Clairvoyance_ Learn to See the Invisible by Developing Your Psychic Intuiti

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Clairvoyance Learn to See the Invisible by Developing Your Psychic Intuition


© Copyright 2015 Tabitha Zalot - All rights reserved. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. The information provided herein is stated to be truthful and consistent, in that any liability, in terms of inattention or otherwise, by any usage or abuse of any policies, processes, or directions contained within is the solitary and utter responsibility of the recipient reader. Under no circumstances will any legal responsibility or blame be held against the publisher for any reparation, damages, or monetary loss due to the information herein, either directly or indirectly. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher. Legal Notice: This book is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part or the content within this book without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Legal action will be pursued if this is breached. Disclaimer Notice: Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances are we responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, —errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.


Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Here’s What You Need to Know about Clairvoyance Chapter 2 - Let’s Start with Simple Clairvoyance Chapter 3 - Next: Clairvoyance at a Distance Chapter 4 - Finally: Clairvoyance in Time Chapter 5 - Bonus: Enhance Your Psychic Abilities Conclusion


Introduction Are you familiar with clairvoyance? Do you know what it is and how you can develop your natural ability for it? That’s right, you do have an innate – albeit latent – predisposition for clairvoyance and psychic intuition; we all do. However, discovering it and developing it requires some knowledge, and willingness to be open to the process and to your ability. If you were under the impression that only certain people have the gift of clairvoyance (or even worse, that clairvoyance is just a cheap party trick, or something you are fooled with at a fair or at the circus), this e-book will help you realize that you are mistaken. Not only that, but you will learn the basics of clairvoyance, as well as how to develop your psychic intuition in order to see the invisible. This e-book was written especially for those who are curious, but uninitiated in the world of clairvoyance. It can act as your guide and valuable helper every step of the way. Discovering and developing your natural psychic intuition can be challenging, but it is entirely possible for all people, and it can be done easily when you have help, such as this e-book. It contains lots of valuable tips and tricks that are meant to help you navigate the new and fascinating side of what most people normally can’t see. You can learn to see beyond appearances, beyond the surface, and develop your latent predisposition for clairvoyance. You just need to dedicate some time and effort and you, too, can see the invisible. All you need to do is read this book carefully and follow the advice provided. Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 1 - Here’s What You Need to Know about Clairvoyance You may or may not have heard about clairvoyance before, so just in case, let’s take a look at the term, first. The word “clairvoyance” comes from French, where “clair” means “clear” and “voyance” means “vision”; so, in other words, clairvoyance is seeing clearly. But it does not refer strictly to your eyesight, but rather to a paranormal ability to connect to people, locations, or objects telepathically. Basically, clairvoyance can be defined as the gift or ability to see beyond what others can physically see. Clairvoyant abilities often come with the gift of clairaudience, which – you guessed it – is the ability to hear beyond other’s physical auditory capabilities. First of all, as with many areas of the supernatural or paranormal, you have to keep an open mind about clairvoyance. A skeptic who is hell-bent on seeing lies, trickery, or fraud will not be able to understand or acquire clairvoyant powers; this e-book is not for them. Secondly, I am obliged to tell you right from the start that clairvoyance is an ability that we all have; it’s innate. Most people won’t believe this, but it’s true. Each and every one of us is born with a predilection for this kind of thing – and many others that are thought to fall under the “supernatural” category, but are merely a matter of properly explaining vibrations, and other perfectly natural and normal occurrences. Clairvoyance is in no way part of the scary occult; it’s simply misunderstood. But how is it possible for these vibrations not to be perceived normally by the human eye? Well, you see, out of all the possible kinds of vibrations, the human retina is only capable of responding to a certain (very limited) segment, which can be seen as light. This explains why most people have a hard time believing that the ability for clairvoyance is present in all of us; it is simply different than the things we are normally used to seeing. In order to understand, you have to be aware of the fact that a person has a physical body, but also an astral one. The physical body captures the vibrations that we perceive as sight and sounds, while the astral one is in charge of sensing these alternative vibrations. It features centers called chakras, which are certain points in your astral body that facilitate energy 6

flow. Various experiments have been conducted to prove that there are certain sounds that not everyone hears, because we don’t all have the physical ability to perceive those vibrations. The same goes for the spectrum of the things we are able to see; some people have a stronger inclination to see more than the physical, and this will be proven by any kind of test done with a significant sized sample. These people, in whom clairvoyant abilities manifest strongly, will be able to tell you what is written in a closed book, for example, or physically describe a person that is standing with their backs to them. Thus, it’s all a matter of extending our senses and the kinds of vibrations that we are susceptible to. Once you realize how large the spectrum of possible vibrations is, you become aware of how logical it is for us to train ourselves to be able to perceive these vibrations, which go beyond our limited physical abilities. There is a whole new world of things to see and to hear, things that the rest of the world doesn’t have access to, as they only rely on their physical abilities and perceptions. All types of clairvoyance are not created equal; however, and we will now distinguish between several kinds. Images may appear to you, but what do they feature? Where are they from? When did they appear to you? They might be images of your next door neighbor, of a cat in Ancient Egypt, or of a Chinese man selling fruit. Visions can come in all degrees, complete, partial, connected to you, or seemingly nonsensical. You will not always be able to understand what you see, and you won’t be able to make anything of them, most of the time. Sometimes visions just happen to people who are completely unrelated to the events in the images. The simplest way to classify and understand these different types of clairvoyance is to follow the arrangement created by Sinnett in “Rationale of Mesmerism”: 1. Simple clairvoyance – Simple clairvoyance is the extension of one’s horizons, when it comes to sight and the things they can see around them, whether etheric or astral. They are not able to see in time or in distant space. 2. Clairvoyance in space – Clairvoyance in space is the power to see beyond one’s immediate vicinity, in places where one wouldn’t normally have the physical ability to see. This can be somewhere far away, outside one’s field of vision, or places that are obstructed by walls, objects, or other things. 7

