Christopher Bader, F. Mencken, Joseph Baker-Paranormal America_ Ghost Encounters, UFO Sightings, Bigfoot Hunts, And Other Curiosities in Religion and Culture-New York University Press (2010)

July 4, 2016 | Author: Christian Lane | Category: Types, Books - Non-fiction
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ml Amic

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ml Amic Ghost Encounters, UFO Sightings, Bigoot Hunts, and Other Curiosities in Religion and Culture

Chistph D. Bd, F. Cs Mck, d Jsph . Bk

a     New York and London

 

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS w k d Ld www.yupss. © 2010 by w k ivsity All ihts svd Liby  Css Ctli-i-ublicti Dt Bd, Chistph Dvid. ml Amic : hst cuts, F sihtis, Bit huts, d th cuisitis i lii d cultu / Chistph D. Bd, p. cm.F. Cs Mck, d Jsph Bk. cluds bibliphicl cs (p. ) d idx. B 978-0-8147-9134-9 (cl : lk. pp) — B 978-0-8147-9135-6 (pb : lk. pp) — B 978-0-8147-8642-0 (-bk) 1. psychly — itd tts. 2. Cuisitis d wds — itd tts. . Mck, Fdick Cs, 1964– . Bk, J, 1965– . itl. BF1028.5.6B34 2010 130.973— dc22 2010016525 w k ivsity ss bks  pitd  cid- pp, d thi bidi mtils  chs  stth d dubility.  stiv t us vimtlly spsibl supplis d mtils t th tst xtt pssibl i publishi u bks. Muctud i th itd tts  Amic c 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 p 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1





 Hus  150 Ghsts


 uth s ithi



 uth s ut : ml Blis d xpics



ud ip t Hll i  Flyi uc?



ml ubcultus



ml pl



Dkss d Liht



ut   Limb


Appendix Notes Reerences Index About the Authors

    


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 hv s my ppl t thk  thi hlp i this dv tht w  th ttmpt. m will ctily b tt.  qutittiv dt pstd i this bk  bsd up th Byl lii uvy, vs 1 d 2, cllctd i 2005 d 2007.  dvlpmt d cllcti  ths dt ivlvd th fts  my ppl.  Byl lii uvy pjct ws cilly supptd by  us t m th Jh mplt Fudti.  dvlpmt  suvy ctt ws th sult   cllbtiv ft with u cllus i th Dptmt  cily t Byl ivsity. Filly, th Gllup izti pvidd vlubl dbck  th l qustii d ultimtly cllctd ths dt. uhut th bk w qutly us psudyms  ths w spt tim with, d ths ms  i qutti mks  th st mti.  d s wh th ps hs t publicly disclsd thi pml blis d/ xpics, ulss thy hv xpssly sttd  williss t b idtid. Chyl d Cll  th Dlls sychic Fi w quit wlcmi d willi t sw u my qustis but psychic dis.  lt Dtus y  Cs, shit, spt my hus ushi th st uth thuh th wds lki  Bit.  tly ppcit Lu Cy’s williss t tll us  h my suptul d pml xpics.   qully tul tht th F Ctct Ct ttil pd its ds t u qustis d t ul m  tlli his hwi withHus th tic pic  th 1990s. Du,us w  th Bi xpic Cypss Cf i Jfs, xs, pvd  chmi d puckish hst. Dpdi up yu blis but hsts, th psychics Gli d L d th hst hut icti my hv pvtd us m bi ttckd by y spiits t th cf hus.  jyd thi cmpy d ppcitd thi ptcti i thy.  vii

viii Acknowledgments

xs Bit sch Csvcy (BC) ws xtmly ptit di th scilists thuh th wds    thi ld ptis, d w tly jyd tti t kw Dvid, Ci lht, d th my th mmbs  th BC. umbs c ly t yu s blis — w did t bliv wm culdppl tll  sty but Amic pml withut hi wh hv xpicd th pml  thmslvs.   tly i dbt t th my ppl wh v us thi tust d thi tim. vl ppl d ds  this bk.  must thk Ji Hmm   ss, uth d pml sch ick d, d im Mck  pvidi vlubl sustis, dits, d cmmts. Filly, i i such  pjct quis suppt t hm.  uths wuld lik t thk thi spuss —  Bd, im Mck, d Amy dmds—  thi lv, ptic, d udstdi s w spt th iht i hutd huss, chsd Bit, d dlvd it F bductis d psychic phm.

1  Hus  150 Ghsts

itutd  Bi Cypss Byu i th piy wds  thst xs lis th city  Jfs,  hv  hst huts. B th ilds mvd it th th pt  th stt, xs w dpdt up bt tc t civ ds d supplis. Jfs ws udd i 1840 t th pct lcti   pt. Bts tvld up th Mississippi iv t th d iv, which d it by Cdd Lk. v l st whls culd pddl thuh th lk t its vtul mt-up with Bi Cypss Byu. By dult th tw hld  mply  shippi  hudds  mils ud. Ctt mvd thuh by th t. Dui th Civil , th Cdcy dpdd up th Jfs pt t pvid xs tps with supplis. ts, htls, shippi cmpis, d th sis   bustli cmy cmptd  dwtw l stt with tvs, cthuss, pl hlls, d th cssy vics   itth-ctuy bmtw. dd, th d d th bd ppd i qul msu dui Jfs’s hydy.  ppulti swlld t ly iht thusd by 1872. Gd hms ppd  th hills. At th sm tim, hts t th lcl bs w qut with  spcilly dus   th iv i th ickm “Mud Ally.” As th ild cm d lic  iv tc dd, s did Js’s il cmy. hippi cmpis ldd; th ppulti dwidld v th ys t but tw thusd citizs; huss st mpty d th tvs clsd;  byu mly liv with th suds  stmbts d dck wks, bcm silt. t’s  mili  th c ti:  bmtw  bust. Jfs tdy is sty bucki thtAmitd. ts cbblst stts  lid with quit, lclly wd shps, htls, d bd-d-bksts, d  wkds th tw ct buzzs with ctivity. v midwk  supisi umb  ppl md ud th tiqu sts, stuts, d i shps. 1

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Jfs’s suc is du — t lst i pt — t th hsts  its smtims vilt pst. uptd t b   th mst hutd lcls i xs, ly vy mj dwtw buildi d my  th suudi hms clim spiit misttis. Gusts t th histic Jfs 1851, ptd mystius tstps t iht, uctsisitht tuHtl,  ddti f bytthmslvs, th luht  us child. ts qutly qust th mst hutd ms. by is th xclsi Htl, wh th lmmk tv pilb is sid t hv b ihtd wy by  hstly child. A “Ghst i” pts m th dpt dui th tuist ss. “ Gv,”  histic hm, pvids tus  udy mis  ths hpi t spt its svl sidt hsts, which iclud  wm d pist i th hus s wll s  siist smili m wh ms th ds. ith w xcptis, th tw hs ccptd its hstly putti.  Jfs Htl kws tht spiits  d  busiss d pudly pmts ch w ptd cut  its b p. Jdi Bckid,  lcl sidt, is   th bist bciis  Jfs’s hsts. F svl ys sh hs ld  ihttim, wlki hst tu.   busy wkd sixty ppl (m dui th Hllw ss) llw th fbl Jdi thuh th city stts d it th suudi sidtil s. Chistph jid  xcitd up  but thity   vmb tudy vi. Jdi ld us pst  tw-sty bick buildi with  i blcy, wh sh ptd tht pvius tus hd cptud pictus   Cdt sldi d hd hd suds   littl by sii. Fm th w wdd pst th xclsi d Js Htls, hi tls but th mst hutd ms. A bisk wlk uphill  dkd stts buht us t th histic msi wh th u   hstly ldy ptdly lids but th yd. Fm th w mdd t  Gv d ld but th spctl pist d his ids. upisily, Jdi dily dmits tht sh is quit id  hsts. t is pt  h chm, d sh pts svl ihti cuts dui tus. h clims sh wtchd s  bsh skptic ws hit i th bck  th ls by  hv mystius d. Ghstly vics d  ivisibl h bck ld hpi t  buildis t vius tims. plchds iht- d Jdi m th y th —  m tv tud cf b by th m  Bi Cypss Cf Hus. “  scl   t t this plc is  lv,” sh tld u up, s sh vusly ld us it th buildi.  w wd ist usi th bthms wh ppl pt bi

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bbd by us pscs d tppd by  d tht smtims uss t lt pts xit. pstis, hwv, is wh mst  th cti ccus.  tu pviusly icludd  visit t th scd , b ppl ptd bi pushd by spiits  th stis. ths hd vics di thm t “t ut!” d Jdi hm c lt smthi pull h hi. visiti psychic dcld th buildi t 150 stlss, smtims -A y spiits. s dys, Jdi ps t sty dwstis  th xit s sh lts ths tls.  w  th Bi Cypss Cf Hus, Du L., d his wi mvd t Jfs  w ys  d buht th dilpidtd buildi. y pld t p  cf hus with  tt cé upstis, but thy culd v d wkm t cmplt th cssy vtis t th scd . Cstucti cws cmplid  bi pushd, pulld, d shutd t by ivisibl titis d d th buildi— smtims lvi quipmt bhid. dly, Du’s wi did dui ths dicult tims. H mvd  bd it th upstis spc d id th vics clli ut his m i th dk. H wk  iht t  cius wli, d culd h — but t s —  d pci ud his bd. dstdbly, Du quickly lctd t th pt  th buildi.  cf hus’s siist putti is ly mid by Du’s sldscibd sttus s  icc.  public  cuss icc with tism. tism cuss up th wship  t  th dvil. iccs wship th th i  psid m, typiclly d t s “Gi.”  st philsphicl difcs btw icc d tism sm lst i Jfs’s um mill. Lcls sy Du is  wlck.  tld us tht Bi Cypss is “t’s cf hus . . . wh th witchs h ut.”  w  th lcl shp simply sid “s’t tht th plc wd by th wlck?” At ly svty d m th six t tll, with  thi build, sw whit hi, d  pity bd, Du ctily lks th pt. Jdi s him. “’m scd  tht uy,” sh tld m, “ thik h wts th hsts t b h.” dd, sh wdd why sm wuld v ccupy th tius buildi. “ w’t v  bck upstis i,” sid Jdi, “d h lives h!”  implicti  lcl ssip ws cl — th plc is vilth d“hst Du liks it tht wy.  s l th cf hus d ccludd wlk.”  xt mi  tud l t cht with Du d h m but th ihti buildi. H cmd tht   wh cm t ivstit succssully styd th iht. m hst huts hd u m th ppty t th pmpti  y vics. Ath ust d up

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bi lckd i th bthm d bbd by  us tity. ths l with mystius sctchs  thi ms d ls. Du cmd tht h ws  pctici icc d tht h hlds this  “likmidd” ppl. At tims h pms ituls t bi th hsts th. vthlss, withby thth xcpti  thhv “ivisibl d” icidt, hs b umlstd spiits. “  udstdi, thhhsts d ,” sid Du, “m  thm lly d’t lik m. But  kp ut  thi wy d thy d’t bth m,  th mst pt.”  chll d llu  si th scd  simply culd t b sistd.  skd Du i  culd bi  tm  scilists t spd th iht i th upstis m. H zd t m ittly, pusd, d ld css th tbl wh w st. “u c cm i yu wt t,” h sid, sctchi t his bd, “but yu will lv b th iht is thuh.”  Dcmb  tud t Jfs with th th uths d itstd cllus. Jdi ws studd wh  phd t tll h  my pls. “u  is!” sh xclimd. u tm tvld t Jfs d hd di with Du d tw psychics h ivitd l, d u cvsti ctd up th vi t cm.   th psychics std t m with t cc b pdicti tht  wuld hv  “hst xpic” b th iht ws thuh.  th simply sustd tht w “wuld t mk it.” ith  uish i, Du ucd tht h wuld cduct  itul tht wuld “cll smthi up”  us. “ wt t mk su yu t yu my’s wth.”

Paranormal America  m th tw dcds  studyi ppl wh clim pml xpics,  hv hd my sciti xpics. m hv b l, ths with my c-uths.  hv bsvd suppt ups  ppl wh pt bductis by li bis d visitd with thpists wh clim t hv cvd mmis  vst, tic cspicis t ctl th plt.  hv ttdd psychic is, hd ll m  utus cspicybk this, d tlld isls  iumbl w A d pml sts. v th th ys,  hv  lctud t my studts d cmmuity ups but ths bscu bli systms. My ld  th st tim but clims tht  it p ms th wds  th cic thwst,  tht littl, y lis pull Amics m thi bds  uspkbl scitic xpimts.

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 hv ticd  itsti td i hw Amics lt t th pml: thy  simultusly scitd d pulsd, itiud d dismissiv.  pml hs pmtd u cultu, d th sciti Amics hv with th pml pps t b wi. F xmpl, by th lt it ws bvius tht my studts hd dvlpd  miliity with1990s pml blis. y culd dw pssbl psttis  th “y” lis ptd by F bducts; sm wuld is thi hds t dscib thi w F sihtis, w ist plyi with uij bds,  tll m   ucl’s ct Bit cut. v tim my studt d cmmuity udics hv bcm lss itstd i th mkup  ppl climi th xpics th with th xpics thmslvs.  th wds, my  l wd why sm wuld bth schi  squtch. y ly wt t kw i ’v s  dui my ld sch. Amics hv b d  stdy dit  ctil shws with pml thms such s Te X-Files, Supernatural, Medium, Ghost Whisperer, d my ths. s shws my simply sk t tti, but thy ls sv t dissmit pml blis.  public hu  th pml sms istibl. A hst  s-clld lity shws such s Ghost Hunters d Destination ruth (C-F), Most Haunted (vl), Paranormal State (A&), d MonsterQuest d UFO Hunters (Histy Chl) sk t cvic viws s t th lity  thi subjct mtt.  2008 d 2009 l v m w pml shws dbutd, icludi Ghost Lab (Discvy), Extreme Paranormal d Medium P.I. (A&), Celebrity Ghost Stories d Psychic Investigators(Biphy), d Ghost Adventures(vl). ccsilly v stid ws chls ji th discussi, s ccud wh t Jis hstd  ABC ws spcil but Fs (“i s Blivi”) i Fbuy 2005.   viw’s itst is pkd by such , h  sh c dlv it th l w A/pml bk sctis  Bs d bl  Amz.cm  ji   th th milli ul lists  Coast to Coast AM,  pml di shw cid  v v hudd sttis. Mwhil th tt llws lik-midd idividuls  p um t discuss th pml. A siict umb  Amics spds thi wkds t F cvtis hi whisps  vmt cv-ups, t w A this li th kys t lihtmt,  mbli ud histic dwtws li but sidt hsts i tuist-ttd “hst wlks.” Citis hv ld t cpitliz  thi mystis. ums  th 1947 csh   yi suc dw tuists t swll, w Mxic,

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which hlds  ul F stivl d spts its w F musum. w Mxic v td  F-thmd t i th 2008 umt  ss d. illw Ck, Clii, pclims itsl th “Bit Cpitl  th ld” d cshs i  th hiy bst thuh i shps, musums, Ad Jfs, xs,  cus, itsl by cusid  stivls. its putd hutd huss. t pps thths thmd pml hs bcm th tuist stp, th suc  ttimt vilbl i tht vst csumist mktplc. As th pliticl scitist Michl Bku bsvs, “[] kids  ids tht usd t b lly ut  th i d tuckd wy i  subt subcultu  w  pt  pp cultu.” hth bli i th pml is tuly  th is is dicult t dtmi du t th wkss  xisti pll dt, s dift ws plls d suvys hv skd but pml subjcts i my dift wys v th ys. t is pssibl tht ppt difcs  mly du t viti i smpli tchiqus, qusti wdi, d itptti. ht w can stt with cdc is tht th pml is t i wy y tim s. ic th 1970s th Gllup izti hs itmitttly skd Amics i thy hv xpicd  F sihti (s . 1.1). Mst ctly Gllup cllctd dt  th Byl lii uvy 2005, which skd spdts i thy hv “v witssd  bjct i th sky yu culd t idtiy.”  shuld t d t much it th ct spik t 17 pct  spdts swi i th mtiv, s

Fi. 1.1. ct  .. citizs climi F xpics v tim (Gllup lls 1971–2005)

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xct qusti wdis m ths plls dif.  pcts is d ll v tim, but th td vls tht v th lst ty ys t lst 10 pct  Amics clim F sihtis t y iv tim.  mdi is ttud t th hih lvl  itst i th pml. vy y dui th Hllwblis. th mj ws utlts ls ttii pllwk dt b  pml F xmpl, i lt ctb 2007  A/ pll ptd tht 48 pct  Amics bliv i , d tht 14 pct hd s  F. Dui tht sm wk i 2005,  CB ws pll ptd tht 48 pct  Amics bliv i hsts, d tht 22 pct hd s  lt  hst.  ctb 26, 2007, USA oday cd th Byl lii uvy i  sty but hw 33 pct  Amics bliv i hsts. th suvys hv shw tht -thid  Amics bliv tht thy c cmmuict with th dd.

Who Are Tese People? Cuiusly, th smi sciti th Amic public hs  th pml is tmpd by tiv ttituds but th ppl wh xpic it. h ids, mily, c-wks,  studts l tht w hv b   Bit hut  hv spt th iht with hst huts i  hutd hus, th tw qustis thy sk : (1) Did yu s  hst/ Bit/F?, tc., llwd by sm vit : (2) h  ths ppl ywy?  scd qusti is usully skd with  smik   il, but smtims with cc. pl wd i w v lt i d wh spdi tim with Bit huts i th wds  i w w id  F bducts bcus thy miht b “czy.” uch qustis  skd  us bcus i u cultu th   umb  pvili ttituds but ppl wh bliv i  xpic th pml. t sms tht Amics wt t xpl th pml but ls l th d t ssu thmslvs d ths tht thy hv mid t  hlthy distc m it. ppl wh climbtw F sihtis lks d tA kw th difc  stllituductd, d  yi ul suc? Awh ppl wh study stly  visit psychics  buch  vpivild, silly “w As” m Clii? ml blivs   pcivd s  littl bit “utty,” i t cmpltly czy.  hi cssm Dis uciich ld s much  dmitti t  F sihti dui  2007

8 Te House o 150 Ghosts

psidtil dbt i hildlphi, publicly pti tht  pml xpic  bli ivits sc d cc  ’s mtl hlth. tutly, xisti cv  th pml ds t llw us t ith cm  dy such sttyps. h th lcl ws cvs by ppl F sihti hutd hus,—th pts th stst thy cd t itviw bcus thy  f pick th mst itsti sud bits.  lcl chs wik d smik t  th  th sty, b wishi thi viws  d iht. Ctily such stis  itsti, but with th xcpti  th mst cusy  dmphics  ccsi, w l littl t thi but th typicl pml bliv  xpic.  l  this bk is t sw th simpl qusti tht hs v b dqutly dlt with: h  ths ppl ywy? Ds hldi  ucvtil bli, such s blivi i Bit, m tht  is ucvtil i th ttituds d bhvis? D ths wh clim F xpics t th ppul sttyps? Ds lii pvid  st  lttiv blis tht pvt xpimtti with th pml?  ds bi liius m tht  hs  l suptul itti t th wld, ldi t t pml bli m chuchs? Hw d ppl wh ttd pml ccs  puchs ltd bks dif m ths wh simply hld  bli? D ppl wh bliv i pml this dif m ths wh  m slctiv?  hv spt th lst svl ys tyi t sw ths d my th qustis but pml blivs.

Chasing the Paranormal  pml is usttily lusiv.  m th sixty ys  ptd F cuts hv still t pducd cclusiv vidc  xttstils. uptd lms, hi smpls, phts, tpit csts, d ywitss pts hv ild t cvic scitists tht th wds  hm t  it p. Ghsts mi s mystius s v, dspit tls s th witt kully, th cus  u iquiy — ld dsppl  twd. s hd t d sppl hsts   lis. Csqutly, w udtk tw ltd ivstitis: suvy sch d ld sch. Fist, w cductd tw til dm suvys  th Amic public i 2005 d 2007, clld th Byl lii uvy (B). s  mixd-md (cmbiti tlph d mil suvys) til dm

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smpls cllctd by th Gllup izti.  B ctis th mst thuh btty  qustis cci th pml v dmiistd t  til smpl  Amics. st sch  th pml is imtiv, but such fts  hmpd phy, lizbility issusi  lck   this ct dt. u by suvy skd spdts i thy bliv th lity such s psychic phm, stly, st ctus, Fs, hutd huss, tu-tlli, pphtic dms, d th bility t tlk t th dd.  ls skd ppl i thy hv v d  bk  th pml, visitd  b sit   w A bkst,  thwis schd  hst  tpics i m “F sihtis, bductis,  cspicis,” t “th pphcis  stdmus.” Futh, w dtmid th xtt t which Amics ctully xpic th pml by di ut i spdts csultd thi hscps, clld  psychic htli, mt i ps with  psychic  plm d, visitd  livd i  hm thy bliv t b hutd, usd  uij bd,  witssd  F. ith  w xcptis, th phm w hv discussd s   ptd utsid  stblishd liis. As  yt w d t hv  chuch  Bit. citly twithstdi, chuchs dvlpd ud F tls d psychic phm  ltivly . Hwv, Amics d clim xpics with uxplid suptul cs isid stblishd liius sttis s wll. m Amics clim t hv b td ccss t  spcil lu m Gd tht llws  m dict li  cmmuicti with th Almihty,  phm kw s “spki i tus,”  “lsslli.” ths pt udi ls svi thm m hm, xpici  miculus physicl hli,  v hi th vic  Gd spki t thm. vius studis hv b ubl t slv hw such xpics  ltd t th “pml.”  d t xmi this ccti, w ls skd u smpl my l qustis but lii, icludi  xtsiv sis di liius blis d xpics. All tld, u spdts swd dzs  qustis tht v us  dp udstdi  thi cuts d blis but th wld byd, l with m th u hudd qustis but th liius, ml, d wvs pliticl tpics. dtxtsivly m v th thusd Amics i tw  th B,ith w c xmi th dift viws  th pml s wll s th scil, ml, liius, pliticl, d cultul difcs tht ccmpy ths blis. cd, it is  t sy s cdmics t mi bhid u dsks d dw cclusis slly bsd  sttistics d suvy sch. -

10 Te House o 150 Ghosts

ml xpics  hihly psl, d  vu d bstct i tu.  th lt it cssy t supplmt u til suvy dt with ld sch, d thuhut this bk w ly ths xpics.  tu t th Bi Cypss Cf Hus, wh   th psychics cllpsd ththud, vpwd by Csvcy th “psc bittly vil” i cld th m.  t ji xs Bit sch vi dp i th wds  st xs s thy sch  th lusiv squtch. uptd Bit scms ch thuh th wds s th BC ttmpts t lu i th ctu with thi cll blst, d th uths huddl i th bushs wdi i thy md  wis chic.  bsv  suppt up  ppl wh clim t hv b bductd by lis. sychics w us  utu pil, plm dis tc u li lis, d stls d u sts.  ls xpl xtdiy vts tht hpp i chuch sttis, such s spki i tus. By cmbii imti m u til suvys with xtsiv ldwk, w hp t pvid blcd d i-dpth imti m which t spk cdtly but th pml i Amic cultu.

Our Perspective on the Paranormal vybdy hs  l. is is   th pimy ss why xpts i vius lds my itpt th sm ccuc i vstly dift wys. F istc, i th cs   shti i  public ,  psychlist,  bllistics xpt,  cimilist,  bystd,  victim, d  fd culd ll f kwld  th vt — but ch m  dift vt pit.  bllistics xpt will pvid  dtild pt  th dicti m which bullts w d bsd  th victim’s wuds d dm t th ldscp.  psychlist will pt  th tum  th victim  th vt d phps th i tumil tht spwd th um’s ctis.  cimilist will pt  tds i u vilc d hw ths ct chs i ihbhd cmpsiti, plici sttis, d pvty ts.  fd my pliz , ttmpt t xcus,  v dy his ctis, whil th bystds will(d pvid difi dpdi up thi pximity t th vts phps thi ccuts ltiships t th victim  fd). ith th xcpti  t lis  my tll,   ths “xpts” is icct. y simply hv dift ccs d dift s  xptis, s thi ccuts  th sm vt dif.

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  simil vi, it is imptt tht ds udstd u pspctiv  th pml. Mst bks but Bit, psychic phm, d th pml tpics  cusd up psti vidc  (d i  css ist) th lity  th phm i qusti. Bit bks  lyz th th mus (s chp.hi 5), ctl sihtis  pst sulttts-Gimli  sic tsts lm  puptd smpls. F bks cut sihtis m pilts, plic cs, d th us blivd t b cdibl witsss.  us th qusti  th ctul, bjctiv xistc  pml phm is ilvt t th pupss  studyi bli i th pml. A ly c b dw btw th scilicl study  th pml d th scil scitic viw  lii. h studyi lii, it is lvt t sk hw liius blis fct th livs  blivs. D ths blis fct th ttituds d mtivt spcic ptts  cti? ht typs  ups iz ud spcic blis, d hw d ths ups pt? Hw  blis mitid d icd?  littu i th scily  lii is plt with studis ddssi such qustis.  qusti  th vlidity  liius blis is, hwv,  mtt tht simply ct b ddssd with scil scitic mthds.  suvy w dmiist  itviw w cduct will pv Gd’s xistc  xistc.  mut  ldwk will t us  pictu  hv.  c ly ddss th fcts tht blivi i Gd d hv hv up believers.  us this sm ppch with d t th pml. is is t  bk but vidc   ist th pml.   t hst huts, Bit xpts, ppsychlists,  F ld ivstits.   scilists. u sch pspctiv uids u ldwk i  umb  wys. t ms w  t ski vidc   ist th xistc  th pml. us v thuh w pticipt i ctivitis suudi th pml, u pimy itst is i th blivs, hw thi blis  pcivd by ths, d hw ths blis iuc th livs  ths hldi thm. Dui u Bit hut, th BC ud  st impit i  ck bd, which thy blivd t b th tck   Bit.   t iml tck xpts d ct ssss whth th tck is vidc  d  udiscvd p. th, w mitd mmbs ctd t th d wht it mt t thm.  mihw utsid  dbts di th xistc  th pml, d w ciz tht dlss  wht xists “ut th” i th wld, pml blis shw mkbl styi pw. t is th mti d mitc  such blis d thi csqucs tht cc us s scil scitists.

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Te Plan o the Book is bk ttmpts t sw th l qusti  wh blivs i d xpics th pml?  ddss such bd qustis, w xmi thls. pml m my dift dictis d msvl dit pciclly w will ssss suvy dt, dw ldwk bsvi d tlki t pticipts i vius spcts  th pml, d xmi th tivs tld withi vius pml subcultus. Gups  ppl ct b pply udstd   cultul lvl withut xmii th stis thy tll. pl us  studi y  tms t  t blis but Fs, stly, psychic phm, hsts, d th lik. m ppl  t such blis s “w A.” ths p th tm w qutly ll bck , pml,    my ths such s “ccult,” “mysticism,”  “th suptul.”  chpt 2 w tckl th dicult issu  di th pml.  visit  psychic i i Dlls, xs, wh  c smpl  wid y  th “pducts”  th pml i  sy shppi xpic. By ti wht is not pst t th psychic i, w c btt diftit btw lii d th pml.  ls d tht th  tw distict typs  blis tht ll ud th bd ubic  th pml. Fist, th  blis d xpics cusd  enlightenment: psl, itl, spiitul wth.  clits  psychics, ituitivs, tu-tlls, stls, d th lik sk t bcm btt ppl ith by li smthi but th utu, udstdi th pst,  phps by ii suptul isiht it th pst. uch ppl   uccd with uquivclly pvi th “lity”  thi xpic; s l s smthi wks  thm thy  hppy. cd, ths bcm ivlvd i th pml s  m  discovery; thy hp t d cmplli vidc  th xistc   phm t cutly cizd by istitutil scic.  ct ys th mdi hs ltchd  t this m  pml itst (witss th spt  tlvisi lity shws); hst-huti clubs, F sptti ups, Bit sch hv spu ud th cuty d t ulll th dsi  iztis pml discvy. mupppl stt tht thy hv ldy hd  psl xpic with Bit   F, d thy sk cct p  its xistc t pv t ths tht wht thy sw ws l. ths dm  hvi thi st xpic with  it, udiscvd p by jii  xpditi. us sm sk discv-

Te House o 150 Ghosts 13

is bcus thy hp t pv  w lity t scic, whil ths  just ut   dvtu.  imptc  dict xpic ws mphsizd by Du, th wlck d w  th Bi Cypss Cf Hus. “u will v b th csty. th c hstsw tuch Du pushd, tld us tpddd, di  vism  u wyu,” sctchd,  th spk t by th hsts, u livs wuld b chd, chd th psychics pst.  culd hv  m dubts,  m cmtbl skpticism.  chpt 2 w tu t th Bi Cypss d d ut wht hppd wh w spt th vi th. A ky bt  ld sch is its bility t vl imptt tus   vt tht sttisticl tchiqus simply ct cptu, whil pvidi ccss t situtil d itctiv cts  vts s thy ccu.  this hus  150 hsts w ld th imptc  itptti i  pml xpic. Accdi t th psychics pst, w w ud ctiul ssult by spiits s th vi pssd. ht w sw ws quit lihti. Amd with  bsic udstdi  Amic pml blis, w mv t xmii th chctistics  blivs.  chpt 3 w ddss th cmm sttyps but ppl wh bliv i th pml  hv ltd xpics. tutly, imti but th ppl wh bliv  wh clim t hv xpicd th pml ly s byd th cdtl.  id i u udstdi  th pml w xpl  xmpl i dpth, tht  blis but Fs i th itd tts d hw thy hv vlvd v tim it tls  F bducti. Chistph spt svl ys bsvi th ctivitis   suppt up  ppl wh bliv thy hv b bductd by vil li bis d subjctd t mdicl xpimts bd yi sucs. A F bducts just sick? A thy st, milizd ppl wh hv thi l t ls i climi  biz xpic  scibi t  wid bli systm?  chpt 4 w xpl th ccti btw suptul blis vilbl i izd lii d ths  th pml. cilists hv l spcultd up th imptc  th pml t mistm lii i th itd tts. pctic cmmly usdd tmschls “w A” susts ch i th wy ppl lii, hv ttmptd t dcumt  icsi shi m mistm t ucvtil ms  liius bli.  tu siicc  th pml my dpd up wh blivs i ths tpics.  pml blis, d th csumpti  its mtils d svics,  pimily

14 Te House o 150 Ghosts

cd t ths ldy utsid  th liius mistm, th its fcts up dmit liius tditis my b miiml. Hwv, i, s pt   l cultul td, mmbs  ll Amic liius ups  icsily dw t pml blis, ds, d svics, th th mvmt dully dw ppl dpds wy m stm. th ppl my  such “utsid” mtils upththmityp  liius up i qusti, th ly cti liius ups  tditis my s m  thi mmbs vitt twd stls, psychics, d ss.  pml csists   st  ids d xpics, which hv t yt b dptd, t lst whlly, by th dmit liis i  iv scity. y lck th stbility d izti tht chctiz succssul liius ups. y li  th piphy  Amic lii, spdi thuh ccs, th mdi, d th tt th th thuh sms. Ad yt th pml cmpiss  pl  ccpts m which w liis c dw  st  ids tht my pv t b th ctt  utu liis. At tims  w m  lii hs sputd m this pl, s i th 1950s wh svl sl-styld pphts built w liis ud clims tht thy culd chl xttstils. A sht-d ck d sllbld philsph by th m  G Admski ws   th st t pt ctct with xttstil bis.  vmb 20, 1952, Admski climd  xtdd mti with  “m m spc”  Dst Ct, Clii.  humid li idictd tht h ws pt   idly ldi pty m us tht hd cm t th t tch hums t b m pcul. Admski’s tls, utlid i  sis  ppul bks with titls such s Inside the Spaceships d Flying Saucers Farewell, cmbid F tls with Chisti thms.  usis,  xmpl, tld Admski tht Jsus ws ls usi. th hpul pphts s llwd suit.  lishm G i built  w lii, th Athius city, ud his clim  hvi mt Jsus bd  yi suc. uth d st m wt  stp th, climi t b dvcd spc bis thmslvs d th ictis  ky liius th histy,tsuch s idly My Mdl d Cucius.  my us ppl  w climi b i cmmuicti with lis dui th 1950s d 1960s tht thy w iv thi w spcic m — F ctcts. But c  liius mvmt succd by cmbii pml ids with ccpts m cvtil lii?   ss  skpti-

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cism. My pml blis  i cict with th tchis  stblishd chuchs, ci  t chs btw th tw sphs.  is, idd,  htic  “spiitul w” tht pvds cti stds  Chistiity. m liius us such s Billy Ghm hv s th pml s t’s wk:  [pml] is, i ct, th stm wi idicti m’s sch  “tscdc” withut d  ihtusss. hth it’s Ditics, st, ity, G, scdtl Mditti, ism, uly, cystlly, ddss wship, icti, hmics, umly, stly, hlistic hli, psitiv thiki,  y   hudd “cscius isi” tchiqus  u dy, th md  is   sch  sm mysticl “divi uity.”

 th th hd, it is pssibl tht hldi y suptul bli will mk  m likly t hld th,  mtt wht its ii. As mtid, w ct “pv”  “dispv” th xistc  Gd.  sm is tu  Fs, d i  cti ss ith is m plusibl th th th. ch quis ith d th williss t suspd disbli, d phps ccptc   ps  ps up t th th. F xmpl, is th ii My  “smll stp” m squtch? si u suvys d buildi up pvius sch, w dtmi which liius tditis d ups i th itd tts  th mst d th lst cptiv t pml ids. A cul, ucd ppch is cssy t udstd th ltiship btw cvtil liius d pml blis. pciclly, th my b dift cctis btw ths sphs dpdi  th typ  blis (bth liius d pml) i qusti. h xpsss t bli i th pml, Jhvh’s itsss  itis? h is mst hstil t ids utsid  th Chisti mistm, uth Bptists  piscplis? D ppl wh qutly ttd chuch ls s Fs? Ds hvi  litl viw  th Bibl pclud  m blivi i Atltis, d hsts,  ds this viw mk  m likly t bliv i such this? is chpt pvids  dtild lysis  hw cvtil Chisti blis itct with th pml.  chpt 5 w bi t dlv it ppl dply itstd i th vius mystis  th pml. F mst ppl th pml is  ltivly smll pt  li — stis cm up t mily this d ptis s cvsti stts  s sucs  musmt. A ps miht

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wtch th ccsil pisd  Ghost Hunters,  ut t s th ltst F ivsi mvi,  phps cll dly  ut wh clims pphtic dms. F ths  pml tpic (i t th pml i l) bcms  its itst,  hbby, d  sm v  bsssi. H w xmi th wld  ppl wh dvt thmslvs t th “qust.”  uths hv d i xtsiv ldwk bsvi th xs Bit sch Csvcy,  pt izti ddictd t di th lusiv pimt. lik th ppul im  Bit huts, my mmbs  th BC  hihly ductd ppl i pssil lds.  jid  busiss pssil d  dct   wkd xcusi t sch  squtch i th wds  suthst xs. Dspit thi thusism  th subjct, mmbs  th BC m thi Bit blis cully. “tv,” th dct, is vy cutius but vli his ctivitis t cti ppl.  skd i his cllus kw wht h did  th ccsil wkd. H ws mphtic tht thy t d ut, s it culd pttilly cus sm sius pblms  him i th wkplc. uch istcs spk t th ct tht whil pvlt i ppul cultu, pml blis still hld  plc s stimtizd viws  my Amics. A ppl wh sch th pml, puchs its ds d svics,  t th ld i th hut  Bit  hsts lly tht “dift” m th st  us?  chpt 6 w ddss th issu  ivlvmt i th pml m  dift pspctiv.  is csidbl spculti withi th Bit cmmuity,  mss bds, bls, d i bks tht ccts Bit t th pml mystis.   stis  Bit ctus mi m ldd yi sucs. m spcult tht th utstdi lusivss  th ctu my b du t its bility t jump btw dimsis,  phps it hs psychic pws tht it c us t cus its pusus.  pml uth ick d clims tht Bit, th Lch ss Mst, Mthm, d th mystius ctus  dmic titis tht mist i pticul ms t iht ppl d lch thi mtil y. Ad w tlkd with th lt pml J-iktitis. Bckjd, wh hld tht ctus such s Bit wthusist itdimsil uch clims  iuiti t mmbs  th xs Bit sch Csvcy. Mst mmbs w spk t w siul i thi itst: thy c but Bit d Bit ly.  thm th xistc  squtch is  listic ppsiti. t is mly  udiscvd p. dd,

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th BC’s ti ppch d ptcl is bsd up this udstdi. y plc cm tps  ivs, tul pthwys, d th iml “hihwys,” hpi t ctch  cl pht  th bst s it s but its dily busiss. y ply pimt suds i th wds bcus th mkys dhih psi kw t spd t such clls. y th lv phm chips ts t tic th ctu t ivstit psc   pssibl mt bcus this wks  bs.  mmb, Dvid, did t hsitt t cll this lik Fs, hsts, d th psychic phm “stupid” ihts  cy. H sttd tht vy tim sm mks th Bit subjct lk “kky” by ccti it t Fs  th st this, thi wk bcms tht much hd. citists will us t list t thm i thy thik th BC is just  buch  uts. Bsids, why plc cm tps i Bit c lud such cms with its psychic bilitis? hy wuld  li c but phm chips? Ad hw will thy v bi  spcim t th ds  th mithsi i it c slip it th dimsi t will?  u tvls d sch w hv cutd my wh  th xct ppsit  Dvid d th BC, ppl wh  itstd i xpli th pml i ll  its vid ms. Lu, wh clims t hv qutd  li mthship hvi bv th (s chp. 4) is  such ps. h is  F ctct d bduct wh hs b  th c umus tims. But tht is t ll sh is. h ls csids hsl  Buddhist d ccsilly ttds  m Cthlic Mss. h liks t d but Bit d tlk t witsss, blivs sh my hv hd pst livs, d utily visits  tiv Amic shm. Lu is s xpimtl d divs with h blis s Dvid is siul d cusd. pl such s Lu  tuly tti lii d th pml s  t spiitul cti, pili t thi tys y d ll blis tht ppl t thm. bt ht,  F ctct d ud  th li-bsd Blu s Miisty, clims t b bl t “chl” msss m xttstils. h h wishs t civ  cmmuiqué, h sits i  chi, lxs his bdy, d “ps himsl up.” B l, his hd cks bck d th, diss.  dpht’s vic ms m bdy, puctutdhis by shulds ccsil,ts, biz xpic is his stikily simil t  phm tht ccus i sm tcstl Chisti chuchs. isit y pticul tcstl chuch  udy, d  will witss mmbs with, twist, d ultimtly bi spki i st tus, whisps, squls, d iss. y  t chli msss m

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us. pki i tus  ths pctitis is  si  dp dvti, d ths wh  i “lsslli” bliv tht Gd hs id thm with  spcil lu,  dict li  cmmuicti with th Almihty.  difc lis i where ths wh hv ths xpics ttibut th7suc — d hw ths viw th vlidity  lii this suc. Chpt xpls this ctstd ud btw d th pml; ths blis d xpics tht  clsly cctd t Chisti blis yt t ully ccptd i my Chisti sttis.  dditi t icludi  thuh st  qustis  th pml, u suvys skd Amics  ll typs i thy hv v spk i tus, witssd  xpicd  hli thy bliv t b miculus, hd th vic  Gd spki t thm,  hd liius visis. Additilly, w skd xtsiv qustis but pcptis  suptul liius vil. Chpt 7 pvids  té it this “ml” vsi  th pml — ths suptul xpics tht  sscitd with th dmit liius tditis i Amic cultu.  d ut hw my  ths suvyd Amics clim such xpics, wht thy  lik, d whth ppl spk i tus and pt F sihtis. Fist w xpl Chisti blis but vil. h blivs i t d dms? h blivs tht hums c b pssssd by th dvil? h s  upcmi Amdd? mtims such blis but vil clsc it widspd pics s ccud i th 1980s wh th FB b t civ pts m thpists css th cuty tht thi ptits hd “cvd” mmis  hidus bus ppttd by sctiv, udud tic cults.  victims climd t hv witssd iml d hum scics. m ptdly w cd t kill thi w child  bi imptd by cult mmbs, d victims  lld tht hih-ki mmbs  scity, such s dcts, lwys, d juds w cult mmbs. Aud th sm tim, pts sucd  tic cults usi dyc cts s  suc  child t bus i thi ituls. A chus  scilists, psychlists, d sm citicl julists xpsd th clims s th ltst utbk  tic pic. y td th sustiv tchiqus usd by thpists d  cmplt lck  physicl b th didtils dw, svl ccusd tistsvidc. w cdBut t du lhysti d cstly t dd thmslvs. bviusly  did t hv t bliv i th lity  tic cspicis t b impctd by thm. imil tic pics hv md t pidic itvls i .. histy, d i ch cs my ict ppl hv b siictly fctd b th pics vtully

Te House o 150 Ghosts 19

did dw. Chpt 7 pls  m wh ws, himsl, ccusd  bi th ild   sctiv, udud tic cult. mi m th dkss  tism tls, w th xpl liius xpics.  l i h tht tcstls  m th lst ccpti blis d xpics, d yt thy  th mst liklyt pml clim th suptul xpics — hlis, lsslli, d s th— tht utsids wuld csid qully st.  th cus  xpli th pml i th itd tts, w cv wh blivs i th pml, wh hs pml xpics, hw th pml lts t mistm lii, hw pml blis vy by sttus subups, d th impct tht such blis hv up scity. Chpt 8 ttmpts t sw th qusti: ht will hpp t pml blis d xpics i th utu? u sttisticl dt pvids us with  ky tl i this d; w kw wh cutly blivs i th pml. Csqutly, by lyzi dt  which scitl ups  wi d cdi, d which liius ups  ci wth  dcli, w c pdict which pml blis my xpic th tst icss i ppulity i cmi dcds. u juy bis i th lm  ll this psychic.

2  uth s ithi

mtims it is si t ciz  phm th it is t d it.  it is with th ls ssciti  blis, ids, phm, d xpics viusly lbld “w ,” “pml,” “th suptul,” “ccult,” “uxplid phm,” “mtphysics,” “psudscic,” “mysticism,” d  hst  th tms. Dpdi up ’s psl diti, cystl blls, Bit, hsts, d plm di  simil this; by th ditis thy  vstly dift. Addi t th cusi, schs d tils  lbl th sm phm usi dift tms th d th l public. F xmpl, schls  lii  us th tm “w A” t  t  scil mvmt tht sttd i th 1960s, which cusd  th dvlpmt  psl lihtmt d dm m cvtil thiki d lii.  bksts, w A is simply  scti i which mplys shlv bks  hsts, th Lch ss Mst, Fs, psychic pws, Atltis, d bks but  hst  th blis  xpics.  d t wish t dd t such cusi h by cmi up with w tmilis, but w hsitt t us  tm such s “w A.” Fist  ll, th tm s t  spcic mvmt tht md t  pticul tim. Futh, it susts tht u phm  itst is smthi “w.” is is  m th cs. Csid th llwi tls:

Seattle, Washington  d h husbd mvd it  tl hus  th ivsity  shit, shi with  ld id, Js, t sv my.  ll i lv with  m  th mi ; Js hppily tk   tw ms  th upp . Abut  mth  thy mvd i, st 20

Te ruth Is Within 21

this sttd t hpp.  ws th st t t up i th mis. tims whil tti dy  wk, sh wuld h th umistkbl suds  sm wlki dw th stis.  tstps csd t th ldi, but   ws v th.  ld t i th suds, bcmi wh tw cts wuldih ccsi st d hiss t th ustd stis. hly v put h up with th lihts bdm, which smtims switchd  d f by thmslvs.  xpics w iitti but v lt mci. Js ws t s lucky. H wkd  swi shi t  whus pulli ds  cy sts.  vi h ivd hm t ud 11 p.m. d wt up t bd. H hd just tud f his liht wh h lt  wiht t th d  th bd.  th dkss  hzy m slwly tk shp  his t. ht lkd lik  ld m with  huchd bck ws ci wy m Js, its hd i its hds, smily distssd. As i it culd l Js’s ys up its bck, th “m” tud d lkd dictly t him. Js shikd up si th wikld, bldi vis with cmpltly blck ys, d h ippd  th liht.  spiit dd wy, but  impssi mid  svl miuts wh it hd b sitti  th bd. Js slpt with  liht   tht.

Charleston, South Carolina B mvi its lcti i 2007, th  Gv lmty schl i Chlst, uth Cli, ws suudd by wds tht bckd up t th Ashly iv. Jh d his bths ttdd  Gv s child. A schl thy wuld  t th wds t ply (smtims v ski it th piphy dui css).  th ct  th wdd  i  smll cli ws  ld cmty with wthd hdsts m  pmit Chlst mily dti bck t th 1600s.  lcl kids tld tls  spcts d spks tht wlkd m th vs, d thy dd  th t t th cmty. Lt, dvlps puchsd th ld d immditly md pls   w subdivisi. vs du up, hwv, d th c s  w t th vyd by. w th pcss, my thmvd ld v mks w bk, d th clss wks simply thw thm it  pil.  dy Jh d his bths ud th pil. H bbd  bk tmbst d buht it hm, thilld t hv  usm suvi t us s  dstp  his m.

22 Te ruth Is Within

Fm th dy h buht th hdst hm Jh ws ucmtbl. H lt sm ws wtchi him d smtims hd  whispi vic tht ws t it t mk ut. st  ll, h lt smthi llwi him. hui tstps d  pickli ssti i his bck csttly him lki vhhisspid shuld. vy c i  whil, i h tud sthd uh, h thuht  xt shdw. A mths sclti , Jh lly vld th bk tmbst t his mth. h ws hid d tld Jh t tu it t wh it ws ud. Jh cjld his tw bths t hlp him, d thy hsittly wlkd th hstly d stpp t th d  th w dvlpmt.  th bk hdsts ly i  hp xt t  ptilly cmpltd hm. Jh lt  psc v his shuld s h cully plcd th st  tp  th pil.  “llwis,” s Jh clld thm, immditly stppd.

Auxerre, France Gmus d  w  his ids dcidd t hv  littl dvtu, tvli th i ud his tw  t s h culd t t kw th ldscp d ppl btt. hps uwisly, thy chs t bi thi tvls i th dd  wit d ud thmslvs i  ul  with  plc t sty  bittly cld vi. ui ut  ptis, thy td  dilpidtd buildi  th sid  th d, which lcls blivd t b hutd.  buildi’s sm putti did t bth Gmus, d h quickly did f t slp.   his llw tvls ws di wh h shutd  lm. A spct ws slwly isi up thuh th , d t th sm tim th wlls w pltd by  shw  pbbls.  ssilt ws wh i siht.  lmd tvl bd Gmus t ptct him m th hst. A dply liius m, Gmus ivkd th m  Jsus d cmmdd th spiit t pvid its m d pups. t tld Gmus tht h d  id hd b chid tth d killd s puishmt  sm uvld cim, thi bdis did pp buil.  xt dy th m du t chis. spt idtid th spiit udbuil, tw bdis tth with Gmusby d  d  pp d thtid huti csd. M th likly th d hs hd stis lik ths b. Mst ppl hv  hst sty, i t m th :  ut, ucl, pt, dpt,  th ltiv wh clims  hst sihti s  child, 

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 bst id wh isists his hm ws hutd. m  us hv s  hst uslvs. As tstmt t th ubiquity  such tls, th st tw stis bv  m th uths  this bk.  ttl hst sty is m 1990, wh Chistph Bd d his wi, , shd  hm with thi id Js th ivsity  shit. ws Cs Mck’s bth wh bscdd with  bk tmbsttm th ld Chlst cmty i 1975. Althuh hsts hv b ptd  th thusd ys, th bsic lmts  such stis  mi th sm, smily cti timlss hum ccs.  bli tht  hst my sult m  vilt dth  impp buil,  tht th hst   ltiv miht pp t w  impdi d w vits  mdivl tims d  still with us tdy. dd, th tl  Gmus ccud i 488 C d th Gmus i qusti ws bishp  Aux t th tim d is w  m Cthlic sit. His tvli cmpis csistd  clics ud his cmmd. Bi such dtils (d th chistic m Gmus), this sty culd sily pss   tht wuld b bthlssly ptd  th ltst tlvisi istllmt  Paranormal State  Ghost Hunters. Ghsts  ythi but w,  is stly  th bli i psychic phm,  v bli i th pssibility  plik bis livi i th wds. My blis stubbly psist  th ds  mistm cultu, blivd i by my but v ully ccptd. s  vilt u tk--td udstdi  th “uts d blts” wki  th wld d mud xpic. y  t ml, butparanormal. But wht is th pml? Dspit u jst but bksts li, th ly wks wll h.   pspctiv bk buy wts t d but  phm tht is t lst ptilly udstd d cizd by scic, sh shuld visit its spctiv scti  th bkst.  “hlth d mdici” scti will hv bks  ht hlth, chmthpy, d th tpics “wd” by md mdici. F imti  ivsti, txs, mkt cditis  timt,  must wd t th cmics  “busiss” shlvs. But i u shpp wts t d but  tpic t cutly cizd by must th hut th ctiw isls h, tsy, cscitists, cti, sh bws bkst’s Ad lii stcks. scith tpic  itst is th sucti  Jsus, hli thuh py, bi “svd,”  th ccpt clsly sscitd with Chistiity  th wld lii, th lii stcks  th bst bt. s sciticlly dubius tpics tht  t tihtly cctd t mistm lii, such s


Te ruth Is Within

cystl blls, hsts, d Fs ll th w A shlvs. H  wuld ls d bks tht miht bl i th scti, w thy t  dy bcm ccptd by scic. Bks  th hli pw  cystls  csid t th w A scti, witi   scitic discvy t cilitt cll-up t thth litimcy lusthiki i th mdici scti. lums tht pmt pw bi psitiv i cquii m d tu sit h ls, th th i th busiss stcks. Fllwi wht bkst ws ldy kw, w up tth  wid sstmt  blis d xpics ud  sil b lbld “pml.” uch blis d xpics  dully jctd — t ccptd by scic and t typiclly sscitd with mistm lii i th itd tts. us, th bli tht  cystl bll c tll th utu wuld b pml i tu, s wuld b th bli tht  uidtid p ms th thwst wds. Bth  ths blis  t uxplid phm d ith is sscitd with mistm lii i th itd tts. Bli tht Jsus Chist ws suctd m th dd wuld t quliy s pt  th pml p this diti, sic Jsus is sscitd with th mjity lii i th itd tts — Chistiity.  disticti is imptt, but w d t mk it  thlicl ss. vius sch d thy by scilists d u w dis idict tht blivs themselves mk this disticti. Dit typs  ppl  itstd i mistm vsus mistm blis. A cti typ  ps tds t b ttctd t pml blis d xpics. is is t th sm typ  ps, i l, tht tds t b ttctd t m mistm liius blis.  liz tht sm ppl my cmbi th tw lmts, but vll th disticti mis lvt.

Paranormal phenomena

Blis, pctics, d xpics tht  t cizd by scic d t sscitd with mistm lii. xmpls: Extrasensory perception, ghosts, and spirit phenomena, astrology, crystal therapy, belie that extraterrestrials have visited earth, Bigoot

Religious phenomena

Blis, pctics, d xpics tht  t cizd by scic but sscitd with mistm lii. xmpls: Belie in the divinity o Jesus, belie in the power o prayer, aith healing, Satan, and demons

Fi. 2.1. Ditis  pml d liius phm

Te ruth Is Within 25

tutly, ditis  v pct, d th pml sts  v-shii sds. Ds  bk  mthpy bl i th “sl hlp” scti  is it pt  th pml? t dpds  whm yu sk. Ds  bk but visis  th ii My d up i th pml scti  lii scti?th t  publishdpublish it  th pspctiv tk twd tpic.dpds A bkup mwh  Chisti tht uss th Mi visis t Luds s  tstimil will b ld with th lii bks. A uth wh discusss visis  th ii My s th mistti  th sm phm tht pducs is d hsts,  tht d-mphsizs th Chisti spcts  th Mi visis, my d his bk ld ud th pml.   ct visit t  lcl bkst, th uths ud bks but ls iboth th lii d pml sctis.  must ls b cl tht lbli   bli, pctic,  xpic s “pml” is t mt h s judmtl  pjtiv. t is pssibl tht xt-sy cpti () is  litimt phm tht scic is simply t stubb t ciz. t is ls pssibl tht th my ddictd Bit huts will  dy cptu th bst, mvi Bit m pml sttus t tu sttus i  ll swp. But util d ulss such this ccu, Bit d  ihbit th is.  xpss bli i such phm i cti cicls my pmpt sc  cc but ’s mtl hlth.  tk  tttiv stp it th wld  th pml   wity udy , hpi t btt udstd th ppl  its dizzyi y  blis d pctics.

Dallas, exas Chyl,  idly, s-spk wm i h ly tis mvd m  Di t Dlls i 1990. A sl-dscibd “ituitiv,” sh ws usttd t d limitd pptuitis t pusu h itsts.  ly 2008 Chyl d h sist, Cll, puchsd th i Dlls sychic Fi with th hps  pvidi  “lik-midd ppl ski t udstd t tuths.” suc  i cutly mts  th st udy  ch mth i  bkut m   Hlidy  i th Dlls.  sists bliv tht with th y 2012 ppchi, ppl will bcm m d m p d ccpti  psychic phm. dd, thy hv mbitius pls:

26 Te ruth Is Within

u immdit pls . . . iclud xpdi th m i which w suppt th cmmuity i thi spiitul wth by scui  pmt lcti t pt ll mth l d mitii th Fi s  c  mth “shwcs”  idividuls d th svics thy f.  pmt lctid wuld csf  ls t u ds, ss ctitis viclud ths  wh lik-midd svics.ll pl t f clsss, wkshps d smis s wll.  spc wuld ls b bl t hst l spcil vts— bk siis, til ust spks, tc.  visi w cutly hld is i sps t th dmd w ciz is cutly umt i u cmmuity . . . suppt  idividul’s itst i xpsi  cscius wss which will ld t  st cmmuity.

 tvld t th Hlidy  d ivd  bit  . A sht cht with Chyl d  v-dll dmissi  lt, w w bwsi th mzily divs slcti  blis, pducts, vds, d pctitis tht cmpis th pml. ii th d  th l cc m w tbls lid with clul ws. A ld wm displyd cmic sttus  ds. ch but six ichs hih, sm  th sttus lkd s i thy miht b ds t  cstl  mdivl kp. ths smd t b th udd ds   hbbit’s hm. Lss tsticl sttus smd t b ds t  stdd subub hm. “y pst dwys t dift stts  bi,” sh tld us. xt t h st “th ixi Chicks,” wh spciliz i smll, plush dlls  is, pixis, d lvs bdckd i squis d ibbs. Fu dift vds, “ck  Jwls,” “Cystl Qutz Dpt,” “w  th ibw,” d “t Mv,” cmptd  th cystl d jwly mkt. ch sld  sstmt  ms, mils, spics, sts, d jwly, sm lbld s hvi hlth  hli bts. F xmpl, mthyst puptdly stths psychic bilitis d icss dm cll; ds hlp with mthmtics d id i “stl tvl.” uzit dispss tiv y d pmts psitiv thiki d wll-bi. Apppitly th w A d pml sctis  mst bksts cy ctls  thmicl pws  vius ms d sts.  iki xt t  bth cdls, ws, d ics, w wtchd pctiti td t  ml clit. Lyi cdw   mss tbl, with  blkt dpd v h, th clit std pcully s th mssus lttd btw tuchi h shulds d bck, d stui i th i bv h. A chipct hd st up shp t  by tbl,

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but  distubi b   cuvd spi d  stck  busiss cds w its sl ccupts. M livly ws  tbl displyi  studi vity  tt cd dcks  sl.  by bksll fd Wicca or Dummies d  hst  th muls d sl-hlp bks ltd t pml pctics.  this pit, w hd simply cicld th bths, scitd but wy. t ws tim t dip u ts it th pml.   c xt t th bk xhibit, Dil thb clmly wtchd th cwd. A itm vt i his ly sixtis, thb sptd  blck bsbll ht ptilly hidi v blck hi. ulsss mskd his ys. Accdi t sm w As, th hum bdy is suudd by  ivisibl “u”  y. is u tks  dift cls dpdi up ’s md d stt  wll-bi. m bliv tht th u hs  stbl bs cl. m ppl hv  us, ths blu, blck, d, , d s . is stbl cl will pvid isiht it  ps’s l pslity d utlk, whil chs withi th spctum will ct cut ccs. F twty-v dlls Dil fd t phtph ’s u usi  spcil cm d lyzd th sulti im. Cptis qutly hi him, h tld us, t tk ul phtphs dui cmpy ptis.  hdd v th  d st   stl i t   bxy cm sti   tipd. H istuctd m t smil d st t  stick  wtybid xd  th tp  th cm.  sultt pictu shwd my c swimmi i  s  . ti tht mst  th smpl phtphs pstd i his bth displyd  ibw  cls,  xpssd cc but th siul cl  my pht. kully,  ws t idictiv  sv physicl  mtil pblms.  ws “xul, Ctiv, Chul, Flwi,” ccdi t  hdut  thb’s tbl.  w  “bd” cls i th buch. hit ws dscibd s “uity, cc, Fith, c,” blck s “Mystius, tcti, Absbi, ductiv.”  vwhlmily  cl  my pht, Dil td, ws simply idictiv  th stth  my “ tu.” h pssd  t dtil, thb pulld li with th  y u:m his bics tht v  l summy  orange: is is th cl  wmth-y with mtl dicti; ctivity d mtis— cu, jy d pid-cts  pi  w wss — c smtims idict mtil imblcs, itti,

28 Te ruth Is Within

wy, d vity.  hli it stimults ptimism, hp, d is d  xhusti d wkss.  is ctivity ti. u  liv, tistic, pcptiv d ctiv. Cstuctiv sl-xpssi is imptt t yu. pl s yu s hppy d willi t wk. u lik t t ut d hv u.

