Chod for Bardo Beings

April 18, 2017 | Author: Damien Tidmarsh | Category: N/A
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After-Death Guidance Ritual of the MaChik Tradition

The NehDren Ritual from the Chö Tradition of Eradicating the Difficult to Tame; The Charnel Ground Chö Condensed and Clarified from within the collection of the Precious Rosary of Chod Feasts

Collected by Rangjung Dorjé & Karma Chagmé Translated by Lama Jinpa

School of

Tibetan Healing


BARDO CHÖ © Lama Jinpa 2013 1st Edition These texts are for the sole use of students of the School of Tibetan Healing Chö and not for use, resale, reproduction or distribution other than for the registered students of the School. Any physical or electronic dissemination or publishing of any portion of these works is against both international and US copyright laws and a severe breakage of samaya.

CHÖ Publishing

Los Angeles • San Francisco • London • Bangkok

From the Tradition of MaChik Labdrön



After Death Guidance Ritual The Overpowering n

Phat! Rang nyi tröma mar-nak pak gö kyi uchen Pay! I am Troma, maroon colored, with wild boar as head ornament;


Chak yeh namchak kyi tok gö tsé gu mé barwa char shing My right hand holds aloft a nine-pointed meteoric iron thunderbolt, blazing fire;


Yön tö trak dzinpa dzutrül drak tsal dang denpai özer gyi The left holds a blood-filled skullcup, by whose magical wrathful power, streams of light


Za dré shi shé tamché kuk neh chak kang gi lingkpa la timpa hook in all the devouring demons and executioners; They dissolve into the effigy in the iron container,


Kandroma bum gyi kor neh drö wong mépar gyur. Phat. and are surrounded by a hundred thousand Dakinis, with no power to escape;


Chak yeh namchak kyi tokchen pang peh za dré shin chak tamché talwa buné songwar gyur The meteoric iron in the right hand blasts all devouring demons and executions so they are ground to dust.

Self-Visualization n

Phat. Rang lü di ser gyi chorten bangrim shipa drowa rig druk gi neh der ta deh mépai bumpar Phat. One’s body is inseparable from a golden stupa with four tiers where dwells the 6 realms of beings; In the bell of


AH yig karpo yong su gyurpa leh

Rang nyi Tröma ku dok karmo shi shing shepa

the stupa, a white syllale AH becomes fully transformed; From this I am Troma, with white colored form, peaceful and smiling, n

Chak yeh yeshé kyi bumpeh tsé deh kyi leh drib trüpa right hand holding a vase by which the karmic stains of the deceased are washed away;


Chak yön jampai chakyü tsé deh drenpa The left hand leads the deceased with the hook of loving-kindness,


Kor khandroma dé shi yang rang dang tsungpa-o surrounded by the Dakinis of the four classes which are similar to myself in all attributes;


Rang gi tralwar Namnang yabyum, Trinpar Nangta yabyum, In my forehead is Vairocana, in male and female embrace; In the throat is Amitabha, in male and female embrace;


Tukar Dorsem yabyum, Tewar Rinjung yabyum, Sangwar Döndrub yabyum. In my heart is Vajrasattva, yab yum; In the navel is Ratnasambhava, yab yum; In the secret place is Amoghsiddhi, yab yum.


Ugyen du Mikyöpa yabyum nam gyen cha luk dan denpa Akshobya yab yum is the head ornament, all possessing their customary ornaments;



Invitation n

Tukai sabön Om Ah Hung So Ha Ah Ha Ri Ni Sa nam leh özer tröpeh In their hearts, from the seed syllables of Om, Ah, Hung, So, Ha and Ah, Ha, Ri, Ni, Sa, light radiates,


Yeshepa chendrang neh nyi su mepar timpar gyur. inviting the Wisdom Beings which dissolve in and become inseparable;


Om Benza Argham, Padyam, Pupeh, Dupeh, Alokeh, Gendeh, Newidyeh, Shapta, Pratitsa So Ha.


Chöku namka shin du yermé kyang

Zuk ku jatson shin du so sor sal

Though Dharmakaya is inseparable from space,

like a rainbow, each thing appears clearly in the Nirmanakaya;

Tab dang sherab chog la nga’ nyepa’i

Rig nga dewar sheg kyi chaktsel tö

the excellence of skillful means and wisdom

I bow to and praise the five families of Tataghatas.


n Phat.

The devouring demons, executioners, etc, are all put under the foot of the stupa, without the power to move.

n Phat.

All the protected ones are placed in the vase of the stupa, and protected by the four classes of Dakinis.


Phat. My left hand has hooks of loving kindness and light rays of compassion, like hooks; Wherever the deceased exists in the bardo of the six realms, they are drawn before us.

Meeting the Deceased n







Kye Ma! Nyön chik tsé deh rig kyi bu

Nga ni yéshé khandro yin

Alas! Listen, child of noble family, gone beyond life;

I am the Wisdom Dakini;

Nga ni chöku yumchen yin

Dü sum sangye nga leh jung

I am Dharmakaya Great Mother;

I give rise to the Buddhas of the three times;

Rig ngai sangye ku la dzok

Khandro dé shi kor gyi kor

I perfect the kayas of the Six Families of Buddhas;

I am surrounded by the Dakinis of the the four classes;

Parölchin druk dön dang den

Yeshé nga yi özer drö

I possess the meaning of the Six Paramitas;

I radiate the five-colored light rays;

Rig druk drenpai sangye yin

Tarpai lam tön lobpön yin

I am the Buddha who guides the six realms of beings;

I am the master who shows the path of liberation;

