the institutes together ? (A) 1150 (B) 1200 (C) 1275 (D) 1100 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK
5th IMO - 2011
28. Divide 14 toffees between Ankita and Anshul in the ratio 5 : 2 respectively.
(A) 2, 5
(B) 4, 10
(C) 10, 4
(D) 40, 8
29. Mr. Arvind spends 30% of his money on education and he has total ` 15,000. How many rupees
does he spend on his education? (A) ` 5000 (B) ` 4500
(C) ` 1000
(D) ` 5500
30. By selling a shirt for ` 285 a shopkeeper loses 5%. At what price should he sell the shirt so as
to gain 15% ? (A) ` 295
(B) ` 325
(C) ` 300
(D) ` 345
31. In the given figure, AB || GH || DE and GF|| BD || HI, ∠ FGC = 80°. Find the value of ∠ CHI. A
(A) 80°
(B) 120°
(C) 100°
(D) 160°
32. Solve for x :
1 3
6x − 2 3x + 5 1 + = 9 18 3 2 (B) 3
3 5
8 3
33. In the given figure, BC is produced to D and ∠ BAC = 40° and ∠ ABC = 70°.
Find the value of ∠ ACD. (A) 130° (B) 140° (C) 170° (D) 110°
34. A rectangular field has length and breadth in the ratio of 16 : 9. If its perimeter is 750 cm. What
is its area ? (A) 75000 cm2
(B) 32400 cm2
(C) 14400 cm2
(D) 14000 cm2
35. In our office there are 60% female employees. 50% of all the male employees are computer literate. If there 62% employees are computer literate out of the total 1600 employees, then the number of female employees who are computer literate is _____.
(A) 690
(B) 672
(D) Can't be determined
5th IMO - 2011 36. How many numbers are there from 100 to 200?
(A) 100
(B) 101
(C) 99
(D) None of these
37. Write down the Roman numeral for 92.
38. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
(A) Every number is a factor of itself.
(B) Number of factors of a given number are finite.
(C) Every multiple of a number is less than or equal to that number.
(D) 4 and 15 are co-prime numbers.
39. The number of edges in the given figure is ______.
(A) 8
(B) 9
(C) 10
(D) 12
In the given figure, find the value of ∠ BOC. (A) 101° (B) 149° (C) 71° (D) 140°
F 40°
Section III : Everyday Mathematics 41. Aman's mother was 21 years old when his sister was born. His father is 8 years older than his mother. Now Aman is 17 years old and his sister is 3 years older than him. What is the present age of Aman's father?
(A) 50 years
(B) 47 years
(C) 46 years
(D) 49 years
42. I was sitting alone in a park. After a while there came an old man followed by an old lady. They were followed by two couples who were accompanied by a child each. What was the number of total persons present in the park ?
(A) 10
(B) 9
(C) 11
(D) 8
43. In how many parts can a rod of length 19.5 m be broken into equal lengths of 65 cm ?
(A) 20
(B) 30
(D) 130
5th IMO - 2011
44. Three bells toll at intervals of 36 seconds, 40 seconds and 48 seconds respectively. They start
ringing together at a particular time. They next toll together after _______. (A) 6 minutes (B) 12 minutes (C) 18 minutes (D) 24 minutes
45. Mohan has certain amount in his account. He gives half of this to his eldest son and one third of
the remaining to his youngest son. The amount left with him now is ______. (A) 1/3 of the original (B) 2/3 of the original (C) 3/4 of the original (D) 1/6 of the original
46. There are 8 marbles in a box with numbers 1 to 8 marked on them. What is the probability of drawing a marble with number 2 ?
1 8
(B) 1 6
1 4
1 5
1 47. The selling price of a watch is ` 3200 and the profit per cent is 33 %. Find the cost price of the 3 watch.
(A) ` 200
(B) ` 2000
(C) ` 2400
(D) ` 3000
48. If the circumference of a circle is 704 cm, then its area is ______.
(A) 49324 m2
(B) 39424 m2
49. When Sarvesh travelled 33 km he found that
the total journey is (A) 66 km
(B) 132 km
(C) 3672 cm2
(D) 39424 cm2
2 rd of the entire journey was still left. The length of 3 (C) 99 km
(D) 100 km
50. Two equal containers are filled with a mixture of milk and water. The concentration of milk in each of the containers is 20% and 25% respectively. What is the ratio of water in both the containers
respectively? (A) 15 : 16
(B) 16 : 15
(C) 4 : 5
(D) 5 : 4
Class 7 6th
SET A Year 2012
6th IMO - SET A Section I : Logical Reasoning
1. In the question, some letters are given which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Below are given four options containing combinations of these numbers. Find that combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly form a meaningful word. A R E G R
(A) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
1 2 3 4 5
(B) 5, 1, 4, 3, 2
(C) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
(D) 2, 4, 3, 5, 1
2. In the given arrangement, how many such symbols are there, each of which is preceded by a letter which is from the first half of the English alphabet and followed by a digit?
9 V @ S 2 G R A o3 Q £ B Z 7 C Y D T 4 8 P F 6 @ $ 5 E H B K d
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 1
Find the figure from the options which will continue the series established by the Problem Figures. Problem Figures ?
4. If Z = 52 and ACT = 48 then BAT = ? (A) 39 (B) 41 5.
(C) 44
(D) 46
The given question consists figures (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv). There is a definite relationship between figures (i) and (ii). Establish a similar relationship between figures (iii) and (iv) by selecting a suitable figure from the options that would replace (?) in figure (iv). +
P started from his house towards West. After walking a distance of 25 m, he turned to the right
and walked 10 m. He then again turned to the right and walked 15 m. After this he has to turn to his right at 135° and to cover 30 m. In which direction should he go ?
(A) West
(B) South
Find the wrong term in the series given below.
(A) 420
(B) 378
(C) South-West
440, 420, 399, 378, 354 (C) 354
(D) South-East
(D) 399
6th IMO - SET A 8.
