Cigre TB 513

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513 5 Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment Part 5 - Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS)

Working Group A3.06

October 2012

Working Group A3.06

Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage Equipment

Part 5 – Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS)

Members M. Runde (NO) Convener, C. E. Sölver (SE) Past Convener, A. Carvalho (BR), M. L. Cormenzana (ES), H. Furuta (JP), W. Grieshaber (FR), A. Hyrczak (PL), D. Kopejtkova (CZ), J. G. Krone (NL), M. Kudoke (CH), D. Makareinis (DE), J. F. Martins (PT), K. Mestrovic (HR), I. Ohno (JP), J. Östlund (SE), K.-Y. Park (KR), J. Patel (IN), C. Protze (DE), J. Schmid (DE), J. E. Skog (US), B. Sweeney (UK), F. Waite (UK).

Corresponding Members B. Bergman (CA), S. Tsukao (JP)

Copyright © 2012 “Ownership of a CIGRE publication, whether in paper form or on electronic support only infers right of use for personal purposes. Are prohibited, except if explicitly agreed by CIGRE, total or partial reproduction of the publication for use other than personal and transfer to a third party; hence circulation on any intranet or other company network is forbidden”.

Disclaimer notice “CIGRE gives no warranty or assurance about the contents of this publication, nor does it accept any responsibility, as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information. All implied warranties and conditions are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law”.

ISBN: 978-2- 85873-206-7

Table of Contents 5.1  Common Matters of the 2004‐2007 Reliability Survey ....................................................... 1  5.2  Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2  5.2.1 

History of GIS experience surveys ............................................................. 2 


The 3rd GIS experience survey analysis .................................................... 2 

5.3  Participation in the Survey ................................................................................................. 3  5.4  GIS Service Experience Distribution ................................................................................... 5  5.4.1  Country contribution and GIS voltage class service experience distribution ....................... 5  5.4.2

GIS extent service experience distribution ................................................. 9


GIS type of enclosure service experience distribution ............................. 12


GIS location service experience distribution ............................................ 14


GIS age service experience distribution................................................... 18


GIS maintenance practices service experience distribution..................... 21

5.5  GIS Failures ....................................................................................................................... 23  5.5.1 

Countries contribution and GIS voltage classes failures distribution ....... 24 


GIS extent failures distribution ................................................................. 27 


GIS type of enclosure failures distribution ............................................... 30 


GIS location failures distribution .............................................................. 33 


GIS failed component distribution ............................................................ 36 


GIS age failures distribution ..................................................................... 46 

5.6  GIS Major Failure Frequencies .......................................................................................... 50  5.6.1 

Completeness of data .............................................................................. 50 


GIS voltage class major failure frequency distribution ............................. 52 


GIS extent major failure frequencies distribution ..................................... 56 


GIS location major failure frequencies distribution ................................... 58 


GIS type of enclosure major failure frequencies distribution .................... 61 


SF6/air bushings, cable boxes and transformer bushing failure frequencies ................................................................................................................. 63 


GIS age major failure frequencies distribution ......................................... 64 


GIS maintenance philosophies major failure frequencies distribution...... 69 

5.7  Failure Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 72  5.7.1 

Major failure mode ................................................................................... 72 


Number of major failures which caused fire or explosion......................... 76 


Minor failure mode ................................................................................... 77 


Failed subassembly ................................................................................. 78  ii


Failure origin ............................................................................................ 83 


Failure primary cause .............................................................................. 85 


Failure service conditions ........................................................................ 89 


Contribution of environmental stresses to failures ................................... 93 


Failure repair ............................................................................................ 95 


Consequential measures ......................................................................... 98 


GIS parts other than CB, DS/ES and IT failures characteristics ........... 100 

5.8  Correlations Between Prevailing Major Failures Characteristics ...................................... 122  5.8.1 

Correlations of major failure modes ....................................................... 122 


Correlations of failed subassemblies ..................................................... 126 


Correlations of major failure primary causes.......................................... 134 


Correlations of major failure service conditions ..................................... 139 

5.9  Recommendation for Future Surveys .............................................................................. 143  5.10  Summary and Conclusions .............................................................................................. 144  5.10.1 

Summary of main findings ..................................................................... 144 


Recommendations for manufacturers and utilities ................................. 152 


Conclusion ............................................................................................. 154 


 ..................................................................................................................... 155 

Appendix 1 ‐ GIS Questionnaire ............................................................................................... 156  Appendix 2 ‐ Definitions .......................................................................................................... 164 


5.1 Common Matters of the 2004-2007 Reliability Survey The results of the 2004 - 2007 reliability study of high voltage equipment are presented in six Technical Brochures (TBs): •

TB 509 “Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 international enquiry on reliability of high voltage equipment, Part 1 - Summary and General Matters” [1].

TB 510 “Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 international enquiry on reliability of high voltage equipment, Part 2 - SF6 Circuit Breakers” [2].

TB 511, “Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 international enquiry on reliability of high voltage equipment, Part 3 - Disconnectors and Earthing Switches”[3].

TB 512 “Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 international enquiry on reliability of high voltage equipment, Part 4 - Instrument Transformers” [4]

TB 513 “Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 international enquiry on reliability of high voltage equipment, Part 5 - Gas Insulated Switchgear” [5].

TB 514 “Final Report of the 2004 - 2007 international enquiry on reliability of high voltage equipment, Part 6 - GIS practices [6].

TB 509 contains material that concerns the entire work, such as the objectives and scope, description of how the survey was organized, explanations of the statistical methods being applied, suggestions on how utilities can use the results, some general definitions and a short bibliography. In addition, extensive summaries of the most important findings from the different component types are included. The four component TBs, i.e., no. 510 - 513, contain much more details as they present all results for each component type. This includes tables, figures, and graphs presenting reliability and service experience data and correlations, as well as text with commentaries and discussions. The relevant parts of the questionnaire and the relevant definitions used in the survey are shown in their appendices. TB 514 presents an overview of utility practices concerning commissioning (high voltage testing) service (monitoring, diagnostics and service problems), major maintenance, extension as well as experience with new technology for gas insulated switchgear (GIS). The information was collected by means of a questionnaire that was circulated together with the reliability enquiry questionnaire. Again, the relevant parts of the questionnaire and the associated definitions are shown in its appendix. Each TB is a self contained and complete report, but does also form a part of a bigger whole. To simplify cross referencing between the different parts, an overall numbering system that assigns a unique number to all sections, tables and figures is applied. Items in Part 1 are numbered using the format 1.X.X.X, in Part 2 the format is 2.X.X.X, etc. In Part 5 the format is 5.X.X.X.


5.2 Introduction 5.2.1 History of GIS experience surveys The 1st GIS international survey questionnaire was circulated in 1991 and both users and manufacturers were addressed. It collected experience up to 31.12.1990. 109 users from 34 countries and 18 manufacturers from 9 countries responded to the questionnaire. The users’ experience represented 1 817 GIS, 10 531 circuit breaker-bays (CB-bays) and 78 036 CBbay-years, the manufacturer’s experience represented 4 867 GIS, 24 870 CB-bays and 199 473 CB-bay-years. The questionnaire addressed: general data about GIS installations, factors which contributed to selection of GIS over AIS, adequacy of existing design/production/site test procedures, reliability, availability and maintainability, cause of major failures, future trends/condition monitoring /diagnostics and general open-ended questions. The survey and data analysis were published in [7], [8], [9] and [10] CIGRE papers during 1992 to 1994. The 2nd GIS international survey questionnaire was circulated five years later, in 1996, with the aim of collecting service experience data available up to 31.12.1995. 80 users from 30 countries responded to the questionnaire. The collected data referred to 2115 GIS installations, 13 696 CB-bays and 118 483 CB-bay-years. In comparison to the 1st questionnaire, the 2nd questionnaire was more focused on installation overview and major failure statistics (dataset 1) and GIS life cycle issues (dataset 2). Therefore only users were addressed. Besides the general data about GIS installations (similar to data sheet in the first survey) the users were asked to report in dataset 1 the characteristics and service experience (major failures) for each individual GIS from the beginning of their putting into service and in dataset 2 to answer more general questions concerning maintenance, lifetime and environmental aspects independently of the number of installed GIS and voltage level. The survey and data analysis were published in [11], [12] and [13] CIGRE papers during 1998 to 2000. The 3rd GIS international survey questionnaire was circulated in 2003 and collected population and failure data in 2004 to 2007. The structure of the questionnaire was as much as useful similar to the 2nd survey to enable a comparison. The survey structure is described in details in technical brochure [1] and the GIS questionnaire cards and their relevant definitions can be found in Appendix 1 of this brochure.

5.2.2 The 3rd GIS experience survey analysis The below shown analysis follows a structure of the GIS population cards, and GIS failure cards for circuit breakers, disconnectors/earthing switches, instrument transformers and other components in GIS. It uses data from all these five questionnaire cards. As questions and answers in these cards were not identical it was necessary to make their re-coding to get a common platform. The resulting analysis below includes the following: • Description of the participation in the survey (chapter 5.3) • Overview of collected GIS service experience distribution (chapter 5.4) • Overview of collected GIS failures distribution (chapter 5.5) • Calculation of GIS major failure frequencies (chapter 5.6) • Analysis of collected GIS major and minor failure characteristics (chapter 5.7) • Correlations between prevailing GIS major failure characteristics (chapter 5.8.) • Summary and conclusion


All chapters below include introduction (description of subchapters), collected data in absolute and relative values, interpretation graphs, comparison with the 2nd GIS survey results (if applicable) and final summary of findings and their WG’s commentary. As the failure frequency is concerned there was taken the same unit as in the 2nd survey, i.e. the failure frequency is described as number of failures per 100 circuit-breaker-bay-years (CB-bay-years). One CB-bay is a 3-phase GIS assembly consisting of one circuit breaker, its associated isolating switches, instrument transformers, interconnecting bus up to and including the line disconnecting switch (if applicable), and section of main bus (if applicable). GIS maintenance card analysis is included in technical brochure [6]. The GIS voltage ranges, i.e. voltage classes, were divided in the questionnaire and are described here as follows: Expression of a voltage Expression of a voltage class in chapter Expression of a voltage class class in the tables and graphs [kV] in a chapter text questionnaire1 60
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