Sangye nam kyi trinley yin

Jangchub sempai pönya yin

I am the activity of all Buddhas;

I am the messenger of the Bodhisattvas;

Nga ni kyo kyi sunma yin

Konchog sum gyi denpa dang

I am your escort;

By the truth of the three Precious Jewels,


Hooking Mudra

Hooking In Ngak chak tingdzin jinlab kyi

Tsé deh neh dir nyur du shog

By the blessings of mantra, mudra and samadhi,

may the departed arrive here swiftly;

Denpai ngak la kyo kyang nyön

Shay dang trelwai dü la bop

No matter what, listen to the truth of this speech;

Now is the time to be free from the hindrances of death;

Shin chak tralwai dü la bop

La kyer luwai dü la bop

Now is the time to be free from the executioners;

Now is the time to carry off the ransom of the soul;

La lü tongwai dü la bop

La yid trölwai dü la bop

Now is the time to send out the ransom for the soul;

Now is the time for freeing of the spirit;

Sön shin jalwai dü la bop

Shinzeh tongwai du la bop

Now is the time to meet the living and the dead;

Now is the time to send out the offerings for the dead;

Dribpa jongwai dü la bop

Tar lam tönpai dü la bop

Now is the time to clear all obscurations;

Now is the time to show the path of liberation;

Dü la bab so tsé deh kyö

Bödpai neh dir nyur du shog

Now is the time, you the deceased one;

Heed the call and come here swiftly;


Ah Harinisa Nri Benza Om Kusha Dza Dza.

Drawing in with the hook.


Phat Phat Phat. Thus recite;








Inviting to the Support n






Kyé ma tsé deh rig kyi bu

Tukjéi chakyu di la jü

Alas! Deceased child of noble family,

seize this hook of compassion;

Sherab drönmé di la tö

Zuk nyen di ni ku yi ten

Look upon this torch of wisdom;

This effigy is the support for Body;

Ming jang di ni sung gi ten

Melong di ni tuk kyi ten

This name inscription is the support for Speech;

This mirror is the support for Mind;

Darpen di ni lü kyi ten

Da nyuk di ni juwai shing

This silk brocades is support of the body;

This bamboo of the arrow is the supporting tree;

Duk chung di ni shelyeh kang

Den kar pedma döpai den

This parasol is the celestial palace;

The white seat is the lotus on which you rest;

Nyé du di ni ngar gyi shay

Drima di ni gö kyi ten

Near you are your relatives and former acquaintances;

This scent is the support of clothing;




Remebrance for the Deceased n


Tsé deh gyalwai sepo kyö

Kyé shi tsam neh u yar kyok

You the deceased, child of the Buddha,

in the place between birth and death, lift your head!

Yö mé tsam neh shel tsur tön

Nang si tsam neh nyen tsur sön

In the intermediate space of non-existence, face this way; In the borderland of appearances, listen over here; n













Kyé ma semchen nyingré jé

Korwai neh su yün ré ring

Alas, what a pity for sentient beings,

dwelling in samsara for so long;

Leh kyi gyatso ting reh zab

Sipai korlo wang ré ché

The ocean of karma is deep and profound;

The wheel of existence has great power;

Lokpai namshé ka ré drak

Trülpai bakchak pang ré ma

The perversions of consciousness are fierce;

Because of debased confused habitual tendencies,

Nyalwai dugngal yah ré nga

Lü jé pungpo nyön ré mong

there is the suffering of the hell realms, my word!

No matter how many bodies we change, still there are klésas!

Kyé ma tsé deh rig kyi bu

Korwai neh su yün ring la

Alas, deceased one of noble family,

you have been dwelling in samsara a long time!

Tukjé chakyu drenpar gyi

Leh kyi gyatso ting zab la

remember the hook of compassion.

In this profoundly deep ocean of karma,

Tsöndru dru zing drenpar gyi

Sipai korlo wong chen la

remember the ship of diligence;

The wheel of existence is very powerful,

Tendrel gyuma drenpar gyi

Lokpai namshé kadrak la

so remember the thread of auspicious coincidence;

As the distortions of consciousness are very fierce,

Ka dang damtsik drenpar gyi

Trülpai bakchak pang ka la

remember your oath and samaya;

As it is hard to abandon confused habitual tendencies,

Chönyi denpa drenpar gyi

Nyalwai dugngel mi zö la

you must remember the truth of Dharmata;

Since the suffering of hell is unbearable,

Tsé mé gocha drenpar gyi

Gyü druk neh su korwa la

remember your limitless armor of compassion;

Because of the six causes as a basis for Samsara,

Paröl chin druk drenpar gyi

Migé chupoi dig jeh la

you should remember the Six Paramitas;

Having acted negatively with the ten non-virtuous deeds,

Gewa chupo drenpar gyi

Lü jeh pungpo nyönmong la

you must recall the ten virtuous actions;

Experiencing the emotional defilements of the body of skandhas,





Lah lü dewa drenpar gyi

Yumchen gyalwai kyilkor la

remember the blissful form of the Deity;

In the mandala of the Great Mother of Buddhas,

Depai sem kyi chaktsal chik

Gupai yid kyi kyab sol chik

make prostrations with a mind of faith;

Take refuge with a mind of devotion.