3. Clairvoyance in time – Clairvoyance in time is the ability to see events, objects, or people beyond the present, in the future, or in the past. This clear distinction between them will help you understand them better and learn about each of them. Knowing how to distinguish between them will be very useful when you do get to have visions, and don’t know what they are and where they are coming from. This way, you will have an idea of what to expect before you delve into the world of clairvoyance, and attempt to enhance your psychic abilities. Remember that clairvoyance is not a game, and you most likely won’t be able to turn it on and off according to your preferences – unless you are a very experienced clairvoyant. You are opening yourself up to new experiences, and receiving knowledge that most people do not have access to. Clairvoyance can be wonderfully fascinating (like when you get to see the past), or it can feel like a curse (when you foresee someone’s death or some kind of tragedy), but once you have awoken this intuition in yourself, you can’t shut it down. It’s important to learn about all the different aspects of clairvoyance, as well as what you will be able to do, as a beginner, as opposed to a more experienced clairvoyant. These abilities are not all the same for everyone, and some people see and feel things more intensely than others.


Chapter 2 - Let’s Start with Simple Clairvoyance Simple clairvoyance has been defined by the aforementioned Sinnet as a widening of astral sight, but with a lack of ability to see in time or space, at great distances. Although special and temporal clairvoyance is accessible (fragmentarily) to clairvoyants who don’t necessarily know how to seek it, it is important to differentiate between such occasional accidental occurrences and the ability to see clearly in time and space. People who are more sensitive to their clairvoyant abilities experience all sorts of instances in which they are able to see beyond normal physical sight. This can happen in degrees, from partial to fully clairvoyant, with everything that this entails. As far as etheric vision goes, it is basically an increased perception of a wider range of physical vibrations than one would normally see.

Full Clairvoyance So what does the world look like to someone who has attained full simple clairvoyance? What is so different for a person who has awoken to their natural, previously dormant clairvoyant abilities, and is now able to take advantage of them fully?

Objects acquire a transparent quality Well, for starters, normal physical objects look different than they normally do. They lose their “solid” and opaque quality, and instead, become almost transparent. A clairvoyant is able to see through objects (including walls) without difficulty, read letters enclosed in envelopes, and even read books through the covers. You may be wondering if once you discover your abilities, you continue seeing with your new kind of vision, or whether you can switch between it and your normal one. The answer is that yes, you gain control over this kind of vision, once you are a bit more experienced with it. After you get used to your new-found powers, you will be able to effortlessly switch from one to the other like you would focus on something close to you or farther away. Remember when I mentioned the transparent walls and objects earlier? Well, this is also true for the ground you walk on, which you will now be 9

able to see from a deeper down perspective. Bugs, and other creatures, rocks, and streams of water, it will all be visible to you to a certain extent. People, animals, and objects are all subject to this change too, and the clairvoyant can see the inner workings of them all. This includes organs, blood, and other such things, which can be incredibly useful in diagnosing a health issue or other things of the sort.

Colors are new and different If you thought that the color spectrum was limited to just the shades that we are normally able to see, you were wrong, because the truth is there are various new colors out there, accessible to those practicing clairvoyance. The color spectrum expands together with your perception, and you might be surprised to discover entirely new colors, as well as find that you are seeing old colors differently now, as well. What was once a certain color does not necessarily remain the same, once you look at it through your new kind of perception.

Astral sight vs etheric sight I often talk about this new clairvoyant experience in terms of etheric sight and astral sight, so I think it’s time to define the difference between them more clearly. To put it simply, etheric sight is what allows you to look through objects and observe them as if they were transparent. You are able to see their front, back, and contents, if any, but you are not able to see the sides, above, or below the object. Astral vision, on the other hand, is complete vision. Astral vision gives you the ability to look at an object from all angles and see it completely, all at once. For example, let’s say you have a cube, or a die. If you looked at it with an etheric vision, you’d be able to see the opposite side, but with astral sight, you could see all six sides at once. As for the book example I gave earlier, etheric vision would allow you to see through the book, as if its covers and pages were transparent, while astral vision gives you access to the book’s contents with nothing standing in the way. In addition, astral vision goes beyond the physical matter and shows you the aura of people, animals, and plants. A clairvoyant is able to see the astral counterpart of every molecule and every atom that constitutes a physical object and the aura projected by some of them, such as stones, or metals.

The human aura can be easily read As you can see, it can be said that astral sight is superior to etheric sight, 10

simply because it offers such a complete vision of the objects surrounding us. Something we cannot ignore is the value of the fact that as a clairvoyant, you are able to observe the human aura. This helps you learn more about the people around you, and in turn, help them. You will be able to notice the colors of their auras, which will indicate their moods, feelings, sufferings, and illnesses. Sensuality, boredom, happiness, anger, affection, or fear – they will all be clear and open to you, and you can let them guide you in your interactions with your fellow humans. You will be able to tell if their chakras are blocked, and interfering with energy flow, and to help them regain their health, happiness, and positive disposition. So you can clearly understand how everything about clairvoyance is about seeing what is not normally noticeable with the human eye. You can literally see the colorful manifestation of someone’s feelings, mood, or desires. It’s truly fascinating, and it is information that will prove to be invaluable in helping them with their problems. You see, people who discover and cultivate their clairvoyant abilities often use them for good and engage in acts of kindness towards others. As a clairvoyant person, you should always use your powers to help your lovedones and the people around you in any way you are able to.