Find out from the options which is the mirror-image of the given combination if mirror is placed along MR. (A)
Rohit earns more than Farhan but not as much as Jay. Krish earns less than Jay but not as little
as Farhan. Mohit earns more than Farhan but not as much as Rohit. If they are arranged according
to their earnings, who will be in the middle ? (A) Krish (B) Rohit
(C) Mohit
(D) Data inadequate
10. Find the figure from the options if placed in place of question mark, which will complete the figure(X). (A)
11. J, K, L, M, N, O and P are seven kids playing in the garden. They are wearing clothes of colours - black, blue, white, green, pink, yellow and brown. Out of the seven kids, three are girls. No girl is wearing either black, yellow or brown. M's sister O is wearing pink, while he is wearing brown. J is wearing blue, while his sister K is not wearing green. N is wearing yellow, while his best friend
P is a boy. What colour is K wearing ? (A) Green (B) Pink
(C) Brown (D)
12. Select a figure from the options which contains Fig.(X) as its part. (A)
13. If in the following groups of numbers after adding all the digits of each group, are arranged in decreasing order, then which will be the middle group ?
853, 395, 486, 249, 497, 766, 914 (B) 497 (C) 486
(A) 395
(D) 766
14. There is a Problem Figure having two parts I and II. The Problem Figure has some characteristics. Select the figure from the options which has the same commonality.
6th IMO - SET A
15. In the adjoining figure there is one matrix followed by four Answer Figures. In the matrix there are eight designs and one space left blank shown by question mark. Which answer figure will replace the question mark?
16. If P means ÷, R means +, T means – and W means ×, then what is the value of given statement? 24 R 16 P 8 W 6 T 9
1 (A) 15 3
(B) 21
(C) 147
(D) 27
17. In this question, there are four figures as given in options (A), (B), (C) and (D). Out of these four figures, three are similar in a certain way. However, one figure is not like the other three. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.
18. In the given figure, which number will replace the question mark?
(A) 45
(B) 41 (C) 32
(D) 40
6 15
9 31
19. If ‘sheet’ is called ‘pillow’, ‘pillow’ is called ‘quilt’, ‘quilt’ is called ‘mosquito net’, ‘mosquito net’ is
called 'scarf' and ‘scarf’ is called ‘saree’, then which is used only in winters? (A) Quilt (B) Pillow (C) Mosquito net (D) Scarf
20. The given three elements are related in some way. Find the diagram in which these three elements fit. Oil, Wick, Lamp
Section II : Mathematical reasoning 21. Simplify :
[(31 – 19) × {5 – (5 + 2 – 3)} of 3 + (– 2)] × (–1) (A) 24
(B) – 34
(C) – 54
(D) 12
22. In the given figure, XYZ is an equilateral triangle and XZQ is an isosceles
triangle. Find ∠QZO. (A) 30° (B) 60° (C) 45° (D) 50°
O 30° Q
6th IMO - SET A 23. The given solid (not drawn to scale) is a regular triangular pyramid. The net of the pyramid is wrongly drawn with 1 extra face. Which of the following faces (P, Q, R or S) is not a part of the net ?
(A) P
(B) Q
(C) R
(D) S
9 1 of a number is 45, what is of the same number? 5 5 (A) 5 (B) 25 (C) 30
24. If
(D) 81
25. Find the area of parallelogram PQRS, if PR = 24 cm and QU = ST = 6 cm.
(A) 72 cm2
(B) 100 cm2
(C) 150 cm2
(D) 144 cm2
cm 6 cm
26. John is n years older than his sister. His sister's age is 12. What is their total age after 4 years ? (A) 28n years (B) 24n years (C) (32 + n) years (D) (28 + n) years A
27. In the given figure, AB and CD are straight lines. Find ∠ y.
(A) 97°
(C) 77°
(D) 55°
(B) 27°
48° y
28. The descending order of the given fractions is _______. 4/3, 4/7, 7/10 (A) 7/10 > 4/7 > 4/3 (B) 4/7 > 4/3 > 7/10
(C) 4/3 > 7/10 > 4/7
(D) 4/3 > 4/7 > 7/10
29. Find the circumference of the circle that is within a square if the area 22 of the square is 81 cm2. Take π = 7 2 2 (B) 14 cm (A) 7 cm 7 7
(C) 28
2 cm 7
(D) 63
9 cm 14
30. In the given figure, find ∠x.
(A) 120°
(B) 110°
(C) 115°
(D) 125°
36° 58° B
x G
6th IMO - SET A
31. Find the value of x. (A) 47.095
(D) 47.95 24.5 cm
32. The length of a rectangular painting with border is 24.5 cm and
of the painting. (A) 111 cm
(B) 100 cm
(C) 133 cm
(D) 294 cm2
3 cm
3 cm
its width is 12 cm. The width of the border is 3 cm. Find the area
3 cm
3889 + 12.952 – x = 3854.002 (B) 47.752 (C) 47.932
12 cm
3 cm
33. Express 25 seconds as a fraction of 1 hour.
34. If
5 12
1 4
1 144
1 24
1 of a number is 166, then what is 30% of the number? 2
(A) 99.6
(B) 83
(C) 64.5
(D) 49.8
(A) 67°
(B) 113°
(C) 40°
(D) 140°
35. In the given figure, AB || DE. Find a.
40° a
Direction (36 & 37) : The given bar graph shows the percentage distribution of total expenditures of a company under various expenses heads during 2011.
20 15
10 5 nt
Tra n
Ta xe Re s De sea ve rch lop a me nd nt S Int ala ere ry st on Lo an s
36. The total amount of expenditures of the company is how many times the expenditure on research and development ?
(A) 27
(B) 20
(C) 18
(D) 8
37. If the interest on loans amounted to ` 2.45 crores, then the total amount of expenditure on advertisement, taxes & research and development is _______.
(A) ` 7 crores
(B) ` 5.4 crores
(C) ` 4.2 crores
(D) ` 3 crores
6th IMO - SET A
38. A shopkeeper bought 24 chairs at the rate of ` 450 per chair. He sold 16 of them at the rate of ` 600 per chair and the remaining at the rate of ` 400 per chair. Find his gain or loss percent.
