CHN Sas 8-11

July 26, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SAS 8 Check for Understanding 1. In order to solicit cooperation /assistance of the community in the environmental sanitation program, which of the following needs to be done first? a. Create public awareness on the environmental sanitation problems b. Form working groups or committees c. Solicit the help of the municipal and barangay officials d. Involve community members in the sanitation program ANSWER: A. RATIONALE: It is important to spread awareness to the community first so that they will be updated and know what is happening. 2. The RHU team consist of the following except: a. Community health workers b. Public health nurse c. Health axillary volunteer  d. Respiratory therapist ANSWER: D. RATIO RA TIONA NALE LE:: A respir respirato atory ry therap therapist ist (RT) (RT) is a ce certi rtifie fied d medic medical al profes professi siona onall who who specializes in providing healthcare for your lungs. They have advanced knowledge of  high-tech equipment, such as mechanical ventilators. RTs work alongside doctors and nurses. 3. Tertiary Care by the home health nurse is directed towards children with: a. Problem in mobility b. Minor problems c. Short-term needs d. Clinically apparent disease ANSWER: A. RATIONALE: Disability prevention and rehabilitation is the level of prevention in tertiary care. 4. Nurse Nicolas is scheduled for Pap smear. She has a strong family history for cervical cancer. This is an example of? a. Secondary prevention b. Primary prevention c. Tertiary prevention d. Health screening ANSWER: A. RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: Seconda Secondary ry prevention emphasizes early disease detection, and its target is healthy hea lthy-app -appeari earing ng individu individuals als with subclinic subclinical al forms forms of the diseas disease. e. The subclini subclinical cal disease consists of pathologic changes, but no overt symptoms that are diagnosable in a doctor's visit. Secondary prevention often occurs in the form of screenings. For example, a Papa Papanic nicola olaou ou (Pap) (Pap) smea smearr is a form form of seco seconda ndary ry preve preventi ntion on ai aimed med to diagno diagnose se cervical cancer in its subclinical state before progression. 5. Which of the following is the new Mission of the DOH?


a. Promote healthy lifestyle b. Ensure accessibility and quality of health care c. Equitable and people-centered health system d. Improve general’s health status of the people ANSWER: C. RATIONALE: The new mission of the DOH is to lead the country in the development of a productive, resilient, equitable and people-centered health system. 6. The new vision of the DOH is: a. Health for all Filipinos by 2012 b. Leader, staunch, advocate and model in promoting health for all in the Philippines c. Guarantee equitable and quality health for all Filipinos d. Healthiest people in Southeast Asia by 2022, and Asia by 2040 ANSWER: D. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: The new vision vision of the DOH is to include Filipinos Filipinos among the hea healthie lthiest st people in Southeast Asia by 2022, and Asia by 2040. 7. If the primary level of care is not capable of solving the problem, where would you prefer for  secondary level of care? a. Rehabilitation center  b. Barangay captain house c. Doctor’s clinic in the municipality d. District hospital ANSWER: D. RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: The choices for location in secondary level of care are the district hospital, municipal hospital, provincial hospital, and city hospital. 8. Health sectors reform has been formulated because of the following excepts: a. Persistence of large variations in health status across population groups and geographic areas b. Arising burden from chronic and degenerative diseases c. High burden from infectious disease d. Burden from disease is heaviest among middle class families ANSWER: D.: The rationa RATIO RA TIONA NALE LE: rationale le of HSRA HSRA is slowi slowing ng down down in the re reduc ductio tion n in the infant infant mortalit mort ality y rate and maternal maternal mortality mortality health, health, persiste persistence nce of large large variatio variation n in health health status across population groups and geographical areas, high burden from infectious diseases, rising burden from chronic and degenerative diseases, unattended emerging health risk for environmental environmental and work-related work-related factors, burden of diseases diseases is heaviest heaviest on the poor. 9. The DOH adopted which of the following as the framework for the implementation of the health sector reform? a. FOURmula One for Health b. National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) c. High Five Formula d. HealthcareA. system upgrading plan ANSWERS:


RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: The framework framework for impleme implementat ntation ion of HSRA HSRA is the FOURmula FOURmula ONE for  Health having its goals and elements of strategy. 10. Health care services were devolved to the Local Government Units (LGU) for the following reasons except: a. To transform LGU into self- reliant communities b. To involve people in the development and progress of their communities c. Empower local health officials d. To provide people better access to decision making ANSWER: D. RATIONALE: The implementation of the Local Government Code of 1991 resulted in the devolution of health services to local government units (LGUs) which included among others the provision, provision, management and maintenance maintenance of health services at different levels of LGUs LGUs.. What What used used to be a cent centra rali lize zed d nati nation onal al heal health th sy syst stem em beca became me many many independent local health systems. After more than seventeen (17) years of devolution, improvements in health status of populations show marked variations across LGUs. Variations in health status were associated with variations in the performance of health care providers and health care professionals in localities.