Ah Harisnisa Nri Samaya Tikta Lhen. Phat Phat Phat. Thus saying, meditate that the deceasesd truly merges with the name card.

sprinkle torma

Clearing the Karmic Debts n

Phat. Rinpochei nö du lü kyi torma dödpai

Yönten nga dang denpar gyurpa di

Phat. In a precious vessel, the body becomes a torma of all wishes and needs, possessing the 5 qualities; n


Tsé leh depa dang demo la

Tsé rab pak tu mepa neh lenchak pai lenchak

For the deceased, known as (by name),

through countless previous lives, karmic debt upon karmic debt,

Data la yi namshé la dak tu zung neh

Shinpo tarpa tob tu mi chukpar

those that take hold of your soul, mind and consciousness and don’t allow you to obtain complete liberation, n

Tsé deh la dzu shing, Sönpo la tra mi shipar jepai,

Lenchak za dré jungpo nam la

who do magic on the deceased, making misfortune for the living, karmic debtors, vampires, elementals, n

Ngo-o, Jin-no, Lenchak jang, Bulön kor by dedicating and offering, we clear karmic debts and flesh debts (of the deceased).


Shagön dak neh jangchub kyi sem dang denpar gyur chik By purifying those seeking revenge of the flesh, may they come to possess the mind of Bodhicitta.


Om Akaro Mukum Sarwa Darmanam Adeh Nupanatota Om Ah Hung Phat So Ha. 3x, 5x or 7x


Hung. Nga ni yéshé trömai ku

Tob chen dü dül chenmo yin

Hung. I have the form of Wisdom Troma;

I am the powerful tamer of demons;

Nyön chik gek dang jungpo tsok

Shin gyi la lü di long la

Listen, you hordes of obstructors and elementals;

Accept this ransom of the dead;

Tsé deh tarpai gek ma jeh

Zungpa tong la ching pa dröl

Do not obstruct the liberation of the deceased;

Abandon your grasping; Loosen your bonds;

Dampa lö la nenpa kyok

Bulön len chak jung gyur chik

Slacken your bindings; Release your suppression;

Karmic debts and ancient debts, may they be purified.






Directions n





Hung. Shar chok drizai dön tsok dang

Lo chok shinjéi dön tsok dang

Hung. In the East, the hordes of Ghandharvas;

In the southern direction, the hordes of Yama;

Nub chok lu yi dön tsok dang

Jang chok nöjin dön tsok nam

In the Western direction, the hordes of Nagas;

In the North, the hordes of Harm-Givers,

Shin gyi la lü di long la

Tsé deh tarpai gek ma jeh

Accept this ransom of the dead;

Do not obstruct the liberation of the deceased;

Zungpo tong la chingpa dröl

Dampa lö la nenpa chok

Abandon your grasping; Loosen your bonds;

Slacken your bindings; Release your suppression;

Bulön len chak jung gyur chik Karmic and flesh debts, may they be purified.

Intermediate Directions n





Hung. Shar lho mé lhai dön tsok dang

Lho nub sinpoi dön tsok dang

Hung. In the Southeast the hordes of fire demons;

In the Southwest, the hordes of cannibal demons;

Nub jang lung lhai dön tsok dang

Jang shar wong den dön tsok nam

In the Northwest the hosts of wind element demons;

In the Northeast the hordes of powerful demons;

Shin gyi la lü di long la

Tsé deh tarpai gek ma jeh

Accept this ransom of the dead;

Do not obstruct the liberation of the deceased;

Zungpo tong la chingpa dröl

Dampa lö la nenpa kyok

Abandon your grasping; Loosen your bonds;

Slacken your bindings, release your suppression;

Bulön lenchak jung gyur chik Karmic and flesh debts, may they be purified.

Miscellaneous n





Hung. Teng chok lha yi dön tsok dang

Od chok sadak dön tsok dang

Hung. In the upper direction, the hosts of god demons;

In the lower direction, the assemblies of Earth Lords;

Dé gyé yül lha tu chen dang

Nang si lha dré tamché kün

the powerful realm god of the eight classes;

All the gods and demons of apparent existence,

Shin gyi la lü di long la

Tsé deh tarpai gek ma jeh

accept this ransom of the dead;

Do not obstruct the liberation of the deceased;

Zungpo tong la chingpa dröl

Dampa lö la nenpa kyok

Abandon your grasping; Loosen your bonds;

Slacken your bindings, release your suppression;

Bulön lenchak jung gyur chik Karmic and flesh debts, may they be purified.



Wrathful Admonition n






Hung. Nga ni trö chen barwai ku

Tsé deh di yi la kyer neh

Hung. I am great Troma, with a blazing body;

I carry this departed one;

Shin chak chepai jungpo nam

La lü zangpo di kyer la

Executioners, along with elementals,

I carry this good ransom of the soul;

Nyima dering jin ché neh

Tsé deh rig kyi bu di la

From this very day forward,

this deceased of noble family,

Ma nyé ma kor ma nön chik

Rang gi lü la peh long la

do not harm, don’t encircle, do not obstruct!

Treat this as if it were your own body;

Shen la nöpa ma jeh chik

Ka dang dam leh ma da bar

Do not harm others, don’t do this!

Commands and vows, do not cross them;

So sor rang rang neh su deng

Galté ka leh kyö deh na

Each and every one disperse to your own dwelling place; Otherwise, if you go beyond this command, n


Leh kyi daki nying trak tung

Narmé nyalwai dugngal nyong

action dakinis will drink your heart blood,

and you will experience the suffering of Avici Hell;

Deweh ma nö shen du deng Do not do any harm at all and go elsewhere!


Om Benza Varahi Trodikali Harinisa


Nöjé shin chak la kyer tamché Utsataya Phat Phat Phat. Harmful executioners who carry off the soul, all.. Utsataya Pai, Pai, Pai. Then play the drums and so on, and throw the ransom for the dead outside.

