Checklist for Mechanical Completion

March 7, 2017 | Author: Arjun Shantaram Zope | Category: N/A
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Checklist for Mechanical Completion Table of Contents 1. General Procedures 2. Specific Procedures 1. General Procedures 1.1 Vendor and Service Assistance Ite m


Contracto r


If deemed necessary by Contractor, obtain manufacturer's (vendor) assistance to ensure satisfactory installation of equipment



Obtain manufacturer's (vendor) assistance at Owner's expense if required by Owner for run-in



1.2 Inspection a.

Provide inspection of the plant to check conformity to flow diagrams, construction drawings, vendor prints and specifications



Arrange for any special pre-start up inspections such as required by insurance or governmental agencies


Perform routine shop inspection


Witness shop inspection as desired



Verify completion of work and approve plant. Check any exceptions and note on a separate work order list (punch list)




Note: Equipment which has been shop inspected will not be reopened for inspection in the field except as specifically noted herein.

1.3 Permits a.

Secure permits and certifications required in name of


Contractor for design work or for erection work b.

Procure all permits and certifications required to be secured in the name of Owner for initial operation of the plant


Secure at Owner's expense all permits to be issued in name of Owner and required for installation, use, occupancy and operation of the plant



1.4 Removal of Rust Preventatives a .

Remove rust preventatives and oils used to protect equipment during the construction period


1.5 Maintenance and Spare Parts a.

Protect equipment from normal weather conditions, corrosion or damage prior to plant mechanical completion



Provide company with spare parts lists as recommended by vendors



Provide spare parts and supplies



Provide maintenance for equipment, including such items as the cleaning of strainers and the repairing of steam traps, after mechanical completion


1.6 Housekeeping a.

Provide construction cleanup, including removal of excess materials, temporary facilities and scaffolding, rough sweeping or raking of job sites and trash pickup


Maintain housekeeping after mechanical completion as required for safe operation



1.7 Instructions a.

Transmit to Owner any vendors' or manufacturers' instructions and drawings, as applicable



Provide Owner with any special instructions, such as requirements for drying liners



Maintain vendor instruction file for ready retrieval


2. Specific Procedures 2.1 Electrical Power and Lighting Systems - Account E a.

Notify Owner of test schedule



Witness tests when notified and record test data if desired


Make insulation test of all wiring using a megohmmeter



Check lighting circuits and intensities



Make insulation tests of motor windings and of transformer windings from phase to phase, and phase to ground using a megohmmeter



Make grounding system tests to determine continuity of connections and value of resistance to ground



Arrange for breakdown tests by manufacturers on oil samples from oil-insulated transformers larger than 100 kVA. Check oil level of all transformers



Make trials and adjustments on all motor control and switchgear equipment



Test and set switchgear and motor control center relays for proper functioning



Obtain local inspector's/authority approval where required



Energize all substations after completion of all tests




Check phase sequence and polarity



Run electrical motors uncoupled



Check bearing, winding temperatures and vibration


Check installation of emergency and instrument power systems



Check installation of electrical tracing system and energize same



Provide Owner with record of work completed



2.2 Instrument Systems - Account K a.

Make non-operating checks to ensure instrument operability, i.e. remove all shipping stops, check pointer travels and verify instrument capability to measure, operate and stroke in the direction and manner required by the process application



Field calibrate instruments with standard test equipment and make all required adjustments and control point settings



Fully pressurize and energize the transmitting and control signal system, open process connections at primary sensors and final regulators and make control mode settings for automatic operation of equipment as the plant is brought on stream



Install and connect all system components and verify their conformance with specifications and design criteria for function and range using dummytransmitted signals as needed



Clean all transmission and control tubing by blowing with cooled and filtered clean air prior to connecting to instrument components



Clean all air supply headers by blowing with clean air and check for tightness



Leak-test pneumatic control circuits in



Check process lead piping for tightness



Check all electrical signals and alarm wiring for continuity, correct sources of power and polarity



Check thermocouples for proper joining of wires, position of elements in wells, proper polarity and continuity of receiving instruments



Identify orifice plates by tagging and deliver to Owner



Isolate, or remove, if necessary, inline



Check bores of orifice plates



Install such plates after completion of flushing operations



Isolate or remove in-line components for flushing operations and reinstall them on the completion of such operations



Fill air line lubricators with oil supplied by Owner



Check designation and function of each isolator and fuse in electric systems



Check operation of automatic transfer


Loop check all instrumentation from field to control room.


Witness all loop checks


Clean gauge glasses and check illuminators



Stroke all control valves, on/off valves, lubricate as required



Check all analyzers, clean and flush lines to/from. Arrange for vendor representation for calibration of analyzers if required (e.g. chromatographs)



Test and adjust all safety devices and seals where necessary, use vendor if required


Install all safety devices e.g. pressure relief valves after testing


Supply and install sealing fluids






2.3 Piping - Account C a.

Hydrostatically or pneumatically test all piping as required by the drawings or specifications



Notify Owner of test schedule



Witness field pressure tests when notified by contractor


Provide at owners expense any special media for test purposes and facilities for their disposal



Check pipehangers, supports, guides and pipe specialities for the removal of all shipping and erection stops, and for the correctness of cold settings for the design service. In addition, provide Owner with instructions for hot settings



Check pipehangers, supports, guides and pipe specialities for hot settings and make minor adjustments as necessary



Install carseals on valves where necessary



Check and record position of all carsealed valves



Check steam tracing for tightness and continuity (use steam when available)and check proper tagging of supply and returns



Install all strainers (temporary and permanent) spades and spectacle blinds as called for on drawings.



Waterflush and/or air blow small bore piping. Waterflush all large bore piping



Carry out chemical cleaning as required per job specification



Operate steam and water systems for flushing, cleaning and tracing



Blowdown/clean steam lines with steam e.g. turbines inlets



Witness flushing and cleaning



Clean strainers after flushing and remove if warranted



Maintain records of blinds installed




Obtain Owner's approval and permits and make tie-ins as required by applicable specification



Isolate all systems to allow tie-ins to be made



Remove blinds and temporary strainers as required during start up


2.4 Towers - Account A 2.4.1 Shop-Fabricated: a.

Install all internals not already installed in fabricating shop, including trays, caps, grids, demisters, internal piping, packing and linings



Inspect all internals



Make necessary corrections to internals, remove all debris and heavy dirt



Carry out final inspection



Do chemical cleaning, if required



Do final flushing and make tightness tests



Perform necessary leakage tests on trays


2.4.2 Field-Erected: a.

Supervise construction, code testing and installation of internals



Inspect all internals



Make final mechanical clean-out



Carry out final inspection


Perform necessary leakage tests on trays


Do chemical cleaning, if required



Do final flushing and tightness test



2.5 Vessels - Account MR a.

Open after erection to place any internals requiring field installation and inspect at time of installation. Open internal manways on vessels for inspection by Owner



Clean out debris, etc.



Witness inspections to the extent desired



Open after dry out and chemical cleaning and charge materials as chemicals, resins, desiccants and catalysts (procurement by Owner)


Note: When vessels have been subjected to a shop test, they will not be further tested in the field but may be included as part of a piping system test.

2.6 Tanks - Account M a.

Clean out debris, etc.



Carry out chemical cleaning as required by job specifications



Cure and dry out any special cement or protective linings in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and instructions



Test in accordance with applicable specs


Purge systems and charge chemicals as required



Calibration of product tanks



2.7 Shell and Tube Exchangers - Account T a.

If desired, field inspect exchangers which have been shop inspected



If desired, field test exchangers which have been subjected to a shop test


2.8 Air-Cooled Exchangers - Account T a.

Inspect to ensure that temporary shipping supports and erection material have been removed. Check for damage



If desired, field test exchangers which have been subjected to a shop test


Couple fan to motor after motor has been run uncoupled



Test and balance fans as required. Check blade setting



Test louvers and controls of same



Check of vibration



2.9 Fired Heaters - Account H a.

Pressure tests in accordance with applicable code, as required



Provide all non-operating prefiring checks in accordance with specifications and manufacturers' instructions



Blow fuel lines, check for cleanliness, and connect burner piping


Check proper functioning of registers and dampers, and verify position of indictors


Dry refractories during initial firing by following manufacturer’s temperature cycles



Conduct boil-out and chemical cleaning and flushing operations as required



Obtain and charge liquid heat transfer media, if required



Conduct light-off, during and purging operations




2.10 Pumps, Compressors and Turbine - Drivers - Account P-PC


Level baseplates and sole plates and grout all bearing surfaces, cold align units and furnish record of alignment



Check for and remove any excess piping stresses which may be imposed on the equipment



Chemically clean the installation of any seal and lube oil system, if specified



Provide all lubricants required



Charge the lube and seal oil systems



Circulate for cleaning purposes any seal oil, lube oil and cooling systems



Make vibration tests when driver is coupled. Check temperatures



Install mechanical seals, permanent packing and accessories if required


Hot align pumps, compressors and turbines etc.


Couple units to drivers after motors have been test run



Install temporary strainers in suction piping



Arrange for manufacturers representatives to supervise erection and perform test on large compressors, turbines



Loop check auxiliaries on large equipment with vendor representatives



Witness all tests, checks and test-runs of large compressors and turbines.




2.11 Special Equipment - Account G (Agitators, mixers, rotary filters, weigh scales, materials handling equipment, vacuum equipment) a.

Fully assemble rotary filters except for final filter media (cloth or screens)


Install all final filter media (cloth, precoat, etc.)




Level and calibrate weigh scales with assistance of the manufacturer’s representative and set tare weights where possible



Manually check materials handling equipment for freedom and direction of movement



Make all final adjustments during run in and any performance tests required


Obtain vendor's service engineer for start up and final inspection



Test vacuum equipment, check all joints for leaks



2.12 Boilers - Account H a.

Make hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with applicable codes, if required by specifications



Inspect installation for completeness and correctness of installation and make other non-operating prefiring checks in accordance with specifications and manufacturer's instructions



Check proper functioning of registers and dampers, verify position of indicators, check operation of soot blowers mechanically



Blow fuel lines, check for cleanliness and connect burner piping



Dry refractories during initial firing by following manufacturer's temperature cycles



Purge, flush and drain steam mains as necessary



Obtain and charge treated water (per specifications) for boil-out and initial operation as required



Commission auxiliaries as detailed elsewhere under the appropriate equipment type



Conduct boil-out and chemical cleaning and flushing operations as required



Conduct initial light-off with associated checks and adjustments



Conduct all operating tests and obtain required certification


2.13 Water Treating Plants a.

Inspect for completeness and correctness of installation and make any non-operating checks which may be required



Provide and install initial charge of ion-exchange resins and inert bed material



Make the necessary operating tests and adjustments to water treatment systems



Provide all water treatment chemicals



Obtain services of water consultant to advise and monitor


2.14 Water Systems (Service Wells, Cooling Towers, Fire Water, Seawater Systems, etc.) a.

Inspect for completeness and correctness of installations and make any non-operating checks required



Initially clean cooling tower basin and install screens in suction pit prior to water circulation



Test well delivery and lush well piping if wells are furnished by Contractor



Flush, drain and clean cooling water basins



Clean intake screens



Operate fire pumps to check output of systems



Fill reservoirs, head towers, etc.



Arrange for insurance company inspection of fire system as required



Obtain and install all fire fighting chemicals as required and portable equipment such as hoses, fire extinguishers and related equipment


2.15 Waste Disposal a.

Inspect facilities for completeness and correctness of installation and make any non-operating checks to ensure conformance with specifications


Operate all equipment and supply all chemicals, agents, etc. related to waste treatment



2.16 Buildings and Accessories a.

Check installation of any buildings and accessories including all heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment to ensure completeness and conformance with specifications



Obtain certification that all plumbing, wiring and elevator installation are in compliance with local governmental regulation



Test heating, ventilating and air-conditioning units and make all performance tests, if weather permits, otherwise by Owner



Obtain certificate for occupancy and use, if required


2.17 Insulation and Painting - Accounts N and R a.

Inspect and accept all materials and field workmanship



Complete all insulation work as specified



Complete all painting as specified, weather permitting



This work may extend beyond the date of mechanical completion.

Checklist for the Mechanical Completion, incl. pre-commissioning activities Table of contents 1. General Procedures 2. Specific Procedures

1. General Procedures 1.1 Vendor and Service Assistance

Contracto r a.

If deemed necessary by Contractor, obtain manufacturer's (vendor) assistance to ensure satisfactory installation of equipment



Obtain manufacturer's (vendor) assistance at Owner's expense if required by Owner for run in



1.2 Inspection a.

Provide inspection of the plant to check conformity to flow diagrams, construction drawings, vendor prints and specifications



Arrange for any special pre-start up inspections such as required by insurance or governmental agencies


Perform routine shop inspection


Witness shop inspection as desired



Verify completion of work and approve plant. Check any exceptions and note on a separate work order list (punch list)




Note: Equipment which has been shop inspected will not be reopened for inspection in the field except as specifically noted herein. 1.3 Permits a.

Secure permits and certifications required in name of Contractor for design work or for erection work



Assist Owner at his expense in the procurement of all permits and certifications required to be secured in name of Owner for initial operation of the plant



Secure at Owner's expense all permits to be issued in name of Owner and required for installation, use,


occupancy and operation of the plant

1.4 Removal of Rust Preventatives a.

Remove rust preventatives and oils used to protect equipment during the construction period


1.5 Maintenance and Spare Parts a.

Protect equipment from normal weather conditions, corrosion or damage prior to plant mechanical completion



Provide company with spare parts lists as recommended by vendors



Provide spare parts and supplies



Provide maintenance for equipment, including such items as the cleaning of strainers and the repairing of steam traps, after mechanical completion


1.6 Housekeeping a.

Provide construction clean up, including removal of excess materials, temporary facilities and scaffolding, rough sweeping or raking of job sites and trash pickup



Maintain housekeeping after mechanical completion as required for safe operation


1.7 Instructions a.

Transmit to Owner any vendors' or manufacturers' instructions and drawings, as applicable



Provide Owner with any special instructions, such as requirements for drying liners



Maintain vendor instruction file for ready retrieval


2 Specific Procedures 2.1 Electrical Power and Lighting Systems - Account E a.

Notify Owner of test schedule



Witness tests when notified and record test data if desired


Make insulation test of all wiring using a megohmmeter



Check lighting circuits and intensities



Make insulation tests of motor windings and of transformer windings from phase to phase, and phase to ground using a megohmmeter



Make grounding system tests to determine continuity of connections and value of resistance to ground



Arrange for breakdown tests by manufacturers on oil samples from oil insulated transformers larger than 100 kVA. Check oil level of all transformers



Make trials and adjustments on all motor control and switchgear equipment



Test and set switchgear and motor control center relays for proper functioning



Obtain local inspector's/authority approval where required



Energize all substations after completion of all tests


Check phase sequence and polarity



Run electrical motors uncoupled



Check bearing, winding temperatures and vibration



Check installation of emergency and instrument power systems



Check installation of electrical tracing system and energize same





Provide Owner with record of work completed


2.2 Instrument Systems - Account K a.

Make non-operating checks to ensure instrument operability, i.e. remove all shipping stops, check pointer travels and verify instrument capability to measure, operate and stroke in the direction and manner required by the process application



Field calibrate instruments with standard test equipment and make all required adjustments and control point settings



Fully pressurize and energize the transmitting and control signal system, open process connections at primary sensors and final regulators and make control mode settings for automatic operation of equipment as the plant is brought on stream



Install and connect all system components and verify their conformance with specifications and design criteria for function and range using dummy transmitted signals as needed



Clean all transmission and control tubing by blowing with cooled and filtered clean air prior to connecting to instrument components



Clean all air supply headers by blowing with clean air and check for tightness



Leak test pneumatic control circuits in accordance with ISA Recommended Practice RP 7,1



Check process lead piping for tightness



Check all electrical signals and alarm wiring for continuity, correct sources of power and polarity



Check thermocouples for proper joining of wires, position of elements in wells, proper polarity and continuity of receiving instruments



Identify orifice plates by tagging and deliver to Owner



Isolate, or remove, if necessary, inline components such as control valves, positive displacement meters, turbine


meters, etc. for pressure testing and reinstall such items m.

