Citizenship - Constitutional Law

August 11, 2018 | Author: Anne Lorraine Pongos Co | Category: Naturalization, Citizenship, Oath Of Office, Allegiance, United States Nationality Law
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Citizenship - Constitutional Law...


Citizenship – Article IV, 1987 Philippine Constitution

Constitutional/Political Law Review  | Atty. Demigillo CITIZENSHIP – ARTICLE IV, 19! PHILIPPINE C"NSTIT#TI"N

$H" ARE %ILIPIN" CITIZENS& – A'ticle IV, Section 1, 19! P(il) Constitution

ection 1. !he "ollo#ing $re citizens o" the Philippine% 1. (. ). .

!hose #ho #ho $re citizens citizens o" the Philipp Philippines ines $t the time time o" the $&option $&option o" this Constit Constitution ution'' !hose #hose #hose "$thers "$thers or mother mothers s $re citizens citizens o" the the Philippine Philippines' s' !hose *orn *e"ore +$nu$ry 17, 197), o" ilipino mothers, #ho elect Philippine citizenship upon re$ching the $ge o" m$-ority' m$-ority' $n& !hose #ho $re $re n$tur$lize n$tur$lize& & in $ccor&$ $ccor&$nce nce #ith #ith l$#. l$#.


/ener$lly, t#o mo&es o" $c0uiring citizenship% A2 A2 3y 3irt 3irth h  +us oli – 4right 4right o" soil5' person6s n$tion$lity is *$se& on pl$ce o" *irth "ormerly "ormerly eectie in the Philippines. Philippines.  +us $nguinis – 4right 4right o" *loo&5' person6s person6s n$tion$lity "ollo#s th$t o" his n$tur$l p$rents. p$rents. !he Philippines Philippines currently $&heres $&heres to this principle. 32 3y $tur$ $tur$liz liz$ti $tion on

NAT#RAL."RN CITIZENS – A'ticle IV, Section 0, 19! P(iliine Constitution

ection (. $tur$l:*orn citizens $re those #ho $re citizens o" the Philippines "rom *irth #ithout h$ing to per"orm $ny $ct to $c0uire or per"ect their Philippine citizenship.  !hose #ho elect Philippine Philippine citizenship in $ccor&$nce $ccor&$nce #ith p$r$gr$ph )2, )2, ection 1 hereo" sh$ll sh$ll *e &eeme& n$tur$l:*orn n$tur$l:*orn citizens.

$H" *#ST E NAT#RAL."RN&

12 12 (2 )2 2 2 72 82

Pres Presi& i&en entt Vice: Vice:Pr Presi esi&en &entt ;em*er ;em*ers s o" Congr Congress ess +ustices +ustices o" C C $n& collegi collegi$te $te courts courts =m*u&sm$n =m*u&sm$n $n& his &eputies &eputies ;em*ers ;em*ers o" Constitut Constitution$l ion$l Commis Commissions sions ;em*ers ;em*ers o" centr$l centr$l monet$r monet$ry y $uthority $uthority ;em*ers ;em*ers o" the Commi Commission ssion on on ?um$n @ights @ights



Co, Anne Lo''aine Pon3os | 1st emester, chool e$r (B1> – (B17

Citizenship – Article IV, 1987 Philippine Constitution

Constitutional/Political Law Review  | Atty. Demigillo

Process *y #hich $ "oreigner is $&opte& *y the country $n& clothe& #ith the priileges o" $ n$tie:*orn citizen. !he $pplic$nt must proe th$t he h$s $ll o" the 0u$lic$tions $n& none o" the &is0u$lic$tions "or citizenship.

uali4cations – Section 0, Co55onwealt( Act No) 6!7

ection (. u$lic$tions. – u*-ect to section "our o" this Act, $ny person h$ing the "ollo#ing 0u$lic$tions m$y *ecome $ citizen o" the Philippines *y n$tur$liz$tion% irst. ?e must *e not less th$n t#enty:one ye$rs o" $ge on the &$y o" the he$ring o" the petition' econ&. ?e must h$e resi&e& in the Philippines "or $ continuous perio& o" not less th$n ten ye$rs'  !hir&. ?e must *e o" goo& mor$l ch$r$cter $n& *eliees in the principles un&erlying the Philippine Constitution, $n& must h$e con&ucte& himsel" in $ proper $n& irrepro$ch$*le m$nner &uring the entire perio& o" his resi&ence in the Philippines in his rel$tion #ith the constitute& goernment $s #ell $s #ith the community in #hich he is liing. ourth. ?e must o#n re$l est$te in the Philippines #orth not less th$n e thous$n& pesos, Philippine currency, or must h$e some Eno#n lucr$tie tr$&e, pro"ession, or l$#"ul occup$tion' i"th. ?e must *e $*le to spe$E $n& #rite Fnglish or p$nish $n& $ny one o" the princip$l Philippine l$ngu$ges' $n& iGth. ?e must h$e enrolle& his minor chil&ren o" school $ge, in $ny o" the pu*lic schools or pri$te schools recognize& *y the =Hce o" Pri$te F&uc$tion o"  the Philippines, #here the Philippine history, goernment $n& ciics $re t$ught or prescri*e& $s p$rt o" the school curriculum, &uring the entire perio& o" the resi&ence in the Philippines re0uire& o" him prior to the he$ring o" his petition "or n$tur$liz$tion $s Philippine citizen.