Guidance Through the Six Realms Then for the guidance through the six realms, place the name card at the bottom of the multi-stage stupa. n

Hung. Dak lü ser gyi chörten gyi

Shab su za dré shi shé nen

My body is a golden stupa,

which suppresses the cannibal demons at its base.









Chorten bang rim dango la

Lung gi korlo tsib gui teng

On the first step of the stupa

is a wind mandala of nine points, atop of which

Tsé deh shedang ngowo dé

Du yig nakpo nyi ré leh

is the essence of the hatred of the deceased,

appearing as a black letter Du,

Tsé nyal drang nyal cho gyé chak

Nyön chik tsé deh rig kyi bu

arising as the eighteen hot hells and cold hells;

“Listen, deceased child of noble family;

Shé dang drakpoi leh wong gi

Nyalwai neh su kyé si peh

Under the force of intense hatred,

you may be reborn in the Hell Realms;

Machik nga yi utsuk na

Chomden Mikyö ku dok ting

On the crown of MaChik’s head is

Victor Akshobya, body dark blue in color,

Sa nön nyam shak kyiltrung shug

Yumchen mamki dang tril

seated in vajra posture, with earth suppressing gesture, entwined by the consort Mamaki, n

Longchö dzoku tsen pé dzok

Tsé deh rig kyi bu kyö kyang

with perfect Sambhogakaya form, complete with all marks; Deceased one of noble family, n

Chomden dé la chaktsal chik

Prostrate to these conquerers; n


Chomden dé la kyab shu shik Take refuge in these Conquerors.”

Chomden tukjé özer gyi

Shedang nyalwa tongpar jang

Conquerer, by your light rays of compassion,

cleanse and nullify the hatred of the Hell Realms.

Hung Benzra Dhirka Ah Harinisa

Tsé deh shedang gi leh drib Shuddé Shuddé Bishuddé So Ha. Phat Phat. Phat. The karmic stains of hatred of the deceased: Shuddeh, Shuddeh, Bishuddeh So Ha. Pai, Pai, Pai. n





Tsé deh shedang dribpa dak

Tsa drang dukngal rangsar shi

Purify the Hatred of the deceased;

Pacify the suffering of hot and cold on its own ground;

Zöpai parchin yong su dzok

Namshé pungpo chu kam dak

Completely perfect the paramita of Patience;

Purify the skandha of Consciousness, purify the Water realm.

Mikyö yab yum ku tob gyur

MaChik tukjei chakyu yi

Attain the form of Akshobya and consort;

Through Machik’s hook of compassion,

Bang rim nyipai teng du drong

Nyima dering chin che neh

be guided atop the second stage of the chorten;

Friom his very day forward,

Nyalwai kyé go chöpar shog

Phat Phat Phat.

cut off the door of rebirth in the Hell Realm.

Pai, Pai, Pai.









Chorten bang rim nyipa la

Meh yi korlo tsib sum teng

On the second step of the stupa

is a fire mandala of three sides, atop which

Tsé deh sernai ngowo dé

Pré yig nyi ré yong gyur leh

is the essence of the greed of the deceased,

becoming the two letters PRE;

Yidak drongkyer pakmé sal

Nyön chik tsé deh rig kyi bu

manifests as the countless cities of Yidaks;

“Listen, deceased child of noble family;

Serna drakpoi leh wang gi

Yidak neh su kyé si peh

Under the force of intense greed,

you may be reborn in the Yidak Realm;

Yumchen trülpai korlo na

Chomden Ringjung ku dok ser

In the navel chakra of Great Mother is

Victor Ratnasambhava, body the color of gold,

Chok jin nyamshak kyiltrung shug

Yumchen Sangye Chenma tril

seated in vajra posture, with supreme giving gesture, entwined by the consort Sangye Chenma, n

Longchö dzoku tsen pé dzok

Tsé deh rig kyi bu kyö kyang

with perfect Sambhogakaya form, complete with all marks; Deceased one of noble family, n


Chomden dé la chaktsal chik

Chomden dé la kyab shu shik

prostrate to this Foe-Destroyer;

Take refuge in these Conquerors.”

Chomden tukjé özer gyi

Sernai yidak tongpar jang

By the light rays of compassion of the Buddhas,

the greed of the Yidak world is purified and emptied.


So Ratna Dhrika Ah Harinisa


Tsé deh sernai leh drib Shuddé Shuddé Bishuddé So Ha. Phat Phat Phat. The karmic stains of greed of the deceased: Shuddeh, Shuddeh, Bishuddeh So Ha. Pai, Pai, Pai.






Tsé deh serna dribpa dak

Tré kom dukngal rangsar shi

Purify the greed of the deceased;

Pacify the suffering of hunger & thirst on its own ground;

Jinpai parchin yong su dzok

Tsor pung sa kham nampar dak

Completely perfect the paramita of Generosity;

Purify the skandha of Feeling & purify the Earth realm.

Ringjung yab yum ku tob gyur

MaChik tukjei chakyu yi

Attain the form of Ratnasambhava and consort;

Through Machik’s hook of compassion,

Bang rim sumpai teng du drong

Nyima dering chin ché neh

be guided atop the third stage of the chorten;

From this very day forward,

Yidak kyé go chöpar shog

Phat Phat Phat.

cut off the door of rebirth in the Yidak Realm.

Pai, Pai, Pai.

Place on the third stage of the stupa.










