chemical engineering plant design (1)
Short Description
chemical engineering plant design zk11...
Chemical Engineering Plant Design Course Code:Ch.E-403
Prof. Dr Dr.. A.K Sal Salari ariya ya
Chemical Engineering plant design
otal Credit !ours
Credit hour for theory:-
Mid term + inal term t erm + !ssignments !ssignments + "ui##es = $%& mar's
Credit hour for la):-
*Coered mini pro,ects assigned to group of three student. =2% &Mar's chemical engineering plant design
Chemical Engineering plant design
otal Credit !ours
Credit hour for theory:-
Mid term + inal term t erm + !ssignments !ssignments + "ui##es = $%& mar's
Credit hour for la):-
*Coered mini pro,ects assigned to group of three student. =2% &Mar's chemical engineering plant design
Course outline /ntroduction 0rocess
design deelopment
design consideration
of construction and fa)rication
Material eat Mass
transfer handling and euipment design
transfer euipment design transfer euipment design
of computer aided design softare
5oo's 6ecommended olloing are recommended course )oo's. 1-Peter Max S., Timmerhaus Klamus D. “plant Design and economics for Chemical Engineers” 5th Ed. McGraw hill Inc. 2-Ludwig Ernest E. “Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical plants ” Vll 1,2 !", "rd Ed.2##2 Gul$ %u&lishin' cm%an(. "-Walas Stanle( M. “Chemical Process Equipment- election and Design )utterwrth *einemann” 1+++ -Coulson and !ichardson" “Chemical Engineering ”" #ol #$ )utterwrth *einemann”1+++. 5-ells G.l /se 0.M “The art of Chemical Design” 1+ Else3ier. -Smith /&in “Chemical Process Design” 1++5. McGraw *ill Inc, 4-)ahurst ! *arer,, “Chemical Process Design ” 6hn ille(. -E3ans, “%and&oo' of Chemical Equipment Design” +-E.0.7ussler and G.D M''rid'e, “ Chemical Product Design”" 2##1, 7am&rid'e 8ni3ersit( %ress.
6ecommended 5oo's olloing is the list of 6eference )oo's that are ery useful for students during study the chemical engineering plant design and their final year 7esign pro,ects
8ome useful lin's from e) olloing are the useful lin's for students for chemical engineering plant design pro,ects o
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M c#ra$ &!ill%s Digital Engineering li'rary
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Chemical engineering -+i*i)edia, the free encyclo)edia
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Cost estimating for chemical engineering )lant design
8ome useful lin's from e) o
These are only fe of thousands lin'> 6emaining lin's ill )e discuss during the course study
E reaction 'inetics> heat transfer> mass transfer> and computer technology to practical situations for the purpose of accomplishing something that ill )e )eneficial to society Chemical
engineer must recogni#e the economic> enironmental> and ethical implications that are inoles in such deelopments and proceed accordingly chemical engineering plant design
C!E"CA E/#/EE/# PA/ DES#/ Plant Design:-
/t includes all engineering aspects inoled in the deelopment of either a ne> modified> or e the chemical engineer ill )e ma'ing economic ealuations of ne processes> designing indiidual pieces of euipment for the proposed ne enture> or deeloping a plant layout for coordination of the oerall operation
chemical engineering plant design
Design engineer: 5ecause of these many design duties> the chemical engineer is many times referred as a design engineer.
Cost engineer: a chemical engineer speciali#ing in the economic aspects of the design is often referred to as a cost engineer. /n many instances> the term process engineering is used in connection ith economic ealuation and general economic analyses of industrial processes> hile process design refers to the actual design of the euipment and facilities necessary for carrying out the process chemical engineering plant design
Contd The
process engineer may not )e connected directly ith the final detailed design of the euipment> and the design of the euipment may hae little influence on a decision )y management as to hether a gien return on inestment inadeuate to ,ustify construction of proposed process
most effectie teamor' and coordination of efforts are o)tained hen each of the engineers in the speciali#ed groups is aare of the many functions in the oerall design pro,ect
eneral oerall 7esign Considerations arious
aspects of enironmental protection> as ell as the safety and health needs of plant personnel and the pu)lic
operation and control
8tructural 8torage
and )uildings
Material !nd
patent considerations
chemical engineering plant design
A plant-design project moves to completion through a series of stages such as is shown in the following:
1 /nception 2 0reliminary ealuation of economics and mar'et 3 7eelopment of data necessary for final design 4 inal economic ealuation % 7etailed engineering design 0rocurement $ Erection A 8tartup and trial runs B 0roduction chemical engineering plant design
0rocess 0lant design deelopment Ste) 1 2nce)tion of the 'asic idea: This
idea may originate in the sales department> as a result of a customer reuest> or to meet a competing product
the aims and needs of a particular company
may )e the result of an orderly research program or an offshoot of such a program
operating diision of the company may deelop a ne or modified chemical> generally as an intermediate in the final product
all these possi&ilities" if the initial anal(sis indicates that the idea ma( ha)e possi&ilities of de)eloping into a worthwhile pro*ect" a preliminar( research or in)estigation program is initiated+ chemical engineering plant design
Ste) 2Process esearch Phase: /t includes preliminary mar'et sureys> la)oratory-scale e and production of research samples of the final product ?hen the potentialities of the process are fairly ell esta)lished to meet the economic goals of the company> the pro,ect is ready for the deelopment phase
chemical engineering plant design
