Introduction A chemical chemical bond bond is an attraction between between atoms that that allows the formation formation of chemical substances substances that contain two or more atoms. The bond is caused by the electrostatic force of attraction between opposite opposite chares! either between electrons and nuclei! nuclei! or as the result of a dipole attraction. The strenth of chemical bonds "aries considerably# there are $stron bonds$ such as co"alent or ionic bonds and $wea% bonds$ such as dipole&d dipole&dipole ipole interactions! the London dispersion force and hydroen bondin.
Since opposite chares attract "ia a simple electromanetic electromanetic force! the neati"el neati"ely y chared electrons that are orbitin the nucleus and the positi"ely chared protons in the nucleus attract each other. An electron positioned between two nuclei will be attracted to both of them! and the nuclei will be attracted toward electrons in this position. This attraction constitutes the chemical bond. Due to the matter wa"e nature of electrons and their smaller mass! they must occupy a much larer amount of "olume compared with the nuclei! and this "olume occupied by the electrons %eeps the atomic nuclei relati"ely far apart! as compared with the size of the nuclei themsel"es. This phenomenon limits the distance between nuclei and atoms in a bond.
In eneral! stron chemical bondin is associated with with the sharin or tr ansfer of electrons between the participatin atoms. The atoms in molecules! crystals! metals and diatomic ases' indeed most of the physical en"ironment around us' are held toether by chemical bonds! which dictate the structure and the bul% properties of matter.
Overview of main types of chemica !onds A chemical bond is an attraction between atoms. This attraction may be seen as the result of different beha"iors of the outermost electrons of atoms. Althouh all of these beha"iors mere into each other seamlessly in "arious bondin situations so that there is no clear line to be drawn between them! the beha"iors of atoms become so (ualitati"ely different as the character of the bond chanes (uantitati"ely! that it remains useful and customary to differentiate between the bonds that cause these different properties of condensed matter.
In the simplest "iew of a so-called )co"alent) bond! one or more electrons *often a pair of electrons+ are drawn into the space between the two atomic nuclei. ,ere the neati"ely chared electrons are attracted to the positi"e chares of both nuclei! instead of ust their own. This o"ercomes the repulsion between the two positi"ely chared nuclei of the two atoms! and so this o"erwhelmin attraction holds the two nuclei in a fied confiuration of e(uilibrium! e"en thouh they will still "ibrate at e(uilibrium position. Thus! co"alent bondin in"ol"es sharin of electrons in which the positi"ely chared nuclei of two or more atoms simultaneously attract the neati"ely chared electrons that are bein shared between them. These bonds eist between two particular identifiable atoms! and ha"e a direction in space! allowin them to be shown as sinle connectin lines between atoms in drawins! or modeled as stic%s between spheres in models. In a polar co"alent bond! one or more electrons are une(ually shared between two nuclei. Co"alent bonds often result in the formation of small collections of better-connected atoms called molecules! which in solids and li(uids are bound to other molecules by forces that are often much wea%er than the co"alent bonds that hold the molecules internally toether. Such wea% intermolecular bonds i"e oranic molecular substances! such as waes and oils! their soft bul% character! and their low meltin points *in li(uids! molecules must cease most structured or oriented contact with each other+. / hen co"alent bonds lin% lon chains of atoms in lare molecules! howe"er *as in polymers such as nylon+! or when co"alent bonds etend in networ%s throuh solids that are not composed of discrete molecules *such as diamond or (uartz or the silicate minerals in many types of roc%+ then the structures that result may be both stron and touh! at least in the direction oriented correctly with networ%s of co"alent bonds. Also! the meltin points of such co"alent polymers and networ%s increase reatly.
In a simplified "iew of an ionic bond! the bondin electron is not shared at all! but transferred. In this type of bond! the outer atomic orbital of one atom has a "acancy which allows addition of one or more electrons. These newly added electrons potentially occupy a lower enery-state *effecti"ely closer to m ore nuclear chare+ than they eperience in a different atom. Thus! one nucleus offers a more tihtly bound position to an electron than does another nucleus! with the result that one atom may transfer an electron to the other. This transfer causes one atom to assume a net positi"e chare! and the other to assume a net neati"e chare. The bond then results from electrostatic attraction between atoms! and the atoms become positi"e or neati"ely chared ions. Ionic bonds may be seen as etreme eamples of polarization in co"alent bonds. 0ften! such bonds ha"e no particular orientation in space! since they result from e(ual electrostatic attraction of each ion to all ions around them. Ionic bonds are stron *and thus ionic substances re(uire hih temperatures to melt+ but also brittle! since the forces between ions are short-rane! and do not easily bride crac%s and fractures. This type of bond i"es rise to the physical characteristics of crystals of classic mineral salts! such as table salt.
A less often mentioned type of bondin is the metallic bond. In this type of bondin! each atom in a metal donates one or more electrons to a $sea$ of electrons that reside between many metal atoms. In this sea! each electron is free *by "irtue of its wa"e nature+ to be associated with a reat many atoms at once. The bond results because the metal atoms become somewhat positi"ely chared due to loss of their electrons! while the electrons remain attracted to many atoms! without bein part of any i"en atom. Metallic bondin may be seen as an etreme eample of delocalization of electrons o"er a lare system of co"alent bonds! in which e"ery atom participates. This type of bondin is often "ery stron *resultin in the tensile strenth of metals+. ,owe"er! metallic bonds are more collecti"e in nature than other types! and so they allow metal crystals to more easily deform! because they are composed of atoms attracted to each other! but not in any particularly-oriented ways. This results in the malleability of metals. The sea of electrons in metallic bonds causes the characteristically ood electrical and thermal conducti"ity of metals! and also their $shiny$ reflection of most fre(uencies of white liht.