New objects and creatures Earlier, I talked about how objects are seen differently by clairvoyants, and how objects gain a transparent quality that allows the initiated one to see right through them, as well as walls, or even people. However, there are also brand new objects that they will now be able to see. Nature will show itself in all its glory, which cannot be perceived completely by the human physical eye. It’s something that takes most new clairvoyants by surprise and fascinates them. We never realize it or imagine it, but there are countless other entities in the world that we cannot usually see, unless we are awoken to our latent clairvoyant abilities. Creatures belonging to mythology, religion, or the fantasy realm are all inspired or taken directly from these etheric and astral visions. Fairies, leprechauns, and other such beings that were thought to be merely the result of one’s imagination can be seen freely by the initiated.

You can interact with astral bodies A particularly interesting (and maybe shocking, for some) aspect is that clairvoyant people are capable of seeing the spirit, or the etheric body of a person. However, this is difficult in waking, conscious life, but it is 11

possible once the physical body enters a state of trance, is anaesthetized, or dies. Then, the separation between the physical body and its identical ethereal one is clear. The etheric body can be easily observed while the subject is sleeping or resting, but by far the most interesting ones are the spirits of the dead. Contrary to popular opinion, with death comes only the end of the physical body, but not the etheric one. The spirit remains the same as it ever was, with the same personality, likes and dislikes, opinions, etc. The clairvoyant person is able to see, talk to, and interact with these spirits, and sometimes even help them. The “other side” is so different than what is portrayed in all the popular narratives available to us in the Western world, for example, that these persons, these ethereal bodies, may find themselves in need of some guidance. Full clairvoyance also allows you to leave your physical body in your sleep and live in your astral one, through something called astral projection. If you’ve never heard of astral projection, you’ve certainly heard of out of body experiences, which are the same thing. Essentially, your astral body separates itself from your physical body and leaves it to sleep, while you can go and enjoy an astral existence.

Partial Clairvoyance You have to keep in mind that however wonderful it is to have attained full clairvoyance, very few people have actually managed to achieve that goal. The vast majority of clairvoyants are of the untrained variety, which is to say that they only enjoy partial clairvoyance. This means that not everything described earlier will be possible or as precise. As expected, the partial clairvoyant lacks a certain control that the full clairvoyant has over their own powers and visions.

Permanent clairvoyance Clairvoyance can be permanent and it can be with you for the rest of your life, but still remain only partial. It is possible to have bits and pieces of certain abilities, and while it’s still fascinating to experience, it can ultimately be disappointing, especially when you are familiar with what full clairvoyant experiences are like. Who knows how many people like this are out there; people who have small pieces of this gift of clairvoyance, but who either don’t recognize it, are scared of it, or are simply uninterested in pursuing it any further. Allow me to reiterate that we all have the innate ability for clairvoyance, which means 12

that technically, every person probably has some degree of awoken power, whether they realize it or not. Many of them probably have clairvoyant visions and chalk them up to dreams, imagination, or coincidence, but in reality, they were experiencing very real psychic imagery.

Temporary clairvoyance But just like there are permanent clairvoyants who only have partial – and uncertain – power, others are only temporarily clairvoyant, accidentally, only under certain conditions, and not for a very long time. While some of them might be able to recreate the exact environment that triggered the clairvoyant image, most of them will be waiting for psychic images to come to them, without knowing when, how, or why. Some of these temporary clairvoyants are only able to see when they are in a trance, so they fall under the category that needs very specific conditions. These people may be capable of seeing things quite clearly, and even attaining a certain level of psychic ability, but that ultimately ends when the trance does. Certain drugs are sometimes used with the aim of attaining clairvoyance, but more often than not, the state they induce is not conductive to psychic ability, but rather to a passive state, in which other entities can express themselves through the aspiring clairvoyant. It is important to note; however, that this does not fall under actual clairvoyance, and that it is not a psychic technique, but more akin to magic rituals, which have nothing to do with clairvoyance. Regardless of the number of temporary clairvoyant moments one experiences in their life – be it one or a thousand – it is impossible for the person not to be influenced by it, maybe for the rest of their life. Some people go mad after a single, powerful psychic experience, or spend the rest of their time on earth trying to explain it to themselves. Others are not quite shocked, but it would still be dismissive to claim that they were not affected, in one way or another. The results are not always negative; on the contrary, they are often overwhelmingly positive. Most people who have had the chance to be awoken to their psychic abilities – albeit temporarily – claim it to be the single most intense or fascinating experience of their lives. They go on to look at the world around them differently; not with enhanced sight, necessarily, but with a greater knowledge of the things that lie beyond our limited physical capabilities. Clairvoyant experiences are often reported by people who are dying or think they are about to die. The experience is so highly intense and absolute, 13

that the physical plane takes the back seat to the astral one, and the dying person is able to see other dead friends, relatives, or loved ones. You know how people say that their lives flashed before their eyes in a moment or a near-death experience? That is also an instance of clairvoyance; namely, clairvoyance in the past, but that is something I will touch upon in a future chapter focused on clairvoyance in time. As you can see, the issue is significantly more complex than it appears, at first, and it is about to get even more complicated, as we delve into clairvoyance in time and space. Before engaging in any kind of clairvoyant experiences or exercises, it’s good to be knowledgeable about all of these different aspects, divisions, and subdivisions. It is essential for you to know it all, in order to be able to successfully enhance your psychic intuition and attain your goal of becoming clairvoyant. Knowing how to discern between full, partial, permanent, and temporary clairvoyance, as well as between psychic images, imagination, and hallucination will help you understand your own experiences better, and exercise your clairvoyant abilities in the right way in order to enhance them. These are basic facts and details about simple clairvoyance, as preparation for the next chapters, which will be outlining what you need to know about clairvoyance in space and clairvoyance in time.


