CHM144-experiment 3.docx
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CHM144L Industrial Chemistry Laboratory 4th Quarter SY 2015-2016
Detergent Making De Jesus, Medarlo B.1, Benjamin, Zidrick Ed C. 2 1
ro!essor" S#hool o! Chemi#al $n%ineerin%" Chemistry and &iote#hnolo%y" Ma'ua Institute o! (e#hnolo%y) 2Student *s+" CHM144L,42" S#hool o! Chemi#al $n%ineerin%" Chemistry and &iote#hnolo%y" Ma'ua Institute o! (e#hnolo%y
ABSTRACT Detergent is an effective cleaning product because it contains one or more surfactants. Because of their chemical makeup, the surfactants used in detergents can be engineered to perform well under a variet of conditions. Detergents are widel used to indicate snthetic cleaning compounds that cover both soap and snthetic detergents. Solubili!ation is a process in removal of stains. "n this process, detergent molecules in water aggregates into spherical clusters. There are three components in making detergents. These are surfactants, builders and additives. Surfactants are an compound that affects surface tension when dissolved in water or which similarl affects interfacial tension organic derivatives. "t performs the primar cleaning and sudsing of the washing action in the same wa through the reduction of surface tension. Builders enhance the compatibilit of soap with water and it is known as water softeners. Calcium ions are binded with the builders which results precipitate. Additives boost the performace of the detergent power. The purpose of this e#periment is to be able to prepare detergent and to understand the process of making powdered detergent. "t also aims to design a procedure in evaluating the performance of the powdered detergent produce versus leading brand in the market. $urthermore, it aims to identif the various roles of the raw materials in making powdered detergent. The e#periment was divided into two parts% &'( Detergent making, and &)( *valuation of the products. The apparatus used in the e#periment were )+-m beaker, *lectronic balance, spatula, '-m beaker, '-m graduated clinder, electronic balance and stirring rod. "n addition, the chemicals used were coconut fatt alcohol sulfate &C$AS(, linear alkl-ben!l sulfonic acid &ABS(, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate &light grade(, and sodium tripolphospate &ST//(. Keywords. Keywords.Detergent, surfactants, builders, additives, performance, cleaning
"0TR1D2CT"10 det deter% er%ent ent is an e!! e!!e#t e#ti/e i/e #le #leani anin% n% 'ro 'rodu# du#tt be# be#aus ausee it #ont #o ntai ains ns on onee or mo more re su sur! r!a# a#ta tant nts s &e &e#a #ause use o! th thei eirr #hemi#al maeu'" the sur!a#tants used in deter%ents #an be en%ineered to 'er!orm ell under a /ariety o! #onditions Su#h Su #h su sur! r!a#t a#tan ants ts ar aree le less ss se sens nsititi/ i/ee th than an so soa' a' to th thee hardness minerals in ater and most ill not !orm a !ilm Lie the !atty a#ids used in soa' main%" both 'etroleum and !ats and oil oilss #on #ontai tainn hyd hydro# ro#arb arbon on #ha #hains ins tha thatt are re'elled by ater but attra#ted to oil and %rease in soils (hese hydro#arbon #hain sour#es are used to mae the ater-hatin% end o! the sur!a#tant sur!a#tant mole#ule 3eter%ents are idel 3eter%ents idelyy used to indi# indi#ate ate syntheti# #leanin% #leanin% #om'ounds that #o/er both soa' and syntheti# deter%ents (here are di!!erent !orms o! deter%ent It #an be %ranules" 'oder" bar or liuid It is !ormulated to 'rodu#e a 'rodu#t o! the des desire iredd #ha #hara#t ra#teri eristi sti#s #s ran ran%in% %in% !ro !rom m ma maimu imum m #leanin% 'oer" maimum #leanin% unit o! #ost to maimum biode%r bio de%rada adabil bility ity 3et 3eter% er%ent entss ha/ ha/ee !ou !ourr mai mainn %ro %rou's. u's. anioni#" #ationi#" non-ioni# and am'hoteri# nioni#s are the lar%est %rou' hi#h are usually the sodium salt an or%ani or% ani## sul sul!at !atee or sul sul!on !onate ate su suall allyy" /ar /ariou iouss des desirab irable le 'ro'erties are 'resent in #ommer#ial 'rodu#ts
Experiment 03│ Date: 5/18/2015
