Class 7 Imo 4 Years Sample Paper

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If in a certain certain code, 'when' means '´ ', 'you' means '¸ ','come' means '–' and 'will' means '+', then what will be the value of "8 when 12 will 16 you 2 come 10" ? (A)   45 (A) 45  



465   ` 465



470  470 



500   500



865   865

(D)  (D)  Six  Six  Ticket Prices Type of Tickets Child  Youth Adult 

Price ` ` `

10  15 20

(B)  (B)  17 17  

(C) (C)   70 70  

(D)  (D)  60 60  

Priyanka is shorter shorter than Shikha and longer than than Sneha. If Sneha Sneha is longer than Yukti, who is the shortest among them? (B)  (B)  Shikha  Shikha 

(C)  (C)  Sneha  Sneha 

(D)  (D)  Yukti  Yukti 

If 'paper' 'paper' is called 'wood', 'wood' is called 'straw', 'straw' 'straw' is called 'grass', 'grass', 'grass' 'grass' is called 'rubber' 'rubber' and 'rubber' is called 'cloth', what is furniture made up of ? (B)  (B)  Wood  Wood 

(C)  (C)  Straw  Straw 

(D)  (D)  Grass  Grass 

Ranbir is sixth sixth from the left left end and Vikram Vikram is tenth from the right e end nd in a row of boy boys. s. If there there are eight boys between Ranbir and Vikram, how many boys are there in a row ? (A)   23 (A) 23  


(D)  (D)  112 12  

Rahul bought 4 packets of notebo ok papers for school last year. Each packet contained 50 notebo ok papers. He used about 20 notebook papers each week. Find the number of notebook papers Rahul was left with after 7 weeks ?

(A)   Paper   (A) 7.

(C)  (C)  Five  Five 


(A)   Priyanka  (A) Priyanka  6.

(B)  (B)  Four  

The given table shows the the ticket ticket prices prices of an am amusement usement park. Mohit sells tickets to 7 adults, 15 youth and 10 children. How much does he earn ?

(A)   67 (A) 67   5.

(C) (C)   96 96  

How many numbers numbers fr from om 11 to 50 are there which are exactly exactly divisible by 7 but not by 3 ? (A)   Tw (A) Two o 


(B)  (B)  94 94  

(B)  (B)  25 25  

(C) (C)   24 24  

(D)  (D)  26 26  



How many squares are there in the given figure ? (A)   6  (A) (B)   7  (B) (C)   8  (C) (D)   9  (D)


Which pair of eagle pictures shows reflection ?



10. A parent group is planning an awards dinner for students, teac teachers hers and parents. parents. The parent group plans to seat the guests around a circular table that has seating for 30. The guests will be seated in the order of student, teacher, parent in a repeating pattern. Who will be the 23 rd guest ? (A)   Student  (A) Student  7  4th IMO | Level-I | Class 7 

(B)  (B)  Teacher  

(C)  (C)  Parent  Parent  2

(D)  (D)  Cannot be determined Set-B


11. A community swimming swimming pool is open on different days depending on the air temperature. temperature. The given table shows the air temperature on different days. Swimming Pool The dates listed in the table show that the pool was closed on Air Temperature Date July 1, August 1 and October 1. If the pool was open on all the May 1 68°F other dates listed, which of the following statements best describes 73°F June 1 the air temperature when the pool is open ? 82°F July 1 (A)   The air temperature (A) temperat ure must be between 74 74°° F and 90° F  F  87°F August 1 (B)   The air temperature must be lower than 91° F (B) F   80°F September 1 (C)   The air temperature must be higher than 75° F (C) F   95°F

October 1

(D)   The air temperature (D) temperat ure must be between 67 67°° F and 81° F  F 

12. Choose the correct correct mirror-image mirror-image of Fig. (X), when the mirror is plac placed ed along  PQ .  (A)





Fig.(X) Q  

13. Which one of the following diagrams best illustrates the thre three e classes : "Sailor, Ship, Ocean" ? (A)




14. If 1st and 26 th , 2nd and 25 th , 3rd and 24 th, and so on, letters of the english alphabet are paired, then which of the following pairs is correct? (A)   GR (A) GR  

