Church of Ahriman-Kisses

April 6, 2017 | Author: Dakhma of Angra Mainyu | Category: N/A
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Church of Ahriman

The Kiss of Ahriman

One recurring theme that is found in the Zoroastrian/Persian mythology is Father Ahriman’s kiss. This kiss has profound results on target that receives it. 2 major examples of this are Jeh and Azhi Dahaka. Jeh is the feminine entity in Hell who aroused Father Ahriman out of His slumber for 3,000 years. Jeh is also known as Az as well. Unlike Eve being seduced by the serpent to partake in the fruit of knowledge, Jeh chose (free will) the side of Father Ahriman. She decided to descend into Hell with Father Ahriman and had the power to arouse Him. After Father Ahriman was aroused, He kissed Jeh on the forehead. This kiss transformed woman kind. Since Jeh was feminine energy of the Earth, her transformation changed all female humans. Father Ahriman’s kiss blessed/cursed women with menstruation. The blessing is the ability to procreate and curse is individual cycle that all women must go through. According to this action, menstrual blood attracts druj and other “demons” to it more so than blood throws or death. In fact, in the House of Lies (Hell) there a specific punishment for women who did not take proper precautions during menstruation: Chapter 72. [Violating menstruation taboo] 1.

I also saw the souls of women, by whom their own menstrual discharge was ever devoured.

2. 3.

And I asked thus: 'What sin was committed by the body of these, whose souls suffer so severe a punishment?' Srosh the pious, and Adar the angel, said (4) thus: 'These are the souls of those women who heeded not their menstruation, (5) and injured water and fire and the earth of Spandarmad and Hordad and Amurdad, (6) and looked upon the sky and the sun and the moon, (7) and injured cattle and sheep with their menstruation, (8) and kept the pious man polluted.

Those of us who practice ceremonial magic are aware of the power of this fluid. It is an awesome conduit to attract dark entities and provides quite a large amount of energy that charges these entities. It should be a major part of your magical practice. Sorcery and witchcraft in both Zoroastrianism and Christianity are “evil” practices that make one in consorts with the devil. If menstruation is a blessing from Father Ahriman, then we should use it to its fullest extent. Just because society says natural function is gross, does not make it so. The other kiss I would like to speak of is also blessing/curse. There was a just and powerful king. Ahriman was on the Earth at this time, and watched this development. Father Ahriman disguised himself as a wondrous cook who had new foods that would dazzle the king. He cooked all sorts of meats and used vegetables as decorations. At this time period, animal flesh was not consumed because it made one impure. Father Ahriman made all different kinds of meals for the king in this fashion. The king enjoyed them so much that he agreed to meet the cook. During their meeting Father Ahriman was able to convince the king to accept a gift. This gift was His kiss. The King disrobed his clothing to expose his shoulder. Father Ahriman embraced the king as a lover and kissed the king shoulder. The cook then disappeared into the night, and was never seen again. The king got sick, and from the kiss 2 serpents grew from that

festering wound. Father Ahriman now disguised himself as the doctor. The king was rushed to the doctor. Father Ahriman removed the serpents and out of the wound a brilliant light rushed high into the sky and fizzled out. The king returned home and the next day new serpents had grown from the wound. The King then became known as Azhi Dahaka. The Persian Empire expanded into height of power, but young soldiers kept coming up missing. Why? Azhi Dahaka’s serpents required a brain a day, 2 brains for 2 serpents. This evil got exposed and the word got around. A blacksmith decided to seek and destroy Azhi Dahaka. This peasant snuck into the palace and took his special weapon and cut Azhi Dahaka’s side open. Out the wound fell serpents, scorpions, and other druj. Hormazd came down through the sky and ordered that Azhi Dahaka not be killed but locked away in a mountain in chains forever. When Azhi Dahaka gets free the Zoroastrian Apocalypse will have started, and Azhi Dahaka will take 1/3 of humanities souls with him. This story should have familiar overtones to other stories. Such as Ragnorok with Loki being freed or Lucifer’s fall taking 1/3rd of heaven’s angels. The part I would like to point out is that Azhi Dahaka was trying to make a one empire. This shows the basis of the Christian modern concept of the antichrist in popular culture. The power blessed onto you by Father Ahriman can be tremendous, but the “good” will be jealous and try to take it from you if you let them! Always go in caution.

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