March 29, 2017 | Author: Ivo Frank | Category: N/A
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Chess Year book no.12...
Editorial Staff:
Supervisor: Editor-in-chief: Editorial team:
S.Curtacci M.Tirabassi R.Battistini P.Cimmino S.Cogan R.Del Rio G.Falchetta J.E.Hawkes L.Madonia E.Minerva
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Correspondence Chess Yearbook rivista quadrimestrale anno IV n.3 Settembre/Dicembre 1994 Direttore Responsabile Maurizio Tirabassi Registrazione al tribunale di Bologna n.5906, del 28-9-90 s1 Editrice, Via Stalingrado, 97/² - 40128 - Bologna Direzione-Amministrazione Via Stalingrado, 97/² - 40128 - BO Tel. *39-51-328594 - Fax *39-51-327877 ISSN 1121-3078 ISBN 88-86127-29-4 The code system and classification of openings by kind permission of the "Chess Informant" (Sahovski Informator - Belgrade)
Preface by the ICCF President
The publication of the Correspondence Chess Yearbooks not only confirms the importance of chess played in other ways than sitting opposite each other but also shows the enormous quantity and quality of chess played in these ways. ICCF is happy to see that so many officials and players of its organisation are co-operating together with the editors of these books in providing them with interesting games . Although it is not only ICCF games and tournaments which are contained in these Yearbooks, it can be seen that most of them are derived from the extensive range of international events organised under the auspices of ICCF. Therefore, the CCYBs are not only an invaluable source of research for players wishing to improve their chess abilities and to find information regarding future partners but also demonstrate the various types of tournament which ICCF offers to members of its affiliated federations. Even for those who simply wish to play through the games, these books will provide many hours of pleasure!
La pubblicazione dei Correspondence Chess Yearbook conferma l’importanza degli scacchi giocati non solo a tavolino, e dimostra anche l’enorme quantità e qualità degli scacchi giocati in altri modi. L’ICCF è ben felice di vedere che numerosi responsabili e giocatori della propria organizzazione, collaborano con gli editori di questi libri nel fornire, loro, partite interessanti. Sebbene non solo partite e tornei ICCF sono contenuti in questi Yearbook, è evidente che la maggioranza di esse provengono dalla vasta gamma di eventi internazionali organizzati sotto l’egidia dell’ICCF. Quindi, i CCYB risultano essere, non solo un’inestimabile fonte di ricerca per coloro che desiderino migliorare la propria abilità scacchistica, o che desiderino trovare informazioni riguardanti possibili loro avversari futuri, ma presentano una vasta selezione delle partite giocate nei vari tornei che le federazioni affiliate all’ICCF disputano. Essi rappresentano anche uno stimolo per coloro che vogliono semplicemente rigiocare le partite presentate; questi libri, visti in quest’ottica, garantiranno tante ore di piacere!
Amici Sumus Henk J. Mostert ICCF President
With the issue of CCYB 10 we presented a questionnaire to the reader’s attention. The aim of this questionnaire was that of verifying the results of our work on the Correspondence Chess Yearbook. From the hundreds of replies, we have seen that the quality of our periodical is esteemed and that suggestions for bettering it were very few. Certain suggestions were in line with planned changes and with the issue of CCYB 13 (the first of 1995) they should be implemented. The Editorial team would like to thank all those readers who compiled the questionnaire and, with the aim of maintaining, and even, improving the quality and implementing the suggestions made, we invite all our readers to continue in their active cooperation by sending us games and articles (theoretic, player portraits etc). Such material would be appreciated on diskette in Chessbase format (for those who have this possibility). All games should be presented according to a strict formula: name and surname of the players; nationality; full details of the tournament; starting and finishing date; ELO ICCF (if available); ECO classification (if known); name of the annotator (clearly written). From time to time we will publish a list of those readers whose material is deemed by the Editorial team to be of extreme interest. A free copy of the publication of their choice will be sent to those readers contained in the list. Amici Sumus
Spiegazione dei segni / code system
Il bianco sta leggermente meglio / white stands slightly better
Il nero sta leggermente meglio / black stands slightly better
Il bianco sta meglio / white has the upper hand
Il nero sta meglio / black has the upper hand
Il bianco è in vantaggio decisivo / white has a decisive advantage
Il nero è in vantaggio decisivo / black has a decisive advantage
Parità / even
Incerto / unclear
∞ =
Con compenso per il vantaggio materiale avversario / with compensation for the material Vantaggio di spazio / greater board room
Con attacco / with attack
Con iniziativa / with initiative
Con controgioco / with counter-play
Matto / mate
Buona mossa / a very good move
Ottima mossa / an excellent move
Mossa debole / a mistake
Grave errore / a blunder
Mossa interessante / an interesting move
Mossa dubbia / a dubious move Con idea / with the idea
Diagonale / diagonal
Centro / centre
Lato di Re / King’s side Coppia degli Alfieri / pair of Bishops Mossa unica / only move
Colonne / file
Novità / novelty
Campionato / championship
Interzonale / interzonal tournament
Zonale / zonal tournament
Torneo dei Candidati / candidates’ tournament
Match / match
Olimpiade / Olympiad
Partita giocata per corrispondenza / correspondence game
Nota redazionale / editorial comment Senza / without Con / with
Punto debole / weak point
È meglio / is better
Collaboratori / Regular Contributors
Scambi Internazionali / International Collaboration
- R 1.e4, 1.d4 - 1.d4 R 1... d5, 1... tf6 - 1.d4 tf6 2.c4 R 2... e6, 2... g6
- 1.e4 R - 1.e4 c5
- 1.e4 e6 - 1.e4 e5
- 1.d4 d5 - 1.d4 tf6 2.c4 g6
3... d5
- 1.d4 tf6 2.c4 e6 - 1.d4 tf6 2.c4 g6
3... d5
1... c5, 1... e6, 1... e5
Theoretical Articles
New ICCF Statutes
Indice dei giocatori / Index of players
COLLABORATORI / REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS Timmerman G.J. Koroljev S.I. Meleghegyi C. Anton V.M. Bloch M.W. Nesis G. Ekebjaerg O.C. Markauss J. Sanakojev G.K. Rittner H.R. Boll P.A. Sutkus R. Hamarat T. Oim T.O. Antonov V.A. Bottlik I. Koc W. Baumbach F. Rause O.V. O’Dùill A.F. Geenen M. Ruefenacht M. Gipslis A. Malinin W.B. Pereira A.F.P. Morgado J.S. Pyszkin A.S. Rinaldi C.A. Rausis I.N. Polaczek R. D’Adamo E. Jezek Jan Brilla-Banfalvi S. Jezek J. Read M.J. Copié J.A. Zanetti A. Sogaard O. Van Der Tak A.C. Lopepè P.A. Mohrlok D. Janosi E. Venturino M. Boom W.H. Tikkanen K. Mooij W. Krempel T. Jordan J.
g m g g g g m g g g g m g m m m g m g m m g m m m m g g
m m m m m m m m m m
2710 2645 2635 2625 2610 2600 2600 2595 2595 2595 2590 2585 2585 2565 2565 2565 2560 2560 2560 2555 2555 2540 2535 2530 2520 2525 2520 2520 2505 2495 2495 2495 2485 2485 2485 2485 2480 2475 2475 2465 2465 2420 2455 2455 2450 2450 2445 2445
Telbis G. Toptschij G.F. Milkov P. Melts M.A. Manduch M. Handel H. Arzumanjan S.T. Demian V.V. Martin G. Rotariu G. Markovitj M.Z. Gavrilov K.A. Mosonyi K. Gavrilov K.A. Hawkes J. Troffiguer O. Konikowski J. Diaconescu P. Delabie J. Borwell A.P. Polestjuk N.N. Berecz W. Zavanelli M.E. Darmograj P.M. Henri S.J. Vasile C. Bielecki W. Johansson C.E. Weinitschke G. Elburg J. Bangiev A. Santoro G. Popescu T. David G. Sapa W. Sjtsjebenjuk M.P. Alingh Prins J.W. Pantaleoni L. Barreras Garcia A. Matlak M. Chernov V. Golubev M. Frey L. Nol van’t Riet Tani G.M. Diaz Vasallo N. Bystrov S.M. Jaime Chavez A.
m 2440 2430 2430 2425 m 2420 g 2420 2415 m 2410 2410 g 2410 2385 2390 m 2390 2390 2385 2380 2370 g 2365 m 2365 m 2360 2360 2350 2345 2340 m 2330 2330 2320 2320 2310 2305 2305 m 2300 2295 m 2285 2275 2270 2235 2290 2205
SCAMBI INTERNAZIONALI / INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION M. Samraoui - Commission Nationale des Echecs par Correspondence - Algeria Claudio Javier Goncalves - LADAC A. Jaime Chavez - Federacion Cubana de Ajedrez Postal - Cuba P. Polakovic - Correspondence Chess Association of the Slovak Republic V. Vyskocil - Czech Republic R. Salaun - Assoc. des Jouers D’Echecs par Correspondence - France J. Vandorffy - Hungary D. Ivanciu - Fed. Romana Sah prin Corespondenta - Rumania Acevedo Villalba A. - Liga Peruana de Ajedrez Postal - Peru S. Grodzensky - Russian Correspondence Chess Federation SCCA Magazine - Scotland Circulo de Ajedrecistas Postales Argentinos - Argentina L’ Echiquier Belge - Belgium Check! - Canada Chess Post - England Correspondence Chess - England En Passant - England Levelezesi Sakkhirado - Hungary Brefskak-Tidindi - Iceland EP Magazine - New Zealand Norges Postsjakkforbund - Norway Mate Postal - Spain Chess International - USA Bulletin Schweizer Fernschachvereinigung PAT Magazine - Poland
A -R 1.e4, 1.d4 -1.d4 R 1... d5, 1...tf6 -1.d4 tf6 R 2.c4 -1.d4 tf6 2.c4 R 2... e6, 2... g6 Partite/Games A0
1.c4 -R 1... e5, 1... c5
1.c4 e5
1.c4 c5
1.d4 -R 1...tf6, 1... f5, 1... d5 -1.tf6 R 2.c4
1.d4 tf6 2.c4 -R 2... c5, 2... e6, 2... g6 -2... c5 R 3.d5 -3.d5 R 3... e6
1.d4 tf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 -R 4.tc3 -4.tc3 R 4... ed5 -4... ed5 R 5.cd5 -5.cd5 R 5... d6 -5... d6 R 6.e4 -6.e4 R 6... g6 -6... g6 R 7.tf3
1.d4 tf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.tc3 ed5 5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.tf3
1.d4 f5 -R 2.c4 2.c4 R 2... tf6 2... tf6 R 3.g3 3.g3 R 3... e6
1.d4 f5 2.c4 tf6 3.g3 e6
1.c4, 1.d4, 1.e4
(1) Pietrzak J.(POL) Poenisch E.(GER)
A00 (2285)
EU/M/GT/276 1990/93 1.b4 e5 2.pb2 pb4 3.f4!? [3.pe5] 3...ef4 [3...d6] 4.pg7 hh4 5.g3 fg3 6.pg2h gh2 7.df1 hg1h 8.dg1 hg5 9.ph8∞ h5 10.e3 h4 11.he1 pe7 12.tc3 c6 [12...d5! ( 13...h3) 13.df1 c62] 13.hf2?! [13.te2 d5 14.tf4∞] 13...d5 14.hf4 ta6?! [14...hg67] 15.pe5?! [15.hg5 pg5 16.lb1∞] 15...pe6 [15...hg67] 16.dh2 th6 17.ph3 0-0-0 [17...tg4!? 18.pg4 hf4 19.pf4 pg4 20.lhg1 f5∞] 18.lhg1 hh5 19.laf1 tc5?! 20.pb8 ta6 21.he5! he5 22.pe5 tb4?