Chapter 3 - Next: Clairvoyance at a Distance Practicing clairvoyance at a distance basically means being able to see things that are not in your immediate vicinity, and which you shouldn’t be able to see normally, either because they are too far away, or because they are otherwise obstructed by objects, walls, or other things. As with simple clairvoyance, clairvoyance in space can be full, intentional, permanent, and controlled, or partial, unintentional, temporary, and incidental. As with the previous chapter, I will start by detailing clairvoyance at a distance, which can be controlled by the initiated one, and later mark the differences between it and the unintentional type.

Intentional, controlled clairvoyance To put it simply, for the possessor of full clairvoyance, nothing is hidden. They control what they see and how far they see, and everything they want is for them to behold, no matter what walls, obstacles, or distance stand in their way. In addition, if the initiated also has the ability to control their astral body (say, in an instance of astral projection), then they really can go anywhere and see anything and anyone. This way, it is entirely possible for someone in one country to see what is happening on the other side of the world, with people they don’t even know and have never met. It is strange and fascinating, but how is it possible? How can a person see things so clearly that they have never seen in person and up-close before? There is no definite answer, but there are some pretty good guesses. One of them is that clairvoyants are able to perceive the radiations given off by all objects, anywhere, at any given time. But if we were not to take this possible explanation into consideration, and instead focus on methods that are strictly related to clairvoyance, we would have three techniques for clairvoyance at a distance: 1. With the help of an astral current – What this entails is basically establishing a connection through astral matter. This is not a direct line, of course – that is not possible. But instead, the energy is either transmitted from one particle to another, forming a line, or the line is formed simultaneously, but this latter option requires a great deal of power, which is only possible with full clairvoyance and an enhanced psychic ability. The problem with this technique is that the line 15

formed this way can be moved or destroyed by a different astral current. To make this easy to visualize, imagine yourself looking through a telescope. The subject is far away, but its image is close and it is clear. That’s quite similar to the sort of image you are able to see through this method. Sound is sometimes also possible, but it requires superior power that very few clairvoyants enjoy. Note that the physical body is not moved or left at any time during this process. There are no projections involved, and you are not leaving your current space. 2. By means of astral projection – Unlike the previous method, this one involves a bit of travel. Not physical, of course, but astral. Significantly more interesting, more vivid and more satisfying, this technique allows the initiated one to “move” to the scene and observe it directly. The physical body is left safely sleeping or otherwise in a trance, while the astral body is free to roam the astral plane, interact with other entities, and witness anything they desire. It is a very rewarding experience, albeit dangerous, for someone that is not trained. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, because this method offers a certain liberty that is not possible with others. The seer is free to move around at any speed, and in any place, and experience anything they want, from any angle. They can lift themselves up in the air and view everything from above, or get very close and study something in detail. Limits are next to none and the possibilities are endless. 3. Through the projection of a thought form – In order to be able to use this method, you do need to have a somewhat developed psychic power; you need to be able to exert control over the mental plane. What this method entails is very deep, very intense thought and visualization. Basically, the clairvoyant visualizes themselves in a certain place, and thinks very intensely about it, and that thought will take the form of the seer and materialize itself in that place. It is, essentially, like a projection of the initiated one. This way, they will be able to see everything as if they were really there in person, or as though they arrived there via astral projection. Unlike the “telescope” view, this way, everything is clear, up-close, and life-size. In addition, shifting viewpoints is possible, and they are 16

not tied down to a certain point in space. The seer (or rather, the projection of the seer) can speak, hear, and interact with the figures present, because their consciousness is in their body. Beginners, or untrained seers are not often capable of such performance, because of the high degree of mental control that is needed. You may be wondering if your ability to see in this case is, indeed, unlimited. Would you be able to go anywhere you want to? Would you be able to search and find anyone you desire, even if they have passed away? It’s true that there are certain limitations, but generally, you should be able to find any person you want, as long as you have a clue about who you are looking for. You can’t just go out looking for strangers, but you definitely can meet someone you know or have some idea about. But how is this possible? Well, every person has a distinct vibration and if you know the person you are looking for, you should be able to sense their particular vibration from miles away, and find them without any kind of difficulty. Even if the seer is not skilled enough to be able to find the spirits of those who have passed, they will still be able to tell that those people can no longer be found on the mental plane. If you are looking for a stranger, you would need something to connect you with him, like a photo or a personal object; something they have touched.

