Civil Dhanusha 2019-01-05 Final

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Civil Dhanusha 2019-01-05 Final...




Governmentof Nepal Ministry of Urban Development Department of Urban Development & Building Construction

Federal Project mplementation Unit !ana"purd#am$ D#anus#a


F ) * ( +,-.),-/  5ransportation = & 




District Rate



District Rate Code

1 # & 

Aggrigate >1 mm!Cr"shed Aggrigate >1 mm!River +ed Aggrigate 1 mm!Cr"shed Aggrigate 1 mm!River +ed

C"m. C"m. C"m. C"m.


#$%. 1$,-. &$. 1$(-.

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#(!)*A #,!)*A #(!)*A #,!)A

, ( / % 1 11 1# 1& 1

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C"m. C"m. C"m. C"m. C"m. C"m. tr. Rmtr. S2 S2m. m. Rmtr.


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 Assistant 0a+ e2"ipment e2"ipment 8ith agar  B Ba am+oo Bar+ed 8ire 1# B8g.

  *o"r No.   Rmtr.  

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1/ 1% # #1 ## #& #

Bar+ed 8ire 1 B8g. Bh"sh Bi Bind ndin ing g 8ire 8ire Bit"men Bit"men paint Bit"men 8asher Brick Aggrigate

Rmtr. )g. )g )g.. )g. tr. Nos. C"m.

&..1% &., &.& ./ .% ,,.&,

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Brick Brick Mac#ine

  Nos. Nos.  


. !

1&.% !

#( #/ #% & &1 &#

Car+or"ndam Stone?Sharpenning Stone@ Cement Cement primer Cement ti0e Cement ti0e ridge cover C;< Ridge Cover

Nos. 5 tr. No. No. Rmtr.




C;< Ridge Cover co0o"r


1($. -. 1,-. 1/. 1%,./ &#-.


C;< sheet +/ 092 ,3:4 mm t#ic"   S2m. coloured



C;< sheet +/ 092 ,3:4 mm t#ic"   S2m. Plain



C;< sheet +/ 0;2 ,37< mm t#ic"   S2m. plain



C;< sheet +/ 0M2 ,37< mm t#ic" colour 





C;< sheet +/ 0M2 ,37< mm t#ic" Plane





C;< sheet +/ 0M2 ,37< mm t#ic" plane





C;< sheet +< 092 ,37, mm t#ic"   S2m. colour 


C;< sheet +< 092 ,37, mm t#ic"


  S2m. Rmtr.  

1 #

plane C;< sheet Ridge Cover

&  -

Chain ink #'# mesh ?1 S6;   S2m. ;. 1?!,

:o %o$t "$t&"! !oo  /aintin4 work work without /rie /rierr coat. eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed 6eather proo7 paint

Reso"rces a+o"r  ateria0s

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3


eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed 6ater proo7 cement paint

a+o"r  ateria0s

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3

Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-. )g. /-.% 5ota0 1-  C o on n tr tra ct ctor overhe ad ad ;rand 5ota0


eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed 6ater proo7 cement paint

a+o"r  ateria0s

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Prepared +y :


"antity 1.( 1.( &.

Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-. )g. /(.-5ota0 1-  C o on n tr tra ct ctor overhe ad ad ;rand 5ota0

:o %o$t $t"! !oo %"m"nt  /aint  /aint /aintin4 work in od -urface



"antity &./ &./ 11.-

n" %o$t $t"! !oo %"m"nt  /aint  /aint /aintin4 work in od -urface

A;(1>;#, Reso"rces


Nos. ,-. )g. /-.% 5ota0 1-  C o on n tr tra ct ctor overhe ad ad ;rand 5ota0

"antity -. -. /.-

Unit Nos. Nos. )g. 5ota0

 Sqm. Rate %. ,-. /(.--

1$&. -$--,.//$(&,./1 $& $&1 ..-# 1$(.&(

158.73 Amo"nt &$-(#. #$(. %$/&1.&1-$/(&.&# $& $&/1 . . 1/$#-.&-

53.29 Amo"nt 1$-%/. 1$1-. #$,#,.- -$&#%.- (%% . .# ,$1#/.%#

121.96 Amo"nt $(. &$#-. $#,.1( 1#$1%,.1(

182.54 Remarks

61.28 Remarks

140.25 Remarks

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Approved +y :

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Checked +y :



'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3

Page -- o7 (%

1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad ;rand 5ota0

1$/# % %..# 1$#-.-%

n" %o$t &it" %"m"nt /aint /aintin4 work .  Sqm. eve095ype "antity Unit Rate Ski00ed 1.( Nos. %. a+o"r  Unski00ed 1.( Nos. ,-. 6hite cement &. )g. -,.,ateria0s 5ota0 1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad 'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3 ;rand 5ota0