Secial uali4cations – Section 7, Co55onwealt( Act No) 6!7

ection ). peci$l 0u$lic$tions. !he ten ye$rs o" continuous resi&ence re0uire& un&er the secon& con&ition o" the l$st prece&ing section sh$ll *e un&erstoo& $s re&uce& to e ye$rs "or $ny petitioner h$ing $ny o" the "ollo#ing 0u$lic$tions%



?$ing honor$*ly hel& oHce un&er the /oernment o" the Philippines or un&er th$t o" $ny o" the proinces, cities, municip$lities, or politic$l su*&iisions thereo"'


?$ing est$*lishe& $ ne# in&ustry or intro&uce& $ use"ul inention in the Philippines'


3eing m$rrie& to $ ilipino #om$n'


?$ing *een eng$ge& $s $ te$cher in the Philippines in $ pu*lic or recognize& pri$te school not est$*lishe& "or the eGclusie instruction o" chil&ren o"  persons o" $ p$rticul$r n$tion$lity or r$ce, in $ny o" the *r$nches o" e&uc$tion or in&ustry "or $ perio& o" not less th$n t#o ye$rs'

– (B17

Constitutional/Political Law Review  | Atty. Demigillo

Citizenship – Article IV, 1987 Philippine Constitution

+is8uali4cations – Section 6, Co55onwealt( Act No) 6!7

ection . ho $re &is0u$lie&. : !he "ollo#ing c$nnot *e n$tur$lize& $s Philippine citizens% $.

Persons oppose& to org$nize& goernment or $Hli$te& #ith $ny $ssoci$tion or group o" persons #ho uphol& $n& te$ch &octrines opposing $ll org$nize& goernments'


Persons &e"en&ing or te$ching the necessity or propriety o" iolence, person$l $ss$ult, or $ss$ssin$tion "or the success $n& pre&omin$nce o" their i&e$s'


Polyg$mists or *elieers in the pr$ctice o" polyg$my'


Persons conicte& o" crimes inoling mor$l turpitu&e'


Persons suering "rom ment$l $lien$tion or incur$*le cont$gious &ise$ses'


Persons #ho, &uring the perio& o" their resi&ence in the Philippines, h$e not mingle& soci$lly #ith the ilipinos, or #ho h$e not eince& $ sincere &esire to le$rn $n& em*r$ce the customs, tr$&itions, $n& i&e$ls o" the ilipinos'


Citizens or su*-ects o" n$tions #ith #hom the Jnite& t$tes $n& the Philippines $re $t #$r, &uring the perio& o" such #$r'


Citizens or su*-ects o" $ "oreign country other th$n the Jnite& t$tes #hose l$#s &o not gr$nt ilipinos the right to *ecome n$tur$lize& citizens or su*-ects thereo".


Process *y #hich gr$nt o" citizenship is reoEe&.

-'ouns :o' +enatu'ali2ation – REP#LIC v) -#;, 11< SCRA 066, 190

1. (.

). . .

$tur$liz$tion certic$te o*t$ine& "r$u&ulently or illeg$lly. I" #ithin < ye$rs, he returns to his n$tie country or to some "oreign country $n& est$*lishes resi&ence there. Proi&e&% A one ye$r st$y in the n$tie country or t#o:ye$r st$y in $ "oreign country sh$ll *e prim$ "$cie ei&ence o" intent to t$Ee up resi&ence in the s$me. Petition #$s m$&e on $n in$li& &ecl$r$tion o" intention. ;inor chil&ren "$ile& to gr$&u$te through the "$ult o" the p$rents either *y neglecting to support them or *y tr$ns"erring them to $nother school. Allo#e& himsel" to *e use& $s $ &ummy. Coniction o" per-ury $n& r$pe.

-'ouns – Section 1, Co55onwealt( Act No) 6!7

ection 18. C$ncell$tion o" $tur$liz$tion Certic$te Issue&. : Jpon motion m$&e in the proper procee&ings *y the olicitor:/ener$l or his represent$tie, or *y the proper proinci$l sc$l, the competent -u&ge m$y c$ncel the n$tur$liz$tion certic$te issue& $n& its registr$tion in the Ciil @egister%


Co, Anne Lo''aine Pon3os | 1st emester, chool e$r (B1> – (B17

Constitutional/Political Law Review  | Atty. Demigillo

Citizenship – Article IV, 1987 Philippine Constitution


I" it is sho#n th$t s$i& n$tur$liz$tion certic$te #$s o*t$ine& "r$u&ulently or illeg$lly.