#yci#y#y uwy#mwy# #ywyoy#q y#ywn#y# #q#y#y#u y#r#v#yp xyxv#y#b y#y#ylj# [22...tc5; 22...dd7] 23.lf7!! ph3 24.le7 pd7 25.e4 [25.lh7 tf5 26.lf16] 25...d4 [25...de4 26.te4 tf5 27.c3 te7 28.td6 dc7 29.tf7 dc8 30.td8+−] 26.ta4 tc2 27.pf4 tg8 28.ld7!+− dd7 29.tc5 de7 [29...dc8 30.lg7 b6 31.te6+−] 30.pg5 tf6 31.e5 ld5 32.pf6 df7 33.lg7 de8 34.e6 df8 35.e7 de8 36.lg8 Matlak 1-0
(2) Schlachetka W.(GER) Kilgour D.A.(SCO)
A00 (2520) (2530)
18 world ch. ¾ final 1993/94 1.tc3 d5 2.e4 d4 3.tce2 [3.tb1!?] 3...e5 4.d3 [4.tg3 pc4; pb5] 4...tc6 5.g3 h5!? 6.pg2
h4!? 7.gh4 hh4 8.tf3 hd8 9.pg5 pe7 10.pe7 he7 11.c3 dc3 12.bc3 pg4 13.h3 pf3 14.pf3 tf6 15.hc2 0-0-0 [15...hc5!?] 16.0-0-0 hc5 17.tg3 lh4 18.pg2 g6 [ tf6-h7-e6-c5] 19.lhe1 th7 20.le3 tg5 21.te2 te6 22.db1
#yci#y#y uwu#ywy# #ysysywy y#e#u#y# #y#yxy#i y#vxj#yx xyhytvpy ydyly#y# 22...ld6 23.tc1 ta5 24.te2 lf4 25.lf3 lf3 26.pf3 ha3 27.da1 tc5 28.lb1 ld3 29.pg4 db8 30.ld1 ld1 31.hd1 a6 32.hc2 te4 Kilgour 0-1
(3) Demian V.V.(ROM) Parau A.(ROM)
A00 (2410)
Rumania team ch. 1992/94 1.tc3 d5 2.e3 e5 3.hh5 pe6!? [3...tc6 4.pb5 hd6 5.d4 ed4 6.ed4 tf6 7.he5 pe6 (7...dd8 8.pc6 bc6 9.tf3 pg4 10.pg5 ph5 11.pf4 h6= DemianHankel, corr. 1990/93) 8.pf4 0-0-0 A) 9.he3 hb4 10.0-0-0? (10.pc6) tg47; B) 9.pc6 hc6 10.tb56 Dieu-Keast, corr. 1990/92] 4.he5 td7 5.hg3 pd6 6.f4 [6.hg7 pe5−+] 6...tgf6 7.tf3 [7.hg7 lg8 8.hh6 he7 ( 0-0-0) 9.tb5 a6↑] 7...c5 8.pe2 d4 9.ed4 th5 10.hg5 tdf6 [10...tf4 11.hd8 ld8 12.g3∞] 11.te5? [11.d3] 11...h6 12.hh4 g5 13.hf2 [13.fg5 hg5 14.hg5 lg8 15.pb5 de7W] 13...tf4 14.tc4 [14.d3 hb6 xd4, e5] 14...pc4 15.pc4 he7 16.te2 tg4 17.hf3 th2 18.lh2 te2 19.he2 he2 20.de2 ph2 21.dc5 pe5 22.c3 lc8 23.d4 pg7 24.b4 0-0 25.a4 lfe8 26.dd3 le1? 27.pd5 le7
#yky#ycy uwy#iwm# #y#y#y#u y#vpy#u# xv#v#y#y y#vdy#y# #y#y#yxy j#n#y#y#
#y#y#y#y u#y#y#y# #u#y#y#y v#u#ywuc #yxy#y#y y#ydy#yx #y#y#n#y y#y#y#y#
[27...lc7 28.pf4] 28.b5 ld7 29.c4 [29.dc4 lcd8 30.pf3 ld4 31.cd4 ld4 32.db3 ld3 33.dc4 lf3 34.gf3 pa1 35.dd5 f6 36.pe3 h5? (36...a5) 37.a56] 29...lc5 30.dc5 pa1 31.pe3 df8 32.de4 le7 33.dd3 de8 34.a5 dd8 35.c6 bc6 36.pc6 le3= 37.de3 dc7 38.g4 pc3 39.a6 db6 40.de4 dc5 41.df5 pd4 42.pd5 f6 43.dg6 [43.de6 db6=] 43...dd6 44.dh6 de5 45.dg6 pc5 46.pc6 de6 [46...de6 47.dg7 f5=] Demian ½-½
52.pg3! f4 53.pf2 g4 54.hg4 dg4 55.ab6 ab6 56.de4 Demian 1-0
(4) Demian V.V.(ROM) Vidican A.(ROM)
A00 (2410) (2335)
(5) Ekebjaerg O.C.(DEN) Veinger I.(ISL)
A00 (2600) (2585)
Chigorin memorial 1992/94 1.tc3 d5 2.e4 de4 3.te4 f5?! 4.tg3 e5 5.pc4 g6 [5...pc5 6.pg8 lg8 7.hh5 g6 8.hh7 pe6 9.tf3 td7 10.d3 tf6 11.hh4 tg4 12.hd8 ld8 13.0-0 e4 14.tg5] 6.d3 tc6 7.tf3 hd6 [ pd7, 0-0-0] 8.0-0 pd7 9.tg5! th6
Rumania team ch. 1992/94 1.tc3 d5 2.e3 tf6 3.tf3 c5 [3...g6 4.b3 pg7 5.pb2 0-0 6.te2 c5 7.tg3 tc6 8.te5 d4 9.tc6 bc6 10.pc4 e5 11.0-0? h57 Demian-Szabo E., corr. 1992/93] 4.b3 tc6 5.pb5 pd7 6.pb2 hc7 7.te2 te4 8.0-0 f6 9.c4 dc4 10.pc4 td6 11.d4 tc4 12.bc4 e6 13.d5 ta5 14.lc1 pd6 15.tg3 0-0 16.te4 e5 17.tfd2 b6 18.hh5 pe7 19.f4 [ f5, g4] 19...ef4? 20.d6 pd6 21.hd5 dh8 22.hd6 hd6 23.td6 fe3 24.t2e4 pc6 25.lfd1 pe4 [25...f5 26.tg3 f4 27.th5] 26.te4 lad8 27.td6 [ tf7] 27...dg8 28.pc3 ld7 29.pa5 lfd8 30.pc3 e2 31.le1 ld6 32.le2 df7 33.df2 l8d7 34.lcc2 ld1 35.h3 l7d3 36.le3 ld7 37.pe1 l1d4 38.de2 lb7 39.pf2 lbd7 40.a4 ld1 41.a5 lb1 42.la3 de8 43.df3 df7 44.g4 dg6 45.lcc3 h5 46.gh5 dh5 47.lab3 lb3 48.lb3 ld6 49.de2 g5 50.ld3 ld3 51.dd3 f5
ky#ycm#i uwuoy#yw #yse#ywq y#y#uwr# #ypy#y#y y#yxy#r# xvxy#vxv j#nhylb# 10.t5e4!! fe4 11.te4 hb4 12.c3 hb6 13.pe3 td4 14.cd4 tf5 15.pg5 pg7 16.de5 pe5 17.le1 df8 18.hf3 h5 19.tf6! pc6 20.le5!! [20.le5 A) 20...hb2 21.lae1! he5 (21...pf3 22.td7 dg7 23.le7 te7 24.le7#) 22.le5 pf3
23.td7 dg7 24.gf3+−; B) 20...pf3 21.td7 dg7 22.tb6+−] Ekebjaerg 1-0
(6) Machuca Palacios E.(ESP) Da Riva J.E.(ESP)
Spain 1992/93 1.f4 e5 2.fe5 d6 3.ed6 pd6 4.tf3 g5 5.g3 g4 6.th4 te7 7.d4 tg6 8.tg2 [8.tg6 hg6 9.hd3 tc6! 10.c3 he7 11.pg2 pf5 12.e4 0-0-07 Kac-Kusadev, corr. 1976] 8...tc6 9.e3 [9.c3 h5 10.e4 h4 11.e5 pe7 12.lg1 hg3 13.hg3 lh2 14.pe3 pf5 15.td2 pg5↑] 9...h5 10.pb5 pd7 11.0-0?! h4 12.pc6 bc6 13.tf4 hg3 14.hg3
ky#ecy#i u#uoywy# #ywm#ysy y#y#y#y# #y#v#rwy y#y#v#v# xvxy#y#y jtnhylb# 14...th4! 15.gh4?! [15.td2 he7 16.e4∞] 15...hh4 16.he2 [16.hd2 pf4 17.ef4 pe6 18.d5 0-0-0 19.c4 pd5 20.cd5 hh1 21.df2 hf3] 16...pf4 17.ef4 pe6! 18.tc3 hh1 19.df2 hh4 [19...g3!?] 20.de3 [20.dg1!?] 20...hg3 21.de4 0-0-0! 22.pe3 pc4!! [22...pc4 23.hf2 (23.hc4 lde8 24.he6 le6 25.dd3 he3−+) lde8 24.df5 lh5 25.df6 le6 26.dg7 hh3 27.lh1 lh7 28.df8 lh8 29.df7 ld6−+] Da Riva 0-1
(7) Wollmann A.(GER) Glaser H.(GER)
A02 (2280) (2450)
Germany 1992/94 1.f4 g6 2.e4 d5!? [2...pg7 3.tc3 (3.tf3 d5 4.e5
h5 5.d4 th6 6.pe3 pg4 7.pd3 tc6 8.c3 hd7 9.tbd2 tf5 10.pf2 ph6 11.h3 pf3 12.hf3 h4∞ Leow L.-Klein L., Philadelphia 1989) c6 4.pc4 b5 5.pb3 a5 6.a4 b4 7.tce2 d5 8.e5 c5 9.tf3 pg4 10.0-0 e6 11.h3 pf3 12.lf3 te7 13.d3 tbc6 14.pe3 d4 15.pf2 h5 16.ph4 hd7 17.tg3 tf5 18.tf5 gf5 19.lg36 Poel-V.d.Klashorst, corr. 1986] 3.e5 h5 4.d4 th6 5.tf3 pg4 6.pe2 e6 7.hd3 c5 8.dc5 pc5 9.c3 hb6 10.a4 tc6 11.b4 pf2 12.df1 a6 13.a5 ha7 14.b5 pf5 15.hd1 ab5 16.ta3 ta5 17.tb5 hb6 18.td6 df8 [18...z de7] 19.c4 pe4 20.tg5 dg7 21.ha4 pd4
ky#y#y#i ywy#ywa# #e#rwywq q#ywv#rw hyxmov#y y#y#y#y# #y#ypyxv j#n#ydyl 22.te6 [22.hd7 lhd8 23.he7 ld6−+] 22...fe6 23.hd7 dg8 24.he6 dh7 [24...df8 25.f5→] 25.hd7 dg8 Wollmann ½-½
(8) Wikman N.R.(FIN) Horackova V.(CZE)
A03 (2330) (2335)
6/7 ICCF Cup sf gr. 18 1990/92
1.b3 tf6 2.pb2 d5 3.e3 c5 4.f4 g6 5.tf3 pg7 6.pe2 [6.pb5!] 6...0-0 7.0-0 d4! 8.ed4 td5 9.c3 cd4 [9...tf4? 10.dc56] 10.td4 tf4 11.lf4 e5 12.lf2 ed4 13.pf3 hb6 14.c4 [14.ta3 pe62] 14...tc6 15.d3 ph6 16.le2 [16.pc1? pe37] 16...pf5 17.ta3 tb4 18.pe4 pe3 19.dh1 pe47 [19...pg4 20.pf3 pf3 21.gf32] 20.de4 d3 21.le1 d2 22.lf1 td3
ky#y#icy uwy#ywyw #e#y#ywy y#y#y#y# #yxyxy#y rxysm#y# xn#u#yxv j#yhylyd 23.pc3 tf2 24.lf2 pf2 25.hd2 lad8 26.hc2 [26.hh6 pd4 27.tb5 pc3 28.tc3 hd47] 26...pc5 27.hb2 ld3 28.tc2 lfd8 [28...lfd8 29.lf1 (29.te1 lc3 30.hc3 pd4 31.hc1 hf6−+; 29.h3 he6−+; 29.ph8 ld1 30.te1 pd4−+) ld1 30.ld1 ld1 31.te1 hf6!−+] Horackova 0-1