(A) 18
14 % 27
(B) 20
3 % 4
5 (C) 31 % 9
(D) 14
8 % 9
39. Dipanshu invested a sum of money for a period from May 2006 to May 2008 at the rate of 12% per annum. If the interest received by him is ` 1620, then find the sum.
(A) ` 5000
(B) ` 6500
(C) ` 6000
(D) ` 6750
40. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(A) All squares are congruent.
(B) All right angles are congruent.
(C) Two obtuse angles are always congruent.
(D) None of these
Section III : Everyday Mathematics 3 full of orange juice. This amount is equal to 6 full glasses. When 1 full glass is drunk, 5 what fraction of the jar is still left with orange juice?
41. A jar is
1 10
1 6
2 5
1 2
42. Monika mixed orange syrup and water in the ratio 4 : 9. How many litres of orange syrup were required to mix with 324 L of water ?
(A) 36 L
(B) 144 L
(C) 167 L
(D) 198 L
43. The cost of a bag was 55% the cost of a skirt. If Mitika intended to buy both the bag and the skirt, then how much money must she have, if the skirt costs ` 31.50 more than the bag ?
(A) ` 38.50
(B) ` 70
(C) ` 108.50
(D) ` 120.55
44. Jasmine and Sonia had 60 phonecards. Jasmine had thrice as many phonecards as Sonia. How many phonecards did Jasmine have?
(A) 15
(B) 20
(C) 30
(D) 45
45. A bus travelled 18 km in 20 minutes. How far could it travel in 1 hr 20 minutes?
(A) 72 km
(B) 118 km
(C) 360 km
(D) 108 km
46. The side of a square plot is 80 m. A path of 4 m width along the sides of the square are constructed in the middle of the plot. Determine the area of the path.
(A) 1216 m2
(B) 1200 m2
(C) 1360 m2
(D) 624 m2
47. A milkman sells 42 litres of milk at ` 19.75 per litre to a hostel. How much money should he get from the hostel ?
(A) ` 1892
(B) ` 829.50
(C) ` 165.85
(D) ` 122.50
48. By selling an article for ` 660, Pradeep loses ` 60. At what price must he sell the article to
gain 15%? (A) ` 728
(B) ` 628
(C) ` 828
(D) ` 928
6th IMO - SET A
49. There are two buildings standing on the opposite sides of a park. A ladder, 17 m long, reaches a point on a building at a height of 15 m from the ground. The ladder is now turned to the other building on the other side of the park keeping its foot at the same point. The ladder now reaches a point on this building at a height of 8 m above the ground. Find the distance between the two buildings.
(A) 32 m
(B) 18 m
(C) 25 m
(D) 23 m
50. A place P is 82 m above the sea-level and another place is 13 m below the sea-level. What is the
distance between the two places? (A) 95 m (B) 69 m
(D) – 69 m
Class 7 6th
SET B Year 2012
6th IMO - Set B
Section I : Logical Reasoning 1. If 'rat' is called 'dog', 'dog' is called 'lion', 'lion' is called 'wolf', 'wolf' is called 'snake' and 'snake'
is called 'elephant', what will be 'dog' called ? (A) Rat (B) Dog
Mohit ranked 12th in a class of 33 students from the top. What is his rank from the bottom? (B) 21st (C) 23rd (D) 15th (A) 22nd
Which of the following does not fit in the letter number series given below ?
(C) Wolf
(D) Lion
G7M J10S M20P L12W (A) J10S (B) G7M (C) M20P 4.
(D) L12W
In which of the following figures, Fig. (X) is embedded as its part?
Fig. (X)
Select a figure from amongst the options which will continue the series established by the given
problem figures.
Rohan is taller than Kartik who is shorter than Sushant. Naman is taller than Arsh but shorter than
Kartik. Sushant is shorter than Rohan. Who is tallest? (A) Rohan (B) Sushant (C) Arsh
Which of the following is the correct mirror image of the given Fig. (X), if mirror is placed vertically
(D) Naman
Fig. (X)
How many rectangles are there in the given figure?
(A) 13
(B) 14
(C) 15
(D) None of these
6th IMO - Set B 9. If '÷' means '–', '–' means '×', '×' means '+' and '+' means '÷', then 72 + 9 × 45 – 5 ÷ 42 – 6 = (A) –19 (B) 0 (C) 21
(D) –5
10. Find the missing number in the figure, if the given matrix follows a certain
? 21 (B) 4 1 20 (D) 2
rule row-wise or column-wise. (A) 5 (C) 3
1 22 2 23
2 40 5 43
11. Two positions of a dice has been shown here. What digit will be just opposite of 5?
(A) 4
(B) 2
(C) 6
(D) 1
12. Which of the following alphabets is common to all geometrical figures?
(A) P
(B) Q
(C) L
(D) F
13. In a code language if CROCODILE is coded as ORCDOCELI, how will ELEPHANTS be coded in the
same language ? (A) PHATNELES
14. Figures (i) & (ii) of the Problem Figures bears a certain relationship. Select a figure (iv) from the options which bears the same relationship with figure (iii).
15. Vikas walked 10 metres towards North, took a left turn and walked 15 metres; and again took a left turn and walked 10 metres and stopped walking. How far and in which direction is he now
from the starting point? (A) 15 m East (B) 15 m West
(C) 5 m South
(D) 10 m North
16. Find the figure from the options which completes the Fig. (X).
Fig. (X)
6th IMO - Set B
17. Pointing towards a person in a photograph, Aashka said, "He is the only son of the father of my sister's brother." How is that person related to Aashka?
(A) Father
(B) Cousin
(C) Maternal Uncle
(D) Brother
18. P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are sitting around a circle facing the centre. R is third to the right of V, who is second to the right of P. T is second to the left of Q, who is second to the left of W. V is sitting between S and W. Who is on the immediate left of R?
