January 12, 2017 | Author: Rico Jon H. Garcia | Category: N/A
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ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 1. Nuclear power must be unfavorable because the wastes from nuclear reactions is highly fatal to life and unfriendly to the environment. 1. anything anything that that has ill-ef ill-effect fect on on the the ecosystem ecosystem must be prohibit prohibited ed 2. waste from nuclear nuclear reacto reactors rs can be disposed disposed safely safely and efficiently efficiently 3. nuclear nuclear scientists scientists have have not exerted exerted enough enough effort effort to control control and and dispose dispose the waste waste from radius radius safely safely 4. measures measures taken taken to control control and and dispose dispose of waste waste from from nuclear nuclear reacto reactors rs have been been fruitless fruitless . today! today! technolog technology y cannot cannot effectivel effectively y reduce harmful harmful effects effects of nuclear nuclear waste waste disposa disposall

2. "hlorofluorocarbons are popular as propellants and solvents because they are 1. reactive 3. stable . biodegradable 2. soluble 4. cheap 3. #onoculture cropping or planting a single crop in a large area is not advisable because it... 1. prom promot otes es pest pest infe infest stat atio ion n 2. re$ re$uire uiress more more wa water ter 3. lowe lowers rs the the wat water er tabl tablee 4. re$u re$uir ires es les lesss fert fertil ili% i%er er . causes dr drought 4. &hich of the following is the ma'or cause of coral-reef destruction( 1. )ynamite fishing 3. #uro-ami . *il spill 2. +ewerage pollution 4. siltation . ,utting up dams along rivers negatively affect on marine fishes because  1. less less wat water er wil willl flo flow w to the the sea sea 2. less less min miner eral alss will will flow flow to to the the sea sea 3. when dams break! break! the connectio connection n wall wall can can be harmful harmful to fishes 4. some some marine marine fishes fishes spend spendss part of of their their life life cycle cycle upstrea upstream m . some some marine marine fish fishes es need need the the coral coral reef reefss upstre upstream am . /he government is established for the furtherance and guarantees of certain inalienabale human rights. 1. procla clamation 3. transfer . prese eservation 2. suspension 4. prohibition 0. /he court has resisted the clamor to issue a temporary in'unction for the sake of . 1. principle 3. integrity . sincerity 2. expediency 4. honesty . rom the extensive extensive date gathered gathered in the ,hilippines ,hilippines for the period period 1-1! 1-1! there are indication indicationss that some rivers are still relatively clean particularly in #indanao . 1. the over overall all $ual $uality ity of of the river riverss has deter deterior iorate ated d 2. not all all rive rivers rs in the the ,hili ,hilipp ppine iness are pol pollut luted ed 3. ,hilip ,hilippin pinee rivers rivers could could no no longe longerr sustai sustain n life life 4. /he rivers rivers in the the ,hil ,hilipp ippine iness are are pollu polluted ted . 5ivers in 6u%on 6u%on and and 7isayas 7isayas are are unsafe unsafe for fishing fishing and recrea recreationa tionall purposes purposes . 8n being economical! one must decide where the best place to begin really in some families engage in petty economic that re$uires effort disproportionate to the . 1. happiness gained 4. money saved 2. sacrifice mode . time spent 3. resources conserved 1. 9ducation is not a preparation for life! it is life itself. 1. educ educat atio ion n has has no beg begin inni ning ng or or end end 2. educat education ion does does not not prepar preparee us for life life 3. educat education ion is usel useless ess when when we have have shor shortt life life 4. we do do not not need need to study! study! we onl only y need need to to live live . the sum sum total total of our our happines happinesss is the source source of life-l life-long ong learni learning ng

CURRENT EVENTS 1. :t present! how many percent of the population of the ,hilippines are aliens( 1. 3; 3. 4; . 0; 2. 2; 4. ;


&hat pro'ect of the )9N5 includes the protection of 8ndustrial pollution of our 9nvironment( 1. e was a man of principle. 1. popular 2. forceful 3. hardworking