(9) Soltau A.(GER) Miclot C.(FRA)
A04 (2565) (2340)
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.tf3 f5 2.g3 tf6 3.pg2 g6 4.b3 pg7 5.pb2 0-0 6.0-0 c6 7.c4 d6 8.d4 a5?! [8...ta6 9.tc3 he8 10.d5 pd7 11.td4 tc7 12.hd2 c5 13.te6!? pe6 (13... te6 14.de6 pe6 15.pb7 lb8 16.pg21) 14.de6 lb8 15.td51 Hodgson-Gurevich M., Wijk aan Zee 1993] 9.d5 pd7 10.tc3 ta6 11.td4 he8 12.hd2 tc7 13.e4 [13.dc6 bc6∞; 13.lfe1 A) 13...c5 A1) 14.tc2 b5!? (14...te4?! 15.pe4 fe4 16.te36) 15.tb5 tb5 16.cb5 pb5 17.ta3 pa6 18.tc41; A2) 14.te6!? te6 (14...pe6 15.de6 lb8 16.td51) 15.de6 pe6 16.pb7 lb8 17.pg21; B) 13...e5 14.de6 te6 15.te6 he6 16.lad1 te8 (16...te4?! 17.pe4 fe4 18.hd66 hf7?! 19.hd7 hf2 20.dh1+−) 17.td5!? pb2 18.hb2↑] 13...c5 14.tde2?! [14.te6 te6 (14...pe6 15.de6 te4 16.te4 pb2 17.hb2 fe4 18.pe46) 15.de6 pe6 (15...pc6 16.ef5 pg2 17.dg2 gf5 18.td56) 16.ef5 pf5 17.pb7 la7 18.pg21] 14...fe4 15.te4 te4 [15...b5 16.tg5!?] 16.pe4 b5 17.pg7 dg7 18.tf4 a4!? 19.lae1 ab3 20.ab3 bc4 21.bc4 la4!? 22.hc26 lb4!? [22...lf4?! 23.gf4 ph3
(23...hf7 24.hc36) 24.pg26] 23.le3 hf7 24.td3 [24.h4 hf6 25.lfe1 lb2∞; 24.pd3 hf6 25.lfe1 lf7 26.he2 lb22] 24...lbb8 25.lf3 he8 26.le3 hf7 27.lfe1 hf6 28.he2
#i#y#i#y y#qou#aw #y#u#ewy y#uxy#y# #yxypy#y y#ytj#v# #y#yhv#v y#y#j#b# 28...e5!? 29.lf3 [29.de6?! te6 30.pd5 td4 31.le7 dh8 32.he3 lbe8 (32...tc2? 33.hh6+−) 33.hf4 le7 (33...hf4 34.tf4) 34.hf6 lf6 35.le7 pc6=] 29...hg5 30.lf8 lf8 31.lb1↑ [ la6 → d6; la7] 31...te8 32.lb6!? [32.lb7 lf7] 32...lf7 33.dg2 he7 34.f4!? [34.f3 tf6 35.tf2 pf5∞] 34...ef4 35.tf4 he5!? 36.pf3 pf5 [36...he2 37.pe21] 37.he5 de5 38.te6 [38.te6 pe6 39.le66] Bangiev 1-0
(10) Wesenberg J.(CAN) Marcinkiewicz A.(POL)
(2395) 17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.e4 c5 2.tf3 d6 3.d3 tc6 4.g3 g6 5.pg2 pg7 6.0-0 tf6 [6...e5!? 7.c3 tge7 8.a3 0-0 9.b4!? hd7 10.b5 td8 11.a4 a6 12.ta3 ab5 13.ab5 te6 14.pe3 b6 15.tc4 la1 16.ha1 hc7= DzindzichashviliWolff, New York 1992; 6...e6 7.c3 tge7 8.le1 0-0 9.a4 e5!? 10.ta3 h6 11.tc2 pg4 12.h3 pe6 13.d4 cd4 14.cd4 pb3∞ Todorevic-Georgadze, San Sebastian 1991] 7.h3 [7.c3 0-0 8.le1 e5! 9.a3 b5 10.tbd2 lb8 11.a4 b4 12.tc4 bc3 13.bc3 pe6 14.pg5 hd7 15.tfd2∞ Seret-Conquest,France 1992] 7...0-0 8.c3 e5! 9.pe3 h6 [9...pe6?! 10.tg5] 10.tbd2 [10.ta3 le8 (10...b6!? 11.tc4 b5!?) 11.td2 b6 12.f4 ef4 13.pf4 d5W ] 10...le8 [10...pe6 11.d4 cd4 12.cd4 ed4 13.td41] 11.hc2?! [11.a4 b6 12.d4!?; z 11.le1] 11...b6
[11...b5 12.a4 b4 13.tc41] 12.th2 [12.d4?! ed4 (12...pa6 13.lfd1 cd4 14.cd4 tb4 15.ha4; 12...cd4 13.cd4 tb4 14.ha4) 13.cd4 tb4 (13...td4 14.td4 cd4 15.pd41) 14.hb1 A) 14...te4?! 15.te4 pf5 16.th4! (16.tfd2 cd47) pe4 17.pe4 d5 18.pg2 cd4 19.pd26; B) 14...pa6!?↑ ( pf1, td3, pd3) 15.le1 pd37] 12...d5 13.ed5 td5 14.ha4 pb7 15.tc4 tce7 [15...te3?! 16.te3 hd3? 17.lad16; 15...a6? 16.pd5 hd5 17.tb66] 16.lad1 a6 17.hb3 te3 18.pb7 [z 18.te3 pg2 19.dg2 hc72] 18...tf1 19.pa8 ha8 [19...th2 20.pg2 tg4 21.hg4 b5 22.te3∞] 20.tf1 b5 21.td6 lf8 22.te3 hc6 23.te4 dh7 [ f5] 24.g4 f5!? 25.td2 [25.gf5 gf5 26.td2 lg8→] 25...hf6 26.f3
#y#y#i#y y#y#q#mc wy#y#ewu ywu#uwy# #y#y#yxy yhvxrxyx xv#r#y#y y#yly#b# 26...c4! [26...h5!? 27.td5 (27.gf5 gf5 28.td5 td5 29.hd5 ph67) td5 28.hd5 hg4 29.hg4 fg4 30.te4!? hf4 31.ld2 gf3 32.lh2 ph6 33.hd7 dh87] 27.dc4 hb6 28.le1 f4 29.te4 fe3 30.c5 hb7 31.le3 [31.c4 lf37] 31...td5 32.ld3 tf4 33.ld6 th3 34.dg2 tg5 Bangiev 0-1
(11) Wesenberg J.(CAN) Copie J.(ARG)
A04 (2485)
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.tf3 tf6 2.g3 g6 3.pg2 pg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.d3 d6 6.e4 c5 7.h3 tc6 8.c3 pd7 9.pe3 [9.le1 d4] 9...e5 10.tbd2 he7 11.th2 [ f4; 11.le1!?] 11...th5 [11...b5 12.f4 b4 13.f5!?↑] 12.he1 [12.f4?! tg3] 12...f5!? 13.f4!? [13.ef5 gf5 (13...pf5 14.g4 pd3 15.gh5 pf1 16.thf16) 14.f4 ef4 15.pf4 he1 16.lae1 tf4 17.gf4 lae8∞]
13...ef4!? 14.gf4 pf6!? [ ph4 → g3] 15.thf3 lae8 [→ e4] 16.hf2!? b6 [16...dh8 17.e5!? de5 18.pc5] 17.lae1 hd8∞ 18.tc4!? pe7 19.e5 [19.ef5?! pf5 (19...d5 20.tce5 te5 21.te5 pf5 22.tc61) 20.tg5 pd3 ( 20...d5!?) 21.pc6 pg5 22.pd5 dh8 23.pd4 (23.fg5 lf2 24.lf2 pc4 25.pc4 le3 26.le3 hg57) pf6 24.le8 le8 25.pf6 tf6 26.ld1 pc4 27.pc4 he77; 19.dh2 fe4 20.de4 tf47] 19...de5 20.fe5 f4 21.pc1 pf57 22.ld1 hc8 23.d4 [23.dh2 tg3] 23...cd4 24.cd4 ld8 [24...ph3 25.d56] 25.dh2 tb4 26.b3
#ygi#icy u#y#m#yw #u#y#ywy y#y#voys #qtv#u#y yxy#ytyx xy#y#fpb y#nlyly# 26...td3! [26...td5 27.th4 pe6∞] 27.hg1 tg3 28.lfe1 te1 29.he1 pe4!? 30.pa3?! [30.pb2 hb7 (30...pf3 31.pf3 tf5 32.he4) 31.tcd2 pd57] 30...pa3 31.ta3 hb7 32.hf2 b5 33.tc2 tf5 [→ d4] 34.tce1 te3 [34...hd5 35.tg5 pg2 36.tg2 td47] 35.ld2 tg2 36.dg2 lc8 37.he2 lc3 38.df2 lfc8 39.tg5 pf5 40.h4 [40.e6 hh1 41.tgf3 (41.e7 hh2 42.tg2 hg3 43.dg1 lc1 44.ld1 ld1 45.hd1 hg5−+) le3] 40...le3 [40...hh1 41.tef3 le3 42.hf1] 41.hf1 h6 42.tgf3 pe4 43.hh3 lcc3 44.he6 dh7 45.tg1 le1 [45...le1 46.de1 pf5 47.hf6 he4 48.le2 lc1 49.df2 hd4−+] Bangiev 0-1
(12) Wesenberg J.(CAN) Tanni K.(FIN)
A07 (2390)
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.tf3 tf6 2.g3 d5 3.pg2 c6 4.0-0 pg4 5.h3?! pf5 [5...pf3 6.pf3 h5!?] 6.b3 g6?! [6...e6
7.th4!1; 6...hc8!? A) 7.g4 pd7 8.pb2 h5 9.g5 ph3! 10.gf6 (10.ph3 hh3 11.th2 tg4−+) hg4 11.te1 gf6 12.dh2 pg2 13.tg2 lg8 14.lg1 e6 15.e3 pd6 16.f4 hg3−+; B) 7.dh2 h5!? 8.pb2 h4 9.g4 pg4 10.hg4 h3!→] 7.pb2 pg7 8.d3 0-0 9.tbd2 ta6 [9...tbd7 10.e3 a5 11.a4 le8 12.he21 e4] 10.te5 [10.e3 tc5 11.a4 (11.b4? ta4) a5 12.he2 le8∞] 10...hc7 11.hc1!? [11.e4? de4 12.de4 te47] 11...tc5 12.g4 [12.c4!? a5 13.cd5 cd5 (13...td5 14.hc5 pe5 15.pe5 he5 16.e46) 14.d4 ta6 15.hc7 tc7 16.lac1 lfc8 17.g4 pe6 18.f4 a4 19.f5↑] 12...pd7 13.f4 lae8 14.tdf3 pc8 15.he3 [15.he1!? ( hh4) tfd7 16.hh4 (16.td7 pb2 17.tf8 pa1 18.ha1 lf8 19.e31) te5 17.pe5 (17.fe5 te6 18.d4↑) pe5 18.tg5!? (18.fe5 f6∞) pd4 19.dh1 h5 20.gh5 gh5 (20...pf5 21.hg6 pg6 22.f5→) 21.f5!? ( 21.hh5 pf5 22.pd5 cd5 23.lg1 pg1 24.lg1 pg6 25.tf7!→) f6 22.pd5 cd5 23.lg1→] 15...b6 16.td4 [16.a4 a5 17.pd4 tfd7] 16...pb7 17.c4!? [17.hg3?! tfd7; 17.a4 a5 18.g5 tfd7 19.tg4 e5! 20.fe5 te5 21.tf6 pf6 22.gf6 tg4! 23.hf4 hf4 24.lf4 te32] 17...tfd7!
