Ching V Salinas Digest

August 26, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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(Board of Direcors and Ocers of WILAWARE PRODUCT CORPORATION), respondens. DOCTRINE: While works of applied ar, original inellecual, lierary and artstc works are copyrighable,

useful artcles and works of indusrial design are no. FACTS:

Pett Petton oner er is he he owne ownerr an and d gene genera rall mana manage gerr of Jesi Jesich chri riss Ma Manu nufa facu curi ring ng Co Co., ., h he e maker maker an and d manufacurer manufacur er of utliy utliy model describe described d as “Leaf Spring Eye Bushing for Automobile”   made up of  plastc. In 2001, pettoner was issued by he Natonal Library Certcaes of Copyrigh Regisraton and Deposi of “Leaf Spring Eye Bushing for Auomobile”. Weeks aer, pettoner requesed he NBI for investgaton and assisance for he apprehension and prosecuton of illegal manufacurers, producers, or disribuors of he works. NBI led applicaton for search warran in RTC agains he respondens for reproducing and disributng he said models penalized under Sectons 177.1 &177.3 of RA 8293. Applicatons sough he seizure of  undeermined qualiy of leaf spring eye bushing for auomobile made up of plastc polypropylene and polyvi pol yvinyl nyl chlori chloride de plastc plastc,, among among oh ohers ers.. RTC grane graned d he applic applicato aton n for he sea search rch war warran ran. . Respondens now led a moton o quash he warran on he  grounds: 

Copyrigh regisratons were issued in violaton of IPC because he subjec maer was no an artstc or lierary piece

The subjec maer of he regisraton are spare pars of auomobiles so hey are no original

RTC: Graned he moton o quash led by he responden because here was no probable cause for is

issuance. The works covered by he certcaes issued o pettoners perained o echnical problems and no lierary and artstc as provided under Ar. 172 of IPC. CA: Armed he decision of he rial cour. There mus be a nding of specic oense ha mus have

been commied o justfy he issuance of search warran. The works proeced under he law on copyrigh copyr igh are lierary lierary and artstc works (Ar. 172) and derivatve derivatve works (Sec. 173). The leaf spring eye bushing and vehicle bearing cushion doesn’ fall on eiher classicatons.

PETITIONER’S ARGUMENT RTC was wrong when i declared ha his works are no copyrighable The word “work” has no inclusive deniton ha only refers o original inellecual creatons so i includes original ornamenal designs or models for artcles of manufacure Wha he Copyrigh Law proecs is he auhor's inellecual creaton, regardless of wheher i is one wih utliarian functons or incorporaed in a useful artcle produced on an indusrial scale.

Pettoner conends ha he has in his favor he bene of presumpton ha his copyrigh

RESPONDENT’S ARGUMENT Work Wo rk of h he e pett petton oner er is ess essenta entall lly y a echnical soluton o he problem of wear and ear in auomobiles A echnical soluton in any eld of human actviy which is novel may be he subjec of a paen, and no of a copyrigh. Under Sec 218.2 (b) of RA 8293, no copyrigh is said o exis if a pary caegorically questons is exisence and legaliy Copyrigh exiss only when he work is covered by he proecton of RA 8293


is valid so he burden of overurning he presumpton is upon he respondens


1. Whehe Wheherr or no he RTC has jurisdi jurisdicton cton o resolve resolve he issue issue if he utli utliy y models ar are e copyrig copyrighabl hable? e? YES

2. Whehe Wheherr or no a copyrigh copyrigh certcae certcae of regisrato regisraton n is prima facie facie evid evidence ence of original originaliy? iy? YES 3. Wheher or no Leaf Spring eye bushing for auomobile is proeced under he copyrigh law? NO

Sec ton 172.1 (a) of RA 8293 ha is 4. Wheher or no leaf spring is included in he cachphrase under Secton subjec o copyrigh? NO RULING:

1. The RTC had ju jurisdi risdicton cton o delve delve ino and and resolve resolve he issue wh wheher eher he pe pettoner ttoner's 's utliy utliy model modelss are copyrighable and, if so, wheher he is he owner of a copyrigh over he said models . The RTC is mandated under the Constuon and Rules of Criminal Procedure to determine probable cause. The court court cannot cannot abdi abdicat cate e its constu constuon onal al obliga obligaon on by ref refusin using g to det determ ermine ine whe whethe therr an oense has been commied.  The pettoner mus demonsrae he exisence and he validiy of his

copyrigh because in he absence of copyrigh proecton, even original creaton may be freely copied. By requestng he NBI o investgae and, if feasible, le an applicaton for a search warran for infringemen under R.A. No. 8293 agains he respondens, he pettoner hereby auhorized he RTC (in resolving he applicaton), o delve ino and deermine he validiy of he copyrigh which he claimed he had over he utliy models. The peoner cannot seek relief from the RTC based on his claim that he was the copyright owner over the ulity models and, at the same me, repudiate the court's jurisdicon to ascertain the validity of his claim without running afoul to the doctrine of estoppel.

