chemical engineering plant design (1)

May 8, 2018 | Author: Zamir Khan | Category: Engineering Design Process, Chemical Engineering, Engineering, Design, Profit (Accounting)
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Chemical Engineering Plant Design Course Code:Ch.E-403

Prof. Dr Dr.. A.K Sal Salari ariya ya

Chemical Engineering plant design 

otal Credit !ours

 Three


Credit hour for theory:-

Mid term + inal term t erm + !ssignments !ssignments + "ui##es = $%& mar's

 (ne

Credit hour for la):-

*Coered mini pro,ects assigned to group of three student. =2% &Mar's chemical engineering plant design

Chemical Engineering plant design 

otal Credit !ours

 Three


Credit hour for theory:-

Mid term + inal term t erm + !ssignments !ssignments + "ui##es = $%& mar's

 (ne

Credit hour for la):-

*Coered mini pro,ects assigned to group of three student. =2% &Mar's chemical engineering plant design

Course outline /ntroduction 0rocess

design deelopment


design consideration




of construction and fa)rication

Material eat Mass

transfer handling and euipment design

transfer euipment design transfer euipment design


of computer aided design softare

5oo's 6ecommended olloing are recommended course )oo's. 1-Peter Max S., Timmerhaus Klamus D. “plant Design and economics for Chemical Engineers” 5th Ed. McGraw hill Inc. 2-Ludwig Ernest E. “Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical plants ” Vll 1,2 !", "rd Ed.2##2 Gul$ %u&lishin' cm%an(. "-Walas Stanle( M. “Chemical Process Equipment- election and Design )utterwrth *einemann” 1+++ -Coulson and !ichardson" “Chemical Engineering ”" #ol #$ )utterwrth *einemann”1+++. 5-ells G.l /se 0.M “The art of Chemical Design” 1+ Else3ier. -Smith /&in “Chemical Process Design” 1++5. McGraw *ill Inc, 4-)ahurst ! *arer,,  “Chemical Process Design ” 6hn ille(. -E3ans, “%and&oo' of Chemical Equipment Design” +-E.0.7ussler and G.D M''rid'e, “ Chemical Product Design”" 2##1, 7am&rid'e 8ni3ersit( %ress.

6ecommended 5oo's  olloing is the list of 6eference )oo's that are ery useful for students during study the chemical engineering  plant design and their final year 7esign pro,ects

8ome useful lin's from e) olloing are the useful lin's for students for chemical engineering plant design pro,ects o

"c#ra$ !ill Collections

http//  o

"c#ra$ !ill%s Access Science

http// o

 M c#ra$ &!ill%s Digital Engineering li'rary

http// o

Pro(ect muse

http// o

S)ringer lin*.

http99springerlin'com o

Chemical engineering -+i*i)edia, the free encyclo)edia

eni'ipediaorg9i'i9Chemicalengineering o

Cost estimating for chemical engineering )lant design

8ome useful lin's from e) o




These are only fe of thousands lin'> 6emaining lin's ill )e discuss during the course study


E reaction 'inetics> heat transfer> mass transfer> and computer technology to practical situations for the purpose of accomplishing something that ill )e  )eneficial to society Chemical

engineer must recogni#e the economic> enironmental> and ethical implications that are inoles in such deelopments and proceed accordingly chemical engineering plant design

C!E"CA E/#/EE/# PA/ DES#/ Plant Design:-

/t includes all engineering aspects inoled in the deelopment of either a ne> modified> or e the chemical engineer ill )e ma'ing economic ealuations of ne processes> designing indiidual  pieces of euipment for the proposed ne enture> or deeloping a  plant layout for coordination of the oerall operation

chemical engineering plant design

Design engineer: 5ecause of these many design duties> the chemical engineer is many times referred as a design engineer.

Cost engineer: a chemical engineer speciali#ing in the economic aspects of the design is often referred to as a cost engineer. /n many instances> the term  process engineering is used in connection ith economic ealuation and general economic analyses of industrial processes> hile  process design refers to the actual design of the euipment and facilities necessary for carrying out the process chemical engineering plant design

Contd  The

process engineer may not )e connected directly ith the final detailed design of the euipment> and the design of the euipment may hae little influence on a decision  )y management as to hether a gien return on inestment inadeuate to ,ustify construction of proposed  process

   the

most effectie teamor' and coordination of efforts are o)tained hen each of the engineers in the speciali#ed groups is aare of the many functions in the oerall design pro,ect

eneral oerall 7esign Considerations  arious

aspects of enironmental protection> as ell as the safety and health needs of plant personnel and the pu)lic

 0lant


 0lant

operation and control

 Dtility


 8tructural  8torage

and )uildings

 Material  !nd



patent considerations

chemical engineering plant design

 A plant-design project moves to completion through a series of stages such as is shown in the following:

1 /nception 2 0reliminary ealuation of economics and mar'et 3 7eelopment of data necessary for final design 4 inal economic ealuation % 7etailed engineering design  0rocurement $ Erection A 8tartup and trial runs B 0roduction chemical engineering plant design

0rocess 0lant design deelopment Ste) 1 2nce)tion of the 'asic idea:  This

idea may originate in the sales department> as a result of a customer reuest> or to meet a competing product

 or

the aims and needs of a particular company

 /t

may )e the result of an orderly research program or an offshoot of such a program

 The

operating diision of the company may deelop a ne or modified chemical> generally as an intermediate in the final product

 $n

all these possi&ilities" if the initial anal(sis indicates that the idea ma( ha)e possi&ilities of de)eloping into a worthwhile pro*ect" a preliminar( research or in)estigation program is initiated+ chemical engineering plant design