#y#ykicy uoesuwmw #uwy#ywy y#qwr#y# #yxr#vxy yxyxf#yx xn#yxypy j#y#ylb# 18.cd5 [18.tec6?! pc6 19.cd5 pa87; 18.tdc6?! pc6 19.cd5 te5 20.fe5 pa87] 18...te5 19.fe5 cd5 20.e6?! [20.tb5!? hb8 21.d4 te6 (21...te4 22.pe4 de4 23.tc3 ha8 24.pa3↑) 22.tc3 ld8 23.pa3↑] 20...he5 21.he5 pe5 22.ef7 lf7 23.lf7 df7 24.lf1 dg8 25.ld1 e6 26.df2 [26.e3 pa6 27.pf1 pg72] 26...lf8 27.pf3 pf6 28.dg3 e5 29.tb5 e4 30.pf6 ef3 31.pe7 fe2 32.le1 td3 33.le2 la8 [33...lc8!? 34.ta7 (34.td6 lc3!) lc1] 34.td6 pc6 35.pf6! tc5 36.le7 te4 37.te4 de4 38.df4 le8 Bangiev ½-½
(13) Dolinski P.(POL) Chruszcz T.(POL)
A13 (2105) (2470)
Poland 1992/94 1.c4 e6 2.tc3 pb4 3.tf3 [3.d4 tf6] 3...b6 4.e4 pb7 5.hb3 a5 [5...ta6 6.pe2 te7 7.0-0 0-0 8.d3 tg6= Serper-Jermolinski, Lucerne 1993; 5...c5 6.tb5 d6 7.hd3 d5 8.e5; 5...pc3 6.hc3 pe4 7.hg7 hf6 8.hf6 tf6∞] 6.a3 pe7 [6...pc3 7.hc3 tf6 8.d3 d6 9.b4 tc6 10.lb1 ab4 11.ab41 Csom-Christiansen, Hastings 1978] 7.d4 f5 8.d5 fe4 9.te4 ed5 10.cd5 a4 11.hd1 tf6 12.tc3 [12.tf6 pf6 13.pc4 he7∞] 12...pd6 [12...0-0!?] 13.pc4 he7 14.he2 he2 15.de2 0-0 16.h3 ta6 17.ta4? [17.pe3 tc5 18.lhd11] 17...pd5 18.pd5 td5 19.ld1 lf5 20.pd2 laf8 21.b4
#y#y#icy y#uwy#uw su#m#y#y y#ysyky# tv#y#y#y v#y#ytyx #y#ndvxy j#yly#y# 21...pf4! 22.td4 [22.pf4 tf4 23.df1 tg2!] 22...l5f6 23.pf4 tf4 24.df1 lg6 25.tf3 [25.tc2 lg2 26.ld7 lg6! 27...th3] 25...tg2 26.ld3 tf4 27.le3 [27.ld7? th3] th3 Jasinski 0-1
(14) Wallbank P.(ENG) Joyce J.(ENG)
England 1994 1.c4 tf6 2.g3 g6 3.pg2 pg7 4.e3 d6 5.tc3 0-0 6.b3 c6 7.pb2 e5 8.tge2 pe6 9.0-0 hc8 10.te4 te4 11.pe4 td7 12.d4 tf6 13.pg2 e4 14.f3 ef3 15.lf3 pg4 16.lf2 le8 17.hf1 le3 18.d5 pe2 [18...te4] 19.le2 le2 20.he2 cd5 21.he7
kygy#ycy uwy#fwmw #y#u#qwy y#ywy#y# #yxy#y#y yxy#y#v# xn#y#ypv j#y#y#b# 21...te4 22.pg7 hc5 [22...dg7 23.pe4 de4 24.hd62; 22...hc5 23.pd4 hd4 24.dh1 tf2 25.dg1 th3 26.dh1 hg1 27.lg1 tf2#] Walmisley 0-1
(15) Mc Nab C.A.(SCO) Kilgour D.A.(SCO)
A21 (2520) (2530)
Alg-jub 15 1992/93 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 d6 3.g3 f5 4.d4 e4 5.f3 ef3 6.tf3 tf6 7.pg2 g6 8.0-0 pg7 9.d5 [9.e4 fe4 10.tg5 0-0 11.tge4 te4 12.lf8 hf8 13.te4 tc6 14.pe3 pf5 15.hd2 le87 Toran R.-Tal M., Oberhausen 1961] 9...0-0 10.tg5 [10.td4 a6 11.b3 he8 12.hd3 lf7 13.pb2 le7 14.lae1 te4 15.te4 fe4 16.hc2 c5 17.te6 pe6 18.pg7 dg7 19.de6 le6 20.lf46 Eiselt P.-Stabenow J., 1973; 10.pf4 le8 11.c5 dc5 12.hb3 th5 13.d6 c4 14.hc4 pe6 15.hc7 tf4 16.gf4 hc7 17.dc7 tc6 18.tg5 pd4 19.dh1 pc4 20.pd51 Just J.-Stabenow J., 1975] 10...he7 11.e4 te4 12.tge4 fe4 13.lf8 pf8 14.te4 pg7 15.he2 pf5 16.pg5 he5 17.lb1 td7 18.pf4 he7 19.pg5 pd4 20.dh1 hg7 g4 pe4 22.he4 tc5 23.he2 he5 RR CCYB ½-½
(16) Tanni K.(FIN) Samarin I.V.(RUS)
A21 (2390) (2520)
[9.lb1!? f5 10.te1 dh8 11.f4 e4 12.tc2 b6 13.pe3 pe6 14.hd2∞] 9...pe6 10.tc2 hd7 11.f4 [11.te3!? ph3 12.td51] 11...ph3 12.e4 pg2 13.dg2 f5!? [13...ef4 14.pf4 (14.gf4?! f5!?∞) tg6 15.pe3 tce5 16.td41 tf5] 14.ef5 [14.fe5 te5!?∞] 14...tf5 15.g4 [15.fe5?! te5 16.td4 c5! 17.tf5 (17.tf3 tg4 18.le1 lae82) lf5 18.pf4 ( pe5) (18.lf5 hf57) laf8 19.he2 hc6↑ 20.dg1 le8!?2 (20... g5 21.pe5 le5 22.lf8 df8 23.lf1↑ → f) 21.lae1?! tf3! 22.hf3 ( 22.lf3 le2−+) le1 23.hc6 lf1 24.df1 bc67] 15...tfe7 16.f5 d5! 17.cd5 td5 18.pd2 [18.he1 tf6 19.he2 lae82 e4] 18...lad8 19.he2 tf6 20.te1 hd5
#y#i#icy uwu#y#u# #ysy#q#u y#yguxy# #y#y#yxy y#vxy#y# xy#nhydv j#y#rly# 21.dh3!? [21.dg1 e4! 22.d4 td4! 23.cd4 hd47] 21...ld7 [21...e4 22.d4 ta5 (22...td4?! 23.cd4 hd4 24.ld1 e3 25.tc2!6) 23.tg2 (23.tc2 tc4 24.te3 te3 25.pe3 b52) tc4 24.tf4!?∞] 22.pe3 [22.c4?! hd4 23.lb1 e4!7 24.pe3 ed3] 22...hb5 [22...e4 23.d4 ta5 24.tg2 tc4 25.tf4!?∞ → e6] 23.a4 [23.c4 ha42] 23...hb3 24.ha2 ha2 25.la2 e4 26.de4 [26.d4 td57] 26...le8 27.lg1 le47 28.pf2 lc4 Bangiev 0-1
(17) Weijerstrass R.(NLD) Mc Nab C.A.(SCO)
A21 (2430) (2520)
11 Olympiad final bd 3 1992/94
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 pb4 3.g3 te7 4.pg2 0-0 5.tf3 d6 6.0-0 pc3 7.bc3 tbc6 8.d3 h6 9.te1
1.c4 g6 2.g3 pg7 3.pg2 e5 4.tc3 te7 5.e4 tbc6 6.tge2 0-0 7.0-0 d6 8.d3 f5 9.td5 h6 [9...pe6] 10.lb1 dh7 11.b4 td5 12.cd5 te7
13.pe3 c6 14.dc6 bc6 15.f4 a5 16.b5! cb5 17.lb5 la6 18.hb1 fe4 19.de4 pg4 20.hd3! [20.tc3 ef4] 20...hc8 21.h3 [21.f5!?] 21...pe6 [21...ph3? 22.ph3 hh3 23.lb7+−] 22.lc1 lc6 23.lc6 [23.la5?! lc1 24.tc1 ef4 25.gf4 ph3W] 23...tc6 24.hd6 ld8 25.hc5
#ygi#y#y y#y#y#mc #ysyoywu ulf#u#y# #y#yxv#y y#y#n#vx xy#ytypy y#y#y#b# 25...ph3! 26.f5 [26.ph3 hh3 27.hc6 ld1−+] 26...pg2 27.dg2 [27.fg6 dg6 28.dg2 dh7] 27...gf5 28.ef5 hf5! 29.hc6 hd3! 30.df2 lf8 31.pf4 ef4 32.tf4 lf6 33.hd5! [33.hf6?? hd2] lf4! [33...lf4 34.gf4 pd4 35.dg2 he2 36.dh3 hf1!] McNab ½-½
(18) Milicevic D.(JUG) Martin G.(ROM)
A22 (2295) (2410)
39 EU ch. final 1.c4 tf6 2.g3 e5 3.tc3 d5 4.cd5 td5 5.pg2 tc3!? 6.bc3 tc6 [6...c5 7.lb1 tc6 8.ha4 hc7 9.tf3 pd6 10.d4 0-0 11.0-0 cd4 12.cd46 Keres-Ekström, 1945] 7.d3 pc5 8.tf3 [8.ha4 = Taimanov] 8...0-0 pd7!? 9.hb5 he7 10.hb7 lb8∞ 9.0-0 pg4 10.h3 ph5 11.ha4 le8 [1 Taimanov] 12.g4 pg6 13.pg5 hd7 14.th4 le6 15.lab1 pb6 16.pe3 ld8= 17.lb2 ta5 18.hd7 ld7 19.tg6 hg6 20.pb6 lb6 21.lb6 ab6 22.f4 le7 23.df2?! [23.fe5] 23...ef4 24.h4 f6 25.pd5 df8 26.g5 le5 27.pe4 f5 28.pf3 lc5 29.c4 tc6 30.pc6 bc6 31.df3 la5 32.la1 [32.df4 la2 33.e4 fe4 34.de4 de77] 32...la3 33.df4 df7 34.c5 b5 35.de5 la5 [ 36...b4] 36.h5 gh5
37.df5 g6 38.de5 de7 39.d4 la3 40.d5 [40.df4 b4 41.lb1 la2 42.lb4 le27] 40...le3 41.dd4 lg3 42.lh1 [42.dc6 h4 43.lb1?! h3 44.lb5? h2−+] 42...lg5 43.dc6 de6 44.e4 lg2 45.a3 [45.lb1 h4 46.lb5 h3 47.lb8 la2−+; 45.lf1 h4 46.lf8 h3 47.lh8 h2 48.de3 la2 49...b4−+; 45.de3 de5 46.ld1 (46.lb1 la2 47.lb5 la3 48.df2 de4 49.lb8 h4 50.lh8 g5−+) la2 47.lg1 la6−+] 45...lg3 46.lb1 la3 47.lg1 [47.lb5 la4 48.de3 la6−+] 47...la4 48.dd3 df6 49.lf1 de5 50.lf7 ld4 51.dc3 lc4 52.dd3 lc5 53.lc7
#y#y#y#y y#j#y#y# #yxy#ywy ywi#a#yw #y#yxy#y y#ydy#y# #y#y#y#y y#y#y#y# 53...b4! 54.le7 df6 55.lb7 lc6 56.dd4 [56.lb4 de5 57.lb5 df4 58.dd4 lc1 59.lb6 ld1 60...g5−+] 56...ld6 57.de3 g5 58.lb4 h4 59.lb8 dg7 60.df3 ld1 61.dg4 lg1 62.df5 h3 63.lb7 dh6 64.lb8 dg7 65.lb7 df8 66.lb8 de7 67.lb7 dd8 68.lb8 dc7 69.lh8 g4 70.e5 g3! [70...g3 71.lh3 lf1 g2−+] Martin G. 0-1
(19) Lennox J.(SCO) Mc Lean J.(SCO)
2 Scottish open final 1993/94 1.tf3 g6 2.g3 pg7 3.c4 e5 4.tc3 tc6 5.pg2 d6 6.d3 f5 [6...tf6!?] 7.lb1 tf6 8.b4 0-0 [8...e4 9.de4 te4 10.te4 fe4 11.tg5 pc3 12.pd2 pb4 13.lb4 tb4 14.te4 c5 15.pg56] 9.b5 te7 10.hb3 h6 11.c5 dh7 12.cd6 cd6 13.0-0 g5 14.pa3 te8 [14...tg6!?] 15.td2 lf6 16.tc4 hd7 17.ha4 hd8 18.pb4 pf8 19.pa5 hd7
20.pb6 tc7 21.pc7 [21.pa7 d5] 21...hc7
kyoy#m#y uwe#q#yc #y#u#i#u yxy#uwu# hyty#y#y y#rxy#v# xy#yxvpv yly#ylb# 22.b6 hb8 23.he8 a6 [23...ab6 24.tb6 (24.lb6!?) pe6 25.td76] 24.ta5 d5 25.td5 td5 26.pd5 hd6 27.e4 [ 28.tc4; 28.lfc1] Lennox 1-0
(20) Tanni K.(FIN) Pfretzschner R.(GER)
A27 (2390) (2510)
