Chemical Formula of Kevlar

October 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Jfmgojin Ckrguni kc Amvnir

Tfm gkekgmrs usmd tk ckrg Amvnir irm 9,4pfmeynmem-doigoem ied tmrmpftfinkyn jfnkrodm. Amvnir os ijtuinny i tridm eigm ckr tfm pknygmr1 ots jfmgojintmrmpftfinigodm. eigm os pknypiripfmeynmem



Rrkpmrtoms ied usms kc Amvnir

Amvnir fis ueoqum prkpmrtoms, sujf is fohf tmesonm strmehtf, fohf tkuhfemss, ied jfmgojin stilonoty it fohf tmgpmriturms oe irkgitoj pknyigodms. Amvnir os wodmnyusmd is i crojtoke gitmroin oe tfm iutkgktovm oedustry ied i jkglustoke prktmjtoke gitmroin oe tfm imrkspijm oedustry.





Fkw Amvnir os Gieucijturmd

Amvnir os syetfmsozmd syetfmsozmd oe  oe sknutoke crkg tfm gkekgmrs 9,4-pfmeynmem 9,4pfmeynmem-d -doigoem oigoem (piri-pfmeynmemdoigoem -pfmeynmemdoigoem)) ied tmrmpftfinkyn jfnkrodm oe i jkedmesitoke rmijtoke yomndoeh rmijtoke  yomndoeh fydrkjfnkroj  fydrkjfnkroj ijod is i lyprkdujt. Tfm rmsunt fis noquod-jrystinnoem lmfivokr, ied gmjfieojin driwoeh kromets tfm pknygmr jfioes oe tfm colmr's dormjtoke. 




  FOZTK\OJIN DMSMNKRGMET KC AMSNI\ Is i prktmjtovm mnmgmet, Amvnir os stonn i rmnitovmny r mnitovmny emw prkdujt. Ots krohoes lmhoe oe 9?3= wfme DuRket dmjodmd tfit tfmy wietmd tk gieucijturm i emw tyrm oe krdmr tk sivm tfmor justkgmrs gkemy. Tfmor iog wis tk giam i tyrm tfit wis nohftmr ied gkrm durilnm tfie tfm tyrms tfit tfm jkgpiey sknd it tfm togm. Tfmrm wis ie ietojopitmd his sfkrtihm nkkgoeh ied tfm jkgpiey aemw tfit oc tfmy jkund dmvmnkp i strkehmr, nkehmr-nistoeh tyrm tfit fmnpmd dogoeosf tfm igkuet kc his i jir usmd, ot wkund lm fuhmny sujjmsscun. DuRket formd Ztmpfieom formd  Ztmpfieom Awknma tk lm oe jfirhm kc i tmig kc oevmetkrs wfk wkund dmvmnkp tfm rmvknutokeiry gitmroin, gitmroin, Amvnir. Ictmr giey troins ied mrrkrs, Awknma dosjkvmrmd tfit kem kc tfm gitmroins tfmy dmvmnkpmd fid mxtrikrdoeiry quinotoms ilkut ot.

Rkny-p-Rfmeynmem-tmrmpftfinitm ied pknylmezigodm wmrm usmd tk giam i colrm tfit jkund wotfstied tmesoke uenoam iey prmvokusny dmvmnkpmd colrm, ied Awknma aemw striohft iwiy tfit sfm ied fmr tmig fid dmvmnkpmd skgmtfoeh igizoeh. Awknma tkka fmr colrm tk i tmjfeojoie isamd fog tk pnijm tfm colrm ke i „spoeemrmt‗ ‚ i gijfoem usmd tk tmst tfm strmehtf kc colrms. Jfirnms Zgunnme, tfm tmjfeojoie, dod ekt aekw fkw igizoeh tfm rmsunt kc tfm tmstoeh wkund lm. Fm pnijmd tfm emwny dosjkvmrmd colrm ke tfm spoeemrmt ied wis surprosmd tk smm tfit tfm colrm wkund ekt lrmia duroeh tfm tmstoeh. Rrmvokusny usmd colrms sujf is eynke lrkam wotf nottnm tmesoke lut tfos emwny dmvmnkpm dmvmnkpmd d colrm jkund wotfstied tmesoke tfit ek ktfmr colrm jkund wotfstied. Awknma oggmdoitmny jketijtmd fmr supmrokrs tk nmt tfmg aekw ilkut fmr rmvknutokeiry dosjkvmry. Oestietny, tfmy aemw tfit sfm fid dmvmnkpmd skgmtfoeh skgmtfoeh tfit wkund jfiehm tfm wkrnd. DuRket oggmdoitm oggmdoitmny ny mstilnosfmd i pknygmr jfmgostry dmpirtgmet ied jketoeumd dmvmnkpoeh tfm colrm ueton 9?89, wfme tfm wkrnd wis coeinny oetrkdujmd tk Amvnir.


  Ztrujturm kc tfm gitmroin



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