Ste) 32De5elo)ment Phase: !t this point> a pilot plant or a commercial deelopment plant may )e constructed ! pilot plant is a small-scale replica of the full-scale final plant> hile a commercialdeelopment plant is usually made from odd pieces of euipment hich are already aaila)le and is not meant to duplicate the e company management normally )ecomes inoled to decide if significant capital funds ill )e committed to the pro,ect /t is at this point that the engineers preliminary design or' along ith the oral and ritten reports hich are presented )ecome particularly important )ecause they ill proide the primary )asis on hich management ill decide if further funds should )e proided for the pro,ect ?hen management has made a firm decision to proceed ith proision of significant capital funds for a pro,ect> the engineering then inoled in further or' on the pro,ect is 'non as capitalized engineering hile that hich has gone on )efore hile the consideration of the pro,ect as in the deelopment stage is often referred to as expensed engineering This distinction is used for ta< purposes to allo capitali#ed engineering costs to )e amorti#ed oer a period of seeral years
Step 6 (Final process design: !ll the design details are or'ed out in this phase including controls> sericesF piping layouts> firm price uotations> specifications and designs for indiidual pieces of euipment> and all the other design information necessary for the construction of the final plant ! complete construction design is then made ith eleation draings> plant-layout arrangements> and other information reuired for the actual construction of the plant The final stage consists of procurement of the euipment> construction of the plant> startup of the plant> oerall improements in the operation> and deelopment of standard operating procedures to gie the )est possi)le results
Typical design steps for chemical processes ta)le 1-1 1. ecogni7e a societal or engineering need. a. Make a market analysis if a new product will result.
Create one or more )otential solutions to meet this need.
a. Make a literature survey and patent search. b. Identify the preliminary data reuired.
8nderta*e )reliminary )rocess synthesis of these solutions.
a. !etermine reactions" separations" and possible operating conditions" b. #ecogni$e environmental" safety" and health concerns.
chemical engineering plant design 4. Assess )rofita'ility
of )reliminary
2if negati5e, re(ect
Contd 6.
efine re9uired design data.
a. %stablish property data with appropriate software. b. &erify experimentally" if necessary" key unknowns in the process.
Pre)are detailed engineering design.
a. !evelop base case 'if economic comparison is reuired(. b. )repare process flow sheet. c. Integrate and optimi$e process. d. *heck process controllability.
Contd < .
e5ie$ the )rocess again for en5ironmental, safety, and health effects.
Pro5ide a $ritten )rocess design re)ort.
Com)lete the final engineering design.
a. !etermine euipment layout and specifications. b. !evelop piping and instrumentation diagrams. c. )repare bids for the euipment or the process plant.
Procure e9ui)ment 2if $or* is done in-house.
Pro5ide assistance 2if re9uested in the construction )hase.
Assist $ith start-u) and sha*edo$n runs.
nitiate )roduction.
Contd Ta)le
1-1 indicates that the design process inoles a ide ariety of s'ills !mong these are research> mar'et analysis> computer simulation> softare programming> euipment design> cost estimation profita)ility analysis and technical communication
lo sheet deelopment Esta)lishment
of separate flo sheets or road maps for each solution * designer creating flo sheets inoling ,ust the reaction> separation> and temperature change and pressure change operations and selecting process euipment in tas' integration step.
faora)le gross profit proiding flo sheets are retained the others are re,ected
! )ase-case
design deelopment
The design engineer deelops it )y creating a detailed process flo sheet ith a listing of steady state material )alance and energy )alances and a designation of ma,or euipment items chemical engineering plant design
Com)uter-Aided Design 6apid calculations Garge
Gogical decisions Technical
and mathematical softare *study effects of arious design aria)les on the process or plant design.
0rocess simulators 8pread
sheet softare *especially for mass and energy )alances> appro cost estimation> economic analysis steps of process design.
chemical engineering plant design
Cost Estimation 7irect
price uotations )ased on detailed specifications is o)tained from arious euipment enders
of costs in the preliminary design phases is referred as predesign cost estimation
chemical engineer *or cost engineer. must )e certain to consider all possi)le factors hen ma'ing a cost analysis i direct production costs for ra materials> la)or> maintenance> poer> and utilities must all )e included along ith costs for plant and administratie oerhead> distri)ution of the final products> and other miscellaneous items chemical engineering plant design
>AC?S A>>EC/# P?>A@ ?> /BES"E/S !
ma,or function of the directors of a manufacturing firm is to ma the )est design is designated as the optimum operation design
chemical engineering plant design
2-7etermination (f (ptimum (peration Temperature /n 8ulfur 7io should the engineer )e led to )eliee that plants are designed around computers
general approach in any plant design inoles a carefully )alanced com)ination of theory> practice> originality and plain common sense
the engineers approach to any design pro)lem> it is necessary to )e prepared to ma'e many assumptions
chemical engineering plant design
Contd The
good chemical engineer recogni#e the need for ma'ing certain assumptions )ut also 'nos that this type of approach introduces some uncertainties into the final results
are made only hen they are necessary and reasona)ly correct and ill not adersely effect the oerall design and its economic conclusions
is almost alays )etter to sell many units of a product at a lo profit per unit than a fe units at high profit per unit
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