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 tc6 3.tf3 f5 4.d4 e4 5.tg5 [5.pg5 pe7 6.pe7 tce7 7.td2 e3!? (7...tf6 8.e31) 8.fe3 tf6 9.hb3 ( 9.e4 fe4 10.tde4 te4 11.te4 tf5∞ Palatnik) tg4 10.g3 te3 11.td1 tf1 12.lf1 0-0 13.te3 d6 14.0-0-0 c6∞ Palatnik-Joel Benjamin, Philadelphia 1991] 5...pb4 [5...h6 6.th3 g5 7.tg1! pg7 8.e3 tf6 9.h4!1 Rohde-Polgar Zsu., New York 1992] 6.th3 tf6 7.e3 pc3 8.bc3 d6 [8...b6 9.pa3 pa6 10.ha4 ta5 11.tf4 df7 12.h41 ECO] 9.pe2 [9.tf4 0-0 (9...g5 10.th51) 10.h4!?] 9...0-0 10.0-0 [10.pa3 te7 11.c5 d52] 10...te7 11.f3?! [11.a4 tg6 (11...a5 12.pa3 b6 13.c5!?↑) 12.a5 th4 (12...c6 13.pa3 h6 14.lb1 lf7 15.ph5!?) 13.pa3 he8 14.c5 hg6 15.g3∞] 11...tg6 12.he1 [12.f4!?] 12...he7 13.hg3 b6 [13...pd7 14.c5!?] 14.dh1?! [14.c5!? dc5 15.pa3 A) 15...td5 16.pc4; B) 15...ef3 16.pf3 te4 (16...he3? 17.dh1↑ pa8, pd5 17...te4 18.pe4 hg3 19.pd56) 17.pe4 fe4 18.lf8 tf8 19.dc5 bc5 20.tf4∞; C) 15...pb7 16.dc5!? ef3 17.pf3 te4 (17...he3? 18.dh1 pf3 19.lf31 ) 18.pe4 pe4∞] 14...pa6! 15.lf2 he8! [ ha4,hc6 → c4]
16.a4 hc6 17.d5 hc5 18.tg5 [ te6; 18.f4?! ( pa3) pc4 19.pa3 hd5 20.ld1 hc6−+ (20...hf7? 21.tg5)] 18...f4! 19.hh3 [19.ef4 th5−+] 19...pc8 20.te6 ha5 21.la3
kyoy#icy u#u#y#uw #u#utqsy e#yxy#y# xyxywu#y j#v#vxyh #y#ypjxv y#n#y#yd [21.pd2 fe3 22.pe3 hc3−+] 21...c6! 22.ef4 cd5 23.f5 [23.cd5 td5 24.f5 e3 25.lf1 pe6 26.fe6 tdf4−+] 23...pe6 24.fe6 d4! [ e3, tf4] 25.f4 [25.cd4? he1; 25.fe4 te4−+] 25...lae8 26.lf1 [26.f5 e3 27.lf1 te47] 26...d3 27.pd1 hc5 28.la2 hc47 29.laf2 hc3 [29...le6? 30.f5] 30.ph5 th5 31.hh5 te7 32.f5 g6!? [32...d5 33.f6 gf6 34.ph6] 33.hg5 [33.ph6? lf5; 33.fg6 tg6 34.lf8 lf8 35.lf8 df8 36.ph6 de8−+] 33...lf5 34.lf5 tf5 35.g4 e3 36.pe3 te3 37.he3 hc6 38.dg1 hc5 Bangiev 0-1
(21) Curtacci S.(ITA) Baumgartner W.(SWZ)
A29 (2350) (2370)
ABO/19 1993/94 1.c4 tf6 2.tc3 e5 3.tf3 tc6 4.g3 d5 5.cd5 td5 6.pg2 tb6 7.0-0 pe7 8.lb1 g5!? [8...0-0?! 9.b4 le8 10.b5] 9.d3 [9.d4 ed4 10.tb5 pf5 11.la1 A) 11...pf6? 12.pg5! pg5 13.tg5 hg5 (13...a6 14.pc6 bc6 15.hd46 Korchnoi) 14.tc7 de7 15.ta8 la8 16.pc6 bc6 17.hd46 Korchnoi; B) 11...d3 12.ed3 a6 13.tc3 g4 14.te1 (14.th4!?∞) hd7 0-0-0 7 Korchnoi] 9...h5 10.a3 [10.pe3 A) 10...f5!? 11.d4 f4 (11...e4 12.te5 te5 13.de5 hd1 14.lfd1 c6∞) 12.d5 (12.hc2!? lh6 13.gf4 ef4 14.pc1 g4 15.pf4→) fe3 13.dc6 ef2
14.dh16; B) 10...g4 11.td2 (11.th4!?) td4 12.b4↑] 10...h4 11.b4 hg3 12.hg3 a6 [12...hd6 13.tb5 hh6 14.tc7 df8 15.ta86; 12...g4!?∞] 13.b5! [13.te4 g4 14.tfd2 f5 15.tc5 hd6 16.tc4 tc4 17.dc4 hd1 18.ld1↑] 13...td4 14.te5! N [14.ba6? A) 14...tf3 15.ef3 la6 16.le1∞ (16.lb5W); B) 14...la6? 15.td4?? ed4 16.tb5 ta4 17.e3 c6 18.td4 tc3 19.hc2 tb1 20.hb1 hd6?! (20...0-0) 21.hb3? (21.le1 hh6 22.e4! pa3 23.pa3 la3 24.hb2 ld3 25.tf56) hh6 22.le1 c5 23.tf3 (23.tb5 hh2 24.df1 lhh6 25.tc7 df8 26.td5 ph3−+) ph3 24.hb7 (24.ph1 pe6) pg2 25.hb8 pd8 26.dg2 le6!−+ Serper-Korchnoi, Groningen 1993] 14...hd6 15.f4! [15.e3 hh6 16.le1 hh2 17.df1 ph3 18.ed4 hg2 19.de2 f6 20.lg1 hh27] 15...hc5 [15...gf4 16.gf4 (16.tf7! hc5 17.e3!; 16.pf4 hc5 17.e3 hc3 18.tf7!→) hh6; 15...tf5 16.te4 hd4 17.lf2 gf4 18.pf4 =) (18.gf4 ph4 19.pb2 pf2 20.tf2 hf4 21.teg4∞ td5 19.tf3 hg7 20.a46 Korchnoi] 16.e3 gf4!
kyoycy#i ywu#mwy# wq#y#y#y yxe#r#y# #y#q#u#y v#rxv#v# #y#y#ypy ylnhylb# [16...tf5 17.te4 te3 18.hb3 hd4 19.hf7 dd8 20.pb2+− Korchnoi; 16...hc3 17.pb26 Korchnoi] 17.tf7! [17.ba6 A) 17...he5 18.lf4 (18.ab7 pb7 19.pb7? f3 20.pf3 hg3 21.pg2 hh2 22.df2 ph4#) tc6 19.te4 hh5 20.hh5 lh5 21.ab7 pb7 22.tf6 pf6 23.lf6 td87; B) 17...la6? 18.gf4 hc3 19.pb2 ta4 20.pc3 tc3 21.ed4 td1 22.lfd1 lg8 23.df1 f6 24.tc4 lg4∞] 17...lh7! [17...df7 18.lf4 dg6 19.ed4 hc3 20.pe4 dg7 21.pb2 ha5 22.d5 dg8 23.ph8 pc5 24.d4 ha3 25.lb3 ha5 26.dc5+−] 18.te4 hc2 19.hc2 tc2 20.tfg5 fe3! 21.tf6 dd8 22.lb2 e2 23.tfh7 [23.tgh7 pc5 24.dh2 ef1h 25.pf1 ta3? (25...td4 26.ba6 la6∞) 26.le2 c6 27.le8 dc7 28.te4+−; 23.tfh7 pc5 24.dh2 ef1h 25.pf1 td4 26.ba6 la6 27.la2
td5 28.te4 pe7 29.thg5 tb3∞] Curtacci ½-½
(22) Walmisley R.(ENG) Reed A.(ENG)
Gordon Farrell memorial 1994 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 tf6 3.tf3 tc6 4.g3 pb4 5.pg2 0-0 6.0-0 e4 [6...le8] 7.tg5 pc3 8.bc3 [8.dc3?!] 8...le8 9.f3! [9.d3?!] 9...ef3 [9...e3!?] 10.tf3 d5 11.d4! [11.cd5 hd5 12.td4 hh5!] 11...te4 [11...dc4 12.pg5 13.pf6 hf6 14.te5] 12.hc2 dc4 13.lb1 f6??
kyoekycy uwu#y#uw #ysy#u#y y#y#y#y# #ywvsy#y y#v#ytv# xyhyxypv yln#ylb# 14.te5!! fe5 15.pe4 ed4 16.ph7 dh8 17.pg6? [17.hg6 lf7; hh5] 17...le5 18.lf4 dc3 19.lh4 dg8 20.ph7 dh8 21.pf5? [21.pe4!+−] hh4!! [21...dg8? 22.pc8 hh7; 21...hh4 22.gh4 pf5−+] Walmisley 0-1
(23) Konjevic D.(JUG) Poecksteiner J.(OST)
A29 (2450) (2545)
17 world ch. sf sec. 2 1987/91 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 tc6 3.tf3 tf6 4.g3 d5 5.cd5 td5 6.pg2 tb6 7.d3 pe7 8.0-0 0-0 9.pe3 pe6 10.a3 f5 [10...dh8 11.b4 f5 12.lc1 a6 13.pc5 pg8 14.e4 f4 15.le1 pd6 16.pb6 cb6 17.td5∞ Vaganian R.-Peturson M., Reykjavik 1990; 10...td5
11.pd2 hd7 12.lc1 lad8 13.te41 Kharitonov A.-Hübner R., 1991; 10...f6 11.ta4 hd7 12.lc1 lfd8 13.le1 td4 14.tc5 pc5 15.lc51 Uhlmann W.-Lau R., 1991] 11.b4 pf6 12.lc1 td4 13.pd4 ed4 14.ta4 pf7 [14...pd5 15.tc5 he7 16.hd2 lae8 17.a4 c6 18.lfe1 tc8 19.hf4 td6 20.h4 b6 21.ta6 hd7 22.td2 pg2 23.dg2= Ljubojevic L.Hjartarson J., Reykjavik 1991; 14...ta4 15.ha4 pd5 16.lc5 lf7? (16...le8∞) 17.te5 pg2 18.tf7 df7 19.hb3 dg6 20.dg2+− Suba M.-Pavlov M., Baile Herculane 1982] 15.tc5 lb8 16.le1 c6 17.hc2 le8
#i#ekycy uwy#youw #qwy#m#y y#r#ywy# #v#u#y#y v#yxytv# #yhyxvpv y#j#j#b# 18.e4 de3 19.fe3 td7 20.d4 g6 21.td2 tb6 22.hd3 td5 23.tc4 b6 24.ta6? [24.tb3] 24...lc8 25.lcd1 dg7 26.e4 fe4 27.le4 le4 28.pe4 he7 29.pf3 ld87 30.te5 pe5 31.de5 he5 32.hd4 hd4 33.ld4 df6 34.tc7 de5 35.ld3 lc8 36.pd5 lc7 37.pf3 c5 38.bc5 bc5 39.df2 c4 40.le3 dd4 41.de2 lc8−+ RR CCYB 0-1
(24) McNab C.A.(SCO) Gutierrez J.G.(ESP)
A29 (2520)
19 world ch. sf sec. 2 1991/93 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 tf6 3.tf3 tc6 4.g3 d5 5.cd5 td5 6.pg2 tb6 7.0-0 pe7 8.d3 0-0 9.pe3 pe6 10.hc1 f5 11.ld1 [11.tg5 pg5 12.pg5 hd7 13.pd21 Muller-Thompson, corr. 3 USA ch. 1987 (13.pe3 lae8 14.pc5 lf6 15.b4 td5 16.b5 td8 17.a4 b6 18.pa3 c5 19.bc6 tc6∞ Poldauf D.Dautov R., Budapest op 1989)] 11...td5 [11...pf6
12.d4 ed4 13.td4 td4 14.pd4 pd4 15.e31] 12.pg5 tc3 [12...dh8 13.pe7 tde7 (13...he7 14.te5) 14.he31] 13.bc3 dh8 14.h4 N [14.lb1 b6 15.lb5 pd7 16.ld5?! he8?! Cernin inf.43/(26) (16...a6!2 )] 14...pf6 15.lb1 lb8 16.ha3 h6 17.pf6 hf6 18.d4 e4 19.d5 pd5 20.ld5 ef3 21.pf3 f4 22.g4 te5
#i#y#i#a uwu#y#u# #y#y#e#u y#ylq#y# #y#y#uxv f#v#ypy# xy#yxv#y yly#y#b# 23.le5 he5 24.lb7 a6 25.c4 lbd8 26.dg2 hf6 RR CCYB ½-½
(25) Tanni K.(FIN) Hawley M.H.(ENG)
A29 (2390) (2415)
17 world ch. sf sec. 6 1987/91 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 tf6 3.tf3 tc6 4.g3 d5 5.cd5 td5 6.pg2 tb6 7.0-0 pe7 8.d3 0-0 9.a3 [9.pe3 pe6 (9...f5?! 10.b4! pf6 11.td2!?↑ IvanchukLautier, Tilburg 1992) 10.hc1 td5 11.ld1 le8 12.te4 te3 13.fe3 lb8!?∞ Gabriel-Romanishin, Altensteig 1993] 9...pe6 [9...le8 10.pe3 pf8 11.lc1 td4 12.te4 pg4!? Pigusov-Morosevich, St. Petersburg zt 1993] 10.b4 a5 [10...td4 11.pb2 (11.lb1!? tf3 12.pf3 c6 13.b5) tf3 12.pf3 c6 13.te4 td7 14.hc2 pd5 15.td2 lc8!? (15...pf3 ECO) 16.lad1 pf3 17.tf3 c5 18.b5 pd6 19.td2 he7∞ Hjartarson-Lobron, Debrecen 1992; 10...f6 11.lb1 a5 (11...hd7 12.te4 td5 13.hc2↑ tc5) 12.b5 td4 13.te1!? (13.td2 pd5! Ftachnik-Torre, Bacolob 1991) c6 14.bc6 tc6 15.pe3 td5 16.td5 pd5 17.lb71 Korchnoi-Tukmakov, Wijk aan Zee op 1993 ] 11.b5 td4 12.pb2 [12.te5 pf6
