Child and Adolescent Development and Facilitating Learning

October 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CNIAF JOF JFEADSCDOV FD\DAEXKDOV, JOF LJCIAIVJVIO@ ADJROIO@ ADJROIO@ ETVCEKDS Jt tnd dof el tnis cnjptdr, cnj ptdr, stufdots sneuaf bd jbad te= :. Dx Dxpa paji jio o tn tnd d fill filldr drdo dott tnde tnderi rids ds io tnd tnd fdvd fdvdae aepk pkdo dott el tnd tnd cnia cniaf f jof jof jfeadscdot 2. Fdkeostrjtd priocipads priocipads io ljciaitjtio` el adjroio` 3. Citd dxjkpads pdrtjioio` cniaf fdvdaepkdot 6. Joswdr tds tdstt witn jccurjcy  jccurjcy  DFTCJVIEOJA XSYCNEAE@Y J. NTKJO NTKJO @REPVN @REPVN JOF JOF FD\DAE FD\DAEXKDO XKDOV V @REPVN – iocrdjsd io sizd jof oukbdr i. Oerkja Oerkja cnjo`d cnjo`d io tnd jkeuot el el aivio` aivio` substjocds substjocds ii. Kerpneae`icja pjrjkdtdr wnicn is kdjsurjbad FD\DAEXKDOV  –pre`rdss tewjrfs kjturity  i. J kjturj kjturjtie tieoja oja precdss precdss ioveavi ioveavio` o` pre`rdss pre`rdssivd ivd filldrd filldrdoti otijti jtieo eo jt tnd 

cdaauajr jof tissud advdas. ii. Ojtur Ojturjaay jaay eccurrio` eccurrio` pre`rdssi pre`rdssivd, vd, uoifirdctieo uoifirdctieoja, ja, sdqudotija sdqudotija cnjo`ds io tnd aild el jo iofivifuja lrek its dxistdocd js j sio`ad cdaa te its dajberjtieo js j kuatiluoctieoja uoit tdrkiojtio` io fdjtn. iii. Fdvdaepkdot is iocrdjsd io cekpadxity. KERXNE@DODSIS  – j bieae`icja precdss njvio` jo uofdrayio` ceotrea jt tnd cdaauajr jof tissud advdas. FILLDRDOVIJVIEO  – cnjo`d lrek `dodrjaizdf cdaas er tissud te j kerd spdcijaizdf giof furio` fdvdaepkdot. KJVTRJVIEO  – dkdr`docd el pdrseoja cnjrjctdristics jof bdnjvieurja pndoekdoeo tnreu`n `rewtn precdssds. OJVTRD \S. OTRVTRD FDBJVD Feds `dodtic iondritjocd pajy j ajr`dr read io iolaudocio` fdvdaepkdot jof bdnjvieur, er feds tnd dovireokdot njvd j streo`dr dlldct5 kest psycneae`ists rdce`oizd tnjt betn dadkdots pajy jo e  Vefjy, dssdotija read. DJRAY D^XDRIDOCD \S. AJVDR D^XDRIDOCD CEOVIOTIVY \S. FISCEOVIOTIVY Feds ds cnjo cnjo`d `d eccu eccurr skee skeetn tnay ay evdr evdr tikd tikd,, er tnre tnreu` u`n n j sdri sdrids ds el  e Fe prdfdtdrkiodf stdps5 CNJRJCVDRISVIC @REPVN & FD\DAEXKDOV :. Cdpnjaec Cdpnjaecjufj jufjaa firdctie firdctieo o e Lirst ydjr el aild jltdr tnd birtn 2. Xrexikefi Xrexikefistja stja firdctie firdctieo o e



j. Xrdojtja  – aikb bufs fdvdaep bdlerd tnd rufikdotjry lio`drs jof teds.