44.02 Amo"nt 1$-%/. 1$1-. 1$,%%.- $#.- ,,  ..&( -$,#./(

50.62 Remarks

 Sqm. :o %o$t &it" %"m"nt /aint /aintin4 work . eve095ype "antity Unit Rate Ski00ed -. Nos. %. a+o"r  Unski00ed -. Nos. ,-. 6hite cement /.- )g. -,.,ateria0s 5ota0 1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad 'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3 ;rand 5ota0

106.97 Amo"nt $(. &$#-. #$((.-# 1$,%(.-# 1$,  ..,# 1#$&#.1

123.02 Remarks




A;(1>;#, Reso"rces


A;(1>;?, Reso"rces


A5( A5(1 1>5 >5#? #?,,

n" %o$t "n$m" /aintin4 work work over /rier co coat at in woode wooden n  Sqm. -urface. eve095ype "antity Unit Rate Reso"rces Ski00ed /. Nos. %. a+o"r  Unski00ed -. Nos. ,-.   &,.- /.1 tr. name0 Primer  ateria0s name0 paint %. tr. -%(. 5ota0 1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad 'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3 ;rand 5ota0

0 0. .9 9 A5( A5(1> 1>5# 5#?! ?!,,

:o %o$t "n$m" /aintin4 work work over /rier co coat at in woode wooden n -urface. eve095ype

Reso"rces a+o"r  ateria0s

Ski00ed Unski00ed name0 Primer  name0 paint

"antity 1#. /. /.1 1,.

Unit Nos. Nos. tr. tr. 5ota0


Amo"nt ($-#. &$#-. #$%#.-$&(,., 1%$,,.,#$/- % %..%% #1$%#,.,


Rate %.

Amo"nt 11$#/.

,-. &,.- -%(.

-$#. # #$$%#.%$--/. #/$%-/.-


333.02 Remarks

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3


A5( A5(1 1>5 >5#? #?,,

n" %o$t $sti% "musion /aintin4 work over /rier coat. eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed name0 Primer  P0astic em"0sion paint

Reso"rces a+o"r  ateria0s

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3


A5( A5(1 1>5 >5#? #?,,

a+o"r  ateria0s

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3


Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-. tr. &,.- tr. ,,%.- 5ota0 1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad ;rand 5ota0

Reso"rces a+o"r 


 A0"mini"m paint Sand paper


"antity 1#. /. /.1 1,.

Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-. tr. &,.- tr. ,,%.- 5ota0 1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad ;rand 5ota0

:o %o$t $uminium /aintin4 work over over /rier coa coatt in eta -urface. eve095ype "antity Unit Ski00ed 1.(- Nos. Unski00ed 1.(- Nos. /.1 tr. Red o'ide Primer 



"antity /. -. /.1 %.

:o %o$t $sti% "musion  /aintin4 work over /rier coat. eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed name0 Primer  P0astic em"0sion paint


1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad ;rand 5ota0


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Prepared +y :

197.15 Amo"nt ($-#. &$#-. # #$$%#.,$#-.- 1%$(1-.-#$%- ( (..&& ##$,(#.//

301.12 Amo"nt 11$#/. -$#. # #$$%#.1$(1#. &$11#.$-1 , ,../ &$,#/./-


Rate %. ,-. ,&.-

Amo"nt 1$1-. ,$%/(.- & &$$(-.&-

tr. -.( Nos. 1#.&, 5ota0 1 -  C on ontracto r o ve verh e ea ad

-$&.-( %. #,$&#,./, &$% % %..#

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'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3

$& & &..(, &&$&#.#1

226.72 Remarks

346.28 Remarks

302.75 Remarks

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Approved +y :

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Checked +y :



Page -, o7 (%

  ;rand 5ota0 0.25

A(1>#, Reso"rces

n" %o$t ou#" #oi" +ins"" oi $inting o! . eve095ype "antity Unit Ski00ed Unski00ed inseed oi0 paint

 S#? #?,, Reso"rces


A(1>9#, Reso"rces

n" %o$t $!nis&  /aintin4 work . eve095ype "antity Ski00ed &. Unski00ed #. Jarnish paint ,.

a+o"r  ateria0s

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3

0.25(#, A(1>9#?, Reso"rces a+o"r  ateria0s

:o %o$t $!nis& /aintin4 work work . eve095ype "antity Ski00ed ,. Unski00ed . Jarnish paint 11.

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3

A9( A9(1 1> >0# 0#,, Reso"rces

#. #. ,.

39.83 Amo"nt

Nos. %. Nos. ,-. tr. 1&&.% 5ota0 1-  Con tr tra ct ctor overhe ad ad ;rand 5ota0


0.2 0.2


n" %o$t Bitum"n $inting o! . eve095ype "antity


 S, Reso"rces

 S 2#?,

A A 5(5>5, Reso"rces a+o"r  ateria0s

 NA+ /aint /aintin4 work over incee inceed d oi in face 7 7rick rick wa eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed inseed oi0 paint

"antity .-&/ .-&/ .-&/

Unit Nos. Nos. tr.