Bwsi ths m dtild dsciptis  ch cl w ud tht mst w tily psitiv. d, pik, yllw/ld, blu/idi, pupl/vilt, d whit pvid th bts  d ciculti, wmth, lv, cmt, jy, d  hst  th upsids, with  ppt dwsids. th cls, icludi , mixd th psitiv with ccs. G cts succss, wth, tchi, d duc but my ls idict jlusy d mistust, sl-dubt d pssssivss. Gy cts  “wki  is,” d  utut tdcy twd sctivss. thb ccludd th di by ti tw vitis i my u. A hl bv my hd sustd “st spiitul ptcti.” Mwhil  “b  y” h sw i th blck   th bttm  th phtph vld th psc   ptctiv spiit.

A Spiritual Caeteria ds t th Dlls sychic Fi climd t pvid svics  t spiitul vlu such s kwld but ’s plc i li, imti but wht th utu hlds, uidc  psl tsmti, d spiitul mi. Clly, ths  sm  th sm bts fd by m cvtil liius ups, v i thy miht b d t i dift tms. t, ccss t th bts pvidd by  liius dmiti  quis mmbship i th izti  t lst sm cmmitmt t its blis. chls hv l td tht th pml hs  st cus up psl spiitul tsmti v dvti t  pticul bli  pctic. sl ulllmt d xplti tumps siul s itstd i th pml c ly slct mcmmitmt.  vity  “tls” i thi hut tsmtiv xpics d my xpl thi itsts vi th mdi, by ttdi ccs, lctus, d is,  by dvlpi ltiships with psychics.  mtph   spiitul buft pvids  pt dscipti  ths ptts.

Te ruth Is Within 29

 Dlls sychic Fi hd  mkbly izd systm i plc, which llwd pcisly this m  xpimtti d xplti. hil th tbls ii th m w md by th vius slls, tw l ws  cd tbls i th middl  th m hld twty-iht dift typs  “ds.” dsbut usd vity  dift ds d tchiqus t sv s thi clits, th l pups wsmthth sm. ch imd t pvid imti tht th d culd t kw by y ms th th th suptul. mtims this ws imti tht th clit miht ldy kw. F xmpl, sm ds cus up ivi  xtsiv bkdw  ’s cut pslity,  thy my t th imptc   vt tht ccud i th clit’s pst. th ds pvid pdictis but th utu, wi  ds i th cmi mths  ctulti impdi tu. Mst us  cmbiti  such imti t pvid l li uidc. How th ds clim t cqui thi imti vis tly. m us tls such s cystl blls, tt cds,  hdwiti smpls, t cilitt thi dis. ths clim t civ thi imti by di thi clit’s mid  by pulli dt m th csms withut th d  such tls (s . 2.2).  smpl ths ws, visits stppd by  schduli bth  th tc t th i. Bhid th bth  l whitbd with  id witt  it std   tipd. ch psychic hd h w clum  th id. ws mkd f -miut itvls m  t 5 p.m., d  sis  pupl mts with ms d tims witt  thm idictd wh ds w vilbl, .., “Liht Hvty: 12:15 p.m.” By sci th bd, visits culd quickly dtmi wh ws vilbl d t wht tims.  ttdt hdd v ch mt     t dlls. t ws  clv systm  llwi visits t schdul thi ti dy  dis t c, i dsid, d t cilitt th smpli   vity  dift psychic svics.  wlkd wy m th bth clutchi u tickts t dis m  stl,  psychic,  clivyt, d  hdwiti lyst. At 12:15  visitd Liht Hvty. A kidly, dmthly wm i

h ly sixtis, sh sptd hi, multipl is, d   dy smil. ith thity-plus ys tussld  xpic, Liht is cvicd th pw  stly. As h y sstd:  is  btt tl th yu Bith Cht  hlpi yu t b th bst yu c b. u Hscp is  d mp  this litim d ivs

30 Te ruth Is Within

 t udstdi  yusl d ths. s it s  tl  lAwss s it ivs t isihts t th ps wh is ski withi. As th plts mk thi wy thuh th hvs, thy fct yu tl cht d c bi uxpctd dlihts d/ dbilitti ciss,

Readers Available Angel cards

 d uss  st  cds with stylizd pitis  ls ch with its w mss.  clit slcts cds t dm (usully th) d th d itpts thi mi. imil t tt cds (blw)

Animal communication

A d wh spcilizs i psychic cmmuicti with imls. Clits my bi thi cut pt d sk  hlp i udstdi its mds  bhvi.  thy my sk th d t cmmuict with  blvd dd pt.


Astly ssums tht th psiti  sts d plts t th pit  ’s bith will hv fcts thuhut li.  d pvids isiht it ’s pslity d imti  hw th cut psiti  sts d plts will impct th  utu.


A d wh clims t civ psychic kwld but th pst, pst, d utu thuh tuch  li. y d th “vibtis”  clits   bjct such s  wtch  pic  clthi.

Crystal ball

 d zs it  cystl bll, which vls ims (visibl ly t th d)  th clit’s pst, pst, d/ utu.  d must itpt ths ims  th clit.


 d itpts th clit’s dms d ihtms, pvidi isiht it th pst, pst, d utu.

Handwriting analysis

 clit pvids  witi smpl t th d. Bsd  th witi styl, th d pvids isiht it th clit’s pslity, stths, d wksss.

Mah Jongg

 d uss  st  cds with ims bsd  Chis symbls; s with Al d t Cds, th clit slcts dm cds d th d itpts thi mis.

Medical intuitive

A d wh clims t b bl t “d” th clit’s y t dtmi th pttil  illsss  diss.


imil t stly, umly ds ssum tht th dt  ’s bith impcts pslity d utu. th th cusi  th limt  sts, umlists cus up th umbs i ’s bith dt.


 d xmis lis, mks, d  th hds   clit t i isihtth it pslity dptts th utu.

Past lives

A pst-li d clims t b bl t ituit pvius ictis  th clit. t is thuht tht dicultis i pvius livs my cus pblms  “imblcs” i this .

Fi. 2.2.  w A cti: ds vilbl t th Dlls sychic Fi

Te ruth Is Within 31

which is wh th Astl cms i. A d Astl c uid yu thuh ths mic chlls d hlp yu udstd th lsss t b ld. Mst ppl d t sk  Astl wh this  i d!!!

Readers Available (continued) Psychic

A l tm   d wh clims t civ imti but th clit’s pst, pst, d/ utu thuh suptul ms, lly withut th us  tt cds, cystl blls,  th ccssis.


 d uss st “us” t ituit th clit’s pst, pst, d/ utu.  clit my dw  sil st m  b  th d my thw th us d itpt th sulti ptt.

Spanish deck Tarot

 tt cds, blw.  d uss  spcil pish-lu tt cd dck with “pictl [ sic] cds m pi.”a

Spirit readings

 d civs h imti but th clit m spiits. s my b th spiits  th clit’s dptd lvd s. m spiit ds clim t hv “spiit uids,”  spiitul titis tht pvid thm with uidc d imti   ul bsis. b

Tarot cards

 d uss  st  cds with stylizd chcts such s “th Fl,” d ”Dth.”  clit  d shus th dck d lys ut  umb  cds i  spd (umbs vy).  d itpts th mi d lyut  th cds. Additional Services and Products Available rom Vendors

Aura photography


 vd tks  phtph  th clit tht shws thi clul, suudi u.  vd will typiclly f  itptti  th u s wll.  vd pvids cdls, ics,  th sctd mtils. t is blivd tht th scts c pduc lxti, hli, d/ hihtd stts  wss.


Chipcts cus up th muscls d sklt, i pticul th spi, s th suc  my hlth pblms. t is blivd tht mipulti  th spi c cu my disds.

Healing crystals/stones

 vd pvids sts, cystls, d  jwly md m sm. t is blivd tht cti sts d cystls c psitivly iuc md d hlth, impv psychic bilitis, d/ wd  tiv iucs.

Reiki massage

A mss/lxti tchiqu i which th mssus ltts btw physiclly mssi th clit d mipulti th clit’s “y.”

Qut is m hdut pvidd t th psychic i titld “Dlls sychic Fi—Dcmb 7, 2008.”  hv put  m l dscipti   spiit d h. At this pticul i, th sl-lbld spiit d usd  lss cmm tchiqu. H slctd  pss m th Bibl bsd  iput m his “Hih l.” H th itptd this pss i liht  th clit’s li. a


32 Te ruth Is Within

 tk  st i t  Liht.  my immdit l d iht, th visits w civi dis m  clivyt d  cystl bll d.  witd  Liht s sh ddld with h lptp. A  l silc, sh smild, lkd t m ittly, d skd “, wht d yu wt t kw?” t ws supisi tht  d wuld simply ttmpt t tll m whtqusti.  dd tssumd kw. Liht ptitly xplid tht h di wuld b m dtild i  pvid h with  cus  tpic.  thuht  mmt d tld h tht  ws cutly cuthi  bk. Hw wuld tht ? h skd  my bith dt, v  kwi wik i sps, d typd  h lptp. kully th sts w i this bk’s v. t . At st Liht ptd tht th bk wuld bi t t tus m th  y b it ws ctully sltd t s pit.  dditi t h lptp, Liht qutly csultd  thick stck  pp chts lid with clums  umbs. ch umb pstd th psiti   plt i th hvs   pticul dt. Bsd  th chts sh visd h stimts by svl mths t  smily m likly tim m.  sts ls imd h tht  ws p t wit’s blck, but ispiti wuld stik v th upcmi Chistms hlidys. “m st  id  mt” wuld ls hlp p ds  this bk. ts chcs  succss wuld uth impv shuld  tk  witi clss smtim i Mch. ht llwd ws  quick succssi  bsvtis, sttmts, d pdictis, sm  which w tu . . . sm lss s. • Liht skd i  ws  tch  i hih ducti. u. • h skd i  ws divcd. Fls. h quickly chd th subjct. • h skd i  hd child. u. s   t? Fls. • h skd i   my child hd ctiui hlth pblms. Fls. • h ctiud tht sh culd s xpss ltd t  child’s hlth i Dcmb. dd,  s hd bcs put i dui Dcmb.

American Belie in Psychic Powers As w cmpltd ppitmts with dift ds, w culd s th ppl t blivs.  dis , quit simply, u.  culd t

Te ruth Is Within 33

hlp but ttmpt t impt mi t th pssibl utus d cut isihts pducd by th ds.   t s jdd tht w did t l  limm  hp wh tld tht this bk wuld b succssul. u skpticism tud i ull c c w hd l th i d ptd t u hwv.  hd u with th pml, butwwvisitd. did t wtmilis, u mily d ids t thik wbelieved th psychics dd, th pml hs  cuius ltiship with th “mistm.”  much xpssd itst i th pml will pmpt cc m ths. t tlvisi shws with such thms d th iwvs. Hscps pp i u dily wspps d hv md th mv t th diitl , with pmit plcmt xt t mil d th ltst wth cst  h.cm. My  us hv  dmth wh sw th hst  h th,  “utty” ucl wh clims th ccsil pmitis,  ihb wh cis hsl  psychic,  bth wh v misss his hscp. dd, i u xpic it is th  ps tht ds t hv  id  mily mmb wh clims sm st  pml xpic  t lst  its itst i  ltd subjct. is cict is ppt wh Amics  skd but such tpics. Fully 14 pct  Amics bliv tht stls, plm ds, tu-tlls, d ths wh clim psychic bilitis c s th utu (s . 2.3). Ath 15 pct  t su; thy  t dy t dmit bli but mi p t th pssibility. But this tlls us tht th mjity  Amics (71%) mi skpticl but th bility t s th utu (t lst s  s ths typs  ds  ccd).  d  simil ptt wh w sk m spciclly but stly (s . 2.4). Amics  slihtly m p t th id  cmmuicti with th dd (s . 2.5), d mst  cvicd  th bts  lttiv mdici (s  2.6).   ss  th mixd lis Amics sm t hv but th pml.   hd, u ds scd sm impssiv “hits.”   us ws pd s  tch by tw  thm. Bcs  my s idd md Chistms  littl tiht.  th th hd, cct sttmts w suudd by my m icct s.  mpl ivsity mthmtici Jh All uls h cizd this phm d l- bld it th “J Dix fct.” pstd with  l mut imti, sm tu d sm ls, w  tully m itstd i th tu sttmts, uls us. pl td t t sttmts tht  clly ls, ldi thm t wildly vstimt th ccucy  psychics. kptics u tht psychics us th J Dix fct t thi dvt.

Fi. 2.3. Astrologers, palm readers, ortune-tellers, and psychics can oresee the uture. (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1641)

Fi. 2.4. Astrology impacts one’s lie and personality. (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1627)


Fi. 2.5. It is possible to communicate with the dead.(Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1636)

Fi. 2.6. Some alternative treatments are at least as efective as traditional medicine. (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1638). Note: A sis  itms  th Byl lii uvy, 2005, sk spdts, “ wht xtt d yu   dis with th llwi sttmts.” F m dtils  th mthdly bhid th Byl lii uvy, s th ppdix.


36 Te ruth Is Within

ds pumml thi clits with pdictis, cuti  th w hits t b clld with vc d th my misss t b tt.  c ttst t this phm.  ct hlp t l  sliht thill whv  ccut sttmt is pstd.  iccut sttmt immditly pvius is much lss itsti. kptics hv td th pcsss t wk i such dis. ds  mk vu sttmts tht hv  hih pbbility  succss, such s “ s tht yu hv sufd  t lss i th lst y.”  wh hs ctly lst  pt t illss will cct with this sttmt, s will sm wh ctly hd t put thi blvd pt t slp, sufd t lsss i th stck mkt,  ctly bk up with  byid, d s . uch vu sttmts   cupld with bsvtis tht th clit wants to be true.  w tld by dift ds tht w “d’t llw th cwd,” d “thik  uslvs.”   us ws lbld  “us lv” (yu uss wh); th ws cmplimtd  his kidss d tdcy t “thik m but ths th yu sl.”  “us t b pushd ud,” “hv  t ss  hum,” d “kp ids  li.”  chs t bliv tht ll  ths this  tu.  culd ctiu by discussi th pssibility tht my psychics  mst “cld ds,” but t d s is smwht missi th pit. ith th ds  th clits w t th i i th hps  pvi th lity  pml phm t  skpticl public. pl ttd bcus thy dsi hlp d uidc d hv t ud th sws thy sk thuh th ms. Bhid th us  cystl blls, plm di, u phtphy, ttmpts t ctct dd ltivs, psychics d clivyts, cystls, mthpy, pst-li ssi, d hdwiti lysis is th dsi t btt sl. As Chyl tld us:  s ppl ttdi u i bcus thy dsi t liv  btt li.  ctst i thi livs (tht which cuss discmt) cus  t d btt wys, btt xpics, dp ltiships, m my, tc. . . . i d t d s,  must xpd ’s wss. y  lki  sws. y  lki  udstdi s thy my mk hlthi chics  s thy c iv,  lt ,  shi dicti.

At th Dlls sychic Fi w mt ppl wh w pimily itstd i th pml s  suc  psl lihtmt, impvd hlth, discvy, d/ wth. y hpd t l m but thmslvs by dtmii th cl  thi u  i suptul isiht

Te ruth Is Within 37

Fi. 2.7. We are approaching an entirely new age that will radically change our view o science, spiritual knowledge, or humanity. (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1637)

it thi utu thuh th us  tt cds  by cmmuicti with dd ltivs. t th mthds bi usd t th psychic i t licit ch  impvmt mi uccptd by scic ws  littl cc t ths ivlvd. Liht Hvty’s clits  hppy i h dis wk  them, t whth h tchiqus wuld pss  dubl-blid tst i lbty cditis. sl lihtmt tumps scitic p. As th scilist Jmy thct ts, my pml blivs “pivil xpitil kwld v mpiicl vlidity d th pw  th imiti v th uthity  physicl lity.” dd,  siict umb  Amics tuly d visi  “w A  th hiz tht will tump u cut tis  lity (s . 2.7).

Enlightenment vs. Discovery As w wdd th Dlls sychic Fi, w td th bsc  mtils  svl ppul spcts  th pml. Bit ws i hidi, hsts w ivisibl (phps this is t b xpctd).  culd t d y mtils ltd t xttstils  Fs. Judi by th pvlc  tlvisi shws, mvis, bks, d b ps dvtd t such

38 Te ruth Is Within

subjcts, it miht t st sm supisi tht squtch d lis did t hv  pmit plc t such  vt. t i u xplti  th pml, w hv ud tht th  tw distict sphs withi it, which w cll enlightenment d discovery. s dift ppchs td t li withviw dift subjcts. s mly  suc  psl enMy ppl th pml lightenment. F my  ths tvli i th lms  stly, psychic pws, d simil pctics, th “tuth” is phml d withi: thy sk t btt thmslvs.  l s psychic dis   st  th hlp thm t cm t ips with thi stths d wksss, thy  stisd. ths  itstd i th pml bcus thy hp t tk pt i, whth pslly  by pxy,  mjdiscovery  th wld t l. pl itstd i Bit d mystius ctus i l, Fs, d hsts pp m ccd with tyi t pv t thmslvs d ths tht thi subjct is idd “l.” y wt t d th tuth —  tuth tht y will ccpt. y study mtils  b sits d i bks, d dbt th bst “vidc”  bls d t ccs. y wtch tlvisi shws such s Ghost Hunters with t itst, hpi th hsts will lly cptu udisputd vid   stlss spiit. y wt t d ut i Fs  l,  thy kw Fs  l d wt t cvic ths  tht ct. m  th mst sius Bit huts hp t dp  squtch ccss  th dstp  th mithsi  dy.  ppl  lihtmt is t l but sl.  ppl  discvy is t sh i  dvtu, t l th thill  schi  th ukw, d t phps b th  wh lly bis i th “p.”  d ly t pticipt i ch typ  ctivity t l thi stk ctst.  lt itspctiv d thuhtul (wh w hld bck u skpticism) t th Dlls sychic Fi. Ad wh w chs t spd th iht t  ptdly hutd hus, w w dy t b ihtd, t sh th pspct  discvy d dvtu with u up. s distictis  usul, but ls   m l tu. Ad s w ud ut, smtims hvi  psychic   hst hut mks it m itsti.

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Jeferson, exas As w td li, th w duct Bi Cypss Cf Hus i Js, xs, quickly bcm tius  its tls  y hsts tht push, pd,sm d thwis hss whdu dttitsvisit, dDu. pt th buildi’s putti wsths dictly w, lck  t, Du pvd  ccmmdti hst, s h d t lt us, l with  up  dut studts, spd th iht i th upp   th cf hus. Ccd tht w miht t hv th cmplt “hst-huti xpic” i l t u w dvics, Du ivitd th ths t ccmpy us  u viht sty i his hst-istd shp. H itducd us t “L,”  sht, bld, thity-smthi pssil mdium wh livd i  smll tw by.  wkds L lis t th cf shp, pvidi psychic dis  thity dlls. Als i ttdc ws “Gli,” wh ps th lbl “clivyt” t mdium. Als i h thitis, Gli is  clul chct s vidcd by h biht d hi spti  pmit whit stk. h t t h dy jb t  ctphy cmpy i Dlls, th ctly divcd Gli pvids psychic dis d uss h skills t id hst huts.

Gli uss  MF dtct t lk  hsts.

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Accmpyi Gli is h id icti,  thity-tw-y-ld bk mply. Mki  clim t psychic pws, icti csids hsl  mtu hst hut. uhut th vi sh usly llwd us t bw h hst-huti quipmt.  ll t jyd  hty di lcl Mxic stut, th w tud th cf hus dytt bi u dvtu. mmditly th psychics ssd th psc  hsts. L hld  bi cvsti with  ldly ml spiit stdi bhid us.  spiit ws t pticully plsd by u psc, sh sttd i  smb vic. icti tk us   tu  th dwstis. A w hllwy t th l  th cf b ld t  bthm d st m t th bck  th buildi. ly th bvst wuld d st t i th bthm, Du wd us,  sly i  his c, sic th spiits spcilly jy pki, pddi, d spki t ppl usi th cilitis. icti tld us   dmtic cut sh hd dui  pvius ivstiti t th cf hus. H up hd  mystius buzzi sud cmi m  st  bhid th cf b. , thy sw  dk d stk  liht scd thuh th cili with  lud pp. Ghst huts bliv tht spiits c mist thmslvs s bs  stks  liht, which  pp i phtphs d smtims  s with th kd y. “ cl  bs is imptt,” icti tld m, “bcus it tlls yu th tu  th tity ivlvd.” tutly  us, icti ctiud, “d y idicts vil.”  dwstis bthm sid, th mjity  hstly ctivity is ptd m  m  th scd   th cf hus. As icti d u psychic uids chttd with Du ud  tbl, w dcidd t lly s th upstis  uslvs.  cutiusly scdd th stics s it wud ud tw ldis, wy bcus th hsts hv  ppsity  pushi d pulli ppl climbi th stis. t ws with  smll msu  li tht w td th hutd upp  withut icidt.  stics dd t  hllwy.  th l ws  smll lcv pckd with  ldd, buckts  pit  plst d sstd tls. Du tld us this ws quipmt l bhid by wkm ihtd wy by th y spiits. ui th iht wit td wuld spd th iht. Adtwht m ws. th m i which w Dusty, wd-pld s ckd, d, d thwis ptstd s w wlkd bck d th i  spc but th siz   smll cé. vidc   “icc Hllw ty” ctly hstd by Du ws stw but th m: l ubb spids hu m th cili, ubb

Te ruth Is Within 41

 upp   th Bi Cypss Cf Hus

ts pd m bhid uitu d btw bks   shl,  l witch dll st   chi, d  bi, k skull std   d tbl.  th dwy w tw thlik chis   is. Accdi t Du, th “ths” mi m  tim wh th spc ws usd by lcl Fmss. A by tbl hd b usd s thi lt, h sid. H wd us but sitti  th ths, s ppl clim t hv b physiclly jctd m thm by us hds. A qu-sizd bd   i m ws i th bck hl  th m. “ usd t slp th,” Du tld us lt, util th iht h hd wli tht sudd lik  l d d tstps i ud his bd. H w slpt i  dift pt  th buildi, thuh th bd mid. “ dcidd thy did’t wt ppl styi i h.” M distubi, d ctily m uxpctd, ws  slcti  bd xt t lth. Du’stm bd l ws uh l, t wd, X-shpd quipmt. css, pddd with ws sily hld  tll m with impssiv stits t th ds  ch m. w l whips d  studdd cll w lyi css th tp   mtl clthi ck tht st ppsit th bd.  l wll-uh l d v skd but ths pticul “Hllw dctis.”

42 Te ruth Is Within

A st  cutis hi m imsy ds blckd f th bck thid  th m. Bhid thm ws th dm sstmt  ldds,  tbl sw, bxs, d m buckts  pit d plst. As w w but t stp it this  t xpl uth, Gli, L, d icti td th ccd.   vic, Gli tld us “m, d’tlki lik thisquit m!” Gstui t mti-lld th cutis, sh ctiud, “ vil is stst bck th.  spiits cm m h.” Du lt cmd  us tht mst  th “ctivity” i th m iits m bhid th cutis. H climd tht  m hd b ud hd i th  l c. lic uld it  suicid, but th m’s hds hd b tid bhid his bck. H wt  t tll us tht  wm hd jumpd ut  by widw, d th wm hd b pd i th lly utsid.  did t ttmpt t cm ths clims. icti wvd  MF mt bhid th cutis. A MF mt is  smll hdhld dvic, which dtcts uctutis i lctmtic y. Ghst huts qutly us ths, blivi tht hih MF dis idict th psc  spiits. t mittd  dmtic squl, sili th psc  st y. h th pulld ut h cm d pushd h m thuh th cuti t tk phts d scd th sultt pictus  d bs. Gli, i th mtim, ws bcmi pssivly m upst. h tld us tht sh culd l th tiv is  th u lux l. p qustii, hwv, sh culd t cliy wht this mt.  th hsts  dd  mmbs pst i th m?  y victims   ctivitis lki  vc? As sh bcm pssivly m distuht, Gli whispd, “ . . . just . . . d’t lik th   wht thy std ,” b cllpsi t th . F svl miuts Gli mumbld uitlliibly s icti tdd t h. “h is s ht!” xclimd icti. dd, Gli’s hd ws quit wm t th tuch. A sm st d  dik  wt, Gli st up. “ spiits  y w  h. vl ushd m t c,” sh sid.  iux  spiitul y hd vwhlmd Gli s i, “ hudd vics w spki t c.” Gli,L, icti cd hushd vics. t wuld m b impssibl us d t sty th iht bstism m  ptcti th spiits, thy dcidd. pii it cti, thy cully d itms i th m. Gli pulld th dps s clsly tth s pssibl. L pulld th st, pddd css with stits bhid th cutis. icti md th m d mvd sm  th Hllw dctis.

Te ruth Is Within 43

Gli vcm by spiits

Filly, Gli d L d u tll cdlhlds i  l cicl ud Du’s bdd bd. Gli tchd  itul d m h c d b  ptcti spll. h mumud sly t hsl s sh slwly cicld th cdlhlds, ccsilly isi th d bv h hd with bth hds.  itul wuld ct  “mic ptctiv cicl” withi th  cdd f by th cdls, icti tld us. piits i th m wuld b llwd t cmmuict with ths withi th cs  th cicl i s dsid, but th itul wuld su tht vil titis culd cus  hm. ith  l uish, Gli lit ch cdl, cmplti th itul. Fli spt by th itul, Gli ll bck up th bd d clsd h ys. F th xt cupl  hus, sh wuld itmitttly wk, mumbl, d ll bck it  smi-stup. L ws ccd tht sh miht hv b pssssd Butpciv. th th smi xhustd, Gli sufd  ill fcts by tht spiit. w culd F th xt svl hus w md th buildi.  ccsi w wuld bw  MF mt t sch  spiit y.  sht pictus m vius ls, lki  bs.  tk tus sitti i th hutd ths. Filly tii  th hut, w lld ut u slpi bs  th

44 Te ruth Is Within

Fi. 2.8. Do ghosts exist? (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1637)

 d lid dw t slp. Chistph d Cs slpt isid th “ptctiv cicl,” Jsph slpt utsid  it, fi his svics s th “ctl up,” but th iht pssd withut icidt.  wk i th ly mi d pckd up  u tu hm. tully, mily d ids wh kw  u dvtu wtd t kw wht hd hppd dui th iht.  imi u cuti  th iht’s vts difs substtilly m th psychics. F Gli, L, d icti, th vi ws   ctiul d dmtic vts. icti sw bs  vil y i h phtphs. Gli ws vwhlmd by dzs  hsts ushi h t c. y tlkd t hsts tht w stdi bhid us d cductd ituls t kp us s. Gli swd, spd, d cllpsd t th bhst  th pushy spiits.  w bl t spd th iht, i thi viw, ly thuh thi dict itvti t stv f vil cs. ly hl  Amics bliv i hsts (s . 2.8), d v w s schs  t tily dismissiv. But t th sm tim w  skpticl.  did t s  hst  tht vi.  w v pushd  pddd. u bthm w, thkully, uvtul. hd vics sw dkbks shdws itti but th m.  bsv tht ppd i u phtphs culd just hv sily b shs cti f  dust pticls.  spt th iht t th cf hus t s wht it ws lik t  i pml discvy. t u discvy ws t s dvtisd. u

Te ruth Is Within 45

vi ws t spt wtchi hsts, it ws spt wtchipeople who believe in ghosts. Gli, L, d icti dd  cvici but th lity  hsts wh thy spt th iht with us t Bi Cypss. vythi tht hppd t thm cmd wht thy ldy kw.

3  uth s ut  Paranormal Belies and Experiences

pl hv s st bjcts i th sky smily  s l s w hv hd cds.  ld stmt ppht zkil ptd th sihti   “whilwid m th th.” F bks d b sits clim tht Chistph Clumbus ptd  “liht limmi t  t distc” i his ship’s l tw dys b st ldi i th w ld.  th 1800s th itd tts xpicd  sh  sihtis  yi, ci-shpd bjcts smwht simil t diiibls, which smtims disd humlik pilts. Dui ld   sm Allid pilts ptd sihtis  smll disks  lbs  liht tht llwd thi pls, d which ultimtly d thm th ickm “ hts.” ht has changed quit  bit v tim is th itptti  such bjcts. zkil blivd his whilwid ws  si m Gd.  iships  th lt 1800s w widly ssumd t b th wk  “sct ivts.”  .. mility thuht th  hts w wps  th Jps  Gms. As tchly chs, s d u mystius il bjcts, lwys styi  stp hd  us. wdys F thusists ssum zkil’s xpic is vidc tht xttstils w visiti th i biblicl tims; th zkil’s itptti is ssumd t b th w .  widspd itptti  mystius bjcts i th sky s xttstil i ii is  tcd t th Ju 24, 1947, sihti by th Ald,  -quipmt slsm. A xpicd civili pilt, Ald ws yi his pivt m Chhlis t sch kim, h tk  bi dtu pl v Mut ii t shit, th wckwh   ctly cshd pl. Ald ws sttld by  biht sh whil mki  tu hih v th tw  Mil. H spttd i pculi c ppximtly  hudd mils wy, si t  bi tht wuld bi thm i t  his pl. At st Ald thuht th bjcts w 46

Te ruth Is Out Tere 47

Fi. 3.1. Do extraterrestrials exist?(Byl lii uvy, 2007,  = 1577)

jts util thy dw cls; h culd s wis but  tils.   th bjcts ws lmst csct-shpd, with  smll dm midwy btw th witips.  ths w t “lik  pi p,” with  ctiv suc. i m  iht ws “lik spd bts  uh wt.”  c wv ud th mutitps llwi Ald t clck thi spd t uhly 1,600 mils p hu, ly th tims st th cvtil ic  th 1940s. cuti th sihti t pts, Ald dscibd th bjcts’ iht s “lik sucs skippd v wt.”  th uy  ws cv tht llwd, wits b usi tms such s “yi disks”  “yi sucs” t dscib th bjcts, lthuh th xct pvc  th tm is ucl. Cl ws th w itptti  st yi bjcts. Ald’s pt, i tu, ws  itllitly ctlld bjcts clly byd th cpbilitis  th tim, s th pssibility tht such “yi sucs” w  xttstil ii bcm mly cmtd i ppul cultu.  lt ys, thbcm pd tm mystius bjcts  ssumd xttstil ii “F” — uidtid yi bjct. Cutly, m th  thid  Amics bliv tht xttstils pbbly xist, d th 12 pct  bslutly cti (s . 3.1).  cus, sm miht bliv tht li xists  th plts withut thiki tht ths li ms hv visitd th. As y stm 

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Fi. 3.2. Some UFOs are probably spaceships rom other worlds. (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1628)

stphysicist c ttst, th mi vst spcs ukw t hums thuhut th uivs. Accdily, w skd Amics m spciclly but th pssibility tht xttstils hv w u skis, d w ud tht but -uth  Amics (26%) thik tht sm Fs  “pbbly spcships m th wld” (s . 3.2). ly th thid (27%)  ucti but th mtt, susti thy  t lst p t th pssibility. F sm, th bli i xttstils xtds t u vy iis s  spcis, much t th dismy  mistm chlists. pts  th s-clld cit stuts thsis ctd tht lis ctd mkid  t lst ccltd hum dvlpmt vi th ti  wisdm d tchly. is id dts bck, i sm m  th, t t lst th lt itth-ctuy wks  th ussi mystic/thsphist Hl tv Blvtsky, but th wiss uth ich v Dik is spsibl  its mst iutil itti i bks such sChariots o the Gods In Search Ancient Godss Miracles o the Gods (1968), (1973), (1974), d my ths. His o bks bcm ppul tht Dik bcm  mi clbity. His this w th subjct  cutlss tlvisi dcumtis d th ispiti bhid his w wdish thm pk, Mysty k (ututly it ldd i 2006). Zchi itchi, wh ls blivs tht xttstils plyd  l i hum histy, Dik, d

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ths mshl  sstmt  chlicl vidc t suppt th thy  cit stuts. Fllws  th m c c div d julist Clud ilh bliv tht  c  lis, lhim, ctd hums i  tst tub d impltd thm th. stht ёlis, s llws ёl (k ilh)  kw, bliv thuhut humhisty th Clud lhim hv cmmuictd with thi xpimt subjcts (hums) thuh pphts, such s Buddh, Jsus, Muhmmd, d w ёl. Fudd i is i 1975, th ёlis, ccdi t th scilist us lm, d t Qubc vic, Cd, t vid pscuti  liius scts i Fc. is up is  study i ctsts. y t ly xtl pssiv vlus such s cil/thic tlc, sxul xpimtti, ppulti ctl, d vilc but  ls kw  thi ubidld ith i tchly d scic.  Dcmb 26, 2002, thy climd t hv cld  hum bby, Bby v. hps th mst cmm clim m cit stut thusists is tht impssiv ts  cit ii — th pymids  ypt, th sttus  st sld, th t tmpls  uth Amic — w simply byd th cpcity  thi sscitd scitis. Dik spcults ply but th builds  th t mumts  ypt: Hw  th did th Acit yptis build ths dics withut twtith-ctuy tchly? . . . [H]w w th sttus  Mm  bs tht wihd 600 ts tsptd,  th st blcks  th tc t Blbk, sm  which  v 60 t l d wih 2,000 ts? Ad w th sixty-u thusd dll qusti: h wdys c still ccpt th “sius” chlicl xplti tht ths st blcks w mvd up iclid pls usi wd lls? . . .  t  sws t qustis lik tht.  culd it b tu tht xttstil spc tvls hlpd with thi hihly dvlpd tchly?

Dik uss this hticl tchiqu thuhut his wk. H utlis th icdibl ft tht wuld hv b quid  cit ppls cstuct  pticul mumt, iss ccs but thisi bility ttd s, d lly spcults tht it ll wuld hv b much with hlp m th sts. ic th ti xcis is md i th m  qustis, it llws Dik t mk stishi lltis with th bt  distc; h is t mki usbl clims, simply ski sbl qustis.  cit stut littu lvs th d

50 Te ruth Is Out Tere

with th distict impssi tht cit ppls culd t ccmplish much  thi w.  bks  Dik d ths pvid  cmplt, lttiv di  th histicl cd d th mis  liius dcti, myth, d Gd us i lbt hddsss dpictd i cit twkld. bcm litl stuts i thi spc hlmts. cs t st, clstil bjcts  dlik us i hly txts  itptd s histicl ccuts  visittis by xttstils. Ldscp tus such s th dmittdly mystius zc Lis  u,  cllcti  lis scpd it th sil tht vl thmslvs t b mus psttis  bids, mkys, d th us wh viwd m  t hiht  qutly mtid by cit stut thists. Achlists dis s t whth th uvi tists mt this mzi chivmt i ldscp t t ucti s  iiti systm,  stmicl cld,  just myb, simply s t.  cit stut ppts th pups is bvius— th lis  uwys  cit spcc,  phps twk mt t b plsi t xttstils hvi hih bv th.  cus, such clims hv b th cus  its citicism, but thy hv mitid  thld i th pml subcultu. s ids  v ltivly pvlt m cll studts tki chly clsss. Futh cusi ppul udstdi  mkid’s histy is  psistt bli i cit, dvcd civiliztis such s Atltis, Lmui, d Mu. lt’s dilus pvid th st c t Atltis,  pwul ti tht suppsdly sk ud th wvs dui  tul disst. v sic, ths with  itst i Atltis hv ttd v whth lt’s c is mt s  pbl  hubis (v th mst pwul c ll t cs byd thi ctl),   cuti  histicl ct. tius Dlly tk up th cs i his 1882 wk Atlantis: Te Antediluvian World,i which h cully ud tht chlicl dt, lds, d histicl cds pit t  l Atltis. As th ld pssd thuh th hds  Hl . Blvtsky, Lwis pc, d Cyc, d ths, th tu  Atltis chd. ht lt dscibd s  scity dvcd  its tim ws tsmd ittxttstils. mzi civilizti  byd cut udstdi d with tis ts ptd dstucti by tul disst mphd it dth by tchlicl mlsc. hil w ct ssss th xtt t which Amics bliv i li itvti i ly histy spciclly, w d kw hw thy l but

Te ruth Is Out Tere 51

Fi. 3.3. Ancient, advanced civilizations, such as Atlantis, once existed. (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1633)

Atltis. ly hl (43%) xhibit bli i cit, dvcd civiliztis such s Atltis. Fully th 30%  udcidd but th mtt (s . 3.3).

Aren’t Tey Just Nuts? ll sm tht yu  witi  bk  such subjcts s Fs, cit stuts, stly, d th lik, d yu will slicit sm vy itsti,  clul mks. Cs ws tlli his mily dct but this bk pjct dui  uti mdicl ppitmt.  dct listd ptitly t th dscipti  its pups, d his st cti ws: “hy study ths ppl? A’t thy just uts?” uch  sps hs b supisily cmm. v thuh  l umb  ppl i th itd tts bliv i Fs d th pml phm, th ppul sttyp st idd. Butisistht thisths tu? wh ld cdc t such tpics  vy A bi pblm i swi such qustis hs b  lck  d imti  th blivs thmslvs. A umb  schs hv xpld th scil clts  th pml, but hv pducd icsistt dis, pticully with d t which scil cts mtt th

52 Te ruth Is Out Tere

mst i pdicti sm’s ppsity  th pml. F xmpl,  umb  schls hv ud tht ppl with hih ductis d yu ppl  m p t pt pml xpics. th studis il t d such ltiships. Dt pblms hv plyd  pimy lpml i pvti scil scitists m chi ditiv cclusis but blivs. My  th suvys tht hv skd Amics but thi pml blis d xpics  m th twty-v ys ld d ct ddss th ctmpy situti. th suvys hv b limitd t  pticul i  th cuty. tutly,  study  pml bli i  Fcisc ct tll us cclusivly wht Amics, i l, thik but such this.  pml is pbbly xpicd diftly i  Fcisc th it is dp i th ht  Albm. m studis hv b limitd t pticul typs  ppl. Much  th vilbl imti  pml blis hs b cllctd m cll studts, s tti th cptiv udics i clsss t ll ut suvys is quick d cst fctiv.  pblm with usi such “cvic smpls” is tht thy  ulikly t ct wht th v Amic thiks, d cll studts  not v Amics. t is wth xpli uth th chctistics  blivs i th pml. si u dm til smpl, with its dmphic, pml, liius, d listyl qustis, w t  ss  th v, l pml blivs i Amic.

On the Margins A ppl wh bliv i Fs d th spcts  th pml simply uts, s th dct implid? uh thy  m svd i thi tmily, sm iutil scil thists bliv this t b th cs  t ly pml blivs but  ths wh  ivlvd i cvtil lii s wll. l Mx md   th mst mus sttmts i this d. H sttd tht, i s my wds, th ich d pwul th blwld t tiswht thy utthm.  thisMx wldud by cvtil ms, d st up t d wd tht liius blis pm th vitl scil ucti  pvidi cmt t th lss pwul, d ths wh  cutly sufi. ithut th bli tht thy wuld b cmpstd  cut sufi with mict wds i th li, th wki clss wuld vlt d udmi

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th cpitlist systm. As such, h ud, bli i  us wld is mly  cpi mchism t dl with li  th mis  scity, th “sih  th ppssd ctu.”   simil vi, my thists wd i th dsi t xpic th suptul, whth i th t izd ms  lii vi thlvl pml, is simply  cti uctity. with hih  scil chivmt such s  d ducti,  hih-pyi, “spctbl” ccupti, d  stbl mily li  pt t l i ctl  thi livs.  dcisis thy hv md d th ctis thy hv tk hv pducd hihly vlud chivmts. As  sult thy hv t cdc i thi w bilitis t xt iuc v cicumstcs. s wh hv w scicmic sucs,  wh  milizd m scity,  m pt t l s i thy hv lst ctl v thi vy utu. y sm t b t th mcy  us scil cs th th i ctl  thm bcus thy  budd by hvy hdships. cil scitists cll th ss tht  ctls ’s w t internal locus o control (mstly bcus cdmics lv mki up w tms). m, th p, ths with lw lvls  ducti, d cil/thic miitis hv b ud t hv lss pcivd ctl v thi livs. Hums lly d t lik uctity d ty t duc it.  hums cllct imti d ttmpt t mk th bst dcisis but u utus m u w cut pspctiv.  ty t d wys t tk ctl  u livs. m lii schls bliv tht ths wh lck th bility t ch thi cicumstcs thmslvs my ultimtly sk divi ssistc i th tsk.  th wds, phps w sk th suptul’s hlp wh w ct hlp uslvs. Mx’s wk d th ccpt   lcus  ctl ld t  widspd bli m ly scilists tht ll ms  liius d pml blis d xpssis wuld b mst pvlt i th p d ppssd. Li, hwv, is ly s simpl s thists wuld lik it t b.   my ss why liius blis shuld ppl t bth ich d p, ths with t pw d ths withut it. lii’s pimy “pducts” pvid sws t th bi qustis i li (such s whth uli xistc hs s pups) usully f  ms by which t chiv  dth.  d this tht ct b buht with my  d with  hih scil sttus, s thy shuld hypthticlly b qully ttctiv t ich d p lik, th mistm d th milizd. dd, w d tht bth ich d p td t b liius i sm m i th itd tts. m ppl  vy ttctd

54 Te ruth Is Out Tere

t izd liius ctivitis d ttd svics t  tmpl, msqu,  th hus  wship ully. th ppl bliv vy stly i th pcpts   lii but ttd svics t  tmpl, msqu,  th hus  wship ly. till ths hv  tily psl  idisyctic liisity spiitulity tht is m cusd psl pys  th ctctswith th suptul.  sum, whtvis m th ttcti t lii is how dift scicmic ups mist thi liisity.  dditi t pmiss  tl slvti, liius ctis  my wds tht c b btid  th, such s ldship psitis d ccss t iutil cil d psl twks.  pwul (i.., ths m hih scicmic ups) td t mpliz ths mtil yt liius wds just s thy d i my th spcts  li.  th itd tts, liius ups  stictly vluty sscitis; th thy must dpd up th sucs, bth mty d hum,  thi mmbs. pl wh  pwul i th lcl cmmuity  likly t b th pwul mmbs withi cvtil liius ups s wll. dd, it is lly th m ut mmbs  scity, t th wki clss, wh ttd chuch with t qucy (s . 3.4).

Fi. 3.4. ct ttdi chuch t lst c  wk, by yly mily icm (Byl lii uvy 2007,  = 1525)

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Fi. 3.5. ct wh hv “civd  miculus, physicl hli,” by yly mily icm (Byl lii uvy 2007,  = 1511)

 wht ds this hv t d with pml blis, pctics, d xpics? Lik mst ppl, th scilly mil  ski liius wds, but thy  t pi th dict, cct wds m liius li usupd by th m pwul mmbs.  ilu t scu mpiicl wds my ld t disppitmt, liti, d stmt m cvtil scity. uch idividuls my jct th blis  th mistm withut ivi up  th dsi  sm st  ltiship with th suptul lm. is c ld t xpimtti with lttiv blis  xpics. m  bl t ulll thi dsis withi  Chisti mwk. y bcm m p t its d ucvtil liius xpics t typiclly sscitd with uppd middl-clss liius pctics, such s spki i tus  climi  miculus hli (s . 3.5). Accdily liius scts td t dw hvily m ths  lw scicmic sttus. s with with  wk cctilii t Chisti blis  wh hv w dischtd th dmit my xpimt with m stic blis such s psychic phm, stly,  Fs. Fidi  its  uiqu suptul xpic tht th upp clsss d t sh c b mpwi t scilly mil ppl. iqu blis  xpics c mk  eel uiqu, wthy, d vlubl.  th xtt

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tht such  bli is  izd ctivity, it c v c  cti scil sttus m llw sks.  sm css lttiv blis iv th milizd  ss  ctl v thi livs, which thy ct d lswh. All  this susts tht ups with lss pw, hwv dd, t  t with th pml. my wyxpimt t dtmi i thxtt is idd t pml bli m th milizd is t xmi ptts  bli by d d c. Dspit th 2008 lcti   Aic Amic psidt (d his htd cmptiti with Hily Clit  th Dmctic miti), whit mls td t hld th pw i th itd tts. Csid tht lthuh sidt bm is Aic Amic, th mis ly  blck st: Bck bm’s plcmt, ld Buis. Additilly, whit mls  m my th wm d ppl  cl. Ad th lss cili is wll kw (d ws cmmtd  by Clit dui h 2008 cmpi).  milizd ppl di twd milizd blis, shuld w th xpct wm t xpss m bli i such tpics th m, d whits t shw m itst th whits? ith spct t d, w d s st vidc tht mls xpss hih bli i th pml th d m (s . 3.6).  l, with

Fi. 3.6. Gd d bli i th pml (Byl lii uvy, 2005)

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Fi. 3.7. c d bli i th pml (Byl lii uvy, 2005)

th xcpti  bli i Fs (wh m shw m bli) d bli i cypt-msts (wh th difcs  sttisticlly isiict), wm  m likly t bliv i vy pml tpic.  sm css th difcs  ltivly smll.  is  3 pct  smll difc btw m d wm with ds t bli i Atltis d th cit, dvcd civiliztis, d th bli tht bjcts c b mvd with th mid l (tlkisis). F th blis th difcs  substtil. m  twic s likly s m t bliv i stly, tht ppl c cmmuict with th dd (mdiums), d tht t lst sm psychics c s th utu. ml blis  ls ltd t c (s . 3.7). H w cmp whit spdts, Aic Amic spdts, d ths  th (tiv Amics, Asis, d whit Hispics).  mst css cs hih ppti  whits bliv i ths tpics th d whits. M th hl  Aic Amics bliv i hsts, cmpd t ud -thid  whits.   ls substtil difcs btw Aic Amics d whits i lvls  bli i tlkisis d mdiums.   smll difcs btw whits d Aic

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Amics i bli i psychic pws d Fs, lthuh blcks  still m likely t bliv.   sm xcptis, hwv. hits   m  lss likly th Aic Amics t bliv i th xistc  cit, dvcd civiliztis such s Atltis.  is ls  miul whits d d whits blcks i thi bliibli stly, d th difc difc btw btw whits  lvls i cyptmsts dispps wh w csid th cts such s ducti, icm, d d. s dis  t uim, but th l td is  whits t shw lss bli i mst pml subjcts.  pml blivs   scity’s mis, w shuld ls xpct t s l ducti fcts: ths wh hv lss ducti td t hv lss succss i thly fis d my b psumd t sk cmt i th pml.  phps, ths with lss ducti ttmpt t xt ctl v thi livs vi th suptul. At lst ths  lss fsiv xpltis th th ppul umt tht ppl with lw lvls  ducti  simply m ullibl th ths. thlss, th is idd sm vidc tht ducti is sscitd with pml blis. Csid th ltiship btw schli d sm slctd pml blis (s . 3.8). H w s hw ili t cmplt hih schl impcts th liklihd tht  ps will bliv i pml tpics. s wh hv t cmpltd hih schl  ly twic s likly t bliv tht psychics, stls, tt ds, d th lik hv psychic pws. y  ls m th twic s likly t bliv tht stly hs mit. Bth  ths blis  ltd t si th utu d tyi t l but th tu d dicti  ’s li.  it ds sm tht th pml my ccsilly sv th ucti  bii “pw” t th pwlss,  ivi ppl  th mis  wy t xt ctl. Cuiusly, ths with th lwst lvls  ducti shw t bli i hsts, but   m likly th y ls t bliv tht mdiums c cmmuict with th dd. Hwv, th th ths spcic tpics w d  ltiship btw hvi  lw lvl  ducti d blivi i th pml. s withut diplms t blis Atltis,  t m likly t s Fs idtht sky,vitt d d t shw idistict ppsity twd bli i msts, mdiums,  tlkisis. Amd with this imti w c pvid  plimiy sw t u dct’s qusti. pl wh bliv i th pmlare dift i sm wys.  c pdict sm’s lvl  bli i th pml

Te ruth Is Out Tere 59

Fi. 3.8. Dppi ut  hih schl d th icsd dds  pml blis (Byl lii uvy, 2005) Note: csd dds  dtmid usi  listic ssi tht ctls  , mitl sttus, icm, c, i  th cuty, d, liius tditi, chuch ttdc, d biblicl litlism.  ppdix  dtils.

i w kw cti this but thm. Gups with lss scitl pw, such s mls d Aic Amics,  idd m pml i itti. pl with lw lvls  ducti  m likly t xpss bli i some pml tpics. t t chctiz th pml s simply th pvic  th uductd d lss pwul wuld b pmtu d ui.  must ciz tht th  my pml blis tht  t ltd t ducti.  cus, it is  thi t b p t th pssibility tht Fs xist th t know dpdi tht thy xist bcus yu hv sb  (i d yu quit  lucky  ulucky  th sci)  v bd. hps ths  th tuly milizd— ppl s distcd m scity tht thy liv withi th lms  th st d ul. A dtu it th subcultu  F bductis llws us t csid this pssibility.  ls csid  lttiv hypthsis — myb bli

60 Te ruth Is Out Tere

i Fs, Bit, d th pml tpics c b th luxuy  th wlthy d wll ductd, s ppsd t th cy  th ppssd.

Te Paranormal Experience: Alien Abductions in the United States  ptmb 19, 1961, Btty Hill,  w Hmpshi scil wk, d h husbd, By,  pstl wk, w divi hm m  vcti i Cd wh thy spttd  “whit st” i th sky. At st th Hills id th bjct, util thy bcm cvicd it ws tili thi c. A “chs” sud dui which thy bcm xtmly ihtd. At  pit By pulld t th sid  th d t z t th bjct thuh biculs.  bjct tiltd dwwd i sps d b  dsct. By pickd s  w  widws cm it cus, bhid which std us i shiy blck uims d mtchi cps. Fi th ctus w i t cptu him, By jumpd bck it th cupl’s c t scp. Ad th . . .  cupl ws suddly cls t hm, with  mmy  hw thy t th. uzzld thy wily cmpltd thi juy.  xt dy Btty clld s Ai Fc Bs i tsmuth, w Hmpshi, t pt th cut. bl t t th icidt d plud with ihtms, Btty bcm scitd with Fs. h chckd ut bks m th liby d ctctd Dld yh,  wll-kw F ivstit d uth. Ath F ivstit, lt bb, itviwd th cupl, wh w usttd by mtd mmis  bi bd th witssd suc.  cstucti thi tiyi vi with still th ivstits, th Hills lizd tht th usul u-hu div m Cd t w Hmpshi hd tk thm sv hus. h hd thy b dui this “missi tim?”  cupl blivd th ws m but thi xpic t b ucvd. y tid t d th xct sit  thi cut, but this did t hlp spu mmis. Mwhil Btty ctiud t dm but bis with st cs pmi mdicl xpimts up h. By Dcmb cupl hdtht ctctd Bst psychitist Bjmi im.1963  th Hills hpd hypticthssi miht hlp thm t cv  m cmplt ccut  thi F cut, d im ws xpicd with th tchiqu.  skpticl thpist d t hlp th Hills, thuh h blivd thi stsss hd  m thly th xttstil xplti. Fm Juy t Ju 1964 th Hills

Te ruth Is Out Tere 61

hd ccsil mtis with im, dui which h hyptizd   bth. A tstic tl md m ths sssis, suppsdly lli i th blks  thi mmis. t sms tht th bjct tht tild th cupl svl ys pvius hd ldd st ctus th th md d sctd th  dzdthi Hillsc. itvl thi c. By dscibd dd ctus i  hypsis sssi with im. At st h likd thm t  “dhdd ishm” d th  “Gm zi” b ultimtly sttli up  dscipti m mili t md-dy F thusists: [y] hd th dd-shpd hds, with  l cium, dimiishi i siz s it t twds th chi. Ad th ys ctiud ud t th sids  th hd, s it ppd tht thy culd s svl ds byd th ltl xtt  u visi. . . .  txtu  th ski . . . ws yish, lmst mtllic lki . . .  did’t tic y hi . . . [d] th just smd t b tw slits tht pstd stils. 

 bis subjctd th cupl t  sis  mdicl xmitis. y plcd By   tbl tht ws t sht  his bdy d pkd d pddd him with  sstmt  tls. y xpssd t cuisity but his ls tth d pulld thm ut, bwildd s t why Btty’s tth culd t ls b mvd. Btty dud ski scpis, il clippis,  “pcy tst” i which  l dl ws istd it h bdm, d sm typ  ull-bdy sc with  st dvic. Dui h xmiti, Btty cvsd with  li wh ppd t b th ld  th cw. h sh skd wh h ws m, th ld pducd  “st mp” tht Btty lt dw m mmy. vtully th ctus sctd th Hills m th ship, dui which tim  umt bk ut btw th ld d cw mmbs.  ld hd iv Btty  bk ull  st symbls tht sh pld t us s p  th cut. th cw mmbs ptstd. t ly did thy t wt Btty t hv physicl vidc  th cut, thy did t wt th cupl t mmb th vts t ll.  ld ltd, tk th smhw th cupl’s mmis  ththt cut. bk, Duid thi sssis“sd” with im th cupl ws dmt thi mmis hd b “immditly wipd ut  thy l th [F]” d tht hypsis hd t ctd thi mmis, butrecovered thm. Jh G. Full’s cuti  th Hill tl, Te Interrupted Journey: wo Lost Hours “Aboard a Flying Saucer,” bcm  bst-sll i 1966. t

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ws silizd i Look,  ppul mzi  th tim d ws th subjct   1975 tlvisi mvi sti Jms l Js s By d stll ss s Btty. tutly, By jyd littl  th sultt m; h did   cbl hmh i 1969. Btty,  th th hd, bcm  clbity i F th subjct  qut itviws d dcumtis util hcicls dth d i 2004.  publicti  th Hill sty ubly ctd th w phm  F bductis. Althuh bducti tivs hv vlvd v tim, thy sh cti cmm tus.  bducti is usully t th hds  dimiutiv, y-skid bis with l blck ys d vsizd ciums, simil t ths i th Hill sty.  ubiquitus is this littl ctu i md ccuts tht it hs b ickmd th “Gy” i th F subcultu. lik th li ctct tls (chp. 4), bducti ccuts w lly csidd uplst d cssul. Abducts  viw thmslvs s victims, t th chs msss  xttstils, d pt vius ms  mtl  physicl bus  th pt  th lis, whth it b cd mdicl xmitis  v p d impti. Mst bducts ls pt  pid  “missi tim” tht hids th dtils  thi cut. Mmis sd by th lis must b clld i sm wy, lly thuh hyptic ssi s pid by Bjmi im d th Hills. uhut th 1970s d it th 1980s, dzs  bks ppd cuti F bducti xpics with ths ky lmts.