Solubili7 Solubi li7ati ation on is a 'ro 'ro#es #esss in rem remo/a o/all o! sta stains ins In thi thiss 'ro#ess 'ro #ess"" det deter%e er%ent nt mol mole#ul e#ules es in at ater er a%% a%%re%a re%ates tes int intoo s'heri#al #lusters (hese #lusters are #alled the mi#elles 8n the inside o! the mi#elle" the hydro#arbon 'arts o! the mole#ules %ather to%ether hile the 'olar %rou's %ather on the outside 3yes" and other oil-soluble oil-soluble ater ater-insol -insoluble uble #om'ounds are dissol/ed into the #enter o! the mi#elle attra#ted by the hydro#arbon %rou's Lieise" soil remo/al is a##om a##om'lishe 'lishedd by etti ettin%" n%" emuls emulsi!yin i!yin%" %" dis'e dis'ersin% rsin% and solubili7in% the soil by the #leanin% a%ent Cleanin% a%ents su#h as deter%ents #ontains hydro'hili# %rou's on one end and hydro'hobi# %rou's on the other end (hese is the s'e#ial 'ro'erty used in soil remo/al Solubili7ation is a method in hi#h e remo/e dirt and other stains In this 'ro#ess the mole#ules in ater a%itates hi#h !orms small s'heri#al #lusters hi#h are #alled mi#e mi #elllles es Mi Mi#e #elllles es ar aree lili'i 'idd mo mole le#u #ule less th that at ar arra ran% n%ee themsel/es in a s'heri#al !orm in aueous solutions (he !ormat !or mation ion o! a mi# mi#ell ellee is a res' res'ons onsee to the am' am'hi' hi'ath athi# i# natu na ture re o! !a !att ttyy a# a#id ids" s" me mean anin in%% th that at th they ey #o #ont ntai ainn bo both th hydr hy dro' o'hi hilili## re re%i %ion onss *' *'ol olar ar he head ad %r %rou ou's 's++ as e ellll as hydro'hobi# re%ions *the lon% hydro'hobi# #hain+ Inside the mi# mi#ell elle" e" at ater er ins insolu oluble ble #om #om'ou 'ounds nds are dis dissol sol/ed /ed Lie Li ei ise" se" so soilil re remo mo/a /all is a# a##o #om' m'lilish shed ed by e ett ttin in%" %" emulsi emu lsi!yi !yin%" n%" dis dis'er 'ersin sin%% and sol solubi ubili7 li7in% in% the soi soill by the
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CHM144L Industrial Chemistry Laboratory 4th Quarter SY 2015-2016
#leanin% a%ent Cleanin% a%ents su#h as deter%ents #ontains hydro'hili# %rou's on one end and hydro'hobi# %rou's on the other end (hus this is the reason hy deter%ents #ould mi 'olar and non 'olar #om'ounds (here are three #om'onents in main% deter%ents (hese are sur!a#tants" builders and additi/es Sur!a#tants are any #om'ound that a!!e#ts sur!a#e tension hen dissol/ed in ater or hi#h similarly a!!e#ts inter!a#ial tension or%ani# deri/ati/es It 'er!orms the 'rimary #leanin% and sudsin% o! the ashin% a#tion in the same ay throu%h the redu#tion o! sur!a#e tension (he #leanin% 'ro#ess is di/ided into three 9irst is thorou%hly ettin% the dirt and the sur!a#e o! the arti#le bein% ashed ith soa' or deter%ent solution (he se#ond one is remo/in% the dirt !rom the sur!a#e (he last one is maintainin% the dirt in a stable solution or sus'ension (he 'enetration o! the deter%ent to the !abri# de'ends on its ettin% ability n in#rease o! ettin% ability results to easy 'enetration In addition" another !a#tor that also a!!e#ts the e!!i#ien#y" 'er!orman#e" and #ost is its biode%radability 9urthermore" sur!a#tants are a series o! or%ani# #om'ounds ith an alyl %rou' o! 11 #arbon atoms #onne#ted to ben7enesul!onate lyl sul!ates #an be used as an alternati/e C9S is an eam'le o! alyl sul!ates &uilders enhan#e the #om'atibility o! soa' ith ater and it is non as ater so!teners Cal#ium ions are binded ith the builders hi#h results 're#i'itate (hese boost the 'er!orma#e o! the deter%ent 'oer Some eam'le o! builders are sodium #arbonate" tetrasodium 'yro'hos'hate and sodium tri'ol'hos'hate *S(+ In this e'eriment" sodium #arbonate and S( are used dditi/es are o'tional (his im'ro/es the 'er!orman#e o! the deter%ent Some o! these 'er!orman#es are the antirede'osition" #orrotion inhibitors" !abri# bri%hteners" antimi#robial a%ent" !abri# #onditioners" blea#hes" and en7ymes 8n eam'le o! additi/es is blea#h (his e'eriment inhibits the resear#hers to #lassi!ied di!!erent inds o! deter%ent at di!!erent #on#entrations o! sam'les in the deter%ent It also enables us to s#ienti!i#ally distin%uish the di!!eren#e o! the di!!erent inds o! deter%ent 'resent in the 'ubli# maret
3AT*R"AS A0D 3*T41DS (he e'eriment as di/ided into to 'arts. *1+ 3eter%ent main%" and *2+ $/aluation o! the 'rodu#ts (he a''aratus
Experiment 03│ Date: 5/18/2015
used in the e'eriment ere 250-mL beaer" $le#troni# balan#e" s'atula" 100-mL beaer" 100-mL %raduated #ylinder" ele#troni# balan#e and stirrin% rod In addition" the #hemi#als used ere #o#onut !atty al#ohol sul!ate *C9S+" linear alyl-ben7yl sul!oni# a#id *L&S+" sodium sul!ate" sodium #arbonate *li%ht %rade+" and sodium tri'oly'hos'ate *S(+ (able 1 3eter%ent oder 9ormulation 31
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