Cinemagic #15 (1981)

April 6, 2018 | Author: Vinnie Rattolle | Category: Leisure
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Short Description

Descripción: Fifteenth issue of the glossy revival of the magazine, which instructed readers on how to create movie effe...



Drea'lling ofa Filan Career? Depth in Miniature Sets Ughtlngfor Models

CONTENTS Number 15

EcIltor' s Bench _ __


Script Writing


MIniature Clnemaglc Lighting _~ 16 Marketplace _ _ _1:.27 ClMsif~

odwrtioi"9 ond

an""" nIwe to be pM'ect or

professional, either. 10 be ~rUng. In ~ case I can think 01, ~ 1"''-t low t>udgets Of dime-_ ray guns thai ~a film olthI5sort-~· •• lad< of meonlng. And that mean.: inadequate ~ Genlng mol/ue out of u.., way nrSl: why ohould a kid (or an adull. for that mailer) want 10 moko: an amll1cur movie? Fa, too o/Ien, if. to show off tlIients IhIII are ItChing to be a~ted-period. "HeIl;' he says



watr4 in The

Howling. ··1 ~ Icoukl do 1hM!. So ~!)OeS

10 """" on ...wu,up and dlects and a1>sel\· mlnMdly stk:ks t>aW a story onto ~ JOrtlI:....n~~ along I~ Une: boy picks up girl IogiaI c:hein rNdIon. Or ~.• F~rIc &own.• SIDo-r. \ems 11ft rimi~ . Now. befOfe tho! scriptwritlng ~ beg. Inl, 'I~ budgd and shooting sc~ d~ can be worid6'e stock in u>e i. Ea5tman 7247, typo! y, Kodak suggeots that the two ,"",,,!$ions (7247 f., 7293) could be InleroA.ln ~ $itu..tlons. with no noticoble differ....u In qua~ty. The newemul ............. announced 11\ the ,,,,,em SMPTE ...-ing In los Angeles by Ken Ma",,", Kodak >'ice pr~ end gene'''' ~er 01 the motion picture and audio-visual "",rke\s division. " demo red V'a. e>'19" catalog ~ins a wide v... ic!y 01 Intriguing products useiullo conau· rner... hobbyists. stl>dent.s and filmmaiVIGIC 'eg!he ~ but this_ io ...... pri"", _ ,_


............ ' fUm Il'Ol4> con do WtI-..y ...,..,..,. 9" "'" and ... '" We ~ _lJ"OUPS 10 go! OUI tn.u ond ... people _ _ )'OU.~ ejpifIg Ihe

.. ~_ t«IInio\orIo .• I un ... 01 0I'f ......... ,..,., '0 ONE f'\oO,.OC ...-.... . . - hot. • Work! W•

I...,.......&'>(!. ~ ~!he

"""""" 01 JunIrI< birds. Con)'OU


e)' fathem. \tihot I _ fa- my prot/Ooo rnoorkd. 10 I in the ""'Y _ _ d Ihe otIgIrooI ONEMAGIC(Tom Baker. 0\ °9).1 ....-"'" fa- an whodo turned our: '" boo ""y ~ I


.... hom the".~...rIIl

the prtdx ioyouI 0( thr ....... ond he_to Ilo'OII< "" iL !'law 11m in "'" fl ..... .....,.,. 01 r>rOring "'" mOOrf lor "'''''"_ sI>oco(Ing. I .....c.dod the p.-oceos ..toid"o rould ........ oa me bode end IItiI came


our: ""'" I

model Mth my pe<

sonar toud\. Thanks Tom! KurtR.H~

(!II F Ocon Rd •. Apt. ·26 i'101Tynod\. RI 02882

hunk 01 meIIj on your


1'1 .... Eld.achrome

__ r.. -,........,...-.ur ........-.1 _ _ II...,......,. .... . . - . . . p u I - '"


.,_I"-"Ihqr_ foilod", _ _ _ _ •

""". EdiIo(. gench""' ..... ,oioog

~ jor.! ...... do.'" ~ «>piIe0 _

dqjrft a

"""'" .... '" _


- " i n O o. . . . . _ _

..,...... --

an you goot \he i1ICII"Py 5I.Ibtle ongIeoa "'""." ... .. Wft .. fIne for_~_ . ......


