CHFS Questionnaire

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questionnaires on the gold loan which will be benificial for others to help down for their research perspective questio...


Survey Questionnaire

Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance


Statement The questionnaire of the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) is for internal use only. Those who have access to this document should take great care not to lose or disclose the contents to outsiders. Without explicit permission from the Research Center of the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), the questionnaire cannot be used for any other purposes.

The Research Center of Chinese Household Finance Survey Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Dec, 2011

Table of Contents Part 1: Demographic Characteristics ................................................................................................. 1 I. Questionnaire Screening .................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Basic Family Member Information ................................................................................................................... 3 3. Family Member’s Occupation and Income Information ................................................................................. 10 4. Subjective Attitude of Respondent .................................................................................................................. 21

Part 2: Assets and Liabilities ..................................................................... 22 1. Non-Financial Assets ...................................................................................................................................... 23 (I) Family business ...................................................................................................................................... 23 ( II) Land and Real Estate ........................................................................................................................... 30 (III) Vehicles................................................................................................................................................ 41 (IV) Other Non-Financial Assets................................................................................................................. 45 (2) Financial Assets ............................................................................................................................................. 46 (I) Demand Deposits ................................................................................................................................... 47 (II) Time Deposits (Certificates of deposit) ................................................................................................ 48 (III) Stocks .................................................................................................................................................. 49 (IV) Bonds................................................................................................................................................... 52 (V) Fund ..................................................................................................................................................... 53 (VI) Derivatives .......................................................................................................................................... 54 (VII) Financial Wealth-management Products ............................................................................................ 56 (IIX) Non-RMB Denominated Assets ......................................................................................................... 58 (IX) Gold ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 (X) Cash ..................................................................................................................................................... 60 (XI) Lending ............................................................................................................................................... 61 (3) Other Liabilities ............................................................................................................................................. 62 (I) Education Loans ..................................................................................................................................... 62 (II) Credit Cards .......................................................................................................................................... 64 (III) Other .................................................................................................................................................... 66 (I) Social Security, Insurance and Annuity.................................................................................................. 68 (II) Medical Insurance ................................................................................................................................. 75 (III) Unemployment Insurance .................................................................................................................... 77 (IV) Housing Fund ...................................................................................................................................... 78 2. Commercial Insurance .................................................................................................................................... 81 (I) Commercial Life Insurance .................................................................................................................... 82 (II) Commercial Health Insurance............................................................................................................... 84 (III) Commercial Pension Insurance ........................................................................................................... 84 (IV) Commercial Property Insurance .......................................................................................................... 85 (V) Other Commercial Insurance ................................................................................................................ 86


Part 4: Income and Expenditure .............................................................. 87 I. Consumer Spending ......................................................................................................................................... 87 (II) Transfer Expenditure .................................................................................................................................... 90 (III) Other Expenses ............................................................................................................................................ 90 (IV) Transfer Income .......................................................................................................................................... 91 (V) Other Income ................................................................................................................................................ 92 (VI) Other............................................................................................................................................................ 93


Interviewer Observations Note to interviewer:The following questions are to be finished based on your own on-site observation or by asking the local contact person. You do not need to consult the chosen household. [J1001] Where is the respondent’s home located? 1. Downtown of Large City

4. Small Town

2. Outskirts of Large City

5. Rural Area/Village

3. Large Town [J1002] How many minutes does it take the chosen household to travel to the city/town center? [J1003] Method of transportation 1. Foot

5. Subway/Light Rail

2. Bicycle

6. Own Car

3. Motorbike or Electric Cart

7. Other (Please specify)

4. Bus

[J1004] Which kind of construction structure does the surveyed household live in? 1. Farmhouse(Skip to [J1006])

4. Residential building with 1 to8 units

2. Single-family or duplex house (Skip to [J1006])

5. Residential building with nine units or

3. Multiplex (two or more families) townhouse

more, but less than 8 floors 6. Highrise with nine or more floors

(Skip to J1006]) [J1005] How many floors does the building where the surveyed household live have ?

[J1006] How much is this building worth approximately? 1. Under 50,000

4. 500,000-1 million

2. 50,000-200,000

5. 1-1. 5 million

3. 200,000-500,000

6. Over 1. 5 million

[J1007] Does the surveyed household home face southward? 1. Yes

2. No

If [J1001]=1,2,3,then ask [J1008]- [J1010],otherwise skip to [J1011]。 [J1008] Does this neighborhood has property management service? 1. Yes

2. No

[J1009] What is the approximate value of a typical car in the neighborhood? 1. Under 30,000

3. 100,000-200,000

2. 30,000-100,000

4. 200,000-500,000


5. Over 500,000

[J1010] How much does a parking lot cost in this neighborhood? 1. Under 50,000

5. 200,000-250,000

2. 50,000-100,000

6. Over 250,000

3. 100,000-150,000

7. No Parking

4. 150,000-200,000

[J1011] Do residents in this village/neighborhood have any petted animals such as dogs? 1. Yes [J1012] Is the village/neighborhood accessible by car? 1.Yes

2. No


Note to Interview: Please give a grade ranging from 1 to 10, 1 for extremely messy, 10 for very clean. [J1013] How clean are the roads in the community/town? Note to Interview:Please mark 1-10,1 for extremely messy, 10 for very neat. [J1014] How neatly are the buildings in the community/town are laid out: Note to Interview:Please mark 1-10,1 for crowded, 10 for open. [J1015] The level of crowdedness in the community/town: Note to Interview: Please mark 1-10, 1 for poor, 10 for great. [J1016] The level of “greenness” in the community/town: Note to Interview: Please mark 1-10, 1 for poor, 10 for rich. [J1017] The level of prosperity of the community/town is:


Part 1: Demographic Characteristics I. Questionnaire Screening [A1001]Is the respondent’s address the “loaded address” ? 1. Yes 2. No(Search for another household to visit)

[A1002]Can this palce be considered as a residence?(including business-residential building) 1. Yes household) 2. No (Re-search another surveyed [A1003]How many families live in this house?  Note to Interviewer Note: Make a judgment on whether the house is lived by more than one family or not based on financial independence, for example: a rented place shared several households or related but now financially independent households living under the same roof. For more than one family, CAPI randomly selects one for visit. [A1003a] If [A1003]>1,CAPI Cyclic Loading: Name of the head of the [i] household is: CAPI randomly selects one for visit. Continue with the following questions. [A1007] Is the main economic activities of your family carried out this city/county?? 1. Yes 2. No (Re-search another surveyed household) [A1008] Did anyone in your family live in this city/county for more than six months over the past year? 1. Yes 2. No (Re-search another surveyed household) [A1009] Does anyone in your family hold citizenship of a foreign country, or passport from the government of Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan? 1. The whole family does(Re-search another surveyed household)) 2. Some 3. None [A1010], Aside from this residence, how many other residences do your family live in this village/ community? This includes rented properties but does not include properties that are rented out. 。


If none, mark 0;if they don’t know,please mark -9。 [A1011] Aside the residence(s) from the village/ community, does your family have any other residence in China? This includes rented properties, but does not include homes rented out. If none, mark 0, if they don’t know,mark -9. [A1013] Which member of your family has the best knowledge of your household financial situation? Interviewer Note: Please record the-name of the person with most knowledge of the household financial situation and define him/her as the respondent. Other family members should only take advisory roles in answering the subsequent questions. If the respondent is not at home, please record his/her contact information and make an appointment for a re-visit. If A1003a=A1013,A1004 is loaded as 1and skip to next automatically. [A1014] Who is the head of your household?[Card A0] 1. Respondent 7. Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 2. Spouse or Partner 8. Grandson/Granddaughter 3. Parents 9. Granddaughter-in-law/ Grandson-in-law 4. Parents-in-law 10. Brothers and Sisters 5. Grandparents/ Grandparents- in-law 11. Other (Please Specify) 6. Children


2. Basic Family Member Information Display: Below we would like to gain an understanding of your family members who have economic ties with you. Let’s start with you self. Note to Interview: 1. If the person who falls into one of the following seven categories but still keeps economic ties with the family, they should be included as family members. (1) Student away from home; (2)Working away from home ; (3) Monk; (4) away for visiting friends/relatives; (5)Incarcerated ; (6) Military Service ;(7)Abroad (including travel, work, study, visit relatives);( 8)Married and moved out temporarily 2. Do not include nannies, drivers, etc. [A2000] How many family members are in your family? Start with yourself. Family Member Code [Numbered] [A2001]










What is the relationship of [name] to the respondent? [Card A0] 1. Respondent 2. Spouse/Partner 3. Parents 4. Parents-in-law 5.Grandparents/ Grandparents- in-law 6.Children 7. Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 8.Grandson/Granddaughter 9.Granddaughter-in-law/ Grandson-in-law 10.Brothers and Sisters 11.Other(Please Specify) Full Name


[A2003] [CAPI load name]sex is 1. Male 2.Female [A2004] [CAPI Load name]Does he/she live with you? 1. Yes 2. No [A2005] [A2006]

[CAPI LOAD NAME]Birth month and year


Which calendar do you use when answering the previous question? (only ask respondent and his/her spouses) (1) Gregorian Calendar (2) Lunar Calendar


CAPI automatically filled, interviewer will later confirm [CAPI Load name]’s zodiac sign is? 1. Rat 2. Cow 3.Tiger 4. Rabbit 5. Dragon 6. Snake 7. Horse 8. Sheep 9. Monkey 10. Chicken 11. Dog 12. Pig


____Year ____Month

____Year ____Month

____Year ____Mon th

____Year ____Mon th

____Year ____Mon th

____Year ____Mon th

____Year ____Mon th

____Year ____Mon th


[CAPI Load name]’s nationality?(Only ask the respondent and his/her spouses)If A1009=3,automatically assign 1 1. Mainland Chinese 2. Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan 3. American/Canada(Skip to [A2012]) 4. Europe (Skip to [A2012]) 5. Other Asian Countries(skip to [A2012]) 6. Other Countries(skip to[A2012])


[CAPI LOAD NAME]’s ethnicity?(Only ask and his/her spouses)



Ethnic Groups’ code table (Ranked in alphabetic order, except for Han)








Twelve Animals and the Corresponding Years


1996: 1984: 1972: 1960: 1948: 1936: 1924: 1912: 1900:








1997: 1985: 1973: 1961: 1949: 1937: 1925: 1913: 1901:








1998: 1986: 1974: 1962: 1950: 1938: 1926: 1914: 1902:








1999: 1987: 1975: 1963: 1951: 1939: 1927: 1915: 1903:








2000: 1988: 1976: 1964: 1952: 1940: 1928: 1916: 1904:








2001: 1989: 1977: 1965: 1953: 1941: 1929: 1917: 1905:








2002: 1990: 1978: 1966: 1954: 1942: 1930: 1918: 1906:








2003: 1991: 1979: 1967: 1955: 1943: 1931: 1919: 1907:








2004: 1992: 1980: 1968: 1956: 1944: 1932: 1920: 1908:








2005: 1993: 1981: 1969: 1957: 1945: 1933: 1921: 1909








2006: 1994: 1982: 1970: 1958: 1946: 1934: 1922: 1910








2007: 1995: 1983: 1971: 1959: 1947: 1935: 1923: 1911
















































If(survey year- [A2005])is calculated to be under 16, then skip to[A2017] [CAPI LOAD NAME]’s education level is?[Card A2] 1.Never Attended School(skip toA2015) 2.Primary School(skip toA2015) 3.Junior High(skip toA2015) 4.High School(skip toA2015) 5.Secondary/Vocational School(skip toA2015) 6.College/Vocational(skip toA2015) 7.Undergraduate Degree 8. Masters Degree 9.PhD


Was the degree acquired abroad? 1.Yes 2. No


[CAPI LOAD NAME]’s political affiliation ? (Only ask respondent and his/her spouses) 1.The Youth League 2. Chinese Communist Party 3. Democratic Parties or other parties 4.General public



Last year, did[CAPI LOAD NAME]live in this county/city for more than six months? (Only ask respondent and his/her spouses) 1. Yes 2. No


If(survey year- [A2005])is calculated to be younger than 16, then skip to[A2028] [CAPI LOAD NAME]has this county/city’s residence permit? (Only ask those whose citizenship is of Mainland China) 1. Yes(skip to[A2022]) 2. No [CAPI LOAD NAME]has which province’s residence permit?(Only ask the citizenship of respondent in mainland China and his/her spouses)



[CAPI LOAD NAME]has which county/city’s residence permit? (Only ask the citizenship of respondent in mainland China and his/her spouses)


[CAPI LOAD NAME]in which year began living in this city/county? (Only ask the citizenship of respondent in mainland China and his/her spouses)


Does[CAPI LOAD NAME]have an agricultural residence permit, or a non-agricultural residence permit? (Only ask the nationality of family members in mainland China) 1. Agricultural 2. Non-Agricultural(skip to[A2024])



Locally, is your /[CAPI load spouses name]’s surname prominent?(Just ask respondent and spouses) 1. Yes 2. No


[CAPI LOAD NAME]’s marital status ? [CardA3] (Only ask those over 16) 1 Single(skip to[A2028]) 2Married 3Cohabitation 4Separated(skip to[A2028]) 5Divorced(skip to[A2028]) 6Widowed(skip to[A2028]) 7 Other Married/Cohabitated in which year?(Only ask respondent


and his/her spouses) Interviewer Note: A2028-A2030 just ask family members older than 16 [A2028]

[CAPI LOAD NAME]has how many brothers, not including himself? (Only asked respondent and his/her spouses)


[CAPI LOAD NAME]has how many sisters, not including herself?(Only asked respondent and his/her spouses)



Amongst these brothers and sisters,[CAPI LOAD NAME]’s birth order is?(Only asked respondent and his/her spouses) If no brothers or sisters please mark 0,if A2028=0 and A2029=0,then A2030will automatically load 0,and skip to the next person.