b. Ioljocy  – aj ajr` r`d d kusc kuscad ads s el tnd tnd jrks jrks jof ad`s ad`s jrd subm submdc dctt te veauotjry ceotrea djraidr tnjo tnd liod kuscads el tnd njofs jof lddt. c. Vnis Vnis prexik prexikefi efistj stjaa fdvdae fdvdaepkd pkdot ot is biajtd biajtdrja rja jof sykkdt sykkdtric ric,, ler kest el tnd pjrts jof eo betn sifds el tnd befy. 3. Js tnd cniaf kjturds, kjturds, `dodrja `dodrja kevdkdots kevdkdots bdcekd kerd spdcilic. spdcilic. j. @dodrjaizdf @dodrjaizdf kuscads kuscads kevdkdots eccur bdlerd bdlerd liod kuscad kuscad ceotrea is pessibad. b. Jt lirst, ioljots cjo kjgd eoay rjofek kevdkdots el tnd jrks. c. @rjfujaay @rjfujaay tndy adjro adjro te usd tnd wnead njof io picgio` picgio` up j skjaa ebmdct tnjo adjro te picg it up witn j piocdr `rjsp i.d bdtwddo tnukb jof lerdlio`dr. f. Js fdvdaepkdot pre`rdssds, tnd cniaf cniaf cjo dvdotujaay adjro te kevd  must eod lio`dr tnukb jt j tikd. LJCVERS JLLDCVIO@ @REPVN JOF FD\DAEXKDOV :. NDRD NDRDFIV FIVY Y e DKBR DKBRYEOI YEOIC C AILD  – bd`i bd`ios os witn witn tnd tnd cy cyte tepa pajs jsk k jof jof ouca oucadu dus s el tnd tnd ldrtiaizdf evuk, `dodticjaay fdtdrkiod by betn pjrdots. rjtd el tnd `rewtn is kerd jaigd jkeo` sibaio`s tnjo jkeo` e  Vnd e


uordajtdf pdrseos. Sekd Se kd cnia cniafr frdo do jr jrd d skja skjaaa oet oet bdcj bdcjus usd d el dofe dofecr crio iod d er outr outrit itie ieoj ojaa fisturbjocds but bdcjusd el tndir `dodtic ceostitutieo. Jltdr birtn - Kjad ioljots jrd aeo`dr jof ndjvidr tnjo ldkjad ioljots. - Beys kjiotjio tnis supdrierity uotia jbeut :: ydjrs el j`d. - @iras kjturd djraidr tnjo beys, jof jrd tjaadr eo tnd jvdrj`d. Furio` tnd prd-pubdrtja stj`d el `rewtn jof fdvdaepkdot, beys jrd j`jio tjaadr tnjo `iras. - Beod fdvdaepkdot is kerd jfvjocd io `iras tnjo io beys. Jfvjocd eo essdeus essd eus fdvdaepkdot fdvdaepkdot is jase fdkeostrjtd fdkeostrjtdf f by tnd djraidr djraidr druptieo druptieo el  pdrkjodot tddtn io `iras.

 – js te ndi`nt, tee snert, tjaa fe dxjkpads dxist jkeo` jaa tnd rjcds 2.RJCD jof sub rjcds. 3. OJVIEOJAIVY OJVIEOJAIVY  – dvdo witn tnd iolaudocd el `eef outritieo jof dovireokdot, tnd cniafrdo el ki`rjtio` ljkiaids kjy oet jcnidvd tnd sjkd ndi`nts js tndir pddrs io `rewtn pjttdros. cuaturd, d, secie secie-dce -dceoek oeky, y, outrit outritieo ieo,, caikjt caikjtd d & sdjseo sdjseo 6. DO\IREOKDOV DO\IREOKDOV  – cuatur dxtdroja, erfioja pesitieo, dxdrcisd, fdvijtieos lrek ndjatn. XNYSICJA @REPVN & FD\DAEXKDOV :. BIEAE@ BIEAE@ICJ ICJA A @REP @REPVN VN e Cnjo`ds io `dodrja befy `rewtn e Rdsuats lrek filldrdot rjtds el `rewtn io filldrdot pjrts el tnd befy  furio` ceosdcutivd stj`ds el fdvdaepkdot.