PIdo up ..... ors _ _ ,.,.. •.,. _ _ .,.... ""'90 to..I: . . :It« (hoy ~ turoctklnIII ond

poo«iPIe o:t>onge. .... ..... IIghIs 10 .... Idi. _ righI: or t .... jot ....'hen ihis is done. stI! ..... _ ""'Y ~ .".;0" • Ii!.-. C.. ~ dIop In difI...... M • ~ 011""," Thit

I", Jorm



FUmm.akers ·

EORUM method 0.., be uoed wth • ...".... Imposed mo6d 10 creole. opKe "'- . Of con be .-d Wo!h • ~ >hot to erote otrBng< cb.>d lor·

......,.,. ...............

UFO'. ... Jell l'oIizIouo". ortk~ on ~(JfO'.( nCl'1 ~

.. 13) ..... ~gOod,For_ who """"'-I Ilk< to build. UFO


The fnished oII~ looks lantMtic on !he ocr«. and will _ ) W I Mends ~ in ....... omrnL

rnIing 1ONE.'V.GIC ' 13) """ be ~ on I pieced pi.,.;gobo _ pIKed i _ beNnd ".... d

Anlm.tJon Blue. Be,,'Il a IiImrnakudgeI. 1~ • >mall ,!"""Iion to aol< "'~ """"'Y be>'Ig lighll c....-.ol otkwd to _ flm """."

....... he said !hot he ...... ~ In ~ ~ !roo. tv oet\eo. I mall«! him "'" _ _ ~.


wm0 Ionget e~ thoore, ... I ...... ~ his """'" p!>one nt.Irrb«. I him ""'" .....:I "" Mid IhoI. he _ col .....

IfIg I or 1 f •.rna will nOl '~all!J sac... 11"" much film. wilen you c-omId", l/uol Inl""",nl/ Is ''"''II II"", cOIU«m lng and a nlm.ored ~'" gtYl",..lI~ $I"oM. ' hutofe FIagstAIf. A3. 86001


allSU!M'd In U,., p ~


I"" ....... ). this mot! """'" to """'"


"" Oft "" .... to wh0$1'" bo<


'" 1---"-"' the w""'*'ll' to

I "'"

Deadly SwAt ... rm..-.g ill '"""""'" to" let·

lion "..,... cIubo In ton D.C. . H. Somt frIerodo ..... I out '" temedy _ .. _

51"'--. FlmIllllkoB' F"""", ONEMCIC . '3.) , _ _

w. """" .-.dy formod """"'" ".~ ..... Urrited ......... 1ocIIOng JOI

ter irMoMng IItWil _



- -. -

_ _ .... "' . . . . . ."'Ytc you. • ye. "II"_ ""'"' _,..... IIoryAl>< fun 10 ~

So. _

!he c.-. tho _




_ the

-c-,-.,-=,---,,-,-I The c_ ~ on ........ mu .. _ . f r;led





• -1'

UndenOcle 01 "we....... 110M MCloon . ,llIlI«t55 "*'chel clo$td. Note the i_len "'0 " W"""C "pot1_'

11es (to !he unII bulbs Ire powered by • tr.ns!",mer

18 CIN£M'lQIC· 15

The .hunlecrolt i•• hown d,..... mbled here, re.ea l,ng .IICf' • • ..... ~talt approaches a ~ alien Ctaft. 0 .... ~ In OUt film called 101 Just that ~ IO UioKe pake. By using the SDmt basic; 1TIO!thod. I .. "" in bullding libel opIic Ight toUR:eS. mlnIaI"", spotlights ie with .. drop 01" or transparent nail polish Dip the iOOMduoi SIlrods oItubing into tt... dye (important don·t dip the@fldwith!hl! lens on k) ~ dry aOO mount in ~.

Summary UghUng mlnlMu"," wlU add that txI,.. amount 01" ,,,,,Iism \hat ""II set your work ..pan from "SUllie·· \;'PI! models. The 5OlUlely S. During tne pasl year we 110 .. ""nt privale olter. to su!>SCrrbe•• lhat allow lhem diSCOUnlS uo 10 50'''' on e . cltlng science f;Chon me.ehanoise There's no ObIigaHon II



, Sene! =->.



""""* '" ftt"6' \...." - . .


CIOl Ct. ~. OA 30907.) Slupidman 2. Thr ... villDios have esaped from the brx>bIUb!' tI,r", (a gfam I\I-Sh.:oped prison In outer space) _ K·. Stup;dmon·. job to SlOp them. Can he do~? Produlical but the robot. Des11')'0lopped! Case Rene Teboe. Prod..cer/ DirKlor/FX: Jon Ttboe. RIchard Machowl< L.... er. Super-8. color. sound. Running Ume: 10 mrnutes. (Jon Teboe. 11805 s>;w 102 A~_ Miami. Fl ))176.)