3. Family Member’s Occupation and Income Information Note: Except for the respondent and his/her spouse, only ask other family members about A3003 andA3006

Main Work Information [CAPI]:Only ask those of age 16 and above about [A3002]~[A3044] Family member code [A3000]


Does[CAPI LOAD NAME]have a job now, including farming? (Only ask family members who are older than 16) 1. Yes(skip to[A3002]) 2.No










Why doesn’t[CAPI LOAD [CardA4] 1. Student 2. Housewife 3. Incapacitated 4.Seasonal worker, currently out of season →If Select 8, skip to[A3039], the others to[A4001]

NAME]have a job? 5. In vacation/Sick/Maternity leave 6. Unemployed, 7. Unwilling to work 8. Retired 9. Other

→For family members older than 16, cycle through [A3002]~[A3042] [A3002]

At present,[CAPI LOAD NAME]has how many jobs?

Note to Interview: If more than one job, respondent should be told: “Let’s first discuss your most important job”. [A3003]

What is the nature of the job?[Card A5] 1. Employed by others or an organization 2. Self-employment, start-up(skip to[A3029]) 3. Farming at home(skip to[A3028]) 4. Hired back by previous employer after retirement 5. Freelance 6.Other(personnel in military/volunteer skip to [A3029])




Which broad professional category does this job fall into? [Card A5a] 1.Administrator in government office, party and mass organization, enterprise and public institution 2. Professionals 3. Staff and supporting personnel 4. Business and service personnel 5. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal husbandry and Fishery 6. Production or transportation equipment operators and related personnel 7. Soldier


Which industry does this job fall 1. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal husbandry and Fishery 2. Mining 3. Manufacturing 4. Production and supply of Electricity, gas and water 5. Construction 6. Transport, storage and postal services 7. Information transmission, computer services and software industry 8. Wholesale and retail 9. Hospitality and food service 10. Finance 11. Real Estate 12. Rental and business services 13. Scientific research, technological services and geological survey

under?[Card A5b] 14. Water resource, environment, and public facilities management 15. Domestic/Residential services and other services 16. Education 17. Health, social security, and social welfare 18. Culture, sports and entertainment 19. Public administration and social organization 20. International organization 21. Other


How many years have you been in this work unit?


What is your professional or technical title in this position?[Card A6] 1. No title 2. Technician 3. Junior title 4. Middle-level title 5. Senior title 6.Honorary title



What is your job title? [Card A7] 1. Ordinary staff/worker ( skip to[A3011]) 2.(Sub) Team Leader 3. (Deputy) Section Chief 4. (Deputy) Director of a division 5. (Deputy) Director-General of a bureau and above

6. Village Cadre 7. Township Cadre 8. Division leader of the work unit 9. Top leader of the work unit 10. Other (Please specify)


How many years have you been in this position?


Last year, how many months did you in this capacity?


Last month, how many days did you work per week on average?


Last week, how many hours did you work per day on average?


What type of work unit do you work for? 1. Government agency 2. Public Institution 3. Enterprise



4.NGO 5. Military 6. Other (Please Specify)

[CAPI LOAD NAME]’s work unit belongs to which type of establishment? 1. No establishment 2. Administrative personnel (civil servants) 3. Public institution establishment 4. Military establishment →if A3014≠3,skip toA3020


What is the nature of[CAPI LOAD NAME]’s work unit?[Card A8] 1.State-owned/ State Controlled 2. Collectively owned/ Collectively Controlled 3. Private (without foreign investment) 4. Wholly Foreign Owned 5. Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao owned 6. Sino-Foreign Joint Venture 7. Other Cooperative Venture 8. Other (Please Specify)


Has the enterprise been listed on stock exchange? (Only asked when A3014=3) 1. Listed 2. Not Listed


Last year, how much do you earn for after-tax wage? (net of Insurances and Housing Fund, bonuses, subsidies, and subsidy in-kind (Unit: RMB)[Method of inquiry] (If the respondent does not know or is not willing to answer then ask[A3020it])



Which range does your last year’s after-tax wages fall into? [Card R1] 1. Under 10,000 2. 10,000-20,000 3. 20,000-50,000 4. 50,000-100,000 5. 100,000-200,000 6. 200,000-500,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 8. 1,000,000-2,000,000 9. Over 2,000,000


Last year, how much bonuses did you receive after taxes? This includes monthly bonus, quarterly bonus, semi-annual bonus, annual bonus, festival bonus, stock dividends from your company stocks and other bonuses. [Method of inquiry] (If respondents do not know or do not want to answer the question then ask[A3022it])



Which range does your last year’s after-tax bonuses fall into?[Card R1] 1. Under 10,000 2. 10,000-20,000 3. 20,000-50,000 4. 50,000-100,000 5. 100,000-200,000 6. 200,000-500,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 8. 1,000,000-2,000,000 9. Over 2,000,000


Last year, how much else were you paid in after-tax subsidies or subsidy in-kind? This includes food, medical , transportation, communication and housing subsidies[Method of Inquiry]


Last year, how much personal income taxes did you pay in total? This includes taxes on salary, bonuses, and subsidies. [Method of Inquiry]

Note to Interview:[A3002]>1,then ask [A3029]~[A3037]。IfA3002 = 1,skip toA4001 [A3028]

[CAPI LOAD NAME]what is the nature of the second job ? [Card A5] 1. Employed by others or an organization 2. Self-employment, start-up(skip to[A4001]) 3. Farming at home(skip to[A4001]) 4. Hired back by previous employer after retirement 5. Freelance 6. Other(skip to [A4001])



Last year, how many months did you spend on the job in total?


Last month, on average how many days did you work a week?


Last week, on average how many hours did you work a day?


After taxes how much money can be obtained from the second job ? This includes bonuses, subsidies and real subsidies. [Method of Inquiry] (If the respondent does not know or is unwilling to answer then ask[A3036it])


Last year, after-tax income from the second job was in which of the following ranges? [Card R1] 1. Under 10,000 2. 10,000-20,000 3. 20,000-50,000 4. 50,000-100,000 5. 100,000-200,000 6. 200,000-500,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 8. 1,000,000-2,000,000 9. Over 2,000,000


Last year, personal income taxes paid on second job totaled was how much? This includes monetary wages, bonuses, and subsidies paid. [Method of Inquiry] →skip to[A4001]

Work History [A3039]


How old were you when you started your first job?

[A3040] [A3041]

How many jobs have you had so far? (If 0,then skip to[A4001]) Which broad professional category does[CAPI load A3040 select]job fall into? [Card A5a] 1. Administrator in government office, party and mass organization, enterprise and public institution 2. Professionals 3. Staff and supporting personnel 4. Business and service personnel 5. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal husbandry and Fishery 6. Production or transportation equipment operators and related personnel 7. Soldier




What industry does the se [CAPI load A3040 select] job fal l under?(Can select multiple)[Card A5b] 1. Agriculture, hunting 11. Real Estate activities forestry and fishing 12. Renting and business services 2. Mining and quarrying 13. Scientific research, technical 3. Manufacturing services and geological prospecting 4. Electricity, gas and water 14. Water, environment, and public and supply facilities management 5. Construction 15. Resident services and other 6. Transportation, storage services and communications 16. Education 7. Information transmission, 17. Health and social work computer services and 18. Culture, sports and entertainment software industry 19. Public administration and social 8. Wholesale and retail trade organization 9. Accommodation and food 20. International organization service activities 21. Other 10. Financial intermediation

4. Subjective Attitude of Respondent Display: Below we would like to ask a few questions relating to your subjective attitude. [A4001] What are your main methods of obtaining information?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card A10] 1. Newspapers/Magazines 5. SMS 2. Television 6. Family, Friends and Coworkers 3. Radio 7.Other (Please Specify) 4. The Internet [A4002] What type of information are you most interested in?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card A11] 1. Politics 6. Entertainment 2. Economics 7. Military 3. Society 8. Health 4. Science and education 9. Other(Please Specify) 5. Sports [A4003] Assume you have some assets to invest, which type of project would you invest in?[Card A12] 1. High Risk, High Return 2. Slightly above-average risk, slightly above-average return 3. Average risk, average return projects 4. Slightly below-average risk, slightly below-average return 5. Unwilling to take any risk [A4004] When the value of your assets rises, are you willing to spend more? 1. Very likely 4. Unlikely 2. Likely 5. Very unlikely 3. Maybe [A4005] What do you expect of China’s economic prospect in the next three to five years? 1. Much better 4. A little worse 2. Better 5. Much worse 3. As good as now [A4006] What do you think of the public safety in this locality? 1. Extremely good 2. Good 3. So-so

4. Poor 5. Very Poor

[A4007] In which direction do you expect the interest rate to move in the coming year? 1. Rise a lot 4. Reduce a little 2. Rise a little 5. Reduce a lot 3. Almost no change


[A4008] In which direction do you expect the commodity prices to move in the coming year? 1. Rise a lot 4. Reduce a little 2. Rise a little 5. Reduce a lot 3. Almost no change [A4008a] In the coming year do you expect home prices to change? 1. Rise a lot 2. Rise a little 3. Almost no change

4. Reduce a little 5. Reduce a lot

[A4008b] Do you normally wear car seatbelts? 1. Yes 2. It depends

3. No

[A4009] How much did your family donate for the relief of Wenchuan earthquake in 2008? Please estimate the monetary value of the donation in-kind if any。 (Unit: RMB) [A4010] When you cross the road do you follow traffic rules and wait for the stop light? 1. Always comply 3. It depends 2. Disobey on occasion 4. Rarely obey →If A2001 select option 6 and A2005>=1986,then ask A4010a,if not, skip to A4011c [A4010a] Do you plan to send your kids to study abroad? 1. Yes 3.No 2.It depends [A4011c] Overall , do you feel happy? 1. Extremely happy 4. Unhappy 2. Happy 5. Extremely unhappy 3. So-so [A4012] Assume that the current interest rate is zero and there is no price inflation to be factored in, , which of the following payments would you prefer, 1000 RMB on tomorrow or 1100 RMB in one year? 1. Get 1000 RMB tomorrow 2. Get 1100 a year from now

Part 2: Assets and Liabilities Guide:Below we will ask some questions relating to your family assets and liabilities, including those of all family members mentioned above. Let’s begin with your family’s non-financial assets.


