Chemical Principles the Quest for Insight 5th Ed Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Atkins and Joness W.H. Freeman 2010

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Chemical Principles the Quest for Insight Answer Guide (FIFTH EDITION)...


Student Study Guide and Solutions M anual for Atkins and Jones's

CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES The Quest fo r Insight Fifth Edition

John Krenos Rutgers. The State University o f N ew Jersey

Joseph Potenza Rutgers, The State University o f N ew Jersey

Carl Hoeger University o f California, San Diego

Laurence Lavelle University o f California, Los Angeles

Yinfa Ma Missouri University o f Science and Technology


W.H. Freeman and Company New York

ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-3135-0 ISBN-10: 1-4292-3135-1 © 2005, 2008, and 2010 by W.H. Freeman and Company A ll rights reserved. Printed in the United States o f America First Printing W.H. Freeman and Company 41 Madison Avenue New York. N Y 10010 Houndsmills, Basingstoke RG21 6XS England

CO NTENTS Preface Acknowledgments

v v//

STUDY GUIDE 1 Atoms: The Quantum W orld 2 Chemical Bonds 3 Molecular Shape and Structure 4 The Properties o f Gases 5 Liquids and Solids 6 Inorganic Materials 7 Thermodynamics: The First Law 8 Thermodynamics: The Second and Third Laws 9 Physical Equilibria 10 Chemical Equilibria 11 Acids and Bases 12 Aqueous Equilibria




Chemical Kinetics


The Elements: The Main Group Elements

16 17 18 19

The Elements: The d Block Nuclear Chemistry Organic Chemistry 1: The Hydrocarbons Organic Chemistry II: Polymers and Biological Compounds

SOLUTIONS M AN U AL Fundamentals


1 15 25

35 45 57 71 85

99 129 I 45

I55 I 59 187 217 233 245 257 SM_



Atoms: The Quantum World



Chemical Bonds Molecular Shape and Structure The Properties o f Gases Liquids and Solids Inorganic Materials Thermodynamics: The First Law Thermodynamics: The Second and Third Laws Physical Equilibria Chemical Equilibria Acids and Bases Aqueous Equilibria Electrochemistry Chemical Kinetics

75 97 119 I 47 171

3 4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11

12 13 14


16 17 18 19

The Elements: The Main Group Elements The Elements: The d Block Nuclear Chemistry Organic Chemistry 1: The Fiydrocarbons Organic Chemistry II: Polymers andBiological Compounds


183 211 239 273

313 355 395 435

459 479 499 521





(a) chemical;

(b) physical;

(c) physical


The temperature o f the injured camper, the evaporation and condensation o f water are physical properties. The ignition o f propane is a chemical change.



(a) Physical;

(b) Chemical;

(a) intensive;

(b) intensive;

( A.9

(a) 1000. grain x

(b) 0.01 batman x

(c) Chemical

(c) extensive;

1 A'/log rah? 1,000 grain

(d) extensive

\ = 1 kilograin

100 centibatman \ = 1 centibatman 1batman ) V

1megamutchkin ] . ,,0 (c) lx l 0b mutchkin x -----^------------ = 1 megamutchkin1 106 mutchkin J

A .ll

1 pint 1 quart 0.946 L 1000 mL 1.00 cup x ( ^ ---- ) x ( - 1, ) x ( - ------ - ) x ( — —---- ) = 236 mL 1L 2 cups 2 pints 1 quart

A .13

. m a- —



112.32 e 29.27 m L - 23.45 mL

mL 1 cm

- 19.3 g •cm'-' SM-3

A. 15

m m d = — , rearranging gives V = — V a ' 0.750 carat ^ ( 200 mg

ig 1 1carat J ^1000 mg J

l,3.51g-errf 3j = 0.0427 cm3

A .17

105.50 g -43.50 g=62.00 g=mHi0 m d=V

rr m


62.00 g



0.9999 g •cm"1

96.75 g - 43.50 g



= 0.8589 g- cm''

62.00 cm3

m . A.19 d = — , rearrange gives V V =

= 62.00 cm


w m V =— d

= 7.41 cm3

Since the area is one centimeter, the thickness must be 7.41 cm

A.21 The result should have 3 significant figures because the number 3.25 has the least significant figures. The results should be 0.989

A.23 (a) 4.82 nm x ( 1Q0-^ — ) = 4,82 x 103 pm lnm (b) (

u (^ )x( ImL


(c) 1.88 ng x

(d) ^

^ cm J ’

(e) (

0.044g L

10 ng


) 60s

= 30.5 mm3

) X ( - ^ ) - 1.88 x 10'12kg 10 g

i lOOOg )x(



lO W lm 3

2 .6 6 x 1 0-’ kg/m3

1L lOOOmg j ) = 0.044 mg/cnf ° )x( lg v 1000cm


m A.25 (a) d = — V 0.213^


1.100cm x 0.531cm x 0.212cm


- 1.72g •cm This determination is more precise because the volume is not limited to two significant figures as it is in part (b) (b) d = V 41.003g-39.753g 20.37mL - 19.65mL 1.250g

lmL ^



= 1.7g-cm“

A.27 (a) Formula: °X = 50 + 2°C (b) "X = 50 + 2x22°C = 94"X


E k = —mv2



= i(4 .2 kg)(14 km •I r 1)2




1000 in'!

v3600 s j v 1km j

= 32 kg •nr -s~2 = 32 J


m=2.8 metric tons, v =100 km •hr'1, v, = 50 km •hr'


= —mv2 *• 2


I 0! kg

£ JW„ = ^ ( 2'8 metric tons) ( 100 km ^< 1 hr


1 hr

1 metric ton \r 1 min. ^

J ^60 min J ls60 sec

= 1.08 kg-km 2-s'2 - 1.08xl06kg-m2-s'2 = 1,080 kJ £ « „ w , = - ( 2-8 metric tons) 7 5 0 km V

.1 1 hr

103 kg metric ton

1 hr ^( 1 min. ^

j { v60

m'm.j \ 60


= 0.27 kg •km2 •s'2 -0 .27 x1 06kg •m2 •s‘2 - 270 kJ

^ < to/ n - ^ w , = ( U 0 8 0 - 2 7 0 ) k J = 810kJ = 8.1 x 102kJ This amount o f energy could have been recovered, neglecting friction and other losses, or used to drive the vehicle up a hill. Er = mgh

g = 9.81 ms'2

Setting potential energy equal to 8.1 x 102kJ = 8.1 x 105kg m2s'2and solving for height gives ^ _ Ep _ r 8.1 x 105 kg •m2•s'2 mg


= 29.m

(2800 kg)(9.81 ms'“)

Ep = mgh = (40.0 g)(9.81 m •s'2)(0.50 m)


1000 i?

= 0.20 kg •m2 •s'2 for one raise o f a fork. For 30 raises, (30)(0.20 kg •m2 •s'2) = 6.0 J


Since R = Re +h,


„ . -G m .m ' -G m Fm^ EP = AE p = ------"----Re + h ^ Re /







1 V


I f x = — , then Rc 1+



RP t

1 l + —h




h Re )

from the expansion in x. Re

Rc Then GmFm








GmFmh -— = mgh

R e ) /


U GmF where g = — K


number o f beryllium atoms =

mass o f sample mass o f one atom

0.210 g


f lk g 1 v 1.50 x 10"26 kg •atom-1 j llOOOgJ = 1.40 x 10 " atoms


(a) 5p, 6n, 5e; (b) 5p, 5n, 5e; (c) 15p, 16n, 15e; (d) 92p, 146n, 92e


(a) m Ir; (b) 22Ne; (c) 51V


r_________________________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ___ Element Symbol Protons Neutrons Electrons Mass number Chlorine











* ICa






!' La






36 j

65 j



They all have the same mass; (b) they have differing numbers of

protons, neutrons, and electrons

B .ll


0.5519; (b) 0.4479; (c) 2.459 * 10'4; (d) 551.9 kg



Scandium is a Group 3 metal,

(b) Strontium is a Group 2 metal.

(c) Sulfur is a Group 16 nonmetal, (d) Antimony is a Group 15 metalloid.



Sr, metal;

(b) Xe, nonmetal;

(c) Si, metalloid


Fluorine, F, Z=9, gas; Chlorine, Cl, Z=17, gas; Bromine, Br, Z=35, liquid; Iodine, I, Z=53, solid


(a) d block; (b) p block; (c) d block; (d) s block; (e) p block; (f) d block


The 21 element is Pb. It is located in group IVa (or 14) and period 6. It is a metal.


Container (a) holds a mixture (one is single compound and another is l single element); Container (b) holds a single element.


The chemical formula o f xanthophyll is C40H56O2.


(a) C 3H7O 2N;


(a) Cesium is a metal in Group 1; it will form Cs-” ions,

(b) C 2I I 7N

nonmetal in Group 17/VII and will form I" ions, Group 16/V1 nonmctal and will form Se2_ ions, 2 metal and will form Ca2~ ions.


(b) Iodine is a

(c) Selenium is a (d) Calcium is a Group



10Be“~ has 4 protons. 6 neutrons, and 2 electrons,

protons, 9 neutrons, and 10 electrons, neutrons, and 36 electrons,

(b) 1O2' has 8

(c) st,Br‘ has 35 protons, 45

(d) °A s 3' has 33 protons, 42 neutrons, and

36 electrons.