Check bores of orifice plates



Install such plates after completion of flushing operations



Isolate or remove in line components for flushing operations and reinstall them on the completion of such operations



Fill air line lubricators with oil supplied by Owner



Check designation and function of each isolator and fuse in electric systems



Check operation of automatic transfer systems, reset mechanisms, etc.



Loop check all instrumentation from field to control room.



Witness all loop checks


Clean gauge glasses and check illuminators



Stroke all control valves, on/off valves, lubricate as required



Check all analyzers, clean and flush lines to/from arrange for vendor representation for calibration of analyzers if required (e.g. chromatographs)



Test and adjust all safety devices and seals where necessary use vendor if required


Install all safety devices e.g. pressure relief valves after testing


Supply and install sealing liquids





2.3 Piping - Account C a.

Hydrostatically or pneumatically test ll piping as required by the drawings or specifications



Notify Owner of test schedule



Witness field pressure tests when notified by Contractor



Provide at owners expense any special media for test purposes and facilities for their disposal



Check pipehangers, supports, guides and pipe specialities for the removal of all shipping and erection stops, and for the correctness of cold settings for the design service. In addition, provide Owner with instructions for hot settings



Check pipehangers, supports, guides and pipe specialities for hot settings and make minor adjustments as necessary



Install carseals on valves where necessary



Check and record position of all carsealed valves



Check steam tracing for tightness and continuity (use steam when available) and check proper tagging of supply and returns



Install all strainers (temporary and permanent) spades and spectacle blinds as called for on drawings.



Waterflush and/or air blow small bore piping. Waterflush large bore piping



Carry out chemical cleaning as required per job specification



Operate steam and water systems for flushing, cleaning and tracing



Blowdown/clean steam lines with steam e.g. turbines inlets



Witness flushing and cleaning



Clean strainers after flushing and remove if warranted


Maintain records of blinds installed


Obtain Owner's approval and permits and make tie ins as required by applicable specification


Isolate all systems to allow tie ins to be made


Remove blinds and temporary strainers as required during commissioning



2.4 Towers - Account A 2.4.1 Shop-fabricated: a.

Install all internals not already installed in fabricating shop, including trays, caps, grids, demisters, internal piping, packing and linings



Inspect all internals



Make necessary corrections to internals, remove all debris and heavy dirt



Carry out final inspection


Do chemical cleaning, if required


Do final flushing and make tightness tests


Perform necessary leakage tests on trays


2.4.2 Field-Erected: a.

Supervise construction, code testing and installation of internals



Inspect all internals



Make final mechanical clean out



Carry out final inspection


Perform necessary leakage tests on trays



Do chemical cleaning, if required



Do final flushing and tightness test



2.5 Vessels - Account MR a.

Open after erection to place any internals requiring field installation and inspect at time of installation. Open


external manways on vessels for inspection by Owner b.

Clean out debris etc


Witness inspections to the extent desired


Open after dry out and chemical cleaning and charge materials as chemicals, resins, desiccants and catalysts (procurement by Owner)


Note: When vessels have been subjected to a shop test, they will not be further tested in the field but may be included as part of a piping system test. 2.6 Tanks - Account M a.

Clean out debris, etc.



Carry out chemical cleaning as required by job specifications



Cure and dry out any special cement or protective linings in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and instructions


Test in accordance with applicable specs



Purge systems and charge chemicals as required



Calibration of product tanks



2.7 Shell and Tube Exchangers - Account T a.

If desired, field inspect exchangers which have been shop inspected



If desired, field test exchangers which have been subjected to a shop test


2.8 Air-cooled Exchangers - Account T a.

Inspect to ensure that temporary shipping supports and erection material have been removed. Check for damage



If desired, field test exchangers which have been subjected to a shop test



Couple fan to motor after motor has been run uncoupled



Test and balance fans as required. Check blade setting



Test louvers and controls of same



Check for vibration


2.9 Fired Heaters - Account H a.

Pressure test in accordance with applicable code, as required



Provide all non-operating prefiring checks in accordance with specifications and manufacturers' instructions



Blow fuel lines, check for cleanliness, and connect burner piping



Check proper functioning of registers and dampers, and verify position of indicators



Dry refractories during initial firing by following manufacturer's temperature cycles



Conduct boil out and chemical cleaning and flushing operations as required



Obtain and charge liquid heat transfer media, if required


Conduct light off, drying and purging operations


2.10 Pumps, Compressors and Turbine Drivers - Account P-PC a.

Level baseplates and sole plates and grout all bearing surfaces, cold align units and furnish record of alignment



Check for and remove any excess piping stresses which may be imposed on the equipment



Chemically clean the installation of any seal and lube oil


system, if specified d.

Provide all lubricants required



Charge the lube and seal oil systems



Circulate for cleaning purposes any seal oil, lube oil and cooling systems



Make vibration tests when driver is coupled. Check temperatures


Install mechanical seals, permanent packing and accessories if required


Hot align pumps, compressors, turbines, etc.


Couple units to drivers after motors have been test run



Install temporary strainers in suction piping



Arrange for manufactures representatives to supervise erection and perform test on large compressors, turbines



Loop check auxiliaries on large equipment with vendor representatives



Witness all tests, checks and test runs of large compressors and turbines.





2.11 Special Equipment - Account G (Agitators, mixers, rotary filters, weigh scales, materials handling equipment, vacuum equipment) a.

Fully assemble rotary filters except for final filter media (cloth or screens)



Install all final filter media (cloth, precoat, etc.)


Level and calibrate weigh scales with assistance of the manufacturer's representative and set tare weights where possible



Manually check materials handling equipment for freedom and direction of movement



Make all final adjustments during run in and any



performance tests required f.

Obtain vendor's service engineer for start up



Test vacuum equipment, check all joints for leaks


2.12 Boilers - Account H a.

Make hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with applicable codes, if required by specifications



Inspect installation for completeness and correctness of installation and make other non-operating pre-firing checks in accordance with specifications and manufacturer's instructions



Check proper functioning of registers and dampers and verify position of indicators check operation of soot blowers mechanically



Blow fuel lines, check for cleanliness and connect burner piping



Dry refractories during initial firing by following manufacturer's temperature cycles


Purge, flush and drain steam mains as necessary


Obtain and charge treated water (per specifications) for boil out and initial operation as required



Commission auxiliaries as detailed elsewhere under the appropriate equipment type



Conduct boil out and chemical cleaning and flushing operations as required


Conduct initial light off with associated checks and adjustments



Conduct all operating tests and obtain required certification


2.13 Water Treating Plants





Inspect for completeness and correctness of installation and make any non-operating checks which may be required



Provide and install initial charge of ion exchange resins and inert bed material



Make the necessary operating tests and adjustments to water treatment systems



Provide all water treatment chemicals



Obtain services of water consultant to advise and monitor


2.14 Water Systems (Service wells, cooling towers, fire water, seawater systems, etc.) a.

Inspect for completeness and correctness of installations and make any non-operating checks required



Initially clean cooling tower basin and install screens in suction pit prior to water circulation



Test well delivery and flush well piping if wells are furnished by Contractor



Flush, drain and clean cooling water basins



Clean intake screens



Operate fire pumps to check output of systems



Fill reservoirs, head towers, etc.



Arrange for insurance company inspection of fire system as required



Obtain and install all fire fighting chemicals as required and portable equipment such as hoses, fire extinguishers and related equipment


2.15 Waste Disposal


Inspect facilities for completeness and correctness of installation and make any non-operating checks to ensure conformance with specifications


Operate all equipment and supply all chemicals, agents, etc. related to waste treatment



2.16 Buildings and Accessories a.

Check installation of any buildings and accessories including all heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment to ensure completeness and conformance with specifications



Obtain certification that all plumbing, wiring and elevator installation are in compliance with local governmental regulation



Test heating, ventilating and air-conditioning units and make all performance tests, if weather permits, otherwise by Owner



Obtain certificate for occupancy and use, if required


2.17 Insulation and Painting - Accounts N and R a.

Inspect and accept all materials and field workmanship


Complete all insulation work as specified



Complete all painting as specified, weather permitting



This work may extend beyond the date of mechanical completion.

Checklist for Preparation for Start-Up Table of Contents 1. General Procedures 2. Specific Procedures


1. General Procedures 1.1 Vendor and Service Assistance Contracto r a.

If deemed necessary by Contractor, obtain manufacturer's (vendor) assistance to ensure satisfactory installation of equipment



Obtain manufacturer's (vendor) assistance at Owner's expense if required requested by Owner for run in



1.2 Inspection a.

Provide inspection of the plant to check conformity to flow diagrams, construction drawings, vendor prints and specifications



Arrange for any special pre-start-up inspections such as required by insurance or governmental agencies


Perform routine shop inspection


Witness shop inspection as desired



Verify completion of work and approve plant. Check any exceptions and note on a separate work order list (punch list)




Note: Equipment which has been shop inspected will not be reopened for inspection in the field except as specifically noted herein.

1.3 Permits a.

Secure permits and certifications required in name of Contractor for design work or for erection work



Assist Owner at his expense in the procurement of all permits and certifications required to be secured in name of Owner for initial operation of the plant



Secure at Owner's expense all permits to be issued in


name of Owner and required for installation, use, occupancy and operation of the plant

1.4 Removal of Rust Preventatives a.

Remove rust preventatives and oils used to protect equipment during the construction period


1.5 Maintenance and Spare Parts a.

Protect equipment from normal weather conditions, corrosion or damage prior to plant mechanical completion



Provide Company with spare parts lists as recommended by vendors



Provide spare parts and supplies



Provide maintenance for equipment, including such items as the cleaning of strainers and the repairing of steam traps, after plant mechanical completion


1.6 Housekeeping a.

Provide construction clean up, including removal of excess materials, temporary facilities and scaffolding, rough sweeping or raking of job sites and trash pickup



Maintain housekeeping after mechanical completion as required for safe operation


1.7 Instructions a.

Transmit to Owner any vendors' or manufacturers' instructions and drawings, as applicable




Provide Owner with any special instructions, such as requirements for drying liners


Maintain vendor instruction file for ready retrieval



2. Specific Procedures 2.1 Electrical Power and Lighting Systems - Account E a.

Notify Owner of test schedule



Witness tests when notified and record test data if desired


Make insulation test of all wiring using a megohmmeter



Check lighting circuits and intensities



Make insulation tests of motor windings and of transformer windings from phase to phase, and phase to ground using a megohmmeter



Make grounding system tests to determine continuity of connections and value of resistance to ground



Arrange for breakdown tests by manufacturers on oil samples from oil-insulated transformers larger than 100 kVA. Check oil level of all transformers



Make trials and adjustments on all motor control and switchgear equipment



Test and set switchgear and motor control center relays for proper functioning



Obtain local inspector's/authority approval where required



Energize all substations after completion of all tests


Check phase sequence and polarity



Run electrical motors uncoupled



Check bearing, winding temperatures and vibration



Check installation of emergency and instrument power




systems p.

Perform all necessary pre-start up checks on generators in accordance with vendors instruction


Assume responsibility for maintenance and operation of energized electrical facilities after acceptance


Provide Owner with record of work completed




2.2 Instrument Systems - Account K a.

Make non-operating checks to ensure instrument operability, i.e. remove all shipping stops, check pointer travels and verify instrument capability to measure, operate and stroke in the direction and manner required by the process application



Field calibrate instruments with standard test equipment and make all required adjustments and control point settings



Fully pressurize and energize the transmitting and control signal system, open process connections at primary sensors and final regulators and make control mode settings for automatic operation of equipment as the plant is brought on stream



Install and connect all system components and verify their conformance with specifications and design criteria for function and range using dummy transmitted signals as needed



Clean all transmission and control tubing by blowing with cooled and filtered clean air prior to connecting to instrument components



Clean all air supply headers by blowing with clean air and check for tightness



Leak test pneumatic control circuits in accordance with ISA Recommended Practice RP 7,1



Check process lead piping for tightness



Check all electrical signals and alarm wiring for continuity, correct sources of power and polarity



Check thermocouples for proper joining of wires, position of elements in wells, proper polarity and continuity of receiving instruments



Identify orifice plates by tagging and deliver to Owner



Isolate, or remove, if necessary, inline components such as control valves, positive displacement meters, turbine meters, etc. for pressure testing and reinstall such items



Check bores of orifice plates


Install such plates after completion of flushing operations



Isolate or remove in-line components for flushing operations and reinstall them on the completion of such operations



Fill air line lubricators with oil supplied by Owner



Check designation and function of each isolator and fuse in electric systems



Check operation of automatic transfer systems, reset mechanisms, etc.



Loop check all instrumentation from field to control room.



Witness all loop checks


Clean gauge glasses and check illuminators



Stroke all control valves, on/off valves, lubricate as required



Check all analyzers, clean and flush lines to/from arrange for vendor representation for calibration of analyzers if required (e.g. chromatographs)



Test and adjust all safety devices and seals where necessary use vendor if required



Install all safety devices e.g. pressure relief valves after testing



Assume responsibility for maintenance and operation of all instrument facilities after acceptance




2.3 Piping - Account C a.

Hydrostatically or pneumatically test all piping as required by the drawings or specifications



Notify Owner of test schedule



Witness field pressure tests when notified by Contractor


Provide at owners expense any special media for test purposes and facilities for their disposal



Check pipehangers, supports, guides and pipe specialities for the removal of all shipping and erection stops, and for the correctness of cold settings for the design service. In addition, provide Owner with instructions for hot settings



Check pipehangers, supports, guides and pipe specialities for hot settings and make minor adjustments as necessary



Install carseals on valves where necessary



Check and record position of all carsealed valves



Check steam tracing for tightness and continuity (use steam when available) and check proper tagging of supply and returns



Install all strainers (temporary and permanent) spades and spectacle blinds as called for on drawings.



Waterflush and/or air-blow small bore piping



Carry out chemical cleaning as required per job specification



Operate steam and water systems for flushing, cleaning and tracing



Blowdown/clean steam lines with steam e.g. turbine inlets



Witness flushing and cleaning



Clean strainers after flushing and remove if warranted


Maintain records of blinds installed


Obtain Owner's approval and permits and make tie ins



as required by applicable specification s.

Isolate all systems to allow tie ins to be made


Remove blinds as required during start up


2.4 Towers - Account A 2.4.1 Shop-fabricated: a.

Install all internals not already installed in fabricating shop, including trays, caps, grids, demisters, internal piping, packing and linings



Inspect all internals



Make necessary corrections to internals, remove all debris and heavy dirt



Do chemical cleaning, if required


Do final flushing and make tightness tests



Perform necessary leakage tests on trays



Carry out final inspection and formally accept vessel, issue permit to close


Final close vessel




2.4.2 Field-Erected: a.

Supervise construction, code testing and installation of internals



Inspect all internals



Make final mechanical clean out



Perform necessary leakage tests on trays



Do chemical cleaning, if required



Do final flushing and tightness test



Carry out final inspection and formal accept vessel, issue permit to close



Final close vessel


2.5 Vessels - Account MR a.

Open after erection to place any internals requiring field installation and inspect at time of installation. Open external manways on vessels for inspection by Owner



Clean out debris, etc.



Witness inspections to the extent desired


Open after dry out and chemical cleaning and charge materials as chemicals, resins, desiccants and catalysts (procurement by Owner)


Hot bolt vessels after heat up



Final inspection, and formally accept vessel, issue permit to close if applicable



Note: When vessels have been subjected to a shop test, they will not be further tested in the field but may be included as part of a piping system test.