Budd Hopkins and the Abductees  th 1980s th F bducti subcultu blssmd. p util this tim th ks  bducts w ltivly smll. s w ppl wh ptd thi tls  bcm mi clbitis lik th Hills. F xmpl, vis lt,  Aiz l wh climd t hv b zppd d kidppd by  li c, ly t b tud with limitd mmy dys lt, ws th subjct  bks, tblid pts, d ultimtly,  in the Sky. mvi clld Fire But smthi hppd whi th cut  bducts dmticlly icsd.  w  l cd with  w clbitis but  mss  ymus victims. kptics d blivs dis  wht hppd. u blivs thik tht ppl hv lly cizd  pviusly hidd pblm; w  lly aware  li bducti  ii it  ys, simil t pblms lik child d spusl

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bus. kptics bliv tht bductis  simply  w pic  mi tht spd cultully with th bt  mss mdi d tblid ttti. htv th pspctiv, it is cl tht  w k tist md Budd Hpkis is lly spsibl  th F bducti mvmt. B i 1931, Hpkis  i ducti bli Cllstms i hi b mvi t wcivd k City 1953. Histitst i Fs m  Auust 1964 sihti   l bjct h culd t idtiy i th skis bv Cp Cd. H b t d bks but Fs d llwd th Hill cs with much itst. By th mid-1970s, Hpkis ws  ctiv F ivstit, cusi up ths css tht ivlvd lmts  “missi tim.”  ucv wht h thuht miht b hidd mmis  bductis, Hpkis b t hyptiz pttil bducts, smtims by himsl d smtims with th hlp  mtl hlth pssils.  st bk ltd t his ivstitis, Missing ime ppd i 1981. A ky vlti ctid i Hpkis’s bk is tht it is t cssy t hv  F sihti t clim  pttil bducti. cll tht Btty d By Hill climd t hv mmis ll l  si  st bjct i th sky tili thi c d th wtchi tht bjct spd wy. y simply lld th ps i btw.   Hpkis’s st css cvicd him tht  ps culd hv b bductd by lis withut hvi any pi suspicis. t sms tht  yu m psudymd “tv ilbu” imd Hpkis tht h ws dthly id   sttch  d btw his hm d th hm  his ilid. Hpkis thuht this “ lmst idiculusly imsy ptxt  ti it th cstly d tim-csumi pcss  hyptic ssi,” but ultimtly ltd.  1978, th thpist Gid Fkli hyptizd ilbu, wh cutd  by-th mili tiv. hil  ut t his ilid’s hus   vi,  st c hd pulld ilbu’s c t th sid  th d. Bis cd him bd  hvi c, subjctd th tid m t physicl xmitis, d th lsd him — mmy sd but with  ti, subcscius  itct. Amd with ths dis, Hpkis mbcd th id tht th wld miht b lld with bducts wh hv  mmis  y thipic bus lit  b usiss xity but  plc   sv tim  tht culd ccutd. s lis miht, just miht, b vidc  hidd mmis  li bducti dy t bil t th suc with pp thpy.  scd ky bsvti i Missing ime ccs th ptd xpics  “iii Ht.” h udwt hypsis with Hpkis

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d pducd mmis  cuti y lis s  child i th 1950s. But i  lt sssi, sh cvd  mmy   dift bducti xpic tht ccud dui  mily picic ys lt.  Hpkis th tw distict mmis sustd tht xttstils hd b tcki Ht thuhut huhd- li s pt ti   i xpimt sm kid. is ws  vitully t th tim, s th ly bducts (such s th Hills d vis lt) w ssumd t b just ulucky. lt hd b t th w plc t th w tim wh th lis ppd. m ls culd sily hv  i his std. Ht’s xpic pstd  tily dift sci. uly it ws t chc l tht ld this il t hv b bductd (t lst) twic?  lis must b up t smthi m ius. Ht ws smhw spcil t th lis. ti tht Ht hd ptd sufi m  bldy s  lis istd  pb it h stil (l with th simil css m his ls), Hpkis ccludd tht th mjity  bducts shw vidc  hvi multipl bducti xpics i bck t childhd. Alis  usi  “implt”  tcki dvic, usully istd thuh  stil, t kp tck  ths subjcts v tim. Clly th “xttstils d smthi m hums — pssibly  cti kid  tic stuctu,” Hpkis ccludd. By his scd bk i 1987, Intruders, Hpkis hd dvlpd  cmplt csmly, dwi up uth vltis m his clits t utli  li bdi xpimt t ct hl-hum/hl-li bis:  wt t dscib th l ptt  ths ccuts. A idividul, ml  ml, is st bductd s  child, t  tim pssibly s ly s th thid y. Dui tht xpic  smll icisi is md i th child’s bdy, pptly  smpl-tki pupss, d th th child is iv sm kid  physicl xmiti.  will  llw  sis  ctcts  bductis xtdd thuh th ys  pubty.  sm css spm smpls will b tk m yu mls . . . d v smpls tk m yu mls. . . .  th css i which ticil ismiti is ttmptd, th wm tus pptly -bductd tw th mths  pcy, d th is mvd m th utus.  

Hpkis’s this chd th tu  th bducti phm d pd th d  F-ltd suppt ups t m — th st  which mt i his w k ptmt. Bks such sTe Alien

Te ruth Is Out Tere 65

Abduction Survival Guide, Healing Shattered Reality,d Abductions: Stop Tem, Heal Tem, Now!hlp bducts udstd thi xpics whil iztis such s Hpkis’s w tud Fudti, th m  xtdiy xpic sch (), d th ttil Ct

 dvlpmt  thpists. suppt ups css th Abducti cuty dsch dstd pttilth bducts t lcl Hpkis tus pmitly i hitly tib’s cllcti  his li bducti pisds m his vcti hm i upstt w k.  tib’s bk, Communion: A rue Story,h dtils th vts  ctb 4, 1985, d Dcmb 26, 1985. t ws Budd Hpkis wh cud tib t mt with D. Dld li  th w k sychitic stitut.  Mch 1986, D. li b  sis  hyptic ssi thpis thuh which tib clld vivid dtils  ths vts.  bk ws publishd i 1987 d quickly s t th tp  th New York imes bst-sll list; it styd  th list i hdbck diti   wks.  1989  mvi with th sm titl, sti Chistph lk s tib, ws lsd by w Li Cim.  bk hs hd  mj impct  th F bducti mvmt. hil tib hs his sh  citics d dbuks,svl thms m this bk cu i th 2009 ivsl tudis ls, Te Fourth Kind, icludi th ul stti, hypsis, lss  tim, xtm lihts, d th cpy ppc   b wl t th bducti vus. By 1992 itst i F bductis ws s hih tht  tuly stishi vt tk plc:  ddully sius cc  th subjct hld t M. A discussi  F bductis s mss dlusi wuld t hv b supisi i such  uust cdmic stti, but tht M hstd dzs  tlks  subjcts i m th spcic pcdus ptd by bducts c bd li spcc t spculti but th bilicl chctistics  li/hum hybids ws mzi.

Alien Lie Support Ail Bilshk ws ih dp slp th pss st  htc wh h husbd wk. icupl ws  thi wy tld, , pssi thuh  xps  wht lds. h ws shckd t d tht, s  sh culd s, th ld ws “cmpssd i  billit  liht btw klly d chtus . . . vythi, mysl d my husbd icludd, ws .”  tid cupl culd v d th

66 Te ruth Is Out Tere

ii  th its liht tht lly dd wh thy udd  bd i th d, but it v chd Ail’s li. h dvud bks, mzis, d vids, lki  sws t h w xpic, d sh bcm scitd with ths  ths. h ws ultimtly dw t th tls  ppl hd b ctctd with bductd by listum d d thy lckd thwh cssy suppt t dl th sultt d idicul. Dtmid t hlp, Ail udd th F Ctct Ct ttil i 1981. h publicizd th w up thuh dvtismts d by lvi bchus t w A is. ts missi:  FCC (F Ctct Ct ttil) ws sttd with th pups  hlpi ppl t xmi thi biz xpics s  sult  bi bductd by st bis d bi tk bd wht w kw  s yi discs, cmmly clld Fs. A thi th imti, which hs cm m ll pts  th lb, pici tth pts  th puzzl, th sius ivstiti b.  immdit ttti d cc, this izti hs cusd  th humids m u uivs.  hv b wtchd d mitd sic , phps bi pmmd  thi us i  utu tkv. My bducts pt tht thy hv hd smthi istd it thi stils, impltd it th bi t th bs  thi hds! 

Althuh it is w duct, th izti spd quickly dui its hydy.  st FCC ct pd i Fdl y, shit,  bdm cmmuity  ttl, d quickly xpdd t sixty-v lit cts ud th itd tts d it Cd. s cts w lly utmus, hldi mtis wh d wh thy wtd, but Ail hd bcm  ctid hyptist i d t hlp th mmbs cv bducti mmis, d sh cud lits t pvid th sm svic.  FCC v pducd its w mzi   tim, th Missing Link, which ctid tips  hw t cduct bducti thpy d psl bducti ccuts, s wll s ws d ucmts. Chistph bsvd th mthly th ys, Fdl y FCC   itmittt bsis v thmtis cus   svl hpi t i isiht it th livs  ppl wh clim dmtic pml xpics, d th up ciusly llwd sm with  climd F cuts t bsv. Mtis llwd  stdd mt. y pd with  vviw  ct ws, citd by Ail, m th F

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cmmuity. ticipts wuld th discuss whtv F sty  sihti hd cptud thi itst,  llwd by  ust spk:  uth   F bk   sl-pclimd chl  lis.   cti ss, ll  this ws stup  th mi vt— th shi  bducti tls. ctivitis thcuts did dw,tht Ail wuldm sk ths pst tc shth y wly clld md thpy sssis sh hd cductd. Ay mmb wh lt tht sh hd xpicd “missi tim” culd ctct Ail  hlp clli dtils  pssibl bducti vts. m  th mmis shd t th mthly mtis w, idd, vy sh, hvi b cvd i hypsis sssis with Ail m dys  hus b.  his bks, Budd Hpkis ppulizd th ti tht th bducti lis , i t vil d slsh t lst idift t hum sufi. H hs xpssd ut t th “physicl p  th bducts by  up  lis pptly itstd . . . i plishi thi w ili tic stck.” Hpkis’s cllu Dvid M. Jcbs,  mpl ivsity histy pss d dict  th ttil Ct  Abducti sch, ls ss F bducti s ki t p  mlstti:  mtt hw thy hdl th xpic, ll bducts hv  thi i cmm: y  victims. Just s suly s wm wh  pd  victims  sxul bus  sldis c b victims  st-umtic tss Disd, bducts  victims.

Dspit this tdcy twd th tiv m sm  th F subcultu’s ldi us, th schs u tht such  pssimistic viw  “bducti” xpics is bsd  , pi, d misudstdi. t is pssibl tht th lis hv u bst itsts t ht d tht th xpics ly seem tiyi bcus w d t udstd thi ull pups. sitiv bducti schs such s ichd Byl u tht “[] mst  us, th s wh hv ctctd us hv bcm itsti cquitcs d, i sm css, ids. A tti v u iitil iht d upst, w hv cm t sh  dp spct thm.” w, As ththy ks  bducts lss tiv spi  thi  xpics dvlpd  wwith tm, “xpics,” t dscib thmslvs, dvid  th tiv b ttchd t “bduct.”  psl stis  FCC mmbs ditly did t t it tidy cticl bxs. Dui th sm Dcmb 1996 mti, 

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mmb clld  hwi ccut  bducti d humiliti mdicl xpimts t th hds  lis, whil th tld   idly ivitti t bd  spcc   tu  th uivs. “Cly” v tld   F bducti i  pvius li. H hs hzy mmis wki s  pilt th 1930s. Dui  uti iht h xpicdi tubls, diwhil ssssi his situti, sucshpd bjct mvd it psiti i th sky lsid him.  shck  witssi th c d th svl “smll, y-skid ctus” tht ppd t its widws cusd Cly t ls cctti d csh t th ud. uddly, h ud himsl viwi th wck  his pl m bv, th mystius suc hvi bv him.  ship smhw pulld his “spiit” bd, w wy, d dckd with  “mus mthship.” c bd th ship Cly ticd tht h hd  w bdy. His ski hd bcm xtmly whit, d h ws wi  silv jumpsuit. w smll “Gys” itducd him t th cw, which tud humlik lis wh w wki i cct with th Gys.  bis ld Cly it  smll m, std him i  cli, d shwd him  mvi  his just-dd li. y th ushd him it th smll suc, w pst th m t  blu- plt, d buht him t  m lld with lss cs. A li hlpd him it   th cs, d h immditly pssd ut. His xt mmy is s  it, sitti i  cib lki up t  hppy Gy li ti  th cili.  lis hlpd Cly t ict i his cut m, h blivs. t is w icumbt up Cly t discv th “hih pups” bhid ths xttstil mipultis. As th d  th dy’s FCC mti d, th cvsti btw Ail d th mmbs tud t scs. Ali xpimtti  hums, it smd, culd lv scs  ’s bdy.  psc  such sci withut  xplti ws  si   hidd li cut. Ail skd i  hd y scs  my hds. iti t  l, idlik sc  my iht piki ,  dmittd tht  did t kw hw it ccud. Ail chuckld t hsl d wikd t th ths. “D’t wy,” sh sid, “yu’ll d ut.”

Province o the Elites?  spdi tim with ppl wh clim t hv xpicd th pml, w hv b ctiully stuck by hw ply thy sm t t

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 mil ps mdl. F istc, whil schi  Bit with mmbs  th xs Bit sch Csvcy (s chp. 5), w ud uslvs shi th wds with th m wh w itllit d cpbl, th th milizd d dischisd. w  th th t hv hd visul bli cuts with th ctu. t llclim spcts  pml d xpic t mst Clly ppl’sth pccivd tis.  d ut wht F bducts  lik Chis skd th FCC  pmissi t cduct  til suvy  th izti.  F subcultu is vy cspitil i tu, s t st sm mmbs w ccd tht  miht b  vmt t wh wuld pss thi psl imti  t itllic cis. But  spdi tim with th up d ssui thm tht suvy imti wuld b kpt ymus, thy lly v pmissi t submit suvys t FCC lits ud th cuty i 1989. ltimtly  ws bl t th dtild dmphic imti  y-v ppl wh clim t hv b bductd  ctctd by xttstils, th mst xtsiv suvy  its kid. Ad th dis w quit itsti. ly ll  u F bducts (89%) ptd thi c s whit, with th mii spdts dscibi thmslvs s tiv Amic. Dspit th ct tht   th st bducts, By Hill, ws  Aic Amic, li bductis pp t b th pvic  whits. M stiki w th dis  icm d ducti.  1990 w th hl  Amics suvyd (46%) hd ttdd cll, cmpd t th mjity  F bducts (68%).  th th d  th ducti spctum, ly but 12 pct  F bducts did t hv  hih schl diplm, cmpd t lmst  uth  Amics (22%). M th hl  th bducts hld wll-pyi, whit-cll jbs; thy w lctics tchicis, psss, thpists, d mkti psttivs. lss w chs t d sm s  i mmb  scity simply bcus thy clim t hv b bductd by lis   chsi Bit (which miht b  sbl diti t sm), bducts  not mil ppl. My  th ppl w hv mt wuld b  bttwy dscibd s lits. why lits miht b ttctd t th pt udstd ml is t thik  pml blis d xpics s smthi tht is “cutti d.” hv  w tchly ts th mkt th  ppl wh immditly mbc it, ppl wh  xcitd by w this d dy t tk isks. Mkts cll such ppl “ly dpts.” 

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th  th st  us, wh wt t wit util  w id  tchly is ully pv b w jump bd. ly dpts td t b ths tht hv m ducti, m icm, d xpsiv scil twks. y  ppl wh hv b ctiully xpsd t w ids thuhut thi livsls vi hv hih ctcts with t th ductd ppl. y thducti sucs d t ty w this. is hd t imi ppl dubti th styi pw  th tlvisi, but wh  st bcm vilbl it ws th m-ductd, hih-icm ppl wh puchsd th st sts.  cus, ppl with hih lvls  icm culd bth fd th w sts (w tchlis  lwys m xpsiv wh thy st pp) d culd i th isk i  did t tk f. A $200 ih is  lss isky puchs  sm mki $100,000  y th  sm scpi by  $10,000.  w cciv  th ttlity  lii i Amic s  mktplc  suptul ids, th th pml psts i d  ltivly w “pducts.” A umb  lii schls hv sustd tht  simil ul pplis s t th csumpti  th w pducts; ly dpts  w liius ids wuld b lits. s with hih ductis will hv b xpsd t  wid vity  w ids d v  vity  liis thy my t hv xpicd thwis.  dditi, pid scil d tchlicl ch c ct xisttil ciss,  dp qustii  bsic blis but th mi d pups  li. u d btt ductd idividuls  m likly t b cutly w  pid ch, m likly t suf such ciss, d m p t w xpltis. lits  ivts, sks, d dpts. us w miht xpct lits t b m likly t ct w suptul pducts d m likly t dpt ths pducts c thy pp.  ct, th histis  my liius mvmts hv shw xctly this. F xmpl, th ly Mms dw thi st mmbs m th m pspus, ductd s  w k tt.  th ws th w uht mvmt, which billd itsl s  bi  uivsl bthhd, dcid cism d sxism, d suht st liks btw scic d lii. t ws utud by th hihly ductd ub lit cultu  Bst dd Hvd ivsity dui th scd hl  th itth ctuy, cutd m its pctitis d suppts lph ld ms d th ivt his Quimby.  Hum ttil Mvmt  th 1960s dvlpd  bhmi vill (sl stitut)  ths wh w ski t ucv th li c  th uivs d us its pw t tsm mkid. t ws c-udd

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by td duts ichd ic d Michl Muphy, d th td schl Aldus Huxly ws  ly dvis. citly hs bcm td  its bility t ttct wlthy d pwul mmbs such s m Cuis d Jh vlt. v mmbs  witch cvs td t b i pssil whit-cll ccuptis. But lst wd thik tht th pml is  s plyud  th ctiv lit, w must ls csid its iht isks.  dlv it ucvtil blis d pctics is t u th isk  bi lbld st  dvit. F ppl wh  ldy scilly mil, bi lbld  dvit is  lss imptc. s with  lt  sucs  smwht ptctd m th csqucs  isky bhvis, but t th sm tim thy hv m t ls. i i dvit bhvi c hv  dtimtl fct  ’s scil stdi  mmbs  hih scicmic clsss. Just s it is imptt t bl t th iht clubs, div th iht cs, liv i th iht ihbhd, d mk th iht ids t miti ’s scil stdi, it is ls imptt t miti th “iht” liius pctics. h it ws vld tht m Fist Ldy cy  ws csulti  stl but hit Hus busiss, sh bcm th bjct  sc d idicul — it ws t th typ  thi tht sm  h stdi shuld b di.  ct,  vmb 7, 2008, sidt-lct Bck bm md  f-hdd mk i  ws cc but ’s pml pctics,  which h lt plizd. tstily, t much hs b md  G . Bush’s psistt pctic  pi cbit mtis with py.  is  cvtil pctic, th th is t. A m vic-my  hix, Aiz, by th m  Fcs mm Bwd, ld  simil lss but th ds  mbci th pml.  Mch 13, 1997, hudds  pss ptd lihts i  yi V-shpd mti bv th city  hix,  icidt kw s “th hix Lihts.” s wh witssd th lihts w t plsd with th vmt’s cil xplti  s st f by th Myld Ai til Gud  spcil muvs v th Aiz dst. At  hix Cucil mti, Bwd skd h cllus t hlp h ivstit City th liht sihtis, ski  m cvici xplti. ws mt with bth silc d idicul. H situti ws t impvd by  sp pss cc clld by th v Fy ymit, tui his chi  stf wi  Gy li cstum. Ms. Bwd lt dscibd th humiliti:

72 Te ruth Is Out Tere

 mmb My imsz hdi ut busiss cds with my m  it, syi, Fcs mm Bwd m th plt X. lk it th lumium il d sh’ll h yu.  smthi lik tht. Ad h ws hdi thm ut t ppl lik tht.  wd why thy w s itt up m, th th t justGud shut m up. d H ws v  m tlvisi,idiculi di  spch b til pilts, h idiculd but tyi t d ut but this yi v hix.

Bwd’s c sufd. h tid t u  scty  stt, but h ppt d 76 pct  th vt. iclly, t ys  th vt, th sm m v ymit dmittd t hvi s th hix lihts himsl. H hd usd t ckwld this i 1997, kwi wht it wuld m  his c.

Paranormal Experiences in the United States D th wlthy ck t th pml s  ctiv utlt  vid Fs d th pml    mbssmt d lst cuty club mmbships? ml xpics , i ct, supisily cmm

Fi. 3.9. ml xpics i th itd tts (Byl lii uvy, 2005)

Te ruth Is Out Tere 73 Csultd hscp

Csultd psychic

Hutd hus







“th” cs






t mid



Lw, lwmiddl

Lss th hih schl, cll d

Cll d

m cll


Marital status Income


a b

ut--bdy sd uij xpic bd

itssd F

— =  sttisticlly siict fct Lw icm = < $10,000 p y. Lw-middl icm = $10,000– $35,000 p y

Fi. 3.10. ls i th pml (Byl lii uvy, 2005) Note: is tbl is bsd   sis  listic ssi lyss i which w pdict th liklihd  climi ch xpic usi  mdl tht icluds d, c, , mitl sttus, icm, ducti, i  th cuty, liius tditi, qucy  chuch ttdc, d biblicl litlism. F m dtils, s ull mdls i th ppdix.

i th itd tts (s . 3.9). ly  thid  Amics hv csultd thi hscp. Giv tht csulti  hscp is s sy s pi th pp  lki  h, this miht b xpctd. Hwv, m th 12 pct  Amics hv tk th tubl t pslly csult  psychic, mdium,  tu-tll  imti but thi utu  t udstd cut cicumstcs. -h hv visitd  livd i  hm thy bliv t b hutd by spiits, d  smll umb (but 8%) hv ttmptd t ctct th spiit wld with  uij bd. As w ud li, ly -uth  Amics bliv tht sm Fs  xttstil c — d ly -h bliv thy hv ctully s . Acdmics lv t b bl t tll  cl, stihtwd sty with thi dt.dw tutly, pml uss t bhv. h w bk pmlthxpics bysimply ky dmphic chctistics, such s d, , c, mitl sttus, icm, d ducti w d  cmplictd tl (s . 3.10). By ui  sis  lyss w c dtmi which cts pdict th liklihd  climi  sis  pml xpics. F xmpl,  is tivly sscitd with

74 Te ruth Is Out Tere

csulti  hscp, mi tht ld ppl  lss likly t d s.  liklihd  usi  hscp, likwis, dcss with icm. mid mls d mls ls shw  icsd liklihd  csulti hscps s d mls i l. us, th sil mst likly ps csult thi hscp is  yu, umid ml t t thully lw lvls  icm. Gd is, i ct, ltd t svl pml xpics.  dditi t thi us  hscps, wm  ls siictly m likly th m t csult  psychic t l but th utu, t bliv tht thy hv livd i  visitd  hutd hus, d t hv usd  uij bd t lst c. m  t m likly th m t clim  F sihti  t bliv thy hv hd  ut--bdy xpic, but w c sy tht, i l, wm  m pmlly itd th m. Fm h th sty ts m cmplictd, s simplistic tis  wh hs spcic pml xpics  icct.  pml xpics  th pvic  th milizd, w shuld d  pwul ltiship with ducti, icm, d c. cm is ltd t th  th six xpics. pl with lw lvls  icm  m likly t bliv thy hv livd i  visitd  hutd hus, t csult thi hscps, d t hv s  F. imilly, ppl withut hih schl diplms  m likly t csult psychics. hps  ths ppl  pml xpic is but ctl. i psychics t l but ’s t  hpi th sts will vl thi scts is  wy  ttmpti t xt ctl v  ukid wld. Hvi  pml bli  xpic is  viw it th lity,  lity dift m th  i which th ps is milizd d lcks ctl.  this ss, hvi  pml xpic c b  si  hp. Ad yt, ths mki v $100,000  y  ls ttctd t hutd huss d F sihtis, s such this  t mly th pit  th msss. pl wh ji d m w liius mvmts td t b m th upp clsss, but w d t d cclusiv vidc tht pml xpics  pimily  ctiv utlt  th pivild w. s t th hihst lvls  icm ducti t sm pml xpics, but t d ths. pl  whm hvp  cll d  m likly t csult psychics, d hv ut--bdy xpics th ths t mid-lvls  ducti. s wh ttdd cll but did t ish  th mst likly t clim F sihtis. But ducti ds t

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impct th us  hscps, livi i  hutd hus,  th us  uij bds. hps u mst imptt di is tht w c t us simplistic, bd-bushd xpltis t udstd th pml. vthlss, wxpic c swthu mily dct cclusivly: ppl i d pml  t simply “uts.” wh dbliv  vidc tht pml blis  xpics  th xclusiv lm  hypmilizd ppl, s w shuld xpct i thy hv mtl pblms. M th tw-thids (69%)  Amics bliv i th lity  t lst   th tpics w discuss i this bk (psychic pws, tutlli, stly, tlki t th dd, hutd huss, hsts, Fs, d msts). M th hl  Amics (51%) clim t lst   th pml xpics listd bv (csulti  hscp  psychic, visiti  livi i  hutd hus,  ut  bdy xpic, usi  uij bd,  witssi  F).  ttibut ths blis d xpics t bi “czy,” w wuld hv t bliv tht m th hl  th dult ppulti  th itd tts is “czy,”  ihti pspct t b su. tims w sch  simpl sws t phm w d t udstd. F xmpl, “biwshi” is qutly tttd ut t xpli why ppl ji st liius ups v thuh scilists hv b utlii th cmplictd ss ppl d s  ys.   simil vi, it is much si t ipptly lbl sm s uts i thy hv s  F th it is t dlv it th cmplx scilicl, psychlicl, d idisyctic ss why sm miht itpt  liht i th sky s xttstil i ii.  mdi lis  such dmizti d simplicity  t . Cmplx stis mk p cpy. v th xt svl chpts w buck th td twd lbli d vsimplicti by xpli svl dditil typs  itcti with th pml. is ppch bls t us d ut i th  cl ptts  pticipti.  bi, i th xt chpt by xmii hw th pml itcts with “cvtil” lii. Ds i t chuch ld  ps t vid th ticmts  th pml?

4 ud ip t Hll i  Flyi uc? But th cwdly, th ublivi, th vil, th muds, th sxully imml, those who practice magic arts,th idlts d ll lis— thi plc will b i th y lk  bui sulu. () — vlti 21:8

Amics   mkbly liius ppl. M th 80 pct ll withi th Jud-Chisti li, whil just v 5 pct clim  ith utsid this hit. Hl ttd chuch  tmpl t lst c  mth. ly th thid mitisome ctct with  liius up by ttdi t lst c  y. hth thy ttd chuch svics  t th t mjity  Amics (82%) idtiy s  Chisti  sm m  th, d mst hld ltivly tditil blis. Almst th-uths  Amics (73%) bliv tht Jsus is th  d ly s  Gd. v m (81%) bliv i  thpmphic Gd. Giv th ubiquitus ith  Amics, th ppulity  th pml i th itd tts my b tid t th t  cvtil lii.  th xtt tht th pml is i dict cict with cvtil lii, its wth my mi limitd t th miity  Amics utsid  cvtil lii but still p t th suptul.  th th shuld i ppulity, its dcli culd hd, p th dcvtil t  vivl lii itstdcli i lttiv spiitulitis d pml tpics.  is  lttiv t tyi th t  th pml t th wth, stbility,  dcli  cvtil lii — th pssibility tht liius Amics will ccpt pml blis s  complement t thi xisti 76

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 77

liius blis. Clly, t lst sm Chistis must b itstd i th pml judi by th ubiquity d ppulity  ltd tlvisi shws, bks, d mvis. hps liius idividuls simply d t s  cict btw blivi i ls d hsts t th sm tim,  simultusly di th Bibl d F littu. s th y hm i  Cthlic visiti  stl? uhut Amic histy th hv b spdic mvmts tht dictly tstd th budis  Chistiity by ttmpti t us Chisti ids with pml ccpts.   th mst udcius  ths ws G Admski’s dv t bi Jsus t th yi sucs.

Jesus on a Flying Saucer A clul chct by ll ccuts, G Admski udd th yl d  ibt i th 1930s t spus his “csmic philsphy,” d ttctd  smll llwi. H hd littl ml schli but jyd bi clld “pss” by  studts. By th 1940s, Admski ws livi  th Mut lm bsvty i Clii, wki s  shtd ck. Ftuitusly (his citics wuld sy by dsi), Admski b t clim F sihtis just s itst i th subjct ws chi w hihts i th lt 1940s.  ctb 1946 whil pi t  mt shw thuh his tlscp, Admski climd tht h spttd  bjct “simil i shp t  it diiibl.” Admski b t mk qut tips t th dst  his hm, blivi tht “spcships” miht chs t ld i lss ppultd s.  vmb 20, 1952, Admski d six sscits tvld t  b   Dst Ct, Clii, spt th mi xpli, d st dw t t luch t but . At tht tim  pl pssd lw v thi hds, dwi th up’s ttti t  “itic ci-shpd silvy ship withut wis  ppds  y kid” hvi by. Accdi t his lt cuti  th vts, Admski xpicd  st “li” tht h must mv t  lcti cls t th . H skd his ids dpc him sly f th, dAdmski h thclims mvdtthv  psiti but  mil t wy. l, s  sh i th sky, llwd by th ppc   “butiul smll c,” which dscdd it  by cv. As h tk pictus  th viciity, h ticd  m stdi  th tc   vi. p ppch, Admski lizd tht h ws c-t-c with  xttstil:


Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

w  th st tim  ully lizd tht  ws i th psc   m m spc — a an eng ro anoer or! . . .  buty  his m supssd ythi  hd v s. Ad th plstss  his c d m  ll thuht  my psl sl. . . . H ws but v t, 135 six puds. ichs i. . hiht d wihd ccdi t u stdd — but . H ws ud cd—with  xtmly hih hd . . . d v siz muth with butiul whit tth tht sh wh h smild  spk. As ly s  c dscib his ski th clui wuld b  v, mdium-cld sut. Ad it did t lk t m s thuh h hd v hd t shv,  th ws  m hi  his c th   child’s. His hi ws sdy i clu d hu i butiul wvs t his shulds, listi m butiully th y wm’s  hv v s.

Admski skd th bi wh h cm m, but th l-hid spcm plticlly shk his hd t idict tht h did t spk lish. kully, h d th li md t cmmuict thuh  cmbiti  “lis, sis, d bv ll . . . tlpthy.”  bi idictd tht h ws pt   idly ldi pty m us visiti th ut  cc  ct ucl tsti.  hums d t ch thi wys, h wd, thy will dsty thmslvs d suudi plts. Hvi dlivd this di wi, th li idictd tht h hd t lv d tud t his c, which scdd ut  siht. F tm th md dy F bducti tls, Admski’s sty ws vlty t th tim. A hst-witt ccut  th vt ws tckd t  ctly cmpltd cmpdium  F pts witt by Dsmd Lsli d publishd ud th titl Flying Saucers Have Landed i 1953.  bk ws  t succss d wt thuh svl pitis. Admski bcm  mi clbity, ppi  di shws, lctui t l ups, d v mti Qu Juli  Hlld i 1959, wh hd shw  itst i Fs. Admski llwd up with tw squls, Inside the Spaceships d Flying Saucers Farewell, tht cutd ctiud dvtus with his “spc bths” icludi tips t ut spc d  visit t  it mthship. hth by ccidt  dsi, Admski’s tls pstd  ttmpt t m th pml with cvtil lii. Admski’s bks qutly utilizd Chisti symblism. Jsus, it sms, ws  li ictd  th t hlp hums l t b pcul.  Flying Saucers Farewell, Admski dvts csidbl spc t dmstti biblicl

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 79

suppt  his clims, icludi th umt tht th spc ppl  th biblicl ls:  id  ls hvi wis wi ut  thi shulds d wi bs, istilld i th mids  Bibl pst-dy ppl by th tl tists whws pictud thm s such. hs lwys dscibd thm s diy m m th wlds.

H is v m dict, lt i th sm bk: “My ppl wt t kw i th spc ppl  Chistis.  wuld sy thy  btt Chistis th w .” Admski’s ttmpt t m Chistiity with yi sucs did t succd s his psl tus dd i th ly 1960s. m  his mst dt s bcm dischtd  his 1962 clim tht th spc bths tk him t tu t ttd  cc. hts  spcships icludd i his bks w viwd with suspici d pvd sy t k. Mv, his ywitss dsciptis  ut spc did t mtch th xpics  stuts. Citics ls ticd th stishi similitis btw Admski’s “-cti” wks dPioneers o Space: A rip to the Moon, Mars and Venus,  scic cti vl h hd publishd i 1949. vthlss, Admski pvd t b th tmplt  th F “ctct” mvmt. Ctct tls qutly iclud Chisti symbls d thms.  lt G i (1919– 97) climd t civ chld msss m “csmic msts” such s Ms ct 6, Ms ct 8, d Jsus himsl ( usi ccdi t i, chi Admski).  udcius i v climd tht Jsus pslly dsd his bk Te welve Blessings. t sms tht i’s mth, My, ws ivitd by th lis t tk  tip t spc  Juy 19, 1959. v th pud mth, sh buht  cpy  h s’s bk t  dzvus pit wh sh ws pickd up by “ pc C Cmmdd by  Bi kw s ar eor 8.”  c tvld dp it spc d td  mthship whi My i mt “ Gt Mst Jsus Himsl.” Jsus thumbd thuh th bk, blssd it d kpt th cpy  himsl.

80 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

Laura and the Chair o Knowledge Althuh th mvmt ctily hd its hydy i th 1950s d 1960s, th mis th ccsil ctct psti this cuius m  Chistiity d th spc s w ld by visiti Lu Cy,  ml pstl wk wh livs, i shit tt. Lt  spi vi i 1984, Lu ws divi hm  visiti  id i Aubu, shit. H vit ut ws  clm d tht wud pst Lk pps. Bck th th  ws ul with scttd ms d chs d th ccsil hd  lk. wdys upscl dvlpmts d ptmt cmplxs hv scttd th imls, d th w mii ms  suudd  ll sids by subub miimsis. As Lu udd  bd   mshy , sh sw wht sh thuht w  hdlihts i  ld. h immditly lt vy tid d pulld h c t th sid  th d. As sh ppchd th lihts i  dz sh lizd tht thy w ttchd t  st, ldd c shpd lik  pic  kittls cdy. xt t th st c w tw dd-lki ctus bcki t Lu. tdi btw v d six t tll, thy hd bz ski,

Lu t th lcti  h cut with  F

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 81

 cpti

lihtbulb shpd hds, d l blck ys. h d t t th suc, which th scdd it th hvs d dckd with  “mill” c i th’s upp tmsph.  lis smhw sd  hid Lu’s mmis vy tim sh l th ship, Lu tld us, but up bdi sh immditly lizd tht sh hd b th my tims.  lis bd kw h s “lth,” d i ppti  bdi sh clths hd shd thly bdy, xchi bw hi  bld, h thly h  silv jumpsuit. By w it ws lmst midiht, d th cmmd  th vssl’s iht shi xiusly td h. Lu cizd th hdsm bi s  ld id d bmd wh tlki but him. “H ws lik  bi puppy,” sh sid, “s hppy t s m i!” lik th ctus tht hd

82 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

 bid

tsptd h t spc, th cmmd ws humid with whit ski d bld hi. h kidly dw him  us.  cmmd buht Lu t  blcy vlki th “wll”  multisty pi i th vssl with  itic blck cmput tki up pt  th vssl’s cuvd wlls. th humlik lis st i chis tht td i midi, i t   y  mits d ctls. Lu/ lth ws wstuck by th simplicity  th bviusly dvcd cmput systm. A  sht lvt id, Lu’s id ld h t th cmmissy   ml. h ws stud by th vibt cls i th m: th scld wlls, dpis d vlcs, v th tbls d chis. itti m  up  idly humids, Lu t  dlicius ml csisti  sm pti md dlik shpd lk likbut  chick ptty,st d vtbl dik, which lkd d lt tshmp tstd  dlicius su wt. c Lu ws shd d cquitd with th ship, th cmmd lly tld h th pups  this visit.  lis w tii Lu  sm bscu utu pups, t which pit sh wuld b

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 83

dd t hlp th th i  cisis.  ch  h tips t th mthship Lu civd  ltd lss  h chsi.  cmmd dictd h t  m ccupid by  cmput d  l chi, simil t wht  miht d i  dtist’s c. Luttchd st i th cmmd djustd  st, likAsdvic t chi, mtlth m, util it std  h tmpl. cFllwi istuctis sh slctd th subjct but which sh wtd t l d th “itsity” t which sh wishd t l it. Lu dcidd t l but hlistic mdici. Fi tht “mximum itsity” li wuld b vwhlmi, sh chs mdium itsity, st bck, lxd, d llwd imti t b lyd it h bi.  cmmd ws plsd with Lu’s fts. “ht yu d t kw is w i yu mid,” h tld h, “d th will cm  tim wh yu d this imti t hlp ths.” ith  sd lk  his c th cmmd tld Lu tht this ccludd thi visit. H v h  cklc, “ i iv t yu bcus yu hv cm t this pit” but hd t tll h tht it culd t lv th ship.  tw hud wmly b h ld h t th tw bz-skid scts.  bis dppd Lu f t h tuck, h mmis smhw sd. y culd t s, hwv,  i ss i h mid tht sh hd hd  “spiitully

 chi  kwld

84 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

tsmi xpic.” vtully Lu suht ut  hyptist t hlp cv h mmis  th vts.

A Small Step rom Jesus to UFOs? Lik my  th ctcts  th 1950s, Lu ss  cict btw h F cuts d Chistiity. At vius tims sh hs ttdd  m Cthlic chuch, d is vy ttctd t th tchis  th ity Chuch. h tld us tht h yi suc xpics cmplmt tht ith. A ll, Lu’s xpics  tchi h t b  hl d t hlp ths wh thy lly d it,  ihtly Chisti mss. Bsids, sh sid, Jsus is ls  lihtd bi d pbbly  spc ps s wll.  ctct mvmt did wht my th w liius mvmts hv tid t d — pmt thi w ids whil dwi hvily up th blis d pctics  th xisti cultu. lii schls ciz tht w liis hv  si tim slli thi ids i thy c smhw cuch thm i ccpts with which pttil cvts  ldy mili.   lly Chisti cultu, this ms tht w liius ups wuld b wis t iclud lmts  Chistiity i thi bli systms.  Chuch  Jsus Chist  Ltt-dy its (Mm) is  ky xmpl i this d.  ly Mms w csidd xtmly dvit by my Chistis, chsd css th cuty  thi w vltis but visits by Jsus t th w ld, blis but plul mi (sic dctd), d dcti di psl scsi t dhd. t th m ct tht th LD chuch icluds th ld d w stmt m its hly bks ctily ids i its utch t Chistis s ttstd t by th phml wth t  th chuch i th pst w dcds. us lm’s sch with th ёlis dcumts th my pllls i thi thly d th Jud-Chisti vsi  cti. hwh is th m  th ld   tm  li scitists wh ldd  th th st hums (i.., Adm d vil v); th  is hums v  h’sd Akctd quivlt. hwh, cvicd  th tu by t, th hd   lhim izti ppsd t hum cti, dstyd th th with  ucl hlcust. Luci (b  liht),  ppt  t d stdd  th, md t sv tw  ch iml i  spcship tht bitd th util th diti lvls tud

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 85

t ml. hwh d t  i  pptul stul v th stt  hums  th: hwh ss hums s d d dmbl, whil t ss hums s  ild xpimt tht must b dstyd.  ёlis  witi th dvt  lhim i th y 2035. ёl is thtcut lhim ppht wh withuit istucti thpc hums hw pp  th cmi  is thtskd lhim: i wld d build  mbssy  thm i sl. hy sl?  Jws  chs ppl i ёli thly. y w ctd by th css-bdi  th lis d th duhts  th hums ctd by th lhim.  ёlis spd csidbl ft t cvt Jws t th cus d t cvic thm tht ёl is th Mssih. t is imptiv tht sl pvid th ёlis ld t build th mbssy. p tui t th, d pvidd th pphcis hv b ullld, th lhim will sh with hums ll  thi kwld d tchly.  w il t hd this pphcy, th lhim will llw us t dsty uslvs i  ucl hlcust.  ёlis hv ls icptd  umb  Jud-Chisti pctics, ituls, d symbls it thi bli systm. Mmbs  xpctd t iv 11 pct  thi icms, d lik Chistis, ly  smll pct ctully ivs th ull tx.  is  bptism,  tsmissi cmy, i which ёl dips his hds i  bwl  wt d th hlds th hd  th cipit, liki h/him with th lhim i tlpthic cmmuicti. y hv  “hly ud” — Fld i lcut, Qubc — which will b plcd by th mbssy i sl, c it is cstuctd. All  this implis tht ttmpts t m Chistiity d th pml just miht wk. A ll, th  my similitis btw ths tw sphs. Chisti blis d pml blis qutly sh  spiitul itti:  bli tht th tity  th wld ct b ully xplid by cvtil scic d mtilism. My  ths sm blis  -lsibl d ct b dictly chlld ( supptd) by scitic sch.  cus cti liius blis hv  distict dvt v pml blis i tht thy jy widspd ccptc i u cultu. Giv tht th itd tts is pdmitly Chisti, i Gd, hv,ccptbl hll, th sucti Jsus, Bli d th vii bithbli  m cultully suptulblis. i psychic pws, hsts, d Fs, hwv, lck th bt  ssciti with th mjity bli systm. vthlss, bth Chistis d pml blivs dvt thmslvs t this tht qui  msu  ith d  williss t ccpt

86 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

Fi. 4.1. ml xpics i slctd dmitis (Byl lii uvy, v 1, 2005) Note: spdts w cutd s hvi hd  pml xpic i thy chckd ys t y  th llwi pssibl xpics/ctivitis: csultd  hscp, visitd  mdium  psychic, livd  visitd  hutd hus, csultd  uij bd, witssd  F,  hd  ut--bdy xpic.

th phml. hps, s th pliticl scitist m . ic put it, “t is  smll stp t mv m blivi i th dvil d ls t blivi i hsts d lis.” dd,  lk t th liius blis  th mmbs  sv slctd Chisti ups miht sust littl discd btw Chistiity d th pml (s . 4.1).  yu hpp t b  Chisti citist, Ctilist, piscpli, iti,   mmb  th Chuch  Chist (itd Chuch  Chist),  y udy mi yu hv  50/50 chc  sitti  sm wh hs itcd with th pml i sm wy. Hl  m  th mmbs  ch  ths dmitis hv csultd  hscp, visitdhd  psychic  mdium, s  F, livd uij i  visitd  hutd hus,  ut--bdy xpic,  usd Bd t ctct spiits. Ds this m tht Chistiity d th pml hv ld t t l? t s st. ds mili with .. dmitis will hv cuht th bit 

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ticky i th tbl i u 4.1. All  th slctd ups  mili tstts. Chistiity is t mlithic, d idividul dmitis vy widly i thi blis d pctics. F s  cmpis, Amic lii schls  up spcic dmitis it l liius tditis. but   bvius itsl distictis btwsubdividd m Cthlics d tstts, tsttism c b uth it tw liius tditis, mili d vlicl tstts. m  th lst mili dmitis i th itd tts iclud th piscpl Chuch, th sbyti Chuch (A), th itd Mthdist Chuch, d th vlicl Luth Chuch i Amic.  uth Bptist Cvti is th lst vlicl dmiti, with ly twty milli dhts s  2000. th l vlicl dmitis iclud th Assmblis  Gd, Luth Chuch– Missui yd, tcstls, d th vth-Dy Advtist Chuch, m my ths. vlicls d mili tstts sh th bli tht Jsus is th s  Gd d tht th Bibl is  hly bk, but thy dif  th ky issus.   utshll, vlicls hv  much m csvtiv pspctiv  dctil issus: thy  m likly t bliv i th cmplt icy  th Bibl, whil mili tstts  m pt t s th Bibl s  histicl dcumt, imd by th wd  Gd yt udd by its histicl ctxt d t t b tk litlly  ll tpics. vlicl tstts ls bliv tht idividuls must kwily ccpt slvti thuh Jsus d hv  psl ltiship with Gd. us, vlicls stss th imptc  imd bptism d bliv tht Jsus is th ly ut t Hv. Mili tstts,  th th hd,  m likly t ccpt it d childhd bptisms, d plc t mphsis   idividul’s spiitul juy istd   thi cvsi  b-i xpic. vlicl tstts tk vy siusly th spsibility t pslytiz ths. Mili tstts  t as ccd but cvti ths t th ith, but s pslytizi s  m  livi thi ith, l with cmmuity svic d th ms  scil miisty. ut th wy, liius ups d tditis vy i thi lvl  stictss hw much thy xpct m mmbs dmuch hw stict litllyithy itpt — dcti. vlicl tstt ups  this d th th v mili tstt up, d this difc i stictss impcts xpimtti with th pml.  udstd why, w must tk  divsi it th wld  cmics.

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Te Economics o Paranormal Exploration cmics is  cmplictd discipli with my schls d subs.  th simplst tms, clssic cmic thy ttmpts t udstd th wkis d thdistibuti) mktplc  byscc lyzi th mvmt (pducti, csumpti, “ds” d th mtivtis  th ky cts ivlvd. cmics typiclly cuss up scc itms,  th is littl t study wh  pticul tity is vilbl t vy.  il w s pltiul s th sil it is ud i, th th md histy  mkid wuld t hv b ptilly dtmid by ttmpts t ctl its discvy, muctu, pici, d distibuti.  mst ctiv cmists pply th ccpt  ds d sccity  byd th mktplc. Lv is  scc cmmdity, s is hppiss, c stiscti, psl dm, hlth, d wll-bi. pl tly vlu such mtil wds d  willi t xch th mtil d mtil ds t t thm. ki lv will usully qui sm my, but it will tk  v t ivstmt  tim d mtil y.  hv ll xpicd th iv-d-tk  vydy li, v i w d t viw it thuh th ls  th mkt. cmists cus up th hum dsi t vid isk i such xchs. Just s d ivsts ty t d th iht cmbiti  isk d wd i thi busiss dlis, w ll ty t d th sm i th sphs  li. ut th wy, hums d thi bst t scu th utcms tht thy wt i th mst cti wy pssibl.  cmist Luc cc us tht such cmic picipls c ls b pplid t such smily psl d phml subjcts s ith d psl liisity. lii clims t f sm  th tst wds imibl such s slvti d tl li, stisctis t vilbl thuh th lttiv ms. pl will b hihly mtivtd t sk such wds d dsi s much ctity s pssibl tht thy will t thm. liius cts, us cc, “hv th chct  isky ivstmts,”  ths i i liius ctivity ct kw  cti i thi ith will b wdd i th m tht thy dsi. wuld ybyssibl liius csums will ttmpt t ducAsthi isks hldiivst, “divsid ptlis  cmpti liius ssts.”  th wds, cc us tht it is hum tu t hd u bts with ds t lii: iv th pti, ppl will tully xpl my dift liius d spiitul lttivs. A pticul liius “csum” my ttd svics t  chuch, whil

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csulti psychics d di but lttiv spiitulitis. huld  liius ivstmt stty “il,” th t lst th is th pssibility  slvti t ll bck up. Hldi  “ptli”  cmpti liius ds my b d  th bliv, but it is t pticully hlthy  th liius ups ivlvd. pl hv ly  limitd mut  tim, ft, d sucs, s th m thy spd ths sucs ud, th lss thy hv t iv y   thm. liius ups tht d t ctivly cutil utsid spiitul xplti will bcm plud with lckdisicl mmbs wh ttd ly d iv littl  thi tim d my t uth th up ls. cmists   t th ccpt    id t xpli  ky pblm tht sm ups cut. A ps wh ms t sk t  bus withut pyi th tll hs tt   id.  bus will ch its dstiti with  withut his my,  mzi bi t b su.  pblm is, tht i vy cts lik u  id, th th bus will  l hv th my t pt d bdy will t  id. liius iztis  ls cd t dl with th “ id” pblm: my ppl wuld p t p th bts  bli t  liius izti withut hvi t f ythi i tu.  sttypicl “Chistms Cthlic” is th ultimt  id, jyi Mss c  y but vidi svics  th st. pl wh wt t t mid i thi chuch but hv littl itst i it thwis  th xmpl  iddm.  wy i which  liius up c duc th umb   ids is t mk stict dmds  its mmbs.   cti mks it cl t pttil mmbs tht wkly ttdc is xpctd, d i thy c tht ul ith thuh p pssu  by m cil ms such s dismissl, ths  ids will lv t d  lss dmdi hm.  th sm vi, quii mmbs t dss  ct i  cti wy  plci phibitis up bhvi mks th cst  miiml pticipti utwih th pttil bts  th milly liius. Gups tht hv stict uls, ultis, d xpcttis sv t limit th liius ptlis  thi mmbs.  stict liius ups, cc stts tht “[p]ttil mmbs  cd t chs: pticipt ully  t t ll.” cc’s ctiv wk susts tht ths liius ups with csvtiv thlis d hih xpcttis  mmbs will b stly mtivtd t stict mmbs m ivlvi thmslvs with th liius  spiitul ctivitis. Fllwi his li  si, w wuld

90 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

xpct tht vlicl tstts wuld dvlp  st sistc t th pml. dd, s u F ctct id Lu ld, vlicls d t simply bliv th pml t b  “cmic” tht, but  tht t th sul.

Tat “Flying Saucer Religion” Lu my t s  cict btw h yi suc xpics d Chistiity, but h th ws t i mt. Lu’s ltiship with h th ws mst ctily tubld — t tims h hd physiclly busd h d v spt sm tim i pis. hil icctd, Lu’s th “ud Gd” d bcm  dvut tcstl wh “blivd i th Bibl wd  wd.” h Lu tld h th  h F xpics, h ws dismyd. “ d’t lik this spcship lii,” h tld h. Fs  t spk  i th Bibl d th thy must b tic i tu, h ud. h Lu ittd tht th lis sh cutd smd idly d pcul, h th ws uimpssd. “  spcship lds d  li cms ut,  kw wht tht li lly is . . .  dm  dvil.” Lu’s th is t l i his blis. My vlicls d th csvtiv Chistis lly hv  tiv viw  th pml. Chisti suptul blis, hwv,  mlly ccptd, d xpctd; suptul blis utsid  th Chisti puviw  discud, chlld, d vidd, t mbcd. A visit t  Chisti bkst will vl  slw  bks wi  th ds  th w A d pml, icludi th vstly ppul sis by Fk tti, whi th w A mvmt plys  ctl, villius l.  ths vls th w A is t s s  lsly izd cllcti  pml blis, but s  tht t izd lii with listic pw. hil th vls  csidd cti, th mss hs b tk siusly by sm Chisti ups; sm v distibuti cpis  th vls t thi ctis. hps m imlly d m th is th Spouses. cs  Muit i, whppd  thhumusly, lity  shw rading h ulshd  tt bjcti t th w A pctics  h biy dptd mily, lbli hsl th “Gd i” d pclimi tht pctics such s tt cds, psychics, d stly w “dk-sidd,” m th this. As th cti  Lu’s th t h F tls illustts, Chisti

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cc but th pml is t limitd t diviti d psychic phm. A umb  vlicl uths hv wd  th ds  Fs.  hds’s Alien Obsession ws tht public sciti with Fs d th “ccult” tpics is dwi ttti wy m Chisti msss. th pics vidc uss: t pv tht xttstilsAm  mly dmsd dvilshds i disuis •  “lis” v sy ythi tht a rmsth Bibl s bi Gd’s d. •  “lis” v sy ythi but m’s si pblm d d  dmpti. • “vltis” m ths s-clld “spc bths” t ly csisttly ctdict th ciptus but csisttly pmt  w A wldviw. • t is typiclly ppl wh  ldy ivlvd i th ccult wh hv [F] bducti xpics.

 thm  Fs s  mistti  t hs b chd i my th Chisti bks, lms, d dcumtis.  Chisti Bdcsti twk’s Newswatch lysis  F l ccluds tht li bductis  th utwd d visibl xpssis  t, i which ppl  put it tclik stts s tht it is ly impssibl t distiuish tuth m lity.  dditi,  miht thik tht th pssibl xistc   udiscvd p  hmiid wuld b uthti t Chistis, but v Bit hs t b spd m th i  sm vlicls.  uths   ct pml hdbk  Chistis w tht Bit miht b  dm: t wuld pp t us tht th qusti  th xistc  ths “p m” his up whth  t thy  dms ihbiti th bdis  imls. . . .  ct tht (s i th cs  Fs) ll,  lmst ll,  th cuts ivlvd -Chistis my sust ith tht th ’t tht Chistis mi th wildst chs   th th . .  .  tht thmy  dmic cs misti thmslvs plt th.

 h  uslvs but th pttil cict btw Chistiity d th pml, w itviwd  ty-y-ld yuth miist t  subub, csvtiv Bptist chuch i ctl xs. “m” is  mild-

92 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

md, idly, itllit ps wh wkd s  scic tch b mvi it th miisty. H is ls quit piitd with d t th pml d th “tht” it pss.  m’s wds, “pmlists   t tht t th idm  Gd th  thists.” m ws distssd t h u visit w t mt psychic (squit chp.spiitul 2). t didi t mtt t him thtbut th psychics wi kid, chct, d did t mk tiv sttmts but th Chisti ith. h ppl  i pml ctivitis,  ttmpt t mix tth Chistiity d th pml, m xplid, thy  “wki  th Dvil . . . whth thy liz it  t.” Gd will ly ptct Chistis m hm, h ws, s l s thy vid such ctivitis. m is ccd but th pml’s pvlc i Amic ttimt. “u ppl hv th pml cmi t thm m ll ls tdy. ht ppul cultu is tchi u kids is tht it is ky t bliv i ythi.  pml, ll ths shws  tlvisi, mk it hd t tch yu ppl  pu biblicl dcti bcus thy wt t mix d mtch blis. t scs m but th utu  Chistiity i Amic.”

UFOs in the Pews s vlicl uths wh  tht th pml is “cupti” cvtil lii my hv  vlid cc, dpdi up hw yu lk t it (s . 4.2). As mtid li, th mili tstt tditi icluds -Cthlic Chisti ups tht td t hv m libl viws  scil issus d lss stictiv viws  dcti d slvti, whil dmitis i th vlicl tditi td t hv m litl itpttis  th Bibl d b m csvtiv  scil issus.  dditi t ths tw tditis d m Cthlics, schls qutly csid u th tditis i th itd tts: tstt ups with  xplicitly Aic Amic hit, Jws, th tditil, izd liis (Hidu, Buddhist, Muslim), d climi  liius liti (). t is immditly cl tht lii ds t tily “ptct” ist bli i th pml. Dspit th wis  sm Chisti uths di th ds  w A, ccult, d pml, th mjity  ppl i ch liius tditi hld t lst  pml bli.  Cthlic miht bliv i th lity  Fs but discut th

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 93

Fi. 4.2. liius tditi d pml bli (Byl lii uvy, v 1, 2005) Note: ct  spdts wh bliv i th lity  t lst   th llwi subjcts: Atltis d th dvcd civiliztis, hutd huss, th pw t iuc th wld with th mid (tlkisis), Fs, th bility t ctct th dd (mdiums), Bit d th msts, psychic pws, d stly.

pssibilitis  stly. Ath Cthlic my b cvicd tht civiliztis such s Atltis dmsttd dvcd tchly i cit tims but d tls  Bit silly. But mst Cthlics (71 pct) bliv i something pml.  sm s  ths i blck tstt tditis, vlicls, mili tstts, Jws, ths  th liis d v ths wh clim  lii.  mjity  ths i blck tstt tditis  ttctd t sm pml id. pl wh bl t liius ups tht  ldy utsid  th liius mistm i th itd tts pp m cmtbl with th pml th ths i th liius tditis; lmst ll (89%)  ths i th liius tditis hv sm pml bli. t is ls cl tht climi  lii ds t m tht  tily jcts th pssibility  th suptul sic mst “s” mbc th pml i sm wy.  m d th lmist vlicl cmmtts c tk y cmt, it miht b i th ct tht vlicls  m th lst itstd

94 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

Atlantis (47%)

Hauntings (53%)

Atlantis (39%)

Atlantis (47%)

Atlantis (51%)

Hauntings (65%)

Hauntings (41%)

Hauntings (42%)

Atlantis (38%)

Hauntings (33%)

Hauntings (36%)

Hauntings (30%)

Atlantis (52%)

Atlantis (41%)








(29%) UFOs (29%)

(29%) Telekinesis (28%)

(27%) UFOs (19%)

(30%) Telekinesis (30%)

(18%) Astrology (17%)

(47%) UFOs (45%)

(34%) UFOs) (26%)

Mediums (25%)

Mediums (25%)

Mediums (16%)

Mediums (20%)

Monsters (14%)

Mediums (36%)

Mediums (21%)

Monsters (24%)

Psychics (21%)

Monsters (16%)

Monsters (18%)

Telekinesis (12%)

Astrology (18%)

Astrology (17%)

Psychics (14%)

UFOs (18%)

Astrology (14%)

Astrology (16%)

Mediums (12%)

Psychics (17%)

Psychics (15%)

Astrology (14%)

Astrology (13%)

Psychics (9%)

Psychics (14%)

Psychics (6%)

Monsters (15%)

Monsters (15%)













Fi. 4.3.  pml thmmt: itst i th pml by liius tditi (Byl lii uvy, v 1, 2005)

i th pml. Jwish spdts  th lst ccpti  pml blis (62%), but vlicls llw cls bhid.  ltiv distst tht vlicls d Jws hv  th pml is v m ppt wh lki t idividul blis (s . 4.3). liius tditis vy i which pml subjcts  ud t b th mst ttctiv d i wht pct  mmbs blivs i ths tpics.  mst ppul pml bli m blck tstts is tht huss c b hutd by hsts (m th hl bliv i tht). Hutis  ls th mst ppul tpic  ths  th liis d ths with  lii, but ths utsid Jud-Chisti liius tditis d Atltis t b  t itst. Blck tstts hv ltivly littl us  F tls, but xttstils k  th tp  th list  Cthlics, mili tstts, d Jws.  bli i Atltis is th mst ppul pml subjct  vlicls, yt ly  pct   littl m th -thid. liius By cmpis, th mst by ppul pml blis i -vlicl tditis t ly hl  m  mmbs. dd,  th Chisti liius tditis, vlicls shw lw lvls  bli i hutis, tlkisis, Mdiums, msts, d psychics th d m Cthlics, blck tstts, d mili tstts.