Semi-Intentional and Unintentional Clairvoyance Like I mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, just as clairvoyance at a distance can be controlled and intentional, it can also be incidental or even semi-intentional. While incidental describes an unintentional instance of clairvoyance in space, semi-intentional refers to those who manage to have visions, but have no idea what they are doing. I will start by talking about the latter. This category is chockfull of hotline psychics, women in large earrings and crystal balls who you see at the fair, and all kinds of “occult specialists” who have some idea of what they are trying to achieve; but don’t know what they should expect, how to control their visions or abilities, or the extent to which they do exist. Mediums and most people who hold so-called séances fit right in here, as they hypnotize themselves and set themselves up for spiritual encounters, but lack the necessary preparation or knowledge. And should the much-desired encounter actually occur, they would most likely not be able to conduct it to the client’s satisfaction. Of course, sometimes the event does happen, and they are able to have certain visions at a distance, which is why I am talking about them here. 17

Crystal balls also have some truth to them, when the conditions are right, and a person should be able to see images. But they are rarely images of any importance. The pictures are clear and they are accurate, but they can be instances from someone’s daily life, for example, which bear no importance for anything and are hardly useful or exciting. Some clairvoyants who have enhanced power are able to control what they see, to a certain extent. They can focus and cause an image to appear, but the majority is just “fishing” for anything to happen, and any kind of image to appear, by accident or sheer luck. Clairvoyance in time is also possible through crystal balls, either in the past or the future, but that is something to discuss in the next chapter. Other objects can also be used, as long as they have a shiny surface, but they will not be nearly as effective as the crystal. In addition, when the object is especially small, the effect might actually turn out to be self-hypnotization, as opposed to clairvoyance. As far as unintentional clairvoyance goes, these are instances of unexpected visions at a distance, experienced by people with no knowledge, inclination, or previous preparation in the subject. Some people have this happen to them often, while for others it’s a once in a lifetime thing. These visions can be partial (as they are often wont to be for beginners) or even full and in various degrees of intensity and vividness. The reasons or circumstances that trigger such experiences vary and they are not always known or obvious. In addition, these images do not even always happen in waking life and are often manifested while the subject is sleeping. In this latter instance, the seer oftentimes does not even realize that they had a clairvoyant moment, and they chalk their vision up to dreaming or even hallucinating. In reality, they were probably having an out of body experience (or astral projection), and while their physical body was safely asleep, their astral body was traveling through the astral plane, experiencing things and having visions. These unintentional and surprising visions sometimes appear to the seer as a cry for help from someone, or as a manner of letting them know that a situation is dire and in need of their assistance. As I mentioned earlier in the book, clairvoyance is used to help others, and sometimes this help comes from an otherwise untrained, uninitiated person, who was completely unaware of their natural, latent clairvoyant abilities. However, they have a very vivid dream, an intense vision, or some other strong image that appears to them, and they feel compelled to check the accuracy of their vision. Most 18

of the time, they discover that they were, indeed, able to see either in space or in time, and that they can help those who found themselves in need. There are instances in which visions are transmitted through particularly strong emotions and intense thought. Someone who is in grave distress and is thinking about a loved one incessantly may inadvertently be sending this person a vision of them and their distress. It is what we often hear happens between mother and children or between twins. This occurs when the two people have such a strong emotional bond, that they are able to essentially communicate telepathically and send messages to each other, maybe without even realizing. Then the person may have a vision, or they might just get the sense that something is wrong, that someone has died, etc. But, however wonderful and meaningful these instances are, most incidental clairvoyant visions just happen for no apparent reason. Seemingly random images are just shown to the seer, with no purpose or explanation and without anything to trigger it. This happens to the majority of people who experience unintentional clairvoyance, most often just as they are drifting off to sleep. As I mentioned, the causes are unknown, although it might be a sign of a special inclination for clairvoyance. Sometimes, our natural, innate abilities show through, but without prior knowledge, it is difficult to identify clairvoyant visions and believe that you have really seen the future, for example.


Chapter 4 - Finally: Clairvoyance in Time Clairvoyance in time is one of the most interesting instances of clairvoyance. The power to see both in the past and in the future is undoubtedly fascinating for any person, whether they are especially interested in clairvoyance or not. It is humanity's ultimate goal to be able to travel through time, and this ability to see what is going to happen in the future, or what happened in the past is the closest we’ve gotten to it. This particular ability, like all the others, can be mastered completely, both in the past and in the future, only partially for both, partially for one, or completely for one. As you can see, it is not an exact science and no two clairvoyants are the same, so one’s ability will not be like another’s. Some can control them both and voluntarily see into the future or past, while others only experience bits and pieces at a time, while waiting for the next time they are offered the opportunity to see in time. The difference in degree is dependent on the experience and amount of control the seer has. For example, let’s say a beginner or otherwise untrained seer gets a glimpse of a scene in the past – for them, it’s just a scene, a random vision that they cannot relate to anything or make any sense of. An experienced clairvoyant, on the other hand, will be able to also see what happened before that particular scene and what happened afterward, as far back or forward as they want to. Because of this, causes are understandably easy to identify and explain. I will expand on both clairvoyance in the future and clairvoyance in the past, as they are distinct matters that need to be treated and referred to individually, starting with the latter.