(B)  (B)  CW  CW 

(C)  (C)  IP IP  

(D)  (D)  EV  EV 

15. Rohan plans to make a display by stacking stacking cans. The top 3 rows are s shown hown here. The display will be a total of 9 rows. How many cans in all will Rohan need to make the display ? (A)   49 (A) 49  

(B)   45 (B) 45  

(C)   47 (C) 47  

(D)   42 (D) 42  

16. A zoo had 17 tigers. All All but eight died. How many was left with the zoo? (A)   Nil  (A)

(B) (B)   8 

(C)  (C)  9 

(D) (D)   17 17   Text messages received by Samir

17. Read the graph and answer the given

100 95 90 85 80 75 70     s 65     e     g 60     a     s 55     s 50     e     m45      f 40     o     r 35     e      b 30     m25     u 20      N 15 10 5 0

question. On which day did Samir receive exactly 45 text messages ? (A)   Monday  (A) Monday  (B)   Thursday  (B) Thursday  (C)   Friday  (C) Friday  (D)   Sunday (D)











7  4th IMO | Level-I | Class 7 


18. Armaan Armaan walks 30 me metres tres towards south. Then, turning to right, he walks 30 metres. metres. Then, turning to his left, he walks 20 metres. Again, he turns to his left and walks 30 metres. How far is he from his initial position ? (A)   20 metres (A) metres  

(B) (B)   50 metres metres  

(C)  (C)  60 metres  metres 

(D)  (D)  80 metres metres  

19. How many lines of symmetry symmetry does the figure have ? (A)   1  (A) (B)   2  (B) (C)  3  (C)  (D)   4  (D) 20. Find the odd one out. (A)   176 – 168  (A) 168 

(B) (B)   214 – 206 206  

(C)  (C)  577 – 568  568 

(D)  (D)  319 – 311  311 

MATHEMA THEMATICAL TICAL REASONING SECTION II : MA 21. A mistake was made in simplifying the expression expression given below. 2 3 Simplify : 5 + 2(6 + 4)  – 2 , Step 1: 5 + 2(10) – 2 3 , Step 2: 5 + 20 – 8, Step 3: 25 – 8, Step 4: 17. In which step did the first mistake appear ? (A)   Step 1  (A) (B)  (B)  Step 2 

(C)  (C)  Step 3 

(D)  (D)  Step 4 

22. What percentage of the figures figur es are circles circles ? (A)   48% (A) 48%   (B)   50%  (B) 50%  (C)   52%  (C) 52%  (D)   54%  (D) 54%  23. Find the value of the expression given below ?

(A)   24 (A) 24  

(B)  (B) 

æ 3a 2 + 2a × 5 - 4 ö wh he n a = 4 ç ÷ + 5 a - 2, w 4  ø (C) 39 39   è (C)   27 27  

(D)  (D)  36 36  

24. Which of the following figures has 10 vertices ?  (A)   Figure  U   (A)

(B)  (B)  Figure  V  

(C)   Figure  W   (C)

(D)  (D)  Figure  X  





25. Which list of integers is in order from greatest greatest to lea least st ? (A)   – 42, –39 (A) –39,, – 4, 40, 41  41  (B)  (B)  – 42, 42, 41, 40, 40, – 39, – 4  (C) (C)   – 4, – 39, 40, 41, 42  42  (D) (D)   41, 40, – 4, – 39, – 42 42  

26. Which model best represents the expressio n

(A) 7  4th IMO | Level-I | Class 7 

1 1 × ? 2 3




(D) Set-B


27. Mr. Mr. Sameer was trying to find a tablecloth for his rectangular dining table. He knew the area and perimeter of the tabletop. Area = 40 square metres, Perimeter = 28 metres Which of the following best represents the width and length of the tabletop ? (A)   Length = 10 m, Width = 4 m  (A)

(B) (B)   Wi Width dth = 2 m, Length = 20 m 

(C)   Wi (C) Width dth = 5 m, Length Length = 8 m 

(D) (D)   Wi Width dth = 4 m, Length = 12 m 

28. If 2 unit cubes, cubes, one on each are are placed on the unit cubes marked 'X' which solid will wil l be obta obtained ined ?






