chemical earthing.pdf

January 23, 2019 | Author: bkmsingh1968 | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Electrical Resistivity And Conductivity, Soil, Chemistry, Materials
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NO: 18-7-33, PRASHANTHI NAGAR, KHADI COLONY, TIRUPATI . Office: Office: +91-916 +91-9160404 0404592 592 Mobile: Mobile: 986607 9866078344 8344 E-Mail: E-Mail: [email protected]

As technology changed, it brought a significant shift in the earthing philosophy. Initially, Chemical Earthing was introduced. Chemical earthing has changed the way earthing system was viewed. Now we have have a range range of rods or electrod electrodes es made made from from various various highly highly conductive materials which are connected to the equipments with strips and other accessories in the chemical grounding process. Special compounds to fill in the earth-pit, around the electrode to conditioning the soil with eco friendly minerals, along with the new types of earth Rods and earth Electrodes, ensure that these earthing systems provide you an incredibly longer working life of 2030 years with high conductive and low resistance path. These are reliable and require minimal to

NO maintenance. Advantages & Benefits •

Maintenance Free

Corrosion Free & maintains low resistance for a very long period, having minimal fluctuations

Highly reliable for safety to human life

More surface area of conduction

Adequate galvanization and highly conductive

Designed to handle high peak current & maximum fault current dissipation instantly

Controls Radio Frequency Emissions & Electromagnetic interferences

Provides stable reference potentials for instrument accuracy

Discharges short circuit currents

Fit and forget solutions

Underground Earthing Electrode The construction details of the Chemical Earthing Electrode are as bellow: There is a solid conductor (highly galvanized), enclosed inside another highly galvanized Chemical Earthing Electrode. The space in between is filled with anticorrosive & conductive compound. The electrode composite system which is firmly packed / welded & sealed with sealant & is ready to use. The basic purpose of the mineral mineral filling compound compound is to resistance resistance and to create a low resistance resistance zone surrounding the electrode uniform environment so that the electrode output is constant.

Use of of salt & charcoal charcoal is eliminated eliminated in the method method of effective effective earthling earthling & instead a specially developed, developed, natural eco friendly material material with improved improved properties properties is used. This is non corrosive, has capacity to absorb & retain moisture from the surrounding. Being non soluble in water, it stays at the place and in not washed out by the rain water/underground water. This mineral filling compound is highly conductive. •

Maintains ns low resistance value for a long period having the bare minimum minimum fluctuat fluctuations. ions. “Maintai And An d wi wide de range of products & sizes to suit any and every earthing requirement”.


S ir irii Ear E artthin ing g and and L ig igh htnin ing g P ro rottec tio ion ns

In all cases, the backfill medium should be conductive but non-corrosive in nature, be of a relatively small particle size and shoul should, d, help to retain retain moisture for a considerable period of time. More often than not the previous excavated soil is suitable as a backfill, but should be sieved to remove ny large stones and placed around the electrode, taking care to ensure that it is well co

pacted. The soil should maintain a pH

alue between 6.0

(acidic) (acid ic) to 10.0 (alka (alkaline line). ). Nor Normal mal sti stiff ff cla clay y is not a sui suitab table le backfill material as, if  heavil hea vily y com compac pacted; ted; it ma

become bec ome alm almos ostt imp imperv erviou ious s to wat water er

nd cou could ld rem remain ain

relatively dry. It may also for m large lumps, which do not consolidate around the electrode avoiding to make good contact with with soil soil to the ele electr ctrode ode its itself  elf  BFC, (back fill compou nd) is a specially developed compound, absorbing and retaining the

hich is capable of 

oisture for a long time, it reduces the soil resistivity resistivity,, it helps

in faster dissipation of fault urrent, least fluctuation of Ohmic value an d it eliminates the use of Salt, Charcoal etc. ar und the Earthing Electrode. It has low solu bility, hence is not easily easil y washed away, away, and h as a low resistivity (approximately 5-10 Ohm-meters in a saturated solution). It is virtu ally neutral, having a pH value value of between .2 and 6.9. Shoul Should d not generally cause environ