C. 11

(a) 14F";

(b) 24M g2+;

(c) 128Te2";

(d) 86Rb+


(a) Aluminum forms A l,_ ions; tellurium forms Te2- ions. Two aluminum atoms produce a charge o f 2 x +3 = + 6. Three tellurium atoms produce a charge o f 3 x -2 = - 6. The formula for aluminum telluride is A l:Tev

(b) Magnesium forms Mg"+ ions and oxygen forms


A magnesium ion produces a charge o f +2, which is required to balance the charge on one O2- ion. The formula for magnesium oxide is MgO. (c) Sodium forms +1 ions; sulfur forms -2 ions. The formula for sodium sulfide is Na,S.

(d) Rubidium forms +1 ions and iodine forms -1 ions.

One iodide ion is required to balance the charge o f one rubidium ion, so the formula is Rbl.


(a) Group III; (b) aluminum, A!


(a) Mass fraction due to the neutrons: (48-22)/48 = 0.542 (b) Mass fraction due to the protons: 22/48 -- 0.458 (e) Mass fraction due to the electrons: (22 x —!— )/48 = 2.49 x 10'4 ; 1840 (can be ignored)



(a )N a ;HPO.i (b)

(N H 4) 2S0 4 SM-9

(c) Since the copper ion has the same charge as one magnesium ion, the copper cation carries a charge of - 2. (d) Since three tin ions have the same charge as six potassium ions, each tin ion carries a charge o f +2.

C. 21 (a) 1IC1, molecular compound (in the gas phase); (b) S«, element (molecular substance); (c) CoS, ionic compound; (d) Ar, element; (e) CS2, molecular compound;


(f) SrBr2, ionic compound

(a) MnCk Mn forms 2 - ions and chlorine forms-1 ions. (b) Ca^PCh):. Calcium forms 12 ions and the phosphate ion is PO43’. (c) A12(S 0 3)3. Aluminum forms +3 ions and the sulfite ion is SO32'. (d) MgjN:. Magnesium forms 2+ ions and the nitride ion is N 3“ .


(a) calcium phosphate; vanadium(V) oxide;


(a) TiG2;

(b) tin(lV) sulfide, stannic sulfide;


(d) copper(I) oxide, cuprous oxide

(b) SiCl4;

(c) CS2;

(d) SF4;

(e) Li 2S;

(f) SbF5;

(g) N 20 5; (h) IK


(a) sulfur hexafluoride; triiodide;

(b) dinitrogen pentoxide;

(d) xenon tetrafluoride;

(c) nitrogen

(e) arsenic tribromide;


chlorine dioxide


(a) hydrochloric acid; acid;

D .ll

(b) sulfuric acid;

(e) sulfurous acid;

(a) ZnF2

(b) Ba(N0 3)2

(c) nitric acid;

(d) acetic

(f) phosphoric acid

(c) Agl

D. 13 (a) BaCF; (b) ionic


(d) Li3N

(e) Cr2S3


(a) sodium sulfite:

(b) iron(IIl) oxide or ferric oxide:

oxide or ferrous oxide: sulfate hexahydrate;

(d) magnesium hydroxide:

(c) iron(II)

(e) nickel(II)

(f) phosphorus pentachloride;

(g) chromium(HI) dihydrogen phosphate;

(h) diarsenic trioxide;


ruthenium(II) chloride

D.17 (a) CuCC>3Copper (II) carbonate; (b) K.2SO3potassium sulfite; (c) LiCl, lithium chloride


(a) heptane;

(b) propane;

(c) pentane;

(d) butane


(a) cobalt(III) oxide monohydrate; Co 20 3 •H ,0 ; (b) cobalt(II) hydroxide; Co(OH ) 2

D.23 E=Si; SiPf. Silicon tetrahydride; Na4Si, sodium silicide


(a) lithium aluminum hydride, ionic (with a molecular anion); (b) sodium hydride, ionic


(a) selenic acid;

(b) sodium arsenate;

(c) calcium tellurite;

barium arsenate;

(e) antimonic acid;

(f) nickel(III) selenate


D. 29 (a) alcohol; (b) carboxylic acid; (c) haloalkane


, 6.022 x 1023A 2 atom 144pm lm 1.0 mole x ------------------------ x ------------ x — ---1.0 mole Ag 1Ag atom 10 ' pm - 8.67 x 1013m = 8.67 x 10'°km


You will to add 18 Ca atoms to balance the 9 Br atoms on the left pan because a Br atom is twice as massive as a Ca atom.



6.0 x 10vpeople

(a) moles o f people =

6.022 x 1023people •mol'

= 1.0x1 O' 14mol (b) time =

1mol peas 1.0x1 O' 14 mol-s'

( 1.0 x 10'4s)


lh ) 3600s

= 1.0 x 1014 s

f 1day ^ f

1 yr

^_ = 3.2 x 10" years

24 h ; lv365 days j

(a) M gS0 4 *7 H20 formula mass = 246.48 g •mol" atoms o f O =

1mol O atoms

5.15 g

246.48 g • mol"' J ^ tnol MgS 0 4 • 7 H,0

(6.022 x 1 023 atoms • mol"') = 1.38 x 1023 (b) formula units =

5.15 g


( 6.022 x 10 atoms •mol )

246.48 g- mol

= 1.26 x 1022 (c) moles o f H ,0 = 7



5.15 g

V246.48 o •mol"

= 0.146 mol

mass o f average Li atom = f — '1(9.988x 10"-4 g) + U ooJ

(1.165xlCT2' g)

100 J

= 1.153 x 10 23 g-atom ' 1 molar mass =(1.153x1 O'2’ g •atom-1) ( 6.022 x 10‘ 3 atoms •mol 1) = 6.94 g ■mol"1 (b)

mass o f average Li atom — 1(9.988 x10 24 g) + 100 J



(1.165x10 j

= 1.1556 x 10~2’ g •atom molar mass =(1.1556 x 10~23 g •atom"1) (6.022 x 1023 atoms ■mol"1) = 6.96 g •mol"1



E.l 1

The percentage 10B = 100 - percentage 11B /o/o 10

molar mass -


(mass 10B) +

1 0 0% -% "B




100% B) +


(mass l!B) /% "B ^


(mass nB)

Rearranging gives %


100 • molar mass - 100 •mass 10B B = -------------- ------------- —--------mass B - mass B _ 100(10.81 g-m oi"1) - 100(10.013 g-mol-1) 11.093 g- mol"1 - 10.013 g-m ol "1 = 73.8 %

% 103 = 26.2%

E.l 3


75 g 114.82 g-m ol -1 80 g 127.60 g- mol"1

= 0.65 mol In

= 0.63 mol Te

75 g o f indium contains more moles o f atoms than 80. g o f tellurium (b)

15.0 g

= 0.484 mol P

30.97 g-m oP 1 15.0 g 32.07 g-m oP 1

= 0.468 mol S

15.0 g o f P has slightly more atoms than 15.0 g o f S. (c)

Because the two samples have the same number of atoms, they will

have the same number of moles, which is given by 7.36 x l0 : atoms

6.022 x 1033 atoms •mol~

~ 1.22 x 104 moles

E.15 (a) molar mass o f D:0: (2.014 g/mol) x 2 + 15.999 g/mol = 20.027 g/mol (b)

Assuming the volume occupied by a D2O molecule is the same as

that of H2O, the densit\ will be proportional to the molar mass, and the SM-I3

» • ~__ . j molar mass o f D^O . . r density o f D2O is: d = --------------- :---- -— x density o f water molar mass of H 20 20.027 g •mol 18.016 g -m o r (c)

x 1.00 g-cm'3= 1.11 g-cm'3

4 4 _ , The volume o f the spherical tank V = —;zr - —7t x (6 m) = 905. nr

= 9.05 x 108 cmJ; the volume calculated from the density data: v = — = 100x10 g d 1.11 g ■cm '

= 9.01 x 108cm3= 901 m3

The volume calculated from the density data is slightly smaller than real tank volume. (d) The reported D?0 mass was not accurate. (e) The assumption in part (b) is reasonable because the nuclei are so small and the volume difference between a D2O molecule and a H2O can be ignored.