Clairvoyance in the past The first question that usually pops up when dealing with clairvoyance in the past is where do these images come from? Where are they stored and how can they essentially be re-winded, like an old video tape? Believe it or not, there are records; records of what is happening and has happened in the world. They are sometimes referred to as “records of astral light”, but to be perfectly honest, this name is not entirely accurate, because the records date back farther than the astral plane. The subject is not without difficulty, because humans lack the necessary 20

understanding to comprehend what these records are. We are far from having the necessary information to understand or deal with it, so we can only talk about, explain, and teach what we know at the present time. There is a case to be made about the records we have access to being a mere reflection of the actual ones, which are currently beyond our reach, and perhaps will remain that way forever. Imagine a surface of water reflecting an image. Is it clear? No. You can make out the image and enough details, but it will never be as sharp as the real thing. Now think of birds, the wind, and other objects on the surface of the water. You can still see the image, right? But it is significantly fragmented and increasingly unclear. This is a perfect analogy for the way clairvoyants with astral sight have access to images from the past. The image is there, and you can see it, but never clearly. You see certain pieces more clearly than others, but some are missing and the details are blurry. A beginner will have difficulties differentiating between what is a reliable and an unreliable image and recreating an image from pieces that were shown to him in visions. The difficulty also lies in recreating what a clairvoyant has seen and explaining that to others. The description will never be the same as what they have experienced, for it is no easy task to transfer what they have witnessed in a higher plane to the physical world. Similar to how a painter can never reproduce an image perfectly, words often fail a clairvoyant who desires to talk about what they have seen in the astral plane. And how can you find a certain image in these records that are so difficult to access and navigate? If you are a beginner, you probably can’t, actually, unless you have something to connect you with what you are looking for. Psychometry usually does the trick, in cases like this. If you are unfamiliar with the term, psychometry is basically discovering an object’s history by means of touching it. The sense of touch has extraordinary memory and in the case of clairvoyance, it enhances this memory and gives the initiated one the ability to read the history of the item and see it vividly, in images. Experienced clairvoyants still need some kind of clue, link, or connection to the event they are looking for. These records are similar to any others you might find at the library, for example. You can’t just go searching in the dark, without knowing what you’re looking for and where to look for it. Thus, you need a year, a location, or any other kind of identifying detail in order to be able to find a specific historical scene or something of the sort. The appearance of these past records varies according to the plane in which they are seen. For example, on the astral plane, you witness the reflection of 21

the record simply as an image, most often still, but sometimes moving. On the mental plane, on the other hand, there are two kinds of reflections. Since you are bringing these images to life by thinking about them, if you are not thinking about anything in particular, like a specific image or person, these records will exist in the background of your mind, like a never-ending play on a stage. But an experienced clairvoyant might desire to conjure up a certain scene, so in this case, the imagery immediately changes. Because the seer is thinking about them, the moment the thought springs into his mind, the image automatically appears. However, because these are records, the clairvoyant cannot interfere or interact with the figures. They cannot talk to them nor do anything to influence events. Everything happens around them, without taking note of them. They can, however, speed up the time, stop it, enlarge it, or control it in any way they please. It’s as if they are really there, and they are able to see and hear everything that is happening, everything that is being talked about, planned, and explained. They can witness and understand what actually happened. History is so often debated and is said to be written by the winners. This is a trained person’s chance to learn how things happened, exactly, and what the real truth is. These are the real historical records, to which not everyone has access, outside of these lucky few who are fortunate enough to have awoken their innate psychic abilities. Think about how many extraordinary things you could see and experience. Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, African tribes, Napoleon’s France – all of these and so much more is available and accessible to those who are initiated in clairvoyance. These are unique experiences that you absolutely cannot have anywhere else, or in any other way and it is the closest we have ever gotten to actually traveling in time, as I mentioned in the beginning. Ever wondered whether or not Atlantis really existed? What about meeting Cleopatra and seeing if Marie Antoinette really ever uttered the famous words “Let them eat cake!”? There’s a whole world out there to explore and see, more than you or anyone else can possibly imagine. The possibilities are endless and limitless. With a little work, effort, and dedication, you can enhance your psychic intuition enough to be able to have all these kinds of experiences that I have been describing in the book. I expand on this further in the next chapter, where you can learn techniques for developing your abilities. For now, let’s talk about clairvoyance in the future. 22

Clairvoyance in the future What is potentially even more fascinating than rediscovering the past and seeing it from a new angle (literally!)? Experiencing the future! That’s right, not only can you witness history, but you can also see what is coming. There have been plenty of documented cases of people foreseeing things like natural disasters, major plane crashes, stock market crashes, and other such events. Of course, there are still people who do not believe that it is possible to see the future, but as soon as you discover and awaken your clairvoyant abilities, it is impossible to still remain ignorant on the matter. Going to the future or being given the unique opportunity to see what is going to happen is probably a secret dream of most people. Since time immemorial, there have been people claiming to have the gift of foreseeing events in the future. Far from being things of fairy tales, witchcraft and mythology, visions from the future are supremely real and they can come to you, under the right kind of circumstances. Some people can even see or predict their own deaths, as morbid as that may sound. Examples of people who knew exactly how they were going to die, down to details, abound, so going against it and remaining skeptical has no point, even though it is every person’s prerogative. But talk of being able to foresee what is going to happen in the future begs the question of whether our fate has, indeed, been already decided for us and if our free will is just a wonderful, but ultimately silly illusion. Do we really have control over our own lives, and do the decisions we make every day matter, or is it all futile, because everything is already set in stone? Now, thinking this way is what’s silly, because things are rarely so black and white. Of course we have free will and we are in charge of our own lives and decisions; future events are not exactly “written” anywhere, but an outline does exist. You see, you might have a vision of someone dying in a certain place, so you warn them not to go there, thinking that you will be able to prevent their death. They will still die, whatever you were able to see will happen, so no, just like we are not able to interfere in the past, we are not able to interfere in the future. Their death might be in a different place, but the details will be the same, or the other way around. There is not just one future that may happen, but several versions of it, each dependent on certain decisions we make. If you’re familiar with those choose-your-own-adventure kind of games, it’s very much like that. You 23

