Class 3 NCO Sample Paper 4

January 2, 2017 | Author: Nilesh Gupta | Category: N/A
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1. 4

x 35 is ------- less than 2 × 75

A. 10 B. 140 C. 150 D. 290

2. Ritu

made a frame for a picture. The frame has 4 sides, The sides are not of all the same length. What shape could the frame be?

A. Rectangle B. Circle C. Square D. Triangle

10th April 2010. What day will be on 5th May 2010 ? April 2010 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30

3. Today is

Sun 4 11 18 25

A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday

4. Which

of the following expressions is equal to 50?

A. 5 ×5 B. 5 ×10 C. 50 ×0 D. 50÷50

5. The graph

below shows the number of books sold by Uncle Tim for 5 days. Study the graph carefully and answer the questions.

10 more books were sold on Wednesday than on ____ A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday D. Friday

6. Prem

is travelling 520 km to see his friend. He drives 269 km before he stops for lunch. How many more miles Prem has to travel? A. 789 km B. 251 km C. 269km D. 152km

7. Study the number line below.

Fill in each box with the correct answer.

A. 935, 950 B. 934, 947 C. 934, 948 D. 935, 949

8. If

stands for 40 people, 6

’s will stand for _____ people.

A. 46 B. 240 C. 400 D. 600 9. Shimla covers

one lack two thousand, five hundred fifty-eight square kilometers of land, Identify this number

A. 1:,58 B. 12,558 C. 102,558 D. 1,200,558

10. Nikhil

has 4 red, 9 yellow, 2 blue and 12 pink crayons in a packet. Which crayon will most likely come out of the

packet? A. Red B. Yellow C. Pink D. blue 11. What

time will it be 15 minutes after 2: 10 a.m.?

A. 2:15a.m B. 2: 25 am C. 5:10p.m D. 1:55 am

12. Which

line is the longest?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

13. Tanya started

to bed? A. 10 : 27 pm B. 10 : 17 am

watching television at 8 : 47 pm. She decided to go to bed 1 hr 40 mm later. At what time did she go

C. 9 D. 9

:27 pm : 27 am

14. Indian

Primary School held a reading contest. How many more stories did the students in class 3 read than the students in class 4?

Classes Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Each

Total Number of Stories Read

stands for 10 stories

A. 1 B. 2 C. 10 D. 5

15. Look

at the model shown below.

What number does the model show? A. 50 B. 104 C. 140 D. 440

16. Which




clock shows the time between 3:15 PM and 4:00 PM?


17. The height

of the bottle is ____

A. About 15 cm B. About 20 cm C. About 25 cm D. About 30 cm

18. 8

×9 = + 9 + 9. The missing number is -

A. 54 B. 45 C. 43 D. 34 19. Put

81 pupils equally in teams of 9. How many pupils will there be in each team?

A. 8 B. 7 C. 11 D. 9

20. How would A. 1:45 B. 12:30 C. 12:15 D. 11:45

you write the time “quarter to twelve”?

21. Find

the figure which will complete the problem figure

(Problem figure)





22. Going from

left to right, in which group is the heart in the last position?


B. C. D.

23. Find

out the figure which will complete the problem figure.





24. Mr.Arora had

24 balloons. He gave away 17 balloons. The number of balloons, Mr. Arora was left behind can be found using 24 -17 = ____. How many balloons was Mr. Arora left with ? A. 7 B. 17 C. 31 D. 41

25. The squares

below increase in size from left to right. If the pattern continues, how long will each side of the next square be? Mark your answer. 1 cm

2 cm

4 cm

7 cm

A. 8 centimeters B. 9 centimeters C. 10 centimeters D. 11 centimeters

26. Look





at this pattern What comes next in this pattern?

27. “A farmer has

four pens, and there are four pigs in each pen”. Which picture best explains the above statement ?

A. B. C. D.

28. Which

pair of numbers best completes the table? TABLE Number Number x 10 625 6,250 304 3,040 158 1,580 ? ?

A. 819


B. 320


C. 405


D. 271


29. Which

of the following shows all the different ways to combine I hat with 1 shirt?





30. How many squares

are there in the following figure?

A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11

31. Sonia has

made a project on computers. She has taken its hard copy to submit it. Hard copy means -

A. Copy on Floppy B. Copy on CD C. Printouts D. All of these

32. To

“maximize’ & a window means to

A. Expand it to fit the desktop B. Fill it to capacity C. Put only like files inside D. Drag it to the trash

33. To

type * we use the key/keys

A. B. C.



34. Match

the following

(p) Hardware (q) Software

(i) Ms-Dos (ii) Printer (iii) Logo (iv) Mouse

A. (p) - (ii), (q) - (i), (p) - (iv), (q) - (iii) B. (p) - (i), (q) - (ii), (p) - (iii), (q) - (iv) C. (p) - (i), (q) - (ii), (p) - (iv), (q) - (iii) D. (p) - (iii), (q) - (ii), (p) - (i), (q) - (iv)

35. Speed

of computer is measured in

A. Seconds B. Minutes C. Hours D. Megahertz

36. You

drag the mouse arrow over the text to

A. Clip art B. Highlight C. Fetch D. Decode

37. Keyboard

has_______ cursor keys

A. 1 B. 4 C. 5 D. 10

38. The secret

code that gives you access to some programs

A. Clue B. Cue C. Help D. Password

39. The blinking vertical

line on monitor is called

A. Cursor B. Pen C. Line D. Pointer

40. Which

software is used to draw pictures with little programming involved

A. Word B. Excel C. Paint D. LOGO

41. LOGO and

BASIC are…………………………

A. Types of computers B. Types of computer languages C. Types of devices D. Both B and C

42. Find

the odd term out

A. MS-Word B. MS-Paint C. MS-Excel D. MS-Of fice

43. Which

of the following may destroy information on a computer?

A. Bacteria B. Virus C. Default D. Back-Up

44. A web

site can contain one or more

A. Spiders B. Web pages C. Networks D. Systems

45. CPU means A. Core Packet Unit B. Clock Pocket Unit C. Central Processing Unit D. Central Product Unit

46. MS-Paint

is a window program that is used for

A. Calculations B. Writing letters C. Drawing purposes D. Preparing presentations

47. The minimize and A. Status


maximize buttons are present on the………...............

B. Task bar C. Tool bar D. Title bar

48. Ctrl

+S is the shortcut to

A. Open a file B. Edit a file C. Save a file D. Rename the file

49. Rahul

is drawing a rectangle in MS-paint. To colour the rectangle with a click he will use

A. Eraser tool B. Pencil tool C. Paint bucket D. Brush tool

50. In


B. C. D.


order to go to the next line, we press the……………………. key

1. A 6. B 11. B 16. B 21. C 26. D 31. C 36. B 41. B 46. C

2. A 7. D 12. D 17. C 22. C 27. D 32. A 37. B 42. D 47. D

3. B 8. B 13. A 18. A 23. C 28. A 33. C 38. D 43. B 48. C

4. B 9. C 14. D 19. D 24. A 29. C 34. A 39. A 44. B 49. C

5. A 10. C 15. C 20. D 25. D 30. C 35. D 40. D 45. C 50. B

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