D.` – tnd ioljots ndjf ceostitutds :/6 tn  el tnd dotird ado`tn el tnd befy bef y jt birtn, birtn, wndrdjs wndrdjs tnd jfuat’s jfuat’s ndjf ndjf is eoay :/>tn  el tnd befy  ado`tn.  Vnd pdriefs el rjpif `rewtn jrd ioljocy & pubdrty.

2. KEVER KEVER FD\DAE FD\DAEXK XKDOV DOV Fdpd pdofs ofs el tnd tnd kjtu kjturj rjti tieo eo el tnd tnd kusc kuscua uajr jr,, sgda sgdadt dtja ja & odrv odrveu eus s e Fd systdks. e Sdqudocds el sgiaas – cdpnjaecjufja & prexikefistja firdctieo. e Keter fdvdaepkdot is tdrkdf js = @ress keter jof liod keter  @r @res ess s kete keterr jcti jctivi viti tids ds – io ioca cauf ufd d tu turo roio io`, `, rd rdjc jcti tio` o`,, sitt sittio io`, `, stjofio` jof wjagio`.  Liod keter fdvdaepkdot is tnd ioveavdkdot el rdladxds.  Vnd cniaf adjros te usd njofs & lio`drs ler tnukb jppesitieo, pjakdr `rjsp, rdadjsd, piocdr `rjsp jof se eo. e Keter fdvdaepkdot is oet jlldctdf by sdx, `de`rjpnic rdsifdocd, er ad advd vdaa el pjrd pjrdot otja ja dfuc dfucjt jtie ieo, o, ja jatn tneu eu`n `n jfdq jfdquj ujtd td outr outrit itie ieo o & `eef `eef ndjatn dxdrt j pesitivd iolaudocd. 3. SDOSER SDOSERY Y FD\DAE FD\DAEXK XKDOV DOV e Lu Luoc octi tieo eoja ja jt bi birt rtn, n, tn tnd d cnia cniaf f `r `rjf jfuj ujaa aay y adjr adjros os tnd tnd prec precds dss s el  jssecijtio` kdjoio` witn j pdrcdivdf stikuaus. e Js kydaiojtieo el tnd odrveus systdk is jcnidvdf, tnd cniaf is jbad te rdspeof te spdcilic stikuai. B. VNDERIDS VNDERIDS EL FD\DAEXK FD\DAEXKDOV DOV :.Xsycnejojaytic tnderids j. Xsycnesdx Xsycnesdxuja uja b. Xsyc Xsycnesec nesecija ija 2.Ce`oitivd tnderids j. Stj`ds el ce`oitivd ce`oitivd fdvdaepkd fdvdaepkdot ot b. Stj`ds el kerja fdvdaepkdot fdvdaepkdot 3.Adjroio` tnderids j. Bdnjvieurja Bdnjvieurja adjroio` adjroio` XSYCNEJOJAYVIC VNDERIDS - Xdrseojaity is kestay dstjbaisndf by tnd j`d el livd. Djray dxpdridocds pajy  j ajr jr`d `d read read io pdrs pdrseo eoja jait ity y fdvd fdvdae aepk pkdo dott jof jof ceot ceotio ioud ud te iola iolaud udoc ocd d bdnjvieur ajtdr io aild. j. XSYCNESD^TJA XSYCNESD^TJA VNDERY – SI@KTOF LRDTF LRDTF cniafneef dxpdridocds e Toceoscieus kiof jof cniafneef e Fdvdaepkdot eccurs tnreu`n j sdrids el psycnesdxuja stj`ds e Xdrseojaity fdvdaeps tnreu`n j sdrids el cniafneef stj`ds XADJ XA DJST STRD RD-SD -SDDG DGIO IO@ @ dodr dodr`i `ids ds el tnd tnd if bdce bdcekd kd le lecu cusd sdf f eo cdrtjio dre`doeus jrdjs.






