CIPD Assignment 1- 3 HRC

January 20, 2017 | Author: ameenamohsen | Category: N/A
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CIPD 3 HRC Assignment...


AMEENA MOHSEN Bahrain Training Institute


Human Recourses department is considered as the core department to any organization despite its size or specialization.


Effective Human Recourse department roles can be essentially accomplished by predicting the organization demands and supplies on a systematically planning process; such as: selection, recruitment, training and functional roles. Each organization assumed to have a strategic plan. A strategic plan defines the organization resources both for short term and long term length and estimate staffs’ knowledge, skills and abilities. Below are some critical Human Recourses activities, which serve the organization strategy: 1. Forecast Human Recourses Needs/ Demands: Human Resource Demand Forecasting describes the organization needs for a certain period. It depends on both internal and external factors:  Internal factors: budget, productivity level, expansion and growth, productivity level and organization structure.  External factors: Political interventions, Economic change, Social trends, Technological innovation, Legal related pressures, Environmental factors (PESTLE Analysis). There some demand forecasting techniques; such as: 

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Managerial judgment: this technique is common among all types of organizations (small, medium and large). This technique includes two types of approaches: 'bottom-up approach' and 'top-down approach'. ‘bottom-up approach’ is the process of providing the line manager with the employees’ demands and requirements. While ‘top-down approach’ is the top management forecasting the employee’ demands and requirements among the whole organization. Conversion ratio: translate workload data into personnel demand. Econometrics models: mathematical and statistical techniques for predicting future demand. Delphi technique: a very important technique, where a group of experts answer questionnaires regard the organization requirements in order to forecast future demands. The outcomes are applied once the experts agree on it. Estimation based on production techniques. Estimation based on historical records. Statistical techniques.

2. Forecast Human Resource Supplies: Human Resource supply forecasting is the process of predicting the availability of human resource. This process must consider:

External supply: availability of employees to be hired in the organization’s geographic workforce. Some factors may effect this category; are: supply and demand of jobs, population rate and technological development. Internal supply: current employees within the organization.

The most important techniques for forecasting human resource supply are Succession analysis and Markov analysis. 

Succession Analysis: analysis the current human resources in order to develop and enrich them through training and coaching.

Markov Analysis: This technique is named after Russian mathematician Andrei Andreyevich Markov. This technique is not an optimization one. However, it is a descriptive technique results probabilistic data. Its main role is to forecast the probabilities of job incumbents. 3. Reconciliation of Human Recourses Demand and Supply: this activity includes some sub-activities; as mentioned below:  The net human resource requirements: is the difference between human resources inventory and gross requirements in an organization.  Determining personnel shortages: examine the shortages in an organization, whether they are temporary or permanent (retirements or internal transfer cases).  Consideration of alternatives: investigate the human resources supply and demand with an organization regard their specialization and technical personnel skills.  Decisions by top management: human resources reconciliation must be approved by the top management; by taking into account the organization requirements and finance issues.

Moreover, there are several roles enable the human resources department to support the line manager and their staff. 1. Employees communication and consultation:  Communication: is the harmonize process between the Human Resources department and the employees to ensure a wellmanaged working environment.  Consultation: seeking employees and trade unions' opinion and point of views regard issuing statements or making decisions.

2. Pay and reward: Employees’ contribution and work dedication are rewarded through policies to encourage them to do more. Therefore, reward policy give the impression of importance and purpose of the employees' efforts. Rewards are given based on weakness and strength analysis. The reward policy should be clear and submitted to the whole organization. This policy go alongside with other department contribution; such as: finance department for budget details and managing the ability to give a reward. 3. Staff Selection & Recruitment: In order to increase an organization competencies; an HR manager is assigned to follow some policies and procedures to hire the most suitable one for the position: 

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Identify Vacancy and Evaluate Need: 1. Identify the required core skills and the gaps in the organization. 2. In case of replacement case; a tailored job description should be provide; including updated requirements and responsibilities. Develop Position Description: 1. Identify the core requirements and tasks. 2. List performance objectives. 3. Attract candidates among clear required responsibilities and qualifications. Develop Recruitment Plan: each position should include a requirement plan; starting from the advertisement channels ending with: posting period, placement goals, additional advertising resources, diversity agencies and resume banks. Post Position and Implement Recruitment Plan Review Applicants and Develop Short List Conduct Interview: 1. An HR is assigned to prepare or an interview after reviewing each resume or application and taking notes to follow up with. 2. List questions for the interviews to figure out each applicant’s weakness, strength and competencies. Select Hire: after the interviews are done; a decision should be taken regard the best applicant after going on clear selection criteria. Finalize Recruitment: once the recruitment is done it is the beginning of the end; the new employee will have induction

sessions, on job training (OJT) and a clear job description includes: working hours, leave policies All in all, Human Resources Department function and responsibility are various and varied. Closing or even reducing this department will prevent the organization required progression.

Bibliography (2014, October 5). Retrieved from Martin, J. (2010). Key Concepts in Human Resource Management . London: SAGE Publication L.t.d. University of California, Riverside. (2014, October 8). Retrieved from what is human resource. (2014, October 6). Retrieved from what is human resource. (2014, October 6). Retrieved from

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