4. .

noble righteous

+he is running up an account with the store. 1. keep the books of the store 2. is paying her bills all in the store 3. is buying many things in credit

4. .

works as part-time accountant spends much buying unnecessary things

4. .

use his time wisely work hard all the time

. +trike while the iron is hot. 1. use his physical and mental power 2. make the most of every opportunity 3. solves any problems immediately

. 8n union! there is strength. 1. power is gained through 'ustification 2. those who wait cannot be defeated 3. a person should not try to crash the world on his shoulder 4. one clerk cannot run a large office . man who rise fight hard be little 1. )eep sea fishing! he is an old man. 1. broad-minded 2. unable 3. experience

4. .

inefficient unstilled

VOCABULARY 1. :N:/>9#: most nearly  1. fluvial  4. cure

2. remedy . relieves

3. curse

2. ,8,9 most nearly. 1. rigidity 4. adaptability

2. flexibility . elasticity

3. pliability

3. *,D69N"9 1. sickly 4. poverty

2. wealthy . misfortune

3. disease

4. :#9N8/89+ 1. pleasant 4. calamities

2. convenience . risk

3. in'ury

. "*N?9"/D59 1. guess 4. gesture

2. principle . lecture

3. ideas

. 6995E 1. distrustful 4. hesitant

2. dishonest . fallible

3. unboastful

0. 785/D*+* most nearly 1. virtue 4. skillful

2. pedestrial . moral

3. invest

. +8/ most nearly F sieve! analy%e! examine . ":58":/D59 F distortion! imitation! description 1. ">D568+> F 1. sleepy

2. di%%y

3. surly

4. hesitant

. religion

11. +D+DA,D8N F mapipigilan 12. 8N8#*= ng mga bata ang kanilang guro para payagan silang umuwi ng maaga. 1. kinausap 2. kinumbinsi 14. )&8N)69 F decrease! decline! shrivel 1. 8##*6:/9 F sacrifice 1. 8N)8"/#9N/ F accusation! impeachment 10. ,5*,9N+8/E F tendency! inclination 1. ,5*,8/8*D+ F favorable 1. 79+/8A9+ F trace! mark! sign! indication! remains! suggestion 2. DA8/879 F fleeing! escaping! transient 21. 9:/8NA as C  1. lawyerCcouncil 2. compromiseCprinciples 3. politicsCgraft 4. swindleCbusiness . armyCdiscipline

SENTENCE COMPLETION 1. /he student did not take the  'oke of the teacher. 1. tactless 2. shrewd NUMBER SERIES 1. 4.1 .2 .3 1. .3 2. .1

0.4 .4 3. .1 4. .4

. . 0.02

2. 

 1.  2. 


1 3.  4. 02



3. 4B3 -2B3 1. 4B3 2. 2B3


1B -1B12 -1B1 . 3. 1B3 . I3B4 4. 1B3

4. .2 1. 1.2 2. 12.2


.2 3. 1.0 4. 13.2

. . 3

  . none

PROBLEM SOLVING 1 1. &hat is the greatest numerical value( 1. 3B 3. 3B4 2. B 4. 1B3

. 2B3


&hat is the standard numerical value for 3.4 x 1 the th  power( 1. 3!4 3. 34!  . .34 2. .34 4. .34


&hich of the following has the least numerical value( 1. J3 x 4 3. 4 x  J3 . 3 J  x 4 2. 4J3 x  4. 3 x J4


/he formula for converting a ahrenheit thermometer reading to centigrade reading is "FBK-32L. &hat is the e$uivalent of  degrees ahrenheit( 1. 3 3. 4 . 3 2. 4 4. 


: farmer has seven hectares of land for rice production. &hat should be the average yield in cavans per hectare of the land to produce a total of 2 cavans( 1.  3.  . 2 2. 0 4. 