AIBI AIBIFE FE (psy (psycn cnes esdx dxuj ujaa dodr dodr`y `y)) – tnd tnd fr friv ivio io` ` le lerc rcd d bdni bdniof of bdnjvieur. Il tndsd psycnesdxuja stj`ds jrd cekpadtdf succdssluaay, tnd rdsuat is j ndjatny pdrseojaity. Il cdrtjio issuds jrd oet rdseavdf jt tnd jppreprijtd stj`d, lixjtieo cjo eccur. LI^JVIEO –j pdrsistdot lecus eo jo djraidr psycnesdxuja stj`d.  Totia tnis ceolaict is rdseavdf, tnd iofivifuja wiaa rdkjio ‑stucg‛ io tnis stj`d.

b. XSYCNESECIJA XSYCNESECIJA VNDERY – DRIG DRIGSEO DRIGSEO e Ceolaicts tnjt jrisd jt filldrdot stj`ds el fdvdaepkdot jof, uoaigd Lrduf’s tndery, Drigseo fdscribd fdvdaepkdot tnreu`neut tnd aildspjo. e Ikpjct el SECIJA D^XDRIDOCD jcress tnd wnead aildspjo. e D@E IFDOVIVY  Vnd ceoscieus sdosd el sdal tnjt wd fdvdaep tnreu`n secija iotdrjctieo.  Ceo Ceostj stjota otay y cnjo`i cnjo`io` o` fud te odw dxpdri dxpdridoc docds ds jof iolerk iolerkjti jtieo eo wd jcquird io eur fjiay iotdrjctieos witn etndrs. e Vnd lerkjtieo ef ifdotity is sekdtnio` tnd bd`ios io cniafneef jof bdcekds pjrticuajray ikpertjot furio` jfeadscdocd, but it is j precdss tnjt ceotiouds tnreu`neut aildspjo. e Sdosd el cekpdtdocd - ketivjtds bdnjvieurs jof jctieos. - djcn stj`d io Drigseo’s tndery is ceocdrodf witn bdcekio` cekpdtdot io jo jrdj el aild. - il tnd stj`d is njofadf wdaa, tnd pdrseo wiaa ldda j sdosd el kjstdry, wnicn is sekdtikds rdldrrdf te js D@E SVRDO@VN ER D@E ZTJAIVY. - il tnd stj`d is kjoj`df peeray, tnd pdrseo wiaa dkdr`d witn j sdosd el  jfdqujcy. CE@OIVI\D VNDERIDS e Fdvdaepkdot el kdotja precdssds, sgiaas jof jbiaitids. :. SVJ@DS EL CE@OIV\D CE@OIV\D FD\DAEXKDOV – MDJO XIJ@DV e Cniafrdo jrd oet must pjssivd rdcipidots el iolerkjtieo, iostdjf, jrd ait itta tad d sci cid dotis otists ts wne wne jcti jctiv vda day y ceos ceostr truc uctt tndir ndir goe goewad wadf`d f`d jof jof uofdrstjofio` el tnd weraf. e Stdps jof sdqudocd el cniafrdo’s iotdaadctuja fdvdaepkdot. 2. VNDERY EL KERJA FD\DAEXKDOV FD\DAEXKDOV – GNEABDR@ e Kerja fdvdaepkdot is j ceotiouja precdss tnjt eccurs tnreu`neut tnd aildspjo. VNRDD BJSIC CEKXEODOVS VE XIJ@DV’S CE@OIVI\D VNDERY :. SCNDK NDKJS



e e e


Bjsic buiafio` baecgs el iotdaai`dot bdnjvieur. J wjy el er`joizio` goewadf`d. „’ „’uoi uoits ts’’ ’’ el goew goewad adf` f`d, d, djcn djcn rd rdaj ajti tio` o` te eod eod jspd jspdct ct el tnd tnd wera weraf, f, iocaufio` ebmdcts, jctieos jof jbstrjct j bstrjct (i.d. tnderdticja) ceocdpts. Aiogdf kdotja rdprdsdotjtieos el tnd weraf, wnicn wd usd betn te uofdrstjof jof te rdspeof te situjtieos.


 Vnd tnjt wd sterd tndsd kdotja rdprdsdotjtieos jof jppayjssukptieo tndk wndo is oddfdf.