2. A cop copyri yright ght cerc cercate ate provide providess pri prima ma facie facie evi eviden dence ce of origina originalit lity y whic which h is one eleme element nt of  copyright copyri ght validity. validity.  I constues prima facie e vidence of both validity and ownership and the validity of the facts stated in the cercate.  The applicant should not ordinarily be forced, in he

rs insance, o prove all he multple facs ha underline he validiy of he copyrigh unless the respondent, eecvely challenging them, shis the burden of doing so to the applicant . Tha is wha’s provided under Secton 218.2 of R.A. No. 8293. A certcae of regisraton creaes no rebuable presumpton of copyrigh validiy where oher evidence in he record cass doub on he queston. In such a case, validiy will no be presumed. 3. Looking a he applicaton for a copyrigh certcae led by he pettoner, he said Leaf Spring Eye

Bushing for Auomobile is merely a utliy model. Likewise, he Vehicle Bearing Cushion is illusraed as a bearing cushion comprising a generally semi-circular body having a cenral hole o secure a conventonal bearing and a pluraliy of ridges provided herefore, wih said cushion bearing being made of he same plastc maerials. Plainly, these are not literary or arsc works. They are not intellectual creaons in the literary and arsc domain, or works of applied art. They are certainly not ornamental designs or one having decorave quality or value


I bears sressing ha he focus of copyrigh is he usefulness of he artstc design, and no is markeabiliy. The cenral inquiry is wheher he artcle is a work of ar. While works of applied art, original intellectual, literary and arsc works are copyrightable, useful arcles and works of  industrial design are not.  A useful arcle may be copyrightable only if and only to the extent that such design incorporates pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features that can be idened separately from, and are capable of exisng independently of the ulitarian aspects of the arcle. The law

refers o a "work of applied ar which is an artstc creaton." I bears sressing ha here is no copyrigh proecton for works of applied ar or indusrial design which have aeshetc or artstc feaures feaur es ha canno canno be ident idented ed separaely from he utliarian utliarian aspecs of he artcle. Functonal componens of useful artcles, no maer how artstcally designed, have generally been denied copyrigh proecton unless hey are separable from he useful artcle.  In this case, the peoner's models are not works of applied art, nor arsc works. They are ulity models, useful arcles, albeit with no arsc design or value.

A utliy model is a echnical soluton o a problem in any eld of human actviy which is new and indusrially applicable. Essentally, a utliy model refers o an inventon in he mechanical eld. A utliy model varies from an inventon. Being plain auomotve spare pars ha mus conform o he original srucural design of he componens hey seek o replace, he Leaf Spring Eye Bushing and Vehicle Bearing Cushion are no ornamenal. They lack he decoratve qualiy or value ha mus characerize auhentc works of applied ar. They are no even artstc creatons wih incidenal utliarian functons or works incorporaed in a useful artcle. In acualiy, he personal propertes described in he search warrans are mechanical works, he principal functon of which is utliy sans any aeshetc embellishmen.

4. Neih Neiher er are we o regard regard he Leaf Spring Spring Eye Eye Bushi Bushing ng and Vehicle Vehicle Bearing Bearing Cushion Cushion as iinclu ncluded ded in he cach-all phrase "oher lierary, scholarly, scientc and artstc works" in Secton 172.1(a) of R.A. No. 8293. Applying he principle of ejusdem generis which saes ha "where a saue describes hings of a partcular class or kind accompanied by words of a generic characer, he generic word will usually be limied o hings of a similar naure wih hose partcularly enumeraed, unless here be someh som ehin ing g in he conex conex of he sae whi which ch would would rep repel el suc such h inf inferen erence, ce,"" the Leaf Spring Eye Bushing and Vehicle Bearing Cushion are not copyrightable, being not of the same kind and nature as the works enumerated in Secon 172 of R.A. No. 8293.  Tha he works of he pettoner may be

he proper subjec of a paen does no entle him o he issuance of a search warran for violaton of copyrigh laws. In he case of Kho, copyrigh and paen righs are compleely distnc and separae from one anoher, and he proecton aorded by one canno be used inerchangeably o cover iems or works ha exclusively perain o he ohers. In his case, he bushing and cushion are no works of ar. They are, as he pettoner himself admied, utliy models which may be he subjec of a paen.

DISPOSITIVE: IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, he insan peon is hereby DENIED for lack of merit.

CA decisions are AFFIRMED. Search Warran Nos. 01-2401 and 01-2402 issued on Ocober 15, 2001 are ANNULLED AND SET ASIDE. Coss agains he pettoner.

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