SAS 9 Check for Understanding 1. Which of the following agencies will be responsible for the protection and promotion of the people’s health? a. Local Government Unit b. Department of Interior and Local Government c. Department of health d. Barangay and Municipal Councils ANSWER: C. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: The Department Department of Health Health serves as the main governin governing g body of health health services in the country. 2. A method wherein the superficial soft parts of the body are rubbed, stroked, kneaded, or  tapped for remedial, aesthetic, hygienic, or limited therapeutic purposes a. Massage b. Chiropractic c. Acupuncture d. Acupressure ANSWER: A. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: Massage Massage is a method method wherein wherein the superfic superficial ial soft parts parts of the body are rubbed rub bed,, st strok roked ed,, knead kneaded ed,, or tapped tapped for remedi remedial al,, ae aesth stheti etic, c, hygie hygienic nic,, or lim limite ited d therapeutic purposes. 3. The Department of Health adopts measures to augment basic services and facilities assigned to LGU’s. which of the following are priority areas for the provision of assistance by the DOH? a. Areas where studies/researches on health are conducted b. Selected areas in the city c. Areas recommended by government /local officials d. Less developed and deserving local government units ANSWER: D. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: One of the basic principles principles is to achi achieve eve improveme improvement nt in health is the health and nutrition of vulnerable groups must be prioritized. 4. Which of the following assistance is/are far given by the DOH to the LGU? a. Provide health information statistics and other necessary data b. All of these forms of assistance c. Ensure that public have access to higher and more advanced facilities d. Monitor and evaluate local health projects, programs and services ANSWER: B. RATIONALE: All of these are given by the DOH to the LGU, they both work hand-in-hand. 5. Primary health care as a strategy in the delivery of health care services is best characterized characterized by: a. Essential health services accessible and acceptable to the community b. Partnership and among health workers c. Provision of between health services at thethe district level


d. Top-down decision making ANSWER: A. RATIO RA TIONA NALE LE:: Esse Essenti ntial al he healt alth h care care ma made de unive univers rsall ally y ac acce cess ssibl ible e to indiv individu iduals als and families in the community by means acceptable to them, through their full participation and at cost that the community can afford at every stage of development. 6. The following are strategies of primary health care, EXCEPT: a. Reorien Reorientati tation on and reorgan reorganizat ization ion of the health health care systems with the establis establishme hment nt of  functi fun ction onal al suppo support rt mecha mechanis nism m in suppo support rt of the manda mandate te of de devol volut ution ion un unde derr the lo local cal government code of 1991. b. Effective preparation and enabling process for health action at all levels. c. Mobilization of the people to know their communiti communities es and identifying identifying their basic health needs with wit h the end end in view view of provid providin ing g appro appropri priate ate solut solution ions s leadin leading g to se selflf-rel relian iance ce an and d selfselfdetermination. d. None of the above ANSWER: A. RATIONALE: This is the legislated Republic Act No. 7160. 7. The devolution of health services to the local government unit was mandated by: a. R.A 7160 b. Executive Order 51 c. R.A. 7305 d. R.A. 7164 ANSWER: A. RATIONALE: The 1987 Philippine Constitution mandated the Congress to “enact a local governme gove rnment nt code code which which shall shall provide provide for a more responsiv responsive e and account accountable able local governme gove rnment nt structur structure e institut instituted ed through through a system system of decentr decentraliz alizatio ation n with effectiv effective e mechani mec hanisms sms of recall, recall, initiati initiative ve and referend referendum, um, allocate allocate among the different different local local governme gove rnment nt units their powers, powers, respons responsibil ibilities ities,, and resourc resources, es, and provide provide for the qualifications, election, appointment and removal, term, salaries, powers and functions and an d duties duties of local local offic officia ials, ls, and and al alll other other matte matters rs relati relating ng to the organi organiza zatio tion n and operation of the local units (Section 3, Article X).” In response to this Constitutional directive, the Congress legislated the Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Government Code of 1991 (hereafter Code), which was signed into law on October  10, 1991 and took effect on January 1, 1992. 8. What care strategy has the Department of Health used for accessibility of health? a. Deregulation of health services b. Regionalization of health services c. opening barangay wellness clinics d. Primary Health Care ANSWER: D. RATIONALE: Primary health care is the essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them, through their  fu full ll part partic icip ipat atio ion n and and at cost cost th that at th the e comm commun unit ity y ca can n af affo ford rd at ev ever ery y st stag age e of  development..