ental difficulties in use. It assists in main taining a relatively

low resistivity over a long period of time, in areas where salts in the vi inity are dissolved away by water movements (rainfall etc.). However, the fact that t e material is not easily dissolved will moder te the benefits achieved, since it will not permeate far into the gr groun ound. d. Thi This s mea means ns that the ben benefi eficia ciall eff effect ect wil willl be loc local alize ized d fo forr say an ar area ea excavated exca vated around a buried ele electr ctrode ode.. This in tur turn n mea means ns tha thatt the red reduct uction ion in the resistance value of the elect rode will will not be drama dramatic tic but will be reaso reasona nably sustainable Materials, which should not be used as backfill Compound, include sand, cokebreeze, cinders, and power s tation ash, as many of them are acidic acidic an

corrosive in

nature. It is always placed arou nd the earth electrode in the earth pit to i

prove the

conductivity of earth electro e and ground contact area. The greatest a dvantage to use the product is that it elimina tes the use of coal and salt mixture and willl not shrink and crack with time. Our Make b ck fill compound (earth enhancement mate ria rial) l) is : 1.

A Homogeneous mixture based upon Bentonite of n turally occurring hygrosco pic conducting compounds. It is i s chemically activated and modified for earthing/grounding needs, which increases the earthing system efficiency.


A hygros opically natured and swells considerably removes entrapped air there y creating a strong connection in between t he electr electrode ode and the th e so soil. il.


Non-toxi , non-r non-reacti eactive, ve, non-explosive non-explosive and non-c non-corr orrosive in nature and ther ally stable stable which which makes makes BFC ideal ideal for eart ing / gro groundi unding ng purposes.


A superi r conductive material that solves the toug est earthing grounding needs, improves the effectiven ss regardless of  soil condiitions. We make BFC is an ideal material to use in areas of  poor con uctiv uctivity ity,, high corr corrosion osion and frequ frequent ent moisture fluct fluctuatio uations ns in the soil i.e. rocky grounds grounds,, saline coa coastal stal areas, areas, sand or gra gravel vel soil, soil, and an d mo mou u tain ranges. Highly s ell special type clay mixed with other min rals of different properties can bind water to a great extent. The maiin principle of our make BF

is to bind the BFC with water to the sandy or rocky soil or

any type of soil and to sheath the electrode with it. T his sheathing sheathing is conducti e, non-corrosive and enlarges the surface rea of the electrode to conduc conductt effec effectively tively,, thus enhan enhancing cing the ffi fficie ciency ncy of  earthing/grounding system

IS: 30431987

Description from Indian standards

Our comments

At above about 20 percent moisture  the resistivity is very little affected w hile below 20 percent the resist resistivi ivity ty increa increas s

very abruptly with abruptly  with decrease in

Ou back fill compound

moisture content. A difference of little percent moisture will is highly hygroscopic in


therefore, make a v ry marked difference in the

na ure; it has high capacity

effectiveness of the earth connection if the moisture


content falls below 20 percent. The normal moisture

volume.  Due to the water

content of soils ranges from 10 percent in dry

absorption the moisture

seasons to 35 per ent in wet seasons and an

percentage is adequately

approximate aver ge may be perhaps 16 to 18

maiintained during dry



8.8.1 8.8.1 Approximate Approximately ly 90 presen esentt of the the resi resist stan ance ce betw betwee een na

bsorb moisture of its

Ou back fill compounds filled

driven rod and earth lies within a radius of about two

in vicinity to earthing electrode

meters from the rod. This should be kept in mind

is highly conducting in

when applying the agents for artificial treatment of 

nature and have very low


resistivity that helps to obtain lower earth resistance.

Where the resistance of a single plate is higher than the required value, two or more plates may be used in parallel and the total resistance is than inversely proportional to the number of employed, provided that each plate is installed outside the resistance area of any other. This normally requires a separation of about 10 m but for sizes For obtaining required value of plate generally employed, a separation of 2 m is

earth pit are connected in

sufficient to ensure that the total resistance will not exceed parallelconsidering the local the value obtained from the above formula by more than 9.1.1 20 percent.

soil condition and practical difficulties of installation. Our system totally eliminates the use of 

The use of  coke breeze as an infill is not

charcoal and salt.we salt.we use

recommended as recommended  as it may result in corrosion not only of 

specially specially develop developed ed BACK FILL FILL

the electrode itself but also of cable sheaths, etc, to which COMPOUND for preventing 9.2.1 it may be bonded.