2.6 Tanks - Account M a.

Clean out debris, etc.



Carry out chemical cleaning as required by job specifications



Cure and dry out any special cement or protective linings in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and instructions


Test in accordance with applicable specs


Purge systems and charge chemicals as required




Final inspection, and formally accept vessel, issue permit to close if applicable


Close vessel



2.7 Shell and Tube Exchangers - Account T a.

If desired, field inspect exchangers which have been shop inspected



If desired, field test exchangers which have been subjected to a shop test



Hot bolt equipment after heat up


2.8 Air-cooled Exchangers - Account T a.

Inspect to ensure that temporary shipping supports and erection material have been removed. Check for damage



If desired, field test exchangers which have been subjected to a shop test


Couple fan to motor after motor has been run uncoupled



Test and balance fans as required. Check blade setting



Test louvers and controls of same



Final inspection and formally accept air cooler



2.9 Fired heaters - Account H a.

Pressure test in accordance with applicable code, as required



Provide all non-operating prefiring checks in accordance with specifications and manufacturers' instructions



Blow fuel lines, check for cleanliness, and connect burner


piping d.

Check proper functioning of registers and dampers, and verify position of indicators



Dry refractories during initial firing by following manufacturer's temperature cycles



Conduct boilout and chemical cleaning and flushing operations as required



Obtain and charge liquid heat transfer media, if required



Conduct light off, drying and purging operations


2.10 Pumps, Compressors and Turbine Drivers - Account P-PC a.

Level baseplates and sole plates and grout all bearing surfaces, cold align units and furnish record of alignment



Check for and remove any excess piping stresses which may be imposed on the equipment



Chemically clean the installation of any seal and lube oil system, if specified



Provide all lubricants required


Charge the lube and seal oil systems



Circulate for cleaning purposes any seal oil, lube oil and cooling systems



Make vibration tests when driver is coupled. Check temperatures



Install mechanical seals, permanent packing and accessories if required



Hot align pumps, and turbines etc., and dowel if required


Couple units to drivers after motors have been test run



Install temporary strainers in suction piping



Arrange for manufactures representatives to supervise erection and perform test on large compressors, turbines





Loop check auxiliaries on large equipment with vendor representatives


Witness all tests, checks and test-runs of large compressors and turbines.



2.11 Special Equipment - Account G (Agitators, mixers, rotary filters, weigh scales, materials handling equipment, vacuum equipment) a.

Fully assemble rotary filters except for final filter media (cloth or screens)



Install all final filter media (cloth, precoat, etc.)



Level and calibrate weigh scales with assistance of the manufacturer's representative and set tare weights where possible



Manually check materials handling equipment for freedom and direction of movement



Make all final adjustments during run in and any performance tests required


Obtain vendor's service engineer for start up



Test vacuum equipment, check all joints for leaks



2.12 Boilers - Account H a.

Make hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with applicable codes, if required by specifications



Inspect installation for completeness and correctness of installation and make other non-operating pre-firing checks in accordance with specifications and manufacturer's instructions



Check proper functioning of registers and dampers and verify position of indicators



Blow fuel lines, check for cleanliness and connect burner piping



Dry refractories during initial firing by following manufacturer's temperature cycles



Purge, flush and drain steam mains as necessary



Obtain and charge treated water (per specifications) for boil out and initial operation as required



Commission auxiliaries as detailed elsewhere under the appropriate equipment type


Conduct boil out and chemical cleaning and flushing operations as required



Conduct initial light off with associated checks and adjustments



Conduct all operating tests and obtain required certification



2.13 Water Treating Plants a.

Inspect for completeness and correctness of installation and make any non-operating checks which may be required



Install initial charge of ion exchange resins and inert bed material (supply by Owner)



Make the necessary operating tests and adjustments to water treatment systems



Provide all water treatment chemicals



Obtain services of water consultant to advise and monitor


2.14 Water Systems (Service wells, cooling towers, fire water, seawater systems, etc.) a.

Inspect for completeness and correctness of installations and make any non-operating checks required



Initially clean cooling tower basin and install screens in


suction pit prior to water circulation c.

Test well delivery and flush well piping if wells are furnished by Contractor



Flush, drain and clean cooling water basins



Clean intake screens



Operate fire pumps to check output of systems



Fill reservoirs, head towers, etc.



Arrange for insurance company inspection of fire system as required



Obtain and install all fire fighting chemicals as required and portable equipment such as hoses, fire extinguishers and related equipment



Establish water treating program


2.15 Waste Disposal a.

Inspect facilities for completeness and correctness of installation and make any non-operating checks to ensure conformance with specifications


Operate all equipment and supply all chemicals, agents, etc. related to waste treatment



2.16 Buildings and Accessories a.

Check installation of any buildings and accessories including all heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment to ensure completeness and conformance with specifications



Obtain certification that all plumbing, wiring and elevator installation are in compliance with local governmental regulation



Test heating, ventilating and air-conditioning units and make all performance tests, if weather permits,


otherwise by Owner d.

Obtain certificate for occupancy and use, if required


2.17 Insulation and Painting - Accounts N and R a.

Inspect and accept all materials and field workmanship



Complete all insulation work as specified



Complete all painting as specified, weather permitting



This work may extend beyond the date of start up.

Environmental, Health and Safety Policy, Safety Rules and Site Regulations Table of contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

General Safety Policy Responsibility and Authority Site Rules and Regulations Reporting Safe Practice Rules Fire Prevention First Aid Arrangements Security

1. General This document is to provide information to SUBCONTRACTOR for executing the WORK. It gives minimum requirements and may be augmented by Company to give additional requirements that are specific to a certain location or OWNER. It does not release SUBCONTRACTOR in any way from his obligation to observe the applicable legal regulations and requirements. Key words are as defined in the General Conditions of Subcontract. Such words are shown in capitals.

2. Safety Policy 2.1 Introduction It is Company's policy to ensure that each person at the SITE works in a safe and healthful environment. It is Company's objective to have an accident-free SITE. To accomplish this, Company has their own Safety, Health, Welfare and Environmental (SHWE) Program. The purpose of Company's Safety Program is primarily preventive. Company aims to provide a work environment in which accidents cannot happen. Conditions which may cause accidents must be located and corrected in a timely way in order to accomplish this aim. SUBCONTRACTOR shall prepare his own Safety Plan for the WORK which, as a minimum, shall cover the requirements as specified in this document. SUBCONTRACTOR's Safety Plan shall also cover any specific safety items which are related to the type of WORK which SUBCONTRACTOR is executing. SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit his Safety Plan to Company for approval. When necessary Company will augment SUBCONTRACTOR's Safety Plan from their own Safety Plan for the WORK. Written safety programs do not always cover a specific work operation. It is expected that SUBCONTRACTOR will consult with Company regarding safety aspects of all nonstandard operations and shall perform work location and hazard analysis. In the final analysis, a common sense approach on the part of everyone concerned is the best asset in achieving an accident-free SITE.

3. Responsibility and Authority 3.1 Safety Management

Company's SITE Safety Management along with the Safety Representative nominated by SUBCONTRACTOR have responsibility in providing management with the necessary services and guidance relating to an effective Safety, Health, Welfare and Environmental Program. 3.2 Line Management Construction line management at the SITE level is the key to safe working conditions and must bear the principal responsibility for safety. SUBCONTRACTOR must see that his line management is properly aware of this responsibility. 3.3 Craft Labor SUBCONTRACTOR must communicate all SHWE requirements to his personnel. SUBCONTRACTOR shall ensure that this communication is done in a language which is understandable for his personnel at SITE. This must be done through an induction program on arrival at SITE, through regular toolbox meetings and through daily communication between craft supervision and craft personnel. 3.4 Authority 3.4.1 Company expects that SUBCONTRACTOR will give his line management full authority to correct an unsafe condition. SUBCONTRACTOR's safety personnel shall have authority to stop work and direct remedial action relative to an unsafe condition. 3.4.2 Similarly, Company management and safety personnel have authority to stop SUBCONTRACTOR's work and direct remedial action. 3.5 Safety Meetings SUBCONTRACTOR shall be properly represented in all safety meetings. Normally such representation shall consist of SUBCONTRACTOR's Site Manager and its Safety Representative, as required.

4. Site Rules and Regulations 4.1 Introduction The rules and regulations included in this section shall be strictly followed by SUBCONTRACTOR and all personnel on SITE. 4.2 Personnel Control 4.2.1 Daily Force Reports

A complete list of all SUBCONTRACTOR personnel present on SITE must be in Company's possession by 09.00 hours each work day. 4.2.2 Head Counts Company may make head counts of SUBCONTRACTOR's personnel on SITE on a regular basis and SUBCONTRACTOR's Timekeeping Department shall cooperate with Company in properly correlating head counts with SUBCONTRACTOR's daily force reports and time books if necessary. 4.2.3 Discipline All personnel are expected to behave in an orderly fashion and observe all the rules and regulations laid down herein or issued otherwise by Company or other recognized authority. SUBCONTRACTOR is expected to properly discipline those persons who do not act properly. 4.2.4 Restricted Areas Various areas of the SITE may be designated from time to time as restricted for some reason. Notices of these areas will be issued by Company in writing. All personnel are expected to observe the conditions laid down in these notices. 4.2.5 Traffic The applicable traffic rules and regulations with respect to driving on the SITE, shall be strictly adhered to. National or OWNER rules and regulations may be augmented by Company to suit circumstances at SITE. 4.2.6 Contact Person Outside Normal Working Hours SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit a list of names and telephone numbers of persons to be contacted in case of accident or emergency outside normal working hours. 4.3 Control of Construction Equipment 4.3.1 On a weekly basis, SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish to Company a list showing number and type of all CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT utilized on SITE. 4.3.2 SUBCONTRACTOR shall maintain an inspection schedule for his CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. 4.3.3 Rules applicable to equipment deployment and traffic control will be issued by Company to suit conditions of the particular SITE and location. 4.4 Subcontractor Area 4.4.1 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide a plan to Company for approval showing how the area allotted to SUBCONTRACTOR for TEMPORARY FACILITIES will be utilized. 4.4.2 SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish adequate change room facilities for his personnel. With Company's approval, eating facilities may also be furnished. The TEMPORARY

FACILITIES shall be maintained in accordance with the highest standard of cleanliness and hygiene. The eating facilities shall be open at times approved by Company. 4.4.3 Lodging facilities are not permitted on SITE. 4.4.4 Parking areas will be designated by Company. Rules applicable to control of company and personal vehicles will be issued by Company. 4.4.5 Company and OWNER's staff will have free access at any time to any building or area of the SUBCONTRACTOR at SITE. 4.5 Personal Protective Clothing, Safety Gear and Equipment Hard hats and safety shoes shall be worn at all times by all personnel on SITE, except in the office. Other protective gear, such as gloves, safety glasses, goggles, face shields, ear protection, toe guards and safety belts and respiratory equipment, shall be issued by SUBCONTRACTOR and shall be used when required. Additional safety devices may be required for certain activities or areas. 4.6 Emergency Procedures 4.6.1 Company shall issue instructions which are SITE specific, setting up procedures for warnings of emergency, evacuation arrangements, communication arrangements and responsibilities for action in an emergency. 4.7 Miscellaneous Regulations and Rules of Conduct 4.7.1 Gambling on SITE is forbidden. 4.7.2 Possession or carrying of weapons or firearms on SITE is prohibited. 4.7.3 Selling, advertisement, promotion and distribution on SITE of newspapers, leaflets or other material of a political, religious, immoral or subversive nature is forbidden. 4.7.4 Erection of any type of signboard or publicity poster on or adjacent to the SITE is subject to Company's approval. 4.7.5 Taking photographs or motion pictures on SITE is forbidden. Cameras are to be left at the gatehouse. 4.7.6 It is forbidden to make or repair items for private purposes on SITE. 4.7.7 Any general assembly on SITE except for properly authorized meetings is prohibited. 4.7.8 Animals are not allowed on SITE. 4.7.9 Personnel piracy is not allowed. SUBCONTRACTOR shall respect employment agreements of others.

4.7.10 All personnel on SITE are required to conform to the following minimum rules of conduct relating to safety while on the SITE and while away from the SITE in performing work duties. 4.7.11 All personnel on SITE shall wear clothing appropriate to their individual work assignments in accordance with normal work dress standards. Excessively loose, severely torn clothing and ties shall not be worn by personnel whose work exposes them to rotating or reciprocating equipment, such as pipe machines or mechanical hack saws, band saws, table saws etc. "Tank top" shirts, short sleeve shirts and leisurewear shorts are prohibited. Nylon/synthetic clothing shall not be worn when working with or exposed to flammable or volatile substances. 4.7.12 Selling or possessing drugs or intoxicants and alcoholic beverages on the SITE are prohibited. Any person whose actions and demeanor show symptoms of possible narcosis or drunkenness shall be removed from the SITE. 4.7.13 Indulgence in practical jokes, horseplay, scuffling, wrestling or fighting on SITE is forbidden. 4.7.14 Destroying or tampering with safety devices, signs and signals, or the willful and unnecessary discharging of fire extinguishers is prohibited. 4.7.15 Sleeping on the SITE is prohibited. 4.7.16 Smoking on the SITE within areas posted with "No Smoking" signs is prohibited. The carrying of strike-anywhere matches and coverless cigarette lighters is forbidden in areas where such items are prohibited. 4.7.17 Unauthorized operation of powered construction equipment is prohibited. Vehicle drivers shall have a valid vehicle operator's permit. Equipment operators shall have successfully demonstrated that they are able to operate the equipment. 4.7.18 Insubordination toward any supervisor or management personnel in respect to the carrying out of properly issued instructions or orders for safety and health purposes shall be sufficient cause for initiating disciplinary action. 4.8 Housekeeping Rules SUBCONTRACTOR shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the SITE and the TEMPORARY FACILITIES are maintained in a safe, clean, healthy and sanitary condition and that the environment is preserved. Rules of cleanliness and orderliness shall be enforced amongst all personnel working at the SITE. Contaminated soil, waste, refuse and scrap while on SITE shall all be properly stored in suitable containers and/or at areas designated and must be moved off SITE at regular intervals so as not to create a danger to personnel and/or the environment. Government/legal requirements in this respect shall be adhered to. Trucks carrying such material are subject to the same regulations as other vehicles relative to permits for removing material from SITE. In lunch areas, all trash and scrap food shall be discarded in containers placed in the lunch area for that purpose. Beverages in glass bottles are prohibited. Only thermos, paper, metal or plastic containers/bottles and cups and the like may be used.

Roads and walkways shall be maintained clean and every effort shall be made to keep mud, slush and other slippery substances off roads and walkways. Electrical extension cables and welding cables, water and air hoses shall be placed where they cannot be damaged, and where they cannot cause damage or injury. If placed in roadways or pipeways, the cables and hoses shall be placed in a protected trough or be suspended above the road or pavement surface. In roadways, the height shall be at least 6 meters; in pipeways, 2 meters. Excess cables, hoses, etc. are to be removed and cleared away each day. Spilled oil, grease and other slippery substances shall be cleaned up immediately, temporarily isolated until cleaned up or sprinkled with enough dirt or sand to absorb the material and to eliminate slipperiness. SUBCONTRACTOR shall keep a record of chemicals in use or stored on the SITE and indicate potential hazards and exposure limits as well as protective clothing/equipment necessary, fire prevention and first aid requirements. The record shall include chemicals used for passivation, cleaning, pickling, adhesives, epoxy resins and man-made fibres. All chemical containers shall be properly labelled and spillage and/or disposal in the environment must be prevented and, if occurred, reported to Company immediately. MATERIALS and CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT not being used shall be stored safely in such a way that they will not obstruct other SITE activities.