9. Which of the following herbal can be recommended for scabies? a. kakawati fresh leaves b. kaymito leaves c. kabuyao leaves d. lagundi leaves ANSWER: D. RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: Lagundi leaves can be used for asthma, cough and colds, fever, dysentery, pain, and skin diseases (scabies, ulcer, eczema), wounds. 10. Which of the following alternative alternative care can be recommended recommended for alleviating pain by applying pressure on the body surfaces? a. Acupuncture b. Acupressure c. Aromatherapy d. Pranic Healing ANSWER: B. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: Acup Acupress ressure ure is a method method of healing healing and health health promotio promotion n that uses the application of pressure on acupuncture points without puncturing the skin. 11. Should you teach a member of household on the use of niyog-niyugan, what possible disease condition could be remedied? a. parasitism b. none of these c. fever  d. Constipation ANSWER: A. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: Anthelmi Anthelmintic ntics s are a type of medicin medicine e that kil kills ls helminth helminths. s. Helminth Helminths s are worm-like parasites such as flukes, roundworms, and tapeworms. It is important that anthelmintics are selectively toxic to the parasite and not the host.


SAS 10 Check for Understanding 1. A nurse demonstrated caring by helping the family members to: Select that all apply. a. Become active participants in care b. Remove themselves from personal care c. Make health care decision for the patient d. Have uninterrupted time for family and patient to be together  e. Have opportunities for the family to discuss their concerns ANSWER: A., D., E. RATIONALE: These are the characteristics of a family as a client. 2. Which of the followings most greatly affects a family’s access to adequate health care, opportunity for education and sound nutrition? a. Development b. Family function c. Family structure d. Economic stability ANSWER: D. RATIONALE: Finance is one of the biggest factors and needs of a family. 3. Which Which of th the e follo followin wing g family family asses assessme sment nt are most most import importan antt for succes successfu sfull fa famil mily y caregiving? Select that apply: a. Educational level of family members b. Cultural references c. Collaboration between family members d. Social support e. Conflict resolution practices ANSWER: C., D., E. RATIONALE: These are just come of the behaviors indicating a well family. 4. Which of the following phases of parental process that changing identities and role of both husband and wife are sources of anxieties concerns? a. Establishment Phase b. Expectant Phase c. Parenteral Phase d. None of the above ANSWER: D. RATIONALE: This is the authoritative stage on which they have to learn to accept their  authority and decide how much control they need to exercise on their child. 5. Particular societal trends may have an influence on the overall health of families and create a challen cha llenge ge for health health care provide providers, rs, especial especially ly the nurses. nurses. Of the following following trends, trends, which which represents the greatest current health care challenge to nurses? a. Single-parent families b. “Sandwiched” or middle generation c. Alternate relationship patterns d. “Homelessness”


ANSWER: D. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: One of the family family tasks is physica physicall maintena maintenance nce in which which these these things things should be provided - food, shelter, clothing, and health care to its members being certain that a family has ample resources to provide. 6. When a nurse is working with families, the nurse may view the family as context or client. Which of the following examples demonstrates the view of the family as context? a. The client’s ability to understand and manage his or her own dietary needs b. The family’s ability to support the client’s dietary and recreational needs c. The adjustment of the client and family to changes in diet and exercise d. The family’s demands on the client based on his or her role performance ANSWER: A. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: When the nurse nurse views views the family family as context, context, the primary primary focus is on the health and development of an individual member existing within the client's family. The client's ability to understand and manage his or her own dietary needs demonstrates the view of the family as context. The family's ability to support the client's dietary and recreational needs demonstrates the view of the family as client. The family's demands on the client based on his or her role performance demonstrates the view of the family as cl clie ient nt.. The The adju adjust stme ment nt of th the e clie client nt and and fami family ly to chan change ges s in diet diet and and ex exer erci cise se demonstrates demonstra tes the view of the family as client. Nursing practice that focuses on family as client is also known as family systems nursing. 7. Nurse Jay is observing for the signs of a healthy family. In an assessment of a healthy family, nurse Jay expects to find that: a. Minimal influence is exerted on the environment. b. The structure is flexible enough to adapt to crises c. A passive response exists to stressors. d. Change is viewed as detrimental to family processes ANSWER: B. RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: A healthy family has a flexible structure that allows adaptable perfor performance mance of tasks and acceptance acceptance of help from outside the family system. The structure is flexible enough to allow adaptability but not so flexible that the family lacks cohesiveness and a sense of stability. The healthy family is able to integrate the need for stability with the need for growth and change. It does not view change as detrimental to family processes processes.. The healthy family demonstrates control over the environment and does not passively respond to stressors. The healthy family exerts influence on the immediate environment of home, neighborhood, and school. 8. Nurse Luna is visiting Mrs. Panalo and her family in the community for the first time. In completing Mrs. Panalo and her family’s assessment, the nurse should begin by: a. Evaluating communication patterns b. Testing the family’s ability to cope c. Determining the family’s structure and attitudes d. Gathering the health data from all the family members ANSWER: D. RATIONAL RATI ONALE: E: The nurse begins begins the family family assess assessmen mentt by determin determining ing issues issues that are pertinent to theengage client's in well-being. During the assessment the nurse, client, and and reflect family collaboratively conversation to systematically collect information