corrosion FS-33, FS-48, FS-63, FS-78

For conventional sizes, the resistance is approximately

Models are tested

inversely proportional to the linear dimensions, not the

for for 7.5kA 7.5kA,, 30 kA, kA, 50 50 kA, kA, & 

surface area that is a 0.9 m x0.9 m plate would have a

75 kA respectively for 1 sec

resistance approximately 25 percent higher than a 1.2 x

for short current in

1.2 m plate. The current loading capacity of a 1.2 x 1.2 m Electrical Research &  plate is of the order of  1600 A for 2 s and 1300 A for 3 Development 9.2.1


Association, (ERDA), (ERDA), Baroda

Pipes may be of cast iron of not less than 100 mm diameter, 2.5 to 3 m long and 13 mm thick. Such pipes cannot be driven satisfactory and may, therefore, be more expensive to install than plates for the same effective area. We use 33mm to 77mm dia Alternatively, mild steel water-pipes of 38 to 50 mm 9.2.1 diameter diameter are employed. employed.

pipe of medium or heavy grade.

Care should be taken to select a material that is resistant to corrosion in the type of soil in which it will be used.

Due to use of heavy

Tests in a wide variety of soils have shown that copper,

copper/galvanised plating as

whether tinned or not, is entirely satisfactory (subject to

per UL standards and specially

the precautions given in this sub clause), the average loss formulated BACK FILL


in weight of specimens 150 mm x 25 mm x 3 mm buried

COMPOUND the life of our

for 12 years in no case exceed 0.2 percent per year.


Correspondin Corresponding g average average losses losses for unprotected unprotected ferrous ferrous

TECHNOLOGY exceed to more

specimens (For example, cast iron, wrought iron or mild

than 15 years in normal soil

steel) used in the tests were as high as 2.2 percent per


year. Considerable and apparently apparently permanent permanent protection protection appears to be given to mild steel by galvanizing, the test showing galvanized mild steel to be little inferior to copper with an average loss not greater than 0.5 percent per year.

Item No.


Description of item

APRSD   Unit No.

TPT Rate

TML Rate

Chemical Earthing (40mm Dia GI Pipe 2 Mtrs) 9.1.10 Providing Providing of Independent Independent Chem Chemic ical al Eart Earthi hing ng   after  excavating an earth pit of size1.5 m X 0.9 m X 2.05 m(Top 1.50 m X 0.90 m X 0.9m & bottom 1.20 m X 0.90 m X 1.15 m) with the following specification:(a) The Earth Earth Electro Electrodes des,, 40mm 40mm dia, dia, wall wall thickn thickness ess 3.25 mm, terminal Size 25x8 mm, terminal hole dia 12 mm, 2 meter long, galvanized, including 1 bag (25Kg to a bag) of Earth Life Compound, as per IS 3043, Base Metal: IS marked branded mild steel pipes.


Each   5721. 5721.78 78

5856 5856.0 .00 0


Each   8291. 8291.03 03

8502 8502.6 .67 7

Makes: Potential / Shake Hands / Mars. b) The Earth Electrode shall be inserted into the ground for 1.75 Mtrs. Below the inspection chamber bottom 300mm all around this Earth Electrode shall be covered with 25 Kgs. Of Earth Life Compound (c) (c) The The exca excava vate ted d gap gap shal shalll be back back fill filled ed with with excavated earth, and shall be properly consolidated with water. (d) The top 0.25 m of Earth pipe shall be exposed into inspect inspection ion chamber chamber of Hume Hume pipe pipe . The all around around inspect inspection ion chambe chamberr shall shall be provid providied ied with with 18" dia hume pipe. Earth connections shall be given to the Earth Elecrods with bolts, nuts & washers. (e) A 65 mm dia PVC conduit is to be embeded through hume pipe at one side, to lay the Earth from the Earth bus to the Electrode through the PVC conduit and after  laying the Earth, the pit entry PVC conduit is to be sealed with Bitumen compound. (f) (f) Nece Necess ssar ary y Megg Meggar ar test testing ing is to be done done in the the presence presence of the concerned Engineers, Engineers, and the reading should be as per IE standards. Chemical Earthing (40mm Dia GI GI Pipe 3 Mtrs) 9.1.11 Providing Providing of Independent Independent Chem Chemic ical al Eart Earthi hing ng   after  excavating an earth pit of size1.5 m X 1.2 m X 3 m (Top 1.50 m X 1.20 m X 0.9m & bottom 1.20 m X 1.20 m X 2.10 m) with the following specification:(a) The Earth Earth Electrode, 40mm dia, wall thickness 3.25 mm, terminal Size 25x8 mm, terminal hole dia 12 mm, 3 meters long, galvanized, including 2 bags (50Kg to a bag) of Earth Life Compound, as per IS 3043, Base Metal: IS marked branded mild steel pipes. Makes: Potential / Shake Hands / Mars. b) The Earth Electrode shall be inserted into the ground for 2.75 Mtrs. Below the inspection chamber bottom 300mm all around this Earth Electrode shall be covered with 50 Kgs. Of Earth Life Compound.