P .,dlk CoDlUet. Science Flction/Horror. The CaIprlnts cI a distam >paCe station a,e stalked by a murdering psychic. After moroy grisl» m."den. a Cle\II membe,. who al$O has .uong,.sychic ability. mJst face the kin... But a~ ner i>"'«O


Ilrong enough? ~ NulI"rocIuctions. Dlrec;la/Wr'Rf/FX:. Mike Neal. c-: T _ Neal lind others. FX Include: ~ ~ and set ~ Ibod1lu1 K1IIe lind 1'I'IInIMlnI),lNe' FX. bk>od, lidta.lramporter FX.1Ind

.. LjAc>IIoo .... Super.&. fIOIot,lIOt.nd Of'> oq)eflte C - . RunnIng time: IIP!)tOIdI'\'\llldt H rrinula. \Mille Hell 363 E. f'klrth St.. 0urHrI\.1'! 47'3J6.)

gaIadIc WIll. ~/Direc;la/fX: o.w\d L.ahacIerne. Co0In:ct0t: Ueon frdtal . .... .odMe ~ BrookI lin. Oirtctor/~ Dosigr-..John Neefy. Miokeup: Chieh Wang. ~ offKIs: RoNt Nar"Y"'l- fX Ird.IcIe: SlOp moIIon "'*'>MIon. front lAa;ectioo .. rear 1Ac;te. /'II.JIk: R~ Teboe. c..t: lind SI-= fnoder Super·a cdor, otpfII" ....e o.o.n:I Of'> c-.ll:\IrrinIiJ tirr"" 15~. (Jon T~, 11805 S.W lC/2ndIlWf.. MiamI, fl33175 or: Oan f,arier, CtmM Rd...liOdngtOn. KY



"""'-I Scott D...... nd Se.. K.,._,


of the Spec..

...,... Two modem adventurers try to"'-"P No oc>POS'ng

glllKllc pawero from milking the uOSa.e of operll!ion. The lingle engine __ tht Eanh. BuI only f he can ~ \toe _ d!he diIturbar>cot III bmt Produr:er·'Ooo-edOJ: o.w\d DtIc:NmpheIMre. Scnpc, 'f'll o.w\d and It'.dionoc ~e Carner •. ~C EIis. CasI:1t'.dionoc IL Krillophtr 0 lind DMd D. F~med~Of'>_Of'>inJOuthemItaly FX Indudoo: dotnO'Nlonal animation with IIw: acIion. rut' ttIChct "Y- Produ«r: 0 . - ProducIior"oa. OirernM M. Sipos. CNt: f,ank Cr.....en.!v>gtl Ber.--.. Iris Dorl>ian. E _ S'-mar!. JoI\n ........gon. Susan Sipoa. ~geMorgln.III'od RuHel5dlIcf. Supe--8. color, §OI..IIId.

25-3D minuteS. Scrip! regiII..-..d w/ WGI\.fllSt. and ~ wi Library d Congress. f~ HiIIl. N. Y 11375.)(ThomasJo\. Sipos.. 31 fleet



Altar lb. WbMb. Rewrno:.g hom_ dcq> opace ............ the ~ Eo-de re!UmllO Earth orbiIlO lind that Earth·, once Iush.....rACe has beentr.-.slormed into eroded, bu.-rotd-ouIlandI d _-aerY Two o/Iicen sh '-"lIe clown 10 the .0111 corne /fom an eock onto the 5CJeert 'Very lew people IknowgCl hired InlOW: film businHS withouIa, I""" """king a into college. ~"Iough g~lng into college. and M'. tough!J"!llng through college. but no matter how hIIrd ~ is. ~·s going to be


hllrderwhet>)'O'J get out and try to make ~ 1!>tO the ~jm Indll5Uy, Nobody is ever going \0 hIInd somebody a movieand $illy ...... ~. diro:< c~ lit whatever you ~ e>c en~te film industry II. ~ hatd life-and \he worst is lCO' actin. ~'" ludtnt lind replace ca~.. might ~ to focus from onl)i an the if,ns In the Camcf8. ()pen the cammo Inch or:soto lrilnlly. A ~ c&rrwa can lens· opertu.e all the way. SOncethef-stopof ~ rr\IIde vMh" I-stop ~uiv~ to f/J«J. the pinhole iubout 1/300, you will requirea but)Oll lose some of the w........,.s .. rod all long e>.p(ISure: v.ith one photd\ood lind 01 the convenienr;e of the 3~ co....".o faM color film. 2(}.40 seconds ~ be

Dna! roo'"", bYiK .. model Of dion"'nII. e


required. FocuVlg I. unnecHSary. but you may wonl to !TI8SU.e the diston ~ Or Cl'ies1t. WI m. ~g ......l1li ,.

cor""", CI It-.~. 9tr_ _ , ......... """'. 10 !lie , _

"",ea H,tC!IeOCk ,hr'" " """9 c..ryGr~.