29. Fill in the blank of the statement statement given below. 70 has _____ factors. (A)   2  (A)

(B)  (B)  4 

(C)  (C)  6 

(D) (D)   8 

30. Which of the following is true for the two given congruent figures ? (A)  TQ

@ XY  

(B)  ST


(C)  TQ

@ W X  


W     m   k   6  97°   1




ÐQ @ ÐY  


108° 46 km      k     m      6      k 108° Q    3      6 16 km      2 48° 107° 97° 48° T    Y V   46 km 36 km

2  6     107°   k   m      m

31. The total cost of 5 teddy bears is the same as the total cost of 9 clowns. Find the cost of a teddy bear. (A) 


27 27  



28 28   = ?,



30 30  






32 32  

32. The perimeter of the given figure is ____.

7m 4m

(A)   68 m  (A)

4m 3m

(B)   48 m  (B)


(C)   58 m  (C)


(D)   50 m  (D) 33. Which of the followin followin g digits makes makes the given st statement atement true? 6,06,19? is divisible by 9. (A)   3  (A) Set-B

(B)  (B)  6 

(C)  (C)  5  5

(D) (D)   8 7  4th IMO | Level-I | Class 7 


34. Given that


If each

stands for

(A)   (A)






1 , what does each 4

3 4 

(B)   (B)


stand for ?

3 2 

(C)   (C)

3 8 

(D)   (D)

3 5 

35. Anushka looked at at several several different flower a arrangements rrangements before before purchasing one. The arrangements arrangements varied in price from  15.62 to  37.50. Which measure of data can be used to describe the variation between maximum and minimum price ? (A)   Mean  (A) Mean 

(B) (B)   Mode  Mode 

(C) (C)   Range  Range 

(D)  (D)  Median  Median 

36. Which of the following figures are are acute isosceles ttriangles riangles ? (A)  P only 



(B)  Q only  only   (C)  R  only  only  

25° P

(D)  R   and  S   only  only 

37. The value of

3 4


(A)   4.48  (A) 4.48 

1 2







9 1 0 




is ____.

(B)  (B)  – 4.46 4.46  

(C)  (C)  – 4. 4.82 82  

(D)  (D)  4.46  4.46 

38. Ashwin used the rule listed below to rewrite the expression 102 × 10 5 = 10 7. 10 m  × 10  n  = 10  m

+ n 

Based on this rule, which of the following is equivalent to the expression 8 –8 × 86 ?  –4–6   (A)   8 –10, because 8 –4 × 86 = 8 –4–6 (A)

 –4–8   (B)   8 –12, because 8 –4 × 8 –8 = 8 –4–8 (B)

 –8+6   (C)   8 –2, because 8 –8 × 86 = 8 –8+6 (C)

 –4+6   (D)   82, because 8 –4 × 86 = 8 –4+6 (D)

39. A building is 24 m long. The bottom of the ladder is 10 m away from the foot of the building. Find the length of the ladder ? (A)   12 m  (A)

(B)  (B)  24 m 

(C)  (C)  26 m 

(D)  (D)  8 m 

40. Amit counted the number of people in line for tickets at the movie theatre. E Every very time he saw 7 people, he added a tick mark on his counting sheet, as shown below.

