Chemistry 103 Lab Exam Review
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Review for Chem 103 at UofA...
Chemistry 103 Lab Exam Review Experiment A: ATOMS AND LNE S!ECTRA Experiment ": STOC#OMETR$ AND REACTONS N A%&EO&S SOL&TONS •
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A'(min(m is the m)st ab(n*ant meta' in the earth+s ,r(st an* the thir* m)st ab(n*ant e'ement.A/SO212#2O is ,a''e* a'(m )r p)tassi(m a'(min(m s('4ate *)*e,ahy*rate 5irst the s,raps )4 a'(min(m 4r)m p)p ,ans wi'' be *iss)'ve* by rea,ti)n with h)t p)tassi(m hy*r)xi*ehy*r)xi*e- A,,)r*in6 t) A'/s7.O#a87#2O9. 77A'/O#/a87#2O Se,)n* s('4(ri, a,i* is a**e*- nitia''y a white s)'i* A'/O# 3 4)rms a,,)r*in6 t) A'/O#/a87#2SO 9A'/O#37#2O7SO #)wever; the A'/O# 3 then (n*er6)es 4(rther rea,ti)n a,,)r*in6 t) the e8(ati)n: A'/O#37 #2SO9A'377SO27#2O/' Al(OH)3 is amphoteric The 'abe' )4 4erti'i#2O
Experiment C: COM!O&NDS O5 CO!!ER • •
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Nitri, a,i* /#NO 3 is a str)n6 oxidizing agent n the tra*iti)na' ,)pper ,y,'e experiment; ,)pper is trans4)rme* t) ,)pper/ s('4ate by the 4)'')win6 steps: C(9C(/NO 329C(CO39C(SO C(7N#37#2O9C(/NO327NO/67#2O/' NO/67O29NO2!)is)n)(s Re**ish "r)wn @as C(/NO327Na2CO39C(CO37Na2/NO3 C(CO 3 7#2SO9C(SO?#2O Carbon dioxide also gien o! n water N# 3 a,ts as a wea base an* pr)*(,es O# - A**iti)n )4 sma'' am)(nts )4 a8(e)(s amm)nia t) the ,)pper s('4ate s)'(ti)n 'ea*s t) the 4)rmati)n )4 the light bl"e C(/O#2- #)wever when 'ar6e am)(nts )4 a8(e)(s amm)nia are a**e*; the amm)nia b)n*s t) C( 27 in s)'(ti)n pr)*(,in6 the dar# bl"e complex ion C(/N#3- Tetraammine,)pper / s('4ate m)n)hy*rate is very s)'(b'e in water b(t n)t in ethy' a',)h)'5ina''y ,)pper meta' wi'' be re,)vere* by a**in6 Bn t) C(SO ; the 4)'')win6 rea,ti)n ),,(rs: Bn7C(SO9BnSO7C(/s
$)(r initia' mass is e8(iva'ent t) a mass )4 ,)pper-
Experiment 5: ANAL$SS O5 TAMN C N TA"LETS AND N TAN@ • • •
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As,)rbi, a,i* )r vitamin C /C >#O> prevents s,(rvy$itamin C is %ater sol"ble d"e to &ormation o& h'drogen bonds. )*ate titrati)n with vitamin , The i)*ate ani)n rea,ts with an* #7 t) 4)rm 2 a,,)r*in6 t) o O37?7>#793273#2O N)te that ea,h O that is a**e* 4)rms three 2On,e 4)rme* 2 is re*(,e* imme*iate'y by vitamin C ba, t) Ea,h O3 that is a**e* res('ts in the rea,ti)n )4 three vitamin , m)'e,('esn )(r titrati)n with NaO#; vitamin C rea,ts in a 1:1 m)'e rati)- N)te that a'th)(6h vitamin C ,)ntains 4)(r O# 6r)(ps )n'y )ne )4 these wi'' rea,t with hy*r)xi*e at the ,)n*iti)ns )4 )(r experiment Titrati)n with NaO# *etermines t)ta' a,i*i, pr)t)ns- Titrati)n with i)*ate *etermines )n'y a,i*i, pr)t)ns *(e t) vitamin ,-
Experiment : "ONDN@ AND C#EMCAL !RO!ERTES •
The stren6th )4 the a,i* is ae,te* by o The abi'ity )4 R t) *raw e'e,tr)ns 4)rm the O# o The stabi'ity )4 the ani)n- As the ani)n be,)mes m)re stab'e; the p)siti)n )4 the e8(i'ibri(m wi'' 'ie 4(rther t) the ri6ht; s) the a,i* w)('* be str)n6erS(bstit(ents R ,)ntainin6 e'e,tr)ne6ative at)ms s(,h as CL )r "r res('t in *e'),a'i
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