E.. "" ,.. So.".r!

~~ ;,ld ~~'~" !'fl~tef reason....., used a lot 01 quicl< cutting. I didn't ..... nt the aud ience to be able to recog";.~ tho! people in th~ background trecause theYre !he ... "'" people In alrYlO!>t ~ shot. n.., act"", of the marn characttr$ keeps your eyes off tho! .....Uu and Ih«a ........1 bar g ..... contail'\$" Iivt tar....... tule! Sounds ~kt)'OOl' _age dioco? "Who! appears to be a cmwded disco" actU4l1y two separate 1oc8lions on tho! USC c~mprJ.:' Ralph ..........1... "Parts of W film were shot on a small sound stage that Is i>8" 01 1M f/ldlities 01 the film scnoolar>d other parts wereshot in!he basemen! 0I!he building housing the dental >e dunil""" s.eI .. as mad~ 01 ~I~'ato.rm brk i11. ~ SO you' ll know how 10 animate the day char~er" ~ps 10 be in 5ynCtion """ ligtrtnlng. IO(!vMIUIges ~rld d'S/Idv~~ YOI.i"" go! We _red notime,~seor SlJffeoing lor to,,~ lip sync for Il:/lhstic dOoiogue. Post ZJl~II ck. Z!#/Jdc was shot in l6mm color 'YflCcd diologue almost atways looks like a negative, 'Y"' wund and ~ a !\Inning lor~n language film. but ~ you'.e making time of about ten minutes. r~e worked on G high I>Ction mm like Di5co Vampire post three or fout other peoples' films. Although synci ng can sa"" tn.. ..tfon of ~iti ng out ... (llmer a work is someo.hing tMt i. very ,"",,~. the sourld takes tMt you'll: no! going to ;ng to me, my work on other peoples" proU~. ~ can also tie ~ cre,nj""andopen to Jecu has consisted mostly 01 make-up. marty possibilities. n... actOl"5 (~n SIJ~st litles a"" other spedal effects. rm ~ the I>Ction 'dhout Il:5Ofting to words. interested in animatior> lind ... r"" menRalph hu contributed to other ~. tioner:l many 01 my own f~ms...-e animated films arld has Il:C1tIlt/y worked on a film shorts. rm currently doing post prodI.>ction ""mcd Zyzak is KJng. which G USC on my I~r.dent film, The Reaper.


ClNEMAG/C 1/5 33

"Somelhing tNt ONEAACIC ~ may lind intnaung-In rdeo-ence to my ao-eJp lIboI.( gIc>ooW>g qe for .rop motion rnodeIf in CINfI'IAGIC .~-. my ~meruI WOfI< with ScotchIite IroN pro

)ectlon mllleoiltl, Mhough I hwooI ,.,...." .. ~ to be there "Allhough rm emted by aI aspecU. 01 r~mmaIou.


k's dear thai. R.Iph Miller gdJ , (;IOOd dNI of ~ NIiIlar:tion from mo6cIng ~ lie. btd the MmiIlIbns 0/ rour rescurces and tty 10 eopres$ ~ • IuIy as P'"'siNe withon ttrose 1it"niIalionL 1 potf$OfVJIIy IIIove wa"ed • lot 0/ time uying Rlllpn .. ~ ,. UI)COmonI film. The (;',m Re_r " ... macn;.,. su!)l)l"'" the 10 ~ mmsthal were beyond myscope, _It mrst The mllk .. as I _~ projoecl.



J4 ClNEM,.,OIC· 15

He....,.....,.,. He',

Rithl: II dn'gon animation modelth~t tiille, ooilt for one of his films. In this pa,ticula, shot, an Ii, bladder that was bUllt in to the model is inll~ t ed to ...... ke the c,utu,e

appea, to breatne. e.tow: II touwint! scene II"", £)1. M.l let'S 3

m'nute color 16mm cla~ ~nimat 'on lilm. fll' i. tile sad story 01 two lovers who hve ,n a bleII ~ world without lood arod how they must imp,,,,,,se to survive. The ligu,es are aboul2O"· h,gh and made 01 ten POIJrod. of cI~~ NCh. whkh was bui lt up on melal ball·aoo.socket .'malur.... The linge .. were .r...... tured wllh lead 50Ider wire. which works well with clay because it·, SO soft that ,t sekIom l>rul
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