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Belie A ky disticti d   t ctti btw liius tditis d idividul Chistis is thi viw  th Bibl. m Chistis bliv thtmt th Bibl Gd’s wd. withi vythi i th Bibl istxctly s Gd it tisb d litl vythi shuld b tk m xctly wht it sys.  pctic, tki th Bibl litlly is quit dicult i t impssibl. F xmpl, tw dvtd Chistis miht dis s t th litl mi  m pqu psss. vthlss, litlists clly hv  dift viw  th Bibl’s mi th ths wh bliv it cts th will  Gd, but t s  litl dcumt. uch ppl imi  Bibl tht must b itptd i liht  cut vts, but it is still  hly wk d th wd  Gd. s tht  m skpticl  th Bibl’s vcity my simply cciv  it s  bk  bls d stis. ths bliv tht th Bibl my i sm wy ct Gd’s mss, but it hs b siictly tmpd with by hum hds d itsts. Amics clly dis s t th mi  th Bibl (s . 4.4). A idividul’s ccpti  th Bibl impcts his viw  ctvsil ml  scil issus up which biblicl vss  thuht t pss judmt. F xmpl, csvtiv Chistis wh dcy y mi  c biblicl phibitis  hmsxulity (such s

Fi. 4.4. Amic piis but th Bibl (Byl lii uvy, v 1, 2005)

96 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

Lviticus 18:22, A) which stts: “D t li with  m s  lis with  wm; tht is dtstbl.” Chisti suppts  y mi u tht such psss shuld t b tk litlly s thy  ith ctis  th histicl cicumstcs i which th Bibl ws cdd,  d m xctly wht thy sy —sxul phps this psswith simply ms thtt m shuld t  i csul ltiships th m utsid  cmmittd ltiships. iws  th Bibl will ls impct hw ppl viw th pml. Csid th istuctis tht Mss pstd t th slits i th ld stmt: h yu t th ld th Lor yu Gd is ivi yu, d t l t imitt th dtstbl wys  th tis th. Lt   b ud m yu wh scics s  duht i th , wh pctics diviti  scy, itpts ms, s i witchc,  csts splls,  wh is  mdium  spiitist  wh csults th dd. Ay wh ds ths this is dtstbl t th Lor, d bcus  ths dtstbl pctics th Lor yu Gd will div ut ths tis b yu. u must b blmlss b th Lor yu Gd.  tis yu dispssss list t ths wh pctic scy  diviti. But s  yu, th Lor yu Gd hs t pmittd yu t d s. (Dutmy 18:9 – 14, )

t t b utd, th w stmt pvids its w ti-pml stimt:  cts  th siul tu  bvius: sxul immlity, impuity d dbuchy; idlty d witchc; htd, discd, jlusy, ts  , slsh mbiti, disssis, ctis d vy; dukss, is, d th lik.  w yu, s  did b, tht ths wh liv lik this will t ihit th kidm  Gd (Gltis 5:19 – 21, ).

F Chistis with  litl udstdi  such vss, pml phm simply pt silly  misuidd, but wh  pssibl ut t dmti.  t imptt  udstdi  liius ps will xpimt with th pml is hw tht ps viws th Bibl (s . 4.5). pl wh d bliv th Bibl ctis hum   th mst likly t bliv i th pml. y v shw hih lvls  p-

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 97

Fi. 4.5. Hldi  pml bli d viws  th Bibl (Byl lii uvy, v 1, 2005; Chi-squ = 49.35, p < .001)

ml bli th ths wh tily dismiss th Bibl. is implis tht  cti lvl  liisity idd ps up  ps t th pml. F sm wh blivs tht th Bibl is  hly bk but is p t itptti, it c b  smll stp m Jsus t yi sucs.  w w t lk ly t ppl with libl itpttis  th Bibl, w culd cclud tht th ctcts  ld miht d t succss mi Chistiity d Fs. Hwv, whil w ud  supisi mut  pml bli v m biblicl litlists, it wuld  dubt b  t cc t vlicl citics  th pml. tst i Fs, hsts, d th pml tpics lls f pcipitusly with m litl itpttis  th Bibl. F my  ths litlists, th pml d Chistiity ccupy spt d distict sphs  bli.

Behavior  d  simil ptt t wk wh w xmi liius bhvis, such s ttdc t liius svics (s . 4.6).  hihst lvls  pml bli  m mil ttds. A ps tht v ttds chuch is much less likly t bliv i pml tpics th

98 Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer?

Fi. 4.6. ml bli, pml xpic d chuch ttdc Note: Cht shws pct  spdts wh clim bli i t lst  pml bli (Chi-squ = 69.04, p < .001) d pct  spdts wh clim t lst  pml xpic (Chi-squ = 183.5, p < .001), by lvls  chuch ttdc.

sm wh ttds c i whil (c  mth). Ai, it pps tht simpl xpsu t th suptul i th m  chuch ttdc c p  up t th ms  th suptul. Lki ly t th l hl  th cht,  miht bcm cvicd tht lii d th pml wlk hd i hd. c ttdc is t th c  mth, hwv, pml bli dps dmticlly. pl wh ttd chuch tw t th tims  mth  much lss itstd i th pml th mthly ttds, d ths wh ll th pws vy wk lss itstd still. m ctis f dditil ctivitis byd th udy svic lik Bibl studis, d midwk d vi svics.  mst dvtd mmbs  ths ctis my ttd svics t thi chuch svl wk, d thi qut ivlvmt pml itst.tims t is ly m th mst ddictd chuchdts mmbs tht w d miity bli i psychic phm, Fs, hutd huss, d th spcts  th pml. Lss th hl (49%) bliv i   m pml phm.  sm ptt mists  pml xpics. pl wh

Round rip to Hell in a Flying Saucer? 99

ttd but c  mth  th mst likly t pt hvi  pml xpic such s witssi  F — ths mil ttds  v m likly t pt such xpics th ppl wh v ttd chuch. As chuch ttdc bcms m qut, climd pml xpics dp dmticlly. v tw-thids  c--mth chuch ttds pt pml xpic, cmpd t lss th -thid  ths wh ttd svl tims  wk. Auci ’s xpimtti with  uij will t  v t  dsdy iht chuch svic.

Selling Saucers ht ds ll  this m  th tubld ltiship btw Chistiity d th pml?  whm shuld  up-d-cmi psychic ty t sll h svics? huld th xt buddi ctct cll th lcl Bptist chuch t dvtis his lctu but mti Jsus   yi suc? utti ll  th pics tth, it is cl tht th typ  liius ps lst likly t pt pml blis  t hv pml xpics is  dvut vlicl,  biblicl litlist, d qutly ttds chuch svics. is is du i pt t th ti-pml htic  sm Chisti pudits, which ctily hs its iis i  litl itptti  cti Bibl psss. But s cmists such s Luc cc u, such htic ls svs t div wy mmbs wh  t willi t cmmit ully t th chuch d  sil bli systm, lvi  cmmittd c bhid. hil vlicls hv hd sm succss i cutili pml itst,  up is tily immu.  mjity  ppl bliv i smthi pml,  mtt wht liius tditi thy bl t (s . 4.2). t is ls cl tht  msu  ith ps ppl up t th pml. tilists wh tily jct th id  ith i “cvtil” suptul subjcts will t b s ttctd t ucvtil suptul tpics ith. t is ppl with midlvls  itst d cmmitmt t cvtil liis hv th tst th pml. m wh ttdswh chuch sometimes d itst blivs itht th is something suptul but th Bibl is th mst likly t dvlp  itst i  ldy bliv i pml tpics. t pps tht lii c hv  cditii fct tht, ulss ctivly cutild, idd mks th pml but  smll stp wy.

5 ml ubcultus

 thi pii sch, th scilists Chls . Glck d dy tk ticd tht tw ppl c idtiy thmslvs s “vy liius,” yt m vy dift this by it.   v pimy wys tht ppl mist thi psl liisity, thy u. F sm, (1) bi liius is mst impttly but belie;  must bliv withut dubt i th tts  ’s ith.  phps (2) bi liius ms tht  hs liius experiences, such s li b i  civi sws t pys. F ths, (3) ’sknowledge  th dctis d dcumts  th ith  p  dvti. till ths l liius bcus (4) thy qutly  i liius practices such s ttdi chuch svics d pyi. Filly, liisity c b ud by (5) pvi tht ’s ith quis ccpticonsequences such s stictis  bhvi. A idividul’s ivlvmt with  liius izti culd b dqutly summizd by kwi ’s lvls  bli, kwld, pctic, xpic, d csqucs. hil Glck d tk cus thi tttis up lii, thi ids hv much wid pplicbility. ht thy lbld s v dimsis  liisity culd sily b csidd v dimsis  ivlvmt i y bli systm, hbby,  itst up. F xmpl, csid mmbs  pl  th thicl tmt  Aimls (A). m mmbs will hv  st ith i th cus but d littl ls.  will b th mmbs  whm bli is simply t uh. y will pticipt i A ctivitis d my v b willi t  i isky bhvis  th up. withhisty y up will b A mmbs wh hv  l ss As up   th dp udstdi  its missi mthds. hps thy hv jid  scil ss,  thy simply hv  dp bli i iml ihts tht ds t cssitt  udstdi  A itsl. is iss th pssibility tht v withi th sm izti    itst, dift typs  ppl will b ivlvd i dift wys. 100

Paranormal Subcultures 101

 sm ids pply t lvls  ivlvmt with th pml. Ay iv ps’s ivlvmt with th pml culd b csidd t b cmpsd  Glck d tk’s cmbiti  v lmts: Belie  xtt t which  idividul blivs i  pml tpic  :tpics Experiences:  xtt t which  idividul hs xpicd th pml tpic i qusti (hs s  hst, sihtd  F, tc.) Knowledge:  xtt t which  idividul is w  th histy, dtils d spcics   pml tpic Practices:  xtt t which  ps s i ctivitis ltd t  pml subjct (ttds ccs, jis iztis, jis up ctivitis) Consequences:  xtt t which  ps hs sufd tiv ut-

cms, such s idicul, s  sult  thi itst i  pml subjct ith th xcpti  skptics, ppl itstd i th pml s  cultul phm, d th ccsil cuius lk, mt with th pml typiclly ivlvs sm lvl  bli. t ds t m tht bli lwys cms st.  sm css  ps will dvlp  pml bli s th sult  hvi  pml xpic.  hv mt my ppl dui u sch wh clim thy v blivd i Fs, Bit, psychic phm, d th lik util “it” hppd t thm. Chpt 3 xmid ths wh hld pml blis d hv pml xpics. F my, ivlvmt with th pml will d with bli   xpic. F xmpl,  ps my hv  st bli i hsts bcus   ucl’s cut with  stlss spiit, but hv  itst i pusui th subjct uth. dd, it is quit pssibl t hv bli i  pml subjct with vy littl kwld  its pticuls. My ppl wh llw thi hscps liiusly pbbly hv  id xctly how  is suppsd t b iucd by th sts. bcus  ps s Judi F ds tht h  shAd hs just  wss  Fhs histy. by t th m ubiquity pml blis i Amic scity, ly  hdul  ths wh bliv i Fs, hsts, d th pml subjcts ultimtly  i pml pctics such s ttdi F ccs  jii  hst hut.

102 Paranormal Subcultures

is chpt xmis ths wh mv byd pml bli d xpic it  dp ivlvmt i  pml subcultu.  xpl th wld  ppl wh xpd thi kwld  th pml by puchsi pml bks, visiti pml b sits d ttdi ccs d t-tths. Filly w wh tk ctivly cls lk t th mst ddictd mmbs   subcultu — ths  i th pusuit  thi quy.  d s, w t  pticul pml subcultu, ppl wh sch d hut Bit.

Bigoot: Wild Man o the Woods By my ccuts,  mystius p-m kw viusly s Bit  squtch hs l ihbitd th itd tts. tiv Amic myths d lds iclud  ich bdy  tls  hiy, mlik bsts tht m th sts. Dpdi  th tib, such ctus  kw s Wendigo, ornit, Strendu, Chenoo, Oh-Mah, Sookum,d  hst  th ms. “squtch” is mly  licizd vsi  Sokqueatl ( Ssosq’tal), usd by lish-spki tibs. As  bck s 1818, th Exeter Watchman ptd th sihti   “iml smbli th ild M  th ds”  llisbuh, w k.  his 1893 mmi,Te Wilderness Hunter,d svlt cutd  hwi tl tld t him by  hut/tpp kw ly s “Bum.”  sty s tht Bum ws tppi with  id i th Bittt Mutis  dh d Mt.  m ticd tht smthi ws idi thi cmp whv thy wt ut t chck thi tps. Bum wk  vi t s  l, dk shp stdi utsid his l-t; h d his wp t th shp. v th xt w dys, th m lt wtchd d lt tht thy w bi llwd by smthi tht styd hidd just withi th ts.  m ultimtly bcm uvd d dcidd t lv th mutis.  xpdit thi dptu, Bum wt t cllct tps, d his pt mid t pck up cmp. p tui t cmp, th ihtd tpp ud th mutiltd bdy  his id. th sc s quickly s pssibl.  Bum ctusd ctiud such ssiv bhvi i tstic ccuts m th ly twtith ctuy. F xmpl, Fd Bck climd tht h d th th mis w ttckd by “muti dvils” whil wki thi clim  Mut it Hls.  m hd b hi st whps d hlls m us imls  svl dys wh Bck

Paranormal Subcultures 103

spttd  st ctu sti t him m css  smll cy; immditly Bck pd :  ctu  judd t hv b but sv t tll with blckishbw hi. t disppd m but u viw  sht tim,dw but th w sw it, ui st d upiht, tw  hudd yds th littl cy.  sht th tims b it disppd m viw.

t vi th mi’s cbi ws ttckd, phps i sps t Bck’s ssi. At lst th l, hiy ctus cicld th cbi, pudd  th wlls, tssd cks, d jumpd  th . At  pit  hiy m chd thuh  chik i th wll d bbd   th m’s xs. Bck tud th hd  th x b th ctu culd pull it utsid. Dui th ssult, th m lttd btw huddli i  d i thi us t th  d thuh th wlls. Just b dyliht th ttck dd. Bck d his ids d th sc, but t b h d pti shts t th ctu h sw stdi t th d  th cy: “ sht th tims, d it tppld v th clif, dw it th , sm u hudd t blw.”   wh th icidt puptdly ccud ws ickmd “Ap Cy”  th sty ppd d still bs tht m tdy. A qully hwi cut ls stms m 1924, lthuh it ws t discvd util 1957. Albt stm,  Cdi lumbjck, climd t hv b kidppd by  squtch whil cmpi i Bitish Clumbi.  ctu simply pickd th ihtd m up, slpi b d ll, s h ly slp  vi. lu ucmtbly css th bst’s shuld, stm dud  l hik util thy ivd t  cy.  h ws hld cptiv by u squtch. His kidpp ws  l ml stm clld th “ld m.” Als pst w  ld ml d  yu ml d ml, phps child  th ld cupl. A smll cch  supplis tht stm hd stshd i th bttm  his slpi b pvidd his vu  scp. ch mi stm bild cf d tk  pich  suf s th plik mily wtchd with cuisity, sulti sc smily ut  stm’s slpstick c lm. A but  wki wtchi, th ldstiht m bbd suf d swllwd it whl. t did t sit wll.  bst tid t sth his stmch by mptyi stm’s c  cld cf, uds d ll, it its muth. As th ld m dubld-v i pi with his ihtd mily ttdi him, stm quickly thd his  d d.

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Dspit such dmtic pts, Bit pvd mly  ccsil cuisity util Auust 1958. A cstucti cw ws ppi  dbd utsid  lmth, Clii.  Auust 27,  wk md Gld Cw discvd l humlik tcks (sixt ichs l d sv ichs wid i dwk plcs) ud his bulldz. Althuh dstyd c sumd, thy ppd vythwtcks dys.w  m, ilbu llc, lt ptd tht smthi tssd  mus, sv-hudd-pud sp ti it  ully  th wk sit, uth distubi th cw. Filly,  wi    th cwm wt t th Humboldt imes but th wksit’s visits m “Bi Ft,” d  sis  stis i lcl wspps llwd.  is d s t suspct tht th ti icidt ws  pk plyd by th ctct, but th scitl impct ws udtd. h wi svics tsmittd th lcl wspp sty cutywid, Bit lly hd  m.  ctu’s ppulity sd m this pit , d it hs bcm  idlibl pt  Amic ppul cultu. Am th this, Bit hs std i mvis such s Harry and the Hendersons (1987), l with  spif tlvisi shw  th sm m, d i  child’s lm titld Little Bigoot (1997). Bigoot and Wildboy id s  smt  th  upshw i th 1970s.  ix-Milli Dll M bttld d th bidd squtch. As  this witi, Bit pps i  sis  “Mssi’ with squtch” cmmcils  Jck Lik’s B Jky.  th cmicl bits, hums d vius wys t tmt Bit (such s fi him  id, ly t pull wy) d civ pybck (such s bi pulld m th c). A yu squtch (“Qutchi”) is   th mscts  th 2010 it lympics i cuv, Cd.  w duct ttl upsics ls hd  Bit msct, qutch. izz Hut v fd  Bit pizz   bi pid i th 1990s. dd, Bit hs cssd ll mdi, ppi i cutlss bks, tlvisi dcumtis, cmic bks, d vid ms.  ppul mdi  dpicts Bit/squtch s  slity ctu mi th cic thwst. Mst blivs thik  Bit s  spt species. itsss hv climd sihtis  mls d mls, dults, juvils, d child. bhbits, sits, d utli miti uts, spcultBks,  dity d dcumtis v pvid ppulti stimts.  suc stimts tht btw 1,500 d 2,000 dult squtch ihbit th cic thwst l. lik th mudus, kidppi ctus ptd by Bum, Bck, stm, d ths, th md Bit is shy d tii. 

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typicl cut ivlvs  hiy bst, t lst six t tll, s ly biy s it s m th witss  tw ls. My sihtis ccu wh th utiv ctu quickly csss th d i t   sttld div. h sucitly cls t bsv, witsss pt  hiy, plik c with  hvy d lbut stils.  sm css l, pdulus bstsbw  ptd, mst pp t mus ivlv dult mls. t Bit is  ctu  th thwst ly is ls  ppul mism. shit, , d Clii hv th hihst umb  icidt pts, but Bit sihtis hv b ptd m vy stt xcpt Hwii.  Bit Fild schs izti (BF) pvids  ppul b sit tht cllcts sihti pts. t lists 102 cuts i Michi d 198 i hi; v littl hd sld clims u. sidts  stts css th ui hv cllctd lcl pts d thi w cuts it  budc  sl-publishd, vity, d smll pss bks, such s Te Mogollon Monster: Arizona’s Bigoot; Bigoot Encounters in Ohio; Te Maryland Bigoot Digest; Swamp Bigoot: ales o the Louisiana Honey Island Swamp Monster ; Bigoot in Mississippi; Sasquatch: Alabama Bigoot Sightings; d 50 Years with Bigoot: ennessee Chronicles o Co-Existence. biquity ds t ut ccptc, hwv. ith  w xcptis, scitists hv dismissd th pssibility  Bit.  Amic public is qully skpticl but th ctu’s xistc. ly  hdul is cvicd tht Bit is l, lthuh  l pct is willi t tti th pssibility tht Bit “pbbly” xists (s . 5.1). Fusttd Bits pit t  muti  vidc. usds  suppsd Bit tpits hv b cst i plst by schs.    budc  phtphs d uh puptd lms t wt thi w bk-lth listi. Bit huts hv v cllctd smpls  hi d cs. Mst scitists, hwv,  simply t cvicd  th quality  this vidc.  lms, phts, d t-cstis  bvius hxs, thy u.  cs d hi smpls must b m kw imls; th my sihtis  simply misidtictis  bs, i t utiht hxs thmslvs. Hw ththi dift typs blivs spd public cism but quy is   kyBit disticti btw thm.tLss thskptihl (41%)  ths wh bliv i ctus such s Bit hv v d  bk but th subjct, csultd  b sit,  thwis schd th subjct.  itst  casual believers is limitd t wtchi th ccsil Bit dcumty  tui up th  wh  sihti

106 Paranormal Subcultures

Fi. 5.1. Ds Bit xist? (Byl lii uvy, 2007,  = 1572) Note: A sis  qustis  th Byl lii uvy, v 2 (2007) sks spdts “ yu pii d ch  th llwi xist?”  skd but Bit, xttstils, hsts, d  hst  th subjcts cvd i lt chpts.

is ptd  th lcl ws.  csul blivs w hv tlkd t  ltivly uitstd i d ufctd by th skpticism  th scitic cmmuity. F thm Bit is simply  m itm ddd t  pml shppi ct tht icluds Fs, hsts, d psychic phm. t is smthi tht is blivd i but ly ispctd. Bth schls d th pss hv t qutly pitd ll ths wh bliv i  pticul pml subjct with th sm bush.  hv ud mst ddictd pusus  pml subjcts t b dift m wht w cll csul blivs.

Paranormal Research As udwith pml blisi d xpics, thtts is  supisi w mut pml sch  i th itd (s . 5.2); my Amics  tki thi itst i th pml byd cusl, ucsidd bli. m subjcts  m ppul th ths, but m th hl (53%)  Amics hv schd t lst  pml tpic.

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 skd Amics i thy hv v d  bk  th pml, csultd b sits,  thwis schd six dift pml subjcts.  mst ppul  ths subjcts ws th pphcis  stdmus. ly -thid  Amics w sucitly itiud by th s’s clims  ly y spcult d t thswld t dlvmuch it th subjct.Fch tutly, w c t whth  this itst ccud t th tu  th millium i 1999, s w did t sk but dts. Fu tpics clsly llw stdmus i ppulity. Cls t -uth (25%)  Amics hv d but  schd th wld  hsts, ppitis, hutd huss, d/ lctic vic phm. wty-u pct  us hv dlvd it stly. ly th sm umb is scitd by F sihtis, bductis,  tls  vmt F cspicis. Bit, th Lch ss Mst, d simil bsts  t quit s ppul, but hv, t lst t  pit, ttctd th ttti  -h  Amics (21%). Giv tht psychics, mdiums, d tu-tlls    th mst hvily dvtisd spcts  th pml, w w supisd t d it t b   th lst ppul subjcts  Amics t sch; ly but 13 pct  Amics shw  dp itst i th subjct; v w (12%) hv schd th w A s  mvmt, which susts tht th tm is  littl mi t mst Amics. t is pssibl, hwv, t pdict with i ccucy th spcic subjcts tht will itst  pticul typ  ps. vll, th pml is ppul, but cti subjcts  m ppul m sm smts  th ppulti th ths.   th mst csistt d pwul pdicts  thusism  pml subjcts is d. M d wm , quit simply, ttctd t dift pml tpics (s . 5.3). v wh tki it ccut difcs i mitl sttus, ducti, icm, psl liisity, d , m  still m likly th

Hv yu v d  bk, csultd  b sit,  schd th llwi tpics?

 pphcis  stdmus Ghsts, ppitis, hutd huss,  lctic vic phm Astly F sihtis, bductis,  cspicis Mystius imls, such s Bit  th Lch ss Mst Mdiums, tu-tlls,  psychics  w A mvmt i l

% swi ys

      

Fi. 5.2. Amic pml sch (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1721)

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Bit, Lch ss Mst, d th mystius ctus

 w A Females


sychics, Ftulls, Mdiums

phcis  stdmus

F sihtis, bductis, cspicis


Fi. 5.3. Gd d pml sch (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1721)

mls t dvlp  itst i “cyptzly” (th study  Bit, th Lch ss Mst, d th mystius ctus), F sihtis, bductis d cspicis, d th pphcis  stdmus. m  m itstd i stly, psychics, tu-tlls d mdiums, d th w A i l.  th is  td h, it pps tht m  smwht m itstd i “cct” pml subjcts.  thy t lst, it would b pssibl t cptu, kill,  d cct physicl vidc  th xistc  Bit, lk msts,  xttstils— d m sm t jy th hut. m hv t itst i m phml tpics ltd t psl dstiy d sl-impvmt. Giv th wid divsity  tpics tht ll ud th ubic  th pml, it is t supisi tht th thusists thmslvs vy quit widly. F xmpl, umid ppl ,  v, siictly m itstd i th w A d F sihtis, bductis, d cspicis th  mid ppl. t mitl sttus is t pdictiv  whth  will bcm ivstd i th subjct  psychics d tutlls, stdmus,  Bit d th msts. Mid ppl  just s likly s umid ppl t chs squtch. si  sttisticl tchiqu, w c simultusly csid th ltiship btw dift dmphic chctistics d llws thusism, d sch twd Bit, Fs,  th subjcts. is us t pit  pl  th “v” ps s will dlv it ch pml subcultu (s . 5.4). Dift typs  ppl m likly t mv byd simpl bli d it dp ivlvmt with ch pml subjct.

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F ch tpic  itst, w hv std dmphic cts i d  imptc. F xmpl, th mst pwul dmphic dtmit  bcmi itstd i msts is bi ml:gender is  st pdict  itst i schi cyptzly (msts) th is age. Gd ltd itstch i psychics, but issimply lss imptt icm, , isd thtcts. listd ct icss th th pbbility  schi  pticul subjct, but it is t dtmitiv.




Lw icm

Lw icm



Lw ttdc

Lw icm

Lw ttdc


Lw ttdc





New Age

lii: • th lii •  lii Hih ducti st Cst Lw icm



whit Cthlic



Hih ducti


t mid Fml

Lw ttdc Lw icm whit u uth Lw ttdc litlist Fml


Ml Lw icm t mid Lw ttdc litlist

Fi. 5.4. ml schs by subjct (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1721)

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m ls sch Bit; thy  just lss likly t d s th mls. Bi ml ds t, hwv, make  study Bit. k tth ths cts pit  pictu  wht ppl wh dlv it pml tpics  lik.  ps mst likly t d but hsts, sch thm  th b,  phps puchs ltd pjcts is  yu, lw-icm ml  ml wh ly ttds chuch d ds t viw th Bibl i litl tms.  v mst thusist tds t b  yu ml wh ly ttds chuch svics. vl itsti cts  imptt i pdicti wh will sch pml tpics. As w ud i chpt 4, lii plys  imptt l i dtmii itst i th pml bcus th pml  pts s  lttiv bli systm t cvtil lii. Csqutly, ths wh  hvily ivstd i cvtil lii my b lss ttctd t th pml. dd, th sl ct tht csisttly impcts ll  th pml tpics ud csidti is chuch ttdc. ith xcptis  schi th w A, ppl wh iqutly ttd chuch  th mst likly t xpss  itst i th pml. s wh qutly ttd  tditil chuch svic  simply lss likly t xmi lttivs.  w kw tht  ps is  qut chuch it is ulikly tht tht ps is schi th pml wh thy t hm m chuch  udy. Futh, hldi  litl viw  th Bibl ls hlps t uth itst i hsts, stdmus, d stly. hil it c b dicult t pipit m dmphics wh will ttmpt t i kwld but pml subjcts, th  sm vy csistt pdicts.   th stst is bli i  subjct. pl wh bliv i  suptul subjct  much m likly t ivstit it uth th ths wh d t bliv. Ctily th  skptics wh sch pml subjcts, but thy   utumbd by blivs (s . 5.5).  ths ppl wh d t bliv i Bit, th Lch ss Mst,  th msts, lss th -h (18%) culd b bthd t ivstit uth, but tu blivs  hihly mtivtd t d s. m wh blivs i Bit d th ctus is m th twic s likly t cqui kwld but th subjct s sm wh ds t bliv. Hvi  pml xpic is  v m pwul ty pit t schi pml subjcts.  ths Amics wh clim t hv s  F, ly hl (48%) hv schd th subjct (s . 5.6). ly  hdul  ths wh hv t s  F hv y itst

Fi. 5.5. ml bli pmpts pml sch (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1721)

Fi. 5.6. ml xpic pmpts pml sch (Byl lii uvy, 2005,  = 1721)


112 Paranormal Subcultures

i schi th subjct.  cus, chick-d- umts cssily is with such dt. t is pssibl tht ppl cm t bliv i Bit  th pml tpics bcus thy hv studid thm. t is ls quit likly tht sm ppl hv pml xpics ly aer thy hv schd lity subjctct.” t lth, wht svilth “scil cstucti A ll,culd th b multd my bks bl tht tll  wh t  t d hsts  t hv th bst chc t s Bit,  tht pvid istucti  hw t dvlp psychic pws. vthlss, i u tim spt with ppl wh hv hd pml xpics, it is cl tht ths xpics mkd mj tui pits i thi livs. uch ws th cs with Ci lht  xs. A fbl ty-iht-y-ld with yi hi, lht ws  plumbi busiss i Dlls, xs.  My 30, 1994, Ci d his thcé w divi  dk, tw-l hihwy btw w ls d Alxdi, Luisi, wh thi livs chd v: t ws but twty-v t thity t t th wd li m th d. Abut hlwy t th wd li,  u ws visibl i th illumiti  my hdlihts. t ppd t b but sv t tll, hiy d lkd t b y. ts bck ws twd us d it ws wlki i th dicti w w tvli, plll t th d. My wi, th ilid, d  lkd t ch th d simultusly sid “Did yu just s wht  sw?”  wtd t stp d  bck, but sh did t.  ws divi  suzu Ami with th s tp lld up, s  culd s why sh ws’t i v  this. t did bcm  tpic  l discussi  th mid  th tip. t ws smthi tht w tlkd m uslvs, but t with ths.

 cut iitd  dmt childhd itst i Bit. Ci b di ll  th Bit bks h culd d d ummd th b  imti. H jid discussi ups d pstd his thuhts  bls. ltimtly, Ci chd th cclusi tht  sluti t th Bit qusti wuld qui ccttd ft. Bit thusists ct ly up  hut  hik wuld smdy ccidtlly stumbl upth hp bdy, tht  tht vctis miht lly cptu  cls-up, idisputbl vid   Bit sui itsl by  ck. Ci dcidd t cus his fts up xs. ds wh hv t visitd xs ( ly its wst ptis) my b ud th impssi tht th stt pvids  cv   l, hiy bst.  ct, much

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 xs csists  lli hills d ts, d st xs is cvd with mil up mil  ds, swmpy sts. lht hs  t ss  hum d qutly mks jks t his w xps, but h is sius i pups.  1999 h udd th xs Bit schByCt t iz qust its m vidc  Bit’ s xistc. 2007 (BC) th ct cilly th chd t th xs Bit sch Csvcy d izd itsl s  pt izti., which w clims but y vlut mmbs.  BC hs wkd hd t dvlp  putti  sius sch i th Bit subcultu.   th mst cmm wys t dlv dply it  pml subjct is t ttd  ltd cc  i. Fqut psychic d w A is  sily ud i mst mj citis. F thusists pp t bt m th tst chic  ul ccs m which t chs. s wh  scitd with clims  cshd yi sucs c ttd th ul F Csh tivl Cc  visit ul stivls i swll, w Mxic.   th lst F sch iztis, th Mutul F twk (MF), hs hld its ul cc  m th ty ys.  ttil F Css cc fs its w lm stivl i dditi t wll-kw F spks.  By A F xp dws F thusists t th st Cst. ic 2001, th BC hs hld th “pmit Bit cc i th itd tts” i th st xs tws  Jfs d yl. ith th xcpti  cuius lcls, th ccsil skpticl lk, d th pss, ppl wh ttd  Bit cc  pssit. s  ppl wh  t ctt with m bli d  stisd with th sch thy c d  thi w. y wt t mt Bit clbitis c-t-c, puchs th ltst Bit pducts, td stis m th ld, d h tips m vt huts. m  thm hv tk it up thmslvs t sw skptics. y hp t l tips d ticks tht will hlp thm d p  Bit tht scitists ct i.  visit such  Bit cc is t mt sm  th bst’s mst ddictd thusists.

Bigoot Knowledge   ct tudy mi w ivd t  uditium i dwtw yl, xs.  hd d t spk t th ly u hudd Bit

114 Paranormal Subcultures

thusists ssmbld  th BC’s ul cc. u tpic ws th subjct  this chpt — th difcs btw csul blivs i Bit d ths wh xpss  dp itst i th subjct.  tu  u tlk, th BC d t cu th udic t cmplt  dtild qustii, us t   limps chctistics  ths dplyllwi itstd i pst squtch.  udit ut th thi viws  ky ctvsis i th Bit subcultu, li thi piis  puptd pics  Bit vidc, dtmid th xtt t which ttds hv itctd with th ctu itsl, d phps mst imptt, ld but th typ  ps wh ttds  mj Bit cc. As hudds  th Bit ithul stmd thuh th ds, xius t h m th dy’s spks, but  dz vds st up tbls  Bit-ltd bks d DDs,  li  Bit wtchs clld sqtchs, Bit ckis, d iil t.   th st this w ticd s w milld but witi  u t pstti ws hw sius ths i ttdc w but thi subjct. s w t ppl w t th study  Bit,  w thy ly cuius lcls just hpi t hv  luh t th Bit’s xps. is ws  distictiv d hdc Bit subcultu.  sw much jki ud, lihthtd bt, d hus btw ld ids. But mst  th ppl wh shwd up hd b dp it th subjct  ys. ly tw-thids hd b itstd i Bit  t lst  dcd, d but hl (49%) hd b studyi Bit  m th twty ys. Gthd kwld  Bit ws  disply thuhut th dy.  ttdc w Bit “clbitis” tht licitd sps  citi d xcitmt m th ssmbld ithul but wh pbbly wuld t b cizd by y utsid  th uditium. L Clm, th uth  umus bks but Bit d ltd phm, shk hds d utphd bks. mky Cbt, whs Bit xpics ud Fuk, Akss, ispid th ppul 1970s dcudm Te Legend o Boggy Creek, hld cut t his bth, wh h sld shits, psts, d  sstmt  utbiphis such s Smokey and the Fouke Monster d oo Close to the Mirror: Te Continuing Story o the o Smokey Crabtree. ld sch cizd L ClmLie withut th d  u itducti, i th dmiti   BC mmb. My ibility t ciz mky Cbt (h ws wy m his bth t th tim) ld t tl chstismt m th cc ttd. mv th lmt  Bit, d th is thi pticully

Paranormal Subcultures 115

uiqu but this. Mst Amics bl t   m subcultus, smtims withut v lizi it. A subcultu is simply y up tht psssss chctistics tht distiuish it m th wid cultu. Mutul hbbis d itsts  y th shd chctistic such s , c, scil clss,with  phicl c bcm bsis   distictiv up shd vluslcti d bhvis. uththc b dscibd s  subcultu, hvi shd itsts, li, styls  dss, d hbits tht dif m th st  th ppulti.  yuth subcultu itsl c b uth subdividd bsd  vit music styls, pticul hbbis, i  th cuty, ltiv  (dlscts vs. tws vs. ts), d i y umb  th wys. A shd pssi  chctistics c spw  subcultu tht bs utsids.   bik subcultus d Gth subcultus.  is  ACA subcultu d  wiliht subcultu; subcultus  huts d  cmic bk cllcts. ACA hs its w clbitis tht  cmpltly ukw t ths wh d t lik wtchi ppl div i cicls. t L,  dlik u t my cmic bk thusists, wuld d littl xcitmt t th dy 500. Mmbs isid y subcultu dmstt thi dvti t thi subjct by bi mili with its ky pslitis d histy.  BC cc ws mst buzz but  ct dditi t th liup,  thi, spy, svty-iht-y-ld cwby m kim, shit, by th m  Bb Gimli. Bb is such  clbity i th wld  Bit tht h hd b buht t th vt withut v th quimt  ivi  pstti: his m psc ws uh t lctiy th cwd. Bb wdd th vd  d uditium, tki pictus with thilld ttds.  w hdd cms   umb  ccsis t sp  pht   xcitd  with his  h m ud th pptully ii Gimli.   cti ss, h uwittily svd s  mthd  distiuishi th w csul blivs i ttdc m th sius Bit thusists. As Mliss Hvy,  Bit bl, cmmtd i  pst but Gimli’s ppc t th cc:  yu d’t kw wh Bb Gimli is, pls h yu hd i shm d t kwi thm Bb Gimli lik tlly kwi wh stp Jhdi. G is. u [sic] t sch,  yuisshuld py m ttti.

Gimli’s clim t m is i bi th Gimli pt  th mus tts-Gimli lm,  puptd lm   squtch.  ctb 1967

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Bb d his id, th m d id  tts, visitd Bluf Ck, Clii, i hps  cptui  Bit  lm   pld dcumty. tts hd pviusly witt  bk  Bit d blivd tht th Bluf Ck  ws  d spt t sch  th ctu. luck wuldihv it, th du ws udi  ll t thy i  ck bd  As thi hss th ly  ctb 20 wh spttd l, dk ctu but six  sv t tll, which tht s up m  cuchd psiti d wlkd css  vl sdb.  st, stcky u ws cvd i blck hi with th xcpti  smll pts  its c. t hd ms tht hu blw its ks d pdulus bsts. F y-th scds  shky 16mm t, th u shmbld css th sdb twd th t li. At m 352 it tud its hd t lk t tts,  m swu i t  its bdy, th th t its bck. is m  lm hs b pducd cutlss tims d its subjct,  ickmd “tty,” bcm th c  th Bit mvmt.  u tim with th Bit subcultu w hv ld  th mus pics  vidc.  hd ttds dbt th mits  Albt stm’s clim tht h ws hld cptiv by  Bit mily i 1924 l with th tls but  mily mki ids with Bit i tucky.  m ct pvc is th Skookum Cast, tk i th Gifd icht til Fst i shit tt.  ptmb 2000,  tm m th Bit Fild schs izti (BF) tid t tic y by Bit it lvi cl tpits by dppi  pic  uit it th ct   s d muddy ptch  ud. h th ivstits tud t th  thy ud th l impssi   iml t th d  th mud wllw. uppts s th impits  Bit’s m, thihs, buttcks, d hl. y thiz tht  clv Bit tid t vid lvi tpits by clii  th hd ud d chi its ms twd t th uit. th Bit thusists hv discutd th cst, blivi it t b th impssis   clii lk.  BF tk  mus (3.5 × 5 .) cst  th impssi, cpis  which ccsilly suc t Bit xhibitis. Als  ily ct vit  th Memorial Day Bigoot Film, tk by duiwhich  mily shittip t Chpk shit,  Li My t 26, 1996, pupts shw  BitLk, ui css  mdw, d  1994 cdi   Bit mi “thOhio Howl,” cdd by Mtt Mymk d Jmi ts (which c b hd  www.b.t). Dspit such lttivs, th tts-Gimli (G) lm mis th

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Fi. 5.7. Bit kwld m ttds   mj Bit cc

cut hihliht  Bit vidc. ti bks hv b witt but th lm, w lyss  th subjct  cc psttis, pdcsts, d di shws. M th 80 pct  th ppl i ttdc t this cc blivd tht th G lm cstituts  smwht  vy cdibl pic  Bit vidc.  th pic  puptd vidc  th ctu’s xistc v ppchs this lvl  ccptc. Aud hl  th ttds d th kkum Cst t b cdibl vidc (58%)  thik th hi Hwl is lly  mi squtch (46%). Lss th  thid bliv tht th Mmil Dy Ft lly dpicts  Bit. hps th tst si tht  hs td  distict subcultu, hwv, is th lvl  kwld  disply. h w skd ttds i thy w mili with th kkum Cst, G Film, Mmil Dy Ft, hi Hwl, d Albt stm cs, ly hl i ttdc w mili withpstd ll  thm (s . My 5.7), d tw-thids w mili mst  th vidc.  th ttds w Bitwith xpts wh thy td th cc. A di chctistic   subcultu is th dvlpmt   spcilizd vcbuly, kw s argot. hd itst i  subjct tully lds ppl t mk distictis tht    itst t utsids. F

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ths ivlvd i th wld  l-plyi vid ms, it is usul d cssy t distiuish MMORPGS m sil-ply ms d t kw th difc btw turn-based d real-time cmbt. s with  ptic  bttli blis d ds  thi cmputs d b smuch bi tivi —yu thywill  d ll just vidctizti ms. xplthis ythbby itst up d simil systms, which sv th usul ucti  distiuishi isids m utsids.  bcms  vlud mmb   subcultu by li its li,  t th tutl  m si mmbs. ut th wy, kwld is  ky mk  mmbship i  subcultu. As schs i this , w hv hd t bcm ut i th ts   umb  dift subcultus i schi this bk.  ld th difc btw F ctcts d bducts d wht  bduct mt wh sh sid lis hd plcd  “implt” (tcki dvic) i h bi  tht sh hd bithd  “hybid” ( hl-hum/ hl-li child).  vit th wld  hst huts w ld th wkis  MF dtcts, th difcs btw sidul d itllit hutis, d hum d ihum titis, d hw t spt “bs” i u phtphy d list  s i u tp cdis.  ls hd t l th t  Bit thusists t vit thi cc. F xmpl, w vhd svl ttds tlki but  “sht/d’t sht” ctvsy. m Bit huts dvct th killi   Bit spcim, sic it sms tht ly  bdy will ttct th ttti  mistm scic?  ths  th “d’t sht” sid  th c, it culd b pttilly ddly t  bviusly dd spcis t tk v  spcim.  Bit is cls ltiv t hums, it my v b csidd mud.  shts w slihtly utumbd i th s-clld “sht/d’t sht” ctvsy (54% dis with shti  Bit t pv its xistc t th wld). ch typ  Bit xpic hs its w spcilizd tm. y tlkd  “vcliztis,” puptd Bit scms d hwls hd i th wds, such s th hi Hwl. ly -uth (24%)  ths i ttdc climd t hv hd th scms, hwls,  chtt   Bit. sm t umb usd  tchiqu kwtshih “cll blsti”Aud t ticth Bit spk. hv Cll blsti ivlvs plyi vlum th hi Hwl, th puptd Bit scms, suds  imls i distss, cdis   bby cyi,  y th is blivd t b  pssibl ttctt t  cuius squtch. sully th suds  plyd   bmbx/CD ply ttchd t l spks.

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wty-six pct  th Bit huts t th cc hv hd  dift kid  suspicius is i th st, th sud  wd kcki  wd. is s-clld wd kcki is blivd t b  m  vcl squtch cmmuicti whi  Bit bs sticks  th  ts t cmmuict with th by ccsituks th Bit huts will pick up  bch d tyBit. wd  kcki thmslvs i th hps  hi  sw m th dp wds. A m cct m  vidc cms i lis  lld Bit tcks,  “tckwys,” which but 20 pct  th ppl t th cc clim t hv ud. v btt, s th wildli bilist Jh Bidl discussd dui his pstti, is wh tcks iclud dml ids,  swils quivlt t ths ud i pits.  cus, th hly il   Bit sch wuld b t s th bst itsl, kw s  “visul” m th Bit huts. ly twtyth ppl t th cc hd b lucky uh t ctully s  Bit, lthuh th t ppl thik thy my hv s  but  t bslutly cti.  pitm wuld b t cptu tht visul  cm, th md quivlt  th G lm. sts discussd  umb  mthds by which thy miht ccmplish this l,  i quit tchicl tms. Jy Hstd discussd th BC’s “pti Fst iil” i which dzs  mti-ctivtd cms hv b ttchd t ts i s  xs d klhm kw  Bit sihtis. Bill Diis,  i, discussd th “y-Gtch” phtphic systm tht culd b plcd i   kw  Bit sihtis.

“More Boring Tan You Tink”: Prole o a Bigoot Hunter At th d  th l dy  psttis w jid  up  Bit lumiis  th uditium st   qusti-d-sw sssi.  udic’s qustis w sius d mstly but th spcultiv bily  Bit. Ds th ctu mit? Ds it smtims wlk  ll us  ly  tw ls? A th ctus ctul, diul,  cpuscul?  w wll cquitd with th BC by th tim w spk t thi ul cc.  ldy kw tht its mmbs did t t th sttyp  pml blivs. vthlss, w w still supisd by th stid tu  th cc d th cvtility  mst  ths i ttdc.  c w csid cc ttds t b

120 Paranormal Subcultures

Av Amics

All cc ttds

Bit huts

ct ml Av ducti Av icm Mid?

 sm cll k – k 

 u-y d k – k 

 u-y d k – k 

tstt? Chuch ttdc

c mth

  y svl tims

c mth

Fi. 5.8. l  Bit schs d huts: ttds t th xs Bit sch Csvcy’s ul cc, cmpd t til vs

 tw bd typs. m  ths i ttdc w miht cll Bit huts— mmbs  th xs Bit sch Csvcy, Bit Fild schs izti,  th izti dvtd t ti th ld t d vidc  th xistc  squtch. ly -h (20%)  ths i ttdc hd tk th stp  jii such  izti.  mii ttds w simply Bit thusists with  itst i th subjct d which hs t yt mvd t th lvl  iztil mmbship. Cmpi ths tw ups  ppl t th l ppulti pvids sm itsti dis (s . 5.8). lss  ds  ps s “st” simplybecause thy xpss  itst i Bit (d w liz tht sm ppl wuld us tht diti), th Bit thusists t th ll-dy squtch vt w mkbly ml, vydy ppl.  v Bit thusist ws mid, d bv v i ducti d icm ( u-y d m  cll  uivsity d $50,000  y  m).  cc ttds w slihtly ucvtil, it ws i tms  lii. hil th mjity  Amics (61%)  tstt i sm m  th, lss th hl  th Bit thusists climd liti with  tstt dmiti. y ls ttd liius svics svl tims  y, which is lss qut th th til v  c  mth.  w spt ut ths i ttdc tht  mmbs  Bit huti ups, hwv, w d  vy cvtil up  ppl.  miht v cll thm hypcvtil.  v Bit hut hd  hih ducti th v Amic,  hih yly icm, ws lvl mlikly t b th mid, m likly t clim  tstt liti, d i li with th v Amic i qucy  chuch ttdc.  ws th ccsil bvius cctic, such s  y tuck div m Dlls wh pid th ld sch i  c t discuss this  Atltis, but ths typs w th xcpti, t th

Paranormal Subcultures 121

ul. F th mst pt w w m vy ml ppl tlki but  vy st subjct. m  th pts i ttdc w clly stymid by th lck  clul chcts  biz Bit witsss t th pcdis Austin — st ppl mk btt hdlis.  th American-Statesman ws dwiht iittd Mik s hLtt cutd i his bitt viw  th vt, “xs Cc m bi th yu wuld thik”:  wt t th 2009 xs Bit Cc xpcti ppl i ill suits milli but m smi-czd s  z, tttd, blchstd bdips.  ud istd ly  plit, ld cwd  mildly slpy tu blivs wh ly cm liv t th mti  th  shw MonsterQuest  th mvi Te Legend o Boggy Creek.  thuht suly sm wuld b slli BL — Bit, lttuc d tmt— sdwichs d Abmibl wm cs dui th luch bk, but th w ly Cks d ubwy sdwichs. yi t t sud bthlssly mic d ltlssly f kilt must b hd wk.  stm  ppl clli thmslvs Bit schs —  studi umb  thm hDs, cll psss, d scitists m y umb  lds — dd  ll dy, tlki but stllit imy, lbl ill ptts, Bit titil bhvis, d spcilty ldwk schi  Bit sis. v th cwd  blivs ws ddi f by th .  ws slp d dli dw th t  my shit.  discussi ws c, j-ld, d cusd   smthi thy cll cyptzly.

Practice: Hunting Bigoot  ppl wh sk pml knowledge by di bks, sci b sits,  ttdi ccs c b chctizd s m ivlvd  pml subcultu th th practice ths wh  bli  hvihd siul xpics, mysimply tuly hld spt th dbbls m th sius thusists.    umb  wys tht sm with  itst i  pml subjct c put thi itst it pctic. m with  itst i hsts c ji  hst-huti club. Buddi stls d psychics c ttmpt t us thi pws.

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Mst thusists,  th th hd, must t th ld t sch  thi quy. h w jid sm BC mmbs   hut  Bit, w witssd smthi much dift th th lihthtd, csul xpimtti  th i Dlls s m w sil-midd, d sius thisychic qust tFi. bi Bit it th liht  dy.cusd, “Bit i’t  uic,”  mmb tld us, “d w will pv it.” Dcmb: Bi Ck cic A, m Hust til Fst, xs “Dvid” is  ty-smthi x-i c itllic c d w m   bk i  ctl xs.  2004 h cuht  bi limps   v- t six-t, mlik ctu, cvd i ddish bw hi jump css  til i th wds  Libty Cuty, xs. “Mitch,” ls i his tis, plyd bsktbll i cll d w wks with cmputs  mpl, xs. H hs b itstd i Bit sic h ws  child. A si Dvid iv  lctu but Bit, Mitch b divi it th wds  d hc Bit huts. hil divi dw  cuty d with his bth, h spttd  Bit u css th d i t  his tuck. A idly, quit m, Mitch’s “bi’s luck” ld him t mliz his qust  Bit with th BC. “ith,”  su, is ls i his tis. v six t tll with slt-d-pppd bw hi, ith hs t yt s Bit but blivs h hs b cls.   ct xcusi h hd “smthi” kcki  ts d pudi cks tth i th st. Althuh sius i his itst i Bit, ith ls jkd ctiully but th bts  th hut. “ t t spd my wkds chwi’ tbcc d ti’ wht  wt.” dd, w w stishd t th vlum  mt ith ws bl t ck d csum m  ptbl v i th bck  his pickup.  th m ciusly llwd us t ccmpy thm   ld ivstiti t th Bi Ck cic A i th m Hust til Fst, utsid  Cld pi, xs.  Dvid’s istuctis, w w cm mly l-Mt) d buht uh d tclthi mk it(wly thuhpuchsd th vi. i th , w mt t Dvid’s hm d hlpd him pil v l plstic tubs  quipmt it th bck  his tuck. A but th hus  divi, w pulld it  hut’s cmp:  cli i th wds with  dumpst d svl pds  which w culd pitch u tts.

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A “cll blst”

As w st up cmp Dvid imd us  th vi’s pl. u l ws t ttmpt t ttct y squtch tht miht b i th  vi cll blsti. Dvid pulld  cl m th bck  his tuck d pd it  us. sid ws his cll blst—  smll dvic with dils d kbs ttchd t  ludspk. uhut th iht th cll blst plyd th hi Hwl, th suds  imls i distss, d th whps  ibbs. htly  10 p.m. w hppd i thi c d llwd Dvid d th th ivstits t  sis  tils  sht distc m u cmp wh ith hd xpicd wd kcki.  pkd t th tilhd d thd ud Dvid’s tuck t civ istuctis. By this pit th tmptu hd dppd blw thity ds, lvi th uths li ill ppd.  shivd ucmtbly d hppd m t t t t kp wm. Dvid ws dssd m hd t t i cm clthi,. H std cms, wt, d.357 th supplis i stppd th multipl pckts  u th cmshlihts, utt. A impsi Mum ws t his hip.  ws th ly t ptct us ist “idius wildli,” Dvid imd us. H lls  th “d’t sht” sid  th sht/d’t sht Bit dbt. Dvid culd s “ d s”  shti t  squtch, v thuh  l bdy wuld pvid idisputbl vidc  th ctu’s

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xistc. H wuld us his u ly i  squtch ttckd  i w w thtd by th dus imls, such s wild bs. As Dvid shwd us his u, ith ddld with his “w ty,”  biz hdlmp with tw lwi lihts ttchd t its tp. By pssi  butt h culd switch whit tht sputtd dit did mvd btw t quickly. d dd lihtlihts ws suppsd t kp m wh bi h visibl t ctus withut th cpbility t pick up th dift clti  th liht.  vidd tlki dictly t ith lst w hd t lk dictly it th piully biht lihts.  BC’s wst cll blst tud  mt ctl. t is pssibl tht Bit is dtd m ivstiti suds pducd by  cll blst bcus it hs  smlls th hums pti th dvic, Dvid tld us. , w plcd th uit d its spks i th ck   t dp i th wds d ttd.  tm th spd ut. ch  us ws pid with  BC ivstit d llwd his pt t  lcti i th wds. ith wuld ctivt th blst vi mt. dlly,  cuius Bit wuld wlk iht pst us  its wy t ivstit th suds cmi m th cll blst. t is  i xpic t cuch by th sid   pth, dp i umili wds   bittly cld vi, witi   tiyi hwl t upt m th cll blst. Btw ch blst, ith wuld wit  spss m th lcl wildli d th ty i. F ths  us wh hd  id wh th xt blst wuld cm, ths wits w vwcki.  sudd sud  chtti mkys chi f th ts cusd  sch t ll t th ud m his cuchi psiti.  cpy hi Hwl biy pducd chills t ivl th tmptu. tutly, th xpimt did t sm t pduc  immdit sps m sidt squtch. A iittd cw spdd t  cll blst, d w tly yd th lcl d ppulti.  shudd t thik  hw w must hv tizd y ususpcti cmps i th . A  hu  cll blsti, Dvid ylld  th tm t th.  quitly mchd sil l bck it th wds t tiv th blst d spks. vl vts ccud duiwitt th wlkpt tht itiud th BC ivstits s utlid i th up’s  this xcusi: [A]t ppximtly 11:30 p.m., th ivstits . . . hd svl suds lik xtmly lud kcks  ts. Als twthy: ivstits . . . w vwhlmd with  vy bxius d smlli vy much

Paranormal Subcultures 125

lik  iml tht hd b immsd i b.  kcks smd t b i sps t [u] bdcsti plybcks  ibb d ill vcliztis.

wht sudd kcki  t duths biyidd ticdhd  ul d, ki tlik smthi iml ccss.   culd t lct th ii  th smll, s it cm d wt. hps th suc  th smll ws mvi  th wid ws shii th smll   xd bjct. tutly, w  t sucitly mili with th xs wds,  its wildli, t kw pttil sucs  such phm. vthlss, Dvid, Mitch d ith w xcitd by th pssibility  hvi ttctd  squtch t th . “’ll cm bck i th mi d lk  m vidc,” Dvid tld us. A ckwy A tul iht’s slp d  ht bkst t  lcl di lt, th BC tud t th cll blsti lcti.  split it tw tms. ith d Mitch skd Jsph t llw thm i  dicti; Cs d Chistph llwd Dvid i th. Dvid slwly wlkd l  ck, hppi m sid t sid, sci th ud cully, mst  which ws hd-pckd d cvd with lvs. u bst chc  di th tcks  y Bit dw t th  by u cll blsti ws i th s, wt sd ud th ck, h sd. A schi  but twty miuts, Dvid sid “ thik w’v t smthi h lls!” H klt xt t th ck d bushd lvs wy m  impssi i th sd. Dvid’s cutius ptimism tsmd it xcitmt s h xmid th “pttil hmiid tck.” H pitd t th idtti i th ud d pitd t wht ppd t b t pits. t ctily lkd lik th tck   ps, but w  t xpts  iml tcks d s ct spcult  wht imls culd mk ths tcks. “t’s t  cc,” h sid. “t’s t  x   hs   h ith.   ly tw this it culd b —  hum  squtch.” h scd , Dvid ud wht h likd t   hl pit t thAsl th ullth pit. Acss th smll ck w wht h thuht miht b kuckl pits. H spcultd tht  Bit miht hv klt bsid th ck, sti   hd d scpi  dik  wt with th th.  BC md plst csts  th tcks, which w sid i thi vidc cllcti.

126 Paranormal Subcultures

Dvid spts  pttil Bit tck  th bks   smll ck.

ctly th dis m this xcusi w ptd   pisd  th Histy Chl sis MonsterQuest titld “wmp tlk.”

Paranormal Complications and Consequences  u sch w hv ud tht th pml is dicult t pdict. As scil scitists w hp t sw qustis wh pssibl, t simply is w s. But w  cmplld t t tht ttmpts t pdict wh will  th pml  i th multitud  dift wys tht  ps miht itc with  pml subcultu  bli. mpml ppl will simply uxmid, uciticl bli i m   m subjctshld d thi itst will   th.  ths wh  iclid t bliv i Fs, hsts,  psychic pws pbbly thik but ths subjcts ly ulss skd. th ppl hv idd hd wht thy pciv t b  pml xpic. mtims this vt, whth it b  psychic xpic, Bit sihti, 

Paranormal Subcultures 127

th cut, will hv  dmtic impct up  ps’s li, updi pdims d upstti stblishd ids but th csmic d. F ths  psl hst sihti is mly  u sty t tll ’s child ud th cmp,  m,  lss. till ths will b cmplld by i bli  xpic xpl  pml subjct sits, uth studyth tpic thuh t di bks, visiti tt dbywtchi dcumtis. A smll subst  ths csul schs will b uld it dp lvls   pml subcultu d will stt ttdi psychic is, F ccs,  hst is. A slct w will bcm psychics, hst huts, d F wtchs thmslvs.  pit bi, t ly d dift typs  ppl bcm ttctd t dift pml blis d hv dift typs  pml xpics, it is quit pssibl tht dift typs  ppl will b m ttctd t dift lvls  ivlvmt i  pml subcultu. F xmpl, ths wh hv spt tim schi th subjct  Bit li, thuh bks, d dcumtis td t b yu mls wh iqutly ttd chuch d wh liv  th st Cst. t  dift typ  ps is ttctd t th hihst, mst sius lvls 

uptd Bit tcks m Cld pi, xs

128 Paranormal Subcultures

th Bit subcultu d jis th hut  Bit.  ct spk t th pml subcultus, but t lst withi th Bit huti subcultu, th ppl t its mst ivlvd lvls  quit cvtil i th spcts  thi livs, cty t public xpcttis.  th tim wthy spt Bitbyhuts, wDvid, udMitch, thm t wll w  th wy with pcivd utsids. dbith ll hv much t ls by “bi bdd s utcss,” Dvid tld us. Mitch’s ucl d bth ctiully pk u  his sciti with Bit. Dvid is cul wh h tlls t wk, ccd tht ppl will t tust  Bit hut t m thi bki. ith wuld t dm  tlli his llw sus but his qust  th bst.  m’s dvti t thi qust llws thm t pss  i th c  public sc, t tht th m wuld t ch hw ths pciv thm i thy culd. i williss t ccpt th csqucs  thi qust  Bit vidc spts thm m csul Bit blivs d m ths wh d th ccsil mzi sty d wtch MonsterQuest c i whil. i cus  pvi Bit’s xistc pps lly mtivtd by vidicti, d thy dm  th dy tht th scitic cmmuity is cd by th wiht  vidc t uc t th wld tht Bit is idd l. y thik  thmslvs s ml ppl wh just hpp t hv s  bliv i Bit. y pp t b cct i this d.  williss t b ucvtil is  ky disticti tht spts ppl wh  ivlvd i th pml. m ppl  willi t c th csqucs  xpli th ull   th pml. ths ty thi bst t miti cvtil livs i th c  limitd pml itsts. As w xpl i th xt chpt, ths wh  uccd but th csqucs  pml bli  tuly dift m th st  us. F c th pml will bcm lss cmplictd.