have your options laid in front of you, and you have to choose which path you want to go down. Our present reality is caused by actions in the past, and our future is caused by our past, present, and future actions. Everything is connected and everything exists simultaneously in our consciousness. There is no definite separation between past, present, and future, this is something we have come up with, as a society, out of convenience. Generally, the events in the life of a normal man can be foreseen accurately, precisely because they are influenced by their past actions. And I am not only talking about past actions in this lifetime, but also in previous ones. Every person develops a pattern and they blindly follow that pattern, without even realizing it. One action influences the next and results in others after them that can be predicted without difficulty. In the case of clairvoyants, the situation is different, because they are aware of this influence and chain reaction. They know how certain things influence them, and they can trace the influence of a certain thing throughout their lives. The initiated person has different methods of dealing with these life events, oftentimes in ways that allow them to be triumphant over them. Thus, their life is significantly more difficult to foresee, or next to impossible. As you probably already know by now, all types of clairvoyance come in various degrees, and clairvoyance in the future makes no exception. Some may experience it more fully, while others just partially. Certain people merely have premonitions that don’t really qualify as clairvoyant visions, while others have second sights. Second sights are visions in the future, and they are all negative, commonly showing the death of someone or some kind of disaster. This gift of second sight – if it can be called a gift, given its morbid nature – tends to manifest itself especially in remote locations, particularly in mountain men and other types of loners. It also appears in places like islands (the Isle of Skye comes to mind), where families have been blessed, or maybe cursed with this ability for generations upon generations. Curiously, they seem to lose their foreseeing capabilities upon leaving the island. Generally, visions in the future appear to come more often at night, while dreaming, than during waking life, although there certainly are instances of the latter. The image which is seen is sometimes of significance to the person who has the vision, either an event that will happen to them or a loved one; but other times, a vision may have nothing to do with the 24

clairvoyant to whom it appears. Random, seemingly nonsensical images appear from all varieties of clairvoyance, and this is no different. Unsurprisingly, death is the most frequent thing that people foresee; either their own or someone else’s. Other tragedies also appear often, perhaps in an attempt to be prevented, or at least prepare the person for the horrible and unexpected. But death, as we discussed earlier, can rarely be prevented and the vision oftentimes occurs as the person is dying or immediately before, so by the time the clairvoyant can do something, it is already too late. Many times, these kinds of visions serve as a kind of warning for something that might happen, unless something is done to prevent it. This can be true of sickness, falling out with family or even death. For example, a vision may show someone lying in a bed, completely still and very pale. The person who has this vision will understandably assume the other person will die, so they try to convince them to go to the hospital and get checked. Upon being tested, that person might discover that something was, indeed, wrong, and the vision their friend foreshadowed will come true, but with the person lying sick in the hospital, not dead. This goes back to what I was saying about influencing destiny, and preventing visions in the future from happening. You may be able to prevent the unfortunate event pictured in the vision, and the vision might still technically become reality, only not in the way you thought it would.


Chapter 5 - Bonus: Enhance Your Psychic Abilities As you have surely already been able to tell by now, clairvoyance is serious business, and there is a lot you have to know and become aware of, before taking on the challenge of becoming clairvoyant and all that entails. You know that you have the innate ability for it; you just have to learn to develop it. In fact, you might have already had clairvoyant instances; you just didn’t know it! For example, whenever you have a dream and then it happens in real life, when you visualize something and it comes true, or when you think about a person and they immediately call you or you bump into them – these are all instances of clairvoyance and they can be further cultivated, so you can become the clairvoyance expert you know you can be. These experiences are common for almost everyone, and you might think they are simply coincidences, but there is no such thing. This is clairvoyance at work and everyone’s internal inclinations come out once in a while, no matter how unaware we are of them. This is completely normal, and it can actually help you increase your psychic abilities and come to achieve full clairvoyance. Like with any other skill that needs to be improved, clairvoyance becomes easier and is enhanced with practice. Learn all you can about it, acquire the necessary knowledge and get used to living with your new abilities. There are seven steps you can take and practice every single day for a total of seven days in order to increase your clairvoyance.

Don’t be afraid of the future A little-known fact is that children have an extraordinary ability for things such as clairvoyance, astral projection and lucid dreaming, only because they do it accidentally and are considered unreliable story tellers; their experiences are chalked up to childish imagination or silly dreams. Think about how many children have “invisible” friends – now that you know about astral bodies, it kind of makes sense, right? But whatever clairvoyant experiences children have – whether it is seeing into the future or talking to spirits, they usually stop at some point, out of fear. But where does this fear come from? 26

The answer is: a) external sources, like their parents, for example, who might tell them that they are not actually seeing things others can’t and are only imagining things, or that psychic activity is a sin, or that their invisible friend (in reality, an angel) is not actually real; b) the future itself, when the children might see something they don’t like, that makes them miserable or afraid If this fear is something that is latent in the back of your mind, it’s time to release the fear of the future and embrace whatever clairvoyance may bring into your life. In order to be able to do this, consider trying a breathing exercise, while repeating a mantra.

State your question accurately In order for you to receive the intended answer, you have to make sure you’re careful about the way you formulate your question – you need to be specific, otherwise the answer or the vision into the future might disappoint you. This means you have to be honest with yourself regarding your hopes and desires, and ask yourself the question in such a way that will yield the appropriate answer. It won’t always be an answer you will like – you only have the power to see into the future, not change it, after all – but it will be one that will match what you wanted to know, in the first place.