All bonds can be eplained by (uantum theory! but! in practice! simplification rules allow chemists to predict the strenth! directionality! and polarity of bonds. The octet rule and 1S234 theory are two eamples. More sophisticated theories are "alence bond theory which includes orbital hybridization and resonance! and the linear combination of atomic orbitals molecular orbital method which includes liand field theory. 2lectrostatics are used to describe bond polarities and the effects they ha"e on chemical substances.
2arly speculations into the nature of the chemical bond! from as early as the 56th century! supposed that certain types of chemical species were oined by a type of chemical affinity. In 5789! Isaac :ewton famously outlined his atomic bondin theory! in $;uery ! on the heels of the in"ention of the "oltaic pile! ?@ns ?a%ob erzelius de"eloped a theory of chemical combination stressin the electroneati"e and electropositi"e character of the combinin atoms. y the mid 5>th century! 2dward Bran%land! B.A. e%ul! A.S. Couper! Aleander utlero"! and ,ermann olbe! buildin on the theory of radicals! de"eloped the theory of "alency! oriinally called $combinin power$! in which compounds were oined owin to an attraction of positi"e and neati"e poles. In 5>5E! chemist Filbert :. Lewis de"eloped the concept of the electron-pair bond! in which two atoms may share one to si electrons! thus formin the sinle electron bond! a sinle bond! a double bond! or a triple bond# in Lewis)s own words! $An electron may form a part of the shell of two different atoms and cannot be said to belon to either one eclusi"ely.$
That same year! /alther ossel put forward a theory similar to Lewis) only his model assumed complete transfers of electrons between atoms! and was thus a model of ionic bonds. oth Lewis and ossel structured their bondin models on that of Abe)s rule *5>89+.
In 5>67! the first mathematically complete (uantum description of a simple chemical bond! i.e. that produced by one electron in the hydroen molecular ion! ,6G! was deri"ed by the Danish physicist 0y"ind urrau.H6 This wor% showed that the (uantum approach to chemical bonds could be fundamentally and (uantitati"ely correct! but the mathematical methods used could not be etended to molecules containin more than one electron. A more practical! albeit less (uantitati"e! approach was put forward in the same year by /alter ,eitler and Britz London. The ,eitler-London method forms the basis of what is now called "alence bond theory. In 5>6>! the linear combination of atomic orbitals molecular orbital method *LCA0+ approimation was introduced by Sir ?ohn Lennard-?ones! who also suested methods to deri"e electronic structures of molecules of B6 *fluorine+ and 06 *oyen+ molecules! from basic (uantum principles. This molecular orbital theory represented a co"alent bond as an orbital formed by combinin the (uantum mechanical Schr@diner atomic orbitals which had been hypothesized for electrons in sinle atoms. The e(uations for bondin electrons in multi-electron atoms could not be s ol"ed to mathematical perfection *i.e.! analytically+! but approimations for them still a"e many ood (ualitati"e predictions and results. Most (uantitati"e calculations in modern (uantum chemistry use either "alence bond or molecular orbital theory as a startin point! althouh a third approach! Density Bunctional Theory! has become increasinly popular in recent years.
In 5>J> failed to ade(uately address the problems that appeared to be better understood by molecular orbital theory. The impact of "alence theory declined durin the 5>E8s and 5>78s as molecular orbital theory rew in usefulness as it was implemented in lare diital computer prorams. Since the 5>=8s! the more difficult problems of implementin "alence bond theory into computer prorams ha"e been sol"ed larely! and "alence bond theory has seen a resurence.
Comparison of vaence !ond and moecuar or!ita theory
In some respects "alence bond theory is superior to molecular orbital theory. /hen applied to the simplest two-electron molecule! ,6! "alence bond theory! e"en at the simplest ,eitler-London approach! i"es a much closer approimation to the bond enery! and it pro"ides a much more accurate representation of the beha"ior of the electrons as chemical bonds are formed and bro%en. In contrast simple molecular orbital theory predicts that the hydroen molecule dissociates into a linear superposition of hydroen atoms and positi"e and neati"e hydroen ions! a completely unphysical result. This eplains in part why the cur"e of total enery aainst interatomic distance for the "alence bond method lies below the cur"e for the molecular orbital method at all distances and most particularly so for lare distances. This situation arises for all homonuclear diatomic molecules and is particularly a problem for B6! where the minimum enery of the cur"e with molecular orbital theory is still hiher in enery than the enery of two B atoms.
The concepts of hybridization are so "ersatile! and the "ariability in bondin in most oranic compounds is so modest! that "alence bond theory remains an interal part of the "ocabulary of oranic chemistry. ,owe"er! the wor% of Briedrich ,und! 4obert Mulli%en! and Ferhard ,erzber showed that molecular orbital theory pro"ided a more appropriate description of the spectroscopic! ionization and manetic properties of molecules. The deficiencies of "alence bond theory became apparent when hyper"alent molecules *e.. 3BJ+ were eplained without the use of d orbitals that were crucial to the bondin hybridisation scheme proposed for such molecules by 3aulin. Metal complees and electron deficient compounds *e.. diborane+ also appeared to be well described by molecular orbital theory! althouh "alence bond descriptions ha"e been made.
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