(a) molar mass o f A120 3 = 101.96 g- mol 1

10.0 g *AI-,0 -

101.96 g •mol 1

= 0.0981 mol

N auo~ = (0.0981 mol)(6.022 x 1023 atoms •mol-1) = 5.91 x 1022 molecules (b)

molar mass o f HF = 20.01 g •mol 25.92 xlO ~3 g


20.01 g •mol

= 1.30 x 10“3 mol

N HF = (1.30x10"'’ mol)(6.022 x 1023 atoms-mol-1) = 7.83 x 102° molecules (c)

molar mass o f hydrogen peroxide = 34.02 g •mol

nH,0 ,

1.55 x 10“’ g 34.02 g -mol 1

= 4.56 x 10“5 mol

N FUO, = (4.56 x 10“5 mol)(6.022 x 1023 atoms •mol-1) = 2.75 x 1019 molecules


molar mass o f glucose - 180.15 g •mol


1250 s s,uu,se

180.15 g-mol-

= 6.94 mol

glucose = (6.94 mol)( 6.022 x 101’ atoms •m ol'1) = 4.18 x 1024 molecules (e)

molar mass o f N atoms = 14.01 g •mol

nK = -----— = 0.312 rao! 14.01 g-mol A7n = (0.3 12 mol)(6.022 x 1023 atoms •mol"1) = 1.88 x 102' atoms molar mass o f N 2 molecules = 28.02 g •mol' 1


h----- = 0.156 mol 28.02 g- m o l 1 = (0.156 mol )(6.022 x 1023 atoms-mol'1) = 9.39 x 1022 molecules



molar mass o f CuBr2= 223.35 g •mol' mol Cu2

3.00 g CuBr, ^ 223.35 g •mol

CuBr, y V mol CuBr,

= 0.0134mol Cu2+

(b) molar mass o f S0 3= 80.06 g •mol

f =

0.700 g SO, — | _ g j4 x |0--’ fpQ] so , 80.06 g -moi


(c) molar mass o f UF* = 352.03 g •mol' 1 n = 25.2 kg x

^ 1000


1 mol UF„


6 mol F' ^

= 430. mol F

1 kg / ^ 352.03 g UF 6J [ l m o l U F j

(d) molar mass o f Na2C 0 3 IOH2O = 286.21 g mof 2.00gNa,CO,-10H20

| f

10 mol H2Q

286.21 g -m o f Na,CO 3*10H2O J [ \ mol Na2CO 3.10H2O = 0.0699 mol H ,0


(a) number o f formula units = (0.750 mol)( 6.022 x 1023 formula units • mol"1) SM-15

= 4.52 x 10“ formula units (b)

molar mass o f A g,S 0 4 =311.80 g - m o l 1


2.39 x ] 0-ft fomuila units } ------------ ------------------------- - (311.80g-mol v 6.022 x 10” formula units-mol J

f 1000 m2 N ) -------- [ 1g y

= 124 mg (c)

molar mass o f NaHCO, = 68.01 2 •mol"


3.429 2


g •mol

( 6.022 x 10" formula units •mol !)

= 3.036 x 10" formula units



molar mass o f H ,0 = 18.02 g •mol 18.02 g- mol '1

= 2.992 x 10 23 g •molecule"

6.022 x 10” molecules •mol

(b) A' 0 =



18.02 g - m o l "1J

( 6.022 x 10:"’ molecules •mol ‘ )

= 3.34 x 1O2" molecules


(a) molar mass o f CuCb 4H20 - 206.53 g mof n=

8.61 2 CuCK*4I KO s206.53 g •mol

CuCl,.4H,0 ,

= 0.0417 mol CuCL*4H?0

(b) Because there are 2 mol C f per mole of compound, the number o f moles will be twice the amount in part (a), 0.0834 mol Cl"

(c) There are 4 mole o f tl20 for each mole compound. Therefore, Number of water molecules = (0.0417 x 4) mole H 2O x (6.022 x 1023 molecules mol"1) = 1.00 x 101' H20 molecules (d) fraction o f mass due to O = 4 heptane (83.91%) > propanol (59.96%)


(a) empirical formula: C2H3CI, molecular formula: C4HPCI2 (b) empirical formula: CH4N, molecular formula:


This problem requires that we relate unknowns to each other appropriately by writing a balanced chemical equation and using other information in the problem. .v NaNO, + y Na,SO, 1.61 g N a ' 22.99 g-mol '1Na

(,r + 2y) Na + v NOj +y SO;"

= 0.07003 mol Na+ = .t + 2v

5.37 g total-1.61 gN a =3.76 g =(62.01 g-m ol'1)* +(96.07 g •moPXv

Rearrange and substitute: 3.76=62.01 (0.07003-2y) + 96.07y 0.06065 = 0.07003 - 2y + 1.548}’ 0.009385 = 0.4516 v y = 0.02078 moles sulfate, x~0.02847 moles nitrate Therefore, the mass of sodium nitrate in the mixture was


0.02847 mol

"85.00 gN aN C O

1 mol


2.42 g NaNO:> X

5.37 g total

G .l


= 2.42 g NaNO,

100 = 45.1% NaN0 3

(a) False. They can only be separated by chemical methods. (b) False. The composition o f a solution is fixed. (c) False. The properties o f a compound are unlike those o f the elements that compose it.


(a) heterogeneous, decanting; by filtration and distillation;


(b) heterogeneous, dissolving followed (c) homogeneous, distillation

mass o f K 2N 0 3- 510. g x 5.45% = 27.8 g K 2N 0 3. Mass o f H.O = 510. g - 27.8 g = 482.2 g H20 Measuring 482.2 g H20 on a balance and pure it into a beaker. Then you weigh 27.8 g o f K 2N 0 3and mix it with the water until it totally dissolve.


mass o f AgNO, = (0.179 mol •L-' )(0.5000 L)( 169.88 g •mol-1) = 15.2 g


(a) molarity o f Na 2C 0 3 =

2.111 g

= 0.079 67 M

(105.99 g-mor'XO.2500 L) N a,C 0 3 V=

(2.15 x 10~- mol N a T(1 mol N a 2CQ2) (0.079 67 mol - L 1N a,C 0 3)(2 mol Na ) V=


= 1.35 x 10

(4.98 x IQ '3mol C 0 32 )(1 mol Na 2C 0 2) (0.079 67 mol •L"1Na 2C 0 3)(l mol C 0 32")

= 6.25 x ] 0 ' L or 62.5 mL (c) V =

(50.0 x 10-3 g Na 2C 0 3) (105.99 g •mol-' M0.079 67 mol •L_1 Na 2C 0 3)

= 5.92 x K r L or5.92 mL SM-23

L o r 13.5 mL


(a) Weigh 1.6 g (0.010 mol, molar mass o f KM n0 4 = 158.04 g •mol ’ ) into a 1.0-L volumetric flask and add water to give a total volume o f 1.0 L. Smaller (or larger) volumes could also be prepared by using a proportionally smaller (or larger) mass o f KM n04. (b)

Starting with 0.050 mol •L_l KM n04, add four volumes of water to

one volume o f starting solution, because the concentration desired is onefifth o f the starting solution. This relation can be derived from the expression V. x molarity; = Vf x molarity.where i represents the initial solution and f the final solution. But Vf = V{ + Vd where Vd represents the volume o f solvent that must be added to dilute the initial solution. Rearranging the first equation gives V



molarity; V

_ molarity,

V + Vd


So if the ratio of final molarity to initial molarity is 1 : 5, we can write





5Vt = V ,+ V , 4Fi = Kd For example, to prepare 50 mL o f solution, you would add 40 mL of water to 10 mL o f 0.050 mol •L_1 KM n04.


(a) V(0.778 mol •LT1) = (0.1500 L)(0.0234 mol •L-!) r = 4.51xl0"3 L or 4.51 mL (b) The concentration desired is one-fifth o f the starting NaOH solution, so the stockroom attendant will need to add four volumes of water to one


volume o f the 2.5 mol •L 1 solution. To prepare 60.0 mL o f solution, divide 60.0 by 5; so 12.0 mL o f 2.5 mol - L_l NaOH solution are added to 48.0


mL o f water. ( See the solution to G. 11)

(a) mass o f CuS0 4 = (0.20 mol •L"' )(0.250 L)(l 59.60 g- mol"’ ) = 8.0 g (b)

mass o f CuS0 4 •5 H ,0 - (0.20 mol •L~' )(0.250 L)(249.68 g •mol-1) = 12g


(a) Total moles o f K4: r 0.500g K C l }

0.500g K,S

Y 2 m o llC ^ ,

^ 110.26g-m ol"'

{ 14.55 g-mol~] j 0.500g K 3P 0 4 ] f


3mol K~

{212.21 g - m o l'') [ l m olK 3P 0 4 J = 6.71 x 10'3mol + 9.07 x 10'3 mol + 7.07 x 10'3 mol Molarity o f K ”

/ 2.29x10'2mol



2.29 x 10'2 mol

= 4.58 x 10‘2M

(b) molarity o f S2’ : f

0.500g K 2S

[ n o .26 g-m ol-'


1mol S2 N U nolK 2S y { 0.500 L J

= 9.07 x 10'3M

(a) mass of K 2S 0 4 = (0.125 mol • L_l )(1.00 L )(l74.26 g • moL1) = 21.8 g (b)

mass of NaF = (0.015 mol*L_l)(0.375 L)(41.9 9 g Hg:S04(s); spectator ions: K , NO,'


(a) overall equation: (NH4):Cr04(aq) 4 BaCU(aq) ->BaCr04(s)4-2NH.Cl(aq) complete ionic equation: 2 N H ^(aq) + CrG42"(aq) + Ba2 (aq) + 2 CT(aq) BaCr04(s) + 2 NF14 (aq) + 2 Cl"(aq) net ionic equation: Ba2" (aq) + CrO_f (aq) - » BaCrOj(s); spectator ions: NH/ , Cl (b) CuS04(aq) + Na,S(aq)

CuS(s) + Na;SO. (aq)

complete ionic equation: Cu2+(aq) + S042“ (aq) + 2 N V (a q ) + S2"(aq) - » CuS(s) + 2 N a'(aq) + S 042 (aq) net ionic equation: C u2t(aq) + S2_(aq) —» CuS(s); spectator ions: N a', SQ42