5. Reporting 5.1 Reporting Injuries and Accidents Reporting shall be done by SUBCONTRACTOR in line with Company's instructions for reporting and record keeping of occupational injuries and illnesses. Each occupational injury and illness shall be reported promptly to SUBCONTRACTOR's safety representative and to Company in order to ensure that proper and adequate first aid or medical attention is obtained. Occupational injuries and illnesses, the first symptoms of which become evident after completion of the working day, shall be reported to SUBCONTRACTOR's safety representative and to Company at the start of the next regularly scheduled working day. All accidents in which SUBCONTRACTOR's employees are involved or which result in injury or illness to one or more employees of another SUBCONTRACTOR, or other persons, such as a private vehicle driver, passenger or pedestrian or a SITE visitor, shall be reported promptly to SUBCONTRACTOR's safety representative and to Company. All accidents which result in damage to any constructed or partially constructed facility, or to CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT or private property, shall be reported promptly to SUBCONTRACTOR's safety representative and to Company. 5.2. Reporting Unsafe or Hazardous Conditions

Any unsafe or hazardous condition shall be promptly reported to SUBCONTRACTOR's safety representative and to Company, so that timely corrective action can be taken to prevent injuries or damage. 5.3. Reporting "Near Miss" Situations Any "near miss" situation, which shall be deemed a dangerous occurrence, shall be promptly reported to SUBCONTRACTOR's safety representative and to Company, so that action can be taken to avoid such accidents in the future. A definition of a dangerous occurrence is an unplanned event which has no detrimental end result but could easily have so resulted. When a dangerous occurrence is reported an investigation must be undertaken by the SUBCONTRACTOR who committed the offence and a report submitted to Company. The investigation must find out why the occurrence happened and what measures will be undertaken to ensure that it does not happen again with disastrous results. The Company Safety Engineer will ensure that all dangerous occurrences are discussed at safety meetings. SUBCONTRACTOR must ensure that such occurrences are discussed during "toolbox" meetings.

6. Safe Practice Rules 6.1 Machinery and Tool Guards Machinery and tool guards are provided for protection against revolving or reciprocating parts. These guards shall be in place before the machine or tool is used and shall not be removed or made inoperative. 6.2 Scaffolds 6.2.1 Scaffolds shall be made of materials and constructed as approved by Labor Inspection/applicable authority. Scaffolds shall be substantially constructed to carry the loads imposed upon them and to provide safe work platforms. All scaffolds shall have approved guard rails on all exposed ends and sides. Toe boards and screens shall be provided on all scaffolds. Toe boards shall have a minimum height of 15 cm. Scaffolds shall be plumb and level at all times. In erecting scaffolds prescribed (manufacturer or local authority code) base width and height relation must be taken into account. Barrels, boxes and other makeshift substitutes for scaffolds shall not be used. Scaffolds shall not be used as hoisting towers or to support pipe or equipment. Scaffold planks shall be no less than 5 cm thick x 20 cm wide (nominal scaffold grade). Platforms shall be no less than 60 cm wide. All platform planks shall be secured to prevent displacement; if nailed, single headed nails shall be used only. Planking shall not be painted: this conceals defects.

Sectional mobile scaffolds to be constructed shall conform to manufacturers guidelines. All mobile scaffolds shall be properly secured when being used and wheel brakes must be locked. Scaffolds shall be secured as a minimum every 6 meters vertically and every 10 meters horizontally. Sufficient sills or underpinning shall be provided for scaffolds erected on filled or otherwise soft ground. All scaffolds shall be provided with a handrailing ca. 1 m above the floor and with a rail in between at ca. 0,50 m above the floor. Climbing up or down a scaffold on braces or ledgers is forbidden. An easily accessible scaffold ladder shall always be provided to each level of the scaffold. Loose tools or materials on scaffold platforms shall be secured by wire or fiber rope or shall be placed in secured containers. Storage of materials on scaffolding floors shall be kept to a minimum and scaffolding floors shall be cleaned regularly. Work from a scaffold by standing on railings or braces is forbidden. Personnel on suspended scaffolds, performing welding or flame cutting must be careful not to burn the cables. Personnel working on suspended scaffolds shall wear an approved safety belt attached by a lifeline to a permanent portion of the structure. They shall tie off before getting on the suspended scaffolds. Suspended scaffolds shall be carefully inspected, including the cables by which they are suspended. Each scaffold shall be inspected before it is released for use. An inspection control tag shall be attached to the scaffold by the approved responsible subcontractor duly approved by the Company Safety Engineer. All scaffolds shall be inspected at regular intervals. 6.3 Ladders Ladders shall be made of materials and constructed as approved by Labor Inspection/applicable authority. Use of wooden ladders must be specifically approved by the SUBCONTRACTOR's Safety Representative. Portable straight or extension ladders shall be placed at a safe angle and shall be secured to prevent displacement; the top of each ladder, giving access to a work area or platform, shall extend at least 1 meter above that level. Metal ladders shall not be used in proximity to non-insulated electrically energized lines or equipment. Personnel shall have both hands free when climbing or descending a ladder. No tools, material, nor any other objects shall be handcarried by the personnel while on the ladder. 6.4 Excavations and Trenches Where personnel is working in a trench 1.5 meters deep or more, there shall be one or more ladders placed in the trench to provide routine and emergency exit from the bottom to the top edge of the trench. Ladders shall be placed at every 15 meters.

Excavations and trenches 1.5 meters or more in depth and located in unstable or soft ground, shall be shored or sloped in an approved manner. Trenches deeper than 1.2 meters and less than 0.65 meter wide shall be classified as an enclosed area and require a work permit. Trenches in hard compact material shall be shored or otherwise protected when 2 meters or more deep and 3 meters or more long. Sides of trenches may be sloped in lieu of shoring but the slope may not be steeper than one meter rise for each one-half meter horizontal. No material shall be stored closer than 1 meter from the edge of a trench or excavation; this includes the spoil bank, if any. Barricades, handrails, signals or other appropriate warning devices to protect personnel from any hazardous operation or excavation shall be provided. Open trenches, excavations etc. shall be covered when handrails or barricades do not provide adequate protection. All excavations shall be illuminated at night with approved amber lights. These shall be explosion-proof, transistorized flashing beacons of approved safety type. Excavations and trenches shall be inspected daily by a competent person. If there is evidence of slides or cave-ins, all work in the exposed area shall cease until necessary precautions have been taken for the protection of personnel. Exploratory holes shall be dug by hand in all areas where known or suspected underground cables or pipes are located. Machine excavation closer than 1 meter to any underground cable or pipe is forbidden. 6.5 Floor Openings, Holes and Edges Floor openings or holes shall be protected by approved guard rails or covers. If covers are used, they shall be strong enough to support the loads to be imposed upon them and shall be secured to prevent accidental displacement. All work areas, walkways, floors, platforms etc. elevated 1 meter or more shall be guarded by approved guardrails/barricades properly secured to prevent accidental displacement. Ladderway floor openings or platforms shall be guarded by standard railings with toe boards on all exposed sides, except at entrance to opening where a gate should be provided or so arranged that a person cannot walk directly into the opening. Hatchways and floor openings shall be guarded by railing and toe boards on exposed sides when the hole is open and a hinged cover of standard strength used when the hole is not in use. If the openings are not used, they shall be covered with materials of adequate strength.

Where doors or gates open directly on a stairway, a platform shall be provided and the swing of the door shall not reduce the effective width of the platform to less than 0.5 meter. 6.6 Wall Openings Wall openings, from which there is a drop of more than 1 meter, shall be guarded as follows: 1. When the height and location of the opening in relation to the working surface is such that a standard rail and midrail will effectively reduce the danger of falling, both shall be provided. 2. The bottom of the wall opening shall be protected by a standard toe board or an enclosing screen. An extension platform outside a wall opening, onto which materials can be hoisted for further handling, shall have side rails or equivalent guards. One side of the extension platform may have removable railings in order to facilitate handling materials. 6.7 Stairways Each flight of stairs having four or more risers shall be equipped with handrails. Stairways shall have stair railing on each side. Stairways shall be free of hazardous projections, such as protruding nails. Debris and other loose material shall not be allowed on or under stairways. Slippery conditions on stairways shall be eliminated immediately after they occur. All stairways must be well lit. Riser height and tread width shall be uniform throughout any flight of stairs, including any foundation structure used as one or more treads of the stairs. Spiral stairways shall not be permitted except for special limited usage and secondary access situations where it is not practical to provide a conventional stairway. 6.8 Hand Tools Worn or broken hand tools shall be turned in for repair or replacement. A dull or broken tool is unsafe. Hand tools shall be used for their intended purpose only. The design capacity of hand tools shall not be exceeded by unauthorized attachments. 6.9 Power Tools Electrically powered tools and equipment shall be of double insulated quality and shall conform to the applicable standards/norms. Air hose connections shall be secured to prevent whipping in the event of accidental separation. Operating switches or levers requiring constant pressure for operation, shall not be tampered with to make the tool operate without constant hand or finger pressure.

The maximum speed at which grinding wheels shall be used shall equal or be less than the manufacturer's rated maximum speed for the wheel. Safety glasses shall be worn by the operator and shall be of an approved type. 6.10 Explosive Actuated Tools Only authorized and properly trained personnel may use explosive actuated tools; all such tools shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and applicable regulations. 6.11 Electrical Extension Cords Only approved types of electrical extension cords shall be used; they shall be properly grounded. Damaged or inoperative cords shall be immediately repaired or replaced. 6.12 Work on Electrical Installations Work on electrical installations shall only be executed by qualified and authorized personnel. All electrical equipment shall be de-energized before the work may start. Metal ladders shall not be used in proximity of non-insulated electrically energized lines or equipment. All temporary electric power lines shall be handled as if they are energized. 6.13 Welding 6.13.1 Electrical Welding Welding cable shall be connected in an approved manner. There shall be no exposed metal parts in any splice. Welding cable shall be inspected regularly. Splices shall be avoided. The ground cable shall be attached as close as possible to the work piece by means of a clamp. The ground cable shall not be attached to an existing installation or apparatus. Welding of the ground cable is forbidden. No concrete reinforcing shall be used for grounding purpose. Welding equipment shall be installed so that it can be seen by the welder during welding activities. Welding equipment may not be placed in the path of falling sparks. Cables shall be kept clear from passage ways, ladders and stairs. When subject to damage, cables shall be protected by suitable covers. When not in use, diesel welding machines, generators and transformers shall be switched off. When in use, they shall be protected by suitable covers. Refueling operations shall be done with the machine turned off. Hot electrode holders shall not be dipped in water. This may expose the welder to electrical shock. Welding equipment shall be inspected regularly.

6.13.2 Gas Welding and Burning Welding or cutting torches and hoses shall not be connected to cylinders when stored. Cylinders shall not be placed in containers or buildings. When work is stopped and equipment is unattended, all valves at the gas and oxygen cylinders shall be closed. The hoses shall be bled and a check shall be made five minutes later for possible pressure build-up. Torches shall be removed from the hoses prior to putting them into the tool box. Smoking will not be permitted during this stopping procedure. Special care shall be taken during overhead cutting and welding operations to safeguard and prevent falling sparks from starting a fire. Warning signs shall be posted around and at each level below the area of each overhead welding or burning operation. Fire extinguishers shall be available and fire blankets shall be used for protection. When welding or cutting, adequate ventilation must be furnished. Hoses shall be kept clear from passage ways, ladders and stairs. When hoses are subject to damage, they shall be properly protected. Hoses shall be inspected regularly. The use of full or empty cylinders as supporting elements for welding activities is forbidden. 6.14 Compressed Gas Cylinders Compressed gas cylinders shall be upright when in use, secured to prevent falling, and protected from flame and extreme heat and from being struck by moving equipment and falling objects. Special wrenches must be in place. If transported by crane, hoist or derrick, compressed gas cylinders shall be handled in a suitable cradle, net or skip box, never by wire or fiber rope, web or chain sling, nor by dragging. Regulators shall be removed and protective valve caps placed. Oxygen cylinders may never be stored near highly combustible materials, especially oil and grease, or near compressed fuel gas cylinders. Oxygen and fuel gas cylinders in storage shall be separated by a distance of 6 meters or by a wall 2 meters high made of fire-resistant material. Caps shall be replaced on cylinders that are empty, and such cylinders shall be stored separately in a section clearly designated for empty cylinders. Gas and oxygen cylinders shall not be taken into confined spaces. Gas and oxygen cylinders shall not be placed on scaffolding. Check valves shall be used immediately behind the reducing vent on acetylene cylinders. Gas and oxygen cylinders shall only be used when secured on a cylinder carrier. Loose cylinders shall never be used. 6.15 Explosion and Gas Hazards

No work involving a source of ignition shall be attempted near any pit, manhole, open sewer, drain vent, pipe trench or any enclosed space where there is reason to believe that flammable vapors may be present, until tests have been made with an approved hydrocarbon vapor detector and oxygen detector. When said tests indicate the atmosphere is safe, work may proceed. At locations similar to the ones above, where there is reason to believe that toxic gas may be present, similar tests with an approved toxic gas detector and oxygen detector shall be made. No work shall be performed in the location until said tests indicate toxic gas concentrations lower than the maximum permissible. 6.16 Fueling Equipment No gasoline or diesel engine shall be fueled while it is running. If fuel cans are used for refueling, they shall be approved metal safety fuel cans with a flash arresting screen, spring closing lid and spout cover that will safely relieve internal pressure if the can is exposed to fire. There shall be no smoking or open flames within 8 meters of fuel storage tanks, fuel pumps or refueling operations. All fuel storage tanks shall be properly grounded in an approved manner; such electrical grounds shall not be removed without authorization. 6.17 Vehicle Operation Each vehicle driver and operator of rubber-tired construction equipment shall comply with job speed limits and traffic control procedures. No vehicle with an obstructed view shall be backed up unless it is equipped with an operating back-up alarm signal that is audible above the surrounding noise or unless an observer signals that it is safe to do so. 6.18 Crane Operation All cranes and lifting equipment shall have a valid crane certificate before entering the work site. The equipment shall be inspected as required by law on a regular basis and a valid crane certificate shall be in SUBCONTRACTOR's possession at all times the equipment is on the site. A copy of inspection reports shall be submitted to Company's Safety Engineer. Outriggers shall be used at all times, except when the crane is travelling. If the crane is provided with a load, every reasonable effort shall be made to keep the outriggers extended as far as is practical. Hand signals to crane and derrick operators shall be those prescribed by the applicable standards for the type of crane in use. The use of two way radio is advocated. Overhead electrical lines within the work area shall be marked with warning signs, 1.5 to 2 meters above the ground. Rigging and boom changes shall be made by a competent mechanic under the supervision of a qualified supervisor.

