Chinese Aircraft PDF

September 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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First published in 2008 by Hikoki Publications Publications Ltd

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© Yefim Gordon

Dmitriy Komissarov

L a yo u utt b y Polygon Press Ltd., Mos c ow

Colour profiles: © Andrey Yurgenson the late Sergey Yershov, Va le n ntin tin Ve tlits tlitskiy kiy

Line drawings: © Andrey Yurgenson ISBN 9 7 8 1 9 0 02 2 10904 46 6 All r ig h ts reserved. No part of this book du ce d or t rans mit t ed in any may b e r e p r o du

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6 7

1 T he Chines e A i r c r a f t I n d u s t r y


2 T h e F i g h tte ers Shenyang JJ-2  FT-2 advancedtraine r J-5 f ighter family J-6 fighter family Shenyang Dongfeng-l 07 fighter project) Shenyang Do D ongf eng-l 04 04 fi f i ght er project) J-7 f ighter family HMEA Dongf eng-113 fifight er project) Shenyang J-8 interceptor Chengdu J-9 tactical f ighter pr project) Shenyang J-1 0 heavy interceptor project, firstdesignation) Shenyang J- ll lightfighter project, ect, firstdesignation) Nanchang J-12 lightfighter Shenyang J-13 light f ighter project) Chengd Chengdu u J-l0 FF-ll 0 multi-rolefighter  second d e es s ig n na a titi on on ) Shenyang J- ll f ighter s se econd d de esignat ion) Chengdu FCFC-ll Xiaolo ong ng  JF-17 Thunder) fifighter XXJ  J-XX f ut ure f ight er projects

23 23 24 31

47 47 48 48 75 90 92 92 93 94 95 104 106 110

3 The Bombers


Tupoev Tu-4 - Chneseconver Chneseconversion sions Harbin H-5 B-5 tactical c al bomber Xian H-6 medium bomber Xian H-8bomber proje ect) ct) BeriyevBe-6 f ly in g b o at at - C hi ne s se econ nv v er si on Q in g g-- 6 6)) Harbin SH-5 bomber/ASW flying b bo oat Newstealthbomber programme7

111 112 118 137 13 38 8 139 142

4 The St rik e A i r c r a f t Nanchang Q-5  A-5)attack aircr aircraft aft Shenyang JH-8 fighter-bomber fighter-bomber project) Nanchang QQ -6 fi f ighter-bomber project) XianJH-7  FBC- Flying Leopard) fi f ight er-bomber

143 143 157 160 164

5 T he T rainers Nanchang CJ-5 primarytrainer Nanchang CJ-6   Hongzhuan 5 0 02 2) p rriimary t rra an i er ShenyangJJ-l ShenyangJJ-l basic t rainer Nanchang K-8 JL-8 Karakorum ad advanced t ra rainer Guizhou JL-9   FTC-2000) Shan Y ng c co ombat tr trainer CY-l combattrainer/ LFC-16 fifi ght er project) HongduL HongduL 15 Hunting Eagle combat t rainer

173 173 175 178 179 184 188 188

6 Airliners and Trans port s Nanchang/Shijiazhuang Y-5 Be ng-1 Harbin SongHua Jiang-l Ca p it a l- l Nanchang Jing Gang Shan-4 Y6 airliner project) Xian Y7 family ShaanxiY8 ShaanxiY8 family Shangha Y1 0 airliner Harbin Yl1 utilityaircraft Harbin Y12 ut ili ty aircraft McD McDonn onnellDoug ellDouglas las Shanghai)MD-8 ai)MD-82/-8 2/-83/-9 3/-90 0 airliners ShaanxiY9 ShaanxiY9 milit ary trtransport project) HEAl Embraer ERJ-145 airliner Y16 airliner project) ACAC ARJ21 Xiangfeng Guangdong ChangshengChina Star CS2000 airlin ner er project) Xian WJ airliner/t ransport project) Guangdong Changsheng China Star CS201 0 air airlin liner er projec ject) t)

191 1 91 194 195 195 196 196 196 207 229 231 233 237 238 239 239 240 243 244 244

7 Special Mis s ion Air cr aft Tupoev Tu-l54M/D ELiNT aircraft Xian KJ-2000 AWACS aircraf t

245 245 247

Boeing737-300airborne orne com comman mand pos postt conversion on IlyushinIL-76MDengine testbed Gates Learjet35A136A ELiNT conversion

251 251 251

8 Light U tility A i r c r a f t Feilong-l Shen Hang-1 Yan an-l Hongqi-l Heilongjiang-l TheBIAA Mifeng series Huabe Qingting-5 Qingting-5 NAilAdasoA D-l00 Voyager Huabe Qingting-6 NAI/AdasoA D-200 Nanchang Haiyan SLAC HU-l Nanchang N5 Chengdu CA-l Sea Gull-l00  A 1 and Sea Gull-200 XADRI Smal Eagle 100 NUAA FT300 NLA AC-500Aircar GE A CE V -97 Shijiazhuang LE-500 Little Eagle cabn monopla ane ne

253 253 253 253 254 254 254 256 257 257 258 258 258 259 259 260 260 260 261 261 262

Shijiazhuang LE-800 executivea ircraft proje ect) ct)

262 263 263 267 268 268 269

9 Helic opt ers

Harbin Z5 multi-rolehelicopter multi-rolehelicopter Harbn/ CHRDI Z6 multi-role multi-role helicopter NPU/NAI Yanan-2 light helicopter Harbin Model 701 light helicopter transportt helicopter CHRDI/CAE Z7 heavy transpor Changhe Z8 heavy helicopter Harbin Z9 family Changhe Z11 multi-role multi-role helicopter WuhanHelicopterIndustry Co. multi-role helicopter proje ect) ct) CHRDI Zl 0 multi-role CHRDI/Changhe WZl 0 attackhelicopter Hongdu MD Helicopte c opters Shanghai-SikorskyShen utilityhelicopte ers rs Changhe-Agus e-Agusta ta CA109utility helicopter Lantian-Mil Lantian-Mil Mi-171 transport/utilityhelicopter Harbin HC 120multi-role helicopter Harbin Z15 multi-role multi-role helicopter proje ect) ct)

 7 74

283 286 287 288 290 290 291 291 291 291

10 TheU AVs drone NAI CK-l drone WZ-5 Chang Hong-l reconnassance .drone BJ71 04targetdrone Ba-2 targetdrone 04 research/survey/reconnaissance UAV Ba-6 targetdrone  ASN-7)target 7)target drone Ba-7  ASNBa-9  ASN-9 targetdrone ASN-15reconnaissance UAV ASN-l04 reconnaissance UAV ASN-l 05B reconnaissance UAV ASN-206reconnaissance UAV ASN-207reconnaissance system ASN-209reconnaissance UAV TJ-l TJ-l targetdrone CK-2 drone Guizhou WZWZ-9 9 rec reconnassa onnassance UAV Guizhou WZ-2000 reconnaissance ssance UAV ShenyangAnjian UCAV Chengdu Xianglong reconnaissance UAV BUAA Haiou reconnassance VTUAV Hua Ying reconnassance UAV Unidentified UAVs

293 293 297 298 298 299 300 300 300 300 301 301 302 303 304 304 304 305 305 305 306 307 307 307

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