Item No.


Description of item

APRSD   Unit No.

TPT Rate

TML Rate

(c) (c) The The exca excava vate ted d gap gap shal shalll be back back fill filled ed with with excavated earth, and shall be properly consolidated with water. (d) The top 0.25 m of Earth pipe shall be exposed into inspect inspection ion chamber chamber of Hume Hume pipe pipe . The all around around inspect inspection ion chambe chamberr shall shall be provid providied ied with with 18" dia hume pipe. Earth connections shall be given to the Earth Elecrods with bolts, nuts & washers. (e) A 65 mm dia PVC conduit is to be embeded through hume pipe at one side, to lay the Earth from the Earth bus to the Electrode through the PVC conduit and after  laying the Earth, the pit entry PVC conduit is to be sealed with Bitumen compound. (f) (f) Nece Necess ssar ary y Megg Meggar ar test testing ing is to be done done in the the presence presence of the concerned Engineers, Engineers, and the reading should be as per IE standards. Chemical Earthing (40 mm Dia Copper Pipe 2Mtrs) 9.1.12 Providing Providing of Independent Independent Chem Chemic ical al Eart Earthi hing ng   after  excavating an earth pit of size1.5 m X 0.9 m X 2.05 m(Top 1.50 m X 0.90 m X 0.9m & bottom 1.20 m X 0.90 m X 1.15 m) with the following specification:(a) Supply of Copper Earth Earth Electrode, Electrode, 38 mm dia wall thickness 1.60 mm, 2 meter long, inner space of pipe filled with high conductive material along with 1 bag (25Kg to a bag) of Earth Life Compound. Makes: Potential / Shake Hands / Mars. b) The Earth Electrode shall be inserted into the ground for 1.75 Mtrs. Below the inspection chamber bottom 300mm all around this Earth Electrode shall be covered with 25 Kgs. Of Earth Life Compound (c) (c) The The exca excava vate ted d gap gap shal shalll be back back fill filled ed with with excavated earth, and shall be properly consolidated with water. (d) The top 0.25 m of Earth pipe shall be exposed into inspect inspection ion chamber chamber of Hume Hume pipe pipe . The all around around inspect inspection ion chambe chamberr shall shall be provid providied ied with with 18" dia hume pipe. Earth connections shall be given to the Earth Elecrods with bolts, nuts & washers. (e) A 65 mm dia PVC conduit is to be embeded through hume pipe at one side, to lay the Earth from the Earth bus to the Electrode through the PVC conduit and after  laying the Earth, the pit entry PVC conduit is to be sealed with Bitumen compound. (f) (f) Nece Necess ssar ary y Megg Meggar ar test testing ing is to be done done in the the presence presence of the concerned Engineers, Engineers, and the reading should be as per IE standards.



Each   15113.7 15113.78 8

15341. 15341.92 92

Item No.


Description of item

APRSD   Unit No.