(c) 3 FcCl2(aq) * 2 (NH4)3P 0 4(aq) -> Fe,(P04): (s) + 6 NH4Cl(aq) complete ionic equation: 3 Fe2+(aq) + 6 CT(aq) + 6 NH 4*(aq) + 2 P 0 43“ (aq) -> Fe3(P 0 4)2(s) + 6 NH 4~(aq) + 6 Cl"(aq) net ionic equation: 3 Fe2"(aq) + 2 P043~(aq) —» Fe3(P 0 4)2(s ); spectator ions: Cl", N H 4" (d) K 2C20 4(aq) + Ca(N03) 2(aq) -> CaC20 4(s) + 2 K N 0 3(aq) complete ionic equation: 2 K (aq) + C20 42"(aq) + Ca2+(aq) + 2 N 0 3‘ (aq) -> CaC20 4(s) + 2 K ‘ (aq) + 2 N 0 3"(aq) net ionic equation: Ca2+(aq) + C20 42 (aq) ->■ CaC20 4(s ); spectator ions: K " , N 0 3“ (e) N iS04(aq) + Ba(N03) 2(aq) -> N i(N 0 3), (aq) + BaS04(s) complete ionic equation: N i2+(aq) + S 042 (aq) + Ba2‘ (aq) + 2 N 0 3" (aq) -> N i2+(aq) + 2 N 0 3"(aq) + BaS04(s) net ionic equation: Ba2, (aq) + S 0 42“ (aq) -> BaSG4(s ); spectator ions: N i2+, N 0 3"


(a) Ba(CH3C 0 2) 2(aq) + Li2C 0 3(aq)

BaC03(s) 4- 2 LiCH3C 0 2(aq)

Ba2+(aq) + 2 CH,CO:"(aq) + 2 Li+(aq) + C 0 32“ (aq) —> BaC03(s) + 2 L f (aq) + 2CH3C 0 2"(aq) net ionic equation: Ba:"(aq) + C 0 32“ (aq) -> BaC03(s) (b)

2 NH4Cl(aq) - Hg: (N 0 3)2(aq) -4 2 NH4N 0 3(aq) + Hg2C l2(s)

2 N H 4+(aq) + 2 Cl Cu(OH)2(s) + Ba2~ (aq) + 2 N 0 3'(aq) net ionic equation: Cu2"(aq) + 2 OH"(aq) —> Cu(OH)2(s)


(a) A g N 0 3 and Na,Cr0 4 (b) CaCl2 and N a,C 0 3 (c) Cd(C104)2 and (N H 4) 2S


(a) 2 Ag (aq) + S 0 42_(aq) -> A g 2S 0 4(s) (b) Hg2- (aq) + S2" (aq)


(c) 3 C a " (aq) + 2 P 0 4 (aq) -> Ca3(P 0 4), (s) (d) A g N 0 3 and Na 2S04; Na^, N 0 3" ; Mg(CH3C 0 2): and Li 2S; L i\ C H 3C 0 2~ CaCl, and K 3P0 4; K \ C r


white ppt. = AgCl(s), Ag-; no ppt. with H2SO4, no Ca2r; black ppt^ZnS,



(a) 2 NaOH(aq) 4 Cu(N03)2(aq)

Cu(OH)2(s) + 2 N aN 0 3(aq)

complete ionic equation: 2 Na+(aq) + 2 OH'(aq) + Cu2+(aq) + 2 NO;(aq) -> Cu(OH)2( s) + 2 Na (aq) + 2 NO"(aq) net ionic equation:

Cu2+(aq) + 2 OH"(aq) -> Cu(OH); (s)




m Ni


'40.0m L x 0.100 M '' 50.0 mL

= 0.0800 \1

(a) Find the number of moles o f potassium chromate per liter o f solution. ? mol KJOrO4Y 5.20 g K ,C r04 v L solution


1mot K,CrOa

} 1000 m l ^

Jl. 75.0 mL solution j {194.20 g K jC r O J


1 /.


= 0.357 M K 2Cr0 4 (b) Find the number o f grams o f potassium in the amount o f potassium chromate that was dissolved. ? g K T = 5.20 g K 2Cr0 4

1m o lK 2CrOa '

2 mol K*

'l 39.098 g K ' \

V194.20 g K 2C’r 0 4j 1mol K 2C r04 , v 1mol K~


(c) MgCr0 4


(a) base;


(a) overall equation; HF(aq) + NaOH(aq) -> NaF(aq) 4- H 20(1)

(b) acid;

(c) base;

(d) acid;

(e) base

complete ionic equation: FIF(aq) + N a 1(aq) + OH"(aq) -> Na (aq) + F"(aq) + H 20(1) net ionic equation:

FIF(aq) + OU"(aq) -> F~(aq) + H20 (l)

(b) overall equation: (CH 1) 3N (a q )F IN O ,(a q ) —>(CH 3) 1NHNO,(aq) . . complete ionic equation:

(CH,),N(aq) + H,CT(aq) + NCF'(aq) -> (C II 3) 3NH"(aq) + N 0 3"(aq) + H,0(1)

net ionic equation: (C H ,) 3N(aq) i H:0 (aq) -> (C H 3)3NH (aq) + H,0(1) (e)

overall equation:

LiOH(aq) + HI(aq) —» Lil(aq) + H 20(1)


Li" (aq) + OH' (aq) + H 30 +(aq) + Y (aq) -> LT (aq) + V (aq) -v 2 Yi20(Y) net ionic equation: OH~(aq) + II 30 '(a q ) —> 2 H 20(1)


(a) HBr(aq) + KOH(aq) - » KBr(aq) + H ,0 (I) (b) Zn(OH)2(aq) + 2 H N 0 2(aq) -> Zn(NO: )2(aq) + 2 H 20(1) (c) Ca(OH)2(aq) + 2 HCN(aq) -> Ca(CN)2(aq) + 2 H,0(1) (d) 3 KOH(aq) + H 3P 0 4(aq)


K 3P 0 4(aq) + 3 H 20(1)

(a) acid: H 30"(aq); base: CH 3N H 2(aq); (b) acid: HCI(aq); base: C 2H 5N H 2(a q ); (c) acid: HI(aq); base: CaO(s)


Since X turns litmus red and conducts electricity poorly, it is a weak acid. We can find the empirical formula from the percent composition. C 26.68 g + 12.01 g/mol —2.221 mol H 2.239 g -s-1.0079 g/mol =2.221 mol O 71.081 g + 16.00 g/mol = 4.443 mo! So the subscripts are 1:1:2 on the empirical formula. (a) CH02; (b) Since the molar mass o f the empirical formula is 45.0 g-mof 1while the molar mass o f X is 90.0 g-mof1, the molecular formula is twice the empirical formula or C2H2O 4. (c) The weak acid whose formula matches the one given in part (b) is oxalic acid. (COOH) 2(aq) + 2 NaOH(aq)

Na2C20 4(aq) + 2 I LOf 1)

net ionic equation: (COOH) 2(aq) + 2 OH' —> C20 4 ' (aq) •*- 2 H20(1)

J.l l

(a) C6H 50 ' (aq) + H 20 (l) -> C6H5OH (aq) + OH (aq)


(b) CIO' (aq) - H;0 (l) - * HClO(aq) - OH'(aq) (c) C5H5N H ' (aq) - H;0(1) -> C 5H5N(aq) - HjO'(aq) (d) NH4+ (aq) - H;0(1) -> NH 3(aq) + H 30~ (aq)


(a) As0 4v(aq) + H:0 (I) -> HAs0 42‘(aq) + OH'(aq) HAs0 42"(aq) - H:0(1) -► H2As0 4'(aq) + OH'(aq) H2As0 4'(aq) - H20(1) — H 3As0 4(aq) ‘ OH'(aq) In each equation, H20 is the acid. (b) ? mol Na+ = 35.0 g Na 3A s0 4

1mol Na 3A s0 4 207.89 g Na3AsO 4

3 mol Na r 1 mol Na 3A s0 4j = 0.505 mol Na"


(a) C 0 2(g) + H20(1)


H2C 03(aq) (carbonic acid)

(b) S0 3(g) + H 20(1) —> H2S04(aq)

K .1

(sulfuric acid)

(a) 2 N 0 2(g) + O, (g) -> N ,0 , (g) + O, (g) (b) S8(s) + 16 Na(s) -> 8 Na.S(s) (c) 2 Cr2+(aq) + Sn“4(aq) -> 2 Cr,+ (aq) + Sn2+(aq) (d) 2 As(s) + 3 Cl, (g) -> 2 AsCl, (1)


(a) Mg(s) +Cu 2‘ (aq) —> M g 2*(aq) + Cu(s) (b) Fe2~(aq) + Ce4’ (aq) —» Fe’4(aq) + CeJ* (aq) (c) H 2(g) + C l,(g) —> 2 HCl(g) (d) 4 Fe(s) + 3 0 ,(g ) -> 2 Fe,0 3(s)


( a ) -4;

(b )-4:

(c )-2 ;



(e )+ l;

(f) 0

(b) r2;

(c) + 6;

(d) 4 4;


(a) +2;

(c) + 1


(a) Methanol CHLOH (aq) is oxidized to formic acid (the carbon atom goes from an oxidation number o f +2 to +4). The 0 : (g) is reduced to 0 :_ present in water,

(b) Mo is reduced from +5 to -t-4, while some sulfur

(that which ends up as S(s)) is oxidized from -2 to 0. The sulfur present in MoS.(s) remains in the -2 oxidation state. (c)

Tb is both oxidized and reduced. The product Tl(s) is a reduction of

TT (from 4 1 to 0) while the

is produced via an oxidation o f T1 . A

reaction in which a single substance is both oxidized and reduced is known as a disproportionation reaction.

