CHNI NUTRITION REVIEW 2000 Mock Board Examination Nutritional Biochemistry and Clinical Dietetics.docx

April 19, 2019 | Author: Rhonette Gianan | Category: Citric Acid Cycle, Fatty Acid, Glucose, Carbohydrates, Pyruvic Acid
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CHNI NUTRITION REVIEW 2000 Mock Board Examination Nutritional Biochemitr! and Clinical "ietetic I. Nutritional Biochemistry 1. The combination of processes by which the living organism receives and utilizes the materials needed to maintain its function and for the growth and renewal of its components: a. Metabolism b. bsorption c. Nutrition d. !igestion ". ny substance which can be used in the body#s metabolic processes:  a. Metabolite b. Nutrient c. $itamin d. Nucleic acid %. The passage of product of digestion through the intestinal mucosa into the blood and lymph system: a. !igestion b. &'cretion c. bsorption d. Metabolism (. ll the physical and chemical changes which food undergoes in the body to ma)e it absorbable: a. !igestion b. Mastication c. bsorption d. Ingestion *. The formation of glycogen from several glucose units is an e'ample of: of: a. nabolism b. +atabolism c. Metabolism d. None of the above ,. To prevent )etosis- an individual must consume at least  grams of dietary carbohydrates daily: a.1// b. (* c. */ d. 0* 0. ll of the following are accusations against simple sugars e'cept: a. ugar causes misbehaviour in children b. ugar promotes cancer c. ugar causes heart diseases d. ugar causes obesity 2. ll processes add to the level of glucose in the blood e'cept: a. 3lycogenolysis b. 3lycogenesis c. Intestinal absorption d. 3luconeogenesis 4. 3lycogenesis is: a. 5tilization of glucose

b. Brea)down of glycogen to glucose c. ynthesis of glucose from non6glucose sources d. 7ormation of glycogen in liver and muscles 1/. The term glycemic e8ect of food includes the following descriptions e'cept: a. 9ow uic)ly blood glucose returns to normal b. 9ow high blood glucose rises after a meal c. 9ow uic)ly glucose is absorbed after eating d. 9ow long glucose is elevated after a meal 11. +hemical brea)down of energy6giving nutrients: a. bsorption b. Metabolism c. ;'idation d. arge lipids such as monoglycerides and long6chain fatty acids must Arst merge into  prior to absorption and transport a. Micelles b. +hylomicron c. >!> d. 9!> %/. 7atty acids concentrated in animal foods such as chic)en- por)- and dairy products and in palm and coconut oil a. Monounsaturated fatty acids b. aturated fatty acids c. ?olyunsaturated fatty acids d. None of the above %1. Transport form of fat in the body after digestion and absorption  a. Micelles b. Bile c. +holesterol d. +hylomicrons %". Before their release into the lymph- lipids combine with a. Bile acids b. +arbohydrates c. ?roteins d. ecretin %%. ?olyunsaturated fatty acid predominating in the diet a.;leic acid b. rachidonic acid c. >inolenic acid d. >inoleic acid %(. The end product of anaerobic phase of glucose metabolism a. cetyl +o b. ?yruvate and lactic acid c. +arbon dio'ide and water d. ll of the above %*. n omega6% fatty acid which plays a ma=or role in retinal function and brain development is now believed to be essential for infants a. lpha6linolenic acid G>H b. &icosapentaenoic acid G&?H c. !ecosahe'aenoic acid G!9H d. None of the above

%,. These are lipoproteins made primarily by liver cells to transport lipids to various tissues in the body a. 9!> b. >!> c. $>!> d. +hylomicron %0.  nutritionally omega6% fatty acid concentrated in Ash oils and shellAsh a. >inoleic @ >inoleic b. &? @ !9 c. &? d. !9 @ linoleic %2. +oenzyme reuired in o'idative decarbo'ylation a. Biotin b. B1" c. T?? d. ?yrido'al phosphate %4. It is important in lipid metabolism carrying long6chain fatty acids to the mitochondria for beta6o'idation a. +arnitine b. >ecithin c. +holesterol d. +ephalin (/. It does not contain cholesterol a. ?eanut butter b. +heese c. 7ish d. >ean meat (1. If bile is not released into the small intestines- it would imnpair the digestion and absorption of a. 7at b. +arbohydrates c. Minerals d. ?roteins (". implesse- formulated from egg white or mil) protein- gives only 16")calEg and is used in reduced6fat and fat6free foods li)e salad dressings- cheeses- @ frozen desserts. This synthetic lipid is an e'ample of a. tructured lipid b. Medium chain triglyceride c. 7at substituteEreplacer d. None of the above (%. ynonymous to rebs cycle  a. +itric acid cycle  b. 3lycolysis c. Tricarbo'ylic acid cycle d. erobic pathway ((. The reactions in which electrons are removed from a molecule a. +ondensation b. ;'idation c. !eamination d. Transamination