(A) Q
(B) T
(C) P
(D) Data inadequate
19. Study the following arrangement of digits, letters and symbols and answer the question given below :
F I 4 K B 5 9 # D R 2 # 7 M G % H V T 3 8 * 1 J A How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is both immediately preceded and immediately followed by a digit?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Three
20. Find the next term in the given series below. 4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 30, ___ ?__
(A) 32
(B) 60
(C) 62
(D) 64
SECTION iI : MATHEMATICAL REASONING 1 1 of the money on magazines and of the money on a 3 4 snack. Which of the following fractions represents the part of money he did not spend ?
21. Dhruv earned some money. He spent
5 12
1 2
2 3
5 7
22. The students in seventh-grade had a dance party. They spent ` 500 for a local band. The equation below can be used to find the total profit y, if the students sold x tickets to the dance party. y = 4x – 500
What does the number 4 represent in the equation?
(A) The price per ticket
(C) The number of tickets sold
(B) The cost of the band (D) The profit made from selling x tickets
23. What percentage of the faces are smiling?
(A) 41.5
(B) 57.5
(C) 62.5
(D) 42.5
24. Solve for x :
(A) 1
15(x – 9) – 2 (x – 12) + 5 (x + 6) = 0 (B)
9 2
−5 8
(D) 12
6th IMO - Set B
25. In the figure (not drawn to scale), ACD is a right-angled triangle, ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC, ACG, EAB and FAD are straight lines. Find the value of x and y respectively.
(A) 70°, 85°
(B) 80°, 75°
(C) 70°, 80°
(D) 75°, 85°
26. There are 54 green apples and 30 more red than green apples in a container. What is the ratio of
the number of red apples to the total number of apples? (A) 5 : 9 (B) 5 : 14 (C) 14 : 23
(D) 23 : 14
DIRECTION (27-28) : The given graph shows the number of books sold by Megha's book store in the first 8 weeks of the year.
27. What was the average number of books sold in 8 weeks? (A) 4875 (B) 4375 (C) 5892
(D) 2945
28. What is the range of the given data? (A) 2000 (B) 1000
(D) 2500
(C) 1500
29. Two figures are congruent, if they have the same ______. (A) Shape (B) Size (C) Both (A) and (B) 30.
How many faces does the given solid have? (A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 14
(D) None of these
31. The rectangle is made of 12 identical squares. It is divided into 4 parts. Which of the following 3 of the rectangle? 2 parts will be removed to form 12
(A) L and N
(B) M and O
(C) L and M
(D) M and N
6th IMO - Set B
32. Which rule represents the relation shown in the table ?
(A) y = x – 1
(B) y = x + 3
(C) y = 2x – 3
(D) y = 2x + 3
x 2 3 4 5 6
y 1 3 5 7 9
33. Find the area of the given figure (not drawn to scale).
(A) 200 cm2
(B) 94 cm2
(C) 84 cm2
(D) 100 cm2
34. Find the value of the given expression.
(A) –78
35. If
(–35) – (–15) + 8 – 9 – (–152) – 25 + (–8) (B) 32
(C) –55
(D) 98
6 y − x x 3 equals _____. = , then the value of + 7 y + x y 4
5 7
(B) 1 1 7
(C) 1
(D) 2
36. The diameter of a scooter wheel is 56 cm. How much distance will it cover in 10 revolutions ?
(A) 1660 cm
(B) 1875 cm
(C) 1560 cm
(D) 1760 cm
37. The largest number which divides 77, 147 and 252 to leave the same remainder in each case, is _______.
(A) 9
(B) 15
(C) 25
(D) 35
38. The side of a square plot is 80 m. Two paths of 4 m width along the sides of the square are constructed in the middle of the plot. Determine the area of the path.
(A) 139 m2
(B) 624 m2
(C) 264 m2
(D) 512 m2
39. Latika is 6 m years old. She is thrice as old as her sister. What will their total ages after six years?
(A) 8m + 6
(B) 8m + 12
(C) 24m + 6
(D) 24m + 12
40. In the given figure l || m and AB = BC, find the value of y.
(A) 45°
(B) 48°
(C) 20°
(D) 30°
6th IMO - Set B
SECTION iII : EVERYDAY MATHEMATICS 41. Ishika and her grandfather both had birthdays last week. The sum of their ages is 100 years. Her
grandfather's age is 4 times Ishika's age. How old is Ishika ? (A) 16 years (B) 20 years (C) 22 years
(D) 25 years
42. The ratio of boys to girls in a club is 7 : 4. There are 21 fewer girls than boys. What is the total
number of children in the club? (A) 49 (B) 77
(C) 84
(D) 231
43. Jenny uses 36 beads to make 4 bracelets. How many of the same type of bracelets can Jenny
make with 180 beads ? (A) 20 (B) 27
(C) 432
(D) 972
44. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 seconds respectively.
In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together? (A) 4 (B) 10 (C) 15
(D) 16
45. 1 litre of water weighs 1 kg. How many cubic millimetres of water will weigh 0.1 g? (A) 0.1 (B) 1 (C) 10 (D) 100 2 3 of the first group and of the second group 3 4 board buses to travel to a museum, how many more people of the first group board buses than
46. Each of two groups of tourists has 60 people. If
of the second group ? (A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 40
47. The temperature of a city at 1 p.m. was 15°C. Every hour it decreases by 3°C. The temperature at
6 p.m. was _____. (A) 3°C
(B) 0°C
(C) –3°C
(D) –6°C
48. A man sells a car to his friend at 10% loss. If the friend sells it for ` 54000 and gains 20%, the
original C.P. of the car was _____. (A) ` 25000 (B) ` 37500
(C) ` 50000
(D) ` 60000
49. The total cost of 3 tables and 2 chairs is ` 745. If one table costs ` 40 more than one chair, find
the price of each table and chair respectively. (A) ` 160, ` 120 (B) ` 165, ` 125
(C) ` 200, ` 160
(D) ` 120, ` 80
50. Equal sums of ` 7200 were lent to Megha and Priya at 5% per annum for a period of 4 years and
5 years respectively. Find the difference of the interest paid by Megha and Priya. (A) ` 140 (B) ` 560 (C) ` 260 (D) ` 360 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK
Class 7 7th
SET A Year 2013
7th IMO - Set A
logical reasoning 1.