on the issues important to the client's well-being. Gathering health data from the family members is not the starting point for a family assessment. Testing a family's ability to cope co pe is not not wher where e the the nurs nurse e shou should ld begi begin n a fa fam mil ily y as asse sess ssme ment nt.. Eva valu luat atin ing g communication barriers would not be an initial action of the nurse when completing a client's family assessment. 9. Nurse Sheena is visiting the client and family in the home after the client’s discharge from the Changi Chan gi Medica Medicall Cent Center. er. Nurse Nurse Shee Sheena na se seeks eks to assist assist the clien clientt to return return to th the e ho home me environment. In implementing family-centered care, the nurse: a. Assists family members to assume dependent roles b. Provides his or her own beliefs on how to solve problems c. Offers information about necessary self-care abilities d. Works with clients to help them accept blame for their interactions ANSWER: C. RATIONALE: The nurse must first ask the client if she able to do self-care activities, and if she says yes then proceed with teaching her then the family for assistance. 10. Nurse Robert is observing the interaction of family members during a home visit. Nurse Robert recognizes that the optimal goal of effective communication within the family is: a. Better financial conditions for the family b. Socialization among individual members c. Problem solving and psychological support d. Role development of individual members ANSWER: C. RATIO RA TIONA NALE LE:: Commu Communic nicati ation on is esse essenti ntial al in a family family as this this will will help help incorp incorpora orate te physi phy sica cal, l, psych psychos osoci ocial al and and cultu cultura rall aspe aspects cts of the family family al along ong with with intera interact cting ing relationships.


SAS 11 Check for Understanding 1. A nurse is preparing to conduct interview survey. Which of the following data should the nurse collect as a component of the assessment (Select that all Apply: a. Family structure, characteristics and dynamic b. Individual who holds power within the community c. ethnic background and religious affiliation d. stress management of other healthy lifestyle activities ANSWER: A., C., D. RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: Another major method of data gathering is the interview and they can be throug thr ough h comple completin ting g a he healt alth h hi histo story ry and/o and/orr collec collectin ting g data data by person personall ally y as askin king g significant family members or relatives. 2. A nurse is completing a need assessment and beginning analysis of data. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. Determine health patterns within collected data b. Compile collected data into a database c. Ensure data collection is complete d. Identify health needs of the family ANSWER: B. RATIONALE: Utilizing the data generated from the tool on initial base in family nursing practice, the nurse goes through data analysis. She sorts out and classify or group data by ty type pe or natu nature re (e.g (e.g., ., whic which h are are well wellne ness ss st sta ate tes, s, thre threat ats, s, defi defic cit its s or st stre ress ss points/foreseeable crisis. She relates them with each other and determines patterns or  reoccurring themes among data. She then compares these data and the patterns or  reoccurring themes with norms or standards. 3. A nurse is collecting data to identify health needs in the family. Which of the following examples should the nurse identify as secondary data? Select that all apply. a. Birth statistics b. Previous heath survey c. Interview survey d. Community forum e. Health records ANSWER: A., B., E. RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: Second-level Second-level assessment data includes: includes: specify or describe the family’s realities,, perceptions about and attitudes, and performance of health ttask realities ask on each health condition or problem identified during the first level assessment. 4. A nurse is conducting conducting a family assessment. assessment. Which of the following data collection methods methods is the nurse using when having direct conversation with individual in the family? a. Key informant interview b. Participant observation c. Focus group d. Health survey ANSWER: A.


RATIONALE: RATIONAL E: This is the second type inter intervie view w is collecti collecting ng data by persona personally lly asking si sign gnif ific ican antt fa fami mily ly memb member ers s or rela relati tive ves s ques questi tion ons s rega regard rdin ing g he heal alth th,, fa fami mily ly li life fe experiences and home environment to generate data on what wellness condition and health problems exist in the family (first level and second level of assessment). Informant interviews interview s are direct conversations conversations with individual individual community community members for the purpose of obtaining ideas and opinions. 5. A planning a family health program. Which of the following actions should the nurse   nurse is planning include as part of the evaluation plan? a. Determine availability of resources to initiate the plan b. Gain approval for the program from the family leaders c. Establish a timeline for implementation of intervention d. Compare program impact to similar programs ANSWER: D. RATIO RA TIONA NALE LE:: The nurse nurse shoul should d includ include e a compa comparis rison on of progra program m impac impactt to si simi milar  lar  programs as part of the evaluation plan. This comparison assists with determining the efficiency efficienc y of the program.

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