Amit saw 6 more people after he added his last tick mark. Which could be used to find   u , the total number of people he saw? (A)   16 ÷ 6 + 7 =  u  (A)

(B)  (B)  16 × 6 × 7 =  u 

(C)  (C)  16 × 7 + 6 =  u 

(D) (D)   16 + 7 – 6 =  u 

SECTION ION III : EVERYDA EVERYDAY Y MA MATHE THEMA MATICS TICS SECT 41. It took Abhilasha Abhilasha 20 minutes to apply a coat of paint to a piece of pottery pottery.. After After eac each h coat she waited for 1 hour 30 minutes for the paint to dry. Which is a reasonable amount of time it could have taken for Abhilasha to have applied 5 coats of paint and for the pottery to be completely dry ? 1

(A)   505 minutes  (A) minutes  7  4th IMO | Level-I | Class 7 


hours (B)  (B)  8 6  hou

(C)   195 minutes  (C) minutes  6

hou urs (D) (D)   9 6 ho Set-B


42. The average of three numbers numbers is 9m + 8. Two of the three numbers are 2m + 3 and 4m + 5. Express the third number in terms of m in the simplest form. (A)   9m + 8  (A)

(B)  (B)  27m + 24 24  

(C)  (C)  21m + 16 16  

(D)  (D)  21m + 32 32  

43. Hrishant packs boxes for an appli ance company. He can pack a large box in 10 minutes and a small small box in 4 minutes. He needs to pack 10 large boxes and 20 small boxes. If he starts his work 3.5 hours before closing time, will Hrishant have time to finish the work before closing time if he works without stopping ? (A)   Yes, Hrishant will finish the work in 3 hours.  (A) hours. 

(B) (B)   No, it will take Hrishant 4 hours to finish.  finish. 

(C)   Yes, Hrishant will finish the work in 2.5 hours. (C) hours.  

(D) (D)   No, it will will take Hrishant 6 hours hours to finish.  finish. 

44. The total length of all songs songs on a CD, Anshuman Anshuman bought is about 74 m minutes. inutes. Each song is bet between ween 4 to 6 minutes long. Which is a reasonable number of songs that could be on the CD ? (A)   10 (A) 10  

(B)  (B)  40 40  

(C)  (C)  74 74  

45. Ishika and Sasha Sasha raced raced their toy cars. cars. The given

(D)  (D)  16 16  



diagram shows the distance travelled by the cars during the race. How much farther did Ishika's car



travel than Sasha's car ? 3 (A)   1 0  m (A)


4 (B)   1 0  m (B)




32 (C)   1 0  m (C)

46. Tameena has 4 old coins :  P, Q, R   and  S . Coin  R   is worth 

68 100   m (D)  100 (D) 

2.5. Coin  S   is worth 2 times the value

of coin  R . Coin  Q   is worth 3 times the value of coin  R . The four coins are worth 

40 altogether.

What is the value of coin  P   ? (A) 


14 14  



18 18  



25 25  



15 15  

47. Ankit can run 100 metres metres in 12.5 seconds. If he competes in the 400-metres 400-metres race race,, about how many seconds will it take him to run the race ? (A)   50 secs  (A) secs 

(B)  (B)  40 secs secs  

(C)  (C)  80 secs  secs 

(D) (D)   20 secs  secs 

48. Misha answered 56% 56% of the 150 pr problems oblems on her history homework correctly. correctly. How many problems on her homework did she answer correctly ? (A)   56 (A) 56  

(B)  (B)  65 65  

49. There are 338 cows and and goats on a farm.

(C)  (C)  84 84  

(D)  (D)  92 92  

2 1 of the cows are equal to of the goats on the farm. 3 5

How many cows are there on the farm ? (A)   78 (A) 78  

(B)  (B)  260  260 

(C)  (C)  72 72  

(D) (D)   270  270 

50. Which of the following statements statements represents represents the grea greatest test percent of change ? (A)   A tree grew from 6 feet to 12 feet in 1 year (A) year..  (B)   An a (B) aquarium quarium that that was was originally originally pr priced iced at  ` 90 is now  ` 140. 140.   (C)   A person whose salary was (C) was  ` 1000 per week is now earning  ` 1500 per week.  week.  (D)   A baby who weighed 5 pounds (D) pounds at birth now weighs 20 pounds. pounds. Set-B


7  4th IMO | Level-I | Class 7 

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