Priya remembers that she saw her maternal aunt on Friday after 23rd of a month. If 6th of that month fall on Sunday, then on what day of the week did she meet?
A. B. C. D.
Beena, who is Garima's daughter, says to Latika, 'your mother Aashka is the younger sister of my mother, who is the third child of Rajeev'. How is Rajeev related to Latika?
A. B. C. D.
Which of the following options has the same relationship as that of MJ : QN ?
A. B. C. D.
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word 'DISTURBANCE' which have as many letters between them as there are in English alphabets ?
24th 25th 27th 29th
Brother Uncle Maternal grandfather Father
A. B. C. D.
6 5 8 7
Mohit, Nitin and Raj play cricket, hockey and football. Mohit, Nitin and Tarun play cricket, football and volleyball. Mohit, Raj, Sumit and Nitin play cricket and hockey. Which game is played by all the boys?
A. B. C. D.
Which of the following is the mirror image of the given word, if the mirror is placed vertically to the left?
How many 5's are there in the given series of which is immediately preceded by an even number and immediately followed by a vowel? 2 5 D 4 1 5 I 3 B C 6 2 5 A 6 5 I J 9 3 5 Q 7 F 4 3 8 J K A 6 5 0 4 5
A. B. C. D.
0 3 4 2
If '+' means '÷', '–' means '×', '÷' means '+' and '×' means '–', then 320 ÷ 225 + 15 × 15 – 85 = ?
A. B. C. D.
180 140 60 –940
10. Find the missing figure in the given figure matrix.
Hockey Cricket Football Volleyball
The opposite faces of a cube are as shown :
Which of the following options represents the unfolded cube?
7th IMO - Set A 11. Five friends Ashu, Andy, Monu, Sonu and Meeku are sitting on a bench facing north. Ashu is sitting next to Monu, Andy is sitting next to Meeku, Meeku is not sitting next to Sonu, who is sitting on left end at the bench. Andy is on the second position from the right, Ashu is second from the left, in which position is Monu sitting?
A. B. C. D.
3 2nd 1st 5th rd
12. Find the figure from the options in which Fig. (X) is embedded as one of its part.
A. B. C. D.
14. B is the South-West of A, C is to the East of B and South-East of A and D is to the North of C in line with B and A. In which direction of A is D located?
A. B. C. D.
"Vegetable, Fruit, Rotten" ?
16. Arrange the following words in the alphabetical order as arranged in dictionary and choose the word that comes last.
A. B. C. D.
Prominent Prohibition Programme Prolong
17. Which of the following options will complete the series? 3, 2, 11, 4, 35, 8, 107, 16, ? A. 321 B. 323 C. 32 D. 120
A. B. C. D.
12 13 11 10
19. The given question consists of two sets of figure. Figures P, Q, R and S consists of a problem set. There is a definite relationship between figures P and Q. Establish a similar relationship between Figure R and S by selecting a suitable figure from the options that would replace (?) in figure S.
North-West South-West South-East North-East
15. Which of the following Venn diagrams correctly describes the relationship amongst
18. Which number will replace the question mark, if the matrix follows a certain rule row-wise or column-wise ?
13. In a certain code language, the word 'DIPLOMA' is written as 'FERHQIC'. How will the word 'FOREIGN' be written in that code?
7th IMO - Set A
20. In the given question a piece of sheet is folded and cut and then unfolded. Select this figure from option which exactly resembles the unfolded paper.
B. C.
MATHEMATICAL REASONING 21. The figure is made up of 3 squares. What is the area of the shaded part of the figure? (figure not drawn to scale)
A. B. C. D.
50 24 36 48
cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2
22. In the given figure, PQ || RS, PS || QR and ∠RPT is 1 as much as ∠PTS. What is the value of ∠RPQ ? 4
25. Which of the following will make the expression true? 7 2 1 4 6 3 3 − 6 − 2 + 5 ÷ 8 + 4
A. B. C. D.
84° 63° 42° 52°
23. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to integers ?
Integers are closed under both addition and subtraction. Commutative property holds in addition but not in subtraction. Associative property holds both in addition and subtraction. 0 is the additive identity of integers.
24. The value of 28 in 528094 is the same as ______.
A. B. C. D.
7000 + 1094 8094 – 90 7094 + 906 28094 – 94
> < = Can't be determined
26. The circumference of the tyre of Radha's bicycle is 2.5 m. She took part in a bicycle race of 1 km. When she had covered 700 m, the tyre burst. If she had to finish the race, how many more times the wheel must go round?
A. B. C. D.
4 6 3 ÷ + 5 8 4 7 3 5 − + +1 4 6 3
A. B. C. D.
24 120 125 30
27. Mohit spends ` 7x – 4 for a shirt and ` 2x + 8 for a pair of trousers. If he gives the shopkeeper a 1000 rupee note, how much will he get back ?
A. B. C. D.
1012 – 9x 996 – 9x 992 – 8x 996 – 7x
28. Find the mean and median respectively in this group of test results.
A. B. C. D.
60, 43, 47, 61, 35, 53, 49, 32, 59 49, 47 46.87, 49 48.69, 43 48.77, 49
29. The average of 4 numbers is 25. The average of the first 3 numbers is 22. What is the value of the 4th number ?
7th IMO - Set A
B. C. D.
34 44 47
33. Simplify :
30. Solve for x : 15 (x – 9) – 2 (x – 12) + 5 (x + 6) = 0
–3 1 2 9 2 4
31. In the given figure, ABC is a straight line. Find y.
5 x 7 y 5 × (10a3 x 2 ) −3 (2 x5 y 3 ) × (6a 2 y ) −2
25 4 xy 6 25 2 3 x y 4 9 2 a xy 100
9 y × 100a xa
Direction (34-35) : A fair dice has faces numbered 0, 1, 7, 3, 5 and 9. If it is thrown, the probability of getting 34. a 1 is _________
A. B. C. D.
50° 80° 100° 130°
32. How many unit cubes are required to make it a cuboid?
A. B. C. D.
2 5 1 6 1 2 3 5
35. an odd number is A. 1 2 B. 3 5 C. 6 1 D. 6
18 30 28 26
EVERYDAY MATHeMATICS 36. By selling a watch for ` 1275, Javed lost 15%. At what price should he sell to make profit of 10%?