Loose material shall not to be lifted other than in approved skip boxes. All loads shall be verified as to the weight prior to being lifted. No load shall be lifted which exceeds the manufacturer's rated capacity of the crane. When one of the following conditions exists, SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit a safety plan and calculations for the lift to Company prior to starting the lift. a. The lift requires stopping operations within an area around the load and crane. b.Two booms are required to make the lift. c. Poles or derricks have been erected for the specific lift. d. Heavy and/or critical lifts at Company's discretion. When mobile equipment is used near overhead power lines or bus bars, safe working distances shall be observed. Electrical shielding of power lines shall be executed when minimum clearance distances cannot be maintained. The use of "TATTLETALES" is recommended to mark safe clearances. The Company Safety Engineer shall be informed before work is started near these lines. Adequate protection for underground cables and/or pipelines shall be provided. When crossing underground cables and/or pipelines with heavy equipment and/or loads, adequate mats or steel plates shall be used to prevent damage. During hoisting operations, the load shall be controlled from the ground by means of one or more ropes, "tag lines" to prevent the load from turning or swinging. The operator shall be able to observe the load continually during lifting. Mirrors shall be provided whenever necessary to give full observation. Operators of lifting equipment shall do the following at the end of the workday: a. Put down the load. b. Lift the hook (put down dragline bucket). c. Switch off motors, disconnect tension. d. Close cabins and make operating equipment inaccessible for unauthorized people. e. Take all necessary measures to safeguard the engine and boom at the end of the shift. f. Cranes shall boom down, where possible or secure the load line at the end of the shift. All slings and lifting cables shall be certified in accordance with legal regulations and inspected on a scheduled basis with faulty slings and cables being destroyed. 6.19 Man Baskets and Boatswain's Chairs

The use of man baskets and boatswain's chairs shall only be permitted when all other avenues to safely perform the work (scaffolds, ladders) have been exhausted. The use of these devices shall be in strict accordance with all legal regulations. Personnel using these devices shall be protected by a safety belt and a lifeline. Man baskets and boatswain's chairs shall be visible to crane or rig operators at all times. 6.20 Work with Ionizing Radiation All work involving ionizing radiation shall be executed in strict accordance with all legal regulations and ICRP requirements regarding the use, storage and transport of radiation sources. Ionizing radiation work may only be executed when a valid work permit is available. A minimum of 2 qualified persons are required for each activity involving ionizing radiation. Adequate warning signs shall be posted on barricades and the work area shall be marked off at safe distance with plastic tape prior to starting work involving ionizing radiation. No radio-active material shall be left unattended unless stored in the designated storage place. Personnel executing radiation activities shall carry radiation metering devices at all times. These devices shall be calibrated at regular intervals. While not in use radiation sources and their container shall be stored in a safe location. Adequate warning signs shall be placed around the storage area. For permanent sources to be mounted in erected equipment, storage facilities will have to be created according to ICRP requirements. A competent person shall be nominated. 6.21 Work with Asbestos Materials Materials containing asbestos have been condemned worldwide. No materials containing asbestos fibers must be used. When working in or on existing installations there could still be some equipment/material in situ which contains asbestos fibers. When working on such equipment/ material, utmost care must be taken to ensure that dust containing these fibers is kept localized and to a minimum density. Local health regulations relative to asbestos must be adhered to. A guide to protect personnel executing work involving asbestos is stated below:      

create changing facilities with showers in between a "clean" area and the work area. Each person must shower himself prior to entering the "clean" area; wear a minimum of clothing under disposable overalls; discard disposable overalls each time one leaves the contaminated area; wrist and ankle openings must be taped off around rubber boots and gloves; full face gas mask with appropriate filter must be worn over the overall hood; when removal of contaminated material is completed, all dust must be sucked up with an industrial vacuum cleaner with inner bag. Waste material inclusive of

overalls, gloves, boots and filter cartridges must be placed in plastic bags and clearly marked "asbestos waste"; plastic bags are to be disposed off according to local regulations and requirements.

6.22 Work in Enclosed Areas The following general requirements must be adhered to when work has to be executed in an enclosed area:  a valid work permit is required;  sufficient temporary lighting shall be provided;  all electrical supply shall be low voltage;  safe access into and from the enclosed area shall be provided and shall be free of obstructions;  an evacuation procedure shall be available;  hoses for welding and burning shall be tested on leakage before entering into an enclosed area;  a charged firewater hose or fire extinguisher shall be located at every hot work position within the space and on the outside access platform near the manway;  adequate ventilation has to be provided and oxygen levels have to be checked at regular intervals;  a person shall be stand-by at the entrance (e.g. manway) during the whole period that activities in the enclosed area are executed;  the permit conditions shall be strictly adhered to. 6.23 Blast Cleaning Blast cleaning shall not be performed without the work being covered by a written procedure and categorized as "hot work". Blasting material shall not contain sand or any form of silica. Blast cleaning areas shall be isolated/demarcated in order to prevent dust grit or debris to spread and affect other areas. The required precautions against electrostatic discharges must be specified and shall include earthing of the blasting equipment and all other equipment in the area, including scaffolding.

7. Fire Prevention 7.1 Introduction This section covers Company's requirements for fire prevention. SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide fire prevention facilities and shall make fire prevention arrangements on the basis of these requirements. 7.2 Fire Reporting a. the person discovering a fire shall alert all personnel in the immediate vicinity and shall immediately thereafter follow the published instructions relative to reporting fires;

b. the emergency phone number(s) for reporting fires are to be prominently displayed. 7.3 Supervision of Fires When a fire occurs, the nearest supervisor shall be responsible for all immediate fire suppression or control WORK until relieved by appointed/authorized personnel. 7.4 Fire Extinguishers 7.4.1 The location of fire extinguishers shall be known to all personnel. 7.4.2 Tags shall be used to indicate condition and date of inspection of fire extinguishers. Damaged, malfunctioning or empty fire extinguishers shall be repaired or refilled in a timely manner. 7.4.3 Fire Extinguisher DistributionThe location of permanently mounted fire extinguishers shall be clearly marked and free access maintained. They shall not be transferred from established locations. Fire extinguishers, suitable for the various classes of fire and with a content of at least 9 kg powder, shall be located as follows: a. Portable or permanently mounted fire extinguishers shall be available throughout the SITE within 15 meters of any ongoing work involving welding, burning or use of open flames. b. At least one permanently mounted fire extinguisher shall be provided in each building, preferably near a door, and additional fire extinguishers mounted as required to have one within 30 meters of any point inside the building. c. Each item of industrial mobile equipment, including all welding machines, having diesel or gasoline engines, shall have a permanently attached mounted extinguisher. d. At fuel or combustible material storage areas, extinguishers shall be located within 15 meters of any point on the perimeter of the stored material. In addition, these areas are to be fenced in, identified with signs restricting and prohibiting vehicle access, fire ignition sources and smoking. Aisle fire breaks shall be provided whenever combustible materials are stored. e. A "BCF" fire extinguisher shall be mounted at each large electrical installation, such as a substation, transformer, generator or motor control center. f. Regardless of the minimum number of fire extinguishers determined to be necessary, additional extinguishers shall be placed adjacent to scattered or widely separated hazards, welding shops, gasoline dispensing points, store rooms, fuel areas, and construction areas. Extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged and operable condition, and kept in their designated places at all times when not in use. 7.5 Housekeeping The following rules must be followed:

a. the storage of combustible materials under stairways or in attic crawl spaces is prohibited; b. all combustible waste material shall be removed from building interiors at the end of each shift, and placed in waste receptacles located at least 2 meters away from any structure; c. the accumulation of waste materials in out-of-the-way places, such as shelves, closets, bins, cabinets or other spaces, is prohibited; d. the storage of any materials against the exterior of buildings is prohibited; e. waste material receptacles shall be placed 3 meters away from any structure; f. areas around and routes to fire doors, exits, stairways, fire hydrants, monitors or fire extinguishers shall be kept free and clear of obstruction; g. clothing or rags soiled with oil or paint, and mops treated with oil, shall be stored in metal lockers that do not contain other combustible materials; h. outside storage areas and grounds around structures shall be kept free and clear of weed and debris accumulations; i. lint, fluff and dust accumulation in shops and similar locations shall be removed from all surfaces at least once each week; j. flammable liquid spills shall be immediately cleaned from floors, ground, equipment and drip pans. 7.6 Smoking and Open Flames The following rules must be followed: a. "No Smoking" signs shall be strictly observed; b. when smoking is not permitted except in specially designated smoking areas, adequate noncombustible commercial type ashtrays or butt cans shall be provided in these areas; c. receptacles for discarded smoking materials shall be provided at the entrances to areas where smoking is prohibited; d. ashtrays and other receptacles provided for smoking material shall not be emptied into containers of combustible materials; e. fire created for disposal of trash shall not be permitted without the prior approval of Company; f. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted and smoking shall not be permitted at the following locations:

1. locations subject to release of flammable vapors; 2. interior and exterior storage areas for flammable liquid, supply rooms, fuel oil storage and handling areas; 3. motor vehicle, woodworking, technical maintenance shop, garages and other locations; 4. battery rooms, valve pits, attics or crawl spaces. 7.7 Flammable Liquid Storage The following rules must be followed: a. Flammable liquids shall not be stored or dispensed in buildings or places of public assembly, general warehouses and/or in buildings containing sources of ignition, such as space heaters, cooking devices, open electric motors, motor vehicles or where welding or cutting or power generation operations are conducted. b. Inside storage of flammable liquids shall be confined to isolated fire resistant buildings, except that small quantities in approved sealed containers may be kept in medical facilities where they are required. These supplies will be stored in well-ventilated metal cabinets when not in use. c. Gasoline, acetone, alcohol, naphtha and benzene shall not be used for kindling fires or as a solvent for cleaning clothes, tools, equipment or exterior of buildings. Only approved solvents shall be used for cleaning purposes. d. Storage of paints or paint materials, other than in paint storage buildings, shall not exceed 100 liters capacity, and shall be in the original sealed containers and be stored in ventilated metal cabinets, isolated from other materials. e. Flammable liquids stored in any building in addition to liquids in tanks or devices used for such purposes as cleaning parts shall not exceed 100 liters aggregate capacity. f. In paint shops, flammable paint materials in containers in excess of 4 liters but not exceeding 100 liters must be stored in ventilated steel cabinets. g. Fuel cans used for gasoline shall be approved safety cans and shall have the upper part and top painted red to identify them. These cans shall only be used for gasoline, and gasoline shall not be placed in unmarked cans. h. Drums, cans and other flammable liquid containers shall be tightly closed, except when being filled or emptied. i. Personnel coming into contact with flammable liquids in the course of their assigned duties shall be thoroughly trained in the hazard of these products. j. Rubbish, brush, long grass or other combustible materials shall be removed from the immediate areas where flammable liquids are stored and handled.

k. "No Smoking" signs shall be placed conspicuously in and around storage locations, and carrying open lights, matches, lighters and the like shall be prohibited. 7.8 Heaters a. All temporary gas heaters shall have a minimum clear space of 1 meter from the front and both sides. The back of the heater, if not provided with a shield, shall be at least 1 meter away from the wall. Gas lines on LPG (propane) gas heaters shall be equipped with an approved pressure regulator, and all gas lines inside the structure shall be protected from impact damage. The heater shall be anchored to the floor of the structure or immobilized in some other manner. All such heaters shall have an approved pilot valve, which cuts off the gas flow in the event of flame loss. b. Gravity flow oil heaters shall be equipped with an automatic flow valve or an equivalent device that will stop the flow of oil in the event of flame loss. c. Electric heating units in wooden buildings shall be provided with adequate guards and placed on a plate of fire resistant material. d. Clothing shall not be hung over heaters, nor shall objects be placed on the heater. 7.9 General fire Prevention Rules a. The area around welding/cutting or other flame producing operations must be kept free of flammable materials of all kinds. b. Welding/cutting or any spark or flame producing operation must be stopped within a radius of 10 meters during refueling operations. All motors shall be switched off during refueling. c. All tarpaulins used shall be fireproof.

8. First Aid Arrangements 8.1 Introduction This section covers the requirements for first aid arrangements to be provided by SUBCONTRACTOR. 8.2 First Aid Facilities SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide first aid facilities for his own personnel for the treatment of minor injuries such as the removal of splinters, treatment of minor cuts and bruises and the like. For this purpose a proper first aid kit must be available in the SUBCONTRACTOR's office and a SUBCONTRACTOR employee qualified to render first aid must be appointed. Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall keep a record of all first aid treatments, a copy of which is to be given to the Company Safety Engineer. The Company Safety Engineer shall make central arrangements for the disposition of injuries that cannot be treated at SITE.

Arrangements will be made with:    

OWNER's medical facilities, if available; local doctor(s) (who can also be called upon to provide initial emergency treatment at SITE); local ambulance service(s); local hospitals.

Such arrangements will be published throughout the SITE with procedural instructions as to authority and responsibility for contacting these medical support facilities. 8.3 First Aid Nurse On specific construction projects Company may employ a qualified first aid nurse with a fully employed first aid room provided. On such projects first aid and medical attendance will be provided by this central facility. SUBCONTRACTOR, however, is still required to have his own first aid kits and attend to the minor injuries as referred to above.

9. Security 9.1 Introduction The regulations included in this section shall be strictly followed by SUBCONTRACTOR on SITE. 9.2 Identification At all times, all personnel on SITE must possess an identification card or badge in a form approved by Company. Such identification shall also be used to gain access to the SITE. 9.3 Visitors Visitors are subject to all rules of identification, safety and discipline. Before entering the SITE, visitors shall receive a pass from the guard listing name, firm, person to be visited, date and time of entrance and other pertinent information. The person visited shall record time of departure on the pass and sign it. The visitor shall return the pass to the guard on departure. 9.4 Guards Services Security guards will be instructed by Company/OWNER only. All incoming and outgoing personnel, visitors and traffic will be controlled by the guard. The guard's authority includes the right to search any person or vehicle before entry or exit and to refuse entrance to SITE to any person not meeting security requirements. 9.5 Movement of Material

All MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and TEMPORARY FACILITIES leaving the SITE shall be accompanied with an Out Shipment Report (Form No. BN-UC-18) signed by Company. 9.6 Fencing SITE fencing, or the modification or removal thereof may only be executed with the written approval from Company. 9.7 Material Storage SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide adequate security fencing in his storage area to protect materials which have to be stored outdoors. High risk materials shall be stored in a locked warehouse only. 9.8 Lost/Found Objects When objects have been found or lost at SITE this shall be immediately reported to Company. Standard (Template) Construction Phase Environment, Health and Safety Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Company Safety, Health, Welfare and Environmental Policy 3. Governing Rules, Organization and Responsibility 4. EH&S Awareness 5. Communications 6. EH&S Inspections and Audits 7. Work Permits 8. Risk Analysis 9. Site Rules and Regulations 10. Environmental Issues 11. Temporary Buildings, Offices, Stores, Change Rooms, etc. 12. First Aid 13. Accidents/Injuries/(Near-Miss) Incidents 14. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting 15. Additional EH&S Requirements and Guidelines 16. References 17. Attachments

1. Introduction 1.1 General This Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) Plan is applicable to the construction phase of the .....................project. Where practical in this plan the words Environmental, Health and Safety will be abbreviated to EH&S. 1.2 Project Description The project comprises of... The scope of the project includes:....... For more details see ref. 16.1 and 16.2. Address any special site conditions such as: H2S, NH4, contaminated soil, etc. 1.3 Purpose and Scope 


To establish and specify the EH&S policy, procedure, rules and regulations for the construction phase of this project in order for it to be executed in compliance with Company’s EH&S policy and for it to be exemplary for projects in the industry. To identify and correct conditions that can be the cause of accidents/environmental incidents. To define areas of responsibility, authority and activity related to operational, administrative and auditing duties. To be cognizant of client (fill in client name) and authority requirements and to provide this information to all relevant parties. 


All construction activities as per the main contract between Company and (fill in client name) within the boundaries of Company’s site(s). 1.4 Applicable Documents This plan shall be read in conjunction with the following documents:  EH&S requirements (ref 17.3)  Subcontractors EH&S plans Other   

applicable documents: Project Procedure and Execution Manual - PPEM (ref. 16.1) Construction Procedure and Execution Manual - CPEM (ref. 16.2) Field Construction EH&S Program (ref. 16.3)

2. Company Safety, Health, Welfare and Environmental Policy Reference is made to the Management Policy Statement included in this plan as attachment 1. In summary it is Company’s policy to ensure that each person at site works in safe and healthful conditions and that the environment is protected. It is Company’s objective to have an accident-free site. To accomplish this, Company has its own EH&S Program upon which this EH&S Plan has been based. The purpose of Company’s EH&S Program is primarily preventive. Company aims to provide a work environment in which accidents cannot happen. Full cooperation in implementing the EH&S program by all personnel on the site in the performance of their activities is expected at all times. Personnel may be subject to disciplinary action for infractions of the relevant rules and regulations. In the final analysis, a common sense approach on the part of everyone concerned is the best asset in achieving an accident-free site. Environmental, Health and Safety Rules and Site Regulations have been established as Company’s minimum rules applicable to the work. Refer attachment 2. Subcontractors may have similar and will have additional rules for their specific activities covered in their safety plan..