#ang 5omy can climb a coconut tree at the rate of 1ft. per minute and return at 2 ft. per minute. 8f it took him 3 minutes to climb and return. &hat is the height of the coconut( 1. 1ft. 3. 1ft. . 2ft. 2. 1ft. 4. 2ft.


ow much should he pay for all the books( 1. ,3! 3. 3. ,3! . . 3! 31. 2. ,3! 3 4. ,3! 2. 10. : movie starts at C1 ,.#.! and will end at C. >ow many minutes did the movie last( 1. 13 3.10 . 10 2. 123 4. 143 1. /hree tickets of musical concert costs ,014. >ow much will a do%en of tickets cost( 1. ,2! 4 3. ,2! 4 . 4! 32 2. ,2! 4 4. ,3!2 1. /he length of rectangular lot is one less than twice its width. 8f the perimeter is 1cm.! what is the width of the lot in centimeter( 1. 1 3. 3 .  2. 2 4. 4 2. /he width of a rectangular lot is G meters and its length is  meters more than its width. 8f its dimensions are decreased by 2 meters! then its area will decrease by. 1. 4 s$.m 3. 4xJ s$m . none 2 2. x J K x -  Ls$m 4. 2x I 3 s$m 21. /wo planes G and E are 1 miles apart and moving in opposite directions at a rate of 2mph and 3 mph respectively. >ow many miles is covered by the slower plane when they intersect( 1.  miles 3.  miles .  miles 2. 02 miles 4.  miles 22. /he length of an envelope is 24 1B cm.. /hree holes at 11 1B cm. :part are placed at the center of the envelope. >ow far apart is the side of the envelope to the first hole in centimeter( 1. B1 3. 1 1B . 13 2. 0B1 4. 12 1B1 23. 4; of 1 lbs. *f sea water is salt. >ow much pure water is to be extracted to make it contain 10; salt( 1. 22 lbs. 3. 30 lbs. . 2lbs. 2. 3 lbs. 4. 10.1 lbs.

24. /he population at present is 2; less than the previous population. 8f the present population is 4!! what is the previous population( 1. !  3. 4! 2 . ! 2. ! 2 4. !  PROBLEM SOLVING 2 1. : man bought cashew nuts worth , 21B =ilo and peanuts at , 13B =ilo. >ow many kilos or cashew nuts and peanuts! where in it will become  kilos worth ,10 per kilo( 1. 1C4 2. 4C1 3. 2C3 4. 3C2 . none of these


: female honey bee has two parents while a male honey bee has one parent. >ow many grandparents are there( 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 4. . more than five


 cans of stock has  cans for display. /he remaining  cans of stock less 4 cans for display. >ow many cans of stock remained in the bodega( 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4.  . 


: man has 2 hours at his disposal. >ow far can he ride at the rate of 2kph and return by walking at the rate of kph( 1.  2. 1 3. 11 4. 12 . 13


: perimeter of a rectangle is 24 feet. 8f the width of the rectangle is G ft. >ow many s$uare feet is the area of the rectangle(


: woman bought a washing machine for ,1!3. ow did he receive( 1. , ! . 3. , 0!. . none of these 2. ,! . . ,!.


8f four books of e$ual thickness placed on top of each other reach a height of 1 cm! how many centimeters thick is each book( 1. 3.0 3. 4. . none of these 2. 4.2 4.4.0


&hich of the following is e$ual to 1 ( 1. 1B 3. B 2. B1 4. .1

. none of these

1. /hree boys weigh  kilos! 4 kilos and 1 kilos! respectively. &hat must be the weight of the 4th boy if the average weight of the following boys is to be 2 kilos( 1.  3. 4 . none of these 2. 0 4. 2 11. &hich of the following numbers is the largest( 1. ; of 2 3. 1; of 1 2. ; of 1 4. 12; of 12

. none of these

12. #rs. )i%on@s 33 acres of sugar beefs yielded 4 bushels. &hat was the average yield per acre( 1. 1 3. 13 . none of these 2. 14 4. 12 13. /he larger of two number is even times the smaller number. &hat is the larger number if their sum is ( 1. 4 3. 3 . none of these 2. 42 4. 2 14. : popular model estimated her clothing needs as followsC 1 gown at ,4.! 2 pairs of shoes at ,. each! 3 pairs of panty hose at ,1. each! 2 shirts at ,0. each! 1 blouse at ,.! and 1 dress at ,1.