1. Non-Financial Assets (I) Family business Agriculture [B1001] In the last year, did your family engage in agricultural production? This includes agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and aquaculture, but does not include any work you were hired to do by others. 1. Yes 2. No(skip to [B2001]) [B1002] Last year, how many members of your family were engaged in agricultural production? [B1003] Last year, on average, how many months were they engaged in agricultural production? (Don’t know, mark-9) [B1004] Last year, what kind(s) of agricultural production was your family engaged in? (Can Choose Multiple)[Card B1] 1. Staple Crops 4. Animal Husbandry 2. Cash Crops 5. Aquaculture 3. Forestry 6. Other(Please Specify) [B1005] Last year, how much gross income did your family make from the agricultural activities? (Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If the respondent does not know or is unwilling to answer then ask [B1005it]) [B1005it] Which of the following range dose your family gross income from agriculture falls into?[Card R2] 1. Under 20,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 20,000-50,000 7. 1,000,000-2,000,000 3. 50,000-100,000 8. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 9. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 200,000-500,000 10. Over 10,000,000 [B1006] Last year, did your family receive any subsidy for agricultural production? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[B1011]) [B1007] What type of subsidy? 1. Cash 2. Subsidy in-kind(skip to[B1009])

3.Both 23

[B1008] How much is the cash subsidy? (Unit: RMB) If [B1007]=1,skip to[B1011] [B1009]Which of the following subsidy in-kind did you receive?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card B2] 1. Pesticide/Fertilizer 4. Fish or shrimp Eggs 2. Seeds/Seedlings 5. Agricultural Machinery 3. Livestock/Cubs 6. Other(Please Specify) [B1010]What would be the market value of these subsidy in-kind? [B1011] Last year, in addition to family members engaged in agriculture, how much did your family spend to hire outside helpers? (Don’t know mark-9) [B1012] Last year, what was the total cost of your family’s agricultural activities? [Method of Inquiry] (If respondent does not know or is unwilling to answer then ask [B1012it]) [B1012it] By your estimation, total cost from this project falls into which of the following ranges?[Card R2] 1. Under 20,000 6 . 500,000-1,000,000 2 . 20,000-50,000 7 . 1,000,000-2,000,000 3 . 50,000-100,000 8 . 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 9 . 5,000,000-10,000,000 5 . 200,000-500,000 10. Over 10,000,000 [B1013a] What would be the market value of the outputs from your family’s agricultural activities? (Unit: RMB) [B1013] Currently, which farm machinery does your family own, except for tractors? [Card B3] 1. Rice husk grinder (includes pulverizer) 2. Powered sewing machine 3. Harvester 4. Pumps ( Includes water pump)

5. Livestock machinery 6. Forestry machinery 7. Aquaculture machinery 8. Other(Please Specify) 9. None(skip toB2001)

[B1014] How much are those farming machinery worth?[Method of Inquiry] (Don’t know mark-9)


Industry & Commerce Note to Interview : Here “Industrial & commercial projects” self-employment and private enterprise. [B2001] Last year, did your family engage in any industrial or commercial projects? 1. Yes 2. No(If [B1001]=1,skip to[B3001] ;if [B1001]=2,skip to [C1001])


[B2002] In total, how many projects were your family being part of? (If the respondent does not know, mark-9) If [B2002]=1,then skip to[B2004] [B2003a] Currently, what is the total assets of these projects, not including the value of your own house used by these projects.(If the respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9, if the respondent is unwilling to answer please mark -7) [B2003b] Last year, what was the revenue/gross income from these projects?[Method of Inquiry] ((If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9; if the respondent is unwilling to answer, please mark -7)) [B2003c] Last year, what was the net profit from these projects?[Method of Inquiry]((If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9; if the respondent is unwilling to answer, please mark -7)) If [B2002]>1Show:Next, we would like to ask about your family’s most important industrial or commercial endeavor? [B2004] In which year did your family begin this project? [B2005]Initially, how was this project started?[Card B4] 1. Initiated by your family alone 2. Bought into 3. Inherited/Gifted 4. Joined as a partner 5. Other [B2006] Currently, how much does your family own this venture? ((If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9; if the respondent is unwilling to answer, please mark -7)) [B2007] What industry does this project fall under? [Card B5] 1. Mining 2. Manufacturing 3. Electricity, gas and water production and supply 4. Construction 5. Transportation, storage and postal industry 6. Information transmission, computer services and software industry 25

7. Wholesale and retail trade 8. Hospitality 9. Finance 10. Real Estate 11. Leasing and Business services 12. Scientific research, technical services and geological prospecting 13. Water environment and public facilities 14. Residential services 15. Education 16. Health, social security and social welfare 17. Culture, sports, entertainment 18. Public administration and social groups 19. International organizations 20. Other[B2008] What is the organizational form of this project? (Don’t use card) 1. Joint stock company 4. Wholly owned enterprise 2. LLC 5. Self-employed /single 3. Partnership proprietorship [B2009] Aside from your family members, currently, how many outside employees do hire in this project? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [B2010] Are you or your family members actively involved in day-to-day management of this project? 1.Yes 2. No(skip to[B2013])

[B2012] In atypical week, how many days do you or your family members work on this project? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [B2013] Currently, what is the total assets of this project, not including the value of your own house utilized by the project? (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[B2013it]) [B2013it] The total assets of this project fall into which range?[Card R2] 1. Under 20,000 6 . 500,000-1,000,000 2 . 20,000-50,000 7 . 1,000,000-2,000,000 3 . 50,000-100,000 8 . 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 9 . 5,000,000-10,000,000 5 . 200,000-500,000 10. Over 10,000,000 [B2014] Last year, what was the revenue/gross income of the project?[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask [B2014it]) [B2014it] By your estimation, income from this project falls into which of the following ranges? [Card R2]


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Under 20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-100,000 100,000-200,000 200,000-500,000

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

500,000-1,000,000 1,000,000-2,000,000 2,000,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-10,000,000 Over 10,000,000

[B2014a] How was the profitability of this project last year? 1. Profitable 2. losing money 3. Flat [B2015] Last year how much money did the project[load B2014a]make/lose?[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask [B2015it]) [B2015it] Your estimation of this project’s[CAPI load B2014a options]profitability/loss is within the range of : [Card R2] 1. Under 20,000 6 . 500,000-1,000,000 2 . 20,000-50,000 7 . 1,000,000-2,000,000 3 . 50,000-100,000 8 . 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 9 . 5,000,000-10,000,000 5 . 200,000-500,000 10. Over 10,000,000

Agricultural/Business Related Bank Loans [B3001] For the above[CAPI load:if B1001is 1,indicates agriculture,if B2001 is 1,indicates industrial/commerce ; if both are 1 , indicates agriculture and industrial/commercial]business activities, do you currently have any bank loans? 1. Yes(skip to[B3004]) 2. No [B3002] Why don’t you have loans?(Card B7) 1. No need(skip to[B3030]) 2. Need loans, but have never applied 3. Applied for loans but was denied(skip to[B3003]) 4. Had a loan but paid it off (skip to [B3030]) [B3002a] Why hasn’t your family applied for a loan? (Can Choose Multiple) (Do not use card) 1. Don’t know how to apply 2. Don’t have confidence the loan would be granted at all 3. The application process is too troublesome 4. Other(Please Specify)→skip to[B3030] [B3003] Why do you think your loan was rejected? (Can Choose Multiple)[Card B8] 1. Still had debt to pay off 5. No collateral 2. No guarantor 6. Bad credit history 3. Not familiar with the loan officer 7. Project is too risky 4. Income is low, loan officer is worried 8. Policy reasons 27

9. Other(Please Specify) →skip to[B3030] [B3004]How many batches of loans do you have currently? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [B3004a]What was the total amount of loans taken from banks?(Unit:RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [B3005] Currently,what is amount of the outstanding loan(s) [CAPI load B3004 option]?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[B3005it]) [B3005it] The amount of the outstanding loan(s) is within the range of: ?[Card R2] 1. Under 20,000 6 . 500,000-1,000,000 2 . 20,000-50,000 7 . 1,000,000-2,000,000 3 . 50,000-100,000 8 . 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 9 . 5,000,000-10,000,000 5 . 200,000-500,000 10. Over 10,000,000 If [B3004]>1,show:Next, we would like to gain an understanding of your family’s largest loan from a bank. [B3006] In which year did your family take this loan? [B3007] Last year how much was the interest on this loan?(Unit: RMB) If B3004 = 1,skip to B3009 [B3008] How much was the loan?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] [B3009] What type of loan is it? [CardB9] 1. Collateral loan 2. Hypothecated Loan

3. Guaranteed Loan 4. Credit

[B3010] Which bank did offer the loan?[CAPI]:List the financial institutions name. [B3011] What is/are the main reason(s) for choosing this bank?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB10] 1. Low interest rates 7. Good reputation 2. Past experience in 8. Market position transaction 9. Good service 3. Easy to get approved 10. Convenient hours, and 4. Low fees location 5. Personal relationships 11. No right to choose 6. Flexible loan terms 12. Other(Please Specify) →If B3004=1,then skip to B3022 [B3018] Currently, how much is the outstanding loan? (Unit: RMB)


(If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -999) 。 [B3022] What is the annual interest rate of the loan? (%) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -99;if no interest is charged then mark-88) [B3023] Is the interest rate adjustable? 1. Yes

[B3024] What happened to the most recent rate adjustment? 1. Rose 2. Fell

2.No(skip to[B3030])

3. None(skip to[B3030])

[B3025]What is the annual interest rate (%) now? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -99;if interest is not charged then mark-88)

[B3030] Aside from bank loans, has your family borrowed any money from other sources for business activities? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C1001]) [B3031] How much was the loan?(Unit: RMB) [B3033] Currently, how much is the loan outstanding?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[B3033it]) [B3033it] The amount you still owe is within the range of:[Card R2] 1. Under 20,000 2 . 20,000-50,000 3 . 50,000-100,000 4. 100,000-200,000 5 . 200,000-500,000

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

500,000-1,000,000 1,000,000-2,000,000 2,000,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-10,000,000 Over 10,000,000

[B3035] Who were the creditors of the loans?[Card B13](Can Choose Multiple) 1. Parents 5. Friends/colleague 2. Sons and daughters 6. Informal financial 3. Siblings organizations 4. Other relatives 7. Other

Note to Interview:From the first payment of principal or interest. [B3039a] Did this loan have an explicit pay-off schedule? 1. Yes 2. No 29

[B3043a] Last year what was the total amount of interest your family paid on these loans? (Unit:RMB)

(2) Land and Real Estate Display:Below, we would like to gain an understanding of the real estate and land your family owns [C1001] Which of the following does best describe the place your family live?(directly read options) 1. Owned by family members 2. Rented (skip to[C2002]) 3. Free

[C1002]Who own this house?[Card B14] 1. The State 2. Work unit 3. Parents 4. Parents-in-law 5. son/daughter-in law 6. daughter/son-in law

7. Grandson/Granddaughter-in-law 8. Granddaughter/Grandson-in-law 9. Sibling 10. Other relatives 11. Non-relatives

[C1003] Does your family[CAPI load C1001 option] live in part of the house,or the whole house ? 1. Whole house 2. Part of the house/ one of the rooms(skip to[C1005]) [C1004] How many square meters is the actual living space of the house? →skip to[C1006] [C1005] How many square meters is the actual living space your family occupies if the house is shared[CAPI load C1001 option]? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [C1006]How many minutes does it take to get to the nearest city/county center from this house? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9;if it is in city/county center mark 0) [C1007]Method of transportation? 1. by foot 2. Bicycle 3. Motorbike/Electric Carts 4. Bus


5. Subway/light rail 6.Car 7. Other(Please Specify)

[C1008] When did your family move into this house? (If respondents did not know, record -9) [C1010]When your family moved in,[CAPIloadC1001 options],how was it decorated/furnished? 1. Undecorated/Unfurnished 4. High-end Decor 2. Lightly decorated 5. Luxury Decor 3. Somewhat decorated →If[C1001]=3,skip to[C1014]。 [C1012a] Currently, how much rent do you pay each time?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9;if rent is not paid then,mark 0 and skip to[C1014]) [C1012]How often do you pay? 1. Month 2. Quarter 3. Half-year 4. Year

5. Two Years 6. No Rent 7. Other

[C1013] Which of the following services are included in your rent? (Can Choose Multiple)[Card B15] 1. Water 6. Telephone 2. Electricity 7. Network Charges on 3. Gas Internet 4. Property Management fee 8. None included 5. Fiber optics [C1014] If you put your house on the rental market, how much would the monthly rent be?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [C1015] At the market price, what is the value of your house?(Unit: 10,000 RMB) (If respondents did not know, mark -9)

Property Ownership Structure [C2001]Does your family own any house? 1. Yes

2. No(skip to[C4001])

Note to Interview: Houses mentioned below do not include those already demolished by the end of last year. [C2002] How many houses do you own? 31

(If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [C2002a] Does your family rent the house(s) out? 1. Yes

2. No (skip to[C2003])

[C2002d] Last year, how much money did your family receive in rent? Real Estate Information Housing Code[CAPIload home code] [C2003]

How many square meters is the house’s construction size (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


How many square meters is the house’s actual living space(If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


Aside from the toilet, how many rooms does this house have? Note to Interview: If this person lists how many living rooms, bathrooms and bedrooms you can write it down directly.