Chorten bang rim sumpa la

Chu yi korlo tsib sum teng

On the third step of the stupa,

is a water mandala of three sides, atop which

Tsé deh timug ngowo dé

Tri yig nyi ré yong gyur leh

is the essence of the ignorance of the deceased,

becoming the two letters TRI,

Düdroi rig ni pakmé sal

Nyön chik tsé deh rig kyi bu

manifesting as the impurity of the Animal Realm;

Listen, deceased child of noble family;

Timuk drakpoi leh wang gi

Düdro neh su kyé si peh

Under the force of intense ignorance,

you may be reborn in the Animal Realm;

Yumchen tralwai ying rum na

Chomden Namnang ku dog kar

In the forehead chakra of Great Mother is

Victor Vairocana, body white in color,

Jangjub chakgya kyiltrung shug

Yumchen Yingchukma dang tril

seated in vajra posture, with Bodhicitta gesture,

entwined by the consort Great Mother Yingchukma,

Longchö dzoku tsen pé dzok

Tsé deh rig kyi bu kyö kyang

with perfect Sambhogakaya form, complete with all marks; You, deceased one of noble family, n


Chomden dé la chaktsal chik

Chomden dé la kyab shu shik

prostrate to this Foe-Destroyers;

Take refuge in these Conquerors;

Chomden tukjé özer gyi

Timug jol song tongpar jang

By the light rays of compassion of the Buddhas,

the stupidity of the animal world is purified and emptied.


Om Dzina Dzika Ah Harinisa


Tsé deh timug gi leh drib Shuddé Shuddé Bishuddé So Ha. Phat Phat Phat. The karmic stains of ignorance of the deceased: Shuddeh, Shuddeh, Bishuddeh So Ha. Pai, Pai, Pai.






Tsé deh timug dribpa dak

Len kuk dugngal rangsar shi

Purify the Ignorance of the deceased;

Pacify the suffering of stupidity on its own ground;

Sherab parchin yong su dzok

Zuk pung namka nampar dak

Completely perfect the paramita of Wisdom;

Purify the skhanda of Form and completely purify Space;

Namnang yab yum ku tob gyur

MaChik tukjei chakyu yi

Attain the form of Vairocana and consort;

Through Machik’s hook of compassion,

Bang rim shipai teng du drong

Nyima dering chin ché neh

be guided atop the fourth stage of the chorten;

From this very time forward,

Düdroi kyé go chöpar shog

Phat Phat Phat.

cut off the door of rebirth in the Animal Realm.

Pai, Pai, Pai. Place on the fourth stage.










Hung. Chorten bang rim shipa la

Sa yi korlo tsib shi teng

On the fourth step of the stupa,

is a earth mandala of four sides, atop which

Tsé deh döchak ngowo dé

Nri yig jangu nyi dé leh

is the essence of the desire of the deceased,

becoming the two green letters NRI,

Ling shi mi yi jigten sal

Nyön chik tsé deh rig kyi bu

manifesting as the four continents of the Human World;

Listen, deceased child of noble family;

Döcahk drakpoi leh wang gi

Mi yi neh su kyé si peh

Under the force of the actions of intense desire,

you may be reborn in the Human Realm;

MaChik longchö korlo na

Chomden Nangwatayé mar

In the throat chakra of the Great Mother is

Victor Amitabha, body red in color;

Nyamchak chakgya kyiltrung shug

Yumchen Naza Karmo tril

Seated in vajra posture, with Bodhicitta gesture,

entwined by the consort Great Mother Nazakarmo,

Longchö dzoku tsen pé dzok

Tsé deh rig kyi bu kyö kyang

with perfect Sambhogakaya form, complete with all marks; You, deceased one of noble family, n


Chomden dé la chaktsal chik

Chomden dé la kyab shu shik

prostrate to this Foe-Destroyer;

Take refuge in these Conquerors;

Chomden tukjé özer gyi

Döchak ling shi tongpar jang

By the light rays of compassion of the Buddhas,

the 4 continents of the Desire Realm are purified and emptied.


Ah Arolika Ah Harinisa


Tsé deh döchak kyi leh drib Shuddé Shuddé Bishuddé So Ha. Phat Phat Phat. The karmic stains of desire of the deceased: Shuddeh, Shuddeh, Bishuddeh So Ha. Pai, Pai, Pai.

Sur Offering

Sprinkle Offerings

Then sprinkle the sur offering, tsampa, tea, butter, alchohol and various edibles. n


Phat. Tongpai ngang leh rinpochéi nö du

Zeh gö za tung pünsum tsokpar gyur

Phat. From emptiness arises a precious vessel in which

is gathered all excellence in objects, clothing, food and drink;

Nama Sarwa Tatagateh Bayo Bishamukeh Bey Sarwa Tegam

Utgate Saparana Imam Gaganakham So Ha 3 times. n

Kyé ma. Nyön chik tsé deh lü jeh rig kyi bu

Ngön tsé gyal seh drimé drakpa deh

Ala! Listen, deceased of noble family who is changing form; In a previous life, when Bodhisattva Vimalikirti n

Den meh tang la jam tsé lha nam kyi was wandering without a seat, the Gods

Dzutrül sengé tri den tingwa tar laid out a magical lion’s throne;






Leh kyi drelpai nyé du tsewa yi

Nam reh ching kar tsangmai den zang ki

These loving relatives connected by karma (offer)

the white cotton cloth, a white felt seat good and pure;

Tsé deh kyö la den gyi kalwar ngo

Tsa drang dugngal tamché rab shi neh

Deceased one, by dedicating this fortunate seat to you,

may the suffering of countless lives be fully pacified;

Dé den jangjub drebu tobpar shog

Ngön tsé gyalbu dé den münpar jam


May you achieve the fruit of bodhi & joy; In other lives, even if you were a happy prince, you will wander in darkness; n