1. >ow many money does she have to raise to met her clothing needs( 1. ,2. 3. ,2. . none of these 2. ,1! 11.0 4. ,1! 101. 1. /here are 3 boys in a class. 8f the ration of the boys to girls is 3C! how many girls are in the class( 1. 3 3. 3 . none of these 2. 4 4.  10. : factory reduced the number of its workers from !  to 3! 0. &hat percent of the total number of employees was laid off( 1. 2 3. 3 . none of these 2. 3 4.  1. 8f twelve men can assemble  cars in a week! how many men are needed to assemble 1 cars in a week( 1. 23 3. 33 . none of these 2. 3 4. 43 1. :ttendance in a big rally was estimated to be one and a half million people. /his is the same asC 1. 1! ! 3. 1!!  . none of these 2. 1! ! 4. 1!! 2. #r. ,ere% bought a ,!. refrigerator on installment basis. >e paid 2; as down payment. >ow much will he be paying monthly for 12 months( 1. ,3. 3. ,31. . none of these 2. ,312. 4. ,3. 21. : folding bed on a sale has been marked ,4.. 8f this price is 3; less than the original price. or how much was the bed previously selling( 1. ,1.2 3. ,12. . none of these 2. ,112. 4. ,14. PHIL. CONSTITUTION 1. >ow many years must pass before the constitution can be amended( 1. 3 2.  3.  4. 0

. 1

2. &hat is the retirement age of a ?ustice( 1.  2. 0 3. 0

. 

3. &hat can dis$ualify a voter to vote during election( 1. illiterate 2. not able to read and write 3. poor

4. 0

4. ilipino citi%en . less than six months of residence

4. No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without . 1. public trial 4. hearing 2. cross I examination . speedy trial 3. due process of law . 8n all criminal prosecutions! the accused shall be presumed  until the contrary is proved. 1. innocent 4. put in prison 2. ac$uitted of the crime . arrested 3. guilty of the crime . &hat agency of the government that can declare that the city is a highly organi%ed city( 1. )epartment of 8nterior and 6ocal Aovernment 2. )epartment of abeas "orpus

4. +ubpoena

2. 3.

ouse of +enate . "abinet 3. >ouse of 5epresentativeB"ongress 1. &hich was the largest vote to impeach the ,resident( 1. >ouse of the +enate 2. >ouse of the "ongress 3. "abinet

4. .

*ffice of the *mbudsman +upreme "ourt

VOCABULARY 1. ,:6,:/>E*6*AE means nearly the same as . 1. ow many more copies are left to be sold( 1. number of copies sold at newsstand 2. price of each copy 3. value of the whole circulation 4. price of yearly subscription . no information lacking


#iss 5amos paid her account in the "ooperative +tore in e$ual payments twice a month. 8f the total amount paid was ,0! how much did each payment amount to( 1. amount of #iss 5amos account 2. number of months the account was paid 3. percent of interest charged on the account 4. amount of monthly salary deduction . no information lacking


#iss ?orge bought from a clearance sale! where prices of all items were reduced! a desk fan Kregularly priced , 1!03L and an oven toaster Kregularly priced ,3!L. >ow much did she save( 1. amount saved in buying the oven toaster 2. amount saved in buying the desk fan 3. rate of discount 4. sale price of the desk fan . no information lacking

Answer e! CSER " P#r$ T%ree

9N785*N#9N/:6 8++D9+ 7*": 3. 2 . 1 4.  0. 2 . 2 . 4 .  . 4 0. 3 1. 3 . 2 11. 3 . 4 12.  1. 3 13. 1 14. 2 1. 2

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