A. B. C. D.
` ` ` `
1500 1482 1550 1650
37. A businessman borrowed some money at 1% per month. After some time, he settled the debt by paying ` 14,750. If the total interest was ` 2950, find the time.
A. B.
2 years 1 month 3 years 1 2 years 2 1 year 8 months
38. Four persons step off together during a morning walk. Their steps measure 60 cm, 80 cm, 75 cm and 90 cm respectively. At what distance from the starting point will they again step off together ?
A. B. C. D.
12 m 36 m 4m 72 m
39. Rajesh had a packet of 20 sketch pens. He gave 12 to Kartik and 6 to Meena. What fractions of the packet did he give to Kartik and Meena ?
3 10 9 10
4 5
1 5
7th IMO - Set A
40. 20% of the students were absent in an examination. 15% of those who appeared failed. If 340 students passed, what was the total number of students?
A. B. C. D.
550 450 400 500
41. A man is five times as old as his son. He will be three times as old as his son after 10 years. Find their present ages.
A. B. C. D.
10 years, 50 years 8 years, 40 years 12 years, 60 years 6 years, 30 years
42. A park 300 m by 210 m has a path 5 m wide all round it, the path being inside the park. Find the cost of constructing the path at ` 100 per 10 m2 .
A. B. C. D.
` ` ` `
point of alcohol?
A. B. C. D.
–137 °C 137 °C –59 °C 59 °C
44. Nine counters numbered 1 to 9 are placed in a bag. One is taken out at random. The probability that it is divisible by 3 is _______.
1 2 1 3 2 9 4 9
45. In a school, 8a 2 + 4a + 9 students were enrolled. 2a 2 – 9a + 2 students were boys. How many girls were enrolled?
500 5000 50000 500000
43. The melting point of mercury is –39°C. The freezing point of alcohol is –98°C. How much more is the melting point of mercury as compared to the freezing
A. B. C. D.
6a2 4a2 6a2 4a2
– 13a + 7 + 13a + 7 + 13a + 7 – 13a + 7
Achievers Section Direction (46-47) : The line graph shows the number of storybooks Armaan read in the last 4 months of a year.
3 4
1 2
5 12
48. What percentage of the figure is shaded ?
46. The ratio of storybooks he read in September to November is
A. B. C. D.
1 4 2 5
: : : :
4 1 5 2
47. The number of storybooks that he read in October as a fraction of the total number of storybooks read is
1 12
A. B. C. D.
50 60 70 65
% % % %
7th IMO - Set A 49. If the 2 unit cubes marked 'X' are removed from the solid, which solid will be obtained?
50. Select the incorrect match.
A. B. C. D.
Item S.P. (`) Profit / loss C.P. (`) Pen 96 20% profit 80 Sofa 7000 12½% loss 8000 Wooden shelf 6786 13% loss 7812 Tea set 1526 9% gain 1400
Class 7 7th
SET B Year 2013
7th IMO - Set B
logical reasoning 1.
The positions of how many letters in the word WONDERFUL will remain unchanged when the letters within the word are arranged alphabetically?
A. B. C. D.
Select a figure from the options which will continue the same series as established by the five problem figures.
None One Two Three
There is a definite relationship between figures 1 and 2. Establish a similar relationship between figures 3 and 4 by selecting a suitable figure from the given options, which will replace the (?) in figure 4.
A. B. C. D.
4 4 4 4
× 5 + 9 – 3 ÷ 4 = 15 × 5 × 9 + 3 ÷ 4 = 11 – 5 ÷ 9 × 3 – 4 = 17 ÷ 5 + 9 – 3 + 4 = 18
Rahul told Anand, "Yesterday I defeated the only brother of the daughter of my grandmother." Whom did Rahul defeat?
A. B. C. D.
Which is the third number to the left of the number which is exactly in the middle of the following sequence of numbers?
Select the pair from the given options that has a relationship similar to that in the Figure (X).
Son Father Cousin Brother
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
A. B. C. D.
3 4 5 6
If '–' stands for 'division', '+' for 'multiplication', '÷' for 'subtraction' and '×' for 'addition', then which one of the following equations is correct?
Figure (X)
7th IMO - Set B 8.
Select the correct mirror image of Figure (X). a
c d
Figure (X)
d c
b d
Figure (X)
b a
In an imaginary language, the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are substituted by a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i and j & 10 is written as ba. A. B. C. D.
Then, baf ÷ bf × d is equal to
44826 44882 46682 44682
A. B. C. D.
12. Which of the following shapes is exactly embedded in the Figure (X)?
13. Find the missing character in the number pattern given below. 25
df cb be d
16 361 1 81
10. Select a figure from amongst the option figures, which will continue the series established by the four problem figures. ?
A. B. C. D.
64 289 16 9
14. In the following question, find out which of the options completes the figure matrix?
? Figure (X)
11. In a certain code language, 24685 is written as 33776. How is 35791 written in that code?
260 269 324 429
? 25
7th IMO - Set B
15. The given question consists of a set of three figures showing a sequence of folding of a piece of paper. Fig. (Z) shows the manner in which the folded paper has been cut. Choose a figure from the options which would most closely resemble the unfolded form of paper.
AB7CD9Z4 P2M c KS3 5NT a Which of the following letters is exactly midway between the 4th letter from left end and 6th letter from right end?
A. B. C. D.
17. Select the figure from the options which satisfies the same conditions of placement of dots as in Figure (X).
19. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the given figure? C D A B
A. B. C. D.
A and B are in all the three shapes. E, A, B, C are in all the three shapes. F, C, D, B, A are in all the three shapes. Only B is in all the three shapes.
20. Select a figure from amongst the options which will continue the same series as established by the five problem figures.