2. JFJXV JFJXVJV JVIEO IEO XRECDS XRECDSSDS SDS  – dojb dojbad ad trjos trjosit itie ieo o lr lrek ek eod eod stj` stj`d d te joetndr. e Jfmustkdot te tnd weraf. Vnis njppdos tnreu`n= j. JSSIKIAJ JSSIKIAJVIEO VIEO Tsio` jo dxistio` scndkj te fdja witn j odw ebmdct er situjtieo. b. JCCEKEFJ JCCEKEFJVIEO VIEO Njppdos wndo tnd dxistio` scndkj (goewadf`d) feds oet werg, jof oddfs te bd cnjo`df te fdja witn j odw ebmdct er situjtieo. c. DZTIAIBR DZTIAIBRJVI JVIEO EO  Vnis is tnd lercd wnicn kevds fdvdaepkdot jaeo`. Ce`o Ce `oit itiv ivd d fdvd fdvdae aepk pkdo dott fi fif f oet oet pr pre` e`rd rdss ss jt j stdj stdjfy fy rj rjtd td,, but but rjtndr io ADJXS JOF BETOFS. Eccurs wndo ndo j cnia niaf’s scndkj ndkjs s cjo fdja witn kest odw iolerk iol erkjti jtieo eo tnreu` tnreu`n n JSSIKI JSSIKIAJV AJVIEO IEO.. Newdvd Newdvdr, r, jo uopadj uopadjsjot sjot stjtd el fisdquiaibriuk fisdquiaibriuk eccurs wndo j odw iolerkjtieo iolerkjtieo cjooet bd littdf iote dxistio` scndkjs (jssikiajtieo) Dquiaibrjtieo is tnd precdss wnicn frivds tnd adjroio` precdss js wd fe met aigd te bd lrustrjtdf jof wiaa sddg te rdsterd bjajocd by  kjstdrio` tnd odw cnjaado`d (JCCEKEFJVIEO). e Eocd odw iolerkjtieo is jcquirdf tnd precdss el jssikiajtieo witn tnd odw scndkj wiaa ceotioud uotia tnd odxt tikd wd oddf te kjgd jo jfmustkdot te it. 

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JXXAIC JXXA ICJV JVIE IEO O EL XI XIJ@ J@DV DV’S ’S VNDE VNDERY RY IO DFTC DFTCJV JVIE IEO O (Fdv (Fdvda daep epkd kdot ot Xriocipad) :. Fiscev Fiscevdr dr adjroio` adjroio` – tnd ifdj tnjt cniafr cniafrdo do adjro bdst tnreu`n tnreu`n feio` feio` jof jctivday dxpaerio`. 2. Rdjfiodss Rdjfiodss – bjsdf bjsdf upeo bieae`i bieae`icja cja kjturjtie kjturjtieo o jof stj`ds stj`ds j. Cnia Cniafr frdo do sneu sneuaf af oet oet bd tj tju` u`nt nt cdrt cdrtji jio o ceoc ceocdp dpts ts uoti uotiaa tndy tndy njvd njvd rdjcndf tnd jppreprijtd stj`d el ce`oitivd fdvdaepkdot. 3. Xr Xrec ecds dss s erid eridot otdf df.. 6. Rdfiscevdr Rdfiscevdrio` io` er rdceostruc rdceostructio` tio` „’trut „’trutns’’  ns’’  4. Ceaajb Ceaajberj erjtiv tivday day,, js wdaa js iofivi iofivifuj fujaa jctivi jctivitid tids s ( se cniafrdo cniafrdo cjo adjro adjro lreo djcn etndr)

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Lecus eo jojayzio` ce`oitivd precdssds Oeo-ebsdrvjbad bdnjvieur


„’Kefda’’ – pewdr el dxjkpad e Rdja aild – pdrseos e Sykbeaic – erja/ writtdo sykbeas e Rdprdsdotjtieoja – jufie-visuja kdjsurds Ce`oitivd , bdnjvieurja, dovireokdotja iolaudocds Ceofitieos el jlldctio` kefdaaio`= Xrecdss = :. Jttdotieo, 2. Rdtdotieo, 3. R Rdprefuctieo, dprefuctieo, 6. Ketivjtieo Ketivjtieo @dodrjaizjtieo – jppaicjtieo io etndr situjtieos 2. KDJOIO@LTA KDJOIO@LTA RDCDXVIEO VNDERY – FJ\IF JTSDBDA  Odw dxpdridocds jrd rdajtdf te wnjt adjrodr jardjfy j ardjfy goews. 3. FISCE\DR ADJROIO@ ADJROIO@ ER IOZTIRY KDVNEF – MDREKD BRTODR Eppertuoity te fiscevdr eo tndir ewo  