K . ll

(a) CT will be reduced more easily and is therefore a stronger oxidizing agent than CP. (b) N ,0 , will be a stronger oxidizing agent because it will be readily reduced. N ‘ T will accept e" more readily than will N T


(a) oxidizing agent: H~ in HCl(aq); reducing agent: Zn(s) (b) oxidizing agent: SO, (g ); reducing agent: H:S(g) (c) oxidizing agent: B ,0 3(s); reducing agent: Mg(s)


(a) G O T - » CIO:, Cl goes from +7 to -4: need a reducing agent (b) SO42'


C 0 2(g)

SO:, S goes from +6 to 44; need a reducing agent

+ 4 H:(g)



4 2 H20(1)

Oxidation-reduction reaction; CO: is oxidizing reagent; H2 is reducing reagent



(a) oxidizing agent: W 0 3(s ); reducing agent: H -(g) (b) oxidizing agent: HC1 reducing agent: Mg(s) (c) oxidizing agent: Sn0 2(s); reducing agent: C(s) (d) oxidizing agent: N 20 4( g ) ; reducing agent: N 2H 4(g)


(a) 3 N 2H 4(1) -> 4 NH 3(g) + N 2(g); (b) -2 in N 2H4; -3 in NH3, 0 in N 2; (c) N 2H 4 is both oxidizing and reducing agent; (d) Factor label (dimensional analysis) can be used to find the volume o f nitrogen. 1.004 g

? L N 2(g) = 1.0 L N ,H 4(1)

1mol ^ 32

1 mol N 2


Xlv3 mol N 2I-I4 = 2.5xl0 2 L N ,(g )


(a) 2 C f ‘ + Cu‘ + —> 2 C r + Cu(s); (b) 2 e transferred; (c) Use factor label (dimensional analysis): ? mol NO~ _ f 50.5 g Cr(NQ 3)2 v L solution

1 mol C r(N0 3) 2 N 176.0 g C r(N 0 3)2

^ 250.0 mL solution

2 mol NO;

1000 mL

1 mol Cr(NO3)2,


= 2.27 M NO: ? mol S O f _ ( L solution

60.0 g CuS0 4


1 mol CuS0 4

^250.0 mL solution y [ l 59.62 g CuS04J

1 mol S O f

1000 mL

1 mol CuSO,


= 1.50 M S O f


(a) SiCUO) + 2 H:(g) -> Si(s) + 4 HCl(g); silicon tetrachloride; Si4+ (b) Sn0 2(s) -r C(s)

Sn(l) + C 0 2; tin(IV) oxide; Sn4+


(c) V 205(s) + 5 Ca(l) —> 2 V(s) - 5 CaO(s); vanadium(V) oxide; V 3* (d) B20 ?( s) + 3 Mg(s) -> 2 B(s) h- 3 MgO(s); boron oxide; B3+


(a) Cl2(g)

+ H:0(1)

HClO(aq) + HCl(aq)

Oxidizing agent: Cl2(g); Reducing agent: Cl2(g) (b) 4 NaC102(aq) - 2 SO:(g) - 2 l ^SO^aq, dilute) 4 NaHS0 4(aq) + 4 C102(g) Oxidizing agent: NaClO.^aq); Reducing agent: S0 2(g) (c) 2 Cul(aq) —► 2 Cu(s) + I2(s) Oxidizing agent: Cul(aq); Reducing agent: Cul(aq)

L .l


+ 2 H2(g) — LiNH 2(s) + 2 LiH(s)

(a) moles o f H2needed to react with 1.5 mg Li 3N:

1mol Li\N Y 2 mol H-,

= 1.5x 10'3g Li3N

= 8.6 x 10° mol H2

34.83 g Li^N ) { l mol L i,N

(b) mass o f Li2N to produce 0.650 mol LiH: - 0.650 mol LiH


mol L i,N v 34.83 g Li}N 2 mol LiH

1mol L i.N

= 11.3gLi3N

6 NH 4C104( s) + 10 Al(s) -> 5 A l 20 3(s) + 3 N 2(g) + 6 HCl(g) + 9 H 20 (g ) (a) (1.325 kg NH 4C104) l

10 mol A1

Im o lA I

/ I 000g A )a/ 1 k2 A1

1000 g

117.49 g NH 4C104

A 26.98 g Al^

6 mol N II 4C I0 4 , (b) 3500 kg A1

1mol N H 4C1Q4

1kg j

= 507.1 g A1

mol A1 26.98 g A1

5 mol Al.O, ^ ' 101.96 g A l.O j' ^ lO m olAl j

1mol A l 20 3

= 6.613x10* g A12Cl or 6.613 x 103 kg A120 3



2 CS7Hil0O6(s) + 163 0 2(g) -+ 114C02(g) - 110 1L0(1) r ( 1mol fat w 110 mol ILO ) I 18.02 e H,0^! 454 g fat -------------(a) & > v 891.44 g fat 2 mol fat j \ mol I LO ) = 505 g H: 0 163 mol 0 2

, aca r x ( 1mol fat (454 g fat) ---------(b) 1,891.44 g

2 mol fat

32.00 g 0 2 1mol O,2 /

= 1.33 x 1(L g 0 2


2 C8HI8(1) + 25 0 2(g)

16 C 0 2(g) +18 I I20(1)

d = 0.79 g •mL_1, density o f gasoline (3.785 L gas)

1000m L,|f 0.79 g gas^j f IL

' 8.02 g H 20

lm L

X 114.22 g gas J L m o l CjH^J

= 4.246 x 103 g IL O or 4.2 kg H20

1 mol ILO


, S,

1 mol gas N r 18 mol H: 0 ^

CaC0 3(s) + 2 HCl(aq) -> CaCL(aq) + H20(1) + C 0 2(g) Mg(OH) 2(s) + 2 HCI(aq) -► MgCL(aq) - 2 H 20(1)

The mass o f I1C1 can be neutralized by 400. mg CaC03: 400. mg CaC0 3 (



1mol CaCO3 ^

2 mol I/O Y 36.461 g H C l\

, 1000 mg j [ 99.087 gCaCO, , , 1mol CaCO, j v 1mol HCl


= 0.294 g HCl The mass o f HCl can be neutralized by 150. mg Mg(OH)2: 150. mg Mg(OH): x f



1mol \lg(O H )z

2 mo1 H O

\ 36.461 g H C l)

, 1000 mg , 1,58.319 g M g{011)2 JK1mol M g (O H )2yv 1mol HCl


= 0.188 g HCl Total mass o f HCl can be neutralized: 0.294 g + 0.188 g = 0.482 g HCl


L .ll

(a) HC1 + NaOH —> NaCI + H:0 17.40 mL

( 0.234 mol H C 1 V 1mol NaOHA

1mol HC1

1000 mL

= 0.00407 mol

. . pxt^u 0.00407 mol } concentration o f NaOH = ------------ -— = 0.271mol •L 15.00 x 10“3L (b) (0.271 mol •L"1)(0.01500 L) (40.00 g •moL1) = 0.163 g NaOH


(a) Ba(OH)2(aq) + 2 H N 0 3(aq) -► Ba(N0 3) 2(aq) + 2 H 20(1) ? mol HNO, L H N 0 3(aq)

9.670 g Ba(OH)2

, / = (11.56 m LBa(OH) 2(aq) )

250. mL Ba(OH): (aq)

2 mol H N 0 3 ^

1mol Ba(OH)2 171.36 gBa(OH),

1 mol Ba(OH),


(25.0 mL H N 0 3(aq))

1000 mL

= 0.209 mol •L-1 (b) mass o f H N 0 3 in solution: 0.209 mol 1000 mL


(25.0 mL)

63.02 g HNQ 3 1 mol H N 0 3

= 0.329 g j

HX(aq) + NaOH(aq) -> NaX(aq) + H 20(1) ( 68.8 mL)

0.750 mol NaOH A

= 0.0516 mol NaOH

v 1000 mL NaOH ^

3.25 g HX corresponds to 0.0516 mol NaOH used 3.25 g 0.0516 mol



= 63.0 g •mol 1 = molar mass o f acid

+ A g N 0 3(aq) - » /

M o fA g N 0 3=


+ N aN0 3(aq)

Y 1mol AgNOy

1.76 g A g l

v 234.77 g •mo!~'

1mol Agl




\{ 00500 L


^ 0.150 M


(a) N a,C 0 3(aq) - 2 HCl(aq) -> 2 NaCl(aq) - H X 0 3(aq) (b) First find the concentration o f the diluted acid. ? M HCl(aq) dilute =