6 ml pl

As w hv discussd thuhut this bk, th  svl ppul d cdmic ids di ppl wh bliv i th pml. cilists d scil cmmtts such s l Mx hv ud tht liius d pml blis will b th pvic  th dwtdd, schi  suptul slutis t thly tubls. th lii schls hv thizd tht pml blis pst cmptivly w d i lmts  th Amic liius mktplc. w ids td t b dptd st by lits, d th, sm u, th pml will b th pvic  ths with hih ductis d icms. utsid th hlls  th cdmy  bd sttyp is  pplid t pml blivs — ppl wh bliv i  hv xpicd th pml  “dift.” pl wh d t bliv i th pml  pcivd t b ml; ths wh bliv i pml tpics  csidd wid, ucvtil, st,  dvit.  is  bi pblm with this simplistic ssssmt— blivi i smthi pml hs bcm th m i u scity. h skd i thy bliv i th lity  i dift pml subjcts icludi tlkisis, tu-tlli, stly, cmmuicti with th dd, hutd huss, hsts, Atltis, Fs d msts, v tw-thids  Amics (68%) bliv i t lst  (s . 6.1).   stictly umicl ss, ppl wh d t bliv i ythi pml  w th “dd m ut” i Amic scity. Lss th  thid  Amics (32%)   ll  i this ms is tht distiuishi dismissiv btw ppl wh dsubjcts. d d ht t bliv  xpic th pml is bcmi icsily lss usul. th, ppl my b m dily distiuishi by how much  th pml thy d cdibl. y w Amics (2%) bliv i ll i  ths pml subjcts. ly but 11% bliv i six  m pml tpics. ht this 129

130 Paranormal People  itms ()  itms ()

 itms ()  itms ()

 itms ()  itms

At lst  bli ()

()  itms ()  itms ()

 itm ()

 blis ()

Fi. 6.1.  pml pymid: pct  Amics hldi simultus pml blis (Byl lii uvy, 2005) Note:  xmid th spss  ch spdt t dtmi hw my  i pml blis itms thy blivd. A spdt wh blivd i y  th i itms (Atltis, hsts, psychic pws, tu-tlli, stly, tlki t th dd, hutd huss, F, d/

msts) civd  1. A spdt wh ptd bli i y tw  th itms civd  2, d s . ltivly w spdts (but 2%) idictd bli i ll i. cts  udd.

ms is tht mst Amics  t tily dismissiv  th pml but disply  m  pticulistic skpticism. m ppl bliv stly i Fs d Bit, but d th clims  stls d psychics icdibl. m bliv whlhtdly i hsts d th bility t cmmuict with th dd, yt hv littl ptic  clims tht cit, dvcd civiliztis (such s Atltis) c xistd.  put it quit simply, ppl wh bliv i th pml culd paranormal particularists, plcd l  ctiuum i m whb bliv stly i  spct  th pml  hv hd  sil typ  pml xpic, t paranormal generalists, wh hld multipl dift typs  pml blis d my clim multipl dift typs  pml xpics.

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uhut this bk w hp t hv displld my sttyps but th pml, but i this chpt w will s tht ppul tis but th pml d idd t.  u ldwk d i u dt w hv ticd tht th  st dmphic difcs btw paranormal particularists generalists d paranormald . mtims pml lists  quit ucvtil d idd ihbit th is  scity — yu just hv t kw wh d hw t lk.  udstd th imptt difcs btw ths paranormal generalists d paranormal particularists w will st visit tw ppl w mt li i th bk.

Laura: Paranormal Generalist  chpt 4 w itducd Lu.  1984 sh clims t hv b tk t  l F hvi bv th. c bd th ship sh mt  up  idly, humlik xttstils d thi cmmdi c. Lu ws cctd t  dvcd cmput systm t civ lsss but hlistic hlth d mdici. is ws imti sh wuld d smdy t hlp th plt, th lis tld h. Fllwi h lsss d  mzi ml, Lu ws tud t th uhmd. Lu’s sty is t pticully uusul withi th F subcultu. t ts i th icly lsid G Admski, Billy Mi, d th F ctcts wh hv civd wisdm m thi humlik spc bths. But Lu is t lik th ppl w hv mt wh hv hd  siul F xpic. h ds t bsss v F tls d ds t sm t dwll  this pticul xpic ulss skd but it.  s? h livs  li lld with pml blis d xpics, d h visit t spc ws but   my.   ct iy wkd,  visitd Lu t h hm i Fdl y, shit, t cht but h vid itsts. Lu livs i  mbil hm i wht sh chully dscibd v th ph s  “til pk tht hs s btt dys.” Hvi tid m  jb with th pst c svl ys pvius, Luhbbis, w livs  xd icm but is “busi th v” with h di, ditsts.   h stst itsts is tiv Amic spiitulity, which  ticd immditly up ti h wll-kpt hm. As h w puppy jumpd t my ls d  ld ct std ptultly m bhid  chi,  lkd ud th m. ly vy suc hd  ppul

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pstti  tiv Amics  it.  my l ws  smll bkshl. Cvi th wll bv it ws  sis  smll cllcts plts, ch mblzd with vt pitis  tiv Amics.  ,  chi i ull hddss sits  th bck  his hs, his ms utchd t his  mdici m cmmus wl i th st.  sids. tp  thth, bkshl ws  si sttu  thwith wlhds, hwli t th sky. Acss th m d  tp  th bkshl ws  tw-ttll tp md  clth. A l cmic mid dll with ths i h hi ws stdi isid th tp. A dm ctch hu m th cili i  c. itis  sitly tiv Amics lld th p wll spc. y st  stms, dcd i lds, d zd t ttmic imls i th sky.  skd Lu but h bvius itst i tiv Amics. h is -ihth tiv Amic d ds this up t b th “mst i tuch with tu d mst i tuch with thi i spiitulity.” dd, sh blivs tiv Amic tibs t b th dscdts  st csts s “thy hv lds but cmi m th sky.”  xpl this itst Lu ctly jid  “Mdici hl” md by  lcl shm.  cti  mdici whls  scd hps is  th cmm pctic m tiv Amic tibs wh usd thm s clds d  vius hli ituls d its  pss. Mst  th whls w physiclly lid up th ldscp usi sts. Lis  cks ditd utwd i  cicul ptt m  ct pit  sts. ctly, th symbl  th scd cicl hs b dptd i pml cicls, d it is this bldi  th ld d th w tht Lu pctics. h dscibs h Mdici hl s “bsiclly thwst di stly” d symblic i tu. mtims wh th up mts, thy d t bth t ly ut  whl   ud. ch mmb is iv  iml pstti bsd  thi bith dts. Lu is  b,  tul ld.  th up’s iul mtis, thy std i  cicl d mditt,  cusi up thi iml psttis. Lu ls tld m with pid  h mmbship i  “Gdmth’s Mti.” Althuh Lu hs svl dchild, this up is t ly  tht dmths litl th  “symbl pstsith spct  ss. th divi thtthhsdmth cm t hlis th th.” Gdmths pst th “yi,” Lu sid. h ctiud: i y ds th divi i th wld s it is. pl dd with yi y lk t th st d mvl i its buty.  y lks t 

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st d ss th pt tht c b md m its wds  m buildi  it.  psts mvmt d ch. i is pc. h th tw  i blc, th wld wks s it shuld. h thy  ut  blc th  pblms.  wld hs t much y w. t is why w hv ws.

 dmths bliv tht by cmi tth d mditti thy c is th lvl  yi i th wld thby bii wd pc, pspity, d blc t th plt. h t mditti with h Mdici hl  Gdmth’s Mti, Lu pusus  dizzyi y  th pml itsts. h c sid up  stly cuss t  w A schl, but s lizd tht sh wuld hv t ivst csidbl tim, y, d my t bcm  tuly pcit stl d withdw h llmt. Lu still ccsilly ds  bk  stly, but sh w hs m itst i umly, which “just mks ss t [h].” h hs ttmptd utmtic witi t tims, whi th “wit” hlds  p  pcil v  pd  pp d ts  tclik stt dui which th wit’s hd scibbls ut msss d dwis. m thik ths msss  m th wit’s subcscius, ths bliv tht lis, hsts, ls,  th titis t th wit’s bdy d us this pptuity t cmmuict. Lu hs  st itst i Bit d blivs th ctus cm i m humlik d m bstlik vitis. Bth vsis  Bit scp dtcti vi th bility t bcm ivisibl, v thuh svl  h ids clim t hv s . Lu hs t b lucky uh t spt Bit hsl, but sh hs hd th pml xpics. F xmpl, sh blivs tht  udi l c svd h m t hm. t sms tht s  yu il Lu ws duck huti with h th   swmp i suth Clii. h ws cuchd xt t h th bhid sm tll ss witi  ducks t y vhd wh sh hd  ml vic i h hd ylli t h. “Lu! Mv yu hd! w!” it sid. h duckd dw d t tht vy mmt hd  usht. t sms tht duck huts  th th  sid  th swmp hd d  duck sh cssi tb  Lu’s psiti. Lu hd t duckd, shtclims, wuldihv sht dictly i th c. h blivs tht th vic sh hd ws tht   udi l st t ptct h. H th ws t s wd, hwv, d was hit i th c. H livd th mid  his li with bullt mts mbddd i his hd.

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M ctly, Lu’s s bcm itstd i citly d ld h sm  his bks. citly hs  cmplx bli systm tht ivlvs th impvmt  th cut li by livi tums tht ccud i pvius livs.  chuch clims t pvid tls tht will hlp th iitit thi pvius uh di bks, Lul sys but sh bcm w  livs.  umb  pst livs h sh s’s hs xpicd. h w blivs tht sh ws st t th ihty thusd ys  by  cstium  xttstil “hih bis” clld th Gdly Cmpy. Mmbs  th Gdly Cmpy sh  d  hlpi t mt pcul itllic thuhut th uivs. Lu hsl ws ivlvd i th cti  th hum spcis. h hs mmis  bsvi dthl m with  tm  th hih bis. y wuld lk  th slss dthls— th s wh hlpd ths d did t sm t thik ly  thmslvs. y slctd th blst dthls s bdi stck d usd thm t ct th hum c. As pt  h li juy, Lu ccsilly livd m th ly hums.   ct cspdc, sh tld us  h xpic with wly mmmths:  ws [c]  yu umid wm   smll bd  cv dwlls. u ppl w stvi. u mdici m wt it th btw wlds d tlkd t th ld  th Mmmths. H pldd   scic m   thm s u ppl wuld t di.  ld Mmmth d on i   u child ws scicd s wll. i child w s pcius t thm s us w t us.  shm d.   cti dy my pts cm d w s xcitd.  ws mssd with s d my hi ws stihtd d ws w put  m d i my hi.  ws xcitd t.  thuht tht  mt hd b ud  m d  ws t b mid.  ws buht ut t  jumbl  cks tht vlkd  w stip  pli btw tw clifs. All th ppl w th d th shm ws tlli us hw this ws  d dy.  Mmmth w cmi d w wuld t.  dy ws butiul d suy th w cks ld. w wm. t smd lik ll wlki bcus th sss i thd vlly  Mmmths sttd thuh th vlly but t  wy  u huts t ch thm.  shm hd m sit  th ck d ly bck. H tld my pts t hld my ms. y lkd bwildd but did it. Quickly th shm tk 

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ki d stbbd m i th ht. vy ws hid bcus this st  thi hd neer b d b. My pts w dvsttd bcus thy hd t b tld.  ws sttld d th  ws ut  my bdy wtchi. A yu ml with  butiul shii ct tud wy m th hdMmmth d wlkd cls t th wll whld u ppl w. h lkd m stiht i th y d  ws dumbudd by th itllic d buty  sw th. u huts pushd dw bulds d killd h. h kwily scicd hsl bcus  ws scicd. Ad th ppl livd.

c th hum c ws mly stblishd, Lu sys, xttstils st Jsus t th t tch us uth. Lu ws ls ud t hlp with his missi. Dui Jsus’s tim sh livd s  ld widw md chl. h bcm xtmly cls ids with Jsus  tvli with him d th pstls. Jsus ws cucid, sys Lu, bcus h ws s d t chi ppl’s mid. “H buht ut th bst i vy d th pwul ppl culd’t std it.” Lu/chl culd t b t witss th cucixi  Jsus but wds bcm  vcl dvct  his mss. vtully sh ls bcm  iitt d ws std t dth  “tlki t [sic] much but Jsus.” Li s much but h w pst livs hs pd Lu up t w vltis. h blivs tht w  ll cctd t  bi “vsul,” d tht ch idividul ps is mly  xtsi  it. s wh tp it th vsul c tp it th livs d xpics  ths, smthi tht Lu hs ld t d. h xpics t ly h w pst livs but c liv d -xpic th pst livs  ppl sh hs v v mt.   F uth t itviw Lu, h wuld pbbly sk h ly but dvtus bd  spcship d lbl h  “ctct.” A pssil stlist  umlist wuld d  buddi iitit i Lu. m pduci  dcumty  udi ls miht hv itst i h sty. h wuld b th pct cll-i ust   tlk shw but pst livs. But is t   ths ll  thm, simultusly. hsh livs i  y pml wldthis. wh h chisdy c bi  w pml xpic  itst i  w pml tpic. h kws tht sh is t lik mst ppl d tks pid i h ucvtility.

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 chpt 5 w mt Dvid,  Bit hut m xs. H hs dvtd himsl t di cclusiv vidc  Bit’s xistc sic h sihtd th ctu i 2004. ly ll  Dvid’s  tim is spt i th wds schi  Bit  hlpi with th ptis  th xs Bit sch Csvcy. m wh hdtt mthd Dvid d Lu miht lump thm tth— thy bth clim hv  xpic tht w hv lbld pml i this bk. But i lmst vy th wy, thy culd t b m dift.  udstd this dic w must st visit  ctvsy withi th Bit cmmuity di th tu  thi quy.

Bigoot and the Star People A ky chll tht hs cd Bit blivs v th ys hs b th subjct’s qut ssciti with th spcts  th pml.  ths utsid Bit cicls, th subjct is ki t hsts d stly. squtch is smthi  th tblids   silly sty with which t d th lcl vi ws.  thplist Jf Mldum,   th w cdmics t ply xpss  itst i Bit, umitd  this issu i his ct bk Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science: tutly, th litimt sch  lusiv imls hd bcm mbild i th mix  th mysticl d th psudscitic. Accuts  lk msts d wildm ctiu t b th stuf  sstil supmkt tblids. lk it  bkst i sch  di mtil  Bit d yu will mst  b dictd t th ccult scti, smwh btw Bmud til d cp cicls.

Mldum hs ly sttd pt  th pblm cd by th Bit subcultu; th cmmuity itsl is dividd s t th tu  thi quy. m ppl, whm w miht cll th Bit tulists, bliv tht Bit is  udiscvd spcis  pimt. t is  iml witi t b discvd, lusiv  till b su, still  iml. mkid discvdth muti dbut ut, w c,Just withspp udi,  dy kill  Bit, cptu ,  discv idisputbl vidc  its xistc. But th  ths withi Bit cicls, whm w miht lbl Bit pmlists, wh u tht Bit hs micl pws  is sscitd with th pml phm.

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Bit’s mst qut pml cssv is with th subjct  Fs.  th 1970s  umb  witsss clim t hv s  squtch mi m  t lst by  F.  th css, Bit ctus w simply s i s wh F sihtis hd ctly b ptd, implyitbut ccti th 25, tw1973, phm. F xmpl, 9 p.m.btw  ctb svl witsss  itw, sylvi, climd t hv s  l, d, sphicl bjct hvi i th sky d th dscdi it  pstu. A yu m d twi bys wlkd t th ld t ivstit d climd t hv discvd  whit, dm-shpd bjct tht ws but  hudd t i dimt sti  th ud.  bjct ws mki  lud whii sud, d liht m it illumitd th suudi .  witsss w ppchi th bjct wh thy ticd tw st us with lwi  ys wlki l  by c li. ch ws btw sv d i t tll d cvd i hi.  ctus’ ms hu dw pst thi ks i  ill-lik shi.  up d up th ctus.  l  th tw bsts th tud twd th th, d t tht istt th whit bjct i th ld disppd, d th whii is stppd.  witsss d th sc d clld th stt plic. A tp ivd t th sc, puptdly witssi  lwi cicl i th ss 150 t i dimt. p tui t his stti th tp clld th F htli  sylvi F ivstit t Gd, wh st  tm t ivstit. Lt tht iht th up ivd t th lcti d ptd svl st icidts.  lwi  bsvd by th tp li ws , but  mhus by suddly lit up “lik dyliht”  svl scds.  his cuti  th vts, t Gd ctius: t vts b t ccu . . . i this dk scludd lcti. . . .  mi witss,  th l idividul, whil bi qustid suddly bis t wl, thwi his th d my ssistt G Lutz twd th ud.  m  it th ld wli lik  iml d mitti scms,  which ws  ihum. His w d ppchs him s ttck, th whimpi.  m suddly cllpss thtud. us tw f  my tm mmbs bi t cmpli thtt thy  hvi tubl bthi. uddly th i is lld with  st d tht c bst b dscibd s tt s. . . .  m s h cm ut  wht ppd t b  lmst tclik stt, b tlki but visis h sw but th d  th wld.

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Gd hs kpt i tuch with th picipls ivlvd i this biz cmbiti  Bit, Fs, pssssi, d d-tim pphcis. Accdi t Gd, th pimy witss ctius t pt th ccsil pml xpic, icludi  cut with th M i Blck l,t butkw w hv t ttmptd t cm yhv spct  thism cs.F  d th ms  th witsss, w ttmptd t tck dw th stt tp i qusti.  d s wuld b missi th pit. ht is imptt  th cut pupss is t whth th itw icidt hppd s ptd, but th fct it d css lik it hd up th Bit subcultu.  itw icidt d simil css cvicd sm tht Bit ctus w xttstil bis. Fm th 1970s , spculti but Bit’s pml sscitis bcm  ppul   itst i sm Bit bks d lt i li ums d bls.  1976 bk Bigoot cptus th Bit pmlist  wll.  succssiv chpts, th uths B. A lt d Al By cut css i which Bit hs cmmuictd tlpthiclly with hums, disppd it thi i,  b s i th psc  Fs. y viusly spcult tht th ctu is  tiv Amic tht hs dvlpd th bility t shp-shi, tht it miht liv i cvs lcd with dvcd tchly, d tht Bit miht b usd by xttstils s  sch iml. is l thm ws stikily simil t th styli   1976 pisd  ppul tlvisi shw Te Six Million Dollar Man i which h tv Austi bttls Bit, ly t discv tht th ctu is  did bdyud ctd by li bis. As such this but Bit’s iis spd i th subcultu d i ppul mdi, svl uiqu pslitis md t vx th Bit tulists. F xmpl, sic 1983 th m l t Jhs hs climd tlpthic cmmuicti with “ Bi Ft pls,” pcul st bis wh wship th Chisti Gd. “ st tim  mt squtch h t up d pyd . . . t Gd, d t Jsus Chist,” Jhs climd. uh Bit All  th w mily  Bit, Jhs hs ld tht th Bit  visits m th h dimsi wh tvl i Fs. m th plt Ctuis, ththi Bit pls w scud byiilly th ihbitts  by Aic wh plt ws but t b dstyd.  Bit livd hppily with th humlik ppl  Aic util  vil ul cm t pw, ci my t d th hm. m  th Bit md thi wy t th smtim b th

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lst c A wh thy w cd t ctd with mpi disus d ssiv cvm. Cmpudi thi pblms ws  tp  vil Bit st t th by th vil cqu. A my bldy skimishs th d Bit d t vius cs  th th. All wd Jhs tht thbd Bitd mi umus ussi, Chi, th mutis , ptsspcilly  shit di Cd. hps th tst th i th sids  m stid Bits ws th lt J-ik Bckjd, wh did i 2008. Bckjd ully ppd  di tlk shws d   pms such s th oday Show d Late Night with David Letterman t spus his uiqu this but Bit.  w bl t spk t Bckjd by ph shtly b his dth t h his uiqu pspctiv. “ shuld hv cptud Bit by w i it ws sh d bld,” h tld us. H wt  t xpli tht  hut shuld hv sht   thm. uld it t b pssibl t llw th tpits  such  l bst util w ud ? hy hs’t  Bit b stuck d killd by  c? s wh v  simpl, tulistic ii  Bit hv pvidd thi w spss t such citicisms. Bckjd blivd h hd  m sbl sw. Bit “ct b cuht  sht” bcus it is  shp-shi tht c “mipult th liht spctum thy’ i s tht ppl c’t sm thm” d us its tlpthic pws t ss th psc  hums. Futh, Bit ctus sh  “spc-tim ii d ccti with Fs d cm m  ltt uivs by  wmhl.”

“Tat UFO Nonsense”  u tim with mmbs  th xs Bit sch Csvcy w hv bsvd hw littl ptic Dvid d mst th mmbs hv  ccti Bit t th spcts  th pml. A summy sttmt  th up’s b sit ttmpts t m thi hihly idiculd subjct mtt i sius tms:  xs Bit sch Csvcy is  501(c)(3) tx-xmpt pt scitic-sch izti, s cizd by th tl vu vic, cmpisd  vlut ivstits, scitists d tulists.

140 Paranormal People

ith  divs, ddictd, pssil, d tltd st  ppximtly y mmbs, icludi bilists, d th pssils, th BC pusus ducti d sch ctivitis ptii t th ctuis-ld “wildm”  “hiy m” phm i th Amic.  BC ppss tht thl suc  th phm bilicl tity, pbbly  ulistd pimt. iztiis is ctivly d i ctivitis dsid t tst tht hypthsis.  BC dsis t hc th cdibility  bit/ssqutch sch d cilitt  t d  ccptc by th scitic cmmuity d th smts  scity  th liklihd   bilicl bsis bhid th ssqutch phm.

 BC is stdst i its bli tht Bit is simply  udiscvd iml tht scic will  dy ciz. ts mmbs dm  Bit mvi ut  th tblids d it th cdmy. Bit pmlists tht ths mbitis. ith thi utldish this d clul pslitis, Bckjd, t Jhs, d ths uth cvic ldy wy cdmics d vmt cis tht Bit is  i tpic m which sius ppl shuld sty wy. “ hv lts  scitists tht quitly suppt us, “ Dvid tld us, “but thy d’t sy it publicly bcus thy  wid but thi puttis.”  dt mst hv t tk th tim t tuly xmi thi vidc, Dvid tld us, but mly dismiss it ut  hd. Dvid d th BC mmbs mk  pit  tlki but thi lvl  skpticism t ty t cutct th pcpti tht Bit is  silly subjct. “Just bcus  hut Bit ds’t m  bliv vythi  h. ’m  skptic,”  tld us. At BC mtis w hv hd spks wh spt s much tim dbuki pttil css s thy did psti xciti w pics  vidc. M impttly, Dvid tld us, th up is vy cul t vid bi cuht up i “tht F ss.” ttil mmbs wh wd i Bit miht b  visiti xttstil  wh ttibut psychic pws t th bst  discud m jii, lst thy uth muddy th wts. s with  m pmlist bt  Bit  ulikly t d iwith cl cl stc utlid i th up’s mtils, thyth w t biliji thy wuld d littl hi  thi this. is is t t sust tht th BC is ud  cls-midd, thy just hv  cl pspctiv  th tu  thi tpis.

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pul d cdmic discussis  tt th pml s  ith/ ppsiti. ith yu  “ml” d d t bliv i tpics such s Bit, Fs, d psychic phm,  yu  dvit d bliv i th pml.  lity is much m cmplictd. Am pml blivs w d  st disticti btw ppl lik Lu, wh s thi ivlvmt with th pml s  lil xplti  th ukw i my ms, d ppl lik Dvid, wh  ski cdibility d cus up ly  subjct. Dvid tis vy hd t mk su tht his tpic  itst is t sscitd with th pml tpics. Lu ss th pml s  itcctd, hlistic wb  blis d xpics, witi t b xpld. h is  pml ps. Dvid hs lmst lucttly ud himsl ivlvd i th study  Bit d will t css th li it th tpics.  difcs btw Dvid d Lu my sm idisyctic d uiqu t thi biphis.  ct, w c pdict with sm ccucy wht typ  ps will bcm ivlvd i   my spcts  th pml.

Te Paranormal as Deviant Behavior  xpli d pdict why sm miht bcm  pml pticulist lik Dvid d my th mmbs  th BC vsus  pml list lik Lu, w tu t sch by schls  dvit d cimil bhvi.  wt t b cl but svl pits thuh.  d miht sk why w wuld pply this  dvit d cimil bhvi t ppl wh bliv  pticipt i th pml. Ds this m tht w thik tht ppl wh visit stls  pttil cimils  tht F blivs  wid d dus? ypiclly, it is th biz xmpls   phm tht  th mst hvily publicizd. Csid hmicid i th itd tts. Judi by ws cv, ppul plic dms, d lity sis,  miht b l with th impssi tht mst muds  cmmittd by sts d sil sm  th is. ppsit cid tht victims killis killd by thy kw, usullyisitu. th Mst ht hmipssi, s i css  dmstic vilc. Lw cmt is wll w  this ct. Mst dtctivs stt thi mud ivstitis by itviwi spuss d th i-hm mily mmbs b mvi t xtdd

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mily mmbs, cls ids, d lly cquitcs d c-wks. ly wh such lds il t pduc  vibl suspct d plic siusly csid th pssibility tht  cmplt st ws ivlvd i th cim.  is ls  vidc tht sil killis   th ics. il killis is dsmll ll with th vll il muds cstitut  vy pct  llhmicid muds;t. dui tims  icsd vilt cim w will s m sil killis d w i lss vilt tims.  s w hv such  skwd ss  wht mud is lik is tht shcki d typicl muds  csidd bi ws th “uti” dmstic vilc icidts.  sm pblm pplis t cv  th pml.  mst cctic pslitis civ th mst iply. s vy  istcs (such s th mss suicid  th Hv’s Gt F cult) whi pml blivs hv b  d t thmslvs  ths civ s much mdi ttti tht thy  cm t typiy th pml i th mids  th public.  hv u it u sh  cctic pslitis whil schi this bk l with ths wh  idistiuishbl m th v m  th stt.  d tht ppl wh bliv i th pml  t t b d. , w d t wt th d t thik tht u pplicti  ids m cimily d dvic studis ms tht w hv buht it sttyps but pml blivs.  cll smthi “dvit” is t th sm s clli it bd, vil,  czy. Dvic simply s t blis  bhvis tht div m th ms  scity. A m pppit syym  dvit wuld b “ucvtil.” cvtil blis d bhviscan b bd  scity:  xmpl, cimil cts   m  dvic, s wuld b th hldi  whit supmcist blis. At th tims, ucvtil bhvis d blis  bcil. s ks d i  ct  dvic tht hlpd t spw th civil ihts mvmt. vts, tpus, d scitists  hv t thik i ucvtil wys d bk with ms t mk dvcs i thi lds. mthi is dd s pml bcus it hs t yt b cizd by cvtil scic dd cvtil , th pml is, by diti, dvit, this scity. dvic c smtims hlp us udstd ivlvmt with th pml.  ls must b vy cl but th pit. My this tht ttmpt t xpli dvic cus up cimility, pticully  vilc d juvil dliqucy. is is t supisi s th ducti 

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cim is  much t itst t public cils d ti cis th is th udstdi  cimil dvit  ucvtil bhvis d blis. u c t this sch ds t m tht w bliv th pml t b ki t cimil bhvi.

Stakes in Conormity Cimilists d dvic schs hv ppsd  wid vity  dift this t xpli wht cuss ucvtil blis d bhvis. Much  this wk hs ssumd tht ppl tully dsi t cm d tht it tks  tiv vt  cicumstc t push sm it dvit bhvi.  th wds, much cimilicl thy sts  th implicit ssumpti tht ppl  ihtly “d” util smthi mks thm “bd.”  cimilist vis Hischi pushd   dift ppch t udstdi dvic i his ldmk bk Causes o Delinquency. Althuh h cusd his thy up th xplti  juvil dliqucy d cim, its c ids hv wid pplicbility d c ls b pplid t ucvtil blis d bhvis. Dwi up th wk  li cimilists, Hisch ud tht cmity is t  iv  hums. Cim d dvic c pvid  sy, quick, d  thilli ms t dsid ds. F xmpl,  wy t buy  c is t wk l hus t  jb, slwly svi up th cssy uds t lly puchs  ssibl vhicl. t is much quick t simply stl th xpsiv spts c tht  ctully wts.   ps is d  humilitd by th ps, th ssibl thi t d is wlk wy d cl dw, wh th mst tiyi thi t d wuld b t isttly tlit. Hischi’s pit ws simpl, mst ppl kw th cvtil uts thy  xpctd t us t ch dsid ls, but ucvtil  dvit uts t ths sm ls   quick d m ppli   bs lvl.  why d ppl cm t ll?  sw is sbl, but isihtul. Mst ppl d t ct  thi isticts tk Csid th quickst dsid lshs bcus t d sbs wuld b tisky. twut m,t  whm  hihpyi jb with pptuitis  dvcmt,  hih ducti,  wi h lvs, d child tht h dts .  th m hs hd lss luck i li. H ws v bl t  t cll d hs biy hld  sis  lw-pyi jbs. ctly divcd, h is tily std m his


Paranormal People

x-wi d child. Fllwi Hischi’s li  si, th st m shuld b much lss likly t  i  dvit ct, such s visiti  pstitut.  h t b cuht sliciti by plic, his m miht ch th pps. His wi d child wuld b humilitd d y d miht iv him. His bss d c-wks but st, v csti him utu pmtis  v hismy jb. d  ut th mth is t ccd but lsi his hih-pyi jb  utu pptuitis  dvcmt i his chs c. ith  cut dsi t ccil with his wi d kids, h is t ccd but thm di ut tht h cstd with  pstitut.  tmpttis  dvic shuld b lss ttctiv t th st m bcus h hs m t isk, m t ls i h ts cuht.  must b cl but cti mtts. Hischi d ltd thists d t u tht ppl wh d t hv  jb  wh  lly  ihtly cimil.  d thy u tht ppl wh hv much t ls will v dvit, s vidcd by hih-pl scdls ivlvi pliticis d public us. y simply clim tht ppl wh  m tid t th cvtil d will b m ccd with cvtility. pl wh hv siict ivstmts i cvtil lis  cti will b lth t isk ths ivstmts. m wh hs spt ys cquii th dvcd ducti   hih-pyi ii c wuld b lss likly t  i isky bhvis th th i lw, huly ws t  dd-d jb.  v, ppl wh hv  hih “stk i cmity” hv m t ls by i i dvit  ucvtil bhvi d shuld b lss likly t b d i dvic th ppl with lss stks i cmity (s chp. 4). s with lw stks i cmity  cmptivly  t idul i dvic. F Hischi, dvic is th sult   wk  bk bd t scity  stk i cmity, d thus th tsk  thists is t dtmi th lmts tht mk up  stk i cmity. Hischi ttmptd t qutiy  stk i cmity, ui tht th  u pimy wys i which  idividul is bdd t cvtil scity: attachments, involvements, commitments, d belies. Attchmt thh xtt t which  idividul hs st ltiships with s pplttht dsis t miti. A idividul wh hs st ttchmts will, thticlly, t wt t isk th disppvl  ths siict ths by i i dvit bhvi. vlvmt s t th xtt t which

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idividuls  i cvtil ctivitis. Hischi us tht  idividul wh is qutly ivlvd i scil clubs, chitis,  th such ctivitis will b t busy di ths this t d tim t  i dvit bhvi. Cmmitmts  my, y,  tim md by  ps d t bti  cti cmps pt  th stk iicmity. m whlistyl, hs wkd hdth d chivd mtil succss will, thticlly, vid ucvtil bhvi sic it miht tht th ivstmts thy hv md i  cti listyl.  l lmt  th scil bd, bli, ssums tht  idividul will b lss likly t ccpt ucvtil blis i sh ldy hs cvtil blis. pl with hih lvls  ttchmt, ivlvmt, cmmitmt, d bli will b cmists, whil ppl with xtmly lw lvls  ch will b dvit, ucvtil,  cmist. pl c  btw ths tw xtms. F xmpl, Hischi wuld xpct  yuth with  v umb  st ttchmts t b m dvit th  yuth with  hih umb  ttchmts, but lss dvit th  yuth with  vlud ltiships. Hischi’s ids hlp us t pdict hw ivlvd sm will bcm i th pml, bth i th spcic xmpls  Dvid d Lu, d i th tds w d i u til suvys.  is st vidc tht  ps’s stk i cmity hlps t pdict h lvl  ivlvmt i th pml. pl wh  wddd t cvtil scity  lss ttctd t pml blis. y will td t hv  pml blis  t b pml pticulists lik Dvid. pl with lw stks i cmity l twd th m ucvtil i l. y  m likly t b pml lists, lik Lu, wh  itstd i multipl pml subjcts t c.  dmstt this td w xmi ch lmt   stk i cmity i tu d th tu t Dvid d Lu. Attchmt   ttchmt  ltiships stk i cmity xtt t which idividullmt hs st tht shs dsisttth miti. t is isky t  i dvit  ucvtil bhvis i t d s will sult i idicul  shm m mily mmbs, ids, d c-wks. Dpdi up th bhvi i qusti,  my d up lsi ths

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ltiships i th dvic is discvd. m wh lcks such ltiships is cmptivly  t dvit — thy d t hv t ct th piis  ths it thi dcisis. Althuh w did t sk spdts t u til suvys hw my cutly hv, c xmi  msuiAmittchmt—ids mitlthy sttus. Mi is w  mk  cvtility c scity. A umb  studis hv ud tht ppl wh  mid td t b m cvtil i  vity  wys. y tk w isks, hv w scil pblms such s ddicti t dus d lchl, d  likly t hv t lvls  physicl d mtl hlth.  s i mitl sttus lts t th pml, w st ctd  pml blis scl d  pml xpics scl.  pml blis scl is cmpsd  i qustis tht sk spdts thi lvl  bli i hsts, tu-tlli, Atltis d th cit, dvcd civiliztis, tlkisis (th pw t mv bjcts with th mid), psychic pws, stly, Fs, hutd huss, d msts such s Bit. m wh scs  z  this scl ds t bliv i th lity  y  ths itms. A ps wh scs  i blivs i th lity  ll  thm —  tu pml ps.  ths ppl bv z, lw scs  idictiv  pml pticulists, ppl wh  cvicd  th lity     w pml tpics but  skpticl  ths. u scl  pml xpics is cmpsd  v itms tht dtmi i th spdt hs csultd  hscp, csultd  mdium, tu-tll  psychic, visitd  livd i  hutd hus, usd  uij bd, d/ witssd  F. Ai, ppl my hv xpicd   ths this  ll v.  umb  pml blis  ps hlds d th umb  pml xpics climd  bth siictly ltd t mitl sttus (s . 6.2). pl wh  mid hld w pml blis  v th ths wh  umid. pciclly, mid Amics td t bliv i tw  th i pml blis, whil umid Amics blivd i th  v.  sm td hlds  pml xpics.  v mid ps hs hd  pml xpics, th typicl umid ps clims cls t tw.

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Fi. 6.2. Attchmt: umb  pml blis d xpics by mitl sttus (Byl lii uvy, 2005) Note: ml xpic scl s m 0 t 5 d idicts hw my  th llwi pml xpics  climd by th spdt: csulti  hscp; csulti  mdium, tu-tll,  psychic; visitd  livd i  plc blivd t b hutd; usd  uij bd t ctct  spiit; witssd  F. Mid spdts hld 1.9 pml blis  v, cmpd t 2.4  spdts wh  t mid. Difc i ms is siict t p < .001. Mid spdts  v hv hd lss th  pml xpic (.73), cmpd t spdts wh  t mid, wh pt m th  (1.5).

Bli vis Hischi’s umt tht cvtil blis will ti  ps t cmity is stihtwd. m wh is cvtil  tditil i th wy tht thy thik  i wht thy bliv is i t b lss ttctd t ids  blis tht  utsid  cvti.  u suvys w hv ud st vidc tht cvtil bli is  dtt t th pml. pl wh hv m cvtil blis i th sphs  simply lss likly t hld pml blis  t hv pml xpics.  xmid th ltiship btw bi mid d hvi pml d xpics i th pvius d scti.  ltiship btwblis pml blis d xpics mitl sttus is v m stiki i w csid ppl wh  chbitti. 39 pct  Amics thik tht livi tth b mi is imml. Ath 18 pct bliv tht chbitti c b sbl i sm cicumstcs but w i ths.  mii 43 pct, thik tht

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Fi. 6.3. Bli: umb  pml blis d xpics d chbitti (Byl lii uvy, 2005; ll difcs  sttisticlly siict)

chbitti is t w t ll. Althuh it is much lss ctvsil th it usd t b, livi with  pt is still csidd ucvtil by th mjity  Amics.  chic t chbitt with th ps is  si tht  ps is willi t buck cvti, t lst i cti sphs  li. dd, chbitti is stly sscitd with pml blis d xpics (s . 6.3). pl wh  cutly chbitti pt ly twic s my pml blis s ths wh  t chbitti. Futh,  v,  ps wh is chbitti hs hd t lst  pml xpic. F  ps wh is t chbitti th v is lss th . liticl pc pvids th ms  dtmii th typs  blis  ps hlds. Amics  ily vly split btw Dmct (38%) d public (41%) with th mid idtiyi s idpdts. t wuld b icct t clim tht idtiyi s ith Dmct  public is ucvtil  dvit i th itd tts, but clly publics hv m tditil d csvtiv ttituds  mst scil us,m w miht xpct th climi d  public idtity t issus. ti  ps tihtly t cvtility dt xpimtti with th pml. dd, w d such  td (s . 6.4). publics  siictly lss itstd i th pml th

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Dmcts d dpdts.  typicl public blivs i w th tw  th pml subjcts w skd but  u suvy (hsts, tu-tlli, Atltis/cit, dvcd civiliztis, tlkisis, psychic pws, stly, Fs, hutd huss, d msts). Dmcts d dpdts bliv i tw  ths subjcts,  v. A simil ltiship hlds  pml xpics. publics  th lst likly t hv  pml xpic, d sl-dscibd dpdts  th mst likly. Chpt 4 xpld th cmplictd ltiship btw cvtil lii d th pml.  pticul, w discussd hw cvtil lii  cts s  cmpti pdim t th pml. m liius ups will llw thi mmbs th dm t ivstit lttiv blis whil stict ups will discu  bid such bhvi. lii c ls b thuht  i  dift wy — s  si  cvtility. Cti liius blis  hld by th mjity  Amics. F xmpl, th mjity (82%) pt liti with  Chisti dmiti  sm typ (Cthlic, vlicl tstt, Mili tstt, Blck tstt), d mst ttd svics t thi chs dmiti t lst c  mth. Difi m mjity liius blis is, i cti css,  si tht  ps is ucvtil i his  h wldviw.

Fi. 6.4. Bli: umb  pml blis d xpics by pliticl pc (Byl lii uvy, 2005; ll difcs  sttisticlly siict)

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Fi. 6.5. Ccptis  Gd i th itd tts (Byl lii uvy, 2005)

A succict ms by which t u th cvtility   idividul’s liius viws is his ccpti  Gd. cilists hv ud tht ccptis  Gd impct  vity  th blis d ttituds. M th tw-thids  Amics bliv i Gd withut dubts d th 12 pct bliv i Gd, v i thy smtims hv dubts (s . 6.5).  tst itst  th cut pupss  th mii tw viws  Gd. A smll pct (4%)  Amics d t bliv i ythi byd th physicl wld, icludi Gd. ic such ppl xhibit skpticism twd th suptul i l, thy shuld b ulikly t hld pml blis. Ath 14 pct  Amics  t Gd s  “csmic c”  hih pw. s ppl schw phss such s “Gd” tht imply  siul u   m i th sky. is is t bstct  my Amics, wh td t scib lis, mtis, d judmt t Gd.  th wds, imi Gd s  “c” is  ltivly ucvtil bli i u isscity. this blisuptul but Gd blis my idict tht dd,  idividul p tHldi ucvtil s  whl. this pps t b th cs (s . 6.6). pl wh d t bliv i Gd ptd th wst pml blis. pl wh bliv i Gd with  withut dubts w t sii-

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ctly dift m  th i tms  pml blis. s wh hld  ucvtil viw  th suptul, si Gd s  csmic c  hih pw,  siictly m likly t bliv i th pml d t bliv i  t bdth  pml subjcts.  sm with pml pl wh bliv i ptt csmichlds c tu pt ly twic sxpics. my pml xpics th ths with m cvtil/tditil ccptis  Gd. vlvmt Althuh  th l bdy  sch lly suppts Hischi’s ids, th ccpt  ivlvmt is pblmtic. Hischi ud tht ppl shuld b lss dvit t th xtt tht thi tim is lld with cvtil ctivitis such s yuth ups, clubs, d vluti. imil t th ppul id tht “idl hds  th dvil’s plythis,” h ud tht yuth wh hv usupvisd  tim  m likly t t it tubl bcus thy  bd  bcus thy simply hv m tim t d s.  is, i ct, littl vidc m studis  juvil dliqucy  cim tht ivlvmt i cvtil ctivitis hs  idpdt fct up lvls  dvic.

Fi. 6.6. Bli: umb  pml blis d xpics by ccptis  Gd (Byl lii uvy, 2005; ll difcs  sttisticlly siict)

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Fi. 6.7. vlvmt: umb  pml blis d xpics by ivlvmt i cmmuity ups (Byl lii uvy, 2005) Note: spdts w skd i thy bl t y  th llwi iztis/cmmuity ups:  ts  cultul izti;  chitbl izti  up;  civic  svic up;  thic  cil izti;  ihbhd up  ssciti;  pliticl pty, club,  ssciti; schl titis, sitis,  lumi ssciti; spts, hbby,  lisu up; thputic/cusli up; td ui  yuth ups/iztis.  difcs i pml blis d pml xpics w t sttisticlly siict.

imilly th is  vidc tht ivlvmt i cvtil ctivitis dts bli i th pml (s . 6.7).  skd spdts t u til suvy t idict i thy  ivlvd with y  twlv dift cmmuity ups  sscitis such s  ts  cultul izti,  civic  svic up,  pliticl pty,  spts, hbby  lisu up, d svl ths. pl wh bl t   m such ups pt but th sm umb  pml blis d xpics s ths wh  tily uivlvd i th cmmuity.  mi difcs btw th ivlvd d uivlvd  sttisticlly isiict. ut th wy,  ct ssum ythi but th ps’s ppsity twd th pml i ll tht is kw is hw much h  sh vluts.  lcl cub scut ld my hv s  F. Cmmitmt Cmmitmts  my, y,  tim md by  ps i d t bti  cti listyl mk up th pt  th stk i cmity.

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m wh hs wkd hd d chivd mtil succss will, thticlly, vid dvit bhvi sic it miht tht th ivstmts thy hv md i  cti listyl. Fllwi this li  si, ths wh  i hih-pyi cs with pssibilitis  dvcmt d whthv wkd hd systm. t bti  hih ducti shuld b mths wddd th cvtil hil w did t d  stihtwd ltiship btw ducti d idividul pml blis, ducti is  st pdict  whth  ps will bliv i my pml subjcts. pl wh hv chivd t lst  hih schl diplm bliv i w pml tpics d hv w pml xpics th ths wh hv t chivd  hih schl diplm (s . 6.8).  sm ltiship hlds  icm. pl wh hv chivd  hih lvl  icm hv thticlly ivstd thi livs i th uthc   hih-pyi c  jb d hv m t ls by i i dvit  ucvtil bhvi. ml blis d, i ct, stdily dcli s icm icss. pl wh hv lw lvls  icm hv  st tdcy t bliv i  wid vity  pml subjcts th ths t hih lvls  icm. s t th lwst lvls  icm ($10,000  lss  y) blivd i  v th ( i)

Fi. 6.8. vstmt: umb  pml blis d xpics by ducti (Byl lii uvy, 2005) Note: Alysis cmps spdts wh did t civ  hih schl diplm with ths wh hv  diplm  hv chivd uth ducti, such s sm cll   cll diplm.

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Fi. 6.9. vstmt: umb  pml blis by icm (Byl lii uvy, 2005) Note:  sm ptt xists wh xmii th umb  pml xpics ptd by spdts: s icm icss, umb  pml xpics dcss.

pml subjcts, whil ths mki $150,000  y  m bliv i tw  v (s . 6.9). mpttly whil icm lvl mtts, ppl t ll lvls  scil stdi still v t lst sm pml blis.

Conventionality and the Paranormal ith th xcpti  ivlvmt i cmmuity ctivitis, th  ltiships btw spcts   idividul’s stk i cmity d hw much  th pml thy d cdibl. Attchmts t ths pps t limit mt with th pml, s d tditil blis d ivstmts  hsbtw md i cvtility  cvtil li  hih ducti.  ltiship dsuch th s pml bcms v cl wh ll  ths cts  csidd tth.  ssid ch spdt t u suvy with  vll stk i cmity sc i m z t v bsd  thi mitl sttus, pliticl lis, blis but Gd, icm, d ducti. A spdt

Paranormal People 155

with  v hs  vy cvtil/tditil li; thy  mid, public, p t thik   psid Gd th th  csmic c, hv  hih icm d  cll ducti. m with  z is umid, -public, did t cqui  cll d, ps t thik  Gd s with impsl ssc  chctistics, c, d s..  lw mily icm. pl  mixtu  ths umid but public, hih icm but lw ducti d s , wuld sc smwh  th middl  th idx.  ltiship is cl  bth pml blis d pml xpics. As stks i cmity ics, pml blis d xpic stdily d mkdly dcs (s . 6.10). A ps with

Fi. 6.10. Cvtility d th pml (Byl lii uvy, 2005)

Note: Cvtility scl s m 0 t 5, idicti whth  spdt is mid,  public, hs  hih icm ($50k d bv), hs  cll ducti, d/ blivs i  csmic c/hih pw. A ps wh scs 5  th scl is mid, public, cll-ductd, blivs i Gd (t  csmic c/hih pw), d hs  hih icm. Difc i ms i pml blis d xpics  siict css lvls  cvtility.

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th hihst stks i cmity ccpts  v ly tw pml blis. is is lss th hl th lvl  bli xhibitd by ths with th lwst stks i cmity. ith d t pml xpics, ppl t th lwst stk i cmity hv hd tw pml xpics,  v.  hvi pml dclis stdily with th liklihd typicl ps t th hihst stks xpic i cmity hvi  such xpics.  u tim with Dvid d Lu it bcm cl tht thy hd distictly dift wys  livi thi livs d distictly dift viws but th pml. Dvid kws tht sm ppl thik h is st d tld us  ccsis wh ppl hv idiculd his itst i Bit. H is cutius but wh h tlks t but Bit d is ccsilly tict t discuss his psl sihti  th ctu. w Dvid cs  qudy. lwly but suly, h is bcmi  ply i th Bit wld. His ldship skills d pssi hv tud him it  ky spksm  th xs Bit sch Csvcy. At st, h ppd ly  lcl wscsts,  s th “silly sty” t d th shw. ct ppcs  th Discvy Chl d vl Chl  mvi him it th bi lus.  his clbity s  Bit hut will t his bility t pick d chs his cdts. Dvid hs s t b ccd with bi bdd s st. ith th xcpti  Bit, h lds  cvtil li. A vt  th Ai Fc, h shs  tidy hus with his wi, M,  th utskits   smll xs tw. Dui th wk h ms  bk d mks  d livi.  th wkds h ithully ttds  smll, csvtiv Bptist chuch. H is  b-i Chisti hldi vy tditil viws  Gd s  th d th Bibl s th wd  Gd. ditil liius viws  cupld with csvtiv pliticl viws. H is  mmb  th til i Assciti, csisttly vts public, d cuts ld  d Mik Huckb m his vit pliticis.  my wys Lu is Dvid’s mi ppsit. hil Dvid livs i th Bibl blt, Lu pudly sids i wht sh dscibd s th “uchuchd st wh th utds is yu chpl.” Dvid is hppily mid, d Lu is “pudlyDvid by mysl.” lls t hth tim with ctivitis d hbbis i timt; hds Lu ut ls bk. Lu lbls hsl  Chisti s ds Dvid, but clly sh hs smthi dift i mid th h ds. h skd t m spciclly dscib h psl liius  spiitul blis, Lu stuld. “ am  Chisti . . . but  wuld ls sy tht  m m spiitul th liius.”

Paranormal People 157

h imis  wld cctd t  multitud  bcil titis d hih pws, th th  sil, psid Gd, d sh ss Jsus s  spcil bi st t th by hih pws, t s th  d ly s  Gd. As sm wh isistly bud t cvtil tttiv d cutius his pml bli. H blivsscity, i  Dvid subjctis ly — Bit— d is kld by its diti s “pml.” Dvid wts t d Bit s  puly zlicl mysty s ppsd t  suptul . H hs  ptic  Fs, hsts, stly,  th pml mtts.  bliv i such this is  tht t his sl im s  ml uy wh just hpps t hut Bit. Lu is libl d ucvtil— d pudly s. Cmpd t Dvid sh is ltivly  t xpl “dvit” blis. h ds t isk h c, h ltiship,  ctdict h psl ith by xpli lttiv ids. H ids ccpt h vid itsts, i thy  t mi h ids. h Dvid is cusd d div t pv his qust is ml, Lu hs l  l ccs but mlity bhid. “pl put s my blids  thmslvs,” sh tld us, “d  us t limit mysl. ’m p t vythi. ts ll pt  th bic  li.”

“I Reuse to Limit Mysel” ublic discus but th pml  tds t dvlv it spti ppl wh bliv i th pml m ppl wh d t. is disticti is t pticully usul.  pvius chpts w ud tht it is dicult t pdict wh will b ttctd t idividul pml blis. A ll, w hv ud tht mst Amics bliv i smthi pml. ht tuly distiuishs mst Amics m  th is t whether thy bliv i  pml tpic, but th hw my subjcts thy d cdibl. pl wh  vy cvtil thwis  likly t bliv i  sil pml tpic. s ppl   idistiuishbl m th v tms  thi lists blis i th sphs d th wy tht thyAmic liv thi i livs. ml wh simultusly bliv i Fs, hsts, Bit, stly, psychic pws, d Atltis  likly t b quit ucvtil. y  t dus  mtlly ill, thy simply liv i  dift cultul uivs th th st  us.

7 Dkss d Liht

As w hv chd, sm miht sy bmd, thuhut this bk, th pml is  mssy subjct i my wys.  subjcts thmslvs  lusiv. Bit is hd i t impssibl t ctch. Ghsts d wy, Fs y wy b cms  t th dy, d psychic pws ly pm up dmd.  tht ws t  bi uh pblm, d-up ditis  u bjcts  study  qully lusiv. h is smthi pml?  ps’s pml is th ps’s ml. huld Bit b lbld pml? m  th Bit huts w hv tlkd t  bd tht w lump tth with , yi sucs, d hsts wht thy csid t b  udiscvd iml. Cmplicti mtts uth is th thy issu  distiuishi lii d th pml. At st lc liius phm d pml phm pp t b  d th sm.  bli tht th Bibl is Gd’s wd d bli i th physicl sucti  Jsus  just s sistt t scitic p s stly, us, d yi sucs. t liius blis hv th bts  widspd ccptc, cultul ctiuity, d  st iztil bcki. vius sch (d u study), hs ud tht Amics td t distiuish btw ths tw lms  th suptul.  Amic scity liius blis   si  mlity, pml blis  pttil si  dvic. huld yu hpp t mti t yu w ihbs css th stt tht yu   sbyti, bk, d Cubs ,   ths imti much cc m, mst ppl. huld yupics tll thihb tht licit yu   bk, Cubs d  pctici stl, thy my csid yu  bit kky. tutly th subjct  this chpt will cmplict mtts v uth.    umb  blis d xpics tht stddl th bd btw lii d th pml. Csid c i th 158

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divs cllcti  tpics d subjcts tht pp i th w A scti  th lcl bkst. cttd m th F bks, stly tii muls, d cllctis  hst tls yu  likly t d bks tht discuss sihtis  th ii My, stis  dms, pssssis, dscus xcism, cllctdls. tls  climd miculus hlis d miculus by udi Bks  th sm tpics will ls b ud i mst Chisti bksts d i th Chisti scti  l bksts. A xcism tl c cy dift mis dpdi up th typ  bk i which it pps. A bk ttd t Chisti udics is likly t m xcisms s p  th lity  t d  wi t Chistis t t iht with Gd d vid th “ccult.” A bk mt  l udics will tt xcisms s  sciti d ihti mysty but will vid xplicit liius vts  sustis tht  cvsi t Chistiity is  ms  vidi pssssi. A Chisti uth my wit  th pw  uij bds, but th th cus up it s  pttil ms t ctct  dd ltiv, th uij bd is d s  istumt thuh which dms my ttck th uwy. xcisms, ii My sihtis, udi l tls, d th lik pp t sv s  pttil bidi  btw lii d th pml. hps  itst i such tpics will ld csvtiv Chistis t dvlp  itst i pml subjcts, such s Fs d ,  myb  itst i udi ls culd sv t dw  thwis liius ps it  ith. is chpt xpls sm  th ctstd ud btw lii d th pml by xmii wh blivs i misttis  vil such s t, dms, pssssi, d tic cspicis, d misttis  “liht” such s udi ls, spki i tus d th pwul liius xpics.

Darkness: From Presidential Debates to Evil, Possession, and the End o the World As pt  th l u-up  public vts pcdi th 2008 psidtil lcti i th itd tts, th tw mi ctds, ts Bck bm d Jh McCi, tvld t ddlbck Chuch,   th lst mchuchs i th cuty, t tk qustis m pst d bst-slli uth ick . th th bi  dbt i th

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tditil ss, th vi csistd  spt itviws  bth m.  cdidts w t bl t h  th’s spss. Am th vius tpics cvd,  skd ch cdidt but his udstdi  th tu  vil i th wld. pciclly,  skd vilcti xist? Ad i itwds, dit?” w  i it? D w tit with it?“Ds D w it? D dt spss iv by ch cdidt pvidd  limps it thi ml mwk  d d vil, d hw ths pcptis cctd t plicy issus. t bm spdd: vil ds xist.  m,  thik w s vil ll th tim.  s vil i Du.  s vil, sdly,  th stts  u citis.  s vil i pts wh viciusly bus thi child.  thik it hs t b ctd. t hs t b ctd squly, d   th this tht  stly bliv is tht, w, w  t i t, s idividuls, b bl t s vil m th wld. . . . w, th  thi tht  thik is vy imptt is  t us hv sm humility i hw w ppch th issu  cti vil, bcus  lt  vil’s b ppttd bsd  th clim tht w w tyi t ct vil.

 fct th-t bm climd tht vil did xist d ws multictd, s it culd tk th m  cid, pvty, cim,  child bus. Althuh h blivd tht msus shuld b tk t ct ths issus, h ls qulid tht vil culd t b dictd by hums, d tht ppl shuld b cul but wht is d i th m  cti vil, s  th spss t such issus culd ls b mlly phsibl. t McCi th tk th st  his itviw d ws vtully iv th sm qusti cci vil, t which h spdd: Dt it. A cupl  pits. , i ’m psidt  th itd tts, my ids, i  hv t llw him t th ts  hll,  will t bi Ld d bi him t justic.  will d tht. Ad  kw hw t d tht. t tht d.  ,   shuld b llwd thusds will  Amic — ict Amic livs.  cus, t viltk must b dtd. My ids, w  ci th tscdd [ sic] chll  th twty-st ctuy — dicl slmic xtmism. . . . Ad w hv— d w c this tht thuhut th wld. t’s t just i q. t’s t just i Ahist. u itllic ppl tll us Al Qd ctius t ty

Darkness and Light 161

t stblish clls h i th itd tts  Amic. My ids, w must c this chll.  c c this chll. Ad w must ttlly dt it.

vil must bby dtd, vil pimily t  thui issu tht thts psd diclMcCi slmic cctd scts d lbl tism. ltd t this pcpti  vil d th bd issu  tism is  y  spcic plicy issus cci w, bd ptl, immiti, d ttituds twd mthds  scil ctl lly.  bli tht vil must b dtd tsltd it ppchi th issus tht w likd t it with  vcity d tcity cssy t chiv its dt. ’s qusti ws  isihtul wy t dw ut th difcs btw th tw cdidt’s philsphis. bm fd  m bstct ccpt  vil th did McCi ( did th-sidt Bush). ltimtly bm thd 52.7 pct  th ppul vt d w th psidcy, but his w victy i th plls is ctiv  my udlyi difcs btw Amics,   which is dift udlyi ccptis  vil. Amics  dply dividd  th tu  vil. schs hv ud tht  ps’s viws but th tu  vil d th l  vil i th wld impct th bhvis d blis. F istc, blis but t w  st pdict  pticipti i scil mvmts, llis, ptitis, pickts, d mmbship sscitd with th Ml Mjity. M ctly, st viws  liius vil hv b ud t b sscitd with itlc  hmsxulity. h it cms t t’s pw, Amics  split dw th middl, with  littl m th hl xpssi  bslut bli i th lity   dk cutpt t Gd. A littl lss th hl  Amics bliv tht t hs ccss t  my  dms with which t uth his ls (s . 7.1). Lik it  t, t is  pt  Amic li, d his impct is lt i th pws d i ppul cultu. Bli i t is hih th i y  th pml tpics w hv discussd s  i this bk. M ppl bliv i  l t i th itd tts th i Bit, psychics, d combined. thtpw stly is thi t bliv i th dvil, th t t him t pw. H Amics   littl m mbivlt.   my wys tht th dvil miht xt his will.  mus d tiyi lm Te Exorcist, d tlvisi shws such s th C-F twk’sTe Real Exorcist iv t th pw t ctl uwy hums vi dmic pssssi.