3. Governing Rules, Organization and Responsibility 3.1 Governing Rules The work shall be executed in strict accordance with all relevant laws as well as regulations and provisions issued by competent authorities, Company and client (fill in client name ) at any time during construction. In case of conflict between the various rules and regulations, the more stringent shall apply unless additional statements are made giving additional information about the status of specific rules and regulations. (Check whether this line of authority will be applicable for specific project. Check what to do with client rules if conflicting). 3.2 Organization For the Company Construction Management organization chart for this project see ref. 16.2. The EH&S related responsibilities and authorities of the individual functions are addressed/ referred in section 3.3. 3.3 Responsibilities

3.3.1 General Company as well as the individual subcontractor(s) will take responsibility for an effective implementation of the EH&S Plan. In order to achieve this effective implementation, delegation of EH&S responsibilities is necessary. All Company site management personnel have the authority to stop work if an unsafe condition exists and have to ensure that immediate remedial action is taken. Subcontractors must ensure that their supervisors have the same authority to stop work and to initiate remedial action if an unsafe condition exists. Subcontractors' EH&S plans shall state this authority. Company The prime responsibility for safety, health, welfare and environment on site rests with the Project Construction Manager. Responsibility for the implementation, acceptance and enforcement of the EH&S plan is with the construction line supervision. They are the key to the effective prevention of accidents and the preservation of the environment through effective control of site operations. The Company Safety Engineer has responsibility in providing management and line supervision with the necessary services, guidance and promotion activities relating to an effective EH&S implementation. The standard responsibilities and authorities of the individual Company site functions can be found in ref. 16.3. Any project specific deviations from the standard shall be addressed here. Subcontractor The subcontractor’s Manager in charge at site is responsible for EH&S for his specific scope of work and for proper communication with Company and other subcontractors. He is also responsible for the proper dissemination of applicable rules, regulations and instructions among his and his subcontractor’s personnel. Each subcontractor establishes a safety plan and he shall appoint a site EH&S representative and must see to it that its line managers on the site are properly aware of their EH&S responsibility and that all EH&S requirements are communicated to their personnel. (Check for specific project authority regulations concerning the minimum number of employees above which a full time qualified EH&S Representative must be appointed by the subcontractor.) Education and training of personnel is one of the most important aspects of an effective EH&S implementation. It is every subcontractor’s responsibility to ensure that his employees have had the necessary education and training to execute the work. Company will require subcontractors to document that these requirements are met. 3.4 All Personnel at Site

  

  

Show responsibility for their own safety and that of others. Follow the established instructions for the work operations concerned. Wear the necessary protective clothing and safety gear in the right way. Minimum requirements are safety shoes, helmet and safety glasses. Short trousers and short sleeved shirts are not permitted except inside temporary offices. (Check for special requirements per project.) Report every dangerous situation to the supervisor. Report every accident or near-accident to the supervisor. Visit the tool box meetings.

4. EH&S Awareness 4.1 General A major factor in the creation of a working environment with awareness of safety, health, welfare and protection of the environment is the deployment of sufficiently trained, skilled and motivated personnel. 4.2 Education All personnel at site must have had the necessary education and training to execute their own work. Company and subcontractors must be able to prove that these requirements are met. The following qualification records will be required as a minimum for personnel or activities:     

crane operators; welders; drivers of equipment/vehicles; electrical switching scaffold builders.

Specific requirements in this respect and for this project are: Complete with project specific requirement e.g.: instructions from client, any general requirements e.g.: basic training, VVA-1, VVA-2, first aid/EHBO, fire fighting, etc. 4.3 Initial and Follow-up Induction An induction program will be given to all personnel upon start of employment at the site for the purpose of instructing personnel about certain aspects of the project, the site and the general EH&S requirements. (check and add/ remove induction subjects for this specific project) During the induction personnel shall be informed about the general site rules and safety regulations. They shall receive a copy of the major site rules and safety regulations and

also a plotplan showing escape routes and personnel assembly areas in case of alarm and site evacuation. Instructions as to the immediate reporting of accidents/incidents to the responsible staff as well as the requirement to obtain first aid treatment for all injuries ( no matter how minor ) shall also be provided. Additional induction shall be given to all personnel as the job progresses and conditions change. Typically this should take place upon construction going into mechanical and piping erction phase, at start of commissioning as well as prior to major shutdown actvities. A record shall be kept as to all personnel that attended the induction with signature for receipt of the site rules and safety regulations. 4.4 Tool Box Meetings Weekly (check frequency) Tool Box Meetings must be held. During these meetings, subcontractor(s) shall inform their personnel about specific EH&S subjects. More information about tool box meetings is given in paragraph 5.3.6. (Check paragraph number.) 4.5 Special Instructions TO BE REVIEWED Certain activities are considered “high-risk” activities (see paragraph 8.1). (Check paragraph number.) For these activities Company and/or subcontractor shall provide special working procedures and instructions in order to minimize the risk and to execute these activities as safely as possible. Activities that are likely to require special working procedures and/or instructions are: CHECK LIST WITH PROJECT SPECIFIC SPECIAL WORKING PROCEDURES              

special constructions (tunnels, water (marine), etc.); tie-in work; hot tap work; welding/burning/grinding, etc.; entry of confined spaces (tanks, vessels, excavations, etc.); electrical installation work; lifting operations; scaffolding; work with toxic and noxious substances; high pressure jetting; opening of equipment/machinery; non-destructive examination by means of radio-active sources or X-ray equipment; line cut; work under permit conditions.

For work under permit conditions a work permit procedure will be applicable (refer paragraph 7.1). (Check paragraph number.) 4.6 Emergency and Evacuation Drills Details about emergency and evacuation drills can be found in attachment 3. 4.7 EH&S Motivation/Information 4.7.1 EH&S Motivation Personnel motivation is an important part of any EH&S program. Without the proper EH&S motivation, the employees as well as the supervisors may develop poor work habits and conditions. Thus, the injury rates may increase and the quality and productivity may decline. EH&S, as the work progresses, is a step-by-step matter and must be continually emphasized. Therefore, an EH&S promotion program will be initiated on this project to enhance personnel EH&S motivation. Promotion will be obtained through publicity bulletin boards, signs, posters and the like. Furthermore an EH&S Awareness and Recognition Program has been developed. (Check what is applicable for specific project.) Personnel safety slogans and poster contests will be used with appropriate awards to help reinforce personnel safety consciousness. (Check applicability for this specific project.) Company and subcontractors management staff shall support motivation of personnel EH&S awareness by encouraging a good attitude and by personal contact and recognition. Personal contact shall include project management attendance at EH&S meetings and tours of the site and expressed interest and concern for EH&S. Company’s and subcontractors Construction Management staff are the most vital parties in this system that is designed to stimulate and reward the personnel for exemplary performance in the execution of their tasks with the proper awareness of EH&S. Tools to further motivate personnel are: 

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are used to advantage in displaying safety posters, safety bulletins and (for instance) damaged safety protective equipment, such as safety glasses, hard hats and face shields that have prevented workers from being injured. Bulletin boards are not to be cluttered and the material they display shall be changed frequently.  Gate Board Near the entrance of the site or at Company’s work area a board displaying safety statistics must be placed. In this respect due observation has to be made of any client rules/ instructions. 4.7.2 EH&S Information

In consultation with the Company Safety Engineer, it is the responsibility of subcontractors to obtain and display EH&S information and promotional material. The following information and promotional material will be obtained and displayed: (Check for specific project.)        

Governmental Safety Codes Labor Inspection Pamphlets and Publications (Local) Safety Institute Publications Client's Safety Regulations Recognized traffic signs to control travel of automotive equipment, vehicles and pedestrians Special Site Bulletins, newsletters, pamphlets Plot plans Miscellaneous Visual Aids as indicated below

Visual aids are an important part of every accident prevention program. The more carefully they are selected, the better the results. Some of the visual aids that may be used are:  Posters Posters are to be displayed widely throughout the site. A bulletin board near the entrance gate is an effective place to display safety posters. Posters are to be displayed in change houses, field offices, warehouses and other conspicuous locations. Posters shall be changed periodically. The local safety authorities should be contacted as to where posters and publications can be obtained. Also, consult with the Home Office Construction and Safety Departments.  Instruction Films Instruction films are an asset in a construction accident prevention program. The Safety Engineer should make inquiries as to the availability and source of films. Films are shown preferably as part of a safety induction. It can be considered to make a project specific instruction film. 

Safety Signs

Safety warning signs made of material that will withstand weather conditions are to be displayed throughout the site wherever physical hazards warrant their use. Special signs such as "Men Working Overhead" or "Falling Material" are to be removed once the work has been completed. 4.8 EH&S Recognition All personnel must be continuously encouraged and motivated to work with proper awareness of EH&S. For this reason and to create a competitive atmosphere among the subcontractors and their personnel Company, in cooperation with the client and subcontractors, has implemented an EH&S Incentive/Award Program. Check whether this program is applicable for this specific project, if so add information as appropriate. If not remove this section. Details may be covered in an attachment (attachment 4). (Check attachment no.)

5. Communications 5.1 Kick-off Meeting Prior to commencing their work at the job site a kick-off meeting shall be held with the individual subcontractor(s). During this kick-off meeting the site EH&S Plan requirements and security for the site shall be discussed with the purpose of providing the subcontractor with the necessary information and to ensure his understanding and application thereof. 5.2 Project EH&S Committee/EH&S Meeting A project EH&S committee shall be established for this project. The Company Project Construction Manager will serve as chairman of the EH&S Committee. Minutes of all meetings are to be prepared and distributed to the members of the committee, to all Company and subcontractors' staff, the Home Office and client. (Replace with client name.) Personnel that will serve on the EH&S Committee are: (Check for this specific project.)     

Company Project Construction Manager Company Construction Superintendent Company Safety Engineer Client’s (fill in client name) Representative. (Check whether client does have an EH&S Representative.) Subcontractors' Site Manager(s) and/or Safety Representative(s)

The project EH&S committee shall meet once a month (check the frequency for this specific project) and, in addition, as required by the Project Construction Manager, e.g. in case there has been a major accident or special hazardous situation. During the regular meetings this EH&S plan, the safety performance and accident statistics shall be reviewed. As required, improvement or corrective action responsibility shall be identified and assigned. (Check if applicable for this project.) 5.3 Other EH&S Meetings Remove meetings that will not be held for this specific project. Add meetings not mentioned here. Also consider combining relevant meetings. The decision is with the Project Construction Manager. 5.3.1 EH&S Meeting with Client Periodical (check frequency) EH&S meetings shall be held between client (client name) and Company.

5.3.2 Company Staff Meetings In the weekly/daily Company staff meetings, EH&S shall be the first item on the agenda. Safety matters in general as well as the status/rectification of any subcontractors’ nonconformance shall be discussed. 5.3.3 Weekly Progress Meeting (check frequency) In the weekly progress meetings with individual subcontractors, EH&S shall be the first item on the agenda. The rectification of any subcontractors’ EH&S non-conformance shall be discussed. The Safety Engineer shall review EH&S matters associated with the work of the subcontractor(s). The EH&S matters discussed shall be part of the minutes prepared for the meeting. 5.3.4 Subcontractor EH&S Meetings Each subcontractor shall hold periodical EH&S meetings with all its employees. Written minutes shall be prepared. 5.3.5 EH&S Inspection Tour Meeting Frequently an EH&S Inspection tour shall be held (see paragraph 6.1). (Check paragraph number.) This “EH&S Inspection Tour” shall be followed by a meeting if required. Unsafe conditions or acts that were observed and the corrections made or recommended shall be reported to all parties concerned. For participants in the EH&S Inspection Tours refer to paragraph 6.1. (Check paragraph number.) 5.3.6 Weekly Tool Box Meetings Subcontractors must conduct weekly "tool box meetings” with their personnel (check frequency for specific project) on EH&S topics (see paragraph 4.4). (Check paragraph no.) The time, place and arrangement for these meetings are at the discretion of the subcontractor's Site Manager or EH&S Representative. A monthly (check frequency) list of subjects to be discussed at the meetings must be submitted to Company prior to commencement. A record must be kept of all "tool box" meetings stating subject and attendance. (For forms see ref. 16.7. (check ref. no.) and ref. 16.8.) (check ref. no.). Every employee shall receive a hand-out relative to the subject discussed. (Check if for this specific project hand-outs will be given.) 5.3.7 Construction Coordination Meeting This meeting shall be held once a week. (Check frequency.) The attendance shall as a minimum be the Company Construction Superintendent, subcontractor Site Managers and optionally a client representative. The aim is to prevent clashes between the various construction activities planned for the coming week. The topics may be:  hazardous activities;  road blockage;

      

transport routing; heavy lifts; underground activities; work in confined spaces; work overhead; density of the area; etc.

6. EH&S Inspections and Audits 6.1 Inspection Tours EH&S inspections do not in any way:  excuse management and supervisory staff from their duty to personally carry out inspections of areas and personnel within their responsibility;  excuse the personnel from their duty to ensure that the work area and equipment are in such condition that work can be executed safely. In addition to the daily EH&S checks, formal EH&S inspection tours shall be made by a number of qualified individuals. The client (replace with client name) can participate on these EH&S inspection tours as required. For an inspection checklist see ref. 16.9. (Check ref. no.) Check which tours will be applicable for this specific job. Remove and/or add tours  Jointly Company’s Safety Engineer and subcontractor’s EH&S Representative shall weekly conduct an EH&S inspection tour. (Check frequency.)  Subcontractor's site manager and subcontractor's EH&S Representative shall weekly conduct an EH&S inspection tour. (Check frequency.) A report of these inspections shall be sent to Company's Safety Engineer and any relevant party involved.  Company's Project Construction Manager and Company's EH&S Engineer shall weekly conduct an EH&S inspection tour. (Check frequency.) For participation of Company operations staff (Superintendents and Construction Specialists) and Subcontractors' Superintendents and Supervisors, see ref 16.3. For management safety inspections see ref. 16.3. At work places with activities involving a high safety risk (see paragraph 8.1) (check paragraph no.) inspection tours shall be held more frequently. Check for possible reference to specific regulations by authorities etc. and refer to those regulations Company's Safety Engineer shall include a summary of the inspections in his weekly report (check frequency) to the Project Construction Manager as to the main improper EH&S conditions or acts observed during the preceding week and the corrections made or recommended. As required the subjects in this weekly report will be discussed in the Weekly Progress Meetings (see paragraph 5.3.3). (Check paragraph no.) An EH&S monthly report (check frequency) with EH&S statistics is to be submitted by the Safety Engineer to the Project Construction Manager immediately following the

established cut-off date and is to be included in the Construction Monthly Progress Report (see also paragraph 13.3). (Check paragraph no.) Copies of these monthly EH&S reports are distributed to the Company supervisory personnel, the subcontractor’s Site Managers and EH&S Representatives and shall be discussed in the monthly EH&S meetings. 6.2 Construction EH&S Audits The Project Construction Manager is responsible for organizing site internal EH&S audits. Planning, reporting and follow-up shall take place as described in reference 16.10. For conducting these audits reference 16.11 may be used as a starting point. (Check ref. no’s) The construction phase of the project will furthermore be subject to one or more audit(s) including safety aspects by the Company home office. These will also be conducted based on the references mentioned in the previous paragraph. In all cases the selected subcontractor(s) is/are required to cooperate with Company personnel conducting these audits. The audits include, but will not be limited to:          

availability of Company Construction EH&S Plan; status/availability of subcontractor(s)’ EH&S Plan(s). emergency and evacuation procedures; environmental controls; temporary facilities; induction, training and promotion; reports and records; EH&S inspections; findings and corrective actions; safety instructions.