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Jctivd adjroio`, dxpaerjtieo el dovireokdot, Iotuitieo – dssdotija te prefuctivd tniogio` dxpdrikdotio` Iotdroja ketivjtieo/ stikuaus ler adjroio` rjtndr tnjo `rjfds Srufdot-cdotdrdf Ceos Ce ostr truc ucti tieo eo el odw odw ifdj ifdjs s bjsd bjsdf f eo curr currdo dott er pjst pjst goew goewad adf` f`d. d. Fiscevdry el ljcts jof rdajtieosnips. Fdvdaep vjaud ler adjroio` Xrecddf lrek sikpad te cekpadx ceocdpts Curricuauk – rdvisit bjsic ifdjs, buiafio` eo tndk uotia tnd stufdot `rjspdf luaa lerkja ceocdpt.


Dojctivd – adjroio` feio`kutuja ikj`ds Iceoic – adjroio` by by lerkio e Sykbeaic – sdrids el jbstrjct rdprdsdotjtieos Ceocdpt jttjiokdot kefda  Ve cjtd`erizd is te `reup te`dtndr tnio`s dquivjadotay iote cajssds, rjtndr tnjo uoiqudodss 6. CE@OIV\D JXXREJCN JXXREJCN – @DSVJAV Nukjo ceoscieusodss Fdvdaepkdot el iosi`nts Dkpnjsis eo ceoli`urjtieo, rdajtieosnips & er`joizjtieo, rjtndr tnjo lrj`kdotdf bdnjvieurja eutaeeg. Submdctivd iotdrprdtjtieo 4. IOSI@NV ADJROIO@ ADJROIO@ ER XREBADK-SEA\IO@ VNDERY VNDERY – GNEADR e

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Xr Xrec ecds dss s el dxpa dxpaer erio io`, `, joja jojayz yzio io`, `, struc structu turi rio` o` pdrc pdrcdp dpti tieo eo tewjr tewjrfs fs j seautieo. . KTAVIXAD IOVDAAI@DOCD IOVDAAI@DOCD – NEPJRF @JRFODR :. \dr \drbja bja – aio`ui aio`uisti stic c Sd Sdos osit itiv ivd d te seuof seuofs, s, stru struct ctur urds ds,, stya styads ds el  iotdaai`docd ajo`uj`d e

2. Ae` Ae`icj icjaakjtndkjticja

X jtt jttdros, os, ordjseoio` ukbdrs & oukdricja fjtj jtj, qujotitjtivd 3. Spjtija Ceaer, snjpds, visuja puzzads 6. Bef Befiay iay-- giodst giodstndti ndtic c Veucn, Veucn, kevdkd kevdkdot, ot, jtnadt jtnadtici icisk sk 4. Kusic Kusicja ja Veod, bdjt, tdkpe . Ojturjaist Ojturja ebmdcts, pajots, dceae`y  9. Dxistdotijaist Ceskic, eri`io el aild, dxistdocd 9. SECIJA CEOSVRTCVI\ISK – AD\ \Y@ESVGY Kdjoio` jof uofdrstjofio` `rew eut el doceuotdrs witn etndrs Ceostruct lrek prdvieus goewadf`d, kjgio` sdosd Secija adjroio` prdcdfds fdvdaepkdot twe tikds= e Secija advda – b/w pdepad e Iofivifuja advda – iosifd cniaf KGE – kerd goewadf`djbad eod/etndr ]XF/ ]eod el Xrexikja Fistjocd e @jp b/w jctuja & petdotija fdvdaepkdot e Jctuja- wnjt cniafrdo cjo fe eo tndir ewo e Xetdotija – wnjt cniafrdo cjo fe witn ndap Scjlle Scj lleafi afio` o` – jssist jssistjocd jocd tnru tnru kdfijt kdfijtieo ieo el dovire dovireokd okdot ot (si`oi (si`oilic licjot jot etndrs) io w/c ce`oitivd, secie-dketieoja & bdnjvieurja fdvdaepkdot cjo eccur. 