Figure (X)
16. Study the following arrangement of letters, digits and symbols to answer the question given below :
18. Which of the following options will complete the pattern in Figure (X)?
7th IMO - Set B
Mathematical reasoning
Feet above or below sea level
21. The given bar graph shows heights of selected lakes. Find the difference in elevation for Lake E and Lake C. 600 600 512 500 300
26. Find the angles x and y respectively in the given figure.
200 100 – 92
– 52
420 604 504 692
C. D.
−5 −2 −3 1 6 , , , , 10 7 5 4 7 −3 −5 −2 1 6 , , , , 5 10 7 4 7 1 6 −5 −2 −3 , , , , 4 7 10 7 5 −2 −3 −5 1 6 , , , , 7 5 10 4 7
23. In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle, DCEF is an equilateral triangle. Find x.
A. B. C. D.
66º 60º 66º 60º
and and and and
y T x º 35
A. B. C. D.
– 100
22. Arrange the following numbers in the ascending order. 1 6 −3 −5 −2 , , , , 4 7 5 10 7
25. The triangle ABC and PQR may not be congruent when A. AB = PQ, AC = PR, ∠A = ∠P B. AB = PQ, AC = PR, BC = QR C. AB = PQ, AC = PR, ∠B = ∠Q D. ∠A = ∠P, ∠B = ∠Q, AB = PQ
84º 40º 48º 48º
27. Which of the following sum is in the simplest form? 4 −5 A. + 9 9 −5 11 + B. 12 −12 −2 13 + C. 5 20 −7 1 2 + + D. 8 12 3 28. Half of 1 percent written as a decimal is
A. B. C. D.
0.005 0.05 0.02 0.2
29. In the given diagram, PQU is an equilateral triangle, QRVU is a square and RSTU is a rhombus. Find the perimeter, in cm, of the whole diagram. P
A. B. C. D.
25º 30º 20º 50° 1 4 + x x −1 23 − x ( x − 8) + + = 7− . 5 4 7 5 7 8 5 9
4 cm
U 5 cm
24. Solve for x :
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.
17 21 26 27
7th IMO - Set B
30. 40% of 1640 + ? = 35% of 980 + 150% of 850
A. B. C. D.
372 842 962 1052
31. Form an equation of the form ax + b = c, where a, b and c are constants, such that the solution of the equation is x = 4.
A. B. C. D.
2x 7x 5x 3x
+ + + +
33. Which of the following statement do not hold in the process of solving the equation 15 + 3x = 3?
5 2 4 4
= = = =
A. B. C.
3x = 3 – 15 15 – 3 = – 3x 3x 15 + =3 3 15 3 x 3 + = 3 3 3
34. Simplify, the expression by removing brackets.
15 10 16 16
32. In the given figure, if PR = QR, ∠SRP = ∠TRQ and ∠SQP = ∠TPQ, then S T
a − 2b − [4a − 6b − {3a − c + (5a − 2b − 3a − c + 2b)}] A. 5a + b B. 4a – c C. 3a + b + c D. 2a
35. In the given figure, the given lengths of DPQR are in centimetres. If PQ = PR, find the length of QR. Q
A. B. C. D.
@ @ @ @
2x – 3
5x + 1
P 2x + 13
A. B. C. D.
3 4 5 6
cm cm cm cm
everyday Mathematics 36. A man buys an article for ` 27.50 and sells it for ` 28.60. Find his gain percent.
A. B. C. D.
4% 5% 12 % 8%
37. A sum of money invested at simple interest triples itself in 8 years. How many times will it become in 20 years time?
A. B. C. D.
8 times 7 times 6 times None of these
38. The price of a watch is ` 50 more than twice the price of a gold ring. Let the price of the ring be ` x. If the price of the watch is ` 208, find the price of the ring.
A. B. C. D.
` ` ` `
85 79 88 75
39. Anish borrowed ` 15000 at the rate of 12% and another amount at the rate of 15% for two years. The total interest paid by him was ` 9000. How much did he borrow?
A. B. C. D.
` ` ` `
31000 33000 28000 18000
40. A car was purchased for ` 80,000. Its value depreciates every year by 20%. Find the value of the car at the end of 2 years.
A. B. C. D.
` ` ` `
51,600 51,200 52,100 52,400
41. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 seconds respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together?
A. B. C. D.
14 18 16 15
times times times times
7th IMO - Set B 42. The price of a table is `100 less than 6 times the price of a chair. A similar set of one table and 4 chairs is priced at `1400. Find the price of a chair.
44. A bag contains an equal number of one rupees, 50 paise and 25 paise coins respectively. If the total value is ` 35, how many coins of each type are there?
A. B. C. D.
` ` ` `
140 150 148 145
43. A rectangular grass plot 80 m × 60 m has two roads, each 10 m wide, running in the middle of it, one parallel to length and the other parallel to breadth. Find the cost of gravelling the roads at `2 per m2 .
` 2600
B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.
` 2700 ` 2750 ` 2800
20 15 25 18
1 45. A car is moving at an average speed of 3 km/hr. 9 1 How much distance will it cover in 5 hours? 7 A. 15 km B. 16 km C. 17 km D. 18 km
ACHIEVERS SECTION 46. The diagram shows a rectangle. Which rectangle, A, B, C or D, has a shaded area which is the same as the shaded area in diagram? (The length and breadth of rectangle PQTU and each of the rectangles A, B, C and D are the same). 11 cm
6 cm
Q 3 cm
Q P 6 cm V
Q P 5 cm V
What is the principal sum? I. The sum amounts to ` 690 in 3 years at S.I. II. The sum amounts to ` 750 in 5 years at S.I. III. The rate of interest is 5% p.a.
A. B. C. D.
I and III only II and III only I and II only Any two of the three
If Mrs. Kapoor buys 3 mangoes and uses the rest of the money to buy apples, then
C. Q
48. Mrs. Kapoor has certain sum of money to buy fruits. She can buy n mangoes at ` 1.60 each and have ` 0.80 left. Alternatively, she can buy (n + 10) apples at ` 0.70 each and have ` 0.10 left.