How did you get this house?[Card B16] 1. from the real estate market 2. Affordable Housing Program 3. Inheritance or gift 4. Purchased from the working unit at below market price 5. Built through collective fund raising(jizi) 6. Self built/ expansion 7. Replacement of demolished former residence Other


What form of property is this house? 1. Partial Ownership 2. Full ownership 3. Informal ownership (xiaochanquan) Rural collective land ownership 4. Other(Please Specify)


Does this house located within the city/county? 1. Yes 2. No





[C2010] [C2011]

How many minutes does it take to get to the city/county center from the house? Interviewer Note:If it is in the city/town center mark-0。 Transportation 1. By foot 2. Bicycle 3. Motorbike or electric cars 4. Take the bus 5. Subway/Light Rail 6. By Car 7. Other(Please Specify)


When did you get this house? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


How much did you pay for this house? (Unit: 10,000 RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C2013it])


By your estimation the costs of this house for you was in the range of : [Card R3] 1. Under 50,000 2. 50,000-100,000 3. 100,000-200,000 4. 200,000-500,000 5. 500,000-1,000,000 6. 1,000,000-2,000,000 7. 2,000,000-5,000,000 8. Over 5,000,000


At the time the house was acquired, what was the total amount of taxes and fees paid? (Unit:10,000 RMB) [Method of Inquiry](If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


How much is the house worth now? (Unit:10,000 RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C2016it] )



This house’s market value falls in the range of;[Card R3] 1. Under 50,000 2. 50,000-100,000 3. 100,000-200,000 4. 200,000-500,000 5. 500,000-1,000,000 6. 1,000,000-2,000,000 7. 2,000,000-5,000,000 8. Over 5,000,000


Is this house used for commercial purposes? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C2024])


What is the construction size for the part of the house that is used for commercial purposes?(Unit: Square Meters)


Show:Thank you for your responses, now I would like to ask some questions relating to your family’s debt situation. Currently, does your family have any loan outstanding for purchasing, decorating, remodeling, or expanding your home? 1. Yes(skip to[C2027]) 2. No


Why don’t you have bank loans?[Card B7] 1. Don’t need them(skip to[C3001]) 2. Need a loan but haven’t applied (skip to[C3001]) 3. Application was rejected 4. Already paid them off (skip to[C3001])


Why do you think your loan application was rejected?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card B8] 1.Already owe some debts 2. No guarantor 3.Not familiar with the loan officer 4.Income is low, loan officer is worried 5.No collateral 6. Bad credit history 7. Too risky 8. Policy reasons 9. Other(Please Specify) →skip to[C3001]



How many batches of loans do you have? If more than one, ask about the most substantial one(If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) (CAPI:below we would like to get some information about the loan)


When did you take out this bank loan?


What was the loan for? 1. Purchase housing 2. Home improvements(skip to[C2037]) 3. Remodeling/expansion(skip to[C2037]) 4. Other


Is this loan a mortgage? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C2037])


How much was down payment? (Unit: 10,000 RMB)[Method of Inquiry]


Where did the down payment come from?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB18]

1. Respondent or Spouse 2. Gift from child(ren) 3. Gift from parents 4. Gift from other relatives/friends 5. loan from bank 6. borrowed money 7. Other


When your family purchased this house, what type of bank loan did you take?

1. Provident Fund Loan 2. Commercial Loan 3. Loan Portfolio 4. Other(Please Specify) [C2037]

Which bank did your family take this loan from? [CAPI]:local financial institution on list




What is/are the main reason(s) for choosing this bank? (Can Choose Multiple)[CardB10] 1. Low interest rates 2. Has done business 3. Low approval rate 4. Low cost 5. Personal relationships 6. Flexible loan terms 7. Good reputation 8. Influence 9. Good service 10. Hours, convenient location 11. No right to choose What was 12. the Other(Please total amount ofSpecify) house loans taken from banks at the time? (Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry]


How long is the loan period? (Unit: Years)


What is the loan’s interest rate? (%) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


Have you ever changed the repayment schedule for this loan?[CardB11] 1. Never(skip to[C2052]) 2. Paid back part of the principal ahead of the schedule 3. Extended the term 4. Stopped payment 5. Other


Why did you change the repayment schedule?[CardB12] 1. Interest rate adjustment 2. Change in income 3. Changes in expected income 4. Changes in price levels 5. Other(Please Specify)


What is your loan repayment plan? (Just referring to the first home) 1. One-time payment of principal and interest 2. Equal installments of principal and interest 3. Equal installments of principal 4. Uneven installments


How much of your house still needs to be paid off? (Unit: 10,000 RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C2055it])



By your estimation the amount remaining to be paid on this loan falls into which range? [Card R3] 1. Under 50,000 2. 50,000-100,000 3. 100,000-200,000 4. 200,000-500,000 5. 500,000-1,000,000 6. 1,000,000-2,000,000 7. 2,000,000-5,000,000 8. Over 5,000,000


Aside from bank loans, did your family borrow money from any other sources for the purchase, construction or renovation of this home? 1.Yes 2. No(skip to[C4001])


What was the total amount of these non-bank loans?[Method of Inquiry] (If doesn’t know, please mark Noterespondent to Interview: We would now like to -9) learn about the situation


surrounding your largest non-bank loan largest loan. How much money did you borrow?[Method of Inquiry] [C3004]

From where was this loan taken?[CardB13] 1. 1.Parents 2. 2. Sons and daughters 3. 3. Sibling 4. 4. Other relatives 5. 5.Friends/colleague 6. 6.Informal financial organization 7. Other(Please Specify)


Was there an explicit due date for paying back the money? 1.Yes 2.No


What was the interest rate originally? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9;if interest it not charged,then mark -0, 1 “li” is equivalent to an annual rate of 12%;1 fen is equivalent to an annual rate of 1.2%。skip to[C3016])



Was it an annual rate, monthly rate or daily rate? 1.Yearly Interest Rate 2.Monthly Interest Rate 3. Daily Rate


What was the amount of your last repayment? (Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9;if has not yet begun repayment, mark -0)


How much is the loan outstanding?(Unit:RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C3016it]. If paid off,then mark -0,and skip to[C4001]


The loan outstanding is within the range of :[Card R3] 1. Under 50,000 2. 50,000-100,000 3. 100,000-200,000 4. 200,000-500,000 5. 500,000-1,000,000 6. 1,000,000-2,000,000 7. 2,000,000-5,000,000 8. Over 5,000,000

Housing Demolition Note to Interview: This includes demolition/relocation of productive and residential housing owned by the family [C4001] Has your family ever experienced a housing demolition/relocation (chaiqian)? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C5001]) [C4002]When was the last time your house was demolished? [C4004]What was the area of the demolition? [C4005] What unit? 1. Square meter 2. Fen 3. Acre


4. Hectare 5. Mu 6. Other(Please Specify)

Interviewer Note: If the respondent [C4004] has answered directly record/ [C4006]What was the form of compensation received for the demolition? 1. Monetary Compensation 4. 2. Housing Compensation(skip to[C4008]) 5. 3. Both [C4007]What was the amount of the financial compensation? If C4006=1,skip toC4008c。 [C4008]What was the area being compensated to you? [C4008a] What unit? 1. Square meter 2. Fen 3. Ace

No competition(skip to[C5001]) Other(Please Specify) (skip to[C5001])

(Unit:10,000 RMB)

4. 5. 6.

Hectare Mu Other(Please Specify)

[C4008b] What is the estimated value of the housing you received as part of the compensation ? (Unit: 10,000 RMB) [C4008c] Were you satisfied with the total compensation? 1.Very Satisfied 4.Not satisfied 2.Satisfied 5.Very unsatisfied 3.Somewhat satisfied

Land Status Note to Interview: The land mentioned includes state owned land rights, but does not include urban residential housing. [C5001] Does your family own any land? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C7001]) [C5002] Which of the following categories does this piece of land fall into?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB20] 1. Agricultural land 3. State-owned land rights 4. Other(Please Specify) 2. Rural collective construction land (homestead) CAPI:Loop on [C5002] options [C5003] [Load [C5002] options]What is the area of the land[Load [C5002] options]? 39

[C5004] What unit? 1. Mu 2. fen 3. Ares

4. Hectare 5. Square meter 6. Other(Please Specify)

Interview Note:If the respondent [C5003] has answered,record directly. [C5005] Is the land [Load [C5002] option] rented out? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C5010]) [C5006] What is size of the area being rented out? [C5007] What is the unit? 1. Mu 2. fen 3. Ares

Note to Interview:If

4. 5. 6.

Hectare Square meter Other(Please Specify)

the respondent [C5006] has answered,record directly.

[C5008] Last year what was the total amount of rent received? This includes land dividend. [C5010] At current market price, how much is this piece of land[CAPI load C5002 option]worth?

Land Expropriation [C6001] Was your family’s land ever being expropriated by the state? 1. Yes 2.

No(skip to[C7001])

[C6002] When was the last time your land was expropriated? [C6004] What was the area of the land expropriated? [C6005] What units? 1. Mu 2. Fen 3. Ares 4. Hectare


5. Square meter 6. Other(Please Specify)

[C6006] What is the method of compensation? 1. Monetary 2. Non-monetary(skip to[C6008]) 3. Both of 1 and 2 4. No compensation(skip to[C7001]) 5. Other(Please Specify) [C6007] How much was the monetary compensation? (Unit: 10,000 RMB) If C6006=1,skip toC7001。 [C6008] What is the form of non-monetary compensation? 1. Pensions 2. Health insurance

3. Job placement 4. Other(Please Specify)

(3) Vehicles Instructions: Here we would like to gain a better idea about the situation of your family’s vehicles. [C7001] Does your family own any vehicles including car, bus, or truck 1. Yes 2.No(skip to[C7053]) [C7002] What is the total number of the cars, buses or trucks your family own? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) If C7002>2,shows: Here we would like to know more about the most recent car your family purchased? Vehicle Information Car Code







In which year did your family get this car?


Was it brand now or used? 1. New 2. Used

02 03



What was the price of the car ? (Excluding taxes and fees) (Unit: 10,000 RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


What was the total amount of taxes and fees incurred when buying this car? (Unit: RMB)


What is the car’s current market value? (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C7009it])


Which of the following is close to the car’s current market value?[Card R4] 1. Under 20,000 2. 20,000-50,000 3. 50,000-100,000 4. 100,000-200,000 5. 200,000-500,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 7. Over 1,000,000


How many kilometers has the car been driven? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


Did your family take a bank loan to buy this car? 1.Yes(skip to[C7018]) 2.No


Why didn’t they take bank loans?[CardB7] 1. Did not need them(skip to[C7047]) 2. Need them, but did not apply(skip to[C7047]) 3. Applied for a loan but was rejected(skip to[C7047]) 4. Already paid off(skip to[C7047])


How much was the auto loan? (Unit: 10,000 RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


How much is the loan outstanding?(Unit: 10,000 RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C7019it])



The loan outstanding is within the range of :[Card R4] 1. Under 20,000 2. 20,000-50,000 3. 50,000-100,000 4. 100,000-200,000 5. 200,000-500,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 7. Over 1,000,000


In addition to the bank loans, did your family borrow other money for buying this vehicle?(Unit: RMB)


1.Yes 2.2. No(skip to[C7003],ask about another vehicle;if it was the last one then skip to[C7053]) Where did your family borrow from? ( Can Choose Multiple)[CardB13] 1. Parents 2. Children 3. Siblings 4. Other relatives 5. Friends/colleague 6. Informal financial organization 7. Other


What was the total amount borrowed by your family?(Unit: RMB)


Currently, how much does your family still owe?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C7050it])


By your estimation the amount owed falls in the range of :[Card R4] 1. Under 20,000 2. 20,000-50,000 3. 50,000-100,000 4. 100,000-200,000 5. 200,000-500,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 7. Over 1,000,000 Is interest paid on these loans?