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Fi. 7.1. Bli i t d dms i th itd tts (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

m ppl bliv tht t is ctivly mshlli his dmic cs   impdi shwdw with Gd’s my. A y Amdd will d t’s i but ly  mssiv uphvls d tmdus dth d dstucti. m Chistis uth bliv tht  “ptu” will ccu pcdi Amdd, whi ithul Chistis  immditly tk it hv, lvi th mid  humity t suf t’s wth util th l bttl. hil th is much spculti d dismt but th spcic squc  vts tht will uld, s wll s wh such ccucs will tk plc, ly -thid  Amics bliv ths vts will occur i sm m  th. Abut -h  Amics viw hppis i th wld thuh  suptul ls, itpti th psc  vil s vidc  t’s pw (s . 7.2).

Satanic Panics and Scares Blis but t’s pw i th wld hv plyd  imptt l i Amic histy. ht cstituts th pcivd thly wk  t vlvs v tim d vis m up t up, but wh ppl cm t bliv tht t is impcti th wld dictly ( vi his miis), th fcts  this bli c b quit pwul.

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hps th bst kw xmpl   sc ltd t t cms m th lm witch tils, wh m Fbuy 1692 t My 1693 m th 150 clil sttls w std d chd with bi witchs.  pic i lm b wh th yu duht  vd mul is, i-y-ld Btty is, dy is’s ic, bhvi lv-y-ld Abiil illims, b cti stly. xhibitd smwht ki t pilptic ts.  ils thw bjcts, scmd d cid,  but th m, d cwld bhid d ud uitu. At tims,

Fi. 7.2. t’s pw: ctity but th pw  suptul vil i th itd tts (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007) Note: A sis  qustis  th Byl lii uvy, v 2 (2007) skd spdts but vil. F xmpl, spdts w skd thi lvl  mt with th sttmt “t is pssibl  ppl t b pssssd by dvils/dms.” ity-tw pct  spdts d, d 21% stly d.  mii spdts w split btw dis (16%), stly dis (15%), d udcidd (15%). h skd i thy bliv i Amdd, 30.1% sid bslutly. Ath 27% thik A-

mdd is pbbly i t hpp. t th 27% thik Amdd will pbbly t hpp, d 15%  bslutly cti  Amdd-lik vt will t ccu. ith d t th ptu, spss w s llws: Abslutly 32%, bbly 21%, bbly t 28%, Abslutly t 19%. wty- pct  spdts d wh skd i “mst vil i th wld is cusd by th Dvil”; 23% d, 9% w udcidd, 26% disd, d 21% stly disd.

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thy climd t b pickd by ivisibl dls d pichd by us hds. h wd tvld  th is ils’ cditi, th yu wm bcm similly ictd.  uits  lm ud thmslvs i  w ld, wh v thi pvius liius which ctd ud citicizi th ups, ws plcd itidtity, jpdy. ithut utsid ups t cstit d d thmslvs ist, th uits tud iwd. h cd with  tiyi ukw, ppl  d  ct  villi t xpli thi cicumstcs. is is spcilly tu cci  ukw ivlvi ppl wh  distict i sm wy m th cmmuity i qusti.  th wds, ppl wh  viwd s udmtlly dift  “th,” cmpd t th mjity  ppl cmpisi th cmmuity c bcm dd s th “thm” tht hlps ct d susti th “us.” A st ut-up fs  cmmuity  scpt  thi tils d tibultis. Hvi  cct villi up which t plc ’s s d dict ihtus  svs t cmt d bid tth  cmmuity. As th scilicl tuism s, st ut-ups ct st i-ups.  lm, ums spd tht witchs w bhid th distubi d uxplid bhvil utbk. tutly, it is lly t stiscty   cmmuity t simply bliv th is  my i thi midst: th my must b idtid d vcm. cilists hv l td tht miity ups,  ths wh  ldy csidd “st”  sm s,  typiclly th st t b idtid s th suc   w scil pblm.  lm, th wm wh w ldy cmmuity utcsts  vius ss w th st t b idtid s witchs. ch st  ccustis multiplid it m s th cmmuity’s  spild ut  ctl.  l th pic ctiud, th t th isk ch ps cd  bi idtid s  witch. Much  th pblm hd t d with lic  s-clld “spctl vidc.”   puptd victim hd  dm  visi i which th spiit   ccusd witch ppd, th ctts  th visi culd b td it cut s vidc ist th ddt. ic such dubius vidc ws csidd sucit, it is t supisi tht twty-i d wm w ultimtly cvictd  bi witchs. it m th cvictd w hd;  utut sul ws cushd t dth ud cks. ltimtly th   its cus s ccustis  witchy subsidd d th stppd — pticully c th hih-ki d pwul mmbs  th cmmuity b t c ccustis thmslvs.

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Te Devil Comes to Olympia  lm witch tils hv bcm mblmtic  hw pic c ip  cmmuity,  lss i hw usd   vil c ld t tibl csqucs. t, w th  viw thviws styth lm with d smu cmt d distc, mcki bckwds uits thi   witchs.  ssum tht, i u lihtd , such this wuld t d culd t hpp i. Ad yt w hv s my simil icidts thuhut .. histy wh ppl bcm cvicd tht t is ctiv i th wld. Csid th m cs, wh th yu duhts   pmit lcl citiz bcm cvicd tht thy hd b ssultd by  mystius cd  tists. Dspit  cmplt lck  physicl vidc, th ils’ hzy cllctis  tic cmis ld t th st  thi th, ul m, d tw mily ids. A  dmtic til tht icludd tls  mystius udud tic cults, hum scic, cd btis with swds, bld diki, d dmic pssssi, m ws cvictd— i lympi, shit, i 1988. i t th vts  1988, th m mily hd ld ml livs by ll ppcs. isd dvutly m Cthlic, ul m mt his utu wi, dy, whil ttdi pk Cmmuity Cll. vtully thy mvd t lympi t is thi u child: ul J., Chd, ik, d Juli. v tim m bcm  pill  th cmmuity d ithully ttdd  lcl tcstl chuch clld th Chuch  th Livi ts. A m psidt  th ust Cuty Dputy hif’s Assciti d m chim  th ust Cuty public Ctl Cmmitt, ul ws chi civil dputy  th ust Cuty shif ’s c t th tim  th ccustis ist him.  th summ  1988, Livi ts hld  tt  yu, ml mmbs t Blck Lk Bibl Cmp i lympi. ik, twty- t th tim, d Juli, iht, ttdd. l Fk,  chismtic Chisti m Clii wh climd t hv “biblicl is  hli d spiitul discmt” hd b ivitd t spk. v th cus  th tt, Fk t hv civd svl msss m th Hly  piit idicticlimd tht sm  ths i ttdc hd sufd physicl sxul bus. Fk’s pucmts ctd  mtilly chd tmsph t th cmp, with svl ils sbbi d bcmi hysticl.  th lst dy  th tt s ttdts w bdi th bus t tu hm, ik bk dw d pclimd tht sh hd b sxully

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busd by h th. vtully Juli cbtd ik’s clim  sxul bus, ddi tht th bus hd b t th hds  svl m. Juli climd tht, sic th   u, sh hd b -pd by ul d his ids wh ccsilly thd t th m hm  pk  chuch ptd th buht ccustis t th shif’sms. dptmt.  , h ws itist custdyul  qustii. Cuiusly, lthuh ul climd tht h culd t mmb  sil icidt wh h mlstd his child, h dmittd t th bus. H sd tht whil h culd t cll th cims, thy must hv hppd— bcus h hd tuht his child t b tuthul. As th pscuti itviwd vius ptis, th sty w icsily tld. m dmittd t th busiv pk ptis ptd by Juli d md svl mplys  th shif’s dptmt s pticipts i ths ms. Bsd  ths “cssis,” tw  m’s clsst ids, Jim bi d y isch, w tk it custdy. As itviws with mily mmbs ctiud, ik xpdd h lltis. h climd tht h mth hd ls pticiptd i th bus.  tw m ss, Chd d ul J., ddd thi w lltis. vtully ul d th m child sttd tlki  tic ctivity tki plc l with th bus.   Dcmb 1988 itviw with shif’s dptmt dtctivs, m mmbd — thuh h culd t iv spcic dts  tims — stdi    with  ps tht h thuht miht b “th dvil” xt t him. H culd h wili d mi ll ud him s h std   pltm tht lkd dw   . m climd h w  p with  upsid-dw css  it d scicd  ct by slici its stmch p d pulli ut its ht. bi d isch, h sid, w pst t th mti. m climd tht y isch’s ilid t th tim, D, ws th “hih pistss”  th cmy, d s  wd  pmi th scic, h ws llwd t hv sx with D d th wm. ul’s wi, d s ddd h w stis  tism, icludi  biz istc i which bi lldly hld h by  hd d hld  p bk i th th, s bld puptdly wd m th bk, css his chst, dm t h. Dui th ivstiti  th cs, dtctivs bcm cvicd tht th mystius tists lludd t by th ms must b pctici sm m  mid ctl. is wuld xpli why th m mily’s stis  cictd with  th d why ul smd t hv t diculty mmbi th icidts  bus, v

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thuh h dmittd t bi  bus. t wuld ls xpli why ul ccsilly pvidd clly ls cssis. F xmpl, t  pit m ptd tht h miht b th G iv kill —  sil mud ccusd  killi dzs  yu wm  th ttl-cm ttil uh hzyup but dts   spcic lctis,Aipt. h climd tht chctisticlly h d bi pickd  pstitut th -c ipt d mudd h.  G iv sk Fc ivstitd m vy biy but quickly dppd him s  suspct. ki m thi ssumpti  cultic mid ctl, th ust Cuty pscut’s c hid D. ichd sh,  scilist d xpt  cult ctivity m th ivsity  Clii t Bkly. y hpd tht sh wuld tstiy  th pscuti but th bility  cults t fct  ps’s mid. Hwv, sh quickly bcm tubld by th ivstiti. His st cc ws th cdibility  ik d Juli s witsss. H ws ccd with ik m’s histy  mki d th dppi bus chs, s wll s with th ctt  h stis.  pticul, ik’s stis ctid bd summis  bht vts, but sh ild t pvid y th imti but th up’s cmis, sh ptd: Ms. m hs b csisttly ubl t pvid m with y dtils but th ctt  th ituls  dsciptis  v th mst mud vts tht ccud t th ppximtly 400 up mtis sh clims t hv b blid t ttd. Althuh Ms. m is bl t pt wtchi umus bbis bi killd, si th dd bdy  t lst  dult wm, hvi ud tw bckyd btis d hvi t t th sh  h w tus, sh is ubl t pvid m with  ccut  th mt  th up’s mtis  y  th up’s -hmicidl ituls. h pts tht th up’s mtis tk but 3 hus. All tht sh c dscib but thi cduct is tht “thy cht.”

Futh, sh ticd tht ul ly smd t f tls  tism pmpti th h dcidd iv aer ul xcssiv tst.   itviwm with dtctivs; m, sh tld ul tht t his duhts d   his ss climd tht ul cd thm t hv sx tth whil h wtchd.  ct,  such ch hd b md by th child. m culd t cll th vt t st, but sh pushd him, tlli him tht h “hd t mmb,” just s dtctivs hd d i

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pvius itviws. h th tw m mt  dy lt, m pducd  cssi: M. m pducd  witt cssi t cts  sxul bus  his child t th mthds  usd mplyd. tctics  usdi. sps . . smbld thiuc itviwpcdus i M. m’s ittis.  subsqutly ctd M. m with th ct tht h hd pducd  ls cssi. . . . M. m bcm quit distuht but stdstly mitid tht th cllctis h hd i sps t my sustis w s l s his th cllctis. M. m succdd i cvici m tht this sttmt ws tu.

sh td  simil pcss  psusi t wk i th cllctis  d m. H ws spcilly ccd with th iuc  J Btu, ul d d’s miist t th Chuch  th Livi ts. Btu cusld vy mmb  th m mily, ws llwd t visit ul i jil, d hd v pmd  jilhus xcism   distuht ul. sh ws ccd tht Btu’s iuc hd ctmitd th cs. Btu dmittd t cti s d’s spiitul dvis d tlli h sh ws “80 pct vil.” hps v m tubli  th cs, h pvidd d with ull dtils  ul’s cssis. sh blivd tht d pvidd stis  tism s  sult  th its spiitul d mtil pssu Btu plcd up h. A spdi  ttl  i dys itviwi pscuti witsss, ust Cuty dtctivs, ids  ik d Juli m, d Jh Btu, sh switchd t th ds.  itviws cductd with ul’s yu s Chd w ls tubli. Csid th Dcmb 8, 1988, itviw pmd by tw ivstits, D. ichd ts d dtctiv Bi chi. ts d chi sttd th itviw by qustii Chd xtsivly but his childhd d pbd him t mmb y st sxul cuts  bus. Chd swd ll  thi qustis i th tiv, lthuh h did vl thtc h hd bcm quit tubldwith dui his ts, v ttmpti suicid   htd umt his th.  icidt piqud th itst  D. ts, wh thuht th suicid ttmpt ws smhw ltd t suppssd mmis  bus. ts tld Chd tht h hd b busd but simply culd’t mmb it.

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As Chd ctiud t dy hvi mmis  sxul  physicl bus, ts skd him i h culd cll y st  ihti dms m his childhd. Chd clld ihtms   t “witch” yi thuh his widw d sitti  his stmch. ts d chi tldChd tht this “dm” wstwht mmy   l vt.ts d  tu stikily simil ccud i lm, chi ttmptd t hv Chd idtiy th witch i his dms. At st, Chd culd pvid  imti. H sid th m ws dk i his dm, s h culd t s th witch’s c. A usttd D. ts skd Chd t “tu th lihts ” i his dm, s tht h culd s th witch’s c m clly. Chd still culd t idtiy th witch.  ly dtils h culd f w tht th witch ws  ml, hd blck hi,  vl-shpd c, d bw ys. At tht pit D. ts pushd Chd uth, with  itsti f: Peterson: ’ll tll yu smthi, yu’d hv , yu hv th iht t su ths  ***** d t s much s yu wt m ’m. Chad: t’d b ic. Peterson: u’d *** ihts [sic] it’d b ic. y   cll ducti. Chad: h. Peterson: y   ic c. Gt yu sttd i li. Chad: ll,  ldy t  ic c. Peterson: h, d yu hv  BM?

  this xch, th csstt tp cdi th cvsti ws tud f. h cdi sumd, Chd md Jim bi s th witch — th sm witch h hd pviusly b cti ws  ml. v with th spctl vidc pvidd by Chd, th ust Cuty shif ’s c ws vtully cd t dp its cs ist bi d isch. kully ulik lm, th cuts i shit culd t b cvicd t ly slly  th ctt  dms t cvict, d th pscuti ud itsl whlly withut physicl vidc. ik d Juli m climd t hv ttdd tic cmis t lst th tims  mth svt ys, hudds  its imls scicd t ths mtis, butsi ivstits v ud d  sil bdy, v  dii up th m yd with bckhs.  sklts, bdis,  y  th lbt tppis  tic ituls w ud.  ivstits ls ild t d  thid-pty witsss t th l tic

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this tht puptdly tk plc v  twty-y pid. Futh, physicl xmitis  ik d Juli did t suppt thi lltis  p, mutilti, d cd btis.  Juy 1989, D. Judith A Jcbs  vidc Hspitl i ttl xmid ik d Juli, ccludi ptd. tht th ils did t pp t hv sufd th bus thy Dspit th lck  vidc ist him, ul m pld uilty t six cuts  thid-d p  My 1, 1988. As pt   mt with th shif ’s c, m ccptd  pl bi i xch   ssuc tht h wuld t b chd with y dditil cims tht miht is m th ivstiti. ltimtly m sttd svi his tim i  Dlw pis i 1990 wh h mid util h ws lsd  pl i 2003. d divcd ul whil h ws i pis d, ul clims, mid cvicd  th clims  tism util h dth i 2006.

Lie as an Accused Satanist   ct Mdy , Chistph mt ul m d his w wi  luch. m ws quit idly, fbl, d ws willi t tlk but his cs. v mus plts  pst t  tld, , chi stut vlki th illmtt iv, w chttd but wht li is lik  th victim   tic pic. t tk whil  ul t sttl  his ls, d h tld us  sm  his pblms. At st h mvd i with his sist i pk, wh h ws quid t ist s  sx fd. Althuh ul’s pl c ttd him wll, h  lt uwlcm i th cmmuity.  lcl ws sttis id dtils but his cs d ucd tht th “tius” ul m ws hdd t tw. A ihb wh hd hd  his cs cmplid t th plic tht ul ws stlki h, divi by h hm i th vis i  blck c. ul xplid t his pl c tht h hd  div’s lics d  c.  ly vhicl tht ws t lst thticlly vilblbut t ul him ws his sist’s tth sd. ltimtly th mtt ws dppd, ctiud t l suspici  his ihbs. ul ud tht his putti v llwd him it th pws. htly  visiti  smll, dmitil cti i pk, h

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dcidd t ji but thuht it bst t im th pst  th ccustis ist him st.  th pst’s cdit h wlcmd ul it th cti. htly ,  mmb  th chuch mili with ul’s cs cizd him d cmplid t th pst but llwi  “kw tist” t jiwith th th cti.  pst tld  tul ullt thttht h shuld mi chuch dspit such bjctis, but ul his psc ws dividi th chuch d chs t lv. t ll ws bd i pk. Abut th sm tim tht ul mvd i with his sist, Cthi,  us m Bst, ivd i tw. A ys  th st Cst, Cthi hd dcidd sh dd  ch, but sh quickly w dpssd, bd, d lly i pk. pl md u  h thick cct, d sh hd tubl mki ids. vtully, sh jid  dti b sit d  css ul’s pl. y mild bck d th d lly st up  dt.  st dt wt wll. B thi scd dt ul skd Cthi i thy culd mt  luch. As thy st dw t  cé th xt dy, Cthi culd ss tht ul ws vy vus d thuht t hsl “is h mid?” “ ly tht hd b th cs!” sh jkd. ul blutd ut ll  th dtils  his cs d th xcusd himsl t  th stm. “ did’t xpct h t b th wh  t bck. is ws h chc t lv.” Cthi stuck ud. t vi sh schd ul’s cs li d bcm cvicd tht h ws ict  th hiyi chs ist him. y hd thi thid dt. Fiv ys  th cupl mid. y mvd wy m shit tt wh ul “v lly lt cmtbl” d sttld i  smll tw  th  cst. ul is hppy t hv ud  cmpi, but h  cts up th child m his st mi. H hs hd  ctct with Juli, ik, ul J.,  Chd. uh xtdd mily mmbs h kws tht h w hs sv dchild, but hs v s y  thm.  ccsi h sds msss t his child thuh th mily mmbs, but h hs v civd  ply. ul lks t th pst with “ bittss, just t.” H wishs tht this w dift d tht h culd s his kids, but is dtmid t mk th bst  his wy li with hv Cthi. jid  dmitil chuch i his cut tw. c i ul’s pst thtd his mmbship, s svl cts cmplid t th pst up li  th m cs. is pst isistd tht ul d Cthi mi d istuctd ccd

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cts t sch th m cs, which ultimtly quitd th ccs but him.  cupl mis ctiv mmbs. As ul’s ctiud dsi t d  chuch susts, h hs v lst his dp, psl ith dspit ll h hs b thuh. t is this ith tht thuh uh ptchs,” tldhis us. t. t wsm ul’s cmst blits i ul th lity  “th psid vil tht h sld pltly tustd Jh Btu, pst  th Livi ts chuch, s wh Btu tld him tht t ws cludi ul’s mmis  his hiyi tic ctivitis, ul blivd his pst.  ly wy t ls t’s ip up him, Btu cusld, ws t css t th cims ist him, whth h culd mmb thm  t.  th d, ul dmittd t bi  vil tist t vid bcmi  vil pw  t.  iy is t lst up him. tutly, hysticl ccustis  bus by cvs d tic cults hv  l d stid histy wll byd th lm witch tils d ul m cs. utldish s m’s cs my sm, it ccud dui th hiht   scitl pic but th xistc  pwul, udud tic ups d child bus.  1980s sw  icdibly st is i wss but such ups d public  tht cltd with this mci psc; hwv, s is  th cs with such icidts  cllctiv bhvi, th sps t th suppsd tht  utwihd th ctul tht i its impct  scity. hil th ums  such ups w uh t pduc spcilists i lw cmt d psychthpy dsid t hlp ptits “cv” mmis  bus,  physicl vidc  such ups ws v pducd.  mst tius icidt i d t th ml pic ws th McMti schl til, i which dy c wks i Clii w ccusd  bi mmbs   udud tic up pssssi suptul pws, which thy usd t  i child bus. Chs w buht ist tw wks, llwd by  th-y ivstiti d  th-y til, icludi th zi  th schl i th sch  vidc —   which ws ud. ltimtly th til, dvid  vidc, pducd  cvictis but t b csti i xcss  $15,000,000 publicpp uds.idiculus —  th ct. t thi ctiul uch tlsilwys ccuc is vidc  th pttil pw  bli i vil, suptul cs, dlss  whth such cs ctully xist   pst i such css.

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Fi. 7.3. t’s til: stth  bli i liius vil i th itd tts (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007; m = 2) Note: ch spdt t th Byl lii uvy, v 2 (2007) ws iv  sc i m 0 t 6 bsd  his  h sws t li cd qustis but th xistc  t, xistc  dms, bli tht t c pssss hums, bli tht t is th cus  vil, bli i Amdd, d bli i th ptu. A ps sci  0 hs t idictd st bli i y  ths this. A ps with  6 blivs stly i ll six. Cbch’s lph = .80. M = 2.1.

Who Believes in Supernatural Evil? pl dif t th xtt tht thy s li s  tu stul with suptul vil. m bliv i th lity  th dvil but t tht h hs th pw t pssss ppl. ths viw th ptu d Amdd s upcmi wld vts but d t thik tht t is th mi cus  vil i th wld.  wy t s hw much pw  idividul ttibuts t t d th cs  vil is t ssi ch spdt  “vil sc” bsd  hw my  ths six itms i which thy xpss bli (s . 7.3). A littl m th suptul thid  Amics (35%)vil dscs t scib much pw t th cs vil, hvi  z. uch ppl dismiss th id  Amdd d th ptu. y thik th id  pssssi is supstitius. y  skpticl but th xistc  th dvil d dismissiv tht h hs  hst  dms t cmmd. y ls bliv tht vil i th wld is th wk  hums, d wh

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Fi. 7.4. vil scs by liius tditi (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

bd this hpp ppl  tily t blm, t  suptul c  vil. Ctst this -thid  Amics with th smll umb (but 2%) t th th d  th spctum. uch ppl ttibut t pw t th dvil d clly viw th wld i  dift wy th sm wh is skpticl v but th dvil’s xistc. t supisily, bli i dvils, dms, d pssssi is stly ltd t liius tditi. vlicl tstts d blck tstts hv  much st bli i th lity  suptul vil th d mili tstts, Cthlics, Jws, ths  th liis, d ths wh pt  lii (s . 7.4).  ps mst likly t bliv i dvils, dms, d pssssi will ls b  ps tht tks th Bibl litlly.  v biblicl litlist hs  vil sc m th u tims tht   ps wh thiks  th Bibl s  wk  littu.  m qutly  ps ttds liius svics, th ics t thi i suptul vil. cs stdily d siictly withbli icsi chuch ttdc (s . 7.5). h it cms t scil d psl chctistics, it c b  bit m dicult t pdict wh will s th wld s  spiitul bttlud.

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M   m likly t hld such viws th  wm. A is   csquc— yu d ld lik  just s likly  ulikly t   impdi Amdd d bliv i dms, dvils, d th spcts  suptul vil. c w us sttisticl tchiqus t mv th cts liisity, t dictly impct vil scs  this lt). midc d ds th umid t dift i (m thi lvls  bli i vil. ht does mtt wh it cms t pdicti blis but vil is  ps’s scil sttus s msud by ducti d mily icm.  m ducti cquid, th lss likly ppl  t bliv i suptul vil (s . 7.6). Bli tht t is th pimy cus  vil i th wld dclis stdily d dmticlly with icm (s . 7.7).  ps mst likly t viw th th s  spiitul bttlud btw d d vil is  csvtivly/tditilly liius ps wh is t i wll i th scicmic sttus systm by cvtil stdds. s ptts pit t  itsti cspdc btw cditis i th mtil wld d ’s pcptis but th tu  vil. s ccupyi tditilly pw-dpivd scil sttuss  ls

Fiu 7.5. Chuch ttdc d vil scs (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

Fi. 7.6. ducti d vil scs (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

Fi. 7.7. Fmily icm d vil scs (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)


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m likly t tu t lii s  cpi mchism t dl with th dicultis cutd i th wld. Chistiity fs  dy-md xplti  ’s sufi t ths wh dsi such  sw — sui, vil, d misy  th wk  vil cs.   cti wy, this is  cmti ibysufi  wld is vil dsw. ctlld t, itisist tmilss suppsd t bdlss. i  just. But t will b dtd t th bttl  Amdd, d ths sufi w will b tly wdd lt. Attibuti littu i psychly susts tht wh dicult situtis ccu, ppl  m likly t ttibut th vts t suptul vil. But pvidi  xplti  sufi is ly   th wds tht lii c f.  shuld t thik tht liis, v th mst csvtiv d tditil,  cusd slly up th vil d dmic.   th mst pwul wds lii c f is dict ccss t th divi vi liius xpics. H i w t th muddy wts spti lii m th pml.

Light: Speaking to God stld i th thills  th Blu id Mutis i suth Applchi,  ussumi tcstl chuch sits  th utskits   smll city.  buildi is md, but t cy by y stdd.   ct udy, Jsph d his wi ttdd svics.  w td wmly by  wll-dssd, middl-d wm.  hllwy m th y ld dictly it th sctuy,  l m with  lw cili, stdi i dict ctst t th swpi chitctu d hih cilis  m tditil chuch buildis. ws  pddd ldi chis lid ch sid  th m.  isls i th middl d dw th sid w wid uh t llw  mvmt, which pvd cssy. wd th t  l pdium st   slihtly lvtd pti  th m.  its l  smll bth with  dum kit, t th iht  t-sc tlvisi mbddd i th wll. Dictly bhid it ws l d b displyi ms  d ck th dvs.   tk st twd bck s th pst d svl cts thd. Mmbs shk u hds d fd wm tis, di thi bst t mk us l t hm i  plc wh vy ls kws  th. Lud pis d wship music pipd v th sud systm.


Darkness and Light

 pst d svl mmbs pcd bck d th up t, pyi lud d mvi thi bdis t th qut swlls  th music. ths klt i py  chttd with thi milis. As stt  svics d, w hd  cmmti bhid us t th ty t th sctuy. A ldud. m ws  yu i t tiht mbc s ths thd clutchi impmptu upm b ludly “spk i tus.”  ct  spki i tus  lsslli is mst qutly pcticd i tcstl d chismtic chuchs. t csists  spki phss, iss, d suds i  ukw lu, usully dui  pid  liius cstsy. Blivs clim tht wh spki i tus thy  usi  spcil, hly lu id t thm by Gd.  skptics, hwv, ths uttcs  simply icmphsibl ibbish pducd s pt   liius tc iducd by  hihly mtil stti. F th mst pt this “lu” is uitlliibl t lists, xcpt   slct w wh clim t hv th i  “itpti.”  v  ccsis  ps will spk  cizbl lu, such s Fch, tht h clims t t kw,  phm clld xlsslli.  did t witss xlsslli, but did wtch sm  th i  spki i tus. Dui th svic, Jms,  by i his lt ts with  slihtly cdi hili, d dssd i js, wk bts, d  utuckd pl shit, st i t  us. H ws clsly kd by ms,  sld, thltic by with liht bld hi wh w dss pts,  busiss shit, d  ti.  th d  th svic, th pst mtid  Jms t cm t th st. As Jms wt wd, ms llwd.  miist pyd v Jms, tlli him tht “th Hly piit” ws ll ud him. Jms isd his hds— ys clsd — s ths ud him ludly spk i tus d pyd.  chuch bd plyd . F th xt t miuts th huddl pyd s th pst tld Jms tht h ws  th v  bptism i th Hly piit, i w wuld ly ls his sl-csciusss d “yild t it.” Abut twty miuts  th pst hd clld Jms wd,  yu blck m bust m th up d  dw th isl. H ws immditly by ms, wh ws dchd i m swt, ts stmi dw llwd his c.  ws jyus pdmium th cti s tw m hld  wk-kd Jms up s h tiumphtly spk i tus. A  cupl  miuts, Jms csd spki i tus d ll it  tiht mbc with th pst, wh ws visibly vjyd by th vts.

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For Tey Heard Tem Speak with ongues(Acts 10:46) tcstls sh with vlicls, “udmtlists,” d th csvtiv Chistis  tdcy t viw th Bibl s th litl wd  Gd, hld stictiv  ml issus, d cus up b-i pics. Butttituds whil vlicls d udmtlists stly xcusd up th bdck  dcti, tcstls mphsiz th ctiul vlti  Gd’s will thuh th dymics  liius xpic. tcstls sk wht thy bliv t b  bptism m th Hly piit, which c impt  umb  spiitul “is” t th cipit.  bility t spk i tus is but   ths is. ths iclud pphcy, th bility t ss th psc  dms  ls, d suptul kwld  wisdm.  dditi,   th “is” is th bility t cll up Gd t hl th physicl, mtil, d spiitul pis  th ithul, which w w bl t witss tht udy.  cti culd bly cti its xcitmt wh th pch skd mmbs t cm wd t “tstiy.” H skd  middl-d wm t cm wd d xplid t th cti tht sh hd b dui physicl d spiitul tubls i h li.  pst lid his hds  h s th pis-bd ld put iti il  his hd d tuchd th wm’s hd.  m th twty ppl thd ud h d pyd  h t b hld s sh ll bck it th ms  ths thd ud h. A lmst tw hus  sii, dci, tstiyi, d liius xpics, th pst hd yt t dliv  sm.  pst std b th up d sid, “ht m c  sy?  culd pch, but yu ll ldy did.  Ld hs hld d w hv jicd s  lst shp tud t th ld. u m hv b bptizd i Jsus Chist d th Hly piit. Gd is d!  hp w s y’ll usdy iht  Bibl study. Ad d’t yu lv h withut hui vybdy!” ith tht th xtmpus, spiit-lld svic cm t  cls. Mst ct stimts sust tht th  m th u milli tcstls i th itd tts.  y iv udy, tcstls  cmmui spiits xpics d ls d i ukw tus. t ths with mil vspki withi th cultul ctxt Chistiity (s . 7.8). h ll th spdts t th B w skd i thy hv hd  miculus physicl hli, hv spk i tus dui  liius svic,  hv dictly hd th vic  Gd spki t thm, ly  miity  Amics pt such xpics.

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Fi. 7.8. liius xpics i th itd tts (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

h w csid ths th xpics tth, but 30 pct  Amics clim hvi hd t lst , i t m  thm. Ad ths Amics  distict i my wys. Fist d mst, ths wh clim such xpics  vy liius.  m  ttds chuch th m likly sh is t pt such xpics by  wid mi. M th hl (58%)  ths wh bliv th Bibl is Gd’s litl wd pt such xpics cmpd t ly  h (21%)  ths wh viw th Bibl i lss litl tms. vlicls d blck tstts  much m likly t pt spki i tus, miculus hlis, d hi th vic  Gd th  mmbs  th liius tditis. t shuld cm s  supis tht such xpics lly ccu i  liius stti. liius xpics   pduct  th ctxtul vimt i which thy ccu. s sttis stss spcic xpics, d hihtivs i mtil itsity, d dws up spcic liius dctis t m th xpics.   ls sm scil cts tht  sscitd with liius xpics.  d t d   ducti t pdict liius xpics.  d d tht mls  m likly t clim such xpics

Darkness and Light 181

th mls (34% vsus 23%), d umid ppl  slihtly m likly (33%) t hv liius xpics th mid ppl (27%).  ud tht icm ws  st pdict  blis but vil, d it is  qully pwul pdict  liius xpics (s . 7.9). hlmiculus  ths wh mk $10,000 y th lssvic ptspki iAlmst tus, hlis, d/ hi Gd. Fm th th liklihd  pti such xpics dcss dmticlly. ly but  thid  ths mki $20,000 t $35,000  y pt   m  ths xpics. dividuls t th hihst lvl  icm (m th $150,000  y),  hl s likly t spk i tus, hv  hli,  h th vic  Gd s ths t th lwst lvls  icm. hy miht liius xpics b  t ppl t ths t th lwst lvls  icm? u visit t th smll tcstl chuch pvidd isiht it this mtt.

Fi. 7.9. Hvi  liius xpic, by yly mily icm (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007) Note: ct idicts wht pct  spdts t iv icm lvl hv spk i tus d/ civd  miculus hli d/ hd th vic  Gd spki t thm. Fty-i pct  ths mki lss th $10,000  y ptd t lst  such xpic.

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A Gi o Faith rom the Lord Abut  hu th  Austi, xs, sits  clssic, smll, ul chuch cvd i ki whit pit.  tcstl Hus is th kid  simultusly d with dscipt   wship thtdsdy is sy t pss by  thquit itstt bly  hus lc.  ct vi, w pulld f th hihwy ccss d d it its ss-cvd pki lt t ttd  svic.  w mt by th pst, Buddy, d his ssistt, m. Buddy, tyv ys ld with sdy bw hi, ptti ys, d  ckd smil, hs b with th chuch  twty ys. His wi td us wmly d itducd us t thi s d yu duht. m,  tll m i his sixtis with y hi, svd tms s pst t  vity  csvtiv chuchs ud xs b lly sttli t  m  th tcstl Hus. umbi ly  csistt mmbs, th cts w vy xcitd by u visit, i spit  th ct tht w hd tld thm w w th pimily  bsvti pupss — w w t lki t ji. vthlss, thy hpd tht  pssit dsdy iht wship sssi miht ch u mids d t th uxpctd w mmbs. By ll ccuts thy w wlcmi d idly. icky,  tll, impsi, y-y-ld mitc wk, mly shk u hds. H did t lk th pt   smll cuty chuch mmb. H ws dssd i dd js d  wll-w blck -shit. His ms w bdd with ttts, d his bts w ths   wki m, smttd with th mts  cstucti d hd lb. “is is  chuch wh yu mt th Ld,” h tld us. “ d’t jud ppl by hw thy lk,” h sid, chuckli s h shwd f his ttts. “Just cm th tims d yu’  mmb.” icky st  th bck with his wi, d th ld cupl xt t thm.  t  us th ld wm shd  pw with  ld Hispic ml.  wm w sty-t-hm mms d sctis  smll busisss.  m wkd cstucti, i ctis,  i th ms  ismul lb.  dy’s thm,wk.” s  mmb tldtus,ws “wshippi th Ld u   hd miist mpthtic t th pliht   wki-clss listyl, stti his mss t th cti by syi, “’m t  sk y t std,” his vic isi i vlum, “ kw y’ll wkd hd tdy.  sty i yu sts, but is up i yu hts t pis Him!”

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t ws cl m tlki t mmbs tht thy stly bliv i th pw  dict ctct with th suptul, d this ctct is xtmly imptt t thm. A stck  pmphlts i  ck  th dwy tstid t “ uth but th Hly piit Bptism.” ith sucit ith dwith bdic, thwhup tct pmiss, c with dvlp  spcil ltiship th Ld thy y my spk tus, ly thi hds   th i hli, d pphsy th utu. st Buddy cvicd  s-spk m md Gy t tll us  his hli. t sms tht Gy hd sufd  mssiv stk tw ys  tht hd l him ubl t wlk, spk,  squz with his hds. Dcts culd’t hlp him.   ft hv th suptul itv i Gy’s li, th up hd pyd v him dui  impssid svic, lyi thi hds up him s thy clld  Gd’s mcy. Gy lt “ ch” d is cvicd tht Gd itcdd  his bhl. Fm tht pit  h stdily impvd. H w wlks, lthuh h still vs  sid  his bdy. H sms mbssd by th sliht dp   sid  his muth, but h spks withut diculty. Ad h viusly d hppily shk ch  u hds svl tims thuhut th iht, dmstti tht his bility t ip hs ully cvd. “A i  ith m th Ld,” h tld us. Dui th svic th pst ptdly clld up mmbs t ctiully sk  w ccti t th divi d t st  pst xpics. m wuld shut t th tp  his vic “ yu  huy  Gd’s ly th yu c s Gd’s ly!  wt  bi tuch! A w tuch! A sh tuch  his lv!” All this ws  mid tht thy must t ctt thmslvs with th pst, but ctiully sk t w thi ccti t th divi with w xpics.  cll t xpic Gd’s lv ws cuchd i  wi. st m wd   cmi judmt: th c-mihty dll is lsi its clut, vil is mpt.  wld is lik  t tht hs b t m th isid by iscts, h xhtd. t my lk st m th utsid, but  cmi stm will kck it dw, vli its i cupti. is will b plcd i  “y uc.” ith is it uh t b b i. must wkthhd t cvt ths“Ay d d Gd’s wk  thypl will t b still m vd i Hv. i Amic c b ich i thy just wk t it,” Buddy sid, “ yu ’t ich ldy yu just hv’t tid hd uh. But wht’s imptt is t spd yu tim tti ich i th iht wy. ’d th hv my tsus std up i Hv. ’m t hppy wshippi th Ld t wy ‘but tti

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ich h!”  wds fd by Gd t Buddy, Gy, d th th wki-clss cts w thwldly, bth i ctmpy xpics d tl bliss. chls  lii hv sustd tht th cmiclly disdvtd th mst mst  p its liius liius upswill i b which thtmmbs  lwxpics.  th scicmic ldd td t hv  st cus up th wds fd i th xt li. miss  chits i hv d th ichs  slvti f sm cmps  th sufis  this li. ithi ths chuchs, spki i tus, civi hlis, d th liius xpics c sttus. As w ticd i u bsvtis  tcstl chuchs, ths wh spk i tus civd mus ttti d spct m th chuch mmbs. s t th lw d  th cmic ldd hv much t i m such xpics, with lss cvtil scil sttus t ls m climi  cut with th thwldly. A su wh blivs sh hs hd liius visis d xpicd miculus hlis my wll hv diculty cvici h scil twk tht h xpics  th pduct  divi itvti d t  issu  mtl mlucti. A l histy  studis idicts tht ppl  lw scil sttus  m likly t b dw t scts wh its mtiv xpics  ittd it th liius cultu  th up.  l, such xpics  t typiclly ud i m “tditil”  lituicl ctis   udy.

Angels: Gateway to the Paranormal?   th bi supiss w cutd whil ivstiti Amic pml blis d xpics ws th cmmlity  th bli tht  hs b svd by  udi l. Als pvd ppul cultu i bks, tlvisi shws, d mvis. ublictis such s Angels on Earth  ddictd t cmmuicti stis but ls i th wld. M ouched by th hl   Blivs Amics hv s th ppul tlvisi an Angel. xch iml tstimils i shw, wsltts d itpsl cvstis but th pttil pw  ls t iuc th wld, d m th hl  Amics (53%) bliv tht thy hv pslly b svd m hm by  udi l.

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Fi. 7.10. Gudi l xpic by liius tditi (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

 psc  udi ls fs  suptul xplti  vts tht sm ixplicbl. Hw d why did  suviv tht ccidt? hy did  miss th ti  th dy it cshd? Hw did  suviv my tu  mility duty? tis but lic itvti  s vid s ths wh tll thm, but ll such stis cti  cmm lmt: th bli tht th suptul bk thuh t iuc th mtil wld  th bt  th bliv. Athplists hv ud th bli i ittil ts  th divi is   th mst cmm suptul blis m hums i l. hil spki i tus, miculus hlis, d hi th vic  Gd  mstly cd t th lm  csvtiv Chistiity, th udi l xpic pps t hv much wid ppl (s . 7.10).  mjity  Chistis i ll tditis (Cthlics, mili vlicl tstts, d blck t hv tstts, b ptctd m hm by  udi l.tstts) ly hl clim  ths i  Jud-Chisti tditis ls clim udi l cuts. v -h  ths wh clim  lii bliv tht thy hv b scud by lic cs.

186 Darkness and Light

Fi. 7.11. ml blis d udi l xpics (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

hil bks but ls  quit ppul  th Chisti shlvs, ls ls d thi wy it th w A sctis  bksts. Gudi l bli is  tht culd ppl t bth “cvtil” d “ucvtil” suptul wldviws, phps v svi s  twy btw lii d th pml. dd, quit ulik th liius xpics, ppl wh clim t hv b ptctd by udi ls  more likely t bliv i pml subjcts such s hsts, xttstils, d psychic phm th ths wh hv t hd such  xpic (s . 7.11). F xmpl ly 12 pct  ths ppl wh hv v hd  udi l xpic bliv i hsts. s wh have hd  udi l xpic  m th twic s likly t bliv i hsts d spiits.

Good and Evil  Chisti wld is lld with xpics, blis, d vts tht  ctily byd th “ml.” By thi vy diti liius xpics  th pcpti  dict ctct btw  idividul d tht which is thwldly.  spct tht udmtlly distiuishs “liius” xpics m “pml” xpics is wh th idividul

Darkness and Light 187

ttibuts th suc  thi thwldly xpic.  miht th xpct tht sm wh is ctivly xpici th suptul i thi chuch svics d blivs i th lity  psid vil hs simply bcm ccustmd t micl thiki, willi t bliv i ythi, dms tl yixpic sucs. pps uiqu m liius But m th udi xpics.  ltiships btw pml xpics d th liius xpics is hphzd d  isiict (s . 7.12). Ghsts  smwht m ppli t ths wh hv spk i tus, but sm wh hs spk i tus is  m likly t bliv i xttstils th sm wh ds t. pl wh spk i tus   m  lss likly t bliv i th lity  psychic phm th y ls. ith th xcpti  udi ls, mst liius xpics pp t xist withi  ily w smt  th ppulti— csvtiv Chistis, pticully ths lw  th scicmic ldd. is sm ppulti tds t bliv i th lity  t, dms, pssssi, d th pw  vil cs (s . 7.13). ly ll (85%)  ths wh clim t hv spk i tus bliv i th bslut lity  dms. Lss th hl  ths ppl wh hv v spk i tus (42%) bliv i t’s hlps. hy d ths blis d xpics clust tth d wht pups d thy sv?

Fi. 7.12. ml blis d spki i tus (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

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Fi. 7.13. Bli i dms d spki i tus (Byl lii uvy, v 2, 2007)

A ps wh blivs tht Gd smtims impts spcil lus t  chs w  is willi t hl th ithul ls blivs i  wld  ctiv suptul cs. t svs s  spiitul cmpst. Bi  spiitul wi  th sid  ihtusss is  vy imptt l, spcilly i th livs  ppl  whm imptt ls   lcki. t mks ss tht ppl wh imi  vy ctiv Gd will ls imi Gd’s cutpt i d t ccut  mistu. k tth, blis but t d liius xpics  cmplmty  ths sufi i this wld.  psc   l d pwul vil c pvids  xplti  wldly sufi.  cutvili psc  d lt vi plpbl liius xpics pvs t ths civi th xpic tht th is  Gd tht will wd his llws  mitii ith i th c  such vil.

8 ut   Limb January 1989

M th twty ys  Chistph ud himsl i th pss st   dcpit, ustd v s it hutld thuh th wds  th tw  Cs i shit tt.  div did his bst t vid ts, bulds, ditchs, d th bstcls s h vitd twd  smll huti cbi dp i th wds. ipi mud m my ys,  lkd dw t my t, ly t liz tht pt  th ustd bd hd iv wy.  spt th mid  th tiyi id blci my t  th uh ds. ch tim th v spd thuh  puddl, dity wt sht thuh th hl. vtully th v cm t  luchi stp t th bttm   hill d th div, Dtus y, stppd ut. Dtus ws  spy, smtims cky, svty-six-y-ld Bit witss.  this dy, h w   wit jckt d cduy pts tht w ptchd i plcs with duct tp. ick bts ptctd his t m th mud, d  si ht std tp  thick mud  swy-whit hi. A l whit bd cmpltd th pictu   bckwds cctic. A l ptch  his jckt di “squtch Cuty” pvidd  clu t his pticul itst. Dtus ptd th bush t vl  vw pth hdi up  hill, d w hustld wy.  stuld t kp pc with  m th tims my . At qut itvls Dtus stppd t sc th by ids. uddly h utd d mvd f th pth. tdi   l v t, h pd it th distc. Dtmid t t miss  pttil Bit sihti, t his sid.  lizd thtHDtus ws ild, uiti  th t,   ttd t thh til, mbssd. std, zippd his y, d sumd th hik. A w wks li, whil cli th ld cbi, Dtus hd spttd  i-t-tll, blck shp i  std  ts but 150 t wy. Assumi th shp t b  cuius Bit, h wvd d sid “Cm  189

190 Out on a Limb

dw, squtch!” As th ctu mid mtilss Dtus qustid its mtivs. hps it ws  ml, h thuht, d h did t kw hw “sxy sh miht wt t t.” H dcidd t i th bst d wt bck t wk s th ctu ctiud t std mtilss i th distc.  stlmt ctiud util vi, wh h lst siht  it i th vlpi dkss. Dtus ws smwht uiqu m Bit witsss i tht h climd t lst  dz Bit sihtis d blivd tht h kw hw th ctu thiks. h  ivd t y’s hm li tht mi, h pudly tivd m his   l cdbd cutut h hd md  Bit. tdi t lst sv t tll d i th shp   l m, th cutut ws tppd f by  shply tiul hd. “t’s hw yu kw wh sm is hxi  Bit sihti,” Dtus tld m, “bcus it hs  shp sittl cst.  sm sys Bit ds’t hv  pity hd thy   hx.” is ws ly   svl blis Dtus hld tht pvd ctvsil i Bit cicls. Bit hs b ptd i  umb  dift hi cls, vius shds  bw  blck. v th ccsil ddish d y-cld Bit hv b s. “Bit ly cms i blck,” Dtus ptd. All th cls ppl hv s  th sult  th ctu wi cts md  iml skis. t ws ls cmm kwld m Bit thusists tht th ctu hs  pwul smll. “ss,” sid Dtus. “ Bit smlls it’s bcus  tt mt  th iml hids tht it ws.  myb Bit is ti.” li i th dy  hd st i Dtus’s livi m s h pckd his v  u tip t th cbi.   c  th m st  sl with  l tblt up it.  pd thuh it whil witi  Dtus d ud th sl lld with sktchs  Bit, ch  cptid with th ctu’s thuhts.   p ws  cud dwi  th hd d shulds   plik ctu with  stishily pity hd d blck u,  imc  its c. A sstmt  cptis suudi th c: u d y bi th  m.  m w’t 11 . tll.  ws h r.  m l.  d’t wt t b bthd. D’t pick  m littl m. Lt m t yu pi  yu d.  m blck d vy dk.

Out on a Limb 191

 will s yu st d ’ll wtch yu m  bush. w m  sh!

 th xt p ws  ull-bdy sktch   squtch with “ m lwys lki  smthi t,” witt sidwys dw A pl  Bit’s c  thtxt p ws titld “ m t th th p. missi lik.”  th bttm  th p ws Dtus’s ttmpt t spll ut th wy Bit ylls: “ee-ee-e-e-e-ee!!!” h w lly chd th mshckl cbi  u pilus v id, w ud th mss-cvd wlls d  cllpsd d but th siz   st uit. Dtus tld m but his my sihtis s w std m th ts. H climd tht th ctu ully cm  t his ppty t stl bbits m his ps d tht h  hd it whistli d scmi i th wds suudi his m. His clsst visul cut with Bit ccud wh h ws tvli i Cd d cm withi  w t   ctu stdi   ivbk, but mst  his th cuts tk plc whil wlki thuh th wds  his hm, svl  this cbi. Dtus hd bcm s ccustmd t Bit’s bhvis d hbits dui his my xpics tht h hd dvlpd tchiqus 

Dtus y with his mdl  Bit

192 Out on a Limb

sptti th ctu. Ad h ws th pups  u visit.  std  th dilpidtd cbi s Dtus istuctd m t clm my bthi d b vy quit.  dd t sit still  sm tim.   Bit is i th , h istuctd, it will bcm cuius s t wht cchi hums will s. stlthily llw wlks th tspss, styi uh wy s tdi. vidtbi   ps ud lki Bit, h will v s , Dtus tld m. huld h s th ps tu ud, Bit will std cmpltly still, its blck u d pity hd mki it idistiuishbl m th dk ts ud it. u bst hp ws t wit, immbil, i th hps tht  squtch wuld bcm s cuius s t u ittis tht it wuld lly wd it u li  sit s it ivstitd.  such luck  this dy.  st d witd. Ad witd. Filly Dtus sihd d v up. “y must t b ud tdy.”  md u wy bck dw t his v. A liht i hd sttd s w w witi  Bit’s ppc, mki th dwwd climb tchus d slippy.  t ti (Dtus hd u v smthi whil bli thuh th wds) d  w yss  mud thuh th bds lt w ivd bck t his hm. “Cm bck i,” Dtus tld m, “myb xt tim.” v th xt w ys  did tu t s Dtus, but h ws v bl t dw Bit it viw. H did i th lt 1990s, his pssi  Bit v i him m th  putti s  cckpt i his cmmuity d th ccsil tt i Bit histy. pdi tim i th lms  th pml i th cus  witi this bk ld us t ct  hw much hs chd sic th 1980s. Bck th th tt ws i its icy, t lld with b sits, bls, d discussi ums dvtd t pml subjcts.  X-Files hd yt t pp  tlvisi.  ws  MonsterQuest  GhostHunters, lt l th smily dlss cls d spi-fs tht hv ppd i thi wk. t tht th pml is w,  m it.In Search O ws  ily ppul p-1990 pml shw.  1992 CB luchd Miracles and Other Wonders, hstd by D McGvi. Mzis such Fatewsstds. s d Argosy (w duct) buht th hsts d psychic pws t th ht pps t hv chd is th d  scitl itst i th pml d th xtt t which this itst hs izd. w dcds   ttmpt t ivstit th pml ly lwys ld t sm lik Dtus y. Almst vy cmmuity hd “tht uy wh

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ss Fs,”  th “mily wh thiks thi hus is hutd.” Fw ppl kw  th izd pml ups i xistc t th tim, such s th Mutul F twk d til vstitis Cmmitt  Ail hm (CA), s lcl iquiis usully ld t clul, cctic t is dd cl ds. tht icsd itst i th pml hs  hd i hd with t mdi ttti d th pid difusi  th tt.  yu liv i  city  tw  y siz, yu  likly t d  izd lcl  il up  hst huts,  up  dvlpi ’s psychic pttil,  F ivstiti club, d dpdi  th i,  Bit huti izti.  yu  ds t hv its w pml izti  club, it is pbbly hm t  il chpt   til . wty ys   visit t  putd hutd hus i  cmmuity ws  lly fi. dy  my d cmptiti  th hsts’ tttis with  lcl hst-huti up,  dcumty cw,   di shw. hil w dubt my will u with us wh w clim tht itst i th pml hs icsd v th lst w dcds, it is vy dicult t pv s with y ctity. Blis but th pml hv ly ly b subjctd t dtild scutiy. h suvy schs hv skd Amics i thy bliv i pml tpics  hv hd pml xpics, th wy i which th qustis hv b skd, th ppulti t whm th qustis hv b skd, d v th subjcts skd but hv vid s dmticlly tht it is impssibl t kw  cti hw much itst i th pml hs icsd. ht w can sy  ctity is tht w liv i  pml Amic. ut th wy, th pml is ml. t is imptt tht w b vy cl wht w m by this sttmt, s it my b p t misitptti. Mst bks but th pml  witt m  bs udlyi ssumpti di th lity  th phm ud discussi. A umb  skptics d scitists hv witt bks bmi icsd itst i th pml s  si tht u cultu is lsi its citicl si skills. Michl hm’s Why People Believe Weird Demon d thphm lt Cl ’s Haunted World ssum thtTings pml  tTe bjctivly l d th ty t xpli wht lds ppl t ls thi cmm ss d bliv i llcius subjcts. Bks witt by pml blivs ttmpt t pst vidc,  i th m  psl ccuts  ywitss tstimy, i  ttmpt t pv th lity  th

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phm i qusti. Csvtiv Chisti uths vy — sm ui tht pml phm  t l whil ths clim tht th pml is  tl  t.  th cus  schi this bk d psti its dis w hv  bi t skpticl smpml blivs wh b wish ccusd w wuld ttst (1) t th lity  by Fs Bit, d (2) t skpticl uh by sm cllus wh wish w wuld “cll ut” lpss i lic m th ppl w hv studid.  culd hv pstd umts ist th bjctiv lity  F bductis.  st widly publicizd bducti cs  Btty d By Hill (s chp. 3) hs b th subjct  its dbt. F xmpl, Btty climd t hv cpid  “st mp” shw t h by h bducts. kptics d blivs hv ud v sic whth th mp tuly displys  st systm (d i s, which )  is simply  dm slcti  dts pducd by  dludd ps. Fm u pspctiv, th ws littl pit i ti such dbts.  spct  th Hill cs tht w dis with is tht th cupl tuly blivd thmslvs t hv b bductd. Fm  scilicl pspctiv, tht is th imptt ct.  Hill’s ppt sicity mid thi stishi clims pvd t b  mtiv mmt i wht ultimtly bcm  ppul phm i th lt svtis. cilists hv l bsvd tht ppl ct up thi stly hld blis, whth ths blis pst “lity”  t. h w pt tht th pml is ml, th, it shuld t b tk s  implicit  xplicit sttmt   ist th lity  Fs, psychic phm, hsts, Bit,  y th pml tpics.  simply m tht th pml is  l  i subjct. d p? ct bck  th dt w hv pstd i this bk: ly 32 pct  Amics pt  pml blis, d hl  th ppulti pts bli i tw  m pml phm. ttisticlly, ths wh pt  pml bli  t th ddblls; it is ths wh hv no belies tht  i th siict miity. xctly which pml blis  ps ds cvici vis, but whth it is Fs hsts  csid stlyst d tlkisis, mst  us bliv m th .d  w uth blis i ctiv suptul titis d its liius xpics th umbs  v l. us w c sy with t cdc tht th pml is h t sty d is  l  mil phm. hth utu uths wish t bm  ch th scsi  th pml, thi umts will b

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stthd by  cl udstdi  wh blivs i d xpics th pml, d i wht wys. is hs b th l  u pjct.