Focus on your “third eye” The third eye is the chakra located between your eyes and it is responsible for clairvoyance and psychic images. This eye might be open, closed, or partially open, and it is your job to get it to open fully. But how can you do that? Through what I mentioned earlier in the book to develop your skills: practice and exercises. For example, it’s a good idea to engage in visualization exercises. Are you familiar with the “building a rainbow” exercise? Essentially, you have to imagine a nice, pleasant field, with vibrant, green grass and the shining sun after a storm. Picture a rainbow forming and appearing from between the clouds. The trick is not to visualize this all once, or rather, not to visualize it in full color. You can basically “color” your vision as you go: first, a bit of red, then orange, followed by yellow and green and the rest of the colors you can normally see in a rainbow. You can make them brighter and brighter or set them aside, and instead, concentrate on animating your rainbow, looking at it 27

from different angles or perspectives, etc. It’s in your power to visualize whatever you want to. Another type of exercise is one you can do even with your normal vision. Your “third eye” can be stimulated and awakened through certain activities, such as puzzles, for example. This will increase your visualization skills, as well as help you strengthen your ability to look at things differently. Crystals are also a great method for clairvoyance enhancement. All you have to do is get a stone that is indigo or blue (something like blue topaz or sapphire will do fine), and put it on the location of your third eye, while you are lying down and your eyes are closed. Now, you just have to allow yourself to relax and either wait for a vision to come up, or further exercise your visualization skills.

Observe the images that appear in your mind In order to be able to distinguish clairvoyant visions, you’re going to have to pay attention to the pictures that come to your mind. The clairvoyant ones can appear as a movie image, either in your mind or outside, or a single image in your mind or outside of it. These images can be vividly colored or even black and white. Also pay attention to images appearing in the form of a cartoon, a painting, etc.

Make your pictures bigger and brighter In order to make it simpler for you to notice details and interpret a picture, you might want to make it larger and make the colors more vivid and bright. You can achieve this by essentially ordering your images to yield to your desires; this is just a very specific type of strong visualization.

Have your pictures interpreted and/or clarified Sometimes, we receive certain clairvoyant images, but we have no idea what they are supposed to mean or how to go about interpreting them. If you’re stuck on the meaning of a certain picture, don’t sit around and wait for it to clarify itself; ask for it! All you need to do is ask what they mean and you will receive your answer. It may take the form of a sound, thought or feeling, so pay attention to any sign. If you are still not clear on the meaning, don’t be afraid to ask again.

Be confident in your abilities You won’t get anywhere, unless you really do believe in your own clairvoyant abilities and trust that what you see is, indeed, a clairvoyant image. Especially for beginners, it might be a little difficult to get used to 28

the idea, but that’s why it’s good to keep a diary of all your psychic images. That way, you can’t rationalize your way out of believing in yourself. The proof of images you’ve seen and have come true will be right there, and you will slowly gain trust in your visions. The first step towards becoming a skilled and experienced clairvoyant is to discover your natural tendency for clairvoyance and psychic capabilities. You are at an advantage, because this is something you have already discovered, so now all you have to do is develop these abilities you have. Maybe you’ve even already had clairvoyant experiences, but you just didn’t realize it. That’s why knowledge is so important, before you attempt to do anything else. Diving head-first and opening yourself up to this world, without knowing what to expect and how to proceed is never a good idea. Instead, take the time to learn all about it, and what you can expect from your future visions and experiences. In the meantime, you can practice your abilities and enhance your psychic sensitivity and intuition. Don’t be afraid, and always have confidence in your innate abilities. Remember that we all have them, but not everyone is lucky enough to have discovered them. That’s why you are already one step ahead. Take advantage of that and learn as much as you can from this e-book, in order to become a skilled and knowledgeable clairvoyant.


Conclusion Thank you again for downloading this book! I hope this book was able to help you discover and develop your natural psychic abilities. The next step is to continue learning and practicing in order to further develop your clairvoyant abilities. If you ever thought that clairvoyance was just for the initiated, or that it pertained to occult practices, this e-book is here to set things straight, and make it clear that every single person in the world has the natural ability for clairvoyance within them. Most people just haven’t discovered it, yet. The people who do discover it are, perhaps, more in touch with their astral body and perceptions, but this is something that everyone can learn. Do you want to learn how to see what others can’t? Do you want to be able to gain access to what is essentially invisible to everyone else around you? Then you need to learn how to develop your psychic abilities and this ebook can show you how. This book was written especially for people who are curious and interested in finding out more about clairvoyance. There are so many misconceptions about it, so it is necessary to gather together all the facts. Allow this e-book to act as your guide to discovering and developing your natural clairvoyant skills. Take advantage of the many tips and tricks, and learn more about how you can come to see and sense so many of the things you were not aware of before. It’s a whole new world that can open up before you, and you can learn everything about it from this book. Don’t wait any longer to find out about the fascinating world of clairvoyance. You can discover and make use of your innate psychic abilities and predisposition, you just need a guide, and this e-book is the perfect choice to get you started on this unique journey towards discovering yourself and your dormant skills. Finally, if you enjoyed this book, then I’d like to ask you for a favor, would you be kind enough to leave a review for this book on Amazon? It’d be greatly appreciated! Thank you and good luck! 30

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Table des Matières Introduction Chapter 1 - Here’s What You Need to Know about Clairvoyance Chapter 2 - Let’s Start with Simple Clairvoyance Chapter 3 - Next: Clairvoyance at a Distance Chapter 4 - Finally: Clairvoyance in Time Chapter 5 - Bonus: Enhance Your Psychic Abilities Conclusion


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