1.Yes 2.No(skip to[C7003],ask about the next vehicle;or if the last one then skip to[C7053]) [C7052]

Last year what was the total amount of money spent on interest payments for your bank loans and private loans. (Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) 43

If [C7002]>2,then ask [C7052a] [C7052a] Aside from the cars previously mentioned, what is the value of your family’s other vehicle(s)?(Unit:10,000 RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C7052ait]) [C7052ait] The value of the car(s) mentioned above falls in which of the following ranges?[Card R4] 1. Under 20,000 5. 200,000-500,000 2. 20,000-50,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 3. 50,000-100,000 7. Over 1,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000

Other Vehicles [C7053] In addition to the vehicles above, does your family have any other types of vehicles, such as excavators, tractors, motorcycles, tricycles, electric bike, bicycles and so on? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C7070]) [C7055]What is the total value of these vehicles?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) Note to Interview: If your family only owns a fraction of this vehicle, record the value of your family’s fraction [C7056] To buy the vehicle(s), did your family take out loans or borrow money? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C7057c]) [C7057] Currently, how much is the total loan outstanding on these loans?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C7057it]) [C7057it] By your estimation the amount you owe falls in the range of:[Card R4] 1. Under 20,000 5. 200,000-500,000 2. 20,000-50,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 3. 50,000-100,000 7. Over 1,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 [C7057c] Last year did your family rent any vehicle? 1.Yes

2. No(skip to[C7057d])

[C7057a] How much did you pay for the car rental last year? (Unit: RMB) [C7057d] Last year, did your family lease out any vehicle? 1. Yes

2. No(skip to[C7070])

[C7057b] How much is the income for leasing the vehicle(s) last year? (Unit: RMB) If [C7001]=1 or [C7053]=1,then ask [C7070]~[C7072],otherwise skip to[C8001]。


Vehicle Insurance [C7070] Does your family have any auto insurance policy? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[C8001]) [C7071] What type of auto insurance did your family buy last year?(Can Choose Multiple) [CardB22] 1. Mandatory Traffic 9. Loss from breakdown Insurance insurance 2. Loss of vehicle insurance 10. Spontaneous Combustion 3. Third party liability Insurance insurance 11. Damage to added 4. Theft Insurance equipment insurance 5. Auto liability insurance 12. Non-deductible special insurance 6. No-fault liability insurance 13. Other(Please Specify) 7. Dropped cargo liability insurance 8. Glass breakage insurance

[C7072] Last year, what was the total amount of insurance premiums paid by your family?(Unit: RMB) [C7073] Did your family make any car insurance claim last year? 1.Yes 2 No(skip toC8001) [C7074] Last year, what was the amount received from your family’s auto insurance claim? (Unit: RMB)

(4) Other Non-Financial Assets Display: Next, we would like learn about any other non-financial assets your family might have [C8001] Currently, does your family have any of the following durable goods? Can Choose Multiple) [CardB23] 1. Camera 8. Solar/ Electric water heater 2. BW/Color TV 9. Furniture 3. Washing machine 10. Satellite Receiver 4. Refrigerator 11. Musical Instruments 5. Air Conditioner 12. None of the above(skip to 6. Computer C[8003]) 7. Stereo 13. Other(Please Specify) 45

[C8002] How much are those durables [CAPI load each [C8001] selected options] worth?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)Method of inquiry [C8003] In addition to the items mentioned in the questionnaire, does your family have in other assets such as yacht, private aircraft, antiques, rare animals or plants, rare stamps, paintings or any other any other valuable assets? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D1101]) [C8004] What are those valuable items?(Can Choose Multiple) 1. Yacht/Private Plane 2. Antiques 3. Rare animals and Plants 4. Stamps/ paintings/ artwork 5. Gold, Silver, jewelry, etc 6. Other( such as high-end handbags, cosmetics, designer clothes, luggage, watches, etc) [C8005] By your estimation what is/are [CAPI load each [C8001] selected options] currently worth?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)Method of Inquiry [C8006] Did your family borrow money or take out loans to purchase these assets? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D1101]) [C8007] How much money is still unpaid? (Unit:RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[C8007it]) [C8007it] By your estimation the amount you still owed is within the range of:[Card R4] 1. Under 50,000 4. 150,000-250,000 2. 50,000-100,000 5. 250,000-500,000 3. 100,000-150,000 6. Above 500,000

(2) Financial Assets Display: Now we would like to learn something about your family’s financial assets, let us begin with deposits.


(I) Demand Deposits [D1101] Does your family currently have RMB denominated checking account(s) 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D2101]) [D1104] How many of these accounts does your family use regularly? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D1105] What is the total balance of the [CAPI load [D1104]] account(s)?[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D1105it]) [D1105it] The [CAPI load [D1104]] checking account balance is within the range of:[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 If [D1104]>1,Display:Next,we would like to learn more about your family’s checking account with the largest balance? [D1107] Which bank is this checking account with? [CAPI] List banks [D1108] Why did your family choose this bank? (Can Choose Multiple)[CardB25] 1. Convenient location 11. Business/operational 2. More ATMs needs 3. More self-service banking 12. Working/educational 4. Better online banking needs 5. Convenient hours 13. Pay card/pension card/ 6. Low fees working place designated 7. Good service 14. Unlimited withdrawals 8. Simple procedures 15. No other institution 9. Numerous banking 16. Less risk of bank failure products 17. Prefer local agencies 10. Personal relationship 18. Other(Please Specify) →If [D1104=1],then skip to[D2101] [D1111] Currently, what is the amount on deposit in this checking account?[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


(II) Time Deposits (Certificates of deposit) [D2101] Does your family currently have immature RMB time deposits? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D3101]) [D2103] What is the main purpose of your family’s time deposit?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB28] 1. Interest income 8. Education or training 2. Asset security 9. To repay debt 3. Purchase/construction/de 10. Preparation for retirement coration of a house 11. To travel or take a 4. To buy a car vacation 5. Purchase of furniture, 12. Heritance to children appliances, and other 13. Weddings and funerals durable goods 14. Medical expenses 6. Initial funds for 15. No other investment agricultural/Industrial/Co channels mmercial start-up 16. Other(Please Specify) 7. Financial investment [D2103a] Altogether how many batches of time deposits does your family have? [D2104] Currently what are these [CAPI load [D2103a]] time deposits worth in total?[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D2104it]) [D2104 it] The [CAPI load [D2103a]] approximate value falls in which of the following ranges? [Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 [D2106] Last year what was the after-tax income on your family’s time deposits?(Unit: RMB) (if respondent doesn’t know, then mark-9) If D2103a>1,Display: Next we would like to learn about your family’s time deposit with the largest balance . [D2114] In what year was the deposit made? [D2115] How long is the time deposit’s term? →If D2103a=1,skip toD3101


[D2117] Currently, what is the value of the deposit?[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)

(III) Stocks [D3101] Does your family have any stock accounts? 1. Yes(skip to[D3103]) 2. No [D3102] Why doesn’t your family have stock account?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB35] 6.Cumbersome procedures 1. Stocks are too risky 7.Lack relevant knowledge 2. Stock returns are too low 8.Lost money previously 3. Don’t know how to open an account 9.Never heard of them 4 . Too far away from the 10.Limited funds security company 11 . Other reasons ( Please 5.Do not know where to open Specify) an account →skip to[D4101a] Note to Interview: The cash balance in the stock account refers to the money not used to purchase shares. [D3103] How much cash balance do these equity accounts have, please note, that cash used to purchase shares is not included?[Method of Inquiry](Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D3103 it]) [D3103 it] The stock account’s balance is in which of the following ranges?[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 [D3104] How many stocks does your family currently hold? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) If [D3104]>0 or -9,skip to[D3106] [D3104]=0,then ask[D3105] [D3105] Why doesn’t your family hold stocks?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB36] 1. Bad market 2. Return is low 49

7.Lack relevant knowledge 8.Never heard of them 9.Limited funds 10 . Other reason ( Please

3. Not sure which company to invest 4. Invest in mutual funds 5. Insufficient cash in the account 6.Don’t know how to buy →skip to[D4101a]


[D3106] Is there any family member who is or has worked in one of those companies that issued the stocks your family hold? 1. Yes 2. No [D3107] How long has your family invested in stocks? (Unit: Months) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) Note to Interview: The following question is asking the entire family’s return from investing stocks, rather than that of an individual stock or family member. [D3108] From the first stock purchase until now, what is your family’s loss/gain situation? 1. Profit 3. Loss 2. Broke even Note to Interview, this question refers to the total market value of all stocks, excluding cash remained in the account(s) [D3109] What is the current market value of the stocks your family owns? [Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D3109 it]) [D3109 it] The market value of these stocks falls in which range?[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 6. 200,000-500,000

500,000-1,000,000 1,00,000-2,000,000 2,000,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-10,000,000 10,000,000

Note to Interview: What this question asks is the most commonly method used by your family. Please let the respondent’s subjective judgment prevail. [D3111] What is your family’s main method of purchasing stock?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB37] 1. Home Computer 5. Landline (doesn’t include cell phone) 2. Office Computer 6. Cell Phone 3. Internet access point (Internet 7. Through brokers café, school computer etc) 8. Other 4. Counter


Note to Interview:This question asks about respondents what their investment decisions for the family are based on, allow the respondents subjective judgments to prevail. [D3112a] Which family member usually makes the stock investment decisions?[CardB38] 1. Respondent 7. Grandchildren 2. Spouse 8. Brothers and sisters 3. Respondent and spouse 9. Other relatives together 10. Unrelated persons 4. Family collectively decides 11. Family member makes decisions individually 5. Parents 6. Children [D3113] Does your family have any non-publicly traded stocks? 1. Yes

2. No(skip to[D3116a])

[D3116] What do you estimate the current value of these stocks to be? (Unit: RMB) Note to Interview: This question refers to the entire family’s stocks, rather than an individual stock or that of a certain family member. (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D3116it]) [D3116 it] The market value of this/these stock(s) falls in which of the following ranges?[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,000,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. above 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 [D3116a] Did your family take a loan or borrow money to buy stocks? 1. Yes

2. No(skip to[D3117])

[D3116b] How much money is still owed?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D3117] Last year how much after-tax income did your family make from changes in stock price or dividends?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D3117it]) [D3117it] Which of the following ranges does your family’s after-tax income fall in?[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000


(IV) Bonds [D4101a] Which of the following assets does your family own?(Can Choose Multiple) 1.Bonds 2.Mutual Funds(skip to[D5103]) 3.Derivatives(skip to[D6103]) 4.Wealth Management Products(skip to[D7103]) 5.None(skip to[D7112a]) Note: If the respondent has multiple choices, then ask about each financial asset separately [D4101] Currently, your family has which of the following bonds?[CardB31] 1. State Treasury Bills 2. Local Government Bonds 3. Financial bonds

4. Corporate bonds 5. Other bonds(Please Specify)

[CAPI]: cycle [D4101] selected options [D4103] What is the total face value of the [CAPI load bond name] that your family holds? [Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D4103 it]) [D4103 it]Which following range does the total face value fall in?[Card R5] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Under 5,000 5,000-20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-100,000 100,000-200,000 200,000-500,000

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

500,000-1,000,000 1,00,000-2,000,000 2,000,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-10,000,000 10,000,000

[D4105] Next we would like to learn about your family’s largest [CAPI load bond name] situation. In what year was it bought? [D4106] How long is the term of [CAPI load bond name]? [D4108] What is the [CAPI load bond name] face value?[Method of Inquiry] [D4110] [CAPI load bond name]What is the annual interest rate? Break circle


[D4110a] Did your family take loans or borrow money to buy bonds? 2. No(skip to[D4111]) 1. Yes [D4110b] How much money is still owed?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D4111] Last year, how much after-tax income did your family make from bonds?(Unit: RMB) (if respondent doesn’t know, then mark-9) Go back to [D4101a]

(V) Fund [D5103] How many mutual funds does your family invest? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D5104] What kind of funds do you family invest?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB34] 1. Stock 4. Hybrid 2. Bond 5. Other(Please Specify) 3. Money Market Fund [D5105] How long has your family been invested in funds? (Unit: Month) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D5107] What is the current total market value of these funds?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D5107 it]) [D5107 it] The total value of these funds is in which of the following ranges?[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000

[D5108a] Did your family take loans or borrow money to buy funds? 1. Yes

2. No(skip to[D5109])

[D5108b] How much does your family still owe? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D5109] Last year, what was your family’s after tax income from changes of funds prices, dividend 53

or interest payments?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D5109it]) [D5109it] Which of the following ranges does your after-tax income from changes of funds price or dividend fall in ? [Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,000,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 Go back to [D4101a]

(VI) Derivatives We would like to learn something about the financial derivatives your family owns? [D6103] Does your family own futures? 1. Yes 2. No (skip to[D6107]) [D6104] What are the commodities of these futures?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB41] 1. Copper 11. Palm oil 2. Aluminum 12. Linear low density polyethylene 3. Zinc 13. Rapeseed oil 4. Precious metals futures 14. Wheat (Gold, silver, platinum, 15. Cotton palladium, etc.) 16. White granulated sugar 5. Natural Rubber 17. PTA(purified terephthalic acid) 6. Fuel Oil 18. Stock Index Futures 7. Corn 19. Foreign Exchange Futures 20. Interest Rate Futures 8. Soybean(1#,2# ) 9. Soybean pulp 21. Other(Please Specify) 10. Soybean oil Note to Interview: Ask the total market value of the futures here, if the respondents to tell the value of each individual future, add them up. [D6106a] What are these futures currently worth?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D6106a it]) [D6106a it] The market value of these futures is approximately within the range of:[Card R6] 1. Under 5,000 3. 20,000-50,000 2. 5,000-20,000 4. 50,000-100,000


5. 6. 7. 8.

100,000-200,000 200,000-500,000 500,000-1,000,000 1,000,000-2,000,000

9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 11. Above 10,000,000

[D6107] Does your family own any warrants? 1. Yes 2. No (skip to[D6112]) Note to Interview: Ask the total market value of the warrants here, if the respondent tells you the market value of each warrant, add your own total. [D6110] What is the market value of the warrants you invested?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D6110 it]) [D6110 it] The approximate market value of these warrants falls into which of the following ranges?[Card R6] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,000,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000

Note to Interview:This question doesn’t include the aforementioned futures and warrants. [D6112] Does your family have any other financial derivatives, such as forward contracts, swaps, etc? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D6115]) Note to Interview: here ask the total market value of other derivative products, have they listed the value of each derivative, add your own total. [D6115] What are these derivatives now worth?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D6115 it]) [D6115 it] The market value of these derivatives is in which of the following ranges?[Card R6] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 Note to Interview: The questions asked the respondent families of all financial derivatives, including futures, warrants, etc. [D6115a] Did your family borrow money or take loans to purchase these financial derivatives? 2. No(skip to[D6116]) 1. Yes 55

[D6115b] How much does your family still owe? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D6116] Last year, what was your family’s after-tax income from derivatives? (Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D6116it]) [D6116it] By your estimation, your after-tax income was in which of the following ranges? [Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,000,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000

Return to [D4101a]

(VII) Financial Wealth-management Products Note to Interview: Financial products do not include the previously mentioned deposits, funds bonds, equities, derivatives, etc. Neither do they include business assets, real estate, and personal property such as cars, art and other kinds of wealth management property. Financial wealth-management products include those offered by banks, brokers, or trust.