I" the person n$tur$lize& sh$ll, #ithin the e ye$rs neGt "ollo#ing the issu$nce o" s$i& n$tur$liz$tion certic$te, return to his n$tie country or to some "oreign country $n& est$*lish his perm$nent resi&ence there% Proi&e&, !h$t the "$ct o" the person n$tur$lize& rem$ining "or more th$n one ye$r in his n$tie country or the country o" his "ormer n$tion$lity, or t#o ye$rs in $ny other "oreign country, sh$ll *e consi&ere& $s prim$ "$cie ei&ence o" his intention o" t$Eing up his perm$nent resi&ence in the s$me'


I" the petition #$s m$&e on $n in$li& &ecl$r$tion o" intention'


I" it is sho#n th$t the minor chil&ren o" the person n$tur$lize& "$ile& to gr$&u$te "rom $ pu*lic or pri$te high schools recognize& *y the =Hce o"  Pri$te F&uc$tion o" the Philippines, #here Philippine history, goernment $n& ciics $re t$ught $s p$rt o" the school curriculum, through the "$ult o"  their p$rents either *y neglecting to support them or *y tr$ns"erring him to $nother school or schools. A certie& copy o" the &ecree c$ncelling the n$tur$liz$tion certic$te sh$ll *e "or#$r&e& *y the clerE o" the Court to the Dep$rtment o" the Interior $n& the 3ure$u o" +ustice.

) $n& 7)2 – o# $n $**rei$te& process, no nee& to #$it "or ) ye$rs Re8ui'e5ents

12 (2 )2 2

3e (1 ye$rs o" $ge 3e $ resi&ent "or > months ?$e goo& mor$l ch$r$cter ?$e no &is0u$lic$tion

?0@ Reat'iation – @esults in the recoery o" the origin$l n$tion$lity. !here"ore, i" he is $ n$tur$l:*orn citizen *e"ore he lost his citizenship, he #ill *e restore& to his "ormer st$tus $s $ n$tur$l:*orn ilipino 3F/= . ?@F!, (BB12.

@ep$tri$tion re0uires $n eGpress $n& e0uioc$l $ct @IVALD= . C=;FLFC, 19892. Applic$tion must *e $pproe& *y the $uthorities *e"ore it c$n t$Ee eect LA3= . C=;FLFC, 19892. ?7@ Le3islative Act – 3oth $ mo&e o" $c0uiring $n& re$c0uiring citizenship Reulic Act No) 900< ?Citi2ens(i Retention an Re.ac8uisition Act o: 0BB7@

ection (. Decl$r$tion o" Policy : It is here*y &ecl$re& the policy o" the t$te th$t $ll Philippine citizens o" $nother country sh$ll *e &eeme& not to h$e lost their Philippine citizenship un&er the con&itions o" this Act.


Co, Anne Lo''aine Pon3os | 1st emester, chool e$r (B1> – (B17

Constitutional/Political Law Review  | Atty. Demigillo

Citizenship – Article IV, 1987 Philippine Constitution

ection ). @etention o" Philippine Citizenship : Any proision o" l$# to the contr$ry not#ithst$n&ing, n$tur$l:*orn citizenship *y re$son o" their n$tur$liz$tion $s citizens o" $ "oreign country $re here*y &eeme& to h$e re:$c0uire& Philippine citizenship upon t$Eing the "ollo#ing o$th o" $llegi$nce to the @epu*lic% QI RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, solemny s#e$r or $rim2 th$t I #ill support $n& &e"en& the Constitution o" the @epu*lic o" the Philippines $n& o*ey the l$#s $n& leg$l or&ers promulg$te& *y the &uly constitute& $uthorities o" the Philippines' $n& I here*y &ecl$re th$t I recognize $n& $ccept the supreme $uthority o" the Philippines $n& #ill m$int$in true "$ith $n& $llegi$nce thereto' $n& th$t I impose& this o*lig$tion upon mysel" olunt$rily #ithout ment$l reser$tion or purpose o" e$sion.Q $tur$l *orn citizens o" the Philippines #ho, $"ter the eectiity o" this Act, *ecome citizens o" $ "oreign country sh$ll ret$in their Philippine citizenship upon t$Eing the $"ores$i& o$th. ection . Deri$tie Citizenship : !he unm$rrie& chil&, #hether legitim$te, illegitim$te or $&opte&, *elo# eighteen 182 ye$rs o" $ge, o" those #ho re: $c0uire Philippine citizenship upon eectiity o" this Act sh$ll *e &eeme& citizenship o" the Philippines. ection
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