Chenrezig kyi yeshé drönmé yi

Marig münpa salwa déshin du

By the wisdom torch of Chenrezig,

may the obscurity of ignorance be clarified in this way;

Leh kyi drelwai nyé du tséwa yi

Yeshé salwai drönmé di tam neh

Whoever is connected by karma, our loved ones,

through the arisal of the clarifying torch of wisdom,

Tsé deh kyé kyi münpa sel chir ngo

Marig münpa ten neh sang gyur teh


I dedicate that the obscurity of you the deceased, be cleared; Based on the purification of the darkness of ignorance, n







Yeshé salwai ö la dewar shog

Ngön tsé mo-u galbu yi yum zeh

may there be the joy of the Clear Light of Wisdom;

In previous times, Mogulputra offered food to his mother,

Ngö neh ngensong neh neh tarpa tar

Tsé shing jampai nyé drel di dak gi

and she was liberated from the lower realms;

Through this loving kindness of those near to us,

Shalzeh ja cha shim ngar natsok di

Tsé deh kyö la zeh kyi kalwar ngo

this edible torma and various foods, delicious & sweet,

I dedicate to you the deceased this fortunate food;

Zemeh tingdzin zeh la chöpar shog

Ngön tsé gyalbu getong tséleh deh

May it become Inexhaustible samadhi;

In previous times when Prince Getong passed away,

Singmo lhamo deh den sheh gya weh

Dré chang dangwa dutsi ngar dang den

when his sister Lhama Deden, offered

rice beer, a pure and clear sweet-tasting nectar,

Ngö peh tsa drang dugngal shiwa tar

Tsé dung yi la chakpai nyén dün gyi

this dedication pacified the suffering of hot and cold;

Similarly, loving relations and close ones

Za chang o shoi tunga natsog di

Tsé deh kyö la kom gyi kolwar ngo



offer various teas and beers, milk, yogurt and various drinks to you the deceased, to satisfy your thirst; n

Tsé deh kompai dugneal shi gyur neh

La meh jangjub kom dang trepar shog

Through pacifying the suffering of the thirst of the deceased, may you quench the thirst for incomparable Bodhicitta; n

Ngön tsé dramzei bumo pakpai yum

Sernai wang gi yidak yül du cham


In previous time, a noble woman, daughter of a Brahmin, under the power of greed, wandered in the Yidak realm; n

Bu chog Chenrezig kyi tukjé yi

Jin gyi lab pai naza jinpa tar

The compassionate great son of Buddha, Chenrezig,

his blessing is like being clothed in generosity;


13 n




Tsé dung yid la chakpai nyen shay kyi

Tsawai sil yab drangwai kyab gyurpai

Through the offering of loving friends and relatives,

is like a refuge that cools the heat.

Shagö nam ching bal dang dar reh sog

Tsé deh kye la gö kyi kalwar ngo

This hat and cloth, felt seat, wool, silk, cotton, etc.,

these clothing I dedicate to the fortunate deceased;

Nam yang tsé drang dugngal mi jung shing

Yön du dé kyi punsum tsokpar shog

May hot and cold suffering not arise whatsoever and

may there be long happiness, joy and all excellence;

Désheg rinchen mang dang zug dzé dang

Jam leh jig kün dral la chaktsal lo

I prostrate to the Tataghatas, Ratna, Shakyamuni (beautiful form), Manjushri (equanimity), Varapani (free from all fear). n


Deshin shegpa kyé nam denpai tü

Tsé deh döyön long chö kun tob heh

By the force of the truth of you Tatagatas,

may the deceased obtain all wishes, needs and enjoyments.

Kyewa ten gyi longchö jungwar shog However you are born, may pleasure and enjoyment arise;


Om Nama Sarwa Tatahgata Avaloketeh

Om Sambhara Sambhara Hung 3x

Dedicate/offer as much as you can to beggars and the poor, birds dogs, etc.

Offering Mudra

Continuation of Human Realm Guidance n





Tsé deh döchak dribpa dak

Drelpong dugngal rangsar shi

Purify the desire of the deceased;

Pacify the suffering of non-exhaustion on its own ground;

Tsültrim parchin yong su dzok

Dushé mé kham nampar dak

Completely perfect the paramita of Discipline;

Completely purify the skandha of Perception and Fire element.

Namta yab yum ku tob gyur

MaChik tukjei chakyu yi

Attain the form of Amitabha and consort;

Through Machik’s hook of compassion,

Chorten bumpai nang du drong

Nyima dering chin ché neh

be guided to the bell stage of the chorten;

From this very day forward,

Drelpong kyé go chöpar shog

Phat Phat Phat.

cut off the door of poverty consciousness;

Pai, Pai, Pai.

Place on the bottom of the upper bell of the stupa.




Hung. Bum til ser kor tsib gye la

Tsé deh drakdok ngowo deh

Hung. On the golden stage above the chorten sphere, is the essence of the deceased’s Jealousy. n








Su yig nyi reh yong gyur leh

Lha min tab tsö drongkyer sal

as the letter SU, which completely becomes

the city of war and conflict of the Asuras;

Nyön chik tsé deh rig kyi bu

Dradok drakpoi leh wang gi

“Listen, deceased child of noble family;

Under the power of fierce jealously,

Lha min neh su kyé sipeh

Yumchen dé chö korlo na

you may be born and exist in the Asuras Realm;

In the Great Mother’s chakra of great enjoyment,

Chomden Dönyö drubpa jang

Chog jin nyamshak kyiltrung shug

is the green Victor Amogasiddhi,

seated in vajra posture, with the mudra of generosity,

Yumchen Damtsik Drölma tril

Longchö dzok ku tsen pé dzok

entwined by the consort Samaya Tara,

with perfect Sambhogakaya form, complete with all marks,

Tsé deh rig kyi bu kyö kyang

Chomden dé la chaktsal chik

Deceased one of noble family,

prostrate to this Foe-Destroyer;

Chomden dé la kyab shü shik

Chomden tukjé özer gyi

Take refuge in these Conquerors.”