(12...pb3?! 13.hd2) 13.f4 pe5 14.fe5 tb3 15.pb2 ( 15.lb1 hd4 16.e3 hc36) ta1 16.ha1 td52] 12...tb3 [12...tf3 13.pf31; 12...f6 13.td4 ed4 14.ta4↑ → d4,b7] 13.lb1 f6 14.td2 tc5 15.a4 lc8 16.hc2 [16.pa3?! tca4!? A) 17.pe7 tc3 18.pd8 td1 19.lfd1 (19.pc7 lc7 20.lfd1 lfc8∞; 19.pf6? tc3) lfd8 20.pb7 lb8∞; B) 17.ta4 pa3 18.pb7 lb8 19.pg2∞] 16...c6!? 17.bc6 bc6 18.pa3 le8 19.lfc1 dh8 20.hb2 [20.tde4!? te4 21.pe7 le7 22.te4 ( tc5 6) 22...c5!? 23.tc5!? lec7 (23...td7? 24.te6) 24.hb2 lc5 25.lc5 lc5 26.hb6 lc1! 27.pf1 hb6 28.lb66] 20...tbd7 21.tce4
#ykeky#a y#ysm#uw #ywyou#y u#q#u#y# xy#yty#y n#yxy#v# #f#rxvpv ylj#y#b# 21...ta4!? 22.pe7 he7 23.ha1 tab6 24.ha5 la8 25.hb4 hb4 26.lb4 pd5 27.ph3 led8 28.td6 [28.pd7!? td7 29.f31 df2,tc5] 28...c5!? 29.lb5 dg8 30.t6e4 pc6 31.lb2 ta4 32.lbc26 ldb8 33.tb3 [33.pd7 pd7 = ; 33.pe6 34.tc5 tc5 35.lc5 lb2 36.l5c2 laa2∞ df8 34.f3 de7 (34...lb2 35.lb2 tb2 36.pd7 pd7 37.tc56) 35.pd7 dd7 36.tc5 tc5 37.lc56; 33.f3 lb2 34.lb2 tb2 35.pd7 pd7 36.tc56] 33...pe4 [33...lb3? 34.pe6] 34.pd7 pd5 35.tc5 tb6 [35...tc5 36.lc56] 36.pe6 pe6 37.te6 df7 38.tc5 td5 39.te46 lb6 40.lc5 de6 41.lc6 dd7 42.l6c5 de6 43.lc8 lab8 44.lb8 lb8 45.la1 lc8 46.la7 te7 47.h4 [47.la6 df7 48.f3 lc2 49.df2 tf5 50.g4 td4 51.tg3=] 47...h6 48.g4 lc6 49.tg3 [49.f3 g6 50.df2 f5 51.gf5 gf5 52.tg31] 49...g6 50.h5 [50.la8!? f5 51.gf5 gf5 52.lh86] 50...gh5 51.th5 f5! 52.tg7 df6 53.tf5 tf5 54.gf5 df5 55.dg26 lg6 56.df3 h5 57.la4 [57.lh7!? dg5 (57...lf6 58.dg3 dg5 59.le7 df5 60.dh46) 58.de4 le6 59.lg7 dh6 (59...dh4 60.df5 le8
61.lh7 lf8 62.de5 lf2 63.e46) 60.lg1 h4 61.df5 le8 62.f3 dh5 63.lg5 dh6 64.lg6 dh5 65.lg7 dh6 66.la7 h3 67.dg4 h2 68.la1 lg8 69.dh3 lg1 70.la6 dh5 71.dh2 le1 72.e4 dg5 73.dg36] 57...lg1!? 58.lh4 dg5 59.le4 df5 60.d4 ed4 61.ld4 lg8 62.e4 de6 63.de3 h4 64.ld1 lh8 65.lh1 h3 66.lh2 dd6 67.dd4 lh4 68.de3 lh8 69.f4 dc5 70.df3 dd4 71.e5 dd5 72.dg4 de4 73.dg5 [73.lh3 lg8 74.dh5 df4=] 73...lg8 74.df6 lf8 75.de6 le8 76.df7 lh8 77.dg7 le8 78.df7 [78.lh3 df4=] Bangiev ½-½
(26) Lemaire J.(FRA) Franke C.(GER)
A30 (2440) (2265)
17 world ch. sf sec. 4 1987/92 1.c4 c5 2.tf3 tf6 3.g3 b6 4.pg2 pb7 5.0-0 g6 6.b3 pg7 7.pb2 0-0 8.d3 d5 9.cd5 hd5 10.tbd2 tc6 [10...hd7 A) 11.te5 hc8 12.pb7 hb7 13.a4 tfd7 14.tdc4 te5 15.pe5 pe5 (15... f6 16.pc3 e5 17.b4!↑) 16.te5 hd5 17.tc4 tc6 18.hd2=; B) 11.tc4 tc6 12.hd2 lfd8 13.lac1=; 10...hd6 11.tc4 hc7 12.pe5 hc8 13.a41] 11.te5 he6 12.tdc4 td5 [12...td7 13.td7 (13.ph3 f5; 13.tc6 pc6 14.pg7 dg7 15.pc6 hc6 16.hd2=) hd7 14.pg7 dg7 15.a3 lfd8 16.lc1 lac8=] 13.tc6 pc6 14.pg7 dg7 15.e4!? [15.lc1 lfd8 16.a3 lac8=] 15...tf6 16.f4!? hd7 [16...lfd8 17.he2 (17.e5 td5∞; 17.f5!? hd7 18.e5 hd4 19.lf2 td5∞) (17.hf3!? lac8 18.te5 pb7 19.lac1 td7∞) lac8 18.te5 pb7 19.hb2 dg8 20.f5 hd6 21.ph3 lc7 22.lf2↑] 17.te5 hd4 18.dh1 [18.lf2!? pb7 19.tf3 hd7 20.he2 tg4 21.hb2 dg8 22.le21] 18...pb7 19.tf3 hd7 20.hc2 lfd8 21.lad1 dg8 22.hc3 lac8 23.he1!? hb5 [23...pa6 24.te5 hd4 25.g4↑] 24.ph3!? [24.he3 tg4] 24...la8 25.he3 a5!? 26.f5!? dg7 [26...a4 27.e5 td5 28.hh6→] 27.dg1 a4 28.fg6 hg6 29.tg5 lf8 [29...ab3 30.e5 ba2 31.ef6 ef6 32.he76] 30.e5 td5 31.he4 hb4 [31...ab3? 32.hh46] 32.d4! [ hh4] 32...tc3h 33.hh4 [33.hb76] 33...te2 34.df2 lh8 35.te6 fe6 [35...dg8 36.he7 lh3 37.hb7 lh2 38.de3 hc3 39.ld3 cd4 40.td4+−] 36.he7 dh6 37.hb7 [37.hh4 dg7 38.he7=; 37.de2 pa6 38.de3 hc3 39.de4 hc27] 37...td4 38.dg2
#yki#ycy ywy#mwyw wyoywq#e y#y#f#u# #yxy#y#y vxr#y#vx #n#y#vpy y#j#j#b#
#y#y#i#i yhy#y#y# #u#ywywa y#u#v#y# we#q#y#y yxy#y#vp xy#y#ydv y#ylyly# 39.lf6 tc2 [39...hb5 40.he4 lf6 41.hh4 dg7 42.hf6 dh7 43.hf7 dh6 44.le1W] 40.hf3 lf6 41.hf6 [41.ef6 te1 42.le1 he1 43.hf4 g57] 41...le8 [41...te3?! 42.dg16] 42.ld7 [42.pe6? te3−+; 42.dg1 te3 43.lc1 hd27] 42...he4 43.dg1 he3 44.hf2 hf2 45.df2 ab3 46.ab3 td4 47.ld6 [47.b4 lf87] 47...tb3 48.lb6 td4 49.de3 dg5 50.de4 lh8 51.pe6 lh2 52.pf7 lh6 53.dd5 tf5 Bangiev ½-½
(27) Gravseth T.(NOR) Kjaerstad E.J.(NOR)
A33 (2235)
Norway 1992/93 1.c4 tf6 2.tf3 c5 3.g3 e6 [3...b6 4.pg2 pb7 5.0-0 e6 (5...g6); 3...d5 4.cd5 td5 5.pg2 tc6 6.0-0 e5; 3...g6 4.pg2 pg7 5.0-0 d5; 3...tc6 4.pg2 hb6 5.tc3 e6 6.0-0 pe7] 4.tc3 tc6 [4...d5] 5.pg2 pe7 6.0-0 0-0 7.d4 cd4 8.td4 a6 9.e4 hc7 10.b3 ld8 11.pb2 d6 12.lc1 pd7 13.le1 td4 14.hd4 lac8 [14...pc6?! 15.td5!?] 15.h3 ha5!? [15...hb8!?] 16.a3 hh5!? [16...b5 17.b4 hc7 18.cb5 ab5 19.td5] 17.hd3 [17.e5 de5 18.le5 (18.he5 he5 19.le5 pc6) pc5! 19.lh5 pd42; 17.he3 b5; 17.led1 e5!] 17...g5!? 18.he2 [18.e5 de5 19.le5 pc6 20.he2 he2 21.le2 pg2 22.dg2=] 18...hh6 19.e5! de5? [19...te8!] 20.he5! [20.pb7 lb8 21.pa6 lb3 22.hc2 lb6 23.pb5 hh3W] 20...pc6
21.td5! ed5 22.he7 [22.cd5 pa3 23.pa3 td5 24.pb21] 22...d4 23.pc6 bc6 24.hc5 g4 25.h4 hd2 26.lcd1 hc2 [26...hb2?? 27.hg5 df8 28.hf6 dg8 29.le4 h5 30.le5+−] 27.pd4 td7 28.he7 hf5 29.pc3 h5 30.ld6 lb8 31.lee6! [ 32.lg6; 31.tf8 32.lh6 f6 33.pf6] Gravseth 1-0
(28) Lopez Esnaola B.(ESP) Thomson T.(SCO)
A34 (2180) (2180)
WT/M/GT/323 1991/94 1.c4 c5 2.tf3 tf6 3.tc3 d5 4.cd5 td5 5.e4 tb4 [5...tc3!?] 6.pc4 td3 7.de2 tf4 8.df1 te6 [8...pe6?!] 9.b4 [9.te5 td7? (9...g6! 10.ha4 pd7 11.td7 hd7 12.pe6 fe6 13.hd7 dd7 14.d3 tc6 15.pe3 b6 16.h4 pg7 17.h5 laf8W Larsen-Timman, Bugojno 1984 ) 10.tf7 df7 11.pe6 de6 12.hb3↑] 9...g6! [9...cb4 10.te2! d4 ∞ = ] 10.bc5 pg7 11.pe6 pe6 12.d4 tc6 13.pe3
ky#ecy#i uwy#uwmw #ysyoywy y#v#y#y# #y#vxy#y y#r#nty# xy#y#vxv j#yhydyl
13...ha5! [13...pg4!? 14.te2 f5 15.h3∞ Seirawan-Miles, London 1982] 14.hd2 0-0-0 15.lc1 f5! 16.ef5 gf5 [ pc4, e5] 17.dg1 pc4 18.hc2 lhf8 19.td1?? [19.g3 dg2, lhd1] 19...pd5 20.hc3?! ha2 21.te5 pe5 22.de5 lg8 23.g3 he2! [23...he2 24.pf4 he4 25.f3 hf4] Thomson 0-1
(29) Toptschij H.F.(UKR) Blodskij A.(UKR)
A34 (2430)
Ukraine ch. 1993/94 1.tf3 tf6 2.c4 c5 3.tc3 d5 4.cd5 td5 5.e4 tb4 6.pc4 td3 7.de2 tf4 8.df1 te6 9.te5 [9.b4 cb4 (9...g6 10.bc5 pg7 11.pe6 pe6 12.d4 tc6 13.pe3 ha5 14.hd2 0-0-0 15.lc1 f5 16.ef5 gf5 17.dg1 pf7 18.hd3 pg6 19.hc4 ld7 20.h4 ph5 21.te5 pe5 22.de5 te5 23.he6 td3 24.c61 ↑ Krisko-Novotny, CCYB 2/49 ) 10.td5 (10.te2 tc6 11.d4 ted4 12.ted4 e5 13.hb3 ed4 14.pf7 dd7 15.pb2↑ Bogan-Bialas, CCYB 7/19) g6 11.a3 pg7 12.lb1 tc5!∞ 13.hc2 tc6 14.tb4 0-0∞ Sveshnikov-Arnasson, Sochi 1980] 9...hd6 10.f4 a6 [10...tc6 11.ha4 pd7∞ (11...ted8 12.d4 cd4 13.tb5 hb8 14.td4 f6 15.tdc61 ↑ Shuba-Sax, Hastings 1983/84)] 11.d3 [11.ha4 td7 12.d4 cd4 13.tb5 hb8 14.pe6 fe6 15.td4 b5 16.td7 pd7 17.hb3 hb7 18.te6 lc8= Shabalov-Shirov, Riga 1986] 11...tc6 12.tc6 bc6
kyoycm#i y#y#uwuw wywesy#y y#u#y#y# #ypyxv#y y#rxy#y# xv#y#yxv j#nhydyl [12...z hc6] 13.e5 hc7 14.te4 hb6 15.hb3 lb8 16.hb6 lb6 17.b3 g6 18.pe3 td4 19.lc1 e6 20.tf6 de7 21.pf2 lb8 22.pe1 ph6 23.g3 g5 24.tg4 pg7 25.fg5 tf3 26.pf2 te5 27.pc5
dd7 28.te5 pe5 29.dg2 h6 [29...z lg8] 30.lhf1 de8 31.lfe16 pg7 32.g6! pf8 33.gf7 df7 34.lf1 de8 35.pd4 lg8 36.lce1 lg6 37.pf6 pe7 38.pe6 lf6 39.lf6 pf6 40.pc8 df7 41.pa6 Toptschij 1-0
(30) Weijerstrass R.(NLD) Ekebjaerg O.C.(DEN)
A36 (2430) (2600)
NBC-25 1992/94 1.c4 g6 2.tc3 pg7 3.g3 c5 4.pg2 tc6 5.d3 lb8 6.e4 a6 7.a4 d6 8.tge2 tf6 9.0-0 0-0 10.h3 te8 11.pe3 tc7 12.d4 cd4 [12...ta5?! 13.b3 te6 14.lb1 pd7 15.f4!] 13.td4 pd7!? [13...te6 14.tde2!] 14.f4 [14.a5 te6 15.tb3 te5 16.td2 td3!] 14...hc8 15.dh2 td4 16.pd4 pd4 17.hd4 te6 18.hd3 tc5 19.he2 a5! 20.e5 le8 21.td5 hd8 22.hc2 pc6 23.f5!? de5 24.fg6 fg6 [24...hg6? 25.hf2!] 25.b3 pd5!? 26.pd5 e6 27.pe4 hc7 28.lf3 lf8 29.laf1 lf3 30.lf3 ld8 31.h4 ld4!