[D7103] Does your family have any wealth-management products offered by bank? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D7107]) [D7104] Which institutions are these bought from?(Can Choose Multiple)[CAPI] List of banks Note to Interview: What these questions refer to is all family members’ financial product investments, rather than those from a single bank financial product or of a single person. If respondents reply with each individual’s investments in financial products, add your own total. [D7105] In total how much did your family invest in these financial products?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)


[D7106a] What is the current value of the financial products your family holds?(Unit: RMB) [Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D7106a it]) [D7106a it] The market value of these financial products is within the range of:[Card R6] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000

[D7107] Does your family have other wealth-management products, for example, from security broker,trusts, and so on? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D7111a]) Note to Interview: In these questions “other financial products” do not include financial wealth-management products from banks. If respondents reply with each individual investment, add them in total. [D7108] In total how much money has your family invested in other financial products?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D7110] Currently, what is the total value of other financial products held by your family?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D7110it]) [D7110 it] Which of the following is the closest approximation of the value products?[Card R6] 1. Under 5,000 7. 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 6. 200,000-500,000

of these other financial 500,000-1,000,000 1,00,000-2,000,000 2,000,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-10,000,000 10,000,000

Note to Interview: “financial products”, here includes financial products of banks and brokers, asset management, trusts, etc. [D7111a] Did your family take a loan or borrow money to purchase these financial products? 57

2. No(skip to[D7112])

1. Yes [D7111b] How much money do you still owe? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)

[D7112] Last year, what was your family’s after-tax income from these financial products?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D7112it]) [D7112it] By your estimation which following range does the income received from these financial products fall into? [Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 [D7112a] Why didn’t your family purchase [CAPI load options not chosen in [D4101a](other than 5)]?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB32] 1.Too risky 7.Lack of relevant knowledge 2.Return is too low 8.Afraid of being cheated 3.Term is too long 9.Never heard of them 4.Minimum subscription amount is too high 10.Limited financial resource 5.Don’t know how to buy 11.Other reasons(Please Specify) 6.Cumbersome procedures


Non-RMB Denominated Assets

[D8101] Does your family hold any non-rmb assets?For example foreign currency deposits, foreign currency cash, B/H shares, etc. 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[D9101]) [D8102] What forms of non-rmb assets are these?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB42] 1. Foreign currency deposits 6. Non-bank forex products 2. Foreign notes/foreign currency 7. Foreign stocks/ bonds 3. B shares 8. Other(Please Specify) 4. H shares 5. Bank Forex products [CAPI]circle assets [D8102]selected [D8104] Currently,what is [CAPI load asset name D8102 selected] approximately worth?


Method of Inquiry] (Please list the RMB equivalents;If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D8104a it]) [D8104 it] Which of the following ranges does [CAPI load the name of the selected assets in D8102] fall in?[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000 [D8104a] In what Unit?: 1. RMB 2. USD 3. HK Dollar

4. Euro 5. Yen 6 Other(Please Specify)

Note to Interview: This question refers to the respondent’s family’s after-tax income from all non-financial RMB denominated assets. [D8105a] Did you take loans or borrow money to buy non-RMB assets? 2. No(skip to[D8106]) 1. Yes [D8105b] How much does your family still owe? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D8106] Last year, what was your family’s after tax income from these non-rmb denominated assets?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D8106it]) [D8106it] Which of the following ranges does the after tax income from falls in? [Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 6. 200,000-500,000

non-rmb denominated assets 500,000-1,000,000 1,00,000-2,000,000 2,000,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-10,000,000 10,000,000

(IX) Gold [D9101] Does your family own gold? Including paper gold, physical gold, but does not include gold 59

jewelry. 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[K1101]) [D9102] How much did your family spend in purchasing gold? [Method of Inquiry] (Convert to RMB equivalent;If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [D9103] At the current market price, how much is your family’s gold worth?[Method of Inquiry] (Please record RMB equivalent;If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D9103 it]) [D9103 it] Which of the following ranges does the market value of your family’s gold falls into?[Card R5] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Under 5,000 5,000-20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-100,000 100,000-200,000 200,000-500,000\

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

500,000-1,000,000 1,00,000-2,000,000 2,000,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-10,000,000 10,000,000

[D9105] Last year, how much after tax income did your family receive from their purchase of gold? (Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[D9105it],or if there has been no repayment period agreed upon then mark 999) [D9105it] By your estimation what is was your family’s after-tax income received from gold last year? Which of the following is closest to approximation of your family’s after-tax income received from gold[Card R5] 1. Under 5,000 7. 500,000-1,000,000 2. 5,000-20,000 8. 1,00,000-2,000,000 3. 20,000-50,000 9. 2,000,000-5,000,000 4. 50,000-100,000 10. 5,000,000-10,000,000 5. 100,000-200,000 11. 10,000,000 6. 200,000-500,000

(X) Cash [K1101] How much cash does your family have currently?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[K1101 it]) [K1101 it] Which of the following ranges is closest to the cash your family owns?[Card R7] 1. Under 2,000 2. 2,000-5,000


3. 5,000-20,000 4. 20,000-50,000 5. 50,000-100,000

6. 100,000-500,000 7. Over 500,000

(XI) Lending Note to Interview: “Other people” is defined as organizations or people outside of your family. [K2101] Currently, does your family have loans given to “other people”? Here other people refer to those outside the family. 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[E1001]) [K2102a] What is the total amount your family lends out? Next, we would like to ask about the largest loan your family has given out. [K2102b] The loan repayment period is ____years. [K2103] Who was this loan given too?[CardB44] 1. Parents 2. Children 3. Brothers and Sisters 4. Other relatives

5. Friend/Colleague 6. Informal financial organizations 7. Other(Please Specify)

[K2105] What is the interest rate? [K2106] Do you worry about not being paid back? 1. Yes 2.No [K2106a] how long do you expect to get paid back of the loan?

(Unit: Months)

[K2107] Last year, how much of the loan was repaid?(Unit: RMB) (if respondent doesn’t know, then mark-9;if no interest, mark 0) [K2108] Last year how much interest income did your family receive from the loan?(Unit: RMB) If none, then record zero.


(3) Other Liabilities Display:Next, we would like to gain an understanding of your family’s other liabilities, let us begin with student loans.

(I) Education Loans [E1001] So far, have your family members taken out any education loans? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[E1020]) [E1005] How many? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [E1006] The [CAPIloadE1005] still has how much to be repaid?(Unit:10,000 RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [E1007] Last year how much interest was paid on the [CAPIloadE1005] education loan?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) If E1005>1,display:Now we would like to ask about your family’s education loan? [E1008] When was this education loan taken out?


[E1009] Is this loan a National Education Loan or a Commercial Education Loan? 1. National Education Loan 2. Commercial Education Loan [E1010] Which bank was this loan taken from? [CAPI] Display bank list [E1011] What is this loan used for?[CardB46] 1. Tuition and fees 2. Housing 3. Living Expenses


4. 5. 6.

1 and 2 1, 2 and 3 Study abroad expenses

Note to Interview: The five previous expense options are for those costs incurred by those educated domestically, if the respondent said they used the loan to pay for their study abroad then record the sixth option. [E1012] What was the total amount of education loans taken?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9999) Note to Interview: If the loan is divided into batch payments, please record the total amount of all batches, for example if four years of undergraduate study required a loan of 240,000 RMB but each payment is 6,000 RMB, please record 240,000 as the loan amount. [E1013] How long is the term for the education loan? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [E1014] What is the interest rate on this education loan?(Unit: %) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)

Other Financing [E1020] Currently, in addition to bank loans, has your family borrowed money from other people or organizations for your children’s education? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[E2001]) Note to Interview: Here “other people or organizations” refer to individuals and non-bank institutions. Also if the respondent has borrowed from friends and relatives, they are also classified as others. [E1021] What was the total amount borrowed?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [E1022] How much is still owed on this/these loan(s)?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [E1023] Do you have to pay interest on these loans? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[E2001])


[E1024] What was the total amount of interest paid on these loans last year? Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)

Display:Next we would like to learn about your family’s credit card situation.

(II) Credit Cards [E2001] When you and your family shop, what is your typical method of payment? Can Choose Multiple)[Card B49] 1. Cash 5. Shopping Cards 2. Debit Card 6. Third Party Payments (e.g., Alipay) 3. Credit Card (skip to[E2003]) 7. Other(Please Specify) 4. Quasi-Credit Card

[E2002] Does your family have any credit card? Inactivated cards don’t count. 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[E2016]) [E2003] Who in your family does regularly use credit card? If there are Primary and secondary cards, only count the primary holder. (Choose up to 2)[Card A1] 1. Respondent 2. Spouse or Partner 3. Parents 4. Parents in law 5. Grandparents 6. Children 7. Children in law 8. Grandchildren 9. Grandchildren in law 10. Brothers and sisters 11. Others(Please Specify) [E2004] Why does your family use credit card?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB50] 1. Convenient for daily life, such as traveling, business trip, going abroad 2. Take advantage of the interest-free credit 3. Advance consumption 4. Overdraft 5. Other(Please Specify) [E2005] How does your family normally pay for credit card debts?[CardB51] 1. Pay the minimum amount 2. Pay the full balance upon the due date


3. 4.

Pay before the due date Defer Repayment

5. 6.

Having stopped paying Other

Note to Interview:[CAPI Note] Ask family members chosen in E2003 the following questions. If these family members have more than one credit card, then ask for a summary of their cards information. *************************** #1:Corresponding to the first person #2:Corresponding to the second period *************************** Credit Card Info Select Family Member Code [E2009]

[CAPI load result selected in E2003]when was this card signed up for? (Please record 4 digits;If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9;if more than one card then ask about the most frequently used card)


Your[CAPI load result selected in E2003]is from which bank(If you have more than one then ask about the most frequently used card)


Why did you select this bank’s credit card?(Can Choose Multiple) [CardB52] 1. Door to door sale with nice sign-up gifts 2. Recommended by friend 3. Good online service 4. Reasonable fees 5. Shopping discounts, etc 6. Many bank outlets, convenient locations 7. Long Interest-free period, many reward points 8. High credit line 9. Large overdraft capability and cash advances 10. Easy payments Other(Please Specify) What’s this11. credit card’s limit?(Unit: RMB)

[E2011] [E2013] [E2014] [E2015]



(If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) Did you ever take cash advances from this credit card? 1. Yes 2. No How much did you spend using this card last month?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) How much is owed to the bank on this card? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) If you have asked of all credit cards then skip to[E3001]


[E2016] Why don’t you have a credit card?[CardB53] 1. Prefer cash payment (skip to[E3001]) 2. Not knowledgeable about credit card (skip to[E3001])

3. Insufficient ability to repay (skip to[E3001]) 4. Would like to use, but was rejected 5. Other(Please Specify)

[E2017] In total how many times has your family applied for credit cards? (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [E2018] What do you think the bank’s main reason for rejecting credit card application?[CardB54] 1. No stable or sufficient 5. Nature of work unit income 6. Other(Please Specify) 2. Bad credit history 7. Not sure 3. No credit history 4. Insufficient household assets

(III) Other [E3001] In addition to the previously mentioned housing, automotive, commercial, educational, and credit card financing, has your family taken out any other loans? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F1001]) Note to Interview: the aforementioned liabilities, including housing debt, auto debt, commercial debt, educational debt and credit card debt, the interviewer should classify accounts payable like charge sales as other liability. [E3003] What is the cause of these liabilities?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB55] 1. Small-amount daily consumption 8. Pay back previous debts 2. Large consumption of Durable Good 9. Lend to friends or relatives 3. Son’s marriage 10. Lend to others 4. Daughter’s marriage 11. Lend money through informal financial institutions 5. Funeral 12. Other(Please Specify) 6. Medical expenses 7. Relocation for work [E3004] Who did provide these liabilities?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardB56] 1. Bank/Credit union 6. Finance company 2. Pawnshop 7. Trust company 3. Loan company 8. Other financial institutions 4. Consumer finance company 9. Close relatives 5. Guarantee company 10. Distant relatives


11. Friends/ Colleagues 12. Informal financial organizations

(Don’t Know, mark -9)

[E3005] Why did you select this institution or person to borrow from?(Can Choose Multiple) [CardB57] 1. Low interest rate 5. Good personal relationship 2. Low fees 6. Do other business with them 3. Simple procedure 7. No other choices 4. Low threshold 8. Other reasons(Please Specify) [E3006] What is the total amount of these loans? Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9) [E3007] Last year how much interest did your family pay? (Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9;if this is a no interest loan,please mark 0) [E3008] How much money does your family still owe on these loans?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know, please mark -9)



Social Security, Insurance and Annuity

Note to Interview: Only ask family members who are over 21, either working or retired. In accordance with the survey loaded family members who are eligible and ask in turn. Here social security does not include commercial pensions. Family member code[CAPI load name]of working or retired family members. [F1001]

Does[CAPI LOAD NAME] withdraw retirement salary, or social security? 1. Social Security 2. Retirement payroll(skip to[F1019]) 3. None(skip to[F1026])


Which type of social security NAME]participate in? 1. Basic Social Security 2. New Rural Social Security


Has[CAPI load [F1002] option name]begun to receive benefits? 1. Yes 2. No(If [F1002]=1,then skip to[F1007];if [F1002]=2, thenskip to[F1014])


What year did it start?