By the light rays of compassion of the Victors,

Tradok lhamin tongpar jang

Ha Prajna Dhrika Ah Harinisa

The jealousy-based Asura Realm is purified and emptied. n

Tsé deh dradok gi leh drib Shuddé Shuddé Bishuddé So Ha. Phat Phat Phat. The karmic stains of greed of the deceased: Shuddeh, Shuddeh, Bishuddeh So Ha. Pai, Pai, Pai.






Tsé deh dradok dribpa dak

Tabtsö dugngal rangsar shi

Purify the jealousy of the deceased;

Pacify the suffering of war and conflict on its own ground;

Samten parchin yong su dzok

Dujé lung kham nampar dak

Completely perfect the paramita of Samadhi;

Fully purify the skandha of Formation and the Air element;

Döndrub yab yum ku tob gyur

MaChik tukjei chakyu yi

Attain the form of Amogha and consort;

Through Machik’s hook of compassion,

Chorten utsi neh su drong

Nyima dering chin ché neh

be guided to the top of the chorten;

From this very day forward,

Lhamin kyé go chöpar shog

Phat Phat Phat.

cut off the door of rebirth in the Asura Realm.

Pai, Pai, Pai.

Place the name card on the upper tier.










Ser gyi chorten u tsé na

Korlo ngo kya tsib gye téng

On the upper spire of the stupa,

is a blue gray mandala of eight sides, atop which

Tsé deh ngagyal ngowo teh

Ah yig karpo yong gyur leh

is the essence of the pride of the deceased,

becoming the white letter AH, from which

Lha kham neh rig tamché sal

Nyön chik tsé deh rig kyi bu

clearly appears the Gods Realm;

“Listen, deceased child of noble family;

Ngagyal drakpoi leh wong gi

Lha yi neh su kyé sipeh

under the force of intense pride,

you may be reborn in the Gods Realms;

Yumchen chö kyi korlo ni

Chomden Dorsem shel kyi dok

In the dharma chakra of Great Mother is

Victor Vajrasattva, body the color of crystal,

Dorjé dril dzin sempai kyil

Yumchen Dorje Nyema tril

seated in vajra posture holding a dorje and bell,

entwined by the consort Dorje Nyema,

Longchö dzok ku tsen pé dzok

Tsé deh rig kyi bu kyö kyi

with perfect Sambhogakaya form, complete with all marks; Deceased one of noble family, n


Chomden dé la chaktsal chik

Chomden dé la kyab shu shik

prostrate to this Foe-Destroyer;

Take refuge in these Conquerors.”

Chomden tukjé özer gyi

Ngagyal lha kham tongpar jong

By the light rays of compassion of the Buddhas,

the pride of the Gods Realm is purified and emptied.


Om Benza Sato Hung


Ah Harinisa tsé deh ngagyal gyi leh drib Shuddé Shuddé Bishuddé So Ha. Phat Phat Phat. The karmic stains of Pride of the deceased: Shuddeh, Shuddeh, Bishuddeh So Ha. Pai, Pai, Pai.


Tsé deh ngagyal dribpa dak

Potung dukngal rangsar shi

The Pride of the deceased is purified; Pacify the suffering of transmigration and falling on its own ground; n



Tsöndru parchin yong su dzok

Yid dang chö kham nampar dak

Completely perfect the paramita of Diligence;

Purify Mind and Phenomena;

Dorsem yab yum ku tob gyur

Nyima dering chin ché neh

Attain the form of Vajrasattva and consort;

From this day forward,

Lhamin kyé go chöpar shog

Phat Phat Phat.

cut off the door of rebirth in the Gods Realm.

Pai, Pai, Pai.

Then the pointing out of the bardo; Cutting the bonds of samsara and showing the way:




Phat. Tsé leh depai teng gi namkai teh na

Dü sum sangye tamché dupai ngowo

Phat, Dwelling above the deceased, straight in the sky,

the condensed essence of the Buddhas of the three times

MaChik lab kyi drönma ku chung la yenlak döpa Dawai den la ku khar tab ling ling is MaChik Labdrön, body in perfect proportion and with fine limbs, on a moon seat, in the form of dancing motion;


Chak da dril sil sil

Sung nyenpai yang kyi Rig gyi bu yar shog

In her hands are damaru and bell, with sweet sound and pleasant melodies: “Child of noble family, come; n



Dakpa kachö kyi shing du dro-o, Ga-o,

Kyi do,

Sungpar gyur

To the pure realm of the Dakinis—go! Happiness!

Joy!” so sayeth she.