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Adt stufdots njvd– jo j ctivd jctivd read io adjroio`-snilt el reads. :8. LIDAF VNDERY VNDERY GTRV ADPIO \idw - lecusdf eo tnd psycneae`icja lidaf lidaf el aild spjcd el jo iofivifuja iofivifuja Aild spjcd- frjw jccurjtd ceocausieos by ebsdrvio` betn evdrt &cevdrt bdnjvieur J pdrseo kust sdd tnio`s lrek tnd submdct’s peiot el vidw jt j `ivdo kekdot ::. DCEAE@ICJA SYSVDKS SYSVDKS VNDERY ERDO\IREOKDOVJA ERDO\IREOKDOVJA CEOCD^VS CEOCD^VS –  BRELDOBRDOODR Adjroio` is jlldctdf by tnd giof el dovireokdot wd aivd io – io tnd ceotdxt el tnd dovireokdot Dovireokdotja ceotdxts jrd iotdrrdajtdf e Kjmer Advdas :. Kicresystdk – ioodrkest- firdct ceotjct ceotjct witn cniaf 



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Rdldrdocds Beeg/s=

Biabje X.B., Cerpuz, dt.ja. (28:2) Vnd Vdjcnio` Xreldssieo (2 of Dfitieo) Zudzeo City= Aerikjr Xubaisnio` Ce. Biabje, X.L.Fjyj`bia & B. Cerpuz (28:6) Curricuauk Fdvdaepkdot ler Vdjcndrs. Zudzeo City= Aerikjr Xubaisnio` Ce.   Bejrf ler Xreldssieoja Vdjcndrs Rdseautieo Oe. :8 Sdrids el 2889.Xrekua`jtieo el Vjbads el Spdcilicjtieos ler tnd submdct io tnd   Bejrf Aicdosurd Dxjkiojtieos ler Xreldssieoja Vdjcndrs. Zudzeo City. Aerikjr Xubaisnio` Ce. Ceocdpcieo, Bdomjkio Mr. dt.ja.(28:2). Aicdosurd Dxjkiojtieo ler Vdjcndrs (OCBVS Eridotdf) 7 ADV RD\IDPDR. By KDV Rdvidw Vdjk. KDV Rdvidw Xubaisnio` Neusd, Sjkpjaec, Kjoiaj, Xnia. Njbuajo, Odoitj \. (28:> Zudzeo Jvdoud, Zudzeo City. GJVNJ XTBAISNIO@ CE., IOC. KcCerricg, R. dt.ja. (2883). Vdjcnio` jof Adjroio` Vdcnoeae`y. Kjojotjo, J. dt.ja. (28:3). Aicdosurd Dxjkiojtieo ler Vdjcndrs, Xniaippiod Oerkja Oicjsie Toivdrsity, Xniaippiods \iaajkio, Jrcdai K., dt.ja. (288:). Cekprdndosivd Rdvidwdr Aicdosurd Dxjkiojtieo ler Vdjcndrs, CERJSIJ Pdb Seurcds=

 Jssdsskd  Jssdsskdot ot jof Dvjaujtie Dvjaujtieo o el Adjroio` Adjroio` Xjrt Xjrt 2 rdtridvdf rdtridvdf lrek nttps=//www.wjttpjf.cek/6:40>0348-adt-rdvidwdr-preldssieoja-dfucjtieo-prel-df BADXV Rdvidwdr - Secija Fikdosieos io... | Ljcdbeeg rdtridvdf lrek  lrek  nttps=//www.ljcdbeeg.cek/2896330829/pests/secija-fikdosieos-iodfucjtieofdvdaepkdots-io-dfucjtieo-pjrt-::-wnicn-el-tndlea/2:0064>2
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