TPT Rate

TML Rate

Chemical Earthing (40mm Dia Copper 3.0 Mtrs) 9.1.13 Providing Providing of Independent Independent Chem Chemic ical al Eart Earthi hing ng   after  excavating an earth pit of size1.5 m X 1.2 m X 3 m (Top 1.50 m X 1.20 m X 0.9m & bottom 1.20 m X 1.20 m X 2.10 m) with the following specification:a) Supply Supply of Copper Earth Electrod Electrode, e, 38 mm dia wall thickness 1.60 mm, 3 meter long, inner space of pipe filled with high conductive material along with 2 bags (25Kg to a bag) of Earth Life Compound. Makes: Potential / Shake Hands / Mars. b) The Earth Electrode shall be inserted into the ground for 2.75 Mtrs. Below the inspection chamber bottom 300mm all around this Earth Electrode shall be covered with 50 Kgs. Of Earth Life Compound. (c) (c) The The exca excava vate ted d gap gap shal shalll be back back fill filled ed with with excavated earth, and shall be properly consolidated with water. (d) The top 0.25 m of Earth pipe shall be exposed into inspect inspection ion chamber chamber of Hume Hume pipe pipe . The all around around inspect inspection ion chambe chamberr shall shall be provid providied ied with with 18" dia hume pipe. Earth connections shall be given to the Earth Elecrods with bolts, nuts & washers. (e) A concrete bed of size 0.8 M X 0.8 M X 0.1 M thick and an inspe specti ction chamber having inside meas measur urem emen ents ts of 0.4 0.4 M X0.4 M X 0.4 M with with wall wall thickness of 100 mm with cement concrete CC (1:2.5:5) using 20 mm HBG Metal is to be constructed with side wall wall 100 mm above ground ground level and plasterin plastering g the exposed walls neatly with CM 1:3 with 12 mm thick. The Top of the Inspection Chamber is to be provided with reinforced precasted RCC Slab with 40mm thick with lifting hook. (f) 65mm dia PVC Pipe is to be embedded at the pit entry for earth. earth. After laying earth earth from earth conductor  conductor  bus to Electrode trough PVC Pipe, the surface should be cove covere red d with with bitu bitume men n and and grea grease se.. The The cost cost of  GI/Cop GI/Copper per flat to be run from Earth Electrod Electrode e to the equipment is to be made separately on running meter  basis. The work shall be executed strictly as per IS 3043 - 1987. The rate includes cost and conveyance of  all materials, labour charges, incidental charges etc., complete complete (Note:(Note:- Necessary meggaring meggaring testing testing is to be carried out in the presence of concerned Engineers and meas measur urem emen entt of resi resist stan ance ce shal shalll be as per per ISI ISI standards) CHEMICAL EARTHING TWIN PIPE TECHNOLOGY PIPE PIPE IN PIPE PIPE 2 MTRS. MTRS.



Each   21076.0 21076.08 8

21523. 21523.40 40

Item No.


Description of item

9.1.14 Providing Providing of Independent Independent Chem Chemic ical al Eart Earthi hing ng   after  excavating an earth pit of size1.5 m X 0.9 m X 2.05 m(Top 1.50 m X 0.90 m X 0.9m & bottom 1.20 m X 0.90 m X 1.15 m) with the following specification:(a) Earth Electrodes Twin Pipe With Rod Technology, outer pipe dia 48.2 mm dia (wall thickness: 3.25 mm), inner pipe dia: 26mm, (wall thickness: 2.6 mm) Rod 12 mm dia, terminal: 32 x 10mm, hot dip galvanized (80 to 100 microns), inner space filled with high conductive material length : 2 meter, along with 1 bag (25Kg) of  Earth Life Compound. (As per IS 3043:1987), BASE METAL;IS MARKED BRANDED MILD STEEL PIPE.