(*. It is a series of proteins that serve as electron CcarriersD a. 3luconeogenesis b. denosine phosphate c. Tricarbo'ylic acid cycle d. ;'idative phosphorylation (,. &nd product of glycolysis of " glucose molecules a. cetyl +o b. " pyruvic acid c. ( acetyl +o d. ( pyruvic acid (0. The principal nitrogen6e'cretion product of metabolism a. mmonia b. mmonium c. +reatinine d. 5rea (2. The carbon compound used as the starting material of the T+ a. cetyl +o b. ?yruvate c. 3lycerol d. +arbon dio'ide (4. It is deAned as the nonphysiological regulation of eating a. 9unger b. atiety c. ppetite d. !ensity */. 9ormone that facilitates the brea)down of glycogen to glucose a. ndrogen b. ldosterone c. ?arathyroid d. &pinephrine *1.  product of carbohydrate metabolism used for muscular contraction a. cetic acid b. >actic acid c. ?yruvic acid d. uccinic acid *". ll factors may a8ect BM< e'cept a. Muscle mass b. Body temperature c. 9unger d. ge *%. n average sedentary individual e'pends roughly  of hisEher total caloric inta)e on physical activity a. 1* b. "* c. %/ d. %* *(. Brown fat di8ers from yellow fat since it contains more

a. ysosomes d. Mitochondria **.  good source of carbohydrate and protein a. +ornstarch b. 9oney c. oybeans d. Molasses *,. !uring the fasting stage- one of the following occurs: a. 3lycogen brea)down b. 3lycogen synthesis c. protein synthesis d. fat synthesis *0. ?athway followed by N9" after o'idative deamination a. ?urine and uric acid synthesis b. 5rea deto'iAcation c. etogenesis d. 7at synthesis *2. It needs further digestion before it can be absorbed in the blood a. 3alactose b. sucrose c. fructose d. glucose *4. ;ne of the following can use glucose only for energy in normal conditions a. >iver b. muscle c. )idneys d. brain and nervous system ,/. NutrientEs with a protein6saring e8ect a. +arbohydrates b. fat c. vitamin d. both a @ b ,1. The ration between caloric content and the nutrient composition in a food a. 3lycemic inde' b. Nutrient density c. nutrient adeuacy d. energy density ,".Inactive precursors of enzymes a. poenzymes b. coenzymes c. zwitterions d. zymogens

,%. mino acids lac)ing in a protein is called a. Non6essential amino acid b. &ssential amino acid

c. limiting amino acid d. neutral amino acid ,(.  protein source that does not contain cholesterol a. +heese b. rice c. tuna Ash d. roast beef ,*. Based on N?5 values- the body uses most eJciently the protein in a. ?eanuts GN?5K(%H b. oybeans GN?5K,1H c. chic)en GN?5K0%H d. mil) GN?562"H ,,. ource of complete protein a. evel of physical activity %. &nvironmental temperature a. 1 @ % b. 1- % @ ( c. "- % @ (

". ge (. Body weight

d. 1- " @ % 2". LaterEuid balance is maintained by the a. )idney b. hypothalamus c. a @ b d. none of the above 2%. dult reuirement for water a. 1.*>E1///)cal b. ">E1///)cal c. 1>E1///)cal d. ".*>E1///)cal 2(.  purple pigment in the rod cells involved in the coversion of light energy into nerve impulses in the retina a. ;psin b. rhodopsin c. iodopsin d. none of the above 2*. ;rgani' essential nutrients reuired in small amounts by the body a. Minerals b. water c. carbohydrates d. vitamins 2,64/ K 1- "- % BK 1- % +K"- ( !K( &Kll 2,. $itamin B1" 1. ?articipates in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine ". +ontains cobalt %. Lhen in=ected into patient with pernicious anemia- overcomes the lac) of intrinsic factor (. +an be obtained from peas and carrots  B + ! & 20. $itamin  1. ?lays an essential role in preventing thrombosis ". !ecreases the coagulation time in newborn infants with hemorrhagic disease %. Is present in high concentration in cow#s mil) or breast mil) (. Is synthesized by intestinal bacteria  B + ! & 22. $itamin  1. +an be enzymically formed from dietary beta6carotene ". Is transported from the intestine to the liver by chylomicrons %. Is the light absorbing portion of rhodopsin (. Is phosphorylated an dephosphorylated during the visual cycle  B + ! & 24. lpha6tocopherol 1. 7unctions mainly as an antio'idant ". !eAciency is commonly found in adults %.
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