December 23, 2016 | Author: api-121386017 | Category: N/A
Cathy Morrison 3070 Bulrush Street, Roseville, California 95747 916.761.3789
Qualifications Summary Competitive and astute executive with comprehensive years of hands-on experience in diverse accounting and finance management, human resources, workforce manage ment, facilities administration, policy interpretation and implementation, and i nformation technology. Diligent in maintaining knowledge of current business concepts, principles, and practices, complemented with innate ability in providing support to executive an d senior-level professionals. Versatile with commendable interpersonal, organizational, multitasking, and mana gement proficiencies, combined with excellent written and verbal communication s kills. In-depth knowledge in collaborative management approach coupled with eff ective visioning and counseling skills that steer organizations toward growth an d goals achievement. Excelled in organizing business contractors program for compliance with applicable law, executive orders; policies, procedures, and regulations. Profound ability to communicate with others as well as to assimilate and understand information in a manner consistent with essential job functions.
Professional Experience IDISCOVER GLOBAL, INC., SACRAMENTO, CA Director of Corporate Operations 2008–Present Work closely with the CEO and assume full responsibility in providing strategic leadership and direction for key internal operational functions, which included finance, human resources, administration, and information technology. Execute budget, financial reporting, forecasting, and accounting operation throu gh contract negotiation and management of major accounts. Develop and maintain c ustomer relations, real estate lease, and sublease agreements. Effectively led and supervised departmental staff and managers of the co rporation. Submitted financial reporting directly to the CEO to identify financial implications of the corporation’s operational decisions. Complied with generally accepted accounting principle in preparing accur ate financial statements. Served as a liaison between auditors, legal counsel, subtenants, and maj or clients and vendors. Designed and implemented new policies and procedures in accordance with all fiscal and administrative policies and procedures. Spearheaded the administration of office and facilities services to dive rse departmental and organizational needs. Functioned as a human resources manager, ensuring adherence to all gener al personnel policies and practices.
Ensured secure operation of IT infrastructure, ensuring responsive suppo rt, maintenance, data protection, risk management, and ongoing operations were p rovided. CORRECTIONAL PEACE OFFICERS FOUNDATION, SACRAMENTO, CA Office Manager 2004–2008 Carried out day-to-day operations of National Non-Profit Organization as well as supervised functions of all 18 departmental employees within Human Resources, A dministrative, Accounting, Marketing, IT, and Facility Maintenance departments. Conduct human resource functions, such as interviewing, hiring, providing orient ation and training to new employees, and generating performance evaluations and determination of wage increases. Earned responsibility in managing P&L of $4M worth of annual expenses bu dget through forecasting and executing annual business plan. Implemented several programs, such as In-Line of Duty Death, Catastrophi c Assistance, Scholarship, and Membership. Established positive staff relations environment and supported the Open Door Policy/Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) process through maintaining effec tive positive communication. Strategically designed, developed, and maintained company website in com pliance with Ecommerce guidelines and Online Policy Legislation. Organized and coordinated membership fundraising events, including conve ntions/conferences, golf tournaments, memorial service, and surviving family and hero recognitions. ACME PLUMBING & DRAIN, INC., SACRAMENTO, CA Operations Manager 2003-2004 Rendered effective oversight for daily operations, scheduling, coordination, and delivery of plumbing and HVAC service company. Led and supervised a staff of 25 member service team personnel as well as daily distribution and warehouse activ ities. Executed accounting and operation functions, such as payroll, bookkeeping, A/R, A/P, lien releases, change orders, procurement, delinquent account collections, workers’ compensation, certificates of liability, city and county permit submittals. Administered financial and administrative items, including expense repor ts, supply requisitions, personnel transaction forms, and operating budgets. ADVANCED WAREHOUSE SYSTEMS, INC., WEST SACRAMENTO, CA Operations Manager 1994-2003 Operated and drove the entire multi-branch industrial service company with 15 de partmental employees to ensure efficient processes and customer satisfaction wer e attained while developing incentive and marketing programs. Efficiently carried out outstanding performance of staff, administrative , sales, procurement, and warehousing and logistics through maintaining effectiv e communication and positive business relationships with diverse customers and v endors. Education Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Minor in Criminal Justice ~ CALIFORNIA STATE UNI VERSITY, SACRAMENTO, CA Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts ~ OHLONE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, FREMONT, CA
Professional Affiliations Member, Women in eDiscovery Member, National Association of Professional Women Member, Golden Key National Honor Society Technical Skills Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, QuickBooks Enterprise, FileMaker Pro, Citymax Web Design, Adobe Photoshop, Virtual TimeClock, and Total Dispatche r Knowledgeable in Microsoft Server, Exchange Server, Domain Name Server ( DNS), Webmail, VoIP, VPN, RAIDS, LAN/WAN, firewalls, routers, Security and Backup Systems