0.832 g Na 2C 0 3

mol Na 2C 0 3

0.100 L base solution J [ 105.99 g Na2CO / 0.025 L base solution ^ 0.031 25 L acid solution \ 2 mol HC1 = 0.126 MHCl(aq) dilute 1mol Na 2C 0 3j

The original HC1 solution is 100 times more concentrated than the solution used for titration (diluted 10.00 mL to 1000 mL), so the original concentration o f the IIC1 solution is 12.6 mol •L '1.


i: + SnClv + (y - x)C\~ ->3 1' + SnClv The information given can be used to find the molar mass o f the reactant in order to identify it. - \ . _^ , 0.120 mol T = 3.00x 10-3 mol 1 25.00 mL ------------1000 mL /

T (\ 9.0 g tin chloride^! _ . .. 30.00 mL|----- --------------- I = 0.570 g tin chloride V 1000 mL


If the reaction is 1:1 then the # moles o f I 3 is the same as the number o f moles o f SnClv. In that case, the molar mass o f the tin chloride reactant is ---- — j ---- =190. g •mol'1. This molar mass matches that o f SnCL, 3.00x10“^ mol 2 189.61 g •mol'1. Tin (II) chloride also has the correct mass percent tin. 118.71 g- mol'1 Sn 1An ---------- ------ :-------- x 100 = 62.6% 189.61 g •mol'1 SnCl2 Since the product compound is oxidized relative to the reactant, we can expect it to be Sn( IV). The net ionic equation for the reaction is


I’ + Srr" —» 3 I~ + Sn4 . Another way to write a balanced reaction would be IT + SnCL(aq) + 2 CT ■-> 3 I" + SnCl4(a q ).


(a) S2O 3'' is both oxidized and reduced. (b) Find the number of grams o f thiosulfate ion in 10.1 mL o f solution. ( 10.1 mL IlSOj(aq)

1.45 g

h s o : (aq)


55.o g



1 mL HSO"(aq) , v 100 g HSO:(aq) J

1 mol HSO: X( 1 mol S,0 ;‘ Y 112.0 g S,Oj‘ 'l

X'v 81.0 g


J ^1 mol HSO:

1 mol S20 3“ y

= 11.1 g S ,O f present initially


XC14 + 2 NH 3

X C L (N H ,), +C I,

The reactant and product that contain X are in a 1:1 ratio, so 3.571 g o f the reactant is equivalent to 3.180 g o f the product. The molar mass o f the reactant is x + 4(35.453 g/moi) while that of the product is x + 2(35.453 g/mol)+2( 14.01 g/rnol) +• 6( 1.0079 g/mol). Therefore we can set up the following proportion in order to solve for.v in g/mol: jc+

141.8 _ 3.571

.v + 104.97 “ 3.180 1.1230*-* = 23.923 x = 194.6 g •mol'1, or Pt


The number of moles o f product is 2.27 g -r 208.23 g- m of’ = 0.0109 moles BaCF. An equivalent number o f moles is represented by 3.25 g o f BaBrv, so its molar mass is 3.25 g + 0.0109 moles=298 g -m o l 1 BaBrx . Since 137.33 g is attributable to Ba, 161 g must be Br.

Each Br has a mass o f 80.4 g/mol so

there must be 2 moles o f Br for each mole o f Ba in the reactant. x - 2, BaBr, - CL - » BaCL + Br, SM-42


First equation must be balanced as following: Fe + Br2 —> FeBr: 3 FeBr2+ Br2 -> Fe2Br8 Fe^Br* + 4 Na2CCh —> 8 NaBr + 4 C 0 2 + Fc304 The masses o f Fe are needed to produce 2.5 t o f NaBr: 2.50 t x

1000 kg'v 1000 g'l ' 1 mol NaBr N( 1 mol Fe3Br8^ 1t


^ 3 mol FeBr2 ^

1 kg J[ l 02.9 g NaBr J v 8 mol NaBr y 1 mol Fe

' 55.84 g F e >|= ^ ()9x iq5

v I mol Fe3Br8 y v 1 mol FeBr?,

1 mol Fe



= 509 kg Fe


(a) M\ V\ = M 2V2 is used for calculation o f dilution problems: K=

1.00 L x 0.50 M 16.0 M

= 0.031 L = 31 mL 7

Pipette 31 mL o f 16 M HNO? into a 1.00 L volumetric flask which contains about 800 mL o f H20. Dilute to the mark with H20. Shake the flask to mix the solution thoroughly. (b) ^ a0H=


100 mL x 0.50 M — = 2.5 x 10" mL 0.20 M

Total mass o f tin oxide is: 28.35g (a) 1.50 g Sn x

r 1 mol Sn x

26.45 g = 1.90 g

= 1.264 x 10 2 mol Sn

18.71 g Sn Moles ofO : (1.90-1.50)g x

1 mol O 16.00 g O

= 0.025 mol O

Mole ratio o f Sn:0 is 1:2 Empirical formula: Sn02 (b) tin(lV) oxide


(a) It will not affect the reported KOH concentration. The reaction is SM-43

mole-to-mole interaction (HCI/KOH) (as long as the volume o f KOH is accurately measured). (b) It will make the repotted KOH concentration too high. (c) It will make the reported KOH concentration too high. (d) It will make the reported KOH concentration too high.

M .l

CaC0 3(s)

CaO(s) + C 0 2(g)

theoretical yield: (42.73 gC aC 0 3)


1mo! CO, Ai 44.01 g C O , )



[ l 00.09 gC a C o J

^1mol CaC03J ^ 1 mol C 0 2 ,

= 18.79 gC O , actual yield: 17 ,5 g

18.79 g



100% = 93.1 % yield

(a) B2O j( s) + 3 Mg(s)

3 MgO(s) +2 B(s)

(b) mass o f B produced from 125 kg o f B2O3: 125 x 10Jg B 2O;

1mol Z?,03


2 mol B Y 10.811 g B )

69.619 g B20, X l mol B20,

1mol B )

- 3.88 x 104 g B mass o f B produced from 125 kg o f Mg: 125 x 103g Mg

1mol Mg

' ' 2 mol B ^ 10.811 g B )

24.305 g Mg ) v3 mol Mg y^ 1mol B y

= 3.71 x 104 g B Mg is limiting. 3.71 x 104 g B can be produced.


C,HrCI, + (x + Y ) 0 2 — -r C 0 2 +


+ Y Cl:

----- L— ^---- - = 4.21 x 10~2 mol Arochlor yields — s ■ 360.88 g-m ol '1 44.0 g •mol = 5.055x10 2mol C 0 2 SM-44

2.53 g

= ".01 x 10~3 mol Arochlor yields

360.88 g •mol

0.2530 g 18.01 g-m or1

= 1.405 x 1O'2mol H ,0 5.055x10-



= 12.0 and





12.01 l i d .0079 v + 35.4532 = 360.88 12.01 1(12.0) + 1.0079(2.00) + 35.453z = 360.88 35.453z = 214.7

2 = 6.06 Since the number or Cl atoms per Arochlor 1254 molecule must be a whole number, the number o f chlorine atoms is 6.


(a) P4(s) +3 0 2(g )- > P40 6(s) P40 6(s) + 2 0 2(g) —» P4O10(s) In the first reaction, 5.77 g P4 uses

(5.77 g P 4)

1 mol P4 \ f 3 mol 0 2 123.88 g P 4

32.00 g O, 1 mol O,

1mol P,

4.47 g O, (g)

excess O, = 5.77 g - 4.47 g 0 2 = 1.30 g 0 2 In the second reaction, 5.77 g P4 uses 5.77 gP4

( \ mol P40 „ ^( 2 mol O, 'j f 32.00 g O ,"!

123.88 g ■mol 1 p j ^ 1mol P4 j V1 mo1 p4°7S= 1, n2 - 3 is degenerate with nx- 3, n2 = 1 nx- 2, n2 = 3 is degenerate with «, = 3, « 2 = 2


(a) This problem is the same as that solved in Example 1.5, but the electron is moving between different energy levels. For movement


between energy le\ els separated by a difference of 1 in principal quantum number, the expression is „ ( n - r \ ) 2h 2 n 2h 2 (I n + 1 )/?2 AE = En+X - Er = ------- ;------------- = ------;— 1 8mis 8mis mL 8


For n - 2 and n + \= 3, AE = -----8m L , he %mhcL: 8mcl: Then /L, = — = ---- r— = -------E 5h2 5h For an electron in a 150-pm box, the expression becomes _ 8(9.109 39x 10~31 kg) (2.997 92xlQ 8 m-s~') (150xl0~12 m)2


5(6.626 08x1 O'34 J-s)

J-2 ~ = 1.48xl0"8 m

(b) We need to remember that the equation for AE was originally determined for energy separations between successive energy levels, so the expression needs to be altered to make it general for energy levels two units apart: _ (/? + 2) 2h2 ” +2


8m l:

h1[4n 4- 4]

8m l: ~





^ _ he _ hc(%mS}) _ AE

trh 2 _ (n2 + 4n + 4 - n1)h2 _ (4n + 4)h2

h2[An + 4]

For n = 2, the expression becomes y_



[ ( 4

_ SmcL2

x 2 )7 4 ] ~ " 12/2

_ 8(9.10939 x l()~ 3! kg) (2.99792 x10s m •s '1) (150x 10~12 m) 2 12(6.62608x lO "34 kg m 2 -s_1) = 6.18xl0“9 m


(a) Refer to the plot below for parts (a) thru (d); nodes are where the wavefunction is zero:




¥(x)/m'1/2 0.00


1.42 0.333





x(m) (b) for n = 2 there is one node at x = 0.500 m. (c) for n - 3 there are two nodes, one at x = 0.333 and 0.667 m . (d) the number o f nodes is equal to n - 1 Refer to the plot below for parts (e) and (f): 2.00

'P(x)2/m-1/2 t .00


0.17 0.25


0.75 0.83


x(m) (e) for n = 2 a particle is most likely to be found at x = 0.25 m and* = 0.75 m. (f) for n = 3 a particle is most likely to be found at * - 0.17,0.50 and 0.83 m.