How much did you receive from social security last month? (Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F1005it]) →skip to[F1026]












The amount of social security received last month falls into which of the following ranges? [Card R8] 1. Under 800 2.800-1500 3.1500-3000 4.3000-5000 5.5000-10,000 6.10,000-20,000 7.20,000-50,000 8.Over 50,000 →skip to[F1026]


Who pays the premium? 1. Respondent and employer both 2. Respondent pays all 3. Employer pays all (skip to[F1010])


Last month how much did you pay?(Unit: RMB)


What is the balance of your personal social security account?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F1010 it])


[F1010 it]

The balance of your personal social security account falls into which of the following ranges?[Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000 5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000- 500,000 8. Over 500,000


Has your social security payment ever been interrupted? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F1026])


What was the reason for the interruption?[CardC2] 1. Employer stopped payment 2. Job Changes/ Resignation 3. No money to pay 4. Further payment is not cost efficient 5. Has paid for 15 years 6. Gov’t subsidy is too little 7. Other(Please Specify)


How many months was it interrupted? →skip to[F1026]


In what year did you start to participate in new rural social security?



Last year, was your new rural social security payments interrupted? 1. Interrupted(skip to[F1018]) 2. Not interrupted(skip to[F1016]) 3. Paid once


How much is the one-time payment?(Unit: RMB) (skip to[F1026])


Last year how much was paid for the new rural social security?(Unit: RMB)


Last year how much was the government subsidy?(Unit: RMB) →skip to[F1026]


What was the reason for the interruption of payments? [CardC3] 1. No money to pay 2. Think paying again isn’t worth it not on time 3. Government subsidy is too little 4. Cumbersome procedures 5. Payment is 6. Other(Please Specify) →skip to[F1026]



The balance of your new rural insurance account falls into which of the following ranges?[Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000 5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000- 500,000 8. Over 500,000


Have you started to receive retirement pay yet? 1. Yes 2.No(skip to[F1026])


What is your retirement status? 1.Retirement emeritus (lixiu) 2.Normal retirement(tuixiu)(skip to[F1023])


In which year did you retire?


How much was last month’s retirement payment(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F1022it]) →skip to[F1026]


The payment you received last month falls into which of the following ranges [Card R8] 1. Under 3,000 2. 3,000-5,000 3. 5,000-10,000 4. 10,000-20,000 5. 20,000-50,000 6. Over 50,000



What type of retirement is this?[CardC4] 1. Formal retirement 2. Early retirement 3. Internal retirement followed by formal retirement 4. Internal retirement,but is not officially retired 5. Off-duty 6. Other


In what year did you retire?


What amount of retirement benefits did you receive last month?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F1025it],otherwise skip toF1026)


The money received in retirement benefits last month falls into which of the following ranges? [Card R8] 1. Under 800 2. 800-1500 3. 1500-3000 4. 3000-5000 5. 5000-10,000 6. 10,000-20,000 7. Above 20,000


Do you have a corporate annuity? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F1032])


Have you already begun receiving the annuity payments? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F1029])



How much was received from the annuity last month?[Method of Inquiry] →skip to[F1032]


Last month how much did you contribute to the annuity? (Unit: RMB)


Last month how much did your work unit contribute to the annuity?(Unit: RMB)


Currently how much is the balance of your annuity fund? (Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F1031 it])

[F1031 it]

The current balance of your corporate annuity account falls into which of the following ranges?[Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000 5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000- 500,000 8. Over 500,000



Currently what is the most important financial source for your life after retirement? CardC5] (Only ask family members over 40) 1. Support from children 2.Savings, investment 3.Social security 4.Retirement/emeritus pay 5.Commercial Insurance 6.Support from spouse or relatives 7.Other(Please Specify)

(II) Medical Insurance Note to Interview: [F2001]- [F2009] ask all family members about their current health insurance situation. Here health insurance refers to “Social Health Insurance” and does not include commercial health insurance. [F2001]

Do you currently have social health insurance? This does not include commercial health insurance. 1. Yes(skip to[F2003]) 2.No


Why don’t you have health insurance? (Can Choose Multiple)[CardC6] 1.Premiums too high, cannot afford 2. Good health, not necessary 3. Not offered by the work unit 4. Low reimbursement ratio 5. Narrow Coverage→skip to[F2019] 6. Reimbursement procedure is cumbersome 7. Have other forms of support 8. Other(Please Specify) 75


What form of medical insurance is currently most important to you?[CardC7] 1. Government covered medical services 2.Reimbursement from work unit 3. Urban employee medical insurance 4. Urban resident medical insurance 5. New rural cooperative medical insurance 6. Student Health Insurance 7. Coordination for serious medical diseases 8. Medical Aid 9.Special insurance for the spouses (or widows) of Red army soldiers and revolutionary cadres 10.Other(Please Specify)


What was the total amount of premium paid last year? (Unit: RMB)


Does the medical insurance have a personal account? 1.Yes 2. No(skip to[F1029])


What is the balance of that account?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F2006 it])


[F2006 it]

The balance of the health insurance account is probably in which of the following ranges?[Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000 5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000- 500,000 8. Over 500,000


Last month, how much was all medical expenses in total? (not including healthcare expenses)(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] →If [F2001]=2,skip to[F2021]


How much of the above medical expenses is paid by medical insurance?(Unit: RMB)


Compared with the peer group, how is [CAPI LOAD NAME]’s physical condition? 1.Very Good 2.Good 3. Normal 4.Bad 5.Very Poor

(III) Unemployment Insurance Note to Interview:[F3001]- [F3005] Only ask the situation of unemployment insurance of family members who are adults (over 16) and in employment.



Does[CAPI LOAD insurance? 1. Yes




2. No


Did you lose your job last year? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F4001])


Did you register as unemployed with the civil affairs department? 1. Yes 2. No


Did you receive unemployment insurance payments last year? 1.Yes 2.No(skip to[F4001])


Las year what was the total amount of unemployment insurance received?(Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry]

(IV) Housing Fund Note to Interview:[F4001]- [F4011] ask all non-retired respondents about their housing funds.


Does[CAPI LOAD NAME] have housing provident fund? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F6001])


Are you still paying to this fund? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F4007])



Last year what was the average monthly contribution to the fund ?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F4005it])


Last year the average monthly payment fell approximately into which of the following ranges? [Card R10] 1. Under 500 2. 500-1000 3. 1000-1500 4. 1500-2000 5. 2000-3000 6. Over 3000


How long have you contributed to the fund?(Unit: Month) (if over a year, please record in months)


What is the balance of the housing fund account? (Unit: RMB)[Method of Inquiry] (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F4008 it])



The balance of housing fund falls into which of the following ranges?[Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000 5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000- 500,000 8. Over 500,000


Last year, did your family use your/his/her housing fund? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F6001])


For what reason was the housing fund used?[CardC14] 1. Purchase housing 2. Housing construction, repair and renovation 3. Payment of home mortgage (interest, principal) 4. Pay rent 5. Retirement 6. Termination of labor relations 7. Invest in stocks, etc 8. Emigrate 9. Other(Please Specify)


Last year what was the total amount taken from the housing fund?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[F4011it])



Last year the total amount taken from the housing fund was in which of the following ranges? [Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000 5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000- 500,000 8. Over 500,000

2. Commercial Insurance Note to Interview: Ask all family members about their commercial insurance status. Display: Below, we would like to learn about your family’s use of commercial insurance. [F6001]

Does[CAPI LOAD NAME]have any of the following commercial insurances?[CardC15] 1. Commercial Life Insurance(skip to[F6101]) 2. Commercial Health Insurance(skip to[F6201]) 3. Commercial Pension Insurance(skip to[F6301]) 4. Commercial Property Insurance ( excluding car insurance) (skip to[F6401]) 5. Other Commercial Insurance(skip to[F6501]) 6. None(skip to[G1001]) Interviewer Note: If the respondent chose more than one, then ask about the forms of insurance separately.


(I) Commercial Life Insurance [F6101]

Who bought life insurance for[CAPI LOAD NAME]? 1. His/Herself 2. Family 3.Work Unit


Who are the beneficiaries [CardC16] 1. Respondent 2. Spouse 3. Father/Mother 4. Son/Daughter 5.Brothers and sister? (Can Choose Multiple) 6.Grandson/granddaughter 7.Parents/parents-in-law 8. Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law relatives What9. isOther the total coverage of the insurance? 10. Not set (Unit: RMB) What type of insurance? [CardC17] 1. Life Insurance 2. Death Insurance 3. Endowment insurance 4. Dividend insurance 5. Equity-linked insurance 6. Universal Life Insurance 7. Accidental Injury Insurance 8. Health Insurance Does this kind ofSpecify) insurance pay dividends? 9. Other(Please 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F6107])

[F6103] [F6104]



[F6106] [F6107]

Last year how much dividends were received from this policy? (Unit: RMB) Does this insurance return the principal? 1. Yes 2.No(skip to[F6109]) 1. 有


2. 没有 Last year what amount of the principal was returned?(Unit: RMB)


How frequently is the payment? 1. Monthly 2. Twice a year 3. Quarterly 4. Yearly 5. One time payment(skip to[F6118]) 6. Other


In the last five years, what was the average premium payment?(Unit: RMB) Note to Interview: In the case that payments haven’t been made for five years, calculate the average based upon the time since insurance has been in effect.


How many years is an insurance premium payment required?


How many months has it been paid for?


Last year did [CAPI LOAD NAME]receive a commercial life insurance payment? 1. Yes 2. No→return to[F6001]


How much was the payment?→Return to [F6001]


(II) Commercial Health Insurance [F6201]

Who bought[CAPI LOAD NAME]’s commercial health insurance ? 1. Self 2.Family 3. Work Unit


What type of commercial health insurance?(Can Choose Multiple)[CardC19] 1. Critical Illness Insurance 2. Medical insurance 3. Income protection insurance 4. Long-term care insurance 5. Other


Last year what was the total number of premiums paid? (Unit: RMB) Last year what was the total amount of reimbursement? (Unit: RMB)→return to [F6001]


(III) Commercial Pension Insurance [F6301]

[F6302] [F6303] [F6304]

Who purchased commercial pension insurance for[CAPI LOAD NAME] ? 1. His/herself 2. Family 3. Work Unit Last year how much was paid in insurance premiums? What was the total number of premiums paid last year? (Unit: RMB) Last year, what was the total reimbursement amount from health insurance? (Unit: RMB)



Does this insurance pay dividends? 1. Yes 2.No(skip to[F6307])


Last year how much payment?


Have you started to receive pension insurance? 1. Yes 2. No(return to[F6001])


Last month, what was the amount of pension payments received?→ return to[F6001]

dividends were received from this

(IV) Commercial Property Insurance [F6401]

Other than car insurance, what is the total amount of commercial property of your family covered by insurance? (Unit: RMB)


What is covered under this insurance ? ( Can Choose Multiple)[CardC20] 1. Housing 2. Durables 3. Machineries 4. Livestock 5.Farm produce. 6. Intangible Assets 7. Other(Please Specify)


Last year what was the total amount of premium paid by your family?(Unit: RMB) 85


Does this insurance pay dividends? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[F6406])


Last year how much did your family receive in dividends?


Last year how much did your insurance pay out to your family? (Unit: RMB)→return to[F6001]

(V) Other Commercial Insurance [F6501]

What are the types of commercial insurance you own?