#y#y#ycy ywe#y#yw #y#ywywy u#q#u#y# xyxipy#v yxy#ylv# #yhy#y#b y#y#y#y# 32.pg6? e4!−+ 33.pf7 dg7 34.lf1 e3 35.dh3 te4 36.lf4 hc6 37.hb2 e5 38.pd5 hd7 39.g4 tf2 40.dg2 td3 Ekebjaerg 0-1
(31) Prizant M.(ENG) Ekebjaerg O.C.(DEN)
A40 (2530) (2600)
15 world ch. ¾ final sec. 1 1989/94 1.e4 c5 2.tf3 g6 3.c4 pg7 4.d4 tc6 5.dc5
[5.d5 td4 6.td4 cd4∞] 5...ha5 6.tfd2 [6.pd2 hc5 7.tc3 tf6 8.pe2 hb6; 6.tbd2 tf6 7.pd3 hc5 8.tb3 hh5] 6...td4 7.tc3 hc5 8.tb3 tb3 9.ab3 hc6!? 10.pe3?! pc3 11.bc3 he4 12.hd4 hd4 13.pd4 tf6 14.la7 la7 15.pa7 d6 16.pd3 pf5 17.dd2 dd7 18.pe3 la8 19.pf5 gf5 20.h3? la2 21.dd3 te4 22.lf1 e5 23.b4 de6 24.g4 f6 25.h4
#y#y#y#y ywy#y#yw #y#ucu#y y#y#uwy# #vxysyxv y#vdn#y# ky#y#v#y y#y#yly# 25...lb2! 26.g5 la2! 27.gf6 tf6 28.f3 lh2 29.pg5 lh3 30.dc2 h6 31.ph6 lh4 32.pg5 lc4−+ 33.lh1 td5 34.lh6 dd7 35.pd2 b5 36.lh7 dc6 37.db3 f4! 38.pe1 e4 39.fe4 le4 40.pd2 te3 41.lf7 dd5 Ekebjaerg 0-1
(32) Larsen J.B.(DEN) Marks I.A.(SCO)
A41 (2445) (2160)
EU/M/1003 1992/93 1.tf3 d6 2.d4 pg4!? [2...g6!?] 3.e4 [3.c4!?] 3...tf6 4.h3 ph5 [4...pf3 5.hf3 tc6 6.pb5 (6.pe3!?) a6 7.pc6 bc6 8.e5!? (8.tc3 e5=) td5 9.c4 tb4 10.he4 (10.he2 de5 11.a3) d5 11.he2 (11.cd5 hd52) dc4 12.hc4 hd4!] 5.tbd2 e6 6.c4?! [6.c3 pd3, 0-0] 6...pf3! 7.hf3 [7.gf3!?] 7...tc6 8.tb3 [8.e5 td4 9.hb7 (9.hd3 de5) de52; 8.d5 td4 (8...tb4!?) 9.hd1 e5 10.tf3 tf3 11.hf3 td7 pe7-g5 2] 8...a5 [8...d5 9.cd5 ed5 10.e5 te4 11.pd31] 9.a4 [9.d5 tb4 10.pd3 a4 11.td2 e5 12.a3 ta6 tc5 2] 9...e5 10.d5
[10.pe3!? tb4 11.lc1 he7 12.d5 (12.de5 he5!) td7 g6, pg7, b6, tc5 ] 10...tb4 11.pd3 pe7 12.0-0 td7 13.pd2 tc5 [13...b6!?] 14.tc5 [14.ta5 tcd3] 14...dc5 15.lfc1?! [15.pb4!? cb4! pc5-d4 (15...ab4 16.b31)] 15...pg5 16.pg5 [16.he2!?] 16...hg5 17.lc3 0-0 18.ld1
ky#y#icy ywu#ywuw #y#y#y#y u#uxu#e# xqxyxy#y y#jpyhyx #v#y#vxy y#yly#b# 18...la6! 19.pb1 ld6! 20.he3 he3 21.le3 la8 22.f4?! [22.lee1] 22...ef4 [22...f6 23.f5=] 23.lf3 [23.lee1 f6 24.e5 fe5 25.le5 tc6 26.le4 td47] 23...tc6 [23...g5 24.e5] 24.lf4 td4 25.pd3 [25.ld4 cd4 26.c5 (26.e5 lb6) ld7 27.pa2 le8 28.df2 (28.e5 le5 29.ld4 c6 30.d6; 28.c6!?; 28.d6 le5 29.pd5 cd6 30.cd6 b6 31.lf7! lf7 32.d7 ld5−+) c6!? 29.dc6 (29.d6 le5 30.lf7 lf7−+) bc6 30.de2 le5 31.dd3 lc5−+] 25...lf6! 26.lf6 gf6 27.lf1 la6 28.h4? [28.lf2!?] 28...lb6 29.lf2 lb3 30.pb1 dg7 31.dh2?! [31.df1 lg3 lg4] 31...le3 [ 32...te2, 33...tg3] 32.ld2 te2! 33.d6 cd6 34.ld6 lb3 35.ld2 td4 36.lf2 lb4 37.h5 tc6 [ te5-g4] 38.pa2 te5 39.lc2 tg4 40.dg1 te3 41.lc3 lb2 42.le3 la2 43.lg3 df8 44.h6 la4 45.lg7 lc4 46.lh7 dg8 [46...dg8 47.lg7 dh8 48.lf7 b5 49.lb7 b4 50.lb5 a4 51.la5 b3 52.lb5 lb4!−+] Marks 0-1
(33) Lemaire J.(FRA) Sek Z.(POL)
A41 (2440) (2565)
17 world ch. sf sec.4 1987/92 1.c4 g6 2.d4 pg7 3.tf3 d6 4.g3 td7 5.pg2 e5
6.0-0 th6 7.tc3 0-0 8.e4 c6 9.b3 ed4 10.td4 tc5 11.pf4 [11.h3 f5 12.ef5 tf5 13.tce2 a5 14.lb1 he72 Zaid,L-Podgaets,M USSR 1976] 11...te6 12.te6 fe6 [12...pe6 13.h3!? (13.hc1 tg4 14.ld1 te5∞) pc3 (13...f5 14.lc11) 14.ph6 pg7 15.pg7 dg7 16.hd41] 13.hc1 [13.lc1 e5 14.pe3 tg4∞] 13...tf7 14.lb1 ha5 [14...e5 15.pe3 pe6 16.c5!? 16...d5 (16...dc5 17.pc51) 17.ed5 cd5 18.td5 pd5 19.ld16] 15.b4 [15.pd2?! hh5] 15...hh5 16.b5 te5! [ td3; tf3; tc4; 16...e5 17.pe3 ph3 18.bc6 bc6 19.lb76] 17.pe5h he5∞ 18.ta4 cb5 [18...c5 19.f41] 19.lb5 [19.cb5? pd72] 19...hd4 20.hc2 a6 21.lb3
kyoy#icy ywy#y#mw wy#uwywy y#y#y#y# tyxexy#y yly#y#v# xyhy#vpv y#y#ylb# [21.ld1?! ab5! 22.ld4 pd4 23.cb5 lf2 24.hc4 ld2 25.df1 pd77] 21...b5! 22.ld3 ha7 23.tc3 lb8 [23...bc4 24.ld61] 24.td1 [24.ld6 hc5 (24...pd4!?) 25.ld2 hc42] 24...pd4 25.cb5 ab5 26.hb3 pc5 27.ph3 hf7 28.te3 la8! 29.e5 [29.hb5? pa6; 29.hb2 la4 30.e5 lb42] 29...de5 30.tg4 hg7 31.pg2 [31.hb5? pa6 32.hc5 pd37] 31...lb8 32.lc3 pd4 33.lc2 h5 34.te3 pd7 35.ph3 hf77 36.lc7 dh8 37.hd3 lbd8 38.pg2 hf6 39.hb3 lf7 [39...h4 40.tg4 hg5 41.hd1∞] 40.ph3 ldf8 41.ha3 lb8 [41...e4?! 42.pg2 pe5 43.lc2∞] 42.hb4 [42.pg2 b4 43.hc1 b37] 42...hd8 43.lfc1 hg5 44.hd6 [44.le1 lbf87] 44...lbf8! 45.ld7 lf2 46.le1 pe3 47.dh1 hf6 48.hc6 h4 49.pg2 hg3 50.he4 [50.hg3 g5−+] 50...pf4 51.hg3 pg3 Bangiev 0-1
(34) Szanto S.(HUN) Soltau A.(GER)
A45 (2325) (2565)
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.d4 tf6 2.c3 g6 3.pg5 pg7 4.pf6 pf6 5.e4 d6 6.td2 e5 [6...c5!? A) 7.d5 pg7 8.tgf3 0-0 9.hc2 (9.pe2 e6!?) e6 10.c4 b5!? 11.cb5 a6 12.ba6 ha5 13.pe2 ed5 14.ed5 pa6→; B) 7.dc5 dc5 8.tgf3 0-0 9.pe2 tc6 10.hc2=] 7.de5 de5 8.pc4!? tc6 [8...0-0 9.tgf3 b6!? 10.0-0 pb7] 9.a4 0-0 10.tgf3 ta5 11.pa2 c5 12.0-0 he7 13.tc4 [z 13.he2 ld8 (13...pe6 14.tc4↑; 13...pg4 14.h3 pf3 15.tf3=) 14.lfd1 b6=] 13...ld8 14.he2 tc4 15.pc4 pg4 16.h3 pf3 17.hf3 ld2↑ 18.b3 pg5 19.lad1 lad8
#y#i#ycy uwy#ewyw #y#y#ywy y#u#u#m# xypyxy#y yxv#yhyx #y#i#vxy y#ylylb# 20.pd5!? ld1 21.ld1 a5 22.g3 h5 23.h4 pf6 24.df1 b6 25.de2 dg7 26.hd3 hd7 27.ha6!? hg4 [27...hc7 28.ld3 ld6 29.lf3↑] 28.de1 ld6 29.hb7!? hd7 30.hd7 ld7 31.de2↑ [ dd3-c4b5 → b6] 31...pe7 32.dd3 f5 [32...df6 33.dc4 pd8 34.db5 pc7 35.ld3 de7 36.lf3 f6 37.dc6 ( pf7) 37...pd8 38.c4↑] 33.dc4 fe4 34.le1 pf6 35.le4 ld6 36.le1 [36.f3 ld8 (36...dh6!?) 37.le1 (37.pc6 ld6 38.db5 ld3 39.db6 lc3 40.pd5 lf3) ld6] 36...dh6 37.f3 g5 [37...ld8 38.pc6 (38.pe4 ld6 39.db5 g5) ld6 39.db5 ld3 40.lc1 pd8 41.pe4 ld2 42.dc6↑] 38.hg5 dg5 39.lh1 dg6 40.lh2 pe7 41.pe4 dh6 42.db5 [42.g4?! h4] 42...pf6 43.c4 [43.pc6 e4 44.fe4 pc3 45.db6 pb4=] 43...pd8 44.pd5 dg6 45.da6 pe7 46.db7 pd8 47.dc8 pe7 48.dc7 dg5 49.le2 df6 50.f4 [50.le4 df5 51.f4 ld5! 52.cd5 de4−+] 50...ef4 51.gf4 h4 52.le5 pf8 53.lh5
[53.lh5 h3 54.lh3 df5 55.lh8 lf6 56.lh4 ph6=] Bangiev ½-½
(35) Vasconcellos A.(BRS) Kindl P.(GER)
(36) Szanto S.(HUN) Wesenberg J.(GER)
A46 (2385) (2595)
Bangiev ½-½
A46 (2325) (2380)
16 world ch. sf sec.4 1987/91
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91
1.d4 tf6 2.tf3 c5 3.g3 cd4 4.td4 d5 [A46 → D02] 5.pg2 e5 6.tb3 pe6 [6...tc6 7.0-0 pe7 8.pg5 pe6 9.tc3 d4 10.pf6 gf6 11.te4 pd5 12.e3 f5 13.ted2 pg2 14.dg21 Spiridonov-Radev, Dechin 1975] 7.0-0 [7.c4!? A) 7...dc4 8.hd8 dd8 9.pb7 pd5 10.pd5 (10.pa8 pa82) td5 11.t3d21 B) 7...pb4 8.t1d2 (8.tc3 d4 9.pb7 tbd7 10.a3 pe7∞) tc6 9.cd5 td5=] 7...a5! 8.a4 [8.c4? dc4 9.hd8 dd8 10.pb7 la77] 8...pe7 9.ta3 0-0 10.tb5 tbd7 [10...tc6 11.pg5!? h6 12.pf6 pf6 13.tc51] 11.pd2 te4 12.pe3 [12.pe1!? f5 13.e3 b6 14.he2 dh8 15.ld1∞] 12...f5 13.f3 tec5 14.tc5 tc5 15.f4 [15.c3!? g5 (15...d4?! 16.cd4 tb3 17.de5! ta1 18.ha1∞) 16.f4∞ ( 16.pf2 f42)] 15...d4 16.pf2 te4 17.fe5 [17.pe1 hb6 18.dh1 pc42] 17...tf2 18.lf2 pc5 19.hd3 hb6 20.dh1 lad8 [20...lae8 21.ld1] 21.laf1 g6