(a) Integrate over the "left half o f the box” or from 0 to Vi L:

rv -ij I Jo1

nnx V , •ax ^ l"l sin----sin)


-1 nnx . tmx x ------cos------ sin------+ — 2nn L L 2 M given n is an integer: 'L l 2\


L\ (b) Integrate over the “ left third o f the box” or from 0 to 1/3 L: nnx

J> 2 =fiffsin

~ T


2 ( -I nnx . nnx x — ------cos-------sin----- + — L [2 n n L L 2

-1 nn . nn 1 -------- cos-----sm — + — L •n ’ n 3 3 3 if n is a multiple o f 3, the first term h this sum is zero and the probability o f finding an electron in the left third o f the box is 1/3. Also, as n becomes large the probability o f finding the electron in the left third o f the box approaches 1/3.


The equation derived in Illustration 1.4 can be used:

-2(0.550 X ys2( r = 0.55a0,0,0) _ ^ 2(O,0 , 0 )

na2 i

= 0.33 '

\Ka° )


To show that three p orbitals taken together are spherically symmetric, sum the three probability distributions (the wavefunctions squared) and show that the magnitude o f the sum is not a function o f 0 or 0 .


p x = R (r)C sin 0 cos (p p v = R {r)C sin 6 sin (p p. = R (r)C cos 0 ( 3 A where C =

\A n ,

Squaring the three wavefimctions and summing them R (r)2C2sin20cos2(p + R {r)2C 2sin26 sin20 + R (r)2C2cos20 = R (r)2C 2(sin20cos2(p + sin20sin2(p + cos26) = R { r f C 2(sin2#(cos 2(p + sin2(pyf cos20^ Using the identity cos2x + sin2x = 1 this becomes R { r f C 2 (sin20 + cos2# ) = R {r)2C 2 With one electron in each p orbital, the electron distribution is not a fuction o f 6 or (p and is, therefore,spherically symmetric.



The probability (P ) o f finding an electron within a sphere o f radius a0

may be determined by integrating the appropriate wavefunction squared from 0 to a0 :

/n>= - 4T Jo r 2exp This integral is easier to evaluate if we allow the following change of variables:

2/* z=— a.

z —2 when r = a0, z = 0 w hen r —0, and dr =

dz V2 /


exp(-z )d z =

(z 2 + 2z + 2)ex p (-z) 0

= ~ ^ [((4 + 4 + 2)exp (- 2) ) - 2] = 0.323 or 32.3%


(b) Following the answer developed in (a) changing the integration limits to 0 to 2 a0:

2 = 4 when r - 2a0, 1 r4

P ~ ~ ) 0Z~ exp(-z )d z =

0 when r —0, and dr -


\ dz


1 ,

(z + 2z + 2)ex p (-z)

= - i[(2 6 e x p (- 4 ))- 4 ] = 0.761 or 76.1%


(a) Is

(b) A node is a region in space where the wavefunction yr passes through 0.

(c) The simplest s -orbital has 0 nodes, the simplest p -orbital has 1

nodal plane, and the simplest n = 3; /= 2; SM-63

(c) n = 2; / = 1;



= 5;/ = 3


(a) - 1, 0, + 1;

(b) - 2, - 1, 0, + 1,+ 2;

- 1, 0,+ 1;


(d) - 3,~2, - 1,0, + 1, + 2, + 3.


(a) 6 electrons;


(a) 5d, five;


(a) six;


(a) cannot exist;


(a) The total Coulomb potential energy V (r) is the sum o f the individual

(b) 10 electrons;

(b) Ls, one;

(b) two;

(c) 2 electrons;

(c) 6/, seven;

(c) eight;

(b) exists;

(d) 14 electrons

(d) 2p, three

(d) two

(c) cannot exist;

(d) exists

coulombic attractions and repulsions. There will be one attraction between the nucleus and each electron plus a repulsive term to represent the interaction between each pair o f electrons. For lithium, there are three protons in the nucleus and three electrons. Each attractive Coulomb potential will be equal to (~e)(+3e)

-3c 2



where - e is the charge on the electron and +3e is the charge on the nucleus, e0 is the vacuum permittivity, and r is the distance from the electron to the nucleus. The total attractive potential will thus be


-3e 2 ^ + 4K8(,rx 0 1

7 \

-3e 2



-3e.2 A 4^,7-,

2\ 1

-3 e _




—+ — + — A r,

The repulsive terms will have the form (- e )(- e ) _ 4X£(,r,b

e2 4TC0rab

where rah represents the distance between two electrons a and b. The total repulsive term will thus be







■+ — + —

4 ne^

This gives V (r) = (b)

1 1^ e1 + — + — + ------ ' ± + ± + ± ' }\ r\ 47T£„ {4rce0 j A ^ r2} y v * ■ ’)

The first term represents the coulombic attractions between the

nucleus and each electron, and the second term represents the coulombic repulsions between each pair o f electrons.


(a) false. Ze(Tis considerably affected by the total number of electrons present in the atom because the electrons in the lower energy orbitals will “ shield” the electrons in the higher energy orbitals from the nucleus. This effect arises because the e-e repulsions tend to offset the attraction o f the electron to the nucleus,

(b) true;

(c) false. The electrons are

increasingly less able to penetrate to the nucleus as / increases,


(d) true.

Only (d) is the configuration expected for a ground-state atom; the others all represent excited-state configurations.


(a) This configuration is possible, because / = 0 here, so

(b) This configuration is not possible

must also equal 0.

(c) This configuration is

not possible because the maximum value / can have is « - l ; « = 4,so/m„ =3.


(a) silver


(b) beryllium


(c) antimony

[KrJ46/l05 i25p3

(d) gallium

[Ar]3 sulfur (104 pm) > chlorine (99 pm);

(b) ns2npJ;

(c) (n -l)d ^ n s 1;


(d) (n - \ )d [0m l

(b) titanium (147 pm) > chromium (129 pm) > cobalt (125 pm); (c) mercury (155 pm) > cadmium (152 pm) > zinc (137 pm); (d) bismuth (182 pm) > antimony (141 pm) > phosphorus (110 pm)


P3" > s 2" > c r


(a) Ca; (b )N a ; (c) Na



(a) oxygen (1310 kJ * mol-1) > selenium (941 kj • mol"! ) > tellurium

(870 kj •mol-1): ionization energies generally decrease as one goes down a group,

(b) gold (890 kJ * mol-1) > osmium (840 kJ • mol"’ ) >

tantalum (761 kJ • mol"1); ionization energies generally decrease as one goes from right to left in the periodic table,

(c) lead (716 kJ • mol"1) >

barium (502 kJ • mol"1) > cesium (376 kJ • mol"1); ionization energies generally decrease as one goes from right to left in the periodic table.


(a) fluorine;

(b) carbon;

(c) chlorine;

(d) lithium.


(a) The inert-pair effect is the term used to describe the fact that heavy (period 5 and greater) p-block elements have a tendency to form ions that are two units lower in charge than that expected based on their group number,

(b) The inert-pair effect is presumed to only be observed for

heavy elements because o f the poor shielding ability o f the d electrons in these elements, enhancing the ability o f the s electrons to penetrate to the nucleus and therefore be bound tighter than expected.


(a) A diagonal relationship is a similarity in chemical properties between an element in the periodic table and one lying one period lower and one group to the right, (b) It is caused by the similarity in size o f the ions. The lower-right element in the pair would generally be larger because it lies in a higher period, but it also will have a higher oxidation state, which will cause the ion to be smaller, (c) For example, Al3r and Ge4" compounds show the diagonal relationship, as do Li" and M g2+.

1.101 Only (b) Li and Mg exhibit a diagonal relationship.


1.103 The ionization energies o f the s -block metals are considerably lower, thus making it easier for them to lose electrons in chemical reactions.

1.105 (a) metal;

(b) nonmetal;

(c) metal;

(d) metalloid;

(e) metalloid;

(f) metal

1.107 The peaks observed in the PES spectra correspond to orbital energies; for each energy value seen, a corresponding orbital is present. Thus, if two values are seen in the PES spectrum, that atom has two orbitals (a Is and a 25); one can then use ionization energies to determine the identity o f the element. See Figure 1.52 and Appendix 2 for the successive ionization energies o f the elements. (a) The observed values (7.30 MJ •mol-1 and 0.52 MJ •mol-1) correspond respectively to the second (7300 kj •mol-1) and first (519 kj •mol-1) ionization energies o f Li (l52251). (b) The PES values observed (1 .6 MJ •mol-1 and 0.90 MJ •mol-' ) correspond respectively to the second (1760 kJ •mol-1) and first (900 kJ •mol-1) ionization energies o f Be (l52252).