Last year, how much did your family pay in insurance premiums?(Unit: RMB)


Last year how much money did your insurance pay out to your family? (Unit: RMB)


Part 4: Income and Expenditure I. Consumer Spending Display:Next we would like to learn about your family’s expenditure, let us start the last month’s expenditure: [G1001] Last month how much did your family spend on food, including meals eaten outside ( Unit: RMB) [G1002] How much did your family spend for eating out? (Unit: RMB) (if the respondent doesn’t know,fill -9;not willing to respond,mark-7) [G1003]Does your family produce any agricultural product? 1.Yes 2. No(skip to[G1005]) [1004]If you sell the agricultural products produced and consumed by your family on the market, how much would that be?(Unit: RMB) [1005]Does your family produce any agricultural product? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[G1005]) [1006]If you sell the agricultural products produced and consumed by your family on the market, how much would that be?(Unit: RMB) [1007]Last month, how much did you family spend on water, electricity, fuel, property management fees, and maintenance costs? (Unit: RMB) (If the respondent doesn’t know,mark-9;not willing to answer,mark-7) Note to Interview: Daily necessities (such as detergent, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other toiletries, etc) do not include food or clothing. [G1003] Last month how much did your family spend on daily necessities? These include items such as detergent and soap but do not include food or clothing. (Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7) [G1004] Last month how much did your family spend on nannies, hourly workers, drivers and other household services?(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7) Interviewer Note: Here transportation cost only include local transportation costs but does not include that of traveling.. [G1008] How much did your family spend last month on local transportation?(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7)


[G1009] Last month how much did your family spend on communication expenses such as telephone and internet fees?(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7) Note to Interview: The following entertainment expenditures do not include playing cards, mahjong or other gambling related expenses. [G1010] Last month how much did your family spent on newspapers, magazines, CD’s, movie and show tickets, night clubs, cybercafé, and other education or entertainment related activities? (Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7)

Display:The questions below refer to your family’s consumption expenditures last year : [G1011] Last year how much did you spend on your own clothes?(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7) [G1011a] Last year how much did your spouse spend on his/her clothing?(Unit: RMB) [G1011b] Last year how much did your kids spend on their clothing?(Unit: RMB) [G1012] Last year how much did your family spend on housing decoration, maintenance or expansion?(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7) [G1013] Last year how much did your family spend on heating?(Unit: RMB) [G1014] Last year how much did your family spend on color television sets, refrigerators, washing machines and other household durables?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[G1014it]) [G1014it] By your estimation which of the following ranges did the amount your family spent on durables fall in last year? [Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000

5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000-500,000 8. Over 500,000

[G1015] Last year how much did your family spend buying luxury goods such as designer handbags or calligraphy/art and so on.?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[G1015it]) [G1015it] By your estimation which of the following ranges does the amount your family spend on the luxury


goods fall into? [Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000

5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000-500,000 8. Over 500,000

[G1016] Last year how much did your family spend on education and training?(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7) →If A2012a=1 and A3001=1 ,ask G1016a,otherwise skip toG1017 [G1016a] How much of this amount was spent on study abroad?(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7) [G1017] Last year how much did your family spend on purchasing cars, motorcycles, electromobiles and other means of transportation ?(Unit: 10,000 RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[G1017it]) [G1017it] Which of the following ranges did the amount of money your family spend on cars, motorcycles, electomobiles and other means of transportation last year fall into?[Card R4] _1. Under 20,000 5. 200,000-500,000 2. 20,000-50,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 3. 50,000-100,000 7. Over 1,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 Note to Interview: Travel expenses include transportation, touring tickets and accommodation and other fees incurred when traveling at one’s own expense. [G1018] Last year what was your family’s total expenses on travelling and visiting relatives?(Unit: RMB) (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[G1018it]) [G1018it]Which of the following ranges is closest to your expenses on travelling and visiting relatives?[Card R9] _1. Under 20,000 5. 200,000-500,000 2. 20,000-50,000 6. 500,000-1,000,000 3. 50,000-100,000 7. Over 1,000,000 4. 100,000-200,000 [G1019] Last year how much did your family spend on health care, which does not include medical treatment expenses.(Unit: RMB) (If don’t know, mark-9; not willing to answer, mark 7)


(II) Transfer Expenditure Note to Interview: Display:Next we would like to gain an understanding of your family’s transfer expenditure. Here “your family” refers to the aforementioned family members, while “non-family members” refers to any persons outside your family unit or organizations with the exception of government. Note to Interview: Cash assistance refers to direct transfers of cash, assistance of payment, money used for medical service/ insurance/school fees, payment by installments, holiday gifts/ birthday gifts / money given to children as a lunar New Year gift and so on. Non-cash refers to in-kind assistance and expenditures aimed at helping alleviate the burden of housing or food needs. [G2001] Last year, did your family give more than 100 RMB in cash or cash equivalents to non family members? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[G3001]) [G2002] Whom is it given to?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card D1] 1. Parents 2. Parents in-law 3. Children 4. Children in-law 5. Grandchildren

6. Grandchildren in-law 7. Brother/Sister 8. Other Relatives 9. Non-relatives 10. Institution

How do the cash and cash equivalents given to non-family members distribute to the following listed items, if a cash equivalent was given then list its cash value. [G2004a]Spring festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other holiday expenses (including money given to children as a lunar New Year gift) [G2004b]Weddings and Funerals (birthday money) ________RMB [G2004c]Education, medical service, living expenses _______ RMB [G2004d]Others In addition to the above list _______ RMB

(III) Other Expenses Note to Interview: The aforementioned expenditures include consumption expenditure (this section), property expenses (part II: assets), operations expenditure (part II: agricultural, industrial and commercial section), social security expenditure (part III: insurance and security), and transfer expenditure (this part). [G3001] In addition to the above expenditures, were there any expenses incurred last year that were not mentioned?


This includes expenses caused by unforeseen incidents or playing cards, mahjong and other forms of expenses. 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[H1001]) [G3003 ]How much were they?(Unit: RMB) (If you don’t know,then mark -9,not willing to answer mark-7)

(IV) Transfer Income Note to Interview: Display:Next we would like to gain a better understanding of your family’s transfer income situation, here “your family” refers to the aforementioned family members, while non-family members refers to people outside your family and organizations, except for the government. Note to Interview: Cash assistance refers to direct transfers of cash, assistance of payment, money used for medical service/ insurance/school fees, and payment by installments / holiday gifts/birthday gifts/ money given to children as a lunar New Year gift and so on, except for in-kind assistance and expenditures aimed at helping alleviate the burden of housing or food needs. [H1001] Did your family receive a gift of more than 100 RMB in cash or in-kind from persons outside your family last year? 1. Yes 2. No(skip to[H2001]) [H1002] Who was this gift given by?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card D1] 1. Parents 6. Grandchildren in law 2. Parents in law 7. Brother/Sister 3. Children 8. Other Relatives 4. Children in law 9. Non-relatives 5. Grandson/Granddaughter 10. Institution

How does the cash and in-kind gifts received by your family distribute to the following listed items? ( If non-cash, please convert to its cash equivalent). [H1004a] Spring festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other holiday expenses (including money given to children as a lunar New Year gift) [H1004b] Weddings and funerals (including births)_______ RMB [H1004c]Education, medical service and living expense assistance_______ RMB [H1004d]Inheritance______ RMB [H1004e]In addition to the above list other forms of transfer income(Please Specify)________ RMB


Note to Interview: Here government subsidies do not include the previously mentioned subsidies for agricultural production and operations. [H2001] Last year, did your family receive any of the following subsidies or government grants? Subsidies here do not include those previously mentioned agricultural subsidies. (Can Choose Multiple)[Card D5] 6. Relief funds 1. Not Recieved(skip to[H2003]) 2. Welfare Grant 7. Food subsidies 3. One-Child Incentives 8. Afforestation Grant 4. Five guarantee grants 9. Other(Please Specify) 5. Pensions CAPI:load [H2001] selected options [H2002] Last year,[CAPI load type] how much did you receive?

(V) Other Income Note to Interview: The following questions require the interviewer to help respondents recall all of the aforementioned types of income, this includes wage and salary income (first part: work information), property income (part II: assets), operating income (part II: agricultural industrial and commercial section), transfer income (part III: insurance and this part). [H2003] In addition to the income listed above, has your family received income in any of the following ways? [Card D6] 1. None (skip to[H3001a]) 5. Sale of intellectual property 2. Lottery 6. Termination indemnity 3. Sale of a house 7. Playing cards, mahjong 4. Sale of a car 8. (Other(Please Specify) Note to Interview: If in installments, just record last year’s earnings [H2004] Last year, what was [CAPI load [H2003] select options ] income? (If respondent doesn’t know or is unwilling to answer then ask[H2004it]) [H2004it] This income was in which of the following ranges? [Card R9] 1. Under 5,000 2. 5,000-10,000 3. 10,000-30,000 4. 30,000-50,000

5. 50,000-100,000 6. 100,000-200,000 7. 200,000-500,000 8. 50,000

Note to Interview: the following question only refers to the sale of homes and cars. [H2005] How much tax was paid to the sale of [CAPI load [H2003] select options]?


(VI) Other [H3001a] Last year, how did your family’s total expenditure compare with a normal year? 1. High 2. Low 3. Even [H3002] If there was a deficit, by which means did your family make up for it?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card D10] 1. Use past savings 5.Bank loan 2. Credit card overdraft 6.Sales of Assets 3. On Credit 7. Other(Please Specify) 4. Borrow from Friends, relatives, or informal finance organizations [H3003]If there was a surplus, where was the money used?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card D11] 1. Housing 5. Save for education (kids) 2. Purchase of financial assets 6. Save for marriage(kids) 3. Industrial investment 7. Buy durables 4. Preparation for retirement 8.Other(Please Specify) [H3004] Last year, was your family’s income high or low if compared with a normal year? 1. Higher 3. Even(skip to[H3007]) 2. Lower(skip to[H3006]) [H3005] Why was it higher?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card D7] 1. Investment Income increased 2. Sale of Assets 3. Business Income increased 4. Increased Wages /Promotion/New Job 5. More working hours, overtime pay, 2nd job 6. Started to work 7. Pension Buyout →skip to[H3007] [H3006] Why was it lower?(Can Choose Multiple)[Card D8] 1. Investment income decreased 2. Business revenue declined 3. Lower wages/ demotion/job change


8. Unconventional Subsidies from employer 9. Housing allowance increased 10. Changes in family structure/divorce 11. Social security/pension increased 12. Received a scholarship 13. Inheritance/gift/donation 14. Other(Please Specify)

4. Less work hours, laid off, unemployed 5. Stopped working/start school/had kids/retired/ other 6. Sick, disabled

7. Changes in family structure/ divorce 8. Donations/contributions 9. Legal fees 10. Reduced pension/social

security/ assistance 11. Other(Please Specify)

[H3007]In the last five years, has your family’s income level grown higher or lower than price increases? 1. Higher 3. Even 2. Lower [H3008]In the last five years, has your family’s expenditure level grown higher or lower than price increases? 1.Higher 3.Even 2.Lower →End of the questionnaire


Interviewer Summary Note to Interview: After the visit, please fill in this part of the survey with your own information. [J2000] When you visited the main respondents, was there a proxy answering on their behalf? 1. Yes

2. No(skip to[J2001])

[J2000a]What was this person’s relationship to the respondent: 1. Spouse or partner

6. daughter-in-law/Son-in-law

2. Parents

7. Grandson/Granddaughter

3. Wife’s parents/husbands parents

8. Grandchildren in law

4. Grandparents

9. Brothers and Sisters

5. Children

10. Other

[J2001] When you visited the main respondents, in addition to the proxy, was there anybody else present?(Can Choose Multiple)

1. No one else (skip to[J2003] )

4. Respondent’s children

2. Respondent’s spouse

5. Other relatives

3. Respondent’s parents

6. Other people present

[J2002] During the survey did these people interrupt?

1.Yes, frequently


2.Yes, occasionally [J2003] How receptive were the respondents when answering the questionnaire? 1. Very receptive (skip to[J2005] ) 2. Receptive

(skip to[J2005] )

3. So so

(skip to[J2005] )

4. Not very receptive

5. Receptive at the beginning, less in the end 6. Not very receptive at the beginning, but gradually became more receptive

(skip to[J2005] )

[J2004] Why were the respondents reluctant to answer the questionnaire?(Can Choose Multiple) 1. No interest

3. Other(Please Specify)_

2. Respondent lost focus, tired ____ [J2005] When respondents were answering the questions did they need you to explain? 1. Not needed at all

4. Frequently needed

2. Mostly not needed

5. Very frequently needed

3. Occasionally needed

6. Constantly needed

[J2006] In general do you think the respondent understood these topics?


1. No, did not understand at all 2. Understood very little 3. Occasionally understood 4. Understood most 5. Understood almost all 6. Understood everything Note to Interview:Please score 1-10 points ,1 is not as fluent as 10 [J2007] respondents Mandarin level:

Note to Interview: Please score 1-10 point, 1 is poor, 10 is good [J2008] respondents appearance:


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