6.3 Inspection by Authorities Inspections, in particular of fire fighting equipment, cranes and lifting equipment, explosive and radioactive storage, canteens and change rooms, etc. may be required and carried out by relevant authorities. The Safety Engineer shall comply with all reasonable requests for assistance or for information made by the representatives of such authorities. Client’s (replace with client name) EH&S representative/Safety Department (check and correct when necessary) shall be informed by the project Construction Manager about any inspection by the authorities. A copy of the report from each inspection by the authorities shall be submitted to clients’ EH&S representative/Safety Department. (Check and correct when necessary.) 6.4 Construction Equipment Safety Inspections

Check if items have to be added/removed Each major item of construction equipment is subject to inspection by Company upon entering the site. Subject inspection will be a visual one with verification of the required documentation. The Company inspection in no way relieves the subcontractor from his responsibilities to only use equipment meeting the minimum criteria for safe application. For checklists see ref. 16.12 and 16.13. (Check ref. no’s.) The inspection is performed to establish whether the equipment is in safe working conditions and equipped with the necessary safety accessories and devices. An up-todate test certificate, if applicable, must be available. Rules applicable to equipment deployment and traffic control will be issued by Company to suit the conditions of the particular site and location. Weekly the subcontractors shall present to Company a list showing number and type of all construction equipment utilized on site. (Check whether this is applicable for specific project.) Subcontractor shall maintain an inspection schedule and record for his construction equipment. Inspection records are also required for all electrical/air driven (hand) tools. Any further required periodical inspections are the responsibility of the subcontractor. Company may participate in such inspections or conduct their own. All equipment or tools not suitable or unsafe for use shall be promptly removed and replaced. Upon Company’s request equipment operators and drivers are obliged to show their permits and/or licenses required for operating such equipment. Passenger automotive vehicles include all automobiles, pickup trucks, vans, buses and the like. The required safety equipment or functions and the operational standards shall be in accordance with the legal requirements of the country of operation as well as any client requirements for operating such vehicles in a running plant. 6.5 EH&S Non-Conformances In the event that subcontractor has not taken any or all necessary EH&S precautions and/or does not meet relevant requirements, the work shall be immediately stopped by the subcontractor EH&S Representative, Company or client staff. Work shall not be resumed until all requirements and precautions have been met. If there is repetition of an unsafe condition by subcontractor or if a serious unsafe situation arises or if subcontractor repeatedly does not take all necessary precautions with respect to EH&S, the Company Safety Engineer will issue an "EH&S NonConformance" (ref. 16.14) (check ref. no.) on the subcontractor. The Non-Conformance will state by when and by whom the non-conformance must be rectified. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the subcontractor and/or subcontractor's personnel if the non-conformance has not been rectified in the time given. Repeated violation of the site EH&S requirements by any personnel can lead to permanent removal of such personnel from the site.

7. Work Permits 7.1 Work Under Permit Conditions 7.1.1 Introduction Adjust this paragraph in order to implement the correct work permit system Work permits are used to authorize work in certain dangerous circumstances or locations e.g. an operating plant, deep excavations, confined spaces, unknown underground condition of a site, work on facilities that have already been handed over to the client and any other work at other hazardous locations or in circumstances requiring a permit. Subcontractor is responsible for taking all precautions and for the safe execution of the work. The issuing and receipt of work permits or safety permits for work in areas where such permits are required does not relieve subcontractor from its responsibilities. It is forbidden to start any work without a work permit if a work permit is required for the specific activity. The applicable work permit system is included in attachment 6. (Check attachment no.) Subcontractor's supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their personnel, working under a work permit, follow the relevant regulations and instructions. Personnel must check the work permits for clarity and all signatures placed before they start working. If there are any questions about the work permit, they must contact their supervisor. Work Outside Normal Working Hours During the project it may be necessary to work outside “normal working hours”. If this situation occurs the work must be executed in accordance with the applicable authority regulations and with the work permit system. Supervision is a mandatory requirement under those circumstances 7.1.2 Work Permits This paragraph is optional for mentioning several work permit systems or some specific situations like working in special areas (substations, caverns, etc.). If there is no need for this information the paragraph can be left out. In this paragraph an overview is given of the work permit system(s) used for the project. Details can be found in attachment 6. (Check attachment no.) 7.1.3 Instructions/Training Work Permit Requests Check per specific project what requirements exist before a person is authorized to fill in a work permit request.

A work permit may only be applied for by qualified personnel. Training for this qualification will be given by client’s Safety Department. (Fill in client name and specific department and check who gives training for this specific project.) Qualified personnel will be registered (in a computerized system). (Check whether this is applicable for this specific project.)

8. Risk Analysis 8.1 High Risk and Criticality Study on Construction Work Check whether this is applicable for this specific project (a High Risk And Criticality Study on Construction work is required in EC Countries). For certain activities a “High Risk and Criticality Study on Construction Work” (attachment 7) (check attachment no.) will be carried out during the design phase in order to minimize risks and to optimize safety in construction activities. The report shall list the design actions identified and taken. Remaining identified risks that are to be addressed during the construction phase , shall be brought to the attention of the construction team. Normally Project Construction Management will be involved in these “High Risk and Criticality Studies”. It is Construction Management’s responsibility to inform subcontractors sufficiently about these “High Risk and Criticality Studies”. Subcontractors shall implement these studies in their Job/Safety Analysis and their planning of activities. The Construction Management Team shall verify the proper implementation by the subcontractor(s). 8.2 Company Site Risk Assessment The list of actions to be taken as a result of the High Risk Study shall be updated with new unforeseen developments during the construction activities. Managerial Safety Analyses shall be performed in case of an unusual construction approach or in case of complex multi-discipline activities. Safety risks for the next three weeks shall be reviewed and the need for the preparation of (non standard) Job Safety Analyses shall be brought to the attention of the subcontractor(s) involved. 8.3 Job Risk/Safety Analysis During Construction Job Risk/Safety Analyses are applied to established the most safe, effective and systematic way for the execution of work that carries extra risk or danger. The responsibility for the preparation of the Job Safety Analyses is with the involved subcontractor. Depending on the complexity and severity of the activity to be addressed Company will participate. The cooperation in the preparation and review by the parties involved is highly recommended.

For each such work a job safety analysis must performed. Analyses prepared by subcontractors must be submitted to Company’s Safety Engineer for review and approval. The job safety analysis shall be executed for, but not be limited to, the following activities: Check/add items for this specific project:          

work in confined spaces or badly ventilated areas; work in trenches/excavations; pressure testing; lifting/crane operations; erection, use and dismantling of scaffolding; work at heights; work on live electrical systems; surface treatment (such as metalising); use of chemicals; work on safety systems/safety equipment.

Check per project if guidelines like the following are applicable and which time-frame shall be used. For work in this category subcontractor is required to submit to Company a plan for their activities for the following three weeks. This shall be a continuous process. The plan shall contain information on risk identification and analysis and mitigating actions shall be stated. A more detailed description of the “Job Risk/Safety Analysis” during construction is provided in ref. 16.3. and 16.4. (Check ref. no.)

9. Site Rules and Regulations 9.1 Introduction Check this introduction for the specific project and remove/add items The rules and regulations included in this section must be strictly followed by subcontractors and all personnel on site. All personnel at the site must attend EH&S induction prior to starting work at site. A record shall be kept of all personnel having received induction (see also paragraph 4.3). (Check paragraph number.) In addition all personnel will receive a copy of the site rules and regulations. Induction as well as the site rules and regulations shall be provided in languages as required by the nationality of the personnel (see also paragraph 4.3). (Check paragraph no.) After attending induction, an identification (ID)-card, badge and/or gate pass will be issued. Personnel shall sign for having understood and received the instructions and the information given in the induction. (Check if applicable.) In all cases subcontractor is

responsible for returning the ID cards, badges and/or gate passes as soon as his personnel is no longer employed at the job site. 9.2 Security This paragraph contains possible items. Check whether items need to be removed/ added or corrected. Check whether certain items are covered by a standard document from client and incorporate this document. Identification At all times, all personnel on site must possess an identification card, badge and/or gate pass in a form approved by Company. Such identification shall also be used to gain access to the site. Advance Notice About Personnel Advance Notice of arrival of all personnel shall be given to Company at least seven days before arrival. Access will be permitted by the Gate Guard only upon receipt of a filled in and signed personnel form. (Check for this specific project.) Transport of personnel It is the subcontractor’s responsibility to arrange personnel transport to, from and at the site. The driver shall ensure that only persons with valid access to the site are allowed in the transport vehicles. The Guard at the Gate has the right to check access/ID cards upon personnel entering the site. Vehicle Permits Transport is to be kept to a minimum. Only vehicles used in the daily work will be allowed entrance to the site. Entrance permits for subcontractor vehicles will be issued by Company upon receipt of the following information:       

company name, contract name and number; type of vehicle (truck, pick-up, van etc.); make of vehicle (Ford, Volvo, Opel, etc.); license number; evidence of proper insurance; permit period requested; name of regular driver of vehicle.

Personal vehicles will normally not be allowed in the Construction Area unless special written approval has been obtained from Company. Traffic Rules The applicable traffic rules and regulations with respect to driving on site, shall be strictly adhered to. National or client rules and regulations may be augmented by Company to suit site circumstances.

All vehicles must be parked within the designated areas. If there is not enough parking space, additional space may be allocated by Company. For transportation of equipment and materials to the construction area, designated routes must be followed. It is forbidden to block roads with vehicles or equipment or by work activities without special permission from Company. Maximum speed on site roads is (fill in speed). Maximum speed for mobile cranes is (fill in speed). It is not allowed to overtake other vehicles. Blocking of access to fire hydrants is not permitted. Powered construction equipment Unauthorized operation of powered construction equipment is prohibited. Drivers/operators shall have a valid operator's permit for that type of equipment. Equipment operators may be required by Company to demonstrated that they are able to operate the equipment. Restricted Areas From time to time various areas of the site may be designated as restricted for some reason. Notices of these areas will be issued by Company in writing. All personnel are expected to observe the conditions laid down in these notices. Such restrictions can be indicated as follows:   

"no entry" or "one way traffic" sign; turnpike with "no entry" sign; chain barrier (open turnpike permits entry).

If it is necessary for vehicles to enter restricted areas, special approval from Company is required and the entrance permit procedure is to be followed. Visitors Visitors must meet all rules of identification, safety and discipline. Before entering the site, visitors shall have received a pass from the Gate Guard listing name, firm, person to be visited, date and time of entrance and other pertinent information. The person visited shall record time of departure on the pass and sign it. The visitor shall return the pass to the guard on departure. Visitors must be met at the gate by the visitor recipient or his delegate and must be seen to the gate once leaving. Visitor recipient must be authorized. Visitors must be escorted around by the recipient during their entire visit. Cars belonging to visitors must be parked outside the gate. Only visitors that have a direct or indirect connection with the work will be admitted. It is not allowed for any visitors to perform any work at the site without prior approval from Company.

Delivery/Collecting of Materials/Goods Deliveries/Collections must be cleared by the Gate Guard and the consignee is responsible for escorting the vehicle and ensuring it leaves the site after delivery is completed. Security/Guards Services Security/Guard services will be provided by client. (Replace with client name.) Security guards will be instructed by Company/client. (Replace with client name and check what is applicable for this specific project.) All personnel, visitors and traffic entering or leaving the site will be controlled by the Gate Guard. The guard's authority includes the right to search any person or vehicle before entry or exit and to refuse entrance to site to any person not meeting security requirements. Movement of Material Check what is applicable for this specific project. For any outshipment from the site, a Company approved Outshipment Report (ref. 16.15) (check ref. no.) must be available. Fencing Erecting site fencing, or the modification or removal thereof may only be executed with the written approval from Company. Materials Storage For regulations with respect to the storage of materials see also paragraph 10.2. (Check paragraph no.) Subcontractor shall provide adequate security fencing in his storage area to protect materials which have to be stored outdoors. High risk or weather sensitive materials shall be stored in a suitable warehouse only. Explosives, inflammable and other hazardous materials shall not be brought onto the site or stored on the site without prior approval from Company. Lost/Found Objects If objects have been found or lost at site this shall be immediately reported to Company/the Gate Guard. (Fill in what is applicable for this specific project.) 9.3 Personnel Control Check personnel control system for this specific project

Personnel will check-in before start of work and check-out at the end of the working day. This will be registered through electronic time control or otherwise. (Check for this project.) This enables presence control and administration of working hours for authority purposes. Subcontractor shall provide all information concerning time administration to Company upon Company’s first request. The subcontractor manhours expended shall be reported to and in a format as required by Company to serve as a basis for safety statistics. Company may make personnel counts during which the subcontractor shall assist as required by Company. 9.4 Personal Protective Clothing, Safety Gear and Equipment Check whether items have to be removed/added and what client’s local requirements are. 9.4.1 General On site the use of the following personal protective gear is mandatory:  safety helmet;  certified eye protection;  safety shoes or boots;  safety gloves depending on the type of work;  clothing completely covering body, arms and legs.  ear protection where required;  fire retardant clothing for personnel carrying out work in life plants or tankfarms. Exceptions to the above are:  if in closed vehicles and buildings not under construction, where no protective gear is mandatory.  if on roads open for traffic of automobiles or in a building, if no physical work is carried out or is being carried out. Company and subcontractors shall supply personal protective gear in adequate numbers and in good condition to their respective personnel. 9.4.2 Other Protective Clothing and Equipment At certain locations or for specific work, special clothing and/or equipment such as special gloves, face shields, full safety harnesses, special clothing and respiratory equipment, etc. may be mandatory and must then be used. All such protective clothing and equipment shall be issued by subcontractor or by Company/client if so specified in the subcontract. 9.4.3 Other clothing rules

All personal must wear clothing appropriate to their individual work assignments and in accordance with normal work dress standards. Excessively loose or severely torn clothing and ties shall not be worn by personnel whose work exposes them to rotating or reciprocating equipment, such as pipe cutting machines or mechanical hack saws, band saws, table saws, etc. "Tank top" shirts, short sleeve shirts and leisure wear shorts are prohibited. Nylon/synthetic clothing shall not be worn if working with or exposed to flammable or volatile substances. 9.5 Safe Practice Rules In order to maintain a safe way of working and handling of equipment, specific regulations will be given. These regulations are based upon authority regulations and specific regulations formulated by client and Company. The Safe Practice Rules are given in attachment 2. (Check attachment no.) 9.6 Emergency Plan Planning for emergencies is an important part of an EH&S plan. It requires a close cooperation and communication between people from various groups that would provide the type of services needed to cope with emergency situations. An overall plan must be prepared in detail to cover every conceivable emergency. It is extremely important that it is functional in a clear and practical way. The site specific Emergency Plan is given in attachment 4. (Check attachment no.) Emergency telephone numbers can be found in attachment 8 (check attachment no.) and shall be permanently displayed in offices, change rooms, canteens, etc. Emergency evacuation exercises will be held on regular basis. See also paragraph 4.6. (Check paragraph number.) 9.7 Miscellaneous Regulations and Rules of Conduct        

All personnel is required to conform to the rules of client (replace with client name) and Company. Gambling on site is forbidden. Possession or carrying of weapons or firearms on site is prohibited. Selling, advertisement, promotion and distribution on site of newspapers, leaflets or other material of a political, religious, immoral or subversive nature is forbidden. Erection of any type of signboard or publicity poster on or adjacent to the site is subject to Company's approval. Taking photographs or motion pictures on site is not permitted without a special permission from Company. Cameras are to be left at the gate house. It is forbidden to make or repair items for private purposes on site. Any general assembly on site except for properly authorized meetings is prohibited.