Key Findings Giv th divsity d mut  dt w hv pstd i this bk,  summy  its ky dis is i d. dividul ml Blis d xpics chls hv pstd cty hypthsis di wh shuld bliv i pml subjcts  pt pml xpics. m thiz tht milizd ppl (lw icm  ducti, miitis) will b m likly t bliv i th pml, ith bcus milizd ppl hv littl t ls m pticipti i dvit blis  ctivitis  bcus sm pml subjcts pvid th blivs with  ss  ctl v thi cicumstcs. th schls sust tht pml itst will b m pvlt mst th upp clsss  thy hv th sucs t idul xpimtti with i blis.  cct sw pps t b much m cmplictd. ht is vy cl is tht it is icct t sttyp blivs i th pml,  th ppl ivlvd vy quit  bit by subjct. pl wh bliv i Fs  t lwys th sm typs  ppl wh bliv i stly.  llwi  th cl ptts w d with ds t pml blis d xpics: • ith th xcpti  bli i Fs, wm  m likly t bliv i pml subjcts th  m. •  is limitd vidc tht milizd ppl will vitt twd cti pml blis, spciclly blis i psychic pws, hsts, d stly. • Fmls ls pp m likly t hv  sk ut pml xpics, s thy  m t csult scps d psychics, ussiictly uij bds, dlikly t bliv thyhhv livd i  visitd  hutd hus. •  is limitd vidc tht lits  m likly t hv sm pml xpics, spciclly ut--bdy xpics d F sihtis.

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liius Blis d ml Blis  ltiship btw liius blis d pml blis hs ls b subjct t cmpti hypthss. m schls hv ud tht liius shuld pi th ps up t thipml, sic sm wh blis is willi t bliv suptul  lm shuld b m willi t d s i th. ths hv ud tht liius blis pvid  spcic wldviw d bli systm, which is i cict with th pml; th liius ppl shuld shw lw lvls  bli i pml tpics d hv w pml xpics.  d tht much  th cusi hs t d with th ct tht th ltiship with lii d th pml vis by lvls d typs  liisity. pl wh  p t liius ids but hld m libl viws  m likly t bliv i th pml th liius ppl.  i  cti ss liius blis d cditi  ps t ccpt pml blis. But ppl wh hv vy stict liius viws  lss likly t bliv i th pml th ths. • vlicl tstts d Jws shw th lwst lvls  bli i pml subjcts. • Bli i pml tpics is t its hihst lvls m ppl with m libl viws  th Bibl. • Bli i pml tpics is t its lwst lvls m ppl wh bliv th Bibl is th litl wd  Gd. •  liklihd  hldi  pml bli  hvi  pml xpic is tst m iqut chuch ttds (c  mth) d lwst m th mst qut chuch ttds (svl tims  wk). ml schs  chpt 5 w xpld th wld  pml subcultus with  pticul mphsis  Bit schs. By spdi tim di th littu d  Bit visitihuts, thi b sits, ttdi thi ccs, jiihuts, i  Bit  dditil cmplxity di th pml bcm ppt t us: th ppl vid dpdi  wht typ  Bit-ltd ctivity i which thy d. F xmpl, Aic Amics  m likly t bliv i Bit th ths  th cs, d mls i l xhibit slihtly hih lvls

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 bli th mls. t wh it cms t di bks but Bit, wtchi Bit dcumtis,  visiti ltd b sits, yu mls c th mkt, whil th Bit huts w spt tim with tdd t b middl-d whit m i whit-cll ccuptis.  d t kw but i this  vic wuld b ud i th pml subcultus, wlvl c bil dw ths bsvtis it  sil sttmt: •  typ  ps itstd i  pml subjct my vy dpdi up h lvl  ivlvmt i th subjct. s wh simply bliv i  pml tpic  t cssily th sm typs  ppl wh sch th subjct, hv ltd xpics,   i ltd pctics. ml pl  u studis  th pml w w stuck by th dift typs  ppl w mt.  mt sm wh w hihly cvtil ppl wh blivd i psychic pws, hsts,  sm th pml subjct. ht stuck us is th ct tht ths wh hd m t ls by i i th pml did t cssily vid it ltth. th, thy tdd t limit thi blis. A middl-clss, mid bk with cvtil liius blis my bliv stly i Fs bcus   psl itst  xpic, but tht sm bk is ulikly t ls bliv i Bit, hsts, stly, d psychic pws.  mt ppl, such s Lu, wh w vy ucvtil d t pud  th ct tht thy did’t “quit t i.” ithut s much t ls m mbci pml blis, such ppl smd m willi t ccpt umus pml tpics d v clim multipl dift kids  pml xpics. •   sttisticl ss, it is t dvit t bliv i  pml subjct. M th tw-thids  Amics (68%) bliv i t . vy i thi stks i cmity s msud by • lst dividuls cvtil ttchmts, ivstmt i cvtil scity (ducti d icm), d cvtil blis. • tks i cmity stly pdict hw my pml blis  ps ccpts. Hihly cvtil ppl pt sii-

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ctly w pml blis d xpics th hihly ucvtil ppl. uptul vil d liius xpics  chpt 7 w xmid th muddy wts btw lii d th pml, xpli blis but th dvil, dms, pssssi, Amdd d th ptu, d such pwul liius xpics s spki i tus, miculus hlis, d hi th vic  Gd. t ws immditly cl, with  xcpti, tht such blis d xpics d t mk  m likly t bliv i pml subjcts.  c much m clly xplict wh will bliv i suptul vil d clim liius xpics: • pl wh  csvtivly liius d milizd i tms  ducti d icm will b th mst likly t bliv i th lity  suptul vil cs such s t d dms. • pl wh  csvtivly liius d milizd i tms  ducti d icm  ls th mst likly t pt liius xpics such s spki i tus d miculus hlis. • Bli i suptul vil is stly ltd t liius xpics.  th wds, sm wh blivs i  l t ls tds t b th sm typ  ps wh will spk i tus  h th vic  Gd. • hil th liius xpics hv icsistt fcts  pml blis, blivi tht  hs b svd m hm by  udi l pps t b  cssv xpic. pl wh clim this xpic  m likly t bliv i pml subjcts.

Out on a Limb A ky u i th w A d pml is th ctss d uth hily McLi.  1983 sh lsd Out on a Limb,  utbiphicl wk i which sh vls hw tubls i h li spkd  juy  sl-xplti tht ld h t dlv it subjcts such s chli, icti, d Fs. McLi ws widly idiculd d bcm

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th tt  jks  lt-iht tlk shws, but  ths i th w A cmmuity, sh ws  bv tilblz. hth  csids McLi t b kk   visiy,  thi is cl: lsi Out on a Limb ws  vy bld d isky mv  h pt.  wuld likmv, t dpdicti this juy pml (ltivly) isky whtit th th pml willwith lku likw i th itd tts i th utu. ht will b th stt  fis twty, thity  v ty ys m w? ill ppl still bliv? ill th b t mphsis  pml blis? ill th lvl  itst i th pml slip? ill th v-shii dmphic d liius cmpsiti  th .. ppulti ld t  dift typ  pml? Lt’s t ut u cystl bll d tk  pk t s wht th utu ptds.  chpt 6 w shwd tht th umb  pml blis  ps subscibs t vis quit siictly by ducti, c/thicity, , d, icm, d liisity (s tbl A6 i th ppdix). v th xt twty t ty ys th scidmphic d liius cmpsiti  th itd tts will ch.  cs  chi tility ptts, icsd li xpctcy, d immiti m tht th itd tts  2040  2050 will t smbl th itd tts  2010.  w hp t pdict th xtt  pml bli i th utu, w will hv t mk sm ssumptis but wht th dmphics  th itd tts will lk lik my ys m w.  cut ppulti  th itd tts is ppximtly 296 milli. By 2050, tht umb is pjctd t ics by 48 pct,   t i  142 milli ppl. Hwv, th vst mjity (82%)  tht wth is pjctd t cm m immiti, d by 2050,  i v pss will b i b. Cutly, whit, -Hispics cmpis 67 pct  th ppulti, but by 2050 this up is xpctd t pst ly 47 pct  th ppulti. s tds  imptt  utu lvls  pml blis. hit spdts pt siictly w pml blis th d whit spdts. , y dcs i th ltiv siz  th whit blis.ppulti wuld psumbly sult i  ics i pml t th  th utu tds tht my fst such pjctd chs i cil/thic cmpsiti.  hv ud tht  dcss th ptd umb  pml blis. ld spdts t u suvys  much lss likly t bliv i Bit, hsts, psychic bilitis, tc.

200 Out on a Limb

Cutly, th ldly ( sixty-v d ld) cmpis 12 pct  th ppulti i th itd tts, but by 2050 this  up is pjctd t pst 19 pct  th ttl ppulti. Giv u cut udstdi  th ltiship btw  d pml blis,  ics thpct  ldly hv this t,ssums tivtht fct  th vll i lvl pml blis. will  cus ths  fcts   lly d t til cultul shis.  scd dmphic td tht my duc th utu lvl  pml bli is tht  xpctd is i ductil ttimt d subsqut is i icm. Csus pjctis shw tht th pct  th dult ppulti (twty-v d ld) with  cll d is xpctd t ics m 22 pct i 2003 t 25 pct by 2030. ic ths wh hv m ducti,  v, hv hih icms, w xpct tht l icm shuld climb dui tht pid s wll. ic bth  ths msus  tivly ltd t th umb  ptd pml blis (s tbl A6 i ppdix), th  t i  th ti s  whl i bth ducti d icm v th xt twty t ty ys shuld pdict  t dcli i pml blis. As w hv ud, csvtiv lii hs  dmpi fct up pml bli. , chs i th liius mkup  th itd tts will impct th pml.  is  st cssus di hw th liius ldscp will ch i Amic v th xt twty t ty ys.  kw m pst xpic tht mili ptstt ctis hv b dclii i mmbship, d tht vlicl Chisti dmitis hv b wi. Al with this wth i vlicls, th hs b  uptick i th pct  ppl wh spd “ lii”  til suvys. Futh, th publicity  w A d lttiv spiitul xpics/pctics lds ppl t bliv tht “spiitul but t liius” hs b  icsi td. v th xt thity ys m Cthlics, tstts, -JudChisti liis, d sculists  ll pdictd t w i bslut umbs. ct pjctis but th Amic liius ldscp idict tht immiti d diftil tility ptts will stuctu th liius cmpsiti ti. As td li,t82bpct ll ppulti wth v  thth xt ty ys is xpctd thuh immiti, spciclly Hispic immiti. As  sult, Cthlics  xpctd t w m 28 pct t 32 pct  th ttl ppulti dui this tim m. tstts, tk s  whl,  xpctd t dcli i pstti by 12 pct dui th st hl  th twty-st

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ctuy, but csvtiv vlicl tstts  xpctd t dcli by ly 3 pct. s wh lit with th liis  xpctd t dubl i thi pstti i th .. ppulti. s with  lii  xpctd t w s  ppti  th .. ppulti by .5 pct.  pdictd tili f  liius csvtivs is pticully itsti, s tw  th mst imptt pdicts  pml blis  chuch ttdc d biblicl litlism. liius csvtism is psitivly cltd with bth  ths msus. , i liius csvtivs dcli smwht v th xt ty  s ys, it is sbl t ssum tht biblicl litlism d chuch ttdc miht ls dcli, t  judicius d.  w mv wd bsd  such ssumptis, wht ds it m? ixty-iht pct  Amics cutly pt t lst  pml bli.  v Amic hlds slihtly m th tw (2.1) pml blis. By wihti th ltiv imptc  th dmphic d liisity vibls tht pdict pml blis, d csidi th pdictd chs i th dmphic d liius ldscp v th xt thity t ty ys, w pstict tht by 2050, 72.7 pct  Amics will pt t lst  pml bli, d tht th v umb  pml blis ptd will by spdts t such suvys will b 2.45. is quts t  14 pct ics i th m umb  ptd pml blis i th itd tts.  liz tht w hv  ut  th pvbil limb h by mki ssumptis but utu chs i th itd tts. s ssumptis  bsd up cut sch  ppulti tds, d th ltiships  st.  ctul ch i pml blis w xpic my b slihtly smll  smwht l. ht u mdls dciddly d t pdict, hwv, is th limiti  pml bli i u scity  v  dmtic ducti. hth w lik it  t, w hv bcm d will mi  pml Amic.

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Appdix Data, Methods and Findings

F ds ccd but mthdlicl issus this ppdix pvids dtils  th sucs  u dt— xtsiv ldwk d tw wvs  th Byl lii uvy, d th sttisticl lyss tht li bhid u pstti.

Te Baylor Religion Surveys Fudd by th Jh mplt Fudti, th Byl lii uvy (B) is  i-dpth suvy  liius blis d ttituds dmiistd t th .. l ppulti. Mst th til suvys, such s th Gl cil uvy (G) d til lcti tudy, iclud limitd qustis  lii. t is t t sy tht th dvlps  ths suvys d t l tht lii is imptt; th it is  qusti  cus.  B ws dsid t ty t ll this p with th iclusi  dzs  w lii qustis. Mst imptt  th pupss  this bk, th B icluds multipl qustis  pml blis, xpics, d pctics. is bk utilizs dt m th st tw wvs  th B. v 1, cllctd i th ll  2005 csists   dm smpl  1,721 Amics. v 2, cllctd i th ll  2007, pvids spss m  dm smpl  1,648 Amics.  th itsts  spc w hv t pducd th ull suvy bklts  ch wv i this vlum. tstd ds c viw th qustiis t th b sit  Byl’s stitut  tudis  lii ():http://www.byl.du/. schs c ls dwld th suvys t http://thd.cm.

Data Collection  Gllup izti dmiistd th Byl lii uvy. v thuh th B icluds my lii qustis, it wsnot dmiistd 203

204 Appendix

ly t hihly liius ppl,  t  cti typ  liius ps.  Gllup izti clld  dm smpl  ppl ud th cuty i d t slicit thi pticipti i th suvy. As such, vy ps i th itd tts with  ph hd  qul chc  bi slctd  th suvy. liis hil Amics  cmpltd vwhlmily Chisti, ppl  -Chisti d thists th suvy s wll. F bth wvs, Gllup usd  mixd-md smpli dsi (tlph d sl-dmiistd mild suvys).  cuitmt d dmiistti  th B c b bk dw it th distict phss: (1) iitil cuitmt thuh dm-diit dili; (2) ph itviws   dmly slctd subsmpl  pticipts t dtmi bis i iitil usls; d (3) th mild suvy. Giv th umb  dift sts i th pcss, w will cus up v 1 i u dscipti blw d pst  tbl t summiz bth wvs.  Gllup izti cductd ph cuitmt qusti pticipti i  suvy pjct which is dsid t “ivstit th vlus d blis  Amics.”  Gllup izti did t idict tht th B ws spciclly but lii  tht Byl ivsity ws ivlvd i th study   tht this miht bis th sps t.  dm-diit tlph smpl ws dw m tlph xchs svi th ctitl itd tts.  d t vid vius th sucs  bis,  dm-diit pcdu dsid t pvid pstti  bth listd d ulistd (icludi t-yt-listd) tlph umbs ws usd.  dsi  th smpl sus pstti  ll tlph umbs by dmly ti th lst tw diits  umbs slctd  th bsis  thi  cd, tlph xch, d bk d.  mild suvy csistd   sixt-p bklt icludi  cv p titld, “ lus d Blis  th Amic ublic — A til tudy.” Qustiis icludd  cv ltt xplii th study’s bjctivs d  umb t cll i pticipts hd y qustis  cmmts.  ppciti  thi pticipti, pttil mil suvy spdts w fd  $5.00 ictiv t cmplt th sl-dmiistd qustii d tu it t th Gllup izti. A llw-up mid pstcd wsF stv t ll ths did izti t spd tctctd th iitil 7,041 suvyhushlds mili. by 1 th wh Gllup ph d 3,002 ppl d t pticipt i th study.  sps t  th iitil cuiti phs is clcultd ccdi t th Amic Assciti  ublic pii sch (AA) 1 diti: 1 = 3,002 / 7,041 = 42.6%.  th 2,603 suvys mild, 1,721 w



cmpltd d tud. Csqutly, th tu t  th mild suvys is 66.1% (1,721 / 2,603). h ths th phss  dt cllcti (iitil cuitmt, ph itviws, d mild suvys)  pld t clcult th sps t  th mixd-md mthd p AA 1, it bcms (1,721 / 7,041 = 24.4%). th sm1 mul, th sps t24.4%  th mixd-md mthdsi p AA  v 2 is 24.94% (1,648 / 6,604).   = ———————————————————— ( + ) + ( + C + ) + (H + )  = Cmplt itviw;  = til itviws;  = usls d bkfs; C = -ctct;  = th; H = kw i hushld ccupid;  = kw, th. is sps t  multimthd suvys ccuts  sps t ll lvls  dt cllcti.  Gllup izti ssts tht ths sps ts t withi th ml pmts  libl til suvy dt.  dditi, ll dmphic vibls cmp vbly t th til suvys.  sch  such bis w cmpd u spdts t ths  th 2004 Gl cil uvy  ky liius idicts such s ttdc d dmiti.  spdts t th tw suvys w simil. F xmpl, th ws  vidc   systmtic bis twd m csvtiv dmitis i th B. F th thity-sv ups  which cmpis  pssibl btw th B d G, th tw suvys dif by lss th 1 pct.  lst difcs w  m Cthlics (th G hd 4% m), Bptists (5% m i th G), d ths with  lii (14.8% i th G, 11% i th B). th lii idicts w qully cmpbl. spdts t bth suvys ttd chuch t but th sm t, with B dt hvi  slihtly hih umb tht v ttd. ith th xcpti  bi slihtly m ductd  v th G spdts (16%  B spdts hv hd sm dut study cmpd t 10% i th G), u smpl ls lkd vy simil t th G dsbtw t mplymt mitl dctily ducti. sum, with difcs th B sttus, d G w sttus, smll d t sucitly wism s t sust w hv  vly liius smpl tht ds t pst th l ppulti.   cdt tht th B dt c b usd t pst  ptit  cut liius blis i th itd tts.

206 Appendix

 Gllup izti ctd wihts  ch wv usi  ti stimti pm. By usi  sttisticl lithm, th vll (mil) distibutis s wll s th itltiships m svl vibls  simultusly djustd by ssii wihts t idividul spdts i d t bi ll  th distibutis itvibls limt ppulti pmts,  “tu distibutis”  ths dwith thi ltiships with  th.  Gllup izti usd th mst ct til dt vilbl m th Buu  th Csus Cut pulti uvy (C)  d, c, i, , d ducti.  th st stp  th wihti  ull wihti mtix  i by d by  by ducti is divd m th C imti.  scd stp ivlvd  ull wihti mtix  i by d by c. All  u lyss  wihtd usi ths cstuctd wiht vibls.

Field Research  d t id i u udstdi  th subjct  this bk, w lt it cssy t supplmt u sttisticl dis with ld sch. is bk dws up ld sch cductd by th ld sch v th lst twty ys d svl w ldwk dvs d i spciclly  this pjct. u mthdlis vid by situti, but w mst  d i pticipt bsvti by jii  up i its ctivitis, whth tht b  Bit hut  svics t  tcstl chuch.  ppchd ll pttil subjcts s scil scitists itstd i study pml d suptul blis d xpics. At  tim did w pst uslvs s ythi th th scilists  ttmpt t clim  pml xpic i qusti t i icsd ccss t  up. u dsciptis  vts  pimily bsd  u ld ts.  sm  ths istcs ly  sch ws pst. h m w pst ch tk xtsiv ld ts, which w th cmpd. At tims u ldwk ld t th mthds, such s th suvy  BC cc i chpts 5 di6.dts d lctis, w  d ttds t vid dscibd bi dw this bk hv vidd discussi th xct dtils  dift ld xcusis i th mi bdy  th txt. F th itstd d, th llwi is  list  ky ups d lctis d th dts  which w visitd (s tbl A.1).



Tae .1 Summary o Fieldwork and Related Projects ups



Chapter 

Auth hst(Bk) hutitks  cus i viht Ghst wtch/hut t th Bi Cypss Cf Hus Chapter  bsvti/pticipti i th Dlls sychic Fi Chapter  bsvti  th F Ctct Ct ttil,  F bducti suppt up uvy  mmbs  th F Ctct Ct ttil Chapter  tviw with Lu Cy, F Ctct Chapter  bsvtis  mtis d ccs  th xs Bit sch Csvcy (BC) Bit hut with mmbs  th BC bsvti, pstti d suvy dmiistd t th th Aul Mti  th BC Chapter  bsvti  svics t  smll tcstl Chuch bsvti  svics t  smll tcstl Chuch tviws with ky us i ul m itul bus cs Mti/itviw with ul m Chapter  bsvtis  d itviws with Dtus y

Gvill, X Jfs, X

July ,  Dcmb  – , 

Dlls, X

Dcmb , 

Fdl y, A

 –   –  Dcmb ,  

Mild t lits  th FCC ud th .. Fdl y, A

Dcmb , 

yl, X

 – 

Bi Ck cic A, m Hust til Fst yl, X

Dcmb ,  ptmb  – , 

Jhs City, 

July . 

Bucvill-ddy, X

Auust , 

lympi, A


tld, A

July , 

Cs, A

 – 

Te Analyses  chpts 3 thuh 8 w c lyss tht  t pstd i th spctiv chpts.  this scti w iclud m dtil  ths

208 Appendix

lyss.  lyss i ths chpts usd  stdd st  pdict vibls t stimt spdts ptd pml blis, pctics, d xpics.  stdd mdl icludd bth dmphic d liisity msus. s msus, d thi ptilizti,  pstd i tbl A.2.3.7 pst cticy lyss  pml blis Fius 3.6 d by d (3.6) d c/thicity (3.7). bl A.3 pvids th chi-squ d p vlus  ch lysis. ch  th difcs is sttisticlly siict t th p < .05 lvl, with th xcpti  bli i th pw  stly by c/thicity ctis. Tae .2 Demographics Gender, Age (msud i ys), Race (hit, Aic Amic, th), Marital Status ( ctis): Cutly mid, sil v mid, divcd/sptd, chbitti, widwd. Region

st w ld: Middl Atltic: Midwst st Ctl: st Ctl: uth uthst: uthwst: st

M, H, , MA, , C , J, A, MD, D, , DC H, M, , L , M, A, M, D, D, ,  A, C, C, GA, FL, , , AL, M A, LA, , X

cky Muti: M, AZ, C, D, , , , M cic: CA, , A Education

ht is th hihst lvl  ducti yu hv cmpltd? . th d  lss, . th – th d ( hih schl diplm) . Hih schl ly . m cll, td/tchicl/vctil tii . Cll d ( pstdut wk) . stdut d Income

By yu bst stimt, wht ws yu ttl hushld icm lst y b txs? . ,  lss, . , t ,, . , t , . , t ,, . , t ,, . , t ,, . ,  m

Tae .2 (continued) Religiosity Measures

r enane Hw  d yu ttd liius svics? . v . Lss th c  y . c  twic  y . vl tims  y . c  mth .  –  tims  mth . Abut wkly . vl tims  wk Rego Traon a cluds th llwi  ctis: vlicl tstts, Cthlics, Blck tstts, Mili tstts, Jwish, th lii,  lii. a era hich one sttmt cms clsst t yu psl blis but th Bibl? .   Bibl ctis is  cit  histy . smbk hum . d lds. .  Bibl is pctly tu, but it shuld t b tk litlly, wd wd.  must itpt its mi. .  Bibl ms xctly wht it sys. t shuld b tk litlly, wd  wd  ll subjcts. ee ao o hich one sttmt cms clsst t yu psl blis but Gd? .  hv  dubts tht Gd xists. .  bliv i Gd, but with sm dubts. .  smtims bliv i Gd. .  bliv i  hih pw  csmic c. .  d’t bliv i ythi byd th physicl wld. a

is msu uss th tsld t l. (2000) mdl.

Tae .3 Chi-Square Values or Figures 3.6 and 3.7 Fiu 3.6: Gd

Fiu 3.7: c

Atltis lkisis sychic pws Astly Mdiums

. . . . .

p < . p < . p < . p < . p < .

. . . . .

p < . p < . p < . p = . p< .

Ghsts Fs Msts

. . .

. pp < < . p < .

. . .

< . pp < . p < .


210 Appendix Tae .4 Fig. 3.10 Logistic Regression: Demographic and Religiosity Predictors o Paranormal Experiences Csultd hscp

Demographics Fml hit A ducti cm Mid i  cuty st uth Midwst

. *** –. –. *** –. –. . *** . . .

Csultd psychic

Hutd hus

. *** –. –. . –. .

. ** . –. *** –. –. *** –.

. –. –

–. . –.

ut--bdy xpic

sd uij bd

. –. *** –. . –. *** –.

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. ** . * .

itssd F

–. –. –. –. –. *** . –. . –.


Chuch liiusttdc tditi Cthlics vlicls Blck tstt Jwish th lii  lii Biblicl litlism tcpt

–. *** . –. –. . . * –. *** –. *** –. *

–. . –. –. –. . –. –. .

-squ  Mdl chi-squ

.  . ***


–. ** –. *** . . –. –. –. –. –. –. . *** . . –. ** –. –. ** . .

–. *** –. . . . . –. –. ***


–. *** . –. –. –. . –. ** –. ** .

.  . ***

.  . ***

.  . ***

.  . ***

* *

.  . ***

* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001

 tbl A.4 w pst th ssi lysis  u 3.10, th ky dmphic pdicts  pml xpics. si th 2005 Byl lii uvy, w pdict pml xpics usi dmphic, chuch ttdc, liius tditi, d biblicl litlism (s tbl A.2) t pdict six pml xpics. s xpics  tk m th llwi qustis  th 2005 Byl lii uvy: Hv hdyu  v xpic yu ltwh t  with (ys yu ).v Hv hd wh xpic yu ltth thtuivs? yu l yu bdy   pid  tim? (ys  ). As  dult, hv yu v csultd  uij bd t ctct  dcsd ps  spiit? (ys  ). As  dult, hv yu v witssd  bjct i th sky tht yu culd t idtiy? (ys  ). As  dult, hv yu v visitd  livd



i  hus  plc blivd t b hutd? (ys  ). As  dult, hv yu v clld  csultd  mdium, tu-tll,  psychic? (ys  ). As  dult, hv yu v csultd  hscp t t  id but th cus  yu li? (ys  ). ch  ths vibls w ptilizd s  biy (1 = ys; 0 = ), d ssi qutis w stimtd usi vibl listic ssi.

 pmt stimts  ch  pstd i tbl A.4.  chpt 5 w pst  cticy lysis  pml sch ctivitis by d (. 5.3). bl A.5 psts th chi-squ d p vlus  ch b cht i this ph.  dt shw tht ll ltiships  sttisticlly siict t p < .05. Fiu 5.8 shws th imptt pdicts  wh schs th pml.  dt m tht u  pstd i tbl A.6.  this lysis w us th bs mdl  dmphics d liisity (t icludi blis i Gd) t pdict th llwi: Hv yu v d  bk, csultd  b sit,  schd: Mdiums, tu-tlls,  psychics (ys  ) F sihtis, bductis,  cspicis (ys  ) Ghsts, ppitis, hutd huss,  lctic vic phm (ys  ) Mystius imls, such s Bit  th Lch ss Mst (ys  ) Astly (ys  )  pphcis  stdmus (ys  )  w  mvmt i l (ys  )

ch vibl ws ptilizd s  biy (y s = 1,  = 0) vibl. Listic ssi ws usd t pdict th pbbility  schi ch  ths tpics.  pmt stimts  pstd i tbl A.6. Tae .5 Chi-Square Values or Figure 5.7: Gender and and Paranormal Research Chi-squ

 w A sychics, tu tlls, mdiums Astly phcis  stdmus F sihtis, bductis, cspicis Bit, Lch ss Mst, d th ctus

. . . . . .

 vlu

p < . p < . p < . p < . p < . p < .

212 Appendix Tae .6 Fig. 5.8 Logistic Regression: Demographic and Religiosity Predictors o Paranormal Research Fs






w A

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. ** *** –. –. * . –. *** . *

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. *** –. . . –. ** . ***

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Fml hit A ducti cm Mid i  cuty st uth Midwst

–. –. *** –. . –. *** . . –. .

. **** –. . –. –. * –. *** . . –. *** –. *** . . . . .

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Chuch ttdc liius tditi

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Cthlics vlicls Blck tstt Jwish th lii  lii Biblicl litlism tcpt

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. ** –. –. * –. . –. ** –. ** .

. . . . . *** . –. *** –.

-squ  Mdl chi-squ

.  . ***

. .   . *** . ***

.  . ***

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. –. –. ** –. . –. ** –. *** . ***

.  . ***

* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001

bl A.7 shws  lysis tht is usd t suppt th cclusis pstd i chpt 6.  pst  cut mdl tht stimts th umb  ptd pml blis, d hw this pt vis by dmphic d liisity msus. Csistt with th cclusis pstd i chpt 6, w d i th cut lysis tht ths with m ducti d icm pt w pml blis, s d ld spdts, mls, d whits. s wh ttd chuch m  ls pt w pml blis, s d ths wh tk th Bibl litlly. Am Chistis, blis, mwhil Cthlics t pml ths d with Mili  liitstts pt th pt wst. s with th liis pt th tst umb  pml blis, ll this qul.  dt i tbl A.8 shw th ssi sults tht  usd t t cclusis  chpt 7.



Projections: Chapter 8 H w pjct tht th pct  th ppulti pti t lst  pml bli will w m 68 pct t 72.7 pct v th xt thity ty ys.  bs this th ssumpti thtth th ltivtfcts  dmphic dpjcti liisity vibls tht pdict umb  ptd pml blis will t ch v tim. ki m this ssumpti, w ct ltiv wihts  ch siict vibl i tbl A.7 by multiplyi th ssi c cit by th stdd dviti  th spctiv vibl, d dividi tht pduct by th stdd dviti  th dpdt vibls (umb  ptd pml blis). is qutit ws th cvtd it th ltiv wiht by stimti th ttl ducti i  ud th ull hypthsis is Tae .7 Chapter 6 Poisson Regression: Count o New Age Belies

Tae .8 Chapter 7 Regression o Satan’s Power on Demographic and Religiosity Predictors


t’s pw



Fml hit A ducti cm Mid

. –. –. –. –. –.

i  cuty st uth Midwst (st is mittd)

. –. .

*** *** *** * ***

* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001

. –. . –. * –. ** .

i  cuty st uth Midwst

–. * . * –.



Chuch ttdc liius tditi Cthlics Mili tstt Blck tstt th lii  lii Biblicl litlism L liklihd  ducti i 

Fml hit A ducti cm Mid

–. *** . . –. . –. –. .  .

*** *** *** *** ***

Chuch ttdc liius tditi Cthlics Mili tstt Blck tstt Jwish th lii  lii Biblicl litlism tcpt -squ  * p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001

. *** –. –. . –. –. –. . .

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

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Tae a.9 Relative Importance o Predictors o Paranormal Belies

ccutd  by ch siict dmphic d liisity vibl. bl A.9 pvids th ltiv wihts  ch. s wihts  usd i stddizd xd fcts ssi mdls wh w st stimt  ltiv ct sc bsd  th sults m th B.  w djust th fcts  th ltiv wihts bsd  pdictd chs i c/thic cmpsiti  th itd tts, chs i liius ldscp, ductil ttimt d icm, s wll s chuch ttdc d biblicl litlism (th ltt tw w st t  vy csvtiv 3% ltiv dp i th xt thity t ty ys).  th -stimt th mdl c ths djustmts hv b md.  lst ft pducd  vll 7 pct ics i th bslut vlu  th pdictd ltiv ct sc.  th djustmts i th dmphic d liius cmpsiti  th itd tts ccu s th schls  pdicti, th w xpct tht pml blis,  th t lvl, will ics th xt thity ti ty ys. pply this phct t bthbyth7 pct pct v wh cutly bliv t lst  pml m (68%) d th m ptd umb  blis (2.1) d iv ut u spculti tht th pct pti pml blis by y 2050 will b 72.7 pct.


Noe o aer  . A umb  cts ctibutd t Jfs’s dcli icludi th dvlpmt  th ilds d th mvl   mus blckd  ts m th d iv by th .. Amy Cps  is. is lst dppd th wt lvl  th Bi Cypss Byu sucitly s t mk its us by l ships dus. . ldski d ldski (2001, 121). .  http://histicjfshtl.cm/hst.htm. . Du is usi  tu  phs h: w did t py t spd th vi. . A uij bd is  m bd pitd with ltts d umbs. ss plc thi s up  “plchtt” ( pic  plstic with  cylic widw i th middl) d sk qustis  th bd.  plchtt th mvs ud th bd splli ut sws. kptics u tht th fcts  th bd  simply du t ucscius mvmt  th pt  th uss. Blivs clim tht th bd ps  li  cmmuicti t th spiit wld. k Bths hlds th ptt  th dsi d mkts  cil vsi. .  iil (2006). . bid. .  Btt (2001). Btt cs bth Gllup dt d th C Gl cil uvy. .  Gd (2000)   discussi  ppul pcptis  pml blivs. . Dui  ctb 30, 2007, Dmctic sidtil Dbt i hildlphi, th mdt im usst skd Dis uciich i h hd s  F.  qusti ws pmptd by th ct ls   bk by hily McLi, which ptd tht uciich witssd  l, tiul F hvi v h shit tt hm i th 1980s. uciich dmittd t th xpic, ti tht m psidt Jimmy Ct hd ls climd  F sihti. . Mst F schs tc th biis  th md   F sihtis t th Ju 1947 sihti by ivt th Ald. hil yi v


216 Notes to Chapter 1

th Cscd Mutis i shit tt, Ald ptd sihtis  i dlt-shpd bjcts yi i mti.  sty civd xtsiv pss cv t th tim. .  thplist Dvid J. Dli (2004) ccluds tht th xisti vidc  Bit is isucit  pvi th ctu’s xistc. . Dtild smpli d mthdlicl imti but th Byl lii uvy is vilbl m Bd, Mck, d Fs (2007) d i th ppdix. . ,  xmpl, Ms d llis (2000); uthw (1978); Gldii (2006). uthw (1978) is  smpl  Bkly, CA; Ms d llis (2000) is  smpl  xs; Gldii (2006) is  smpl  ctld. .  Lubch (2004) d Bibid (2004). Bibid is  dm smpl; Lubch (2004) is limitd t pml xpics. . ,  xmpl, ic (2003); sti (2002); Mci (2003). ch usd dt tht  w t lst t ys ld. . vl liius ups with F-bsd thlis hv ppd sic i th 1950s, s chp. 4. .  phs “supmpiicl,” usd by mith (2003) i his thticl ttis but th tu  mlity d bli, is pt h. . ,  xmpl: tk d Bibid (1985); Lwis d Mlt (1992). . Bw (1992), Lwis (1992). . cc (1995). . Mlt (1995). . Dsmd d Admski (1953). .  pks (2001); sti (2002);  Bibid (2004)   vviw  ths psitis. . Ghm (1992, 148). t: st is m  hyptic thpy. .  uthw (1978), ic (2003). . ,  xmpl, Dhu (1993); sti (2002); ic (2003); pks (2001). . Bibid (2004) d sti (2002) hv ldy bu t xpl this pssibility. .  d (2004). .   t th st t us th mtph   cti t  t ppl wh smpl  vity  dift liius d suptul blis d pctics. ,  xmpl, , Cll, d z (1995).  must ls t h tht sm ppl  itstd i ly  pml subjct whil ths  itstd i my,  tpic w ddss i chp. 6. . th (1991). . F xmpl, th McMti dyc bus cs, which civd til ttti (ui m 1984 t 1990 icludi plimiy ivstitis) ivlvd lltis tht hudds  child hd b physiclly d sxully

Notes to Chapter 2 217

busd t th hds  stf ivlvd i tic cmis t th ct.  cs ultimtly cst millis  txpys’ dlls. .  ppc  th Chuch  t i th 1960s pvidd th mdi with dlss tls d ims  us i cutiy stis but th is  tism. pul lms such s Rosemary’s Baby pjctd th im   sctiv tic cult ptd by pwul mmbs  th upp clss. ls  tism ls ppd i Chisti littu thuhut th 1960s d 1970s, such s Mik k’s (1972)Te Satan Seller, i which h clims t hv jid  udud tic cult i th 1960s, isi t th k  hih pist. Als mus i pic l is Michelle Remembers (1980), c-witt by  mdicl dct.  ussll (1991) d tvs (1991).  clssic wk  tic pic i scily is iks’s wk  th lm witch tils (1966). . ,  xmpl, ict (1994), ichds, Bst, d Bmly (1991). .  mst mus xmpls  th l csts   tic pic  th  hudd y ccusd witchs impisd dui th lm witch tils, it  whm w hd. Noe o aer  . My schls hv wstld with th dicult tsk  dvlpi  diti  wht blis d ids cstitut w A. ,  xmpl, Lwis (1992); Mlt (1992); Mlt, Clk, d lly (1991) d tci th histicl ts  w A ccpts, Alxd (1992); Mlt, Clk, d lly (1991). .  sw th d’s qusti b it is psd, ith  us sw ythi.  sm t hv bd luck tht wy— Bit, hsts, Fs, d th lik  v ud wh w shw up t s thm. . vs (2002, 1).  citiv thplist scl By (2001) susts tht ccpts such s hsts  spcilly d t sticki ud i ppl’s mmis, d th i cultu s wll. . Fiuc (1984, 40 – 41). . is is t mt t sust tht th   difcs btw th hsts  tdy d th hsts  y. m hst mtis hv ll wy v tim, d th m i which ppl itpt th mi  hsts hs chd.  d t h much tdy but  hst ppi bcus it is y t b shi cmty spc with  si,  ily cmm tl wh  Chisti buil ws  pivil d th sti  cmtis cmm.  Fiuc (1984, 43 – 44). . cilists hv td tht csumpti ptts  vl thi stuctul plcmt i th l scil bic.  Budiu (1984). .  cus, cti s cmplict mtts uth.  hv b my cdmic d/ skpticl xpltis  w A blis such s His (1988), Lwis d Mlt (1992), Dzl (2001), d ths tht w wuld t csid xmpls  w A blis.  is ls  mi  withi Chisti

218 Notes to Chapter 2

publishi tht xmis w A blis m  Chisti pspctiv ( ui tht w A phm  dmic i tu). ,  xmpl, th bks  x Ms (1988, 1989, 1991, 2000), Cumby (1985),   (2005). . dd, t tims w A/pml tpics hv md t ttct th itst  pmit istitutis d cdmics. F xmpl, dui th 1960s d 1970s, J. B. hi  Duk ivsity cductd ctlld xpimts dsid t tst  vidc   d psychkisis.  lt Jh Mck,  Hvd pss  psychity, itviwd puptd F bducts d ptd tht such xpics culd t b xplid wy s hllucitis  psychtic pisds.  Mck (1994).  thct (2007)  budy mitc btw scic d th pml. F  l vviw  th cultul budis  scic d thi mitc s Giy (1999). . u diti is vy simil t tht usd by Gy (1991) d His (1988). Gd (2000, 24) ls ts  cmm thd shd by pml blis i tht “tditil scic ds thi xistc  vlidity s s impbbl s t b ll but impssibl.” . Gd (2000) wuld dis with us h. H distiuishs btw th pml, which by his diti wuld iclud stly d psychic pws, d bli i Bit, which h clssis s psud-scic.  s  d t mk this disticti  u pupss. . is is t t sy tht w A blis  pctics ct bcm th cus  liius mvmts. dd, th bli i xttstils hs spwd svl w liius mvmts, such s th Athius city, ius, d th ёli mvmt. Hwv,   ths mvmts hv id uh mmbs t b  siict c i th Amic liius ldscp. . F xmpl, vs (1984) icluds  ull chpt  liius visis, such s cuts with th ii My. Hwv, h csids such visis t b simil i tu t xpics with xttstils, hsts, is, dms, th M i Blck, d s . Cll (1996) cuts my  th sm ptd visis s vs, but sh tts such xpics s uthtic cuts with th divi d p  th tts  Chistiity. Csqutly h bk is ld i th lii scti  mst bksts. . pl wh bliv thy hv psychic pws us  vity  lbls t dscib thmslvs, icludi psychic, clivyt, ssitiv, d ituitiv. . Cspdc vi mil with th uths, Juy 2009. .  cyclicl My cld ds i th y 2012, pmpti cc m millilists d w As tht th wld will d  dmticlly ch i 2012. Chyl imis 2012 s bii t lihtmt t th wld; ths   pclyps. As th b sitviv2012.cm sys “ sm ppl this [2012] ms  psitiv, spiitul ch. [ths] csid tht  ctstphic vt my hv b pdictd.” . Astl tvl puptdly ccus wh  idividul’s csciusss lvs

Notes to Chapter 2 219

th bdy d tvls t th lcti. m i th midst  stl tvl miht clim t viw h bdy m bv. .  pws ttibutd t dift ms d sts vy dpdi up th suc csultd. F xmpl, lthuh  y m “w  th ibw,  “ck shp” i Alit, xs, “ tld us tht mthyst ids with psychic pws d dm cll,  uid t th mysticl pws  ms d sts tht w csultd sustd mthyst t ctl ’s tmpmt (d Cyc Fudti 1987, 11). . As  this witi, Dil thb hs  b sit t:http://www .uthticupht.cm/. . thb ls cts s  cliicl hypthpist, fi t hyptiz clits t hlp thm quit smki  ls wiht. . Dsciptis  m  i, “Authtic Au htphy,” pvidd by Dil thb. . ,  xmpl, Mlt, Clk, d lly (1991).  cus, th  bts t hvi  cmmittd mmbship v llwi xpimtti. As tk d Fik (2000) d tk d Bibid (1985) t, liius iztis tht qui cmmitmt m mmbs td t w st th ths tht d t. Mki quimts  mmbs chss wy “ ids,” ths wh wt th wds  chuch mmbship withut pvidi ythi i tu (cc 1992). ht mis is  cmmittd c willi t iv thi tim, my d ft twd wi th izti. . is is t t sy tht ppl itstd i th w A v dvlp  cmmitmt t  pticul bli  pctiti. My dvlp ltim ltiships with  cti psychic  spiitul thpist. But it pps ssumd withi th subcultu tht such ltiships  t xclusiv. m is  t sch  th sucs  lihtmt, v i h hs ul mtis with  pticul psychic. . tk d Bibid (1985) t tht much  th itst i w A/ pml phm ccus thuh th mss mdi d withi  lsly izd lctu cicuit, which thy lbl s “Audic Cults” (26 – 27). m blis th uh mmtum tht thy dvlp it “Clit Cults,” i which  pctiti pvids  spcic svic (such s tlli th utu) i xch  my (28 – 29). . Judi by wht th ds chd  thi svics t thi w stblishmts, th i smd t b  d dl  visits. w  th ds th uths csultd chd $75 d $80  dis utsid  th i. . Fly pvidd by th stl Liht Hvty t  di i Dcmb 7, 2008, i Dlls, xs. . uls md th fct  th mus psychic J Dix.  uls (1991). Dix wt  bstslli bk ( Jeane Dixon: My Lie and Prophecies [m. Mw, 1969]), d sh bcm mus  puptdly pdicti th ssssi-

220 Notes to Chapter 2

ti  Jh F. dy d csulti  ichd ix d th s. kptics hv l dcid th ct tht h my icct pdictis (such s h pdicti tht ld   wuld stt i 1958) w quickly tt i v  publicizi h hits. Dix did i 1997. . Cld di is  tchiqu usd by mtlists, micis, d sm psychics, stls, d th lik. t ivlvs wtchi  vy subtl cus i bdy lu, cil xpssi, vic icti, d v dss d ppc, which miht pvid isiht it th pslity. A d dpt t cld di h clit wuld tly cut dw  icct sttmts (ssumi sh is t ctully usi psychic ms t cqui imti). . thct (2007, 63). . Du lbls himsl  hih pist  icc d uss th spiitul m  “Gwydi,” which ms “tm Bw.” .  u xpic, phts  “bs”  th vidc mst cmmly pducd by hst huts. chi th tt  b phts pducs thusds  hits. kptics  ctd tht phts  bs  th sult   cm sh  tul liht cti f  dust pticls. Noe o aer  . vi (1981, 90). . F xmpl, i vmb 1896  dk stuctu csd i biht liht slwly pssd v cmt, Flsm, d  Fcisc, Clii.  ty (1980, 8 – 9). . Dzl (2001, 7). . bid., 4. . Ald d lm (1957, 10 – 11). .  Dzl (2001), 4. t shuld ls b td tht th ccpt  xttstil ctct hd  l tditi p-Ald. F xmpl, sm ccult tditis ivlv th ccpt  cmmuicti with “spiitul msts”  th plts (s Lwis 2000, 28). Ald’s sihti, hwv, spud mssiv public itst i th phm.  tid (2003)   xcllt vviw  xttstils i ccultic ups. .  ii  this tm is ls ucl (s Dzl 2001, 4).  cus, th tm “F” simply s t  bjct s i th sky, which hs t yt b cclusivly idtid.  bjct d t b xttstil.  ppul littu, hwv,  F is lly ssumd t b m th wld. . As ty (1980b, 14) ts, Chls Ft, ichd hv, Mis . Jssup, d ths put th th thsis tht xttstils hd visitd th i cit tims. Accdi t ty, it ws Luis uwls d Jcqus Bi wh st “umtd d sythsizd” suppsd xmpls  cit xttstil ctct i thi 1960 bk Te Morning o the Magicians (w k, 1968).

Notes to Chapter 3 221

.  will t dlv it th this  uth Zchi itchi. imil t Dik, itchi huts  xmpls  xttstil itvti i th’s histy. Hwv, h hs dvlpd  m chsiv csmly th hs Dik. H blivs tht umi cultu is th pduct  itc by lis m th plt ibiu d wh my  dy tu t clim th plt. . lm (2004). . is vt dw mdi ttti, but sm thuht it ws  immick t ttct yu cvts (lm 2004). . Dik (1974b, 60). . F xmpl Dik (1974b, 41) icluds  im   twty-ich hih, c cpp u i  su-shpd hddss. t tus  th u ld Dik t  itsti cclusi.  u hs ml hum pptis but “ly u s d u ts  hds d t.  sius scitic xplti? A ddi mchi!” .  tibi (1984) d ty (1980b)  citicl discussis  cit stut clims. .  Hld d v (1995). . Lmui d Mu  tw dditil lst “lds.” y hv t id much cucy i wid ppul cultu but   subjcts withi th w A/pml cicls.  ccpt  Lmui ws iilly ppsd t xpli th spd  spcis, pticully lmus, ssils  which  ud i di d Mdsc. Hwv, this thy ws dd ucssy with icsd udstdi  plt tctics.  witis  th thsphist Hl Blvtsky suscittd Lmui s  ccult ccpt. h climd tht  lst ctit  Lmui ws hm t  c  sv-t-tll bis i cit tims (s Mlt 1990, 258 – 61). Mu ws ppulizd thuh th bks  Jms Chuchwd, which dw up ld, myth, d mystius tbls h climd t hv d t  tmpl i di. imil t th ld  Atltis, Mu ws suppsdly  cit dvcd civilizti dstyd by  tul disst.  Chuchwd (1938), which hs b pitd my tims. .  Dlly (1882). .   idbtd t J. Gd Mlt’s (1990, 44 – 48) New Age Encyclopedia  its xcllt summy  th Atltis myth. . ,  xmpl, Gly (1975); B-hud (1985); lib (1995); Hy d Misy (1978); sti (2002); McDld (1995). . F xmpl, J. . Fx (1992) ds t d  ltiship btw icm, , c/thicity,  mitl sttus d th umb  ptd pml xpics. H ds d tht ducti icss th liklihd  pti  déjà vu xpic d tht mls,  v, pt m pml xpics m th mls.  ls Mck, Bd, d tk (2008). . ,  xmpl, uthw (1978); Hy d Misy (1978). . uthw (1978) xmid clts  th pml i  Fcisc

222 Notes to Chapter 3

d ud tht hvi  -lik xpic vid slihtly by  d ducti but t by c/thicity  d. . A umb  studis utiliz smpls  cll studts.   xmpl ks, ks, d Dil (2008); Bibid d tk (1981). . tk d Bibid (1987) mlizd th ccpt  liius cmpsts. A cmpst is simply  bli  pmis i  thcmi wd. pl c b mtivtd t wk  cmpsts. F xmpl,  pt my pmis  child  wd  d ds (“A d pt cd s yu  tip t th pizz pl, yu ldy!”).  hp is tht th child will b sucitly xcitd by th pspct  this wd tht sh will l cmpstd  th hd wk sh must d now. m cmpsts  m bstct, such s cmpsts hums hv ctd t xpli th mi  hum xistc: “Act pply w d b wdd with Hv lt.” . Lski, Cwll, d ’il (2006); hs (2001). .  ls ciz th pssibility tht ths wh hv hih lvls   itl lcus  ctl  th s tht  scilly succssul i th st plc. As with mst thticl issus i th scil scics, w hv  issu  xivity, whi psychlicl dispsitis iuc th xtl ctis d th sults  ths ctis cspdily iuc psychlicl dispsitis d ptts. . ss d Miwsky (2002). . tichcmb (1990). .  mt (1997); chim d lickt (2008); chim d Bim (2007); chim, uy, d llit (2003); chim t l. (2006). H, w  t tlki but  pu ss  tlism, wh vythi is dtmid by t.  Cudill (1962); hl (1996). . tk (2008). . tk d Bibid (1981). . Chvs (2004). . J. . Fx (1992). . lib (1995). .  mp (1994). . m i l  m liius d spiitul th m  mst msus.  Mill d Hfm (1995); tk (2002). hps spiitulity is pcivd s  m  miiity, mki wm m likly t mbc pml blis.  ls jdi (2002); tk (2002)  viw. vl liius mvmts td t b quit dispptitly ml (tk d Bibid 1985). m my ls b lss stimtizd th m wh thy pt such blis (tk 2002, Ms d llis 2000; J. . Fx 1992). .  th ppdix. .  Hill sihti ws, i ct, ivstitd by jct Blu Bk,  w-

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duct .. vmt pjct t ivstit Fs bsd t iht tts Ai Fc Bs i hi.  pjct ccludd tht th Hills likly misidtid th plt Jupit.  Clk (1996, 238). .  Clk (1996, 242). .  Full (1966, 87). . bid., 260. .  “st mp” bcm   th mst ctvsil spcts  th cs.  1968 th schl tch Mji Fish ttmptd t mtch th sts i Btty’s dwi t kw systms. By cti  th-dimsil pstti  th mp, Fish bcm cvicd tht th lis’ hm plt ws i th ihbhd  Zt ticuli 1 d 2.  imm (1984, 88 – 92) d lss (1989, 21 – 23). . Full (1966, 188). . Aubly th st F cut ivlvi bducti ws ls ptd by Ati ill Bs,  m.  1957 h climd tht lis pulld him bd thi ship whi h hd itcus with  humlik wm (s pc 1991). Hwv, Bs’s tl did t bcm widly kw util  th Hills chivd m. . Hpkis (1981, 401). .  shuld t  w cvts h.  ly bduct Btty Adss did clim multipl ctcts with th sm y bis. Hwv, h xpic ws m simil t ctct tls (with idly itctis) th th hiyi tls  bducti tht hd bcm s ppul i th 1980s. H mixtu  ctct d bducti lmts w m ppul i th 1990s.  Fwl (1979)   discussi  th Adss vts (which w ctiud i  sis  uth bks). Futh, Btty Hill did bliv tht sh hd s li c  h cut, thuh sh v climd th bducti-typ xpic (s Hill 1995, chp. 14). . Hpkis (1981, 214). . Hpkis (1987, 282). .  Lvi (1995), Byt d bch (1991) d Mitchll (1994)  sm xmpls  F bducti thpy muls. .  lss (1989). .  itchd t l. (1992)  th pcdis  this cc. t tht lthuh th cc tk plc t M, mst  th psts w t, i ct, cdmics. My w F uths  schs such s Budd Hpkis d Jy dls, d/ ppl wh climd F bductis. . dwds (1988, ii). . Bchu pducd by th F Ctct Ct ttil, Fdl y, shit. .  uth bsvd th FCC t itmittt mthly mtis btw 1989 d 1997.


Notes to Chapter 3

. Cy (1989, 279). .  cs  Btty Adss (s . 46) is   th list xmpls   ptd psitiv bducti-typ cut.  Fwl (1979). . Byl d Byl (1994, 4). . F ull dtils  this pjct s Bd (2003). .  u di  th F littu, bductis mi  pimily “whit fi.”  uths  w  vy w Aic Amic bducts. . u umbs  v Amics  m th 1990 Gl cil uvy. F ull tbls, s Bd (2003). .  Ls (1962). . Histiclly spki, th w A mvmt psts  ltivly ct id i th Amic liius mktplc. hil sm u tht it hs  ii i th itth-ctuy spiitulist mvmt (Hss 1993), Mlt (1992) tcs th md w A mvmt t th cutcultu  th 1960s d th limiti i 1965  th Asi xclusi Act. ht ids d blis ctully cstitut th w A is th suc  cdmic dbt (Lwis d Mlt 1992). .  B-hud (1985); Gly (1975); McDld (1995). .  mls (1962); tk d Bibid (1985); uthw (1978). . lly (1992) ts tht w liius mvmts td t b ctd by ths tht xpss ctivity i ll th lds — middl- d upp-clss itllctuls.  ls Mck, Bd, d tk (2008). . ’D (1957). . Alxd (1992). . Mlt (1992). . Adl (1979). .  Hischi (1969). Hischi’s cil Ctl y spks t this issu (s ls chp. 6  m  his wk). . Zly (2008). . Cwll (2003). .   2000 itviw with AliZ.cm. .  must ciz tht schizphics ( ths with th sv mtl issus) my b ulikly t cmplt  sixt-p qustii d mil it i.  it is t lst thticlly pssibl tht  hst  mtlly ustbl pml xpics  uccutd . . Ld d tk (1965) utli  stp-by-stp pcss by which  ps wuld b likly t lit with  dvit liius up. y t tht th pttil cvt must b t  “tui pit” i li;  tim i which thi li is udi dmtic chs tht my ld t th sch  sws. F xmpl, th dth   lvd  miht ld  t sch  w sws t th mi  li. By bsvi sm  th iil cvts t th icti Chuch (ppully kw s th Mis), Ld d tk utlid sv pssiv

Notes to Chapter 4 225

stps cssy  cvsi. Biwshi is t   thm. M ctly s Cw (2008) d Athy d bbis (2004). Noe o aer  . tlic mphsis ddd. . Accdi t th Byl lii uvy, v 1 (2005), 22 pct  Amics pt tht thy v ttd liius svics; 29 pct pt tht thy ttd lss th c  y, c  twic  y,  svl tims  y.  mii hl  Amics ttd c  mth, tw t th tims  mth, but c  wk, wkly,  svl tims  wk. cts d t dd up t 100 pct du t udi . . h cdi th ptd liius tditis  Amics, 21 pct pt bi  Cthlic, 5 pct bl t  tditilly Aic Amic tstt dmiti, 34 pct bl t vlicl dmitis such s th uth Bptists d Assmblis  Gd d th 22 pct t Mili dmitis such s th sbyti Chuch A d piscpl Chuch.  mii 18%  Amics  split btw vius bchs  Judism (3 pct), ths i th liis such s Hiduism, Buddhism d smll ups such s icc (5 pct).  mii 11 pct pt hvi  lii.  tsld t l. (2000)   discussi  liius tditis i th itd tts. . h skd i thy bliv i Gd, 69 pct bliv i Gd withut dubts. Ath 12 pct bliv i Gd, lthuh thy my ccsilly hv dubts. Fut pct bliv i  “csmic c.”  mii 4 pct d t bliv i ythi byd th physicl wld. . Lsli d Admski (1954, 172). . bid., 188. . bid., 194– 95. . bid., 197. . Clk (1992, 3). . Admski cuts dtils  this mti i his l bk Flying Saucers Farewell (1961). Admski ls climd t hv mt p Jh XX i My 1963, but th tic did such  mti ccud.  Clk (1992, 4). . Admski (1961, 110). . Clk (1992, 4). .  dditi t th xmpls pvidd i this chpt, th w dzs  ctcts. m  th m mus xmpls iclud Hwd M,  Alucci, Fk ts, bt ht, Cdic Allihm, d Buck ls. .  ummii (2005, 3)   dtild diti  F ctct lii. . i md th Athius city (www.thius.) i 1956  clim-

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i tht  “Mst  ” hd hlpd him dvlp th bility t cmmuict with  usi md Athius.  lib (2003, 129) d cib d hl (2003, 157). .  i (1961, 11)  this tl. . Bw (1992) ts tht w A bli systms dw up my liius tditis, icludi st d Jud-Chisti blis. . tk d cc (1997). . Bushm d Bushm (1999). .  LD Chuch w by 19 pct i th itd tts l btw 1990 d 2000, plci it i th tp twty-v stst wi dmitis i th itd tts  tht tim pid.  th Asscitd  lii Dt Achivs:d.cm/mpspts/pts/_cmp_ch.sp. . lm (2004). .  Gd (2000) d Bibid (2004). .  uthw’s (1978, 71) lysis  th ltiship btw liius xpics d  blis, h ccluds tht “ kid  suptul bli ics th.”  Mck, Bd, d im (2009). . Chpt 7 discusss religious xpics, such s spki i tus d miculus hlis. . tsld t l. (2000) uth subdivid tstts it Mili tstts, vlicl tstts, d Blck tstts. . G t l. (1996). . cc is   svl schls tht hv dvlpd th s-clld til chic pspctiv  lii.  cc (1992, 1995, 1995b), tk d Bibid (1987), tk d Fik (2000). . cc (1995), 285. . bid., 288. .  will pvid  dift pspctiv  th hldi  divs liius ptlis i chp. 6 — th s why ppl my xpimt with th pml is hvi  lw stk i cmity,  which lii plys  pt. . cc (1992); cc (1995). . cc (1995), 287. .  cus, th  sm pml wits wh bliv tht Fs  mtid thuhut th Bibl.  chp. 8. . Bibid (2004). . A hst  bks m  Chisti pspctiv ddss th pcivd tht  th w A. Am ths  Ransomed From Darkness: Te New Age, Christian Faith, and the Battle or Souls ( 2005); Des Masquerade: An Expose on Satan in the New Age Movement (Hdy 1999); Inside the New Age Nightmare (B 1989); Te Hidden Dangers o the Rainbow: Te New Age Movement and Our Coming Age o Barbarism(Cumby 1985); d multipl titls m th uth x Ms.