APRSD   Unit No. --

TPT Rate Each   7643. 7643.78 78

TML Rate 7797 7797.2 .22 2


Each   14844.0 14844.08 8

15229. 15229.08 08

Makes: Potential / Shake Hands / Mars. b) The Earth Electrode shall be inserted into the ground for 1.75 Mtrs. Below the inspection chamber bottom 300mm all around this Earth Electrode shall be covered with 25 Kgs. Of Earth Life Compound (c) (c) The The exca excava vate ted d gap gap shal shalll be back back fill filled ed with with excavated earth, and shall be properly consolidated with water. (d) The top 0.25 m of Earth pipe shall be exposed into inspect inspection ion chamber chamber of Hume Hume pipe pipe . The all around around inspect inspection ion chambe chamberr shall shall be provid providied ied with with 18" dia hume pipe. Earth connections shall be given to the Earth Elecrods with bolts, nuts & washers. (e) A 65 mm dia PVC conduit is to be embeded through hume pipe at one side, to lay the Earth from the Earth bus to the Electrode through the PVC conduit and after  laying the Earth, the pit entry PVC conduit is to be sealed with Bitumen compound. (f) (f) Nece Necess ssar ary y Megg Meggar ar test testing ing is to be done done in the the presence presence of the concerned Engineers, Engineers, and the reading should be as per IE standards. CHEMICAL EARTHING TWIN PIPE TECHNOLOGY (PIPE IN PIPE 3 Meters) 9.1.15 Providing Providing of Independent Independent Chem Chemic ical al Eart Earthi hing ng   after  excavating an earth pit of size 1.5 m X 1.2 m X 3 m (Top 1.50 m X 1.20 m X 0.9m & bottom 1.20 m X 1.20 m X 2.10 m) with the following specification:a) Earth Electrodes Twin Pipe With Rod Technology outer pipe dia 76 mm dia (wall thickness: 3.65 mm), inner pipe dia: 48mm, (wall thickness: 3.25 mm) Rod 18 mm dia, terminal: 40 x 10mm, hot dip galvanized (80 to 100 microns), inner space filled with high conductive material length : 3 meter, along with 2 bag (50Kg) of  Earth Life Compound. (As per IS 3043:1987), BASE METAL;IS MARKED BRANDED MILD STEEL PIPE.

Makes: Potential / Shake Hands / Mars.


Item No.


Description of item

APRSD   Unit No.

TPT Rate

TML Rate

b) The Earth Electrode shall be inserted into the ground for 2.75 Mtrs. Below the inspection chamber bottom 300mm all around this Earth Electrode shall be covered with 50 Kgs. Of Earth Life Compound. (c) (c) The The exca excava vate ted d gap gap shal shalll be back back fill filled ed with with excavated earth, and shall be properly consolidated with water. (d) The top 0.25 m of Earth pipe shall be exposed into inspect inspection ion chamber chamber of Hume Hume pipe pipe . The all around around inspect inspection ion chambe chamberr shall shall be provid providied ied with with 18" dia hume pipe. Earth connections shall be given to the Earth Elecrods with bolts, nuts & washers. (e) A concrete bed of size 0.8 M X 0.8 M X 0.1 M thick and an inspe specti ction chamber having inside meas measur urem emen ents ts of 0.4 0.4 M X0.4 M X 0.4 M with with wall wall thickness of 100 mm with cement concrete CC (1:2.5:5) using 20 mm HBG Metal is to be constructed with side wall wall 100 mm above ground ground level and plasterin plastering g the exposed walls neatly with CM 1:3 with 12 mm thick. The Top of the Inspection Chamber is to be provided with reinforced precasted RCC Slab with 40mm thick with lifting hook. (f) 65mm dia PVC Pipe is to be embedded at the pit entry for earth. earth. After laying earth earth from earth conductor  conductor  bus to Electrode trough PVC Pipe, the surface should be cove covere red d with with bitu bitume men n and and grea grease se.. The The cost cost of  GI/Cop GI/Copper per flat to be run from Earth Electrod Electrode e to the equipment is to be made separately on running meter  basis. The work shall be executed strictly as per IS 3043 - 1987. The rate includes cost and conveyance of  all materials, labour charges, incidental charges etc., complete complete (Note:(Note:- Necessary meggaring meggaring testing testing is to be carried out in the presence of concerned Engineers and meas measur urem emen entt of resi resist stan ance ce shal shalll be as per per ISI ISI standards) SUPPLY OF EARTH LIFE COMPOUND FOR CHEMICAL EARTHING 9.1.16 Supply 9.1.16  Supply of Earth Life Compound Compound as per IS 3043: 1987 bag consists of 25 Kgs. Makes: Potential / Shake Hands / Mars.



Each   1100. 1100.00 00



1111 1111.0 .00 0

G.I / Copper Strip for Earthing

9.2.1   Supply and run of  25mm X 6mm G.I Strip Strip for earth earth electrode to required places by concealing  in walls walls,, concealing   in flooring by cutting the grooves and replastering neatly and giving necessary necessary connection connection with 3/8"x2" 3/8"x2" GI Bolts, Nuts and Washers wherever joints has to be done. The strip has to be either riveted (or) bolted (or) gas welding neatly and all labour charges etc., complete.




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