Screening of general population is not costeective. It is only done for people with high risks for developing CKD.
Any class of antihypertensive agents can be used to treat hypertension in CKD patients without proteinuria. he choice will depend on the patient!s co-"orbidity AC#i$A%& should be used as 'rst-line agent in (on-diabetic CKD with urinary protein e)cretion *+.,g$d in the presence of hypertension (on-diabetic CKD when urinary protein e)cretion *.+g$d irrespective of presence of hypertension All diabetes patients with albu"inuria "icro- or •
Renal "unc$ion s&ould 'e assessed %i$& MDRD eG,R< Seu( cea$inine s&ould 'e used in co('ina$ion %i$& eG,R in assess(en$ o" enal "unc$ion< -&en eG,R is no$ a5aila'le7 o$&e (e$&ods o" es$i(a$ion (ay 'e used<
RENA; +RAC+ .;+RASO.ND Iden$i=es o's$uc$i5e uo#a$&y7 enal si>e and sy((e$y7 enal scain! and #olycys$ic disease
S+AGING 8NK,3KDO?I: S$a!in! CKD is 'ased on G,R 8le5el o" 4idney "unc$ion:
Pa$&olo!ical c&an!es 84idney da(a!e:
Pesence o" a'no(ali$y "o a$ leas$ (on$&s
Kidney da(a!e is de=ned as ei$&e Pesis$en$ (icoal'u(inuia
No si!ni=can$ is4 o" enal disease #o!ession i" #o$einuia 1!)d a$ any BP le5el Si!n=can$ is4 o" enal disease #o!ession i" #o$einuia 61!)d and SBP 610((H! No 'ene=$ o" ACEi use i" non3dia'e$ic CKD %i$& &y#e$ension and
ACEi)ARB s&ould 'e a5oided o used %i$& cau$ion in #a$ien$s %i$&
Renal a$ey s$enosis Eldely Conco(i$an$ NSAIDs use Conco(i$an$ (edica$ions #edis#osin! $o &y#e4ale(ia 8e! 'e$a 'loc4es and aldos$eone an$a!onis$s: Hy#o#e"usion s$a$es 8e! con!es$i5e cadiac "ailue7 de&yda$ion and se#sis:
+&ese #a$ien$s s&ould 'e (oni$oed (oe "euen$ly<
+REA+MEN+ CHOICES CCB AND AA Non&ydo#iidine CCB e! 5ea#a(il
can 'e consideed in &y#e$ensi5e #a$ien$s %i$& #o$einuia ei$&e as an al$ena$i5e in #a$ien$s in$olean$)con$aindica$ed $o ACEi)ARB o in co('ina$ion %i$& ACEi)ARB "o addi$ional #o$einuia educ$ion
Aldos$eone an$a!onis$ e! s#ionolac$one
Con$o5esial esul$s ;on!3$e( eec$s on enal ou$co(e7 (o$ali$y and sa"e$y no$ es$a'lis&ed
+REA+MEN+ CHOICES O+HER DR.GS ON +RIA; Renin in&i'i$o e! Alis4ien
;icensed as an$i&y#e$ensi5e a!en$ Reno#o$ec$ion eec$ no$ es$a'lis&ed
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