S>5? 5?,,

A( A(1 1>5 >5?! ?!,,

:o %o$t "n$m" /aintin4 work work without /ri /rier er coat in wooden wooden -urface. eve095ype

Reso"rces Ski00ed Unski00ed name0 paint

a+o"r  ateria0s

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3


tr. -%(. 5ota0 1-  C on ontractor overhead ;rand 5ota0

"antity %. -. 1,.

Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-.   -%(. tr. 5ota0 1-  C on ontractor overhead ;rand 5ota0

n" %o$t $sti% "musion  /aintin4 work without /rier coat.

A( A(1 1>>5? 5?,,


Reso"rces Ski00ed Unski00ed

a+o"r  ateria0s

P0astic em"0sion paint


"antity -. #.


Unit Nos. Nos.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Prepared +y :

113.76 Amo"nt $(. 1$&. -$&(,., 11$&(,., 1$( , ,..% 1&$/&.%

212.68 Amo"nt /$,. &$#-. %$--/. #1$#,/. &$1%  ..#, #$-/.,,


Rate %. ,-.

Amo"nt $(. 1$&.

tr. ,,%.- 5ota0 1-  C on ontractor overhead ;rand 5ota0

,$#-.- 1#$#-.- 1$/ & &../# 1&$/#%.&#


'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3

%,.# 1$/%1.,#/ & &..( #$1(-.&%

130.83 Remarks

244.58 Remarks

138.29 Remarks

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Approved +y :

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Checked +y :



0.1 0.1 

A9( A9(1 1>5 >5?! ?!,, Reso"rces a+o"r  ateria0s

:o %o$t $sti% "musion  /aintin4 work without /rier coat. eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed P0astic em"0sion paint

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3





"antity %. -. 1,.

Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-. tr. ,,%.- 5ota0 1-  Co on ntra ct ctor overhea d ;rand 5ota0

n" %o$t $uminium  /aintin4 work work without /rie /rierr coat in eta -urface. eve095ype "antity Unit Reso"rces Ski00ed &.(- Nos. a+o"r  Unski00ed &.(- Nos.  A0"mini"m paint -.&/ tr. ateria0s Sand paper &. Nos. 5ota0 A20(1>,

'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3

Page -/ o7 (%

 Sqm. Rate %. ,-. -.( 1#.&,

1-  Co on ntra ct ctor overhea d ;rand 5ota0

224.22 Amo"nt /$,. &$#-. 1$(1#. ##$##. & $& $&,&.& #-$(/-.&

87.14 Amo"nt &$-#-. #$&(.- #$(1-.#/ &(./ /$(1./,

257.85 Remarks

100.22 Remarks

1 $& $&(.## 1$##./

:o %o$t $uminium /aintin4 work work without /rie /rierr coat in  Sqm. eta -urface. eve095ype "antity Unit Rate Reso"rces Ski00ed (.(- Nos. %. a+o"r  Unski00ed (.(- Nos. ,-.  A0"mini"m paint 1.(, tr. -.( ateria0s Sand paper . Nos. 1#.&, 5ota0 1-  Co on ntra ct ctor overhea d 'ate analysis for (4,,3,, %m3 ;rand 5ota0

Amo"nt ($#/-. -$&(.- -$&.-( %. 1($/#.-1 # $, $,(.&( #$(#.//


 Sqm. Rate %.

93.73 Amo"nt $(.#

107.80 Remarks

,-. &,.-

#$,. #$(&.(%$&(&.%-


A22(1>, Reso"rces a+o"r  ateria0s

n" %o$t /= I@=  /aintin4 work without without /rier co coat  at  eve095ype "antity Unit Ski00ed .&& Nos. Unski00ed Red o'ide paint

. (.-

Nos. tr. 5ota0



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Unski00ed 'ate analysis for (43,, Cum3

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Prepared +y :


"antity 11.

Unski00ed 'ate analysis for (43,, Cum3



"antity #.1#

Unski00ed 'ate analysis for (43,, Cum3



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92.15 Remarks

5;.0 Remarks

222.50 Remarks

2990.00 Remarks

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Approved +y :

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Checked +y :



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Unit Rate Nos. ,-. 5ota0 1-  Contractor overhead ;rand 5ota0

  reovin4 of a ateria =ism$nting o! o ti" !oo   wood tie u/to 0 tr ead.


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Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-. 5ota0 1-  Contractor overhead ;rand 5ota0

 ood ood /re-ervative /aint /aintin4 work  eve095ype Ski00ed Unski00ed 6ood preservative paint



Unit Rate Nos. %. Nos. ,-. tr. &,.- 5ota0 1-  Contractor overhead ;rand 5ota0

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'ate analysis for ( 4,3,, %m3

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