Choosing a Research Topic
Short Description
Research topic choosing...
CHOOSI CHOOSI NG A RESEARCH RESEARCH TOPIC TOPI C OBJ OBJ ECTIVES/ ECTIVES/RATIONALE The The re research pr process is used to to dis disc cover, explor lore, expand, verify, ify, and co communica icate knowledge. Students will use a systematic approach to evaluate a safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical topic for research. TEKS: TEKS: 121.12 1A, 1B
TAKS TAK S ELA 1, 1, 3, 6 Science 1 K EY POINTS POINTS
Choo hoosing A Research T opic
When considering topics for a workable research problem, answer the following questions for a quick reality check about variables which may limit the research process: Do I posse posses the skil skills necessa cessary ry to compl comple ete thi this study? study? Do I have access access to the tools, tools, lab l ab,, equipm equipment, and target target popul populati ations ons to complete this project? Do I have have the tim time and money oney necessa necessary ry to complete this this project? project? Do I have theresources necessa necessary to obtain obtain suf sufficien cientt data? Do I have access ccess to to a professi professiona onal in tha that fi field who who wil will be wil willing and able able to advise dvise me in the researc research h process? • •
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A void void ques questi tions/problem ons/problems: I nvolving nvolvi ng moral orality or value syste systems – these are di difficult to expl explore properly Dealing with complex social, psychological, and/or behavioral issues – these are hard to measure sure Requiring human subjects – these have ethical and legal limitations •
Choose a research topic that interests you. Then………. *Find a study that has already been done and duplicate that study. Replication is an important part of the research process. -or*Find a study that has already been done and replicate it using new definitions of some of the variables in the study. -or*Find a study that has already been done and replicate it using additional moderator or control variables -or*Find an existing study and develop a different way to test the hypothesis -or*Follow an author’s suggestions for further research needed – usually found at the end of an article -or*Contact the author of an interesting study using the internet for ideas for further study -or*Choose a problem, analyze it, and invent a completely new study -or*Use a combination of the above techniques
Identify a Mentor………… A mentor is: Patient - ENJOY S working with and sharing knowledge with students Consistent- willing to help students through the long haul – through all phases of the research project Effective – qualified and knowledgeable on the topic and able to communicate this knowledge at the level of the student •
Where to look for a mentor: Community health care workers Local hospitals, clinics, and offices Local health department College or university Bibliographies of related articles Professional journals Ask parents for ideas Ask other teachers for ideas Ask classmates for ideas Y ellow pages Newspapers Internet • • • • • • • • • • • • advice about research and mentors discovering and choosing a topic - beginning your research ACTIVITIES Each student will select a research topic to share with the class. The class will critique the topic chosen for possible limitations. Student will choose a mentor for their research project and turn in a signed mentor agreement. MAT ERI AL S NEEDED Topic Choice Rubric Mentor (Resource Person) Selection Assignment Mentor Agreement Safety and Ethics In Research
TOPIC CHOICE RUBRI C STUDENT’S NAME: __________________________________________ Criteria Student has:
1 skills necessary to complete project 2 access to the tools, lab, equipment, and target populations, to complete this project 3 the time and money necessary to complete this project 4 the resources necessary to obtain sufficient data 5 access to a professional in that field who will be willing and able to advise in the research process TOTAL POI NTS
Possible Points 20
Points Received
20 20 20 20 (100 possible)
Evaluator Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________
Mentor (Resource Person) Selection Assignment Each student shall identify a person to act as a research mentor. This person will assist in overseeing the research project as well as in thecritique of the student and the project. The mentor may be an instructor but not the research course instructor. The mentor should be a professional who is knowledgeable about the student’s chosen research topic. The student must meet with the mentor a minimum of three (3) times each six weeks once the project has begun (approximately once every two weeks). The meetings will take place on dates and at locations mutually agreed upon by mentor and student. During these meetings, the student should obtain documentation from their mentor including: date, a statement of progress of the project, and the mentor’s signature. Documentation should be made in the student’s logbook at these meetings. The mentor should also be asked to include any constructive suggestions or comments that would be helpful to the student. The mentor is not responsible for funding any part of the project nor are they responsible for the preparation of the technical paper or oral presentation. Student will have the mentor sign the mentor agreement and return the signed agreement to the research instructor by the determined due date.
MENTOR AGREEMENT Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Student Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Student Home Phone: ________________________Email: ___________________________________ Mentor Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Title _______________________________________________________________________________ Business Address _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Business Phone: ____________________________Email: ____________________________________ I agree to act as a mentor for the research project this student will completeduring the 200_-200_ school year. I understand that I will serve to advise the student and critique thestudent’s project. As a mentor, I understand that I am required to meet with the student at a mutually agreed upon and convenient location a minimum of three times each six week period in which he/she is collecting data. During these meetings, I am to document the date, perceived progress of the student’s project, and include my signature in their logbook. As a mentor, I understand that I am not responsible for the financial expenses incurred or the design, implementation, or technical paper preparation for this project. This is the responsibility of the student. I understand that I may be asked to participate in the evaluation process during the oral presentations. I agree to participate if given proper notification and my schedule permits. In the event that I am not able to continue my affiliation with the student, I will give the student and course instructor 30 days notice prior to my participation termination. I will offer my assistance in finding another mentor for the student. Mentor_____________________________________________________________Date: __________________ Student_____________________________________________________________Date: __________________ Parent______________________________________________________________Date: __________________ Instructor___________________________________________________________Date: __________________
SAFET Y AND ETHI CS IN RESEARCH Examination of the ethical implications of a study is vital. Every research study raises a unique set of ethical issues. However, there are accepted ethical standards that every researcher should incorporate into their study: 1. respect for study subjects 2. benefits of the research are proportional to any risks assumed by subjects 3. results of the research are disseminated fairly Research subjects should be regarded as individuals and treated with respect. Study subjects should always be informed of the purpose of the study. Their written informed consent to participate in the study should be sought. Their involvement in the study, how privacy and confidentiality will be guarded, their right to refuse or stop participating, and the manner in which the data will be used should also be clearly explained. Respect for study subjects will improve the scientific quality of the research by improving compliance with theresearcher’s requests and instructions. The well-being of the study subjects should be protected. The research should minimize any possible risks and maximize the benefits of subjects participating in the study. A valid research design should be utilized to ensure the benefits of the research are proportionate to the risks. Study subjects participate in research studies in order to benefit society as a whole. Therefore, no single group, especially not the disadvantaged, vulnerable, or minority groups, should be asked to bear a disproportionate share of the risk. Any benefits resulting from the research should be disseminated fairly. If the problems are too complex to deal with in the amount of time allotted, the research proposal should be modified. The Department of Health and Human Services has summarized guidelines, as follows, to ensure that research is conducted in an ethically acceptable manner: Risks to subjects are minimized and proportionate to the anticipated benefits and knowledge Data are monitored to ensure the safety of subjects Selection of subjects is equitable If subjects are vulnerable, additional safeguards are included Informed consent is obtained, including: Nature of the research study o Procedures involved in the study o o Potential risks and benefits of the study Participation is voluntary o Confidentiality is protected o o Answers to questions that study subjects have are made available •
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Confidentiality is adequately protected
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