1.109 (a) - = 3600 cm-' c

v = c(3600 cm'1) v = (2.997 92 x 108 m •s"1) (3600 cm '1) v = (2.997 92 x 10"’ cm •s '1) (3600 cm '1) v = 1.1 x 1O'4 s' 1 (b) From E = hv:E = (6.62608x10 38 J-s)(1.079xl014 s '1) = 7.2x1 O' 20 J. (c) 1.00 mol o f molecules = 6.022 x 1023 molecules, so the energy absorbed by 1.00 mol will be


(7.151 x 10"20 J •molecule"1)(6.022 x 1023 molecules •mol-' ) = 4.3 x 104 J •mol : or 43 kj •mol 1.

1.111 A ground-state oxygen atom has four electrons in the p-orbitals. This configuration means that as one goes across the periodic table in Period 2, oxygen is the first element encountered in which the p-electrons must be paired. This added electron-electron repulsion energy causes the ionization potential to be lower.

molar volume (cm 3 m oP') = molar mass (g mol 1) /density Element

Molar vol.


Molar vol.



































25 "3

5 20

"Ve C I5 3


| 10 5>

' Nx5


The molar volume roughly parallels atomic size (volume), which decreases as the s-sublevel begins to fill and subsequently increases as the /?-sublevel fills (refer to the text discussion o f periodic variation o f atomic radii). In the above plot, this effect is most clearly seen in passing from Ne( 10) to Na(l 1) and Mg(12), then to Al(13) and Si(14). Ne has a filled 2/o-sublevel; the 3.y-sublevel fills with Na and Mg; and the 3/?-sublevel begins to fill with Al.

1.115 In general, as the principal quantum number increases, the energy spacing between orbitals becomes smaller. This trend indicates that it does not take very much change in electronic structure to cause the normal orbital energy pattern to rearrange.

1.117 (a) .

. K ■X sin-----

v L_


n •x



n- x \





L ( . . sm------ 1 =0



(b) Below is a plot of the first two wavefunctions describing the one­ dimensional particle-in-a-box and the product of these two wavefunctions. Notice that the area above zero in the product exactly cancels the area below zero, making the integral o f the product zero. This happens whenever a wavefunction that is unaltered by a reflection through the center o f the box (wavefunctions with odd n) is multiplied by a wavefunction that changes sign everywhere when reflected through the center of the box (wavefunctions with even n).

1.119 (a) Evaluating the integral for an n = 1 to n ~ 3 transition:


\ •x


^3KX '


/ / L2 r 2k x s 2KX . 2KX ' + -----sin cos 8k 1 V L L l 1 j ./ 1}


( 4k x cos -----

4k x . 4k x -sinL L

lL = ^ 1+°)-^o+«) 32k 1


' L2 ^

M L2

< l- 0 ) - 5 2 F ( ' t 0 )


Because the integral is zero, one would not expect to observe a transition between the n = 1 and n = 3 states. (b) Again, evaluating the integral:




( nx \

l L J

•X •sin


f JIX ( nx I: : ---------- f —l cos ------ — 4- — sm ~L K2 2 V L \L v



3nx \ 3Tix . 3k x + - -sin ~ r L L


Given the L2 term, we see that the integral, and therefore /, will increase as the length o f the box increases.

1.121 The allowed energies o f a particle o f mass m in a one-dimensional box o f 2,2 length L are determined using E

= ----- — . 11 8mLr

(a) if L = 139 pm = 1.39 x 10'ICI m for a C - C bond, and m, = 9.109 xlCT 31 kg. then

6.626x10 34 J •sec 22 - 12 1 = 9.35x 10_18J

AE = 81 9.109x10 31k g ) f 1.39x10 l0 m

(b) This energy corresponds to a wavelength o f 2.13 x 10 8 m or 21.3 nm. This falls within the X-ray region. (c) if the chain is extended to be 1000 carbons long, then L = 1.39 x 10’7m (the length o f 999 C - C bonds) andme = 9.109 x 10 31 kg. Inserting these numbers in place o f the m and L values used in part (a) gives AE = 9.35 x 10 24 J. (d) Comparing the result o f part (a) with that of part (c) indicates that the individual energy levels get closer as the chain gets longer.

1.123 (a) In copper it is energetically favorable for an electron to be promoted from the 4s orbital to a 3d orbital, giving a completely filled 3d subshell. In the case o f Cr, it is energetically favorable for an electron to be promoted from the 4s orbital to a 3d orbital to exactly 1; fill the 3d subshell.


(b) From Appendix 2C, the other elements for which anomalous electron configurations exist are Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag. Pt and Au. O f these, the explanation used for chromium and copper is valid for Mo, Pd, Ag and Au. (c) Because the np orbitals are so much lower in energy than the (n+l)s orbitals no elements are known where the (n+ 1)5 orbitals fill in preference to the np orbitals.

1.125 Based on (a), (b) and (c), the element must be a member o f either Group 4/JVB (the titanium family) or Group 14/1VA (the carbon family). From (d) we can calculate n:

- 4.9 x 10'20 J;

AE = En_ \ -E n = -2.18X10-1 8 ./ (n -\ f \

= 0.0225 and n = 5. The element must be either tin or


1.127 By examining at the trends followed by the other Group 1 elements, one can arrive at estimates o f various properties o f francium: (a) radius o f neutral atom = 285 pm (approx. 20 pm larger than Cs); (b) radius o f + 1 ion = 194 pm (approx. 20 pm larger than Csf); (c) IEi = 356 kJ-mof1(approx. 20 kJ less than Cs)

1.129 A = Na; B = Cl; C = Na~: D = CT The assignments can be made by looking at neutral atom and ionic radii (Figures 1.46 and 1.48)


1.131 (a) The electron configuration of atomic chlorine is [Ne]3 CO CO ,2_ will have the longest C— O bond length. In CO there is a triple bond and in C 0 2the C— O bonds are double bonds. In carbonate, the bond is an average o f three Lewis structures in which the bond is double in one form and single in two o f the forms. We would thus expect the bond order to be approximately 1.3. Because the bond length is inversely related to the number o f bonds between the atoms, we expect the bond length to be longest in carbonate. (b) SO?2- > SO, - SO, Similar arguments can be used for these molecules as in part (a). In SO, and S 0 3, the Lewis structures with the lowest formal charge at S have double bonds between S and each O. In the sulfite ion, however, there are three Lewis structures that have a zero formal charge at S. Each has one S —O double bond and two S— O single bonds. Because these S— O bonds would have a substantial amount o f single bond character, they would be expected to be longer than those in SO, or SOv This is consistent with the experimental data that show the S— O bond lengths in S 0 2 and SO , to be 143 pm, whereas those in SO.2" range from about 145 pm to 152 pm depending on the compound.


(c) CH ,NH 2 > CH.NH > HCN The C— N bond in HCN is a triple bond, in C H :NH it is a double bond, and in CH.NH, it is a single bond. The C— N bond in the last molecule would, therefore, be expected to be the longest.


(a) The covalent radius of N is 75 pm, so the N— N single bond in hydrazine would be expected to be ca. 150 pm. The experimental value is 145 pm. (b) The C— O bonds in carbon dioxide are double bonds. The covalent radius for doubly bonded carbon is 67 pm and that o f O is 60 pm. Thus we predict the C=0 in C 0 2 to be ca. 127 pm. The experimental bond length is 116.3 pm. (c) The C— O bond is a double bond so it would be expected to be the same as in (b), 127 ppm. This is the experimentally found value. The CN bonds are single bonds and so one might expect the bond distance to be the sum o f the single bond C radius and the single bond N radius (77 plus 75 pm) which is 152 pm. However, because the C atom is involved in a multiple bond, its radius is actually smaller. The sum o f that radius (67 pm) and the N single bond radius gives 142 pm, which is close to the experimental value o f 133 pm. (d) The N— N bond is a double bond so we expect the bond distance to be two times the double bond covalent radius o f N, which is 2 X (60 pm) or 120 pm. The experimental value is 123.0 pm.


(a) 77 pm + 72 pm = 149 pm

(b) 111 pm + 72 pm = 183 pm

(c) 141 pm + 72 pm = 213 pm. Bond distance increases with size going /

down Group 14/1V.


2.89 (a)



-i . . / C


:o: o^ o:

» c





:o: :o X

c ^


XX '6\ \ c x



:B r =

„o :




c :o:



:c = c:

2.91 •♦


h 2c

^ c\ .. ^ ch2


h 9c


Yes, the molecule obeys the octet rule.






h 9c





The Lewis structure for NJ is possible without having multiple formal charges being present. The first o f the three resonance structures shown below is the most important Lewis structure, since in it no two like charges are near one another.




: n = N — •N• - - N =

+1 n


•N» = = N = : N - -

+i :









== N - N = N = N ♦•

H-— C — C '— H

t i ­- r — si -

II — Si - Si — n

ll -- C — N :


\ EE= \ :

(b) H li "c

H X . c::r " ...c

X c i II



c •i


1 1


N. "C M L . C .. 1! "C i










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