1.d4 tf6 2.tf3 c6 3.c3 d5 4.pf4 pf5 5.tbd2 h6 6.hb3 hb6 7.hb6?! [z 7.h3] 7...ab6 8.pb8?! lb8 9.e3 e6 10.te5 td7 11.td7 dd7 12.pe2 pd6 13.f4 [13.f3 e52 → e3] 13...g5 14.g3 f6 15.pf3 pd3 [15...e5 16.fe5 fe5 17.de5 pe5 18.e4 de4 19.te4∞] 16.pe2 [16.e4? gf4] 16...pf5 17.lf1 [z 17.pf3] 17...de7 [17...g4 18.e4!? de4 (18...pe4 19.pg4) 19.df2 h5 20.de3∞] 18.tb3?! [18.df2 h5→ ( h4 → h2) (18...la8 19.a3 c5 20.pb5!?) 19.h4!? gh4 (19...g4 20.c4 pb4 21.tb3 dc4 22.pc4 b5 23.pe2 pe4 24.a3 pd6 25.tc5=) 20.gh4 lbg8 21.lg1 pg4 22.pg4 hg4 23.dg3 f52 → h4] 18...la8 19.a3
#y#i#icy ywy#y#yw #e#yoywy utm#vwy# xy#u#y#y y#yhy#v# #vxyxjpv y#y#ylyd 22.g4?! [z 22.lf4 dh8 (22...g5?! 23.lf5 pf5 24.lf5 lf5 25.hf5 h6 26.pe4→) 23.lh4!? ld7∞] 22...fg4 23.pe4 lf2 24.lf2 lf8 25.lf8 df8 26.hg3 hd8 27.hf4 dg8 28.dg2 b6 29.td6 hf8 30.dg3 he7 31.tb7 pb4 32.hf6 pe1 33.df4 pd2 34.dg3 hf6 35.ef6 pg5 36.td8 pd7 37.pd5 df8 38.te6 pe6 39.pe6 h5 40.f7
ky#y#y#i ywy#a#y# #uwmwu#u y#ywyou# #y#v#v#y vtv#v#v# #v#ypy#v j#y#bly# 19...c5!? 20.dd2 [20.pb5 c4 21.td2 la5 22.a4 lha87 lb5; pc2] 20...g4 [ h5-h4 → h2] 21.c4?! [21.de1 h5 22.td2 h47; 21.h4!? gh3 (21...h5?! 22.de12 df2,td2) 22.g4 pe4 23.pf3 pf3 24.lf3 c4 25.tc1 lag8 26.lh3 lg4 27.te2 df7 28.lah1 dg6 29.lh52] 21...h57 22.pd3 dc4 23.pc4 h4 24.pd3 hg3 25.pf5 [25.hg3 lh2 26.pe2 (26.dc3 pd3 27.dd3 lb2 28.dc3 lg27) c4 27.tc1 b5 28.dd1 b47 29.pc4?! pc2 30.de1 ba3−+ pb4] 25...lh2 26.dc3 ef5 27.lg1 lah8 28.lad1 [28.lg3 l8h3 29.lag1 (29.lh3 lh3 30.dd2 pf47) lg3 30.lg3 lh37]
28...l8h3 29.dc5 bc5 30.ld3 g2 31.tc1 lf3 32.te2 b5 33.b3 lf2 Bangiev 0-1
(37) Szanto S.(HUN) Hamilton D.(AUS)
A46 (2325) (2365)
17 world ch. sf sec.6 1987/91 1.d4 tf6 2.tf3 e6 3.c3 c5 4.pg5 hb6 [4...h6!? 5.pf6 hf6 6.e4 cd4 7.cd4 pb4 8.tc3 0-0 9.a3 pc3 10.bc3 d6 11.pd3 e5 ( pg4) 12.h3 tc6∞ Orlov-Psakhis, Philadelphia 1992] 5.hb3 [5.pf6 hb2 6.tbd2 gf62] 5...d5 6.hb6 [6.pf6 gf6 7.tbd2 tc6 8.e3=] 6...ab6 7.pf6 gf6 8.tbd2 tc6 9.e3 pg7 10.a3 0-0 11.tb3 ta5 [11...c4 12.tc1 b5 13.ta2 pd7 14.pe2 lfe8 15.ld1 pf8 16.g4!?W] 12.ta5 [12.tbd2 pd7 13.pd3 pa42] 12...ba5 [12...la5!? 13.pd3 e5 (13...pd7 14.pc2 e5!?) 14.td2 ed4 15.ed4 ( 15.cd4 c4 16.pc2 f5↑ pe6, lfa8, pf8, b5-b4) le8 16.dd1 cd4 17.cd4 pd7↑ f5, la4 → d4] 13.dc5 a4 [ la5] 14.td4 pd7
ky#y#icy ywyoywmw #y#ywu#y y#vwy#y# wy#r#y#y v#v#v#y# #v#y#vxv j#y#bpyl [14...la5 15.b4 ab3 16.tb3 la8 17.pb5 f5 18.dd2∞; 14...e5 15.tb5 pd7 16.0-0-0 pc6 17.tc7 (17.c4 dc4 18.pc4 pb5 19.pb5 lfc8=) lad8 A) 18.c4!? d4 (18...dc4 19.pc41) 19.ed4 ed4 20.pd31; B) 18.pb5 ld7 19.pc6 bc6 20.ta6 la8 21.tb4 lc7 22.e4!? de4 23.ld6 pf8 24.lhd1 pd6 25.cd6 ld7 26.c4 ( dc2-c3, c5, dc4) 26...c5 27.td5 dg7 28.tc3] 15.pb5! pb5 16.tb5 lfc8 17.td4 lc5 18.0-0-0 f5 [18...e5? 19.tf56] 19.tc2 [19.lhg1!? ( g4) h5 20.h3 b5 21.g4 hg4
22.hg4 fg4 23.lg4 df8 24.ldg16; 19.g4 fg4 20.lhg1 h5 21.h3 pd4 22.ed4 lc7 23.hg4 hg4 24.lg4 df8=] 19...lac8 20.ld2 lc4 21.f3 h5 22.dd1 df8 23.de2 de7 24.df2 h4 25.tb4 lh8 26.lhd1 pf6 27.td3 dd7 28.tf4 dc6 29.de2 b5 30.td3 dd6 31.tf4 Bangiev ½-½
(38) Pyrich G.D.(SCO) Granski M.(ISL)
A46 (2275) (2515)
12 Olympiad prel. sec.4 bd 2 1992/94 1.d4 tf6 2.tf3 e6 3.pg5 c5 4.e3 pe7 5.tbd2 b6 [5...d5 6.c3 tbd7 7.pd3 b6 8.0-0 pb7 9.te5 te5 (9...h6 10.ph4 te5 11.de5 td7 12.pe7 he7 13.f4 g5 14.he2 0-0-0 15.pa6 tb8 16.pb7 db7 17.tb3 tc6 18.lad1 1 /2-1 /2 Pyrich-Jensen, corr. 1991/93) 10.de5 td7 11.pe7 he7 12.f4 f6 13.hh5 hf7 14.he2 0-0 15.ef6 tf6 16.tf3 hh5 17.he1 lae8 18.h3 td7 19.pb5 le7 20.pd7 ld7 21.hd2 hf5 22.he2 ldd8 23.lf2 d4 24.cd4 pf3 25.lf3=] 6.pd3 pb7 7.c3 tc6 [7...cd4 8.pf6 pf6 9.ed4 0-0 10.he2 d6 11.0-0 g6 12.te4 pg7 13.lfe1 he7 14.tg3?! td7=] 8.0-0 0-0 9.e4 cd4 10.td4 te5?! [10...h6 11.ph4 d6=] 11.pc2 pa6 12.f4! td3 [12...teg4 13.le1 e5 14.h3 ed4 15.hg4 d3 16.pb3∞] 13.lf3 tb2
ky#e#icy u#ywmwuw ou#ywq#y y#y#y#n# #y#rxv#y y#v#yly# xqpr#yxv j#yhy#b# 14.hb1! tc4 15.tc4 pc4 16.e5 tg4 [16...th5 17.pe7 he7 18.ph7 dh8 19.pe4 hc5 20.pa8 la8 21.lh3] 17.ph7 dh8 18.lh3 g6 19.pg6 dg7 20.lh7 dg8 21.pf7! Pyrich 1-0
s1 EDITRICE MONOGRAPHIC SERIES King’s Indian Defence Sämisch Variation - pp. 224 - USD 15.50\DM 28 Caro-Kann Defence Knight Variation 4...tf6 (B15-B16) - pp. 96 - USD 12.50\DM 22 Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation 7...hc7 (B96) - pp. 96 - USD 12.50\DM 22 The Bird Variation in the Ruy Lopez - pp. 128 - USD 14\DM 25.50 Queen’s Gambit Keres Variation 1.d4 d5 2.c4 pf5 - pp. 128 - USD 14\DM 25.50 Benoni Defence Taimanov Variation (A67) - pp. 96 - USD 12.50\DM 22 The Göring Gambit in the Scottish Defence - pp. 128 - USD 14\DM 25.50 English Opening 1.c4 e5 2.tc3 pb4 (A21) - pp. 96 - USD 12.50\DM 22 Sicilian Defence Najdorf Variation (B98-B99) - pp. 292 - USD 18.50\DM 33 Semi-Slav Defence Botvinnik Variation (D44) - pp. 246 - USD 15.50\DM 28 Caro-Kann Defence Advance Variation (B12) - pp. 128 - USD 14\DM 25.50 The Exchange Variation in the Ruy Lopez (C68) - pp. 178 - USD 15.50\DM 28 The Leningrad Variation in the Dutch Defence 7...tc6 (A89) - pp. 158 - USD 14\DM 25.50 The Flohr-Mikenas System in the English Opening (A18-A19) - pp. 145 - USD 14\DM 25.50 The Cambridge Springs Variation in the Q.G. (D52/QO 15.2) - pp. 74 - USD 12.50\DM 22 New York Open 1991 - pp. 64 - USD 11\DM 21
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NEW FROM s1 EDITRICE s1 Editrice is about to engage in a new publishing endeavour in the field of computer diskettes. Our diskettes will be produced utilizing Acrobat: a multimedial programme which allows a rapid reading of the publication, as well as a rapid search of the contents for the item desired, even in more than one book at a time! These multimedial publications permit the on screen visualisation with a perfect reproduction of the “ordinary” book, with the added advantage of computer speed and technology in the study of the material. In order to utilize these disks, in the form stated above, the purchase of a special programme is not necessary: the Acrobat Reader programme comes free with it! Acrobat now works on any computer (minimum 386) which has Windows. A Dos version will be available shortly. These new multimedial books will be available from January 1995 beginning with CCYB 12, The Cambridge Springs Variation, The Flohr-Mikenas and The 1991 New York Open. From this date forth all s1 Editrice publications will be available in this version. Back issues of other CCYBs and monographs will be considered according to request. For more information regarding these publications on disk ask at your local chess bookshop or write to s1 Editrice for a demo disk including USD 10 covering postage and packaging costs.
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