         

Animals are not allowed on site. Personnel piracy is not allowed. Subcontractors shall respect employment agreements of others. (Check whether this should be left in for specific project.) Selling or possessing drugs or intoxicants and alcoholic beverages on the site are prohibited. Any person whose actions and demeanor show symptoms of possible narcosis or drunkenness shall be removed from the site. Indulgence in practical jokes, horseplay, scuffling, wrestling or fighting and the like on site is forbidden. Destroying of or tampering with safety devices, signs and signals, or the willful and unnecessary discharging of fire extinguishers is prohibited. Sleeping on the site is prohibited. Smoking on the site is only allowed within areas posted with "Smoking" signs. It is prohibited to bring on the site ignition sources such as matches, lighters etc. without a permit. (Check if applicable.) Insubordination toward any supervisor or management personnel in respect to the carrying out of properly issued instructions or orders for safety and health purposes will be sufficient cause for disciplinary action. It is prohibited to use mobile telephones or other electronic apparatus at site, except inside cars and in non restricted areas. In restricted areas use of mobile telephones or other electronic apparatus is only possible if they meet additional requirements. More details about these additional requirements will be given by the Company Safety Engineer. Radios and tape recorders are not permitted on site.

10. Environmental Issues Check this chapter and add/remove items depending on the specific project. 10.1 Introduction Good arrangements for environmental care are a priority in efforts to protect the environment. It is important to create a good system for both hazardous and ordinary (waste) streams. This chapter contains rules, regulations and guidelines concerning environmental issues. To provide effective arrangements during the project it is important to implement existing client (replace with client name) rules and regulations. Furthermore authority regulations, procedures and permit systems have to be taken into account. Roles and responsibilities concerning the various environmental issues need to be defined before execution of construction activities. The contact person concerning environmental issues for the client is (fill in name contact person or if more than one person are involved fill in more names and their responsibility). The contact person concerning environmental issues for Company is the Company Safety Engineer unless otherwise specified. 10.2 Special Regulations Products/Materials

The following products/materials are not to be used: Per specific project an inventory must be given of products not to be used.    

asbestos halon leadchromate freon

10.3 Demolition/Removal As part of the project certain (existing) installations/buildings will be (partly) removed. (Check whether this is the case for this specific project.) Before removal of (parts of) installations/buildings an inventory has to be made of possible hazardous materials (asbestos, rest product) that will be part of the removed installations/buildings and to check whether specific regulations concerning specific materials by authority and/or client are applicable. The following rules, regulations and procedures are applicable: Give overview of rules, regulations and procedures applicable It is the responsibility of the subcontractor to make a working procedure to enable a controlled removal of hazardous materials during demolition activities. Subjects of attention for this procedure are:     

safety; health; prevention of contamination; removal/destination of demolition waste; administration of amount(s) of waste.

10.4 Maintenance/Repairs of Installations/Equipment Maintenance/repairs must be carried out with proper provisions in order to prevent contamination. Maintenance of equipment and cleaning of materials must be carried out in designated areas, on a leakage proof floor with provisions to collect liquid waste/runoff. Machines used for maintenance/repairs must be cleaned in designated areas to prevent spreading of waste. Collected waste water from cleaning of materials and/or machines must be cleaned, removed, or transported to plant waste facilities in accordance with client’s (replace with client name) rules and regulations. 10.5 Contamination 10.5.1 Prevention

In all circumstances contamination of surfaces, soil, groundwater etc. shall be prevented. In case contamination does occur measures shall be taken to remove this contamination as soon as possible. 10.5.2 Remedial Actions In case of contamination the Company Safety Engineer shall be informed. Actions to be taken concerning contamination must be carried out in accordance with authority and Company/client regulations. The following rules, regulations and procedures are applicable: Give overview of rules, regulations and procedures applicable In case of contamination of surfaces, soil, groundwater etc. due to unforeseen situations (spill etc.) it is the responsibility of the subcontractor to take proper actions to remove this contamination. The subcontractor shall provide a plan to the Company Safety Engineer for the execution of the remedial actions. Points to be addressed in this plan are but are not limited to:       

Safety measures (hygienic measures, safety control contaminated area and surrounding areas, etc.). Excavation of contaminated soil. Removal of contaminated water. Removal of other contaminated assets Prevention of the spreading of contamination to surrounding areas (transport through soil, air and by road etc.) (Temporary) storage of contaminated materials (soil, etc.). Destination/treatment of contaminated materials (soil etc.)/administration of quantities.

The Company Safety Engineer needs to approve the plan. After remedial activities have been carried out, the subcontractor shall provide the Company Safety Engineer with an evaluation report showing how measures have actually been carried out. 10.6 Waste Management 10.6.1 Introduction During construction work various waste (including rubbish) streams will occur. In order to handle these waste streams effectively a waste management system is needed. It is important to check whether client (replace with client name) exercizes a waste management system and to identify which parts of that waste management system should be integrated in the waste management system for construction. It is important to make proper arrangements concerning this matter with client (replace with client name) before start of construction activities. Roles and responsibilities are defined in ref. 16.2. (Check ref. no.) Company and the subcontractors for their work are responsible for an effective execution of waste management.

The Company Safety Engineer will monitor the performance of waste management. In this paragraph the main items for waste management are addressed. OPTIONAL A more detailed “Waste Management Procedure” is attached as attachment 9. (Check attachment no.; check whether a written client waste management procedure does exist or that a suitable waste management procedure by Company will be used.) 10.6.2 Administration To execute an effective waste management system it is important to keep proper administration of the various waste streams. If available give additional information about the administration system. For instance use of waste-cards, use of client’s system. The various waste (including rubbish) streams must be identified and for each waste stream a study should be made as to which provisions are required and which streams can possibly be integrated with clients waste management system. The following are examples of waste streams: (check this list and make corrections per specific project):         

demolition waste; office waste; canteen waste; construction waste; chemical waste; contaminated soil; water from wells in excavations below groundwater level; waste water; other liquid waste.

The above is an identification of main streams. Main streams can consist of various substreams like wood, stone, steel, insulation wool, asphalt, cardboard/paper, waste fluids, household waste, oil, degreasing agents, chemicals, paints, etc. For each substream a waste handling procedure shall be prepared or be available. 10.6.4 Waste Prevention/Reduction Handling of waste streams costs money. To reduce costs it is important to prevent creating waste and to reduce the amount of waste as much as possible. There are various ways to achieve this. Before a job is executed it must be considered how materials can be used as effectively as possible. Various materials may be re-used or recycled. Carrying out an effective waste prevention/reduction program will also depend upon local provisions and client’s waste prevention/reduction program. It is important to make an inventory of possible solutions.

To optimize the handling of waste streams it is each subcontractors’ responsibility to separate all waste by type of waste. The various waste streams must be defined before start of construction activities. 10.6.5 Waste Storage and Removal General Proper storage of waste is important for Environmental, Health and Safety. Subcontractors must at all times keep the site clean and free of waste material and rubbish. Before execution of construction activities an inventory must be made of specific authority and/or client regulations, procedures and permit systems in order to implement these in the waste storage and removal system. The following rules, regulations and procedures are applicable: Give overview of rules, regulations and procedures applicable Waste Storage Proper storage facilities need to be provided before start of construction activities. Storage facilities can consist of designated areas with sufficient provisions and/or containers with sufficient provisions. Subcontractors shall keep a record of chemicals in use or stored (including waste) on the site and indicate potential hazards and exposure limits as well as protective clothing/equipment necessary, fire prevention and first aid requirements. The record shall include chemicals used for cleaning, pickling, adhesives, epoxy resins and manmade fiber’s. All chemical containers shall be properly labeled and spillage and/or disposal in the environment must be prevented and, if occurred, reported to Company immediately. Additional rules are given in paragraph 14.2 (Fire Prevention). (Check paragraph number.) The storage containers for explosives and detonators shall be secured and marked with “No Smoking”, “Explosion Danger” and “Explosive Atmosphere” signs. (Check whether this is applicable for this specific project.) Subcontractors shall provide adequate security fencing in their storage area to protect materials and products that have to be stored outdoors. Waste Removal Collection and removal of waste from site shall be done according to authority and/or client regulations and procedures. The procedure must include definition of responsibilities and state who actually “owns” the waste during the various stages of disposal.

Procedures shall cover the handling of the waste but also the safety provisions/measures to be taken as well as regulations for special equipment to be used. Waste streams need to be checked for these requirements. Waste streams for which no proper procedures exist will be handled according to procedures that shall be developed before start of construction activities. It is subcontractors’ responsibility to develop and present these procedures to Company for approval. Waste containers to receive and segregate waste shall be available in the various site areas and shall be emptied frequently. This will be the responsibility of Company. (Check for this specific project.) Each waste container must indicate for which category of waste it shall be used. It is subcontractors’ responsibility to enforce proper use of these waste containers. 10.7 Housekeeping Rules Subcontractors shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the site and the temporary facilities are maintained in a safe, clean, healthy and sanitary condition and that the environment is preserved. Rules of cleanliness and orderliness shall be enforced amongst all personnel working at the site. Site entrances and (emergency) exits shall be kept free. Safety and fire extinguishing equipment shall be accessible at all times. Subcontractors must keep roads and walkways clean and every effort shall be made to remove mud, loose grid, slush, snow and other slippery substances that may be caused by subcontractors’ activities. In lunch/canteen facilities, all trash and food rests shall be discarded in designated containers placed in the facilities for that purpose. Beverages in glass bottles are prohibited. Only thermos, paper, metal or plastic containers/ bottles and cups and the like may be used. (Check whether this rule is applicable for this specific project.) Electrical extension cables and welding cables, water and air hoses shall be placed such that they cannot be damaged and cannot cause damage or injury. If placed across roadways or pipeways, the cables and hoses shall be placed in a protected trough or shall be suspended above the road or pavement surface. Across roadways, the height shall be at least 6 meters; in pipeways 2 meters. Excess cables, hoses, etc. are to be removed and cleared away each day. Spilled oil, grease and other slippery substances shall be removed immediately. Until such removal, spills shall be temporarily isolated or sprinkled with enough dirt or sand to absorb the substance to eliminate slipperiness. Dirt and sand used for this purpose shall be collected and removed according to the regulations for waste disposal. If spillage leads to contamination, actions must be taken according to paragraph 10.6. (Check paragraph no.) Materials and construction equipment not being used must be stored safely in such a way that they will not obstruct other site activities. Additional rules are given in paragraph 14.2 (Fire Prevention). (Check paragraph no.)

11. Temporary Buildings, Offices, Stores, Change Rooms, etc. The location(s) for temporary facilities shall be designated in consultation with the client. Company shall provide subcontractors with an area for locating their temporary facilities necessary for the performance of the work. Parking areas will be designated by Company. Rules applicable to control company and personal vehicles will be issued by Company. See also paragraph 9.2. (Check paragraph no.) Subcontractors shall furnish adequate change room facilities for their personnel. With Company's approval, canteen facilities may also be furnished. The temporary facilities shall be maintained in accordance with the highest standard of cleanliness and hygiene. The eating facilities may only be open during hours approved by Company. Lodging facilities are not permitted on site. Subcontractors must provide a plan to Company for approval, showing how the area assigned to subcontractor for temporary facilities will be utilized. Company’s and client’s personnel will have free access at any time to any building or area of the subcontractor at site. It is important for safety that the storage of all kinds of materials will be done in a systematic and tidy manner by appointed responsible personnel. For further information see paragraph 10.6.4. (Check paragraph no.) Subcontractors must provide adequate security fencing if necessary and as may be required by Company. High risk materials shall be stored in a locked warehouse only.

12. First Aid 12.1 First Aid/Medical Arrangements Check which points are applicable for the specific project Central Arrangements The Company Safety Engineer shall make central arrangements for the treatment of injuries that cannot be treated at site. Arrangements shall be made with: Check if list needs to be corrected

   

client’s (replace with client name) medical facilities; local doctor(s) (that can also be called upon to provide initial emergency treatment at site); local ambulance service(s); local hospitals.

Such arrangements shall be published throughout the site with procedural instructions as to authority and responsibility for contacting these medical support facilities. Company It is Company’s responsibility to arrange, create or ensure adequate availability of first aid provisions and to inform the subcontractors about these provisions. The Company provisions for first aid at site strongly depend on the job location/ circumstances. The following options are addressed in the Company procedural system:  

First Aid Attendant First Aid Station

On specific construction projects Company may employ a qualified first aid nurse with a fully employed first aid room provided. On such projects first aid and medical attendance will be provided by this central facility. Subcontractor, however, is still required to have his own first aid kits and attend to the minor injuries as referred to above. (check the arrangement made and correct text) Subcontractors Subcontractors shall supply and maintain adequate first aid provisions for their own and their subcontractor’s personnel in accordance with the applicable local or national regulations and allocate first aid kits at key point(s) near the construction area(s). The presence of these locations must be sufficiently indicated to subcontractor’s personnel. Subcontractor’s first aid provisions must cater for the treatment of minor injuries and for the transport of injured personnel over small distances. Subcontractors must appoint an employee or employees qualified to render first aid and give his/their name(s) to Company. Subcontractors are responsible for maintaining a sufficient amount of first aid supplies. Each subcontractor shall keep a record of all first aid treatments (see below), a copy of which is to be given monthly to the Company Safety Engineer. Maintenance of Medical Records The person(s) authorized to render first aid treatment shall take care of compilation and maintenance of medical records in case medical treatment is given. This is to ensure a comprehensive record of treatment, disposition and subsequent documentation to meet

authority requirements and to serve as a basis for Company’s summary statistical records. For the benefit of personnel, as well as protection of Company’s interest, records must be accurate and timely. An audit of all records may be expected. The Company Safety Engineer has a responsibility, together with the person(s) authorized to render first aid treatment, to coordinate activities between Company, authorities and subcontractors, relative to actions involving occupational injury and illness. 12.2 Client’s Medical Service THIS PARAGRAPH IS OPTIONAL Check if arrangements will be made and what arrangements are made If major accidents occur the client (replace with client name) medical service must be alarmed. Qualified medical personnel and a first aid room are provided. (Check what will be provided by client for this specific project.) For alarm/emergency numbers refer to attachment 8. (Check attachment no.) 12.3 Notification Subcontractors shall submit a list of names and telephone numbers of persons to be contacted in case of accident or emergency outside normal working hours (for Company: fill in name and phone no. ).

13. Accidents/Injuries/(Near-Miss) Incidents 13.1 Notification Subcontractors shall immediately notify the Company Safety Engineer of any incident, personal injury and/or accident arising from the execution of the work. Subcontractors shall confirm such notification in writing giving all relevant facts and shall fully cooperate with Company and/or client in a subsequent investigation. Company and client shall have access to all subcontractor documentation. Any unsafe or hazardous condition shall be promptly reported to subcontractor's EH&S Representative and to the Company Safety Engineer, to enable timely corrective action to prevent injuries or damage. 13.2 Reports and Statistics 13.2.1 (Investigation) Reports All injuries shall be reported in writing immediately after the event. Completion must be initiated by subcontractor’s first aid representative or the first aid representative of Company if it concerns a Company employee. This report must be completed within 24 hours after the event. However, every injury must be verbally reported immediately after the event to the Company Safety Engineer.

Subcontractor may use his company standard form or alternatively use Company’s “First Report of Injury or Illness” (ref. 16.17). (Check ref. no.) The distribution of subject report is as follows:  

as required by Government Legislation to a national authority; at site distribution as required by Company/client.

The following EH&S documents shall be produced as applicable: Upon Occurrence   

First Report of Injury or Illness (ref. 16.17). (Check ref. no.) Accident Investigