Chuyên Đê Viêt L I Câu

February 23, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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9. The play is so popular that the theatre is likely to be full

1. Her su success ccess went went beyond beyond her expectation expectation..   Never..................... 2.

Tony is very charming, but I wouldn’t trust him. Charming.....................


every night.  Such is..................... is.....................

10. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.  All dogs..................... dogs.....................

I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the

Writing 2:


1. Our picnic picnic was cancelled cancelled because because it ra rained ined hea heavily vily last last

Rather than.................... than......................

Sunday.   If.....................

4. If there is an emergency, ring this number.  In 4.

case........ case.................... ..............


attractive advertisement

The thief must have come in through the window window.. The

thief almost....... almost.................. .............. ...

They couldn’t deceive customers although they used

  Whatever.....................

6. Driving at that speed is dangerous although you are an

3. Because the chemicals were properly combined, the

experienced driver or not.

 prescription has brought about the expected result.

  However.....................

 Because of..................... of.....................

7. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto to a unique language.


 Newspapers report that that hundreds of people died in the

 Unlike....... Unlike................... .............. ..

earthquake last week.

8. You You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs.

 Hundreds

of people..................... people.....................


5. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.

 Nowhere...... Nowhere.................. ............... ...

 I

object........ object................... ............. ..



6. Years ago ago women were were too bu busy sy to take part part in soc social ial

  Without.....................

activities. Years

5. You You won’t find out if they are open if you don’t phone them.

ago women didn’t.....................

6. The rain rain brough broughtt about th thee cancel cancellati lation on of the te tennis nnis

7. “ The Times” was first printed 200 years ago.


 It is.................... is......................

 The tennis

7. John outran outran the other otherss in the race.  John

was......... was.................... .............

9. Although he was tired, he managed to finish the marathon

7. The reason reason why he applied applied for for a job abr abroad oad was to earn earn more money.  With


8. The fog fog is heavier heavier than than usu usual al ton tonight. ight.

race.  In

match......... match................... ............ ..

spite of............... of..................... ......

10. I must have my suit cleaned before the interview interview..  My

suit needs..................... needs.....................


9. The fete fete will tak takee place on Sunday Sunday,, come rain or shine. shine.   Whether.....................

10. Failing promt payment, The goods must be returned by

Writing 3:


1. You wouldn’ wouldn’tt find any more affect affectionat ionatee animal anywhere anywhere

 You

must either.....................

in the world.  No.........  No.................... .............

2. Liz said unforgivable things to her father at the dinner party.  What........ What.................... ..............

2. The real realisat isation ion that I had been been swind swindled led came mu much ch later later.. Only.....................

3. It is fair fairly ly unlik unlikely ely that he will will be convi convicted cted of the of offence. fence. There................... ............. ..  There........

Writing 4 1. It was more of of an argumen argumentt than a d discu iscussion ssion It was

not so...................... so......................

2. Thanks Thanks to her uncle uncle’’s legacy of 15, 15,000 000 dollars dollars she was abl ablee to buy the house she wanted. Had


3. Batigol is the footballer I admire most of all.



 There is.................. is..................... ...

2. To pass the ti time me I look th through rough so some me maga magazines zines.. I

3. the ma man’ n’ss life w was as of great great pov poverty erty..  Throughout......... Throughout................... ............ ..

4. There w was as no prec precedent edent fo forr the king king resig resignatio nation. n.  Never  Never........... ..................... ..........

4. Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh.  The 4.


these................... these..................... ..

Tien Giang is a far less hilly province than Lam Dong. Lam

Dong has..................... has.....................

I will only be satisfied if the manager apologizes fully.

are completely.....................

8. A hou house se in this dis distric trictt will cos costt you at least 10 100,000 0,000

 Charming................. Charming..................... ....

8. I thought thought about w what hat had ha happened ppened all all those years years be before. fore. I

cast.................. cast..................... ...

8. I almost gave up at one point.  I

came very.....................

9. He said said that he had won won as a result result of good lluck. uck.

dollars. You

short......... short.................... .............

6. Tony’s Tony’s very charming but I wouldn’t trust him.

7. There iisn’ sn’tt a pair of je jeans ans lef leftt in the shop, shop, Mis Miss! s! We


 Nothing

5. These new machine machiness have put put an end to queu queuing. ing. Before

whiled.................. whiled..................... ...


won’t be.....................

attributed................ attributed..................... .....

10. She doesn’t know why they are attracted to spending all

10. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this

day on the beach.


 She can’t

Enormous..................... ...  Enormous..................

see..................... see.....................

Writing 5: 1.

The collision didn’t damaged my car much.

Writing 6:

 Not


a great............... great..................... ......

2. What has this experience taught you? What

conclusion....... conclusion.................. .............. ...

They will not announce the decision formally.  No

formal....... formal................... .............. ..

2. They believe that the robbers got into the bank through the




Writing 7:

 The robbers.................. robbers..................... ...

1. In his recent article, Bob Lee pointed out all the faults in the


Karajan was the first person to recognize her extra-ordinary

government’s new transport policy.

musical gift.

In his recent article, Bob Lee was..................... was.....................

  It.....................

3. The company company have been been reviewing reviewing thei theirr recrui recruitment tment policy policy

4. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperabto a unique

for the last three months.


The company’s.....................

 Unlike....... Unlike................... .............. ..

4. I’m absolut absolutely ely sur suree he too took k the mo money ney on pu purpose rpose..

5. Thank Thankss to Laura’ Laura’ss support I wa wass able to fini finish sh the proj project. ect. Had

it........ it................... ............. ..

He couldn’t possibly..................... 5. He delayed delayed writing writing his his book unt until il he had done done a lot of

6. It was his over-confidence that led to his defeat in the


Wimbledon final.

Only after.....................

  If.....................

5. They declaired war on the pretext of defending their

6. They hav havee been liv living ing in Germany Germany for for 5 years n now ow..

territorial rights.

  It.....................

8. I have never been to Paris before.  This

6. I feel that that I don’t don’t fit with with the peo people ple in th thee new office. office.


10. I am determined to refuse his of offer. fer.  I

The excuse......... excuse.................... .............

have no..................... no.....................

10. “ Why don’t you buy a new coat?” – Mary said to her

I feel like..................... like..................... 7.

Skyscrapers in the USA are on average taller than anywhere else in the world. The average....... average.................. .............. ...


8. We We were very impressed by the new cinema but found it

 Mary suggested.................. suggested..................... ...

rather expensive. Impressed.................. Impressed..................... ... 9. It’s more than a fortnight since anyone saw Julian.




9. Offering Offering her more more money w wouldn’ ouldn’tt make any dif differen ference. ce.

10. The deadline for the receipt of complete application forms is

Even if..................... if.....................

3. 00p. m on Friday, 18th December

9. Driving at that speed is dangerous, whether you are an

Complete application................. application..................... ....

experienced driver or not. However However............ ..................... .........

Writing 8:

10. It’s such a wonderful opportunity that we mustn’t miss it.

1. Whoev Whoever er did tthat hat mu must st be very very brav bravee pers person. on.

It is too......... too..................... ............

Only..................... 2. Doris tipoeed up the stairs because she didn’t want to wake

Writing 9:

anyone up.



I’m seldom................... seldom..................... ..

2. Nancy is p proud roud of of bei being ng a good cook.

2. The minister minister gav gavee no precis precisee figures figures about the casvalt casvalties. ies.

 Nancy prides................ prides..................... .....

The minister didn’t go.......... go..................... ...........

3. My pro protests tests were ignored ignored by eeveryo veryone. ne.

3. Every Every possible possible eff effort ort was m made ade by orph orphanage anage to to find the

 Nobody...........  Nobody ..................... ..........

I can’t often afford to spend my holidays abroad.

noy’s parents.

4. Kate iiss the on only ly real real fri friend end tha thatt Dori Doriss has.

The orphanage left no stone......... stone.................... .............


4. The company company will will make make a prof profit it next next year year..

6. Rita doesn’t realise how serious her husband’s operation is

I wouldn’t............... wouldn’t..................... ......

going to be.

5. These proble problems ms of ours ours are jus justt the tip of the the iceice-ber berg. g.


I’m afraid our problems..................... problems.....................

8. He deci decide de to repair repair the tthings hings himsel himselff and not to take take it

6. They have have been ar arguing guing about about the mo motorw torway ay exten extension sion for for

 back to the shop. Rather.....................

years. The proposed motorway extension has been a



It came....... came................... .............. ..

 bone....................  bone.......... ............ 7. Plea Please se don’t don’t give me an inje injection ction..

6. The only only reason the the party was was a success success was that that a famous famous

I’d rather.....................

film star attended.

8. Imagi Imagine ne my surprise surprise w when hen a policemen policemen ap appeare peared d at the

Had it not..................... not.....................


7. My parents parents find find faul faultt with every everything thing I do

When a policeman appeared at the door, I was.................. was..................... ...

 No matter............. matter..................... ........

9. She sslep leptt well well las lastt nig night. ht.

8. If the work work is fin finished ished by the the lunch time, time, yo you u can go hom home. e. Get.....................

She had..................... had..................... 10. The new musical has taken theatre audiences by storms. The new musical has delighted.................. delighted..................... ...


I didn’t realise who he was until later. Only later.....................

10. The fate of the two climbers is unknown.

Writing 10:

It is a mystery.....................

1. There is no poi point nt in as asking king Go Gorge rge to to help help.. It isn’t.... isn’t................ ................. ..... 2. I’m sur suree it wasn’t wasn’t Mrs Mrs Elton y you ou saw because because sh shee is in Britol. It can’t...... can’t................. ............... .... 3. Their chanc chances es of success success are small. small. It isn’t.... isn’t................ ................. ..... 4. We left quie quietly tly so that we we wouldn’t wouldn’t disturb disturb her. her. So as.......... as..................... ........... 5. I wasn’ wasn’tt surprised surprised to hear th that at Harry had had failed hi hiss drivi driving ng test.

Writing 11: 1. Richard Richard only took took over the the fami family ly busin business ess bec because ause his father decided to retire early. But for his..................... his..................... 2. Mrs Wilson Wilson says says she’ she’ss sorry she didn’ didn’tt attend the meeting meeting yesterday morning. Mrs Wilson sends........ sends................... ............. .. 3. We We have been trying to sell our house for well over six months.



Our house.......... house..................... ........... 3. You could be arr arreste ested d for not giving giving a breath sam samole ole to the

It makes........ makes................... ............. .. 2. The boy was was about to to cry when when he was reprime reprimended nded by his




The boy was on..................... on.....................

5. Philip’s Philip’s inability to make decisions dates from his accident.

3. Why don’t don’t you consult consult your legal legal ad advisor visor ab about out the



5. The per permit mit expires expires at the end end of this this month. month.


The permit is not.................. not..................... ... 7. As far as I know, There’s There’s no reason for James to be so unhappy. To the..................... 7. The hur hurrican ricanee blew the roo rooff off the house. house. The house......... house.................... ............. 9. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting. Rather..................... 11. Simon hadn’t expected that he would fe feel el so weak after the operation. The operation left.................. left..................... ...

4. Although Although her lleg eg hurt, sshe he finished finished th thee marat marathon hon rac race. e. In..................... 5. It was such such a pity that that I coul couldn’t dn’t g go o to the party party.. I’d..................... 6. The thief thief must h have ave come in in through through the win window dow.. The thief almost....... almost................. .............. .... 7. All of you are likely likely to be aable ble to enter enter colleg college. e. The..................... 8. Alice Alice lost all all her hope; hope; she decided decided to st stop op her busi business. ness. Such..................... 9. Let’s Let’s eat out this evenin evening. g. How..................... 10. It was disappointing their son failed the entrance entrance exam to university.

Writing 12: 1. We can sstart tart at either either 1pm 1pm or 2. pm

Their son......... son.................... .............

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