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. by (1988). . hds (1998, 198 – 99). mphss d quts i iil. . ,  xmpl, Ls (1997). . Ls (1998). . Hutchis, pimi, d Glz (2000), 156. . Histiclly, Aic Amic dmitis, such s th Aic Mthdist piscpl Zi Chuch, td t b thliclly csvtiv but scilly pssiv. Appximtly -h (18 pct)  Amics d t bl t  Chisti dmiti but (s th cht)  Jwish, th lii such s Hiduism, Buddhism, slm,  y umb  smll, liius mvmts, d ths wh clim  lii. . tk d Bibid (1980) hypthsizd tht Chisti d pml blis  tivly ltd d ud tht pml blis td t b stst i s wh tditil Chistiity tds t b wk d vic vs. uthw (1978) d Hss (1993) mk simil umts. Noe o aer  .  Chls . Glck d dy tk (1965), 23 – 35. . iztis such s th Cmmitt  kpticl quiy (www.csicp .)  dvtd t tyi t ijct skpticl discus but th pml it th public sph.   ls  umb  clbitis, such s Jms di ( Amzi di) d Bjmi dd, wh ully pp s th skpticl vic  pms ltd t pml subjcts.  lt hilip J. lss ws  th i th sid  F blivs  ys. . Dli (2004, 233 – 34). .  Clm (2003)   vviw  tiv Amic tditis ltd t Bit.  ls isby (1977). . bht (2002, 473). . Bd d Bd (1982, 17) icluds  xcllt histicl vviw  Bit sihtis ptd i th 1800s. . svlt’s bk is th ly iil suc  this tl, d h did t pvid  ull m  Bum  his pt.  sty hs b ptd cutlss tims i bks but Bit. . u vsi  this tl is m  issu  svlt’s bk, svlt (1927). . Bck’s cut ws st ptd by th tldOregonian  July 13, 1924, ud th titl “Fiht with Bi Aps ptd by Mis.”  ticl ws pducd i J. G (1980, 45).  1967 Bck sl-publishd his w vsi  th vts.  bv qut is m Bck (1967, 2) . bid., 4. . F xmpl, ths wh dsi t visit Ap Cy c visit th Ap Cy

228 Notes to Chapter 5

il i th Gifd icht til Fst h ( ttp://www.s.p/cti/ tils/lctis/msh-0234-p-cy.shtml). .  Bit sch Jh G ws ctctd by Albt stm i 1957,  stm sw stis witt by G i th wspp. . is tl is ptd i svl Bit-ltd bks, icludi Clm (2003) d J. G (1980). .  ctct  th lmth jb ws y llc. As Clm (2003, 66 – 74) ts, llc ultimtly bcm tius  his Bit hxs. . dd, much  Bit’s li histy clscd  th Cw icidt, s ppl wh climd p-1958 xpics cm wd d Bit thusists scd wspp chivs.  Dli (2004, 24 – 33). . F ss  spc w ct dqutly cv Bit’s histy. F xmpl, ti bks hv b dvtd t th disscti   puptd lm  Bit tk by  tts d Bb Gimli i 1967.  ls tts d Muphy (2005) d L (2004). tstd ds  d t J. G (1978), Clm (2003), d Dli (2004). .  ttl upsics mvd t klhm City b th 2008/2009 ss, wh thy  w kw s th klhm City ud. . bht (2003, 52). . Bit’s ptd ppc hs chd v tim. m  th list ptd cuts (such s th Ap Cy icidt) tu ctus tht culd bst b dscibd s dthl i ppc. dy Bit is typiclly ptd with m ill-lik tus. . F xmpl, th puptd lm  Bit tk by tts d Gimli shws  hiy ctu with bvius bsts (s . 16).  lt illim  pvid  sw ccut  his sihti   ml Bit i Bitish Clumbi (s J. G 1978, 52 – 56). . www.b.t .  Fswth (1996), Muphy (2006), pssick (2004), Hlyld (1999), Michl (udtd), J. mith (2003) d M. G (2002), spctivly. .  lt Gv tz  shit tt ivsity d Jfy Mldum  dh tt ivsity, bth thplists,  m th w cdmics wh hv ply supptd th pssibility  Bit’s xistc. .  Qust (2000). . Byl lii uvy, v 1 (2005) .  Ms d llis (2000), d Dzl (2004). .  cus, th ct tht th huts  Bit d Fs hv t, t dt, pvidd cclusiv physicl vidc is   th pimy umts ist thi lity usd by skptics. . Qut m Ci lht’s li bi t th Bit-ltd b sit Cryptomundo. http://www.cyptmud.cm/ciwlht/.

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. is is, idd, th sm tw tht clims th Bi Cypss Cf Hus d umus th hutd lctis. Apptly Jfs is  pmisi lcti i which t bi  pml ivstiti. . tivd m Mliss Hvy’s bl “ ch  Bit”(http:// txssquspt.cm/2009/05/wh-it-is-it-pus.html). Jh G is csidd  pi  Bit sch. His bk Sasquatch: Te Apes among Us ws th st Bit bk wd by my thusists w tlkd t. . My Bit bks pvid  ccut  th tts-Gimli cut.   xmpl, tts d Muphy (2005, 184 – 87). . ius Bit xpts (skpticl, blivs, d udcidd) hv ttmptd t stimt th hiht  th ctu i th tts-Gimli lm vi vius ms. i stimts  m th lt Gv tz’s clculti  6 t tll t Jf Glickm’s stimt  7.3 t i hiht.  tts d Muphy (2005, pticully 234)   discussi  vyi hiht stimts.  ls L (2004, 383– 84). . tts did i 1972. . ,  xmpl, L (2004) d tts d Muphy (2005)  bks but th tts-Gimli lm. Almst vy Bit bk tht discusss th phm i l discusss tht lm, t lst i pssi. . h skd “Hw cdibl d yu d th llwi pics  vidc  Bit’s xistc:  tts-Gimli Film,” 57 pct  spdts slctd “vy cdibl,” 24 pct “smwht cdibl,” 8 pct “dubtul,” 2 pct “pbbly utu,” 2 pct “ hx,” d 9 pct sid “ d’t kw wht this is.” .  BC hlpd us t pp this list, which icludd th itms mtid bv d ths, such s th tts-Gimli lm dml ids. . MMGs  Mssivly Multiply li l-lyi Gms,  ms i which th ply ccts t  sv hsti th m d cts  chct. H th plys th m lsid th plys— i mst css hti msts i  tsy wld t cqui tsu d bcm m pwul. ld  c is th mst ppul such m (s ) with svl milli plys.  tu-bsd cmbt, cmbt tks plc i tus  uds with th cus up stty.  l-tim cmbt ll pticipts ttck simultusly, thus th is  t cus up spd d mvmt. . A sidul huti is ki t  vidtp — it is blivd tht  tumtic vt miht smhw b impitd up  vimt d “plyd” t pticul tims.  hst(s) ivlvd i  sidul huti  t ssumd t hv idpdt thuht. A itllit huti ivlvs hsts tht  w  thi suudis. H,  hst culd thticlly chs wh, wh, d t whm it pps. Hum titis  ssumd t b th hsts  dcsd hums. hum titis  ssumd t b dms  lmtls.  stds 

230 Notes to Chapter 5

lctic vic phm. My hst huts cy hdhld tp cds ud hutd sits hpi tht th vic hst will pp  thi cdis. . Lt (2009). . By u ccuti ith pslly csumd v l suss, tw pcks  b jky, d  ck  ibs i twty-u hus. H d th ppllti “D. Mt.” . Dvid hd wd us svl tims but th bitt cld w wuld xpic, but w v spt th vi utds i  xs wit. . F th ull pt  this xcusi, s http://www.txsbit./ pts/pt/dtil/455 . Noe o aer  . is 68 pct is  csvtiv stimt.  cdd ll  ths wh did t spd t th pml bli qustis s blivs. , u umbs pst th pct  Amics willi t   cd i  suvy s blivi i pml phm. t is pssibl tht sm  ths spdts wh did t sw ths qustis ls hv pml blis. ic thy did t stt s wh iv th pptuity t spd t this suvy, w  i t clssiy thm s blivs. . mil cspdc with Lu Cy. . bid. .  Buhs (2009, 199 – 203)   discussi  this issu. . Mldum (2006), 45. . F sch t Gd pvids his summy  th vts  his b sit: http://wb.chiv./wb/20051028050624/http://www.wstl.cm/ ~pu/tus/scy+u+sty.htm . F  xmpl   bl dvtd t  pml thy  Bit, sctl.cm/bl/m-352. . Jhs d hpi (1987, 10). . bid., 28. . My  th umts md by blivs i  bilicl vsi  Bit hihliht tht thy bliv th  ly  hdul  ths ctus i xistc.  this thy dd tht th imls wuld psumbly b ud i vy ds d st  uihbitd by hums, d tht th Bit  vy itllit, pupsully vidi hums. Additilly thy pit t th imms umb  sihtis s vidc tht hums hv i ct cutd ths ctus t vius pits. . vl th Bit schs hv hypthsizd tht this ctu is t simply  udiscvd p. F xmpl, Jck Lpsitis clims t hv dvlpd  psychic lik with bth idly Bit ctus d xttstils (s Lpsitis 2005). Clk d Clm (2006) utli svl css i which

Notes to Chapter 6 231

Bit md m  yi suc  ppd t xhibit th bility t dispp it thi i. . F xmpl, th uths ttdd  vmb 2006 mthly mti  BC mtis i yl, xs. A d pti  th mti ws dvtd t lti th cs   m wh blivd tht  cm h hd plcd   d d hd cptud pictus   Bit’s ys lwi i th dkss. BC ivstits w bl t dmstt tht th “ys” w mly ctis f  th d ds. .  cms wy with vy dift ids but Bit dpdi up th bks tht  ds. Bks by uths tht p  tulistic xplti  Bit  d t iclud css tht sust  ccti btw Bit d Fs d th phm  which stip ths css  utwd lmts. F xmpl, i chpt 5 w discussd Fd Bck’s clim tht svl Bit ttckd his mii cbi i 1924.  his bk Bck clims tht h is  clivyt d c tlkd t th “Gt piit” i  cv. H ls pts tht Bit will v b cuht bcus th ctu c bcm immtil.  Bck cs is csidd  clssic d pps i ly vy Bit bk. . Zh d i (1987) d Jkis (1994). .  Ct, Miss, d Hd (1996) d J. A. Fx d Lvi (1999). . yl d s (2002). . Hischi (1969). . Hischi’s ctl thy ws  pticul dbt t th wks  iss (1951), y (1958), cklss (1962), d by (1957). .  ccpt   “stk i cmity” st ppd i by’s study  cdmic chivmt. by ud tht yuth wh  di ply i schl wuld b m likly t bk th lw. tudts with lw cdmic chivmt, h ud, isk lss by i i dvic th studts wh pm wll i schl. , such studts will b m likly t iv i t th tmptti t  i dvic. A ky pdict  dvic th, is th xtt t which  ps is ivstd i cmity.  t sm’s “stk i cmity,” th m thy isk by i i dvic, d th lss ttctiv dvic bcms. by (1957). . u d Ht (2002); hm, mith, chmidt, d  (1992). . spdts t th Byl lii uvy, v 1 (2005) w skd hw thy lt but th mlity   umb  dift bhvis. h skd but “Livi with  pt b mi,” 26.8 pct sid tht it is “lwys w,” 11.9 pct sid it is “lmst lwys w,” 18.1 pct bliv tht livi tth is “ly w smtims.”  mii 43.2 pct pt tht livi tth is “t w t ll.”  qusti, hwv, ssums mi t sm pit, “livi tth beore marriage.” t is likly tht Amics  m csvtiv wh it cms t blis but chbitti s  pmt listyl chic. . Abmwitz d uds (2006).

232 Notes to Chapter 6

. ,  xmpl, Gly (1995); tk (2001); Bd d Fs (2005); Fs d Bd (2007, 2008); Fs, Bd, d mith (2008). .  discussi i ld, Bd, d ips (1998).

Noe o aer  . F xmpl, i Spellbound: Te Paranormal Seduction o oday’s Kids, Mt (2006) ts tht th puptd fcts  uij bds my b th sult  th ucscius mid  ivluty bdy mvmts by th pticipts. h th puts th th pssibility “[th] viw shuld b th biblicl — tht i sm css, th spss  m ll ls. is wuld xpli sm  th st d dus xpics ppl hv hd wh usi th bd” (187). .  http://tscipts.c.cm/AC/0808/17/s.01.html   ull tscipt  th um t ddlbck Chuch. .  ilcx, Lizy, d Jl (1991) d ils d Huf (2001). wts (1988) ud th bli tht t is spsibl  pphy is ltd t th pickti  sts cyi tic mtils. . i iks pvids  xcllt vviw  th lm witch tils, s wll s  clssic study i this  dvic.  svtth-ctuy Msschustts lmst vy llwd stict cds  cduct, d th ws littl   vilc  cim withi th cmmuity. Hwv, this buclic li std th bith   whlly ctitius ml my— th ddd witch. t, istd  ti th cmmuity pt, iks us tht ths cts  btyl d mud stthd th uity d slv  th “d” clists. iks (1966). .  Gd d B-hud (1994). . h Gd, h sb, d  slv md itub w th st t b ccusd  bi witchs. Gd ws impvishd d  bd ihbs  d. sb ly ttdd th lcl chuch d hd mid h svt. itub ws dk skid,  uth Amic dsct, d hd livd i th Cibb, ddi ums  vd t h ldy utcst cil d scil sttuss. . iht (1994, 24 – 25). . bid., 59. . ust Cuty hif’s c (1989). . bid., 1988, 14. .  his pt sh (1989) ts tht pi t th chs ist h th, ik md  ch  impp sxul dvcs ist  chuch yuth cusl whil t  chuch tt. Cuiusly, ik ptd th dvcs t Jim bi, wh t tht tim ws hd  th ust Cuty sx cims dptmt. h vtully dppd th chs ist th cusl. . sh (1989, 2 – 3). . bid., 7.

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. ust Cuty hif’s c (1988b, 14). . bid., 48. . xpltivs plcd with stisks. . Jcbs (1989, 1). .  ussll (1991), tvs (1991), d ict (1993)  histicl vviws  tism d witchc pics. .  m “vil sc”  ppl wh bliv th Bibl is  cit bk  stis d bls is .36, cmpd t 4.1  ths wh bliv th Bibl t b th litl wd  Gd. .  us d Chtts (2005); mt(1997); mt d Hh (1986); pilk t l. (2003). . Lup, lliv, d Jcks (1996). . dby d mith (1998). . tcstls   cusd with Chismtics. Bth tcstls d Chismtics hv  st cus up psl liius xpics, but th tw mvmts hv dift histis.  tcstl mvmt b i th ly 1900s with th miisty  th v. Chls hm  pk, ss. t ultimtly spwd svl distict dmitis such s th Assmblis  Gd, Chuch  Gd Muti Assmbly, d th Hliss Chuch  Gd, m ths.  Cx (1995)   vviw  th tcstl mvmt. Ay cti— dlss  liti— miht cti  chismtic mvmt. F xmpl, i 1959  smll up  piscplis i  Clii chuch b spki i tus, ultimtly sulti i th Fist til piscpl Chismtic Cc i 1973 (st 1975, 591; s ls Mlt d Bum 2002). .  Mlt (2003) d lm (1989). . Bth th 1990 til uvy  liius dtity (smi d Lchm 1993) d th 2001 Amic liius dtity uvy (smi, My, d ys 2001) icludd  qusti tht skd spdts i thy idtiy with th lbl “tcstl/chismtic.” is sultd i  stimtd 3.2 milli i 1990, d 4.4 milli by 2001 (but 1.8%  th dult ppulti d 2.1%  th Chisti ppulti i 1990, d 2.1%  th dult ppulti  2.8%  th Chisti ppulti i 2001).  2007 B pts tht 5.3 pct  spdts swd tht th tm “tcstl” dscibd thm “vy wll,” idicti th isi ppulity  this m  Chistiity. .  xpics xmid h  ll “its” liius xpic tht ivlv th dict itvti  th suptul i th physicl wld   xpic tht tscds liius li l. th xpics such s “bi lld with th spiit”  “li clld by Gd t d smthi” dsv iquiy i thi w iht but will t b csidd h.  Bk (2009)   discussi  th disticti btw dvit d mtiv liius xpics d multivit lyss  ths issus. . F xmpl, ly 11 pct  ths wh v ttd chuch ptd

234 Notes to Chapter 7

  m  ths xpics, cmpd t ly 65 pct  ths wh ttd m th c  wk. .  us psudyms  th m  th chuch d its mmbs. . tk d Bibid (1987). . F  itducti t this li  iquiy s Chvs (2004); cc (1988); ibuh ([1929] 1957); ltsch ([1912] 1932); b ([1922] 1991). .  th st wv  th Byl lii uvy (2005) w skd spdts i thy hd s th tlvisi shw ouched by an Angel.Fiy-sv pct hd s th shw. .  By (2004); k (1990); ctt (1977); chtb ([1939] 2004); illims (1980). . F ditis d discussis  wht cstituts liius xpics c. Hd t l. (1996); Glck d tk (1965); Jms ([1902] 1961); lm (1995); udt (1985); m (1998, 2000). Noe o aer  .   (1997) d hm (2002). . ity-tw pct  th 2005 B smpl ptd ith d  stly d with th pssibility  y  th i llwi pml phm: () tht Atltis  th cit dvcd civiliztis c xistd, (b) tlkisis, (c) psychic bilitis, (d) pdictiv pw  stly, () cmmuicti with th dd, () Fs, () msts such s Bit, (h) w  ppchi  dicl w , d (i) huti. . ssl d Ch (2008). . Chsm Dy d Bum (2000). . tk (2008). .  hkt (2001). . um (thcmi). . Fs d Bd (2007). .  mthdly  ths stimts is ptd i th ppdix. Als, w wt t cuti tht this pdicti ssums tht th ltiv imptc  th dmphic d liisity vibls will t ch v th xt thity t ty ys,  ssumpti tht will bviusly p u stimts t citicism m utu scilists. Noe o e en .  til pii sch Ct (C) hs cductd th Gl cil uvy (G) sic 1972.  G ws dmiistd t dm smpls  th .. ppulti   yly bsis m 1972 t 1994 with th xcptis  1979, 1981, d 1992. tti i 1994 th suvy hs bcm biul with d-

Notes to the Appendix 235

miisttis i 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, d mst ctly 2006.  G pvids i-dpth cv  pticul tpics thuh th us  tti ctt mduls. t hs icludd ctt mduls  lii  svl ccsis. F xmpl, i 1988 th G icludd  spcil mdul  lii with itms ltd liius scilizti (.., lii i th mily) d liius blis d bhvis. . F dtils  th mthdly bhid th Byl lii uvy, s Bd, Mck, d Fs. (2007). . . A cpy  th mild suvy istumt c b ud t www.byl.du/ is. .  th Amic Assciti  ublic pii sch (2006). .  w ubl t ditivly lctd spdts i th G 2004 tht w Bh’i, Chis lk lii, Chisti d Missiy Allic, Chisti cic,  lvti Amy. . F  ull pt  hw B spdts cmp t th G, s Bd, Mck, d Fs (2007).

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50 Years with Big oot (G), 105 2010 it lympics,104 2012 i My cld,21815 Abductions (Mitchll), 65 Admski, G, 77–79; ctct with xttstils, 14, 78; Flying Saucers Farewell,14, 78–79; Inside the Spaceships, 14, 78; m 

“Audic Cults,”21923 ul cls, 27–28 ul phtphy,27, 31 Austin American-Statesman (wspp), 121 utmtic witi,133 Aux, Fc, 22–23 Bby v, 49

Pioneers Chistiity yi sucs, 79; 77; o Space, 79; d yl d  ibt, F sihtis by, 77 Athius city, 14, 21811, 22515 Aic Amics: bli i hsts, 57–58; bli i pml phm d, 59; liius mvmts, 22741. See also blck tstts : bli i pml phm d, 52, 73–74; hscp us d, 73–74 Alien Abduction Survival Guide, Te (Li), 64–65 Alien Obsession (hds), 91 All, 138–139 lttiv mdici, pct Amics blivi i fctivss , 35

Bibid, illims Bku, Michl, 6 ims,22224, 22742 Bwd, Fcs mm, 71–72 By A F xp, 113 Byl lii uvy (B): chbitti s  listyl, 23121; qucy  liius ttdc, 2252; mthds d dis, 6–7, 203–214; smpl siz, 8–9 Bck, Fd, 102–103, 23113 Bckjd, J-ik, 16, 139, 140 bli i stly: d d, 56; pct Amics pssi, 33, 34; c d, 57 bli i Atltis: vlicls d, 94; d d, 56; pct Amics pssi, 50–51; c d, 57

Amic liius dtity uvy (2001), 23325 mthyst, 26 cit stuts thsis, 48–51, 2208, 2219, 22113, 22116 Adss, Btty, 22346, 22456 l cds, 30 ls, 184–186. See also udi ls Angels on Earth (mzi), 184 iml cmmuicti, 30 A/ pll, 7 Argosy (mzi), 192 Aic, 138 Amdd, 162, 163, 173–174 Ald, th, 46–47, 21511, 2206 mthpy,25, 31 stl tvl, 21816 stly: bli i (see bli i stly); diti, 30; itst i, by dmiti, 94; itst i, cts fcti, 109; Lu d, 133; pct Amics schi, 107 Atltis: bli i (see bli i Atltis); itst i, by dmiti, 94 Atlantis (Dlly), 50

bli i dms: xpic spki i tus d, 188; pct Amics pssi, 162, 163 bli i xttstils: xpic spki i tus d, 187; pct Amics pssi, 47; liius mvmts spwd by, 21811 bli i hsts: xpic spki i tus d, 187; d d, 56; udi l xpics d, 186; pct Amics pssi, 7, 44; c d, 57 bli i Gd: bli i pml phm d, 150–151; chbitti d, viw , 147– 148; dubts but, 2254; s  “c,”150–151, 2254; pml xpics d, 151; pct Amics blivi i  thpmphic Gd, 76; pct Amics pssi, 150; plusibility , 15 bli i mdiums: d d, 56; c d, 57 bli i msts: d d, 56; c d, 57 bli i pml phm: i 30-40 ys  2010, 213–214;  d, 52, 73–74; bli i Gd d, 150–151; th Bibl d, viw , 96–97, 99, 110; s cpi mchism, 58;


256 Index bli i pml phm ( continued) Dmcts d, 148–149; dsi   btt li d, 36–37; s dvit bhvi,141–143; i distiuishi Amics m  th, 157; ductil ttimt d,52, 58–59, 153, 22120; ith d, 99; d d, 56–57, 108, 22120, 22236; udi l xpics d, 186; icm d, 153–154; ivlvmt i cmmuity ups d,151–152; milizti d, 55–56, 59, 69; mitl sttus d, 108, 146–147; bjctiv xistc  pml phm d, 11; pml xpics d, 13, 101; pticulistic skpticism but, 130; pct Amics blivi t lst  pml bli, 75, 129–130, 213; pct Amics blivi i stly, 33, 34; pct Amics blivi i Atltis, 50–51; pct Amics blivi i fctivss  lttiv mdici, 35; pct Amics blivi i ,7; pct Amics blivi i xistc  Bit, 106, 111; pct

bli i t: i 1980s, 172; pticipti i scil mvmts d, 161; pct Amics pssi, 161–162; is , 21733; scicmic sttus d, 187 bli i tlkisis: d d, 56; c d, 57 bli i Fs: d d, 56; plusibility , 15; c d, 57 blivs i Bit: schi  discvy by, 17, 38, 128 blivs i hsts: uths’ bsvtis , 39– 45; schi  discvy by,38 blivs i pml phm, 46–75, 130–141; uths’ cus ,11; blivs i mistm lii cmpd t,24; dischtmt with mistm lii, 55–56; lits m, 69–73; lists m, 130, 131–136; tiv ttituds but,7–8, 16, 51– 52; pticulists m, 130, 146; pivili  xpitil kwld v mpiicl vlidity by, 38; siicc , 13–14; sttyps , 129; suvy , 69

47th Amics bliviblivi i xttstils, ; pct Amics i si utu, 33, 34; pct Amics blivi i hsts, 7, 44; pct Amics blivi w  will ch viw  scic, 37; pct Amics blivi thy c cmmuict with th dd, 7, 35; pct Amics blivi Fs  m th wlds, 48; pct Amics dismissiv  ll pml blis, 129; pct Amics hvi csultd hscps, 72–73; pct Amics hvi csultd psychics, 72–73; pct Amics hvi xpicd hutd huss, 72–73; pct Amics hvi hd scms  Bit, 118; pct Amics hvi usd

blivs i Fs: schi  discvy by, 38 Bi, Jcqus,2208 By, Al, 138 Bibl: Amic piis but, 95–96; tipml stimts i, 96; bli i pml phm d, 96–97, 99, 110; itpttis , 92, 96, 97, 99, 110, 174 Bi Cypss Cf Hus (Jfs, xs), 39–45; bthm, 40; s hv  hsts, 2–3; w, 3; pictu , 41; psc  vil i, 10; putti, 3–4, 39; scd , 3, 4, 40–43, 41 Bit, 102–128, 136–141; bility t jump btw dimsis, 16; cdmics suppti pssibl xistc , 22823; ltt ms , 102; s  udiscvd p, 16–17, 136,

uij bds, 72–73; pct Amics pti ut--bdy xpics, 72; pct Amics pti pml xpics, 72–73, 75, 210A.4; pct Amics pti si  li hsts, 7; pct Amics pti F sihtis, 6–7, 72–73; pct Amics schi pml tpics, 106–107; pct Amics schi F sihtis, 107, 111; pliticl pcs d, 148–149; pssssi  cvtil blis d, 147; c d, 57–58; liius ttdc d, 97–98; liius tditi d, 92–93; publics d, 148–149; “stk i cmity” d, 155–156 bli i psychic pws: xpic spki i tus d, 187; d d, 56; udi l xpics d, 186; c d, 57 bli i liius vil, 173–177; m biblicl litlists, 174; blck tstts d,174; ductil ttimt d, 175–176; d d, 175; icm d, 175–176; scicmic sttus d, 175–176; stth by liius tditi, 174; stth i itd tts, 173

23011; ppc , 22819, 22820; blivs i (see blivs i Bit); Bit tulists vs. Bit pmlists, 136–141; bilicl vsi , 140, 23010; bks but, 23113; csul blivs i, 105–106; s dmic tity,16; vlicls d, 91; vidc , 115–117; yi sucs d, 16, 23011; hiht , 22932; huts  (see Bit huts); kidppi by,103, 116; mii cbi, ttck , 23113; m, ii , 104; pml sscitis with, 136–141; pct Amics blivi i xistc , 106, 111; pct Amics hvi hd scms , 118; ppulti , stimtd, 104; pyi by, 138; shp-shii by,139; skpticism but, 105; tcks (“tckwys”) l by,104, 119, 125– 126; typicl cut with, 105; ubiquity , 105; Fs d, 17, 137; “visuls” , 119; vcliztis by, 118; wd kcki by,119, 123 “Bit Cpitl  th ld,”6 Bigoot Encounters in Ohio (Muphy), 105 Bit Fild schs izti (BF), 105, 116, 120

Index 257 Bit huts, 121–128; ccptc  csqucs  huti Bit, 128; i Bi Ck cic A, 122–126; cll-blsti by,123, 124; cvtility ,128; kwld , 113–119; pctics mplyd by,121–128; pl  v, 120–121, 212A.6 Bigoot in Mississippi (Michl), 105 Bit pls, 138 Bigoot (lt d By), 138 Bidl, Jh, 119 Blck Lk Bibl Cmp (lympi, shit), 165 blck tstts: bli i vil, 174; bli i hutd huss, 94; pct hldi t lst  pml bli, 92–93; pct svd m hm by  udi l, 185; spki i tus d, 180 Blvtsky, Hl tv,48, 50, 22116 Blu s Miisty, 17 Bluf Ck, Clii, 116 Bs, Ati ill, 22344

Chuch  Chist (itd Chuch  Chist), 86 Chuch  Jsus Chist  Ltt-dy its (Mms), 70, 84, 22620 Chuch  t, 21733 Chuch  th Livi ts (lympi, shit), 165, 168 Chuchwd, Jms,22116 clivyts, 30 “Clit Cults,” 21923 Coast to Coast AM (di shw), 5 chbitti, 147–148 cld di, 22027 Cld pi, xs, 126 Clm, L, 114 Clumbus, Chistph,46 Cmmitt  kpticl quiy,2272 Communion (tib), 65 cmists, 145, 148 Cucius, 14 Ctilism, 86 Cbt, mky,114

Byl, Btu, ichd, Jh, 168,67172 Bckid, Jdi, 2–4 Bil, Ail, 65–67, 68 Bitish Clumbi, 103 Buddh, 49 Buddhists d pml blis, 92–93 Buis, ld, 56 Bush, G ., 71

Cw, Cuis,Gld, m, 71104 cyptzly, 108. See also msts cystl blls, 24, 30 cystls, hli pw , 24 Cy, Lu. See Lu

Ct, Jimmy, 21510 Cthlics. See m Cthlics Causes o Delinquency (Hischi), 143–145, 147, 151 Cyc, d, 50 CB ws pll, 7 Celebrity Ghost Stories (tlvisi shw), 5 Ctuis, 138 Chariots o the Gods (Dik), 48 Chismtics, 23323, 23325 Chlst, uth Cli, 21–22 child bus, 172 chipctic, 31 Chpk Lk, shit,116 Chisti cic, 86 Chistiity, 90–99; Chisti blis cmpd t pml blis, 85–86; yi sucs md with, 78–79; pml d, m , 84–86; pml d, ltiship btw, 90–99; pml blis m mmbs  Chisti dmitis, 94;

pml blis d, 22742; pml xpics m mmbs  Chisti dmitis, 86; pct Amics idtiyi s Chisti, 76; ëli pllls t, 84–85; symbls d thms i ctct tls, 79, 84–85 “Chistms m Cthlics,”89 chuch ttdc. See liius ttdc

Dli, Dvid J., 21612 Dlls, xs, 25–28 Dlls sychic Fi,25–38; dmissi , 26; ttds’ ss  ttdi,36–38; mtils t  f, 37–38; mtis, qucy , 25; pls  xpsi, 25–26; psychic ds t, 29–33; s spiitul buft, 28–31; ws d  sl, 26–29 Dik, ich v: cit stuts thsis, 48–50; Chariots o the Gods, 48; c cpp u, 22113; Miracles o the Gods, 48; In Search o Ancient Gods, 48 Dvid (BC mmb): Bit s udiscvd p, 139–141; Bit huti i Bi Ck cic A, 122–126; clbity sttus, 156; Lu cmpd t, 141;  psychic phm, 17; “stk i cmity” d, 128, 145, 156–157; xs Bit sch Csvcy d, 136, 156 th dd, pct Amics blivi thy c cmmuict with, 7, 35 Dmcts, itst i pml m, 148–149 Demon Haunted World, Te (), 193 Dst Ct, Clii, 14, 77 Destination ruth (tlvisi shw), 5 “dvit” (th tm),142 dvit bhvi: bli i pml phm d, 141– 143; scicmic sttus d, 71–72, 144 Dvil s cus  vil, 163

258 Index discvy, sch ,12–13, 38, 128, 141 Dix, J, 33, 21926 Dlly, tius,50 dm ds, 30 st sld sttus, 49 ductil ttimt: bli i pml phm d, 52, 58–59, 153, 22120; bli i liius vil d, 175–176; pml xpics d, 74–75, 153; “stk i cmity,”23119; F bducts’ lvl , 69; F sihtis, 74–75 ypt, pymids , 49 lits m blivs i pml, 69–73 llisbuh, w k,102 lhim, 49, 84– 85 ms, lph ld,70 MF dtcts, 39, 42 lihtmt, sch , 12, 37–38, 141 piscplis, 86, 23323 iks, i, 2324

Fish, Mji, 22342 yi sucs: th Ald d, 47; Bit d, 16, 23011; Chistiity md with, 78– 79; Jsus , 77–79. See also Fs Flying Saucers Farewell(Admski), 14, 78–79 Flying Saucers Have Landed(Lsli), 78 si th utu, pct Amics blivi i, 33, 34 Ft, Chls, 2208 Fuk, Akss, 114 Fourth Kind, Te (lm), 65 Fx, J. .,22120 Fkli, Gid, 63 Fk, l, 165 Full, Jh G., 61–62 “Gi” (th tm),3 Gllup plls, 6, 9 ms d sts, pws ttibutd t, 21917 d: ttcti  dift pml tpics, 107–108; bli i pml phm d,

sl stitut, 70–71  (xt-sy cpti): litimcy , 25; pct Amics blivi i, 7 vlicls, 87–94; bli i Atltis, 94; bli i lity  suptul vil, 174; Biblicl itptti, viws , 92; Bit d, 91; mili tstts cmpd t,87–89, 92; pml blis, 87–89, 90, 93–94; tcstls cmpd t, 179; pct hldi t lst  pml bli, 92–93; scil issus, viws , 92; Fs d, 91 vil: i Bi Cypss Cf Hus, 10; Chisti blis but, 18–19; dt , 160–161; Dvil s cus , 163; misttis , 159; Jh McCi , 159–161; tu , 161; Bck

56–57, 108, 22236; bli liius vil d, 175;22120, hscp us, 74;ipml xpics d, 74; liius xpics d, 180–181; spiitulity d,22236 Gl cil uvy (G), 2341pp ds, 26 Gmus, 22–23 Ghost Adventures (tlvisi shw), 5 hst huts: lctic vic phm (), 22938; MF dtcts, us , 42; phts  “bs,”22030 Ghost Hunters (tlvisi shw), 5, 16, 38 Ghost Lab (tlvisi shw), 5 hst stis: cmm lmts, 23; xmpls, 20–23; mtis, chs i, 2175

bm , 159–161; pct Amics cti but th pw , 163; psid vil, 172 xclsi Htl, 2 Exeter Watchman (wspp), 102 xcisms, 159 Exorcist, Te (lm), 161 xttstils: cit stuts thsis, 48–51, 2208, 2219, 22113, 22116; bli i (see bli i xttstils); s biblicl ls, 79; ctct with, tditi , 2206; dwis , 81; xpimti  hums, 68; ys , 62; udi l xpics d, 186; hd, shp , 61, 62; idifc t hum sui, 67; Jsus s, 84, 135, 157; ski cl , 61, 62. See also lhim; F bducts; F ctcts Extreme Paranormal (tlvisi shw), 5 zkil 1:4, 46

Ghost Whisperer (tlvisi shw), 5 hsts: blivs i (see blivs i hsts); hum titis, 22938; ihum titis, 22938; itllit hutis by,22938; itst i, cts fcti, 109; s bs, 40; pct Amics pti si  li, 7; pct Amics schi, 107; sidul hutis by, 22938 Gifd icht til Fst,116 Gimli, Bb, 115–116 Glickm, Jf, 22932 Glck, Chls .,100–101 lsslli. See spki i tus Gd: bli i (see bli i Gd); hi th vic , 179, 180; spki t, 177–178 Gd, h, 2326 Gdly Cmpy, 134 Gd, t, 137–138 Ghm, Billy, 15 udi ls, 133, 184–186

Fate (mzi), 192 FB, 18 Fdl y, shit,66 Fire in the Sky (lt), 62

hdwiti lysis, 30 Harry and the Hendersons (lm), 104

Index 259 hutd huss: blck tstts d, 94; itllit hutis, 22938; itst i, by dmiti, 94; pct Amics hvi xpics with, 72–73; sidul huti,22938 Hvty, Liht,29–32, 37 hli cystls/sts, 31 Healing Shattered Reality(Byt d bch), 65 Hv’s Gt F cult,142 Hstd, Jy, 119 Hill, By: c, 69; F sihti by, 60–62, 63, 64, 194, 22238 Hill, Btty: “st mp” ctd by,61, 22342; F sihtis by,60–62, 63, 64, 194, 22238, 22346 Hidus d pml blis, 92–93 Hischi, vis, 143–145, 147, 151 Hpkis, Budd: bducti xpics, 62–65; xttstils’ idifc t hum sui, 67; ttil Ct  Abducti sch, 65; tud Fudti,65; Intruders, 64; Dvid M. Jcbs d,67; Missing ime,

Jeane Dixon: My Lie and Prophesies (Dix), 21926 “J Dix fct,”33–36 Jfs, xs, 1–2; Bi Cypss Cf Hus (see Bi Cypss Cf Hus); s ct  pml, 2, 22929; ccs hld i, 113; dcli , 1, 2151; xclsi Htl, 2; “Ghst i,”2; Jfs Htl, 2; s pt city, 1; vivl , 6; “ Gv,”2 Jis, t, 5 Jssup, Mis .,2208 Jsus: bd  yi suc,14, 77–79; s  xttstil, 84, 135, 157; Bit pyi t, 138; bk dsmt by,79; s  chl  ël, 49; G i d, 14; pct Amics blivi Jsus is th  s  Gd, 76; sucti , 24, 158; s  usi, 14, 79 Jws: bli i lity  suptul vil, 174; pml blis d, 92–94 Jhs, t, 138–139, 140 Juli, Qu  thlds, 78

63–64; m xpic sch (), 65;xtdiy hitly tib d, 65 hscps, 29–30, 72–74 Hvy, Mliss, 115 Hum ttil Mvmt,70–71 Humboldt imes (wspp), 104 Huxly, Aldus, 71

dy, Jh F., 21926 yh, Dld, 60 i, G: Athius city, 22515; Jsus d, 14, 79; Te welve Blessings, 79 i, My, 79 lmth, Clii, 104 lss, hilip J., 2272 li, Dld, 65 tz, Gv, 22823, 22932  upshw (tlvisi sis), 104 uciich, Dis, 7–8, 21510 kuzit, 26

cc, Luc, 88–90, 99 In Search o Ancient Gods(Dik), 48 In Search O Miracles and Other Wonders(tlvisi shw), 192 icm: bli i pml phm d, 153–154; bli i liius vil d, 175–176; hscp us, 73–74; pml xpics d, 74; liius ttdc d, 54; liius xpics d, 181; pts  miculus, physicl hli, 55; F bducts’ icm lvl, 69. See also scicmic sttus m, Cthi, 171 m, Chd, 165, 166, 168–169, 171 m, ik, 165–166, 167, 169–170, 171, 23211 m, Juli, 165–166, 167, 169–170, 171 m, ul, 165–172 m, ul, J.,165, 166, 171 m, d (dy), 165, 166, 168, 170 Inside the Spaceships (Admski), 14, 78 itllit hutis, 22938 ttil Ct  Abducti sch, 65, 67 ttil F Css, 113 Interrupted Journey, Te (Full), 61–62 tud Fudti,65 Intruders (Hpkis), 64 Jck Lik’s B Jky cmmcil,104 Jcbs, Dvid M., 67 Jcbs, Judith A, 170

Lpsitis, Jck, 23011 Late Night with David Letterman (tlvisi shw), 139 Lu (F bduct), 80–84, 131–136; lis’ m , 81; stly d, 133; utmtic witi d, 133; Bit, itst i, 133; Dvid cmpd t, 141; divsity  spiitul, liius blis, 17; dwis by, 81, 82, 83; Gdly Cmpy, 134; udi l, bli i, 133; Jsus s xttstil, 84, 135, 157; li m ly hums, 134–135; mmbship i  “Gdmth’s Mti,”132–133; tiv Amic spiitulity d,131–132; umly d, 133; “vsul,” bli i,135; s pml list, 131–136; pictu , 80; ltiship with h th,90–91; “stk i cmity,”145; “stk i cmity” d, 156–157; F ctcts, 80–84 L, t, 115 Legend o Boggy Creek, Te (dcudm), 114, 121 Ltt, Mik, 121 Lmui, 50, 22116 Lsli, Dsmd, 78 Libty Cuty, xs,122

260 Index “liht,” misttis ,159 Little Bigoot (lm), 104 Lch ss Mst,16 Ld, Jh, 22475 Luci, 84–85 Lutz, G, 137 Mck, Jh, 2188 McLi, hily,198–199, 21510 mh j ds, 30 mistm lii: bli i lity  suptul vil, 174; Biblicl itptti, viws , 92; dischtmt with/jcti , 55–56; vlicls cmpd t,87–89, 92; pml blis d, 13–15, 24, 76–77, 92– 93; pwul ppl, lcus , 54; tstt dmiti i, 87; scil issus, viws , 92 milizti d bli i pml phm, 55–56, 59, 69 mitl sttus: bli i pml phm d, 108, 146–147; s msumt  t-

Mms (Chuch  Jsus Chist  Ltt-dy its), 70, 84, 22620 Morning o the Magicians, Te (uwls d Bi), 2208 Mss, 96 Most Haunted (tlvisi shw), 5 Mthm, 16 Mut it Hls,102 Mu, 50, 22116 Muhmmd, 49 Muphy, Michl, 71 Muslims d pml blis, 92–93 Mutul F twk (MF),113, 193 Mysty k (wd), 48 til piscpl Chismtic Cc, 23323 til vstitis Cmmitt  Ail hm (CA), 193 til uvy  liius dtity (1990), 23325

tchmts ths, 146–147; pml xpicstd, 146–147; pct Amics blivi tht chbitti b mi is imml, 147; liius xpics d, 181 Ms ct 6, 79 Ms ct 8, 79 Mx, l, 52–53, 129 My. See ii My My Mdl, 14 Myld Ai til Gud,71 Maryland Bigoot Digest, Te (psick), 105 McCi, Jh, 159–161 McGvi, D, 192 McMti schl dyc bus cs, 172, 21630

zc Lis(th  u, “w A” tm),5013, 20 w A blis d pctics: “Audic Cults,” 21923; “Clit Cults,” 21923; cmmitmt t  pticul bli  pctiti, 21922; di blis d pctics, 22462; itst i, 21923; itst i, cts fcti, 109; mdi d, 21923; iis, 22462; pct Amics schi, 107; liius mvmts d, 90, 21811 w uht mvmt, 70 Newswatch (tlvisi shw), 91 ibiu, 22219 ix, ichd, 21926 blivs: bli i lity  suptul vil,

mdicl ituitiv ds, 30 Medium P.I. (tlvisi shw), 5 Medium (tlvisi shw), 5 mdiums: bli i, d d, 56; bli i, c d, 57; itst i, by dmiti, 94; pct Amics schi, 107 Mi, Billy, 131 Mldum, Jfy, 136, 22823 Memorial Day Bigoot Film, 116, 117 Michelle Remembers (mith d zd), 21733 Mil, shit,46 Miracles o the Gods (Dik), 48 Missing Link (mzi), 66 Missing ime (Hpkis), 63–64 M, 65 Mymk, Mtt,116 Mongollan Monster, Te (Fswth), 105 MonsterQuest (tlvisi shw), 5, 121, 126, 128 msts: bli i, d d, 56; bli i, c d, 57; itst i, cts fcti, 109; pct Amics schi, 107. See also Bit

174; pml blis d, 92–93 cmists, 145 m, uth d st, 14 thct, Jmy,37 stdmus, 107, 108, 110 umly, 30, 133 bm, Bck, 56, 71, 159–161 sh, ichd, 167–168 hi Hwl, 117, 118 lympi, shit, tic pic i,165–172  Gv lmty chl (Chlst, uth Cli), 21 “bs,” phts ,22030 sb, h, 2326 stm, Albt, 103, 116, 117 uij bds: fcts , 2321; pct Amics hvi usd, 72–73; uls, 2155 ut--bdy xpics, pct Amics pti, 72 Out on a Limb (McLi), 198–199 lm, us, 49, 84–85

Index 261 plmisty, 30 pml blis, 11–15, 85–94; blck tstts d, 92–93, 94; Buddhists d, 92–93; Chisti blis cmpd t, 85–86; Chistiity d, 22742; cmm thd m, 2189; discvy d, sch , 12–13, 38, 128, 141; lihtmt d, sch ,12, 37–38, 141; vlicls d, 87–89, 90, 93–94; Billy Ghm , 15; Hidus d, 92–93; Jws d, 92–94; mistm lii d,13–15, 24, 76– 77, 92–93; Muslims d, 92–93; tcstls d, 19; pct Amics blivi t lst , 75, 129– 130, 213; pdicts , ltiv imptc , 109– 110, 214; m Cthlics d, 92–93, 94; siicc , 13–14; styi pw/psistc , 11, 23; typs, 12 pml xpics, 146–156; bli i Gd d, 151; bli i pml phm d, 13, 101; Chisti dmitis d, 86, 94; chbitti d,147–148; dimsis , 101– 102; ductil ttimt d,74–75, 153;

tts, ,116 tts-Gimli lm, 11, 115–116, 116–117, 22932 uls, Jh All, 33 uwls, Luis, 2208 s Ai Fc Bs, 60 tcstl Hus, 182–183 tcstls: bptism m th Hly piit, 179; Chismtics cmpd t,23323; cmmui with spiits d ls, 179; dmitis , 23323; vlicls cmpd t,179; hi th vic  Gd, 179; idticti with, 23325; pml blis d, 19; spki i tus (lsslli) m, 17– 18, 177–178; suptul xpics d, 19 pl  th thicl tmt  Aimls (A), 100 tti, Fk, 90 i, Muit,90 y, Dtus, 189–192 u, zc Lis , 50 ts, ichd,168–169

d d, 74;ups icmd,151–152; d, 74; ivlvmt i cmmuity mitl sttus d, 146–147; pct Amics pti, 72–73, 75; pliticl pcs d, 149; pdicts , 210; liius ttdc d, 98–99; schi pml subjcts d, 110–113; “stk i cmity” d,155–156 pml phm, 84–99, 136–141; ltt ms , 20; i Amic ttimt, 92; Amics’ sciti with, 5–6; uths’ pspctiv , 10–11; bli i (see bli i pml phm); blivs i ( see blivs i pml phm); Bit d, 136–141; Chistiity d, m , 84–86; Chistiity d, ltiship

“hix Pioneers oLihts,”71–72 Space (Admski), 79 lt, 50 tsmuth, w Hmpshi,60 psitiv thiki, 24 ic, ichd, 71 m  xtdiy xpic sch (), 65 jct Blu Bk, 22238 tsttism. See blck tstts; vlicls; mistm lii Psychic Investigators (tlvisi shw), 5 psychic pws. See bli i psychic pws psychic ds, 29–37; cquisiti  thwis ukw imti, 29; Amic bli i,

btw, 90–99; cv by mdi, 142; diti, 14, 18, 23–25, 21810; cmics  xpli, 88–90; vlicl cmpd t mili tstts d, 87–89, 90; vidc/ vlidity , qusti , 8–9, 11; xpic  ( see pml xpics); itst i, csqucs , 101, 126–128; kwld , 101; “ml” vsi ,18; pct Amics schi pml tpics, 106–107; pctics ltd t, 101; liius phm d, bids btw, 159; liius phm cmpd t, 158, 186–187; sch but, ld, 10, 207; sch but, suvy, 8–10, 52, 203–214; shws but, 5 pml schs, pdicts , 109–110, 212 Paranormal State (tlvisi shw), 5 hm, Chls, 23323 ks, s, 142 is, Btty, 163–164 is, mul, 163 pst li ds, 30 t, Li, 116

32–37; cld di by, 36; t Dlls sychic Fi, 29–33; diti, 31; difcs btw, 29; itst i, by dmiti, 94; itst i, cts fcti, 109; itst i m publics d Dmcts, 148–149; “J Dix fct,” 33–36; bsvtis clits wt t b tu, 36; pct Amics hvi csultd, 72–73; pct Amics schi, 107; typs, 30–31; vu sttmts by,36 pymids  ypt, 49 Qutchi, 104 Quimby, his, 70 bi, Jim, 166, 169, 23211 c: bli i pml phm d, 57– 58;  F bducts, 69 dd, Bjmi, 2272 ël (k Clud ilh),49, 85 ëlis, 49, 84–85, 21811 di, Jms ( Amzi di), 2272 ptu, 162, 163, 173–174 ds. See psychic ds

262 Index , cy, 71, 21926 , ld, 21926 Real Exorcist, Te (tlvisi shw), 161 d, ick, 16 iki mss, 31 lii. See mistm lii; liius blis liisity, misttis ,100–101 liius liti: “biwshi” d, 75; dmitil litis  Amics, 2253, 22741; with dvit liius ups, 22475;  ids, 89; pct Amics idtiyi s Chisti, 76 liius ttdc: bli i pml phm d, 97–98; bli i lity  suptul vil d, 174; icm d, 54; pml xpics d, 98–99; pct Amics ttdi t lst c wkly, 54, 2252 liius blis: ppl , 53–54; s cpi mchisms, 52–53; misttis , difcs i, 54; pct Amics blivi i

svlt, d, 102 Rosemary’s Baby (lm), 21733 swll, w Mxic, 5–6, 113 yl d  ibt, 77

 thpmphic 76; pct Amics blivi Jsus isGd, th  s  Gd, 76; s ctis t uctity, 53; wds , 54, 88–89, 177, 188 liius cmpsts, 22224 liius cults, scicmic sttus d, 55 liius xpics: d d hvi, 180– 181; icm d hvi, 181; “its,” 23326; mitl sttus d hvi, 181; pct Amics xpici spki i tus, 180; pct Amics hi th vic  Gd, 180; pct Amics pti miculus, physicl hli, 55, 180; pct Amics svd m hm by  udi l, 184; scicmic sttus d hvi, 184

sil killis, 141–142 hv, ichd, 2208 hm, Michl,193 hi, Bi, 168–169 ht, bt, 17–18 im, Bjmi, 60–61 itchi, Zchi, 48–49, 22219 Six Million Dollar Man, Te(tlvisi shw), 104, 138 kkum Cst, 116, 117 lt, B. A, 138 Smokey and the Fouke Monster(Cbt), 114 scil bds. See “stk i cmity” scicmic sttus: bli i liius vil d, 175–176; bli i t d, 187;  ly

liius mvmts: Aic Amic dmitis, 22741; dmds md  mmbs by, 89; dvit liius ups, liti with, 22475; ly dpts , 790;  ids d, 89; w A blis d pctics d, 90, 21811; quimt  cmmitmt, 21921 liius phm: diti, 24; pml phm d, bids btw, 159; pml phm cmpd t,158, 186–187 publics, itst i pml m, 148–149 sidul huti, 22938 vlti 21:8, 76 hi, J. B., 2188 hds, , 91 ic, m .,86 isch, y, 166 , illim, 22820 m Cthlics: bli i lity  suptul vil, 174; “Chistms m Cthlics,”89; pml blis d, 92–93, 94; pct svd m hm by  udi l,185

dpts, 70–71; mt i dvit bhvi d, 71–72, 144;  mmbs  witch cvs, 71; liius cults d, 55; liius xpics d, 184 pish dck tt, 31 spki i tus (lsslli): m piscplis, 23323; m tcstls, 17–18, 177–178; bli i dms d, 188; bli i hsts d, 187; bli i psychic pws d, 187; blck tstts d,180; diti, 9; pml blis d, 187; pct Amics xpici, 180; xlsslli, 178 spki t Gd, 177–178 Spellbound (Mt), 2321 pc, Lwis, 50 pilb, tv, 2 spiit dis, 31 spiitul cti: Dlls sychic Fi s, 28–31, 21630; s mtph  liius blis, 17, 21630 spiitulity, d d,22236 qutch, 104 “stk i cmity,”143–157; ttchmts t

ddlbck Chuch (Lk Fst, Clii), 159–161 , Cl, 193 lm witch tils, 163–164, 2324 m Hust til Fst,122 Sasquatch (Mldum), 136 Sasquatch (mith), 105 t, 162–172; li bductis d, 91; bli i (see bli i t); ëli viw , 84–85; lm witch tils, 163–164; tic pics, 18–19, 162–164, 165–172; shws but, 161–162; Fs s mistti , 91 Satan Seller, Te (k), 21733 citly, 9, 71, 134 ttl, shit,20–21 ttl upsics’ msct, 104

Index 263 ths, 144, 145–146; cmmitmts md t chiv  listyl, 145, 152–154; ccpt , 23119; vis Hischi d,143–145, 151; ivlvmt i cmmuity ctivitis, 144–145, 151–152; lsss m i i dvit bhvi, 144; pssssi  cvtil blis, 145, 147–151; i pdicti ivlvmt i pml, 145, 155–156 tk, dy, 100–101, 22224, 22475, 22742 sts. See ms d sts tib, hitly,65 subcultus: di chctistic, 117–118; diti, 115. See also xs Bit sch Csvcy umi cultu, 22219 Supernatural (tlvisi shw), 5 Swamp Bigoot (Hlyld), 105 ymit, Fy, 71–72 tt cds, 31 tlkisis: bli i, d d, 56; bli i,

F Ctct Ct ttil (FCC), 66–68, 69 F ctcts: Chisti symbls d thms i tls by, 79, 84–85; diti, 14; plusibility , 15. See also Admski, G; Bil, Ail; i, G; i, My; Lu; m, uth d st; ht, bt F Csh tivl Cc, 113 F “xpics,”67 UFO Hunters (tlvisi shw), 5 F sihtis: 1800s, 46; th Ald d, 46–47; ductil ttimt d,74–75; pct Amics pti, 6–7, 72–73; pct Amics schi, 107, 111; F bducts d, 63; dui ld  ,46. See also Admski, G Fld, 85 Fs: ABC ws spcil but, 5; bli i (see bli i Fs); blivs i ( see blivs i Fs); Bit d, 17, 137; ccs but, 113; dwi  iti, 82, 83; vlicls

cBit d, 57sch ; itst i, by dmiti, xs Csvcy (BC),94 113–121; 2009 Cc, 113–122; Bit s udiscvd p, 16–17, 139–140; Dvid d, 136, 156; discumt  Bit pmlists, 140; impit i  ck bd, discvy , 11, 125–126; ivstiti  Bi Ck cic A, 10, 122–126; mmbs’ ductil ttimt, 16; mmbs’ itllic, 69; pti Fst iil,119; pvius m, 113; “sht/d’t sht” ctvsy,118 itub, 2326 by, Jcks,23119 oday Show (tlvisi shw), 139 oo Close to the Mirror (Cbt), 114

94; d, 91; i, itst i,fcti, by dmiti, itst cts 109; s mistti  t, 91. See also yi sucs ius, 21811 icti Chuch,22475 itw, sylvi,137 –138 iti Chuch,86 USA oday (wspp), 7

ouched by an Angel (tlvisi shw), 184 rading Spouses (tlvisi shw), 90 vlt, Jh, 71 welve Blessings, Te (i), 79 yl, xs,113–114

llc, ilbu, 104 lt, vis,62, 64 k, Mik, 21733 , ick, 159–160 ts, Jmi, 116 thb, Dil,27–28 bb, lt,60 Why People Believe Weird Tings(hm), 193 Wicca and Witchcra or Dummies(mith), 27 iccs, tists cmpd t,3 Wilderness Hunter, Te (svlt), 102 illims, Abiil,163–164 illw Ck, Clii, 6 witch cvs, scicmic sttus  mmbs , 71 lht, Ci,112–113

“F” (th tm), 2207 F bducts, 60–68; bducti i  pvius li, 68; bdi xpimts , 64; citicisms , 2188; ductil ttimt ,69; “xpics” cmpd t,67; “y” lis ptd by, 5; hybids bithd by,118; hyptic ssi thpy,60–61, 65; implts i, 118; icm lvl, 69; mmis  bducti, 61, 62, 63–64; “missi tim” xpics, 62; M cc but, 65; multipl bductis, 64; multipl ctcts, clims , 22346; umb , ics i, 62–63; c , 69; p , 67; scs cusd by xpimts, 68; suppt ups ,64–68; F sihtis d, 63; victims, viw  thmslvs s, 62, 67–68. See also Hill, By; Hill, Btty; Hpkis, Budd; Lu; tib, hitly

lcut, Qubc,85 us: chli msss m, 17–18; Jsus s  usi, 14, 79 ii My, 15, 25, 159 ilh, Clud (k ël),49, 85

X-Files, Te (tlvisi shw), 5 xlsslli, 178

hwh, 84–85 kim, shit, 115

Abut th Auths

Christopher D. Bader is Asscit ss  cily t Byl ivsity d Asscit Dict  th Assciti  lii Dt Achivs (d.cm). F. Carson Mencken is ss  cily t Byl ivsity, wh h is ls Dict  sch t th stitut  tudis  lii. Joseph O. Baker is Assistt ss  cily t st ss tt ivsity.


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