Kyé ma tsé deh rig kyi bu

Khyö ni tsé leh depa yin

“Alas, deceased one of noble family,

you have now passed beyond life;

Jigten di neh paröl song

Nang mün bardoi tsam na yö

You have gone beyond this world; When you are in the borderland of the dark appearences of the bardo, n








Sampa tsam gyi tong sum kor

Tok meh dzutrül tob dang den

just by thought you can circle the three realms;

You can create mighty unobstructed miracles;

Nyi dai dribmar kang jé meh

Neh la ngé meh kün du kyam

Day or night, you make no shadow and no footprint;

Place is uncertain—you wander anywhere;

Drok ni shi sön chir yang drok

Zeh ni ngöpa tsam gyi tsim

You can accompany the living or the dead;

You can be satisfied just by the dedication of food;

Chu drak tsikpar togpa meh

Bardo yin no rig kyi bu

Water, rock and wall are no impediment;

You are in the bardo, child of noble family;

Kyö nyi chikbu shiwa min

Tamché shiwai chö chen la

You are not alone in having died;

Everyone dies in this phenomenal world;

Ma duk ma ngal rig kyi bu

Dra özer dang gyob sö dra

Don’t be pained, don’t suffer, child of noble family;

Sounds, radiating light, noises of beating and killing,

Tamché rang nang trülpai yin

Lok neh jungwa chik kyang meh

all this is your own deluded apparition;

It doesn’t arise from any other source whatsoever;

Ma jig ma trak rig kyi bu

Trak tung trowo go nyen tsok

Don’t be afraid, don’t be terrified, child of noble family; Blood-drinkers, wrathful hordes, frightening heads, n

Ur dra chom dra tsön chai char

Tamché yidam sünma yin

clamorous sound, roaring noises, a rain of weapons,

all this is the yidam’s escort;









Ma ngang ma drö rig gyi bu

Korwai neh na dewa meh

Don’t fear, don’t flee, child of noble family;

In the world of Samsara, there is no happiness;

Yül kang shing kham nordzé dang

Nyén dang nyé du rang lü nam

Home, farm and land, objects of wealth,

relatives and close ones, your own body,

Gyuma milam ji shin du

Mitak dralwai chö chen yin

are like an illusion or a dream;

Impermanence & separation are the nature of phenomena;

Takpar nepa chik kyang meh

Ma chak ma shen rig kyi bu

There is no permanence whatsoever,

Don’t cling, don’t be attached, child of noble family;

Kyö la sha trak lüpo meh

Yi lü ming shi tsam la ten

You are without flesh, blood or body;

Your mind-body is just relying on the basis of a name.”







Bardoi namparshepa dé

Ö kyi tiglé chog gong tsam

The bardo consciousne ss

appears like an egg-shaped bindu of light;

Yigé Ah yi tsenpar gom

MaChik Labrön tuka ru

Meditate that the symbol of the syllable AH

flies to the heart of MaChik,

Tetsom mepar gyang sé pang

Ewa mepar truk gé sé

without any deviation, straight as an arrow,

dissolving completely and inseparably;

MaChik tsel chen da pang shin

Dewachen gyi shing du sheg

MaChik, like a potent arrow shooting forth,

arrives in the pure realm of Dewachen and

Metog pemai bub su tim

Padma gyepai zui dru la

dissolves into the interior of a lotus flower

and falls into the stamen of the lotus;

Dzü kyé trulku tobpar shog

Phat Phat Phat.

May one obtain the magical emanation body. Pai, Pai, Pai. Saying thus, the consciousness goes forth and then dissolves into the alaya.


Rang sem troma dang, Rang lü ser gyi chorten nyika mi mikpar gyur. Phat Phat Phat. My mind as Troma and my body as the golden stupa both go beyond conceptualization. Pai, Pai, Pai.

If you practice a session like this daily, it is great merit. This is the meaning of the Chod tradition of the bardo guidance of the deceased. The executioners that had been hooked in previously, must be put under command and sent away—this is important. Thus perform the Chod tsok and Lujin according to the texts. You can do the Taming Ritual once daily and the visualization 6 times a day.. (Signs in dreams of) wild animals, wolves, jackals, bears, gorillas, monkeys, musk deer, partridge, vulture, etc. or the classes of demons being killed, suppressed or bound, means you are successful. Take commands, receive siddhi, give commitments. If signs of completion come fully43, then do the extensive fire puja. But for a condensed version, on an earth platform or slab or stone, using colored chalk, make a triangle, marked by the letter RAM. On top of that, use thorny wood, stacked up in a triangle, and light the fire.


18 Thus saying, in the hearth, place the name card and effigy on a clean slope together and burn. Do the mantras and toss out.


Bam Harinisa Dzala Ram. Nöjé za dré shishay Sarwa Shatrum Maraya Bed Nen. If you don’t do the suppression-burning, it is necessary to burn the paper name card. If you are going to do the suppression, leave the name card. To place the deceased name care in the fire:








Ma yumchen khandro dé nga leh

Yeshé nga yi mé bar weh

From mother Yumchen and the dakinis of the 5 classes,

five wisdom lights blaze forth;

Nang shing sipai jigten gyi

Madak trülpa tamché sek

Phenomena and appearances of the existent world,

their impurity and confusion are all burnt up;

Nö chü tamché ö du shu

Yumchen nga yi ku la tim

The outer vessel and inner contents dissolve into light;

These dissolve into the forms of the five Great Mothers;

Ku nga ö shu bam yig mar

Bam yig dak nyi trömar tim

The five forms dissolves to light, forming a red BAM;

The red BAM syllable dissolves into myself, as Troma;

Tröma ö shu namkar yal

Namka gar kyab sem kyi kyab

Troma dissolves into light, and vanishes into space;

Wherever space pervades, mind pervades;

Sem kyi gar kyab chokö kyab

Chöku yumchen paröl chin

Wherever mind pervades, Dharmakaya pervades;

Great Mother Dharmakaya Prajnaparamita

Kor deh kün kyab dechen ngang

Dro kün sangye tobpar shog. Phat Phat Phat.

pervades all of Samsara and Nirvana, the nature of Great Bliss; May all beings attain Buddhahood. Pai, Pai, Pai. Then settle into non-conceptuality.

School of

Tibetan Healing


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