47. In the given question, a question is asked and is followed by three statements. While answering the question, you may or may not require the data provided in all the statements. You have to read, the question and the three statements and then decide whether the question can be answered with any one or two of the statements or all the three statements are required to answer the question. Select the correct option.
(a) Find the value of n. (b) How much money does Mrs. Kapoor have for buying fruits? a b A. 10 ` 10.02 B. 10 ` 14.20 C. 6 ` 14 D. 7 ` 12
7th IMO - Set B
49. Select the incorrect match.
A. B. C. D.
Cube Cylinder Triangular Pyramid Cuboid
Faces 6 1 4 6
Edges Vertex 12 1 6 12
8 1 4 8
50. Statement I : If four quantities a, b, c and d are such that the ratio a : b is equal to the ratio c : d, then we say a, b, c and d are in ratio and a:b:c:d. Statement II : If a : b = 5 : 9 and b : c = 4 : 7, then a : b : c = 20 : 36 : 63. A. Both statements I and II are true. B. Statement I is true and statement II is false. C. Statement I is false and statement II is true. D. Both statements I and II are false.
ANSWER KEYS 3 rd IMO (2009) 1. (D) 11. (A) 21. (C) 31. (C) 41. (A)
2. (B) 12. (A) 22. (A) 32. (D) 42. (A)
3. (C) 13. (D) 23. (B) 33. (B) 43. (D)
4. (D) 14. (B) 24. (C) 34. (C) 44. (C)
5. (A) 15. (B) 25. (B) 35. (D) 45. (C)
6. (A) 16. (B) 26. (D) 36. (A) 46. (D)
7. (A) 17. (A) 27. (D) 37. (D) 47. (B)
8. (C) 18. (B) 28. (B) 38. (D) 48. (B)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
(B) (A) (A) (A) (D)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
(D) (C) (C) (B) (D)
7. (B) 17. (D) 27. (A) 37. (C) 47. (C)
8. (A) 18. (C) 28. (B) 38. (D) 48. (B)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
(B) (B) (B) (C) (B)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
(C) (C) (D) (B) (A)
7. 17. 27. 37. 47.
(A) (B) (D) (D) (C)
8. 18. 28. 38. 48.
(C) (A) (C) (C) (D)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
(B) (D) (B) (D) (C)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
(A) (B) (D) (B) (B)
7. 17. 27. 37. 47.
(B) (C) (B) (C) (B)
8. 18. 28. 38. 48.
(B) (A) (C) (A) (C)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
(D) (C) (C) (D) (D)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
(C) (D) (C) (B) (A)
7. (B) 17. (D) 27. (B) 37. (D) 47. (B)
8. (D) 18. (B) 28. (A) 38. (B) 48. (C)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
(A) (C) (C) (B) (B)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
(D) (B) (A) (D) (D)
7. (C) 17. (B) 27. (B) 37. (A) 47. (A)
8. (D) 18. (C) 28. (D) 38. (B) 48. (B)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
(D) (D) (B) (C) (D)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
(C) (C) (C) (D) (C)
7. (D) 17. (C) 27. (A) 37. (C) 47. (D)
8. (B) 18. (B) 28. (A) 38. (B) 48. (D)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
(B) (D) (D) (B) (B)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
(B) (D) (C) (B) (C)
4 th IMO (2010) 1. (B) 11. (D) 21. (C) 31. (A) 41. (D)
2. (D) 12. (B) 22. (C) 32. (B) 42. (A)
3. (B) 13. (A) 23. (C) 33. (A) 43. (C)
4. (D) 14. (D) 24. (C) 34. (D) 44. (D)
5. (B) 15. (A) 25. (A) 35. (C) 45. (D)
6. (C) 16. (C) 26. (D) 36. (A) 46. (C)
5 th IMO (2011) 1. 11. 21. 31. 41.
(C) (C) (B) (A) (D)
2. 12. 22. 32. 42.
(A) (B) (B) (A) (B)
3. 13. 23. 33. 43.
(B) (D) (C) (D) (B)
4. 14. 24. 34. 44.
(D) (D) (B) (B) (B)
5. 15. 25. 35. 45.
(B) (B) (C) (B) (A)
6. 16. 26. 36. 46.
(B) (D) (B) (B) (A)
6 th IMO (2012) SET A 1. 11. 21. 31. 41.
(B) (D) (B) (D) (D)
2. 12. 22. 32. 42.
(D) (B) (B) (A) (B)
3. 13. 23. 33. 43.
(B) (A) (D) (C) (C)
4. 14. 24. 34. 44.
(D) (B) (A) (A) (D)
5. 15. 25. 35. 45.
(C) (A) (D) (C) (A)
6. 16. 26. 36. 46.
(C) (D) (C) (B) (D)
SET B 1. (D) 11. (C) 21. (A) 31. (D) 41. (B)
2. (A) 12. (D) 22. (A) 32. (C) 42. (B)
3. (C) 13. (D) 23. (D) 33. (D) 43. (A)
4. (B) 14. (D) 24. (B) 34. (D) 44. (D)
5. (C) 15. (B) 25. (B) 35. (C) 45. (D)
6. (A) 16. (C) 26. (C) 36. (D) 46. (C)
7 th IMO (2013) SET A 1. (B) 11. (A) 21. (C) 31. (B) 41. (A)
2. (C) 12. (C) 22. (B) 32. (A) 42. (C)
3. (C) 13. (C) 23. (C) 33. (D) 43. (D)
4. (A) 14. (D) 24. (D) 34. (B) 44. (B)
5. (B) 15. (D) 25. (A) 35. (C) 45. (C)
6. (B) 16. (A) 26. (B) 36. (D) 46. (C)
SET B 1. (B) 11. (B) 21. (B) 31. (D) 41. (C)
2. (D) 12. (C) 22. (B) 32. (B) 42. (B)
3. (B) 13. (C) 23. (A) 33. (C) 43. (A)
4. (B) 14. (D) 24. (B) 34. (D) 44. (A)
5. (A) 15. (D) 25. (C) 35. (C) 45. (B)
6. (D) 16. (C) 26. (C) 36. (A) 46. (B)