Checks For First Timers AirBus A320

November 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Checks For First Timers AirBus A320...


OPS ROOM BRIEFING Get the: • • • • • • • • • •

Weather a/c Status NOTAMS METAR TFAR Destination Alternates Computerized Flight Plan (CFP) Fuel & Weight requirements Optimum flight level

PROCEED TO THE AIRCRAFT Once near, check • Wheel chocks are in place • Landing gear doors are up • APU area is clear

SAFETY CHECKS (inside the cockpit) • • • •

L/G lever is Engine start , Ignition to Wipers


CHECK SAFETY EQUIPMENT • • • • • • • • • • •


Library check Smoke Goggles Smoke Hood Oxy Mask Full face mask Life Jackets Escape ropes Flash Lights Portable Oxy Axe Portable Fire Extg

2 2 4 1 4 2 3 1 1 1


PREPARE OVERHEAD PANEL Fuel pumps ON (Later) after asking the Capt before the ENGINE




• The Status of the a/c. The DATA BASE validity date is to be checked, as well as the navaids or wpts possibly stored in previous flights, and the applicable PERF FACTOR.

I: INIT(A) • • • • • • • •

From/To Align IRS Enter Flight Number Lat & Long Cost Index CRZ Flt Level Temp (-ve) Winds

F: F-PLN ←

The FPLN A page is to be completed as thoroughly as possible: T/O runway, SID with ALT/SPD constraints, and even the expected T/O time, the proper transition to the cruise waypoints and the intended step climb/descents. Arrivals (STAR) and Alternates.

The FPLN must be cross-checked by both crew members using: - The MCDU with FPLN page + slew keys.- The ND in PLAN mode, range as required, with CSTR selected on EIS CTL panel. This check is to be done for the SID till the first waypoint in cruiseThe computerized F.PLN (CFP) versus the F.PLN displayed on page providing the ROUTE SELECTION.- The overall distance of the route (6th line of FPLN page) versus CFP distance is to be checked.


This will reveal the selected Navaids, helps in SID & reroute flying or any particular radial.

←The RAD NAV page is checked, and any required navaid manually entered using the ident. Should a navaid be reported unreliable on NOTAM, it will be deselected on the SELECTED NAVAID page.

I: INIT(B) We get to the INIT(B) page by selecting the NEXT PAGE. Fill the page in a REVERSE HORSE SHOE direction (starting from upper right hand cornor) • Enter ZFW • Enter BLOCK FUEL • Take Off Weight (TOW) • Landing Weight • Taxi Fuel • Trip Fuel & Time • Route reserve feul • Alternate Fuel & Time • Final Fuel & Time • Extra Fuel & Time (never in –ve)

P: PERF This will reveal the TAKEOFF page, there are 4 pages to this entry. Check if the proper R/W departure is displayed, if not go to F-Plan page and do another Lateral Reversion on the Departure airport and insert the proper R/W. if there is R/W change during pre-take off phase……go to F-PLAN page & change.

The PERF CLB/CRUISE pages are to be used to preselect a Speed or Mach if: •initial climb speed is required, (e.g. Green dot speed if a sharp turn after T/O is required), •a specific cruise Mach Number is required at the beginning of cruise. T/O Shift : if required because of R/W length limited. FLAPS/THS: Flaps entry has no effect on FMGS Computations and is only for display. THS: will be filled on receipt of TRIM SHEET. FLEX TO TEMP: is required only if a reduced thrust T/O is planned. ENG OUT ACC; Engine out acceleration is normally 500 FEET above the R/W elevation (AFE). (this entry has no affect on FMGS). THR RED/ACC: Thrust reduction/ acceleration altitude. TRANS ALT: Transition Altitude…..QNH to flash Yellow to remind the pilot

to re-select the Baro Pressure. V1, VR, V2 speeds; Enter the V1,R &2 speeds. When entering the V2 the SRS is armed. FSO: These speed will be indicated on the Speed tape of PFD. • F: Flaps retract speed • S: Slat retract speed • O: is ZERO flap speed (clean Maneuvering or GREEN DOT Speed)

P: PROG This will reveal the T/O Page. Compare & look at the values of • CRUISE ATTITUDE • OPTIMUM ALTITUDE • MAXIMUM ALTITUDE The planned cruise Alt should be lower than the REC MAX Alt & will usually be equal to or lower then the OPT Alt.

S: SCC F-PLN: This will reveal the SEC INDEX page •
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