Ste)  2Process esearch Phase: /t includes preliminary mar'et sureys> la)oratory-scale e and production of research samples of the final  product ?hen the potentialities of the process are fairly ell esta)lished to meet the economic goals of the company> the pro,ect is ready for the deelopment phase

chemical engineering plant design

Ste) 32De5elo)ment Phase: !t this point> a  pilot plant or a commercial deelopment  plant may )e constructed ! pilot plant is a small-scale replica of the full-scale final plant> hile a commercialdeelopment plant is usually made from odd pieces of euipment hich are already aaila)le and is not meant to duplicate the e company management normally  )ecomes inoled to decide if significant capital funds ill )e committed to the pro,ect /t is at this point that the engineers  preliminary design or' along ith the oral and ritten reports hich are presented )ecome particularly important )ecause they ill proide the primary )asis on hich management ill decide if further funds should )e proided for the pro,ect ?hen management has made a firm decision to proceed ith proision of significant capital funds for a  pro,ect> the engineering then inoled in further or' on the pro,ect is 'non as capitalized engineering hile that hich has gone on )efore hile the consideration of the pro,ect as in the deelopment stage is often referred to as expensed engineering  This distinction is used for ta< purposes to allo capitali#ed engineering costs to )e amorti#ed oer a period of seeral years

 Step 6 (Final process design: !ll the design details are or'ed out in this phase including controls> sericesF  piping layouts> firm price uotations> specifications and designs for indiidual pieces of euipment> and all the other design information necessary for the construction of the final plant   ! complete construction design is then made ith eleation draings> plant-layout arrangements> and other information reuired for the actual construction of the plant The final stage consists of procurement of the euipment> construction of the plant> startup of the plant> oerall improements in the operation> and deelopment of standard operating procedures to gie the )est possi)le results

Typical design steps for chemical processes ta)le 1-1 1. ecogni7e a societal or engineering need. a. Make a market analysis if a new product will result.


Create one or more )otential solutions to meet this need.

a. Make a literature survey and patent search. b. Identify the preliminary data reuired.


8nderta*e )reliminary )rocess synthesis of these solutions.

a. !etermine reactions" separations" and possible operating conditions" b. #ecogni$e environmental" safety" and health concerns.

chemical engineering plant design 4. Assess )rofita'ility

of )reliminary

2if negati5e, re(ect

Contd 6.

efine re9uired design data.

a. %stablish property data with appropriate software. b. &erify experimentally" if necessary" key unknowns in the  process.


Pre)are detailed engineering design.

a. !evelop base case 'if economic comparison is reuired(. b. )repare process flow sheet. c. Integrate and optimi$e process. d. *heck process controllability.

Contd < .

e5ie$ the )rocess again for en5ironmental, safety, and health effects.


Pro5ide a $ritten )rocess design re)ort.


Com)lete the final engineering design.

a. !etermine euipment layout and specifications. b. !evelop piping and instrumentation diagrams. c. )repare bids for the euipment or the process plant.


Procure e9ui)ment 2if $or* is done in-house.


Pro5ide assistance 2if re9uested in the construction )hase.


Assist $ith start-u) and sha*edo$n runs.


nitiate )roduction.

Contd Ta)le

1-1 indicates that the design process inoles a ide ariety of s'ills !mong these are research> mar'et analysis> computer simulation> softare programming> euipment design> cost estimation profita)ility analysis and technical communication

lo sheet deelopment  Esta)lishment

of separate flo sheets or road maps for each solution * designer creating flo sheets inoling ,ust the reaction> separation> and temperature change and  pressure change operations and selecting process euipment in tas' integration step.


faora)le gross profit proiding flo sheets are retained the others are re,ected

 ! )ase-case

design deelopment

The design engineer deelops it )y creating a detailed  process flo sheet ith a listing of steady state material  )alance and energy )alances and a designation of ma,or euipment items  chemical engineering plant design

Com)uter-Aided Design  6apid calculations  Garge


 Gogical decisions  Technical

and mathematical softare *study effects of arious design aria)les on the process or plant design.

 0rocess simulators  8pread

sheet softare *especially for mass and energy  )alances> appro cost estimation> economic analysis steps of process design.

chemical engineering plant design

Cost Estimation  7irect

price uotations )ased on detailed specifications is o)tained from arious euipment enders

 Ealuation

of costs in the preliminary design phases is referred as  predesign cost estimation 


chemical engineer *or cost engineer. must )e certain to consider all possi)le factors hen ma'ing a cost analysis i direct production costs for ra materials> la)or> maintenance> poer> and utilities must all  )e included along ith costs for plant and administratie oerhead> distri)ution of the final products> and other miscellaneous items chemical engineering plant design

>AC?S A>>EC/# P?>A@ ?> /BES"E/S !

ma,or function of the directors of a manufacturing firm is to ma the )est design is designated as the optimum operation design

chemical engineering plant design

2-7etermination (f (ptimum (peration Temperature /n 8ulfur 7io should the engineer )e led to )eliee that plants are designed around computers

 The

general approach in any plant design inoles a carefully )alanced com)ination of theory> practice> originality and plain common sense

 /n

the engineers approach to any design pro)lem> it is necessary to )e prepared to ma'e many assumptions

chemical engineering plant design

Contd The

good chemical engineer recogni#e the need for ma'ing certain assumptions )ut also 'nos that this type of approach introduces some uncertainties into the final results


are made only hen they are necessary and reasona)ly correct and ill not adersely effect the oerall design and its economic conclusions


is almost alays )etter to sell many units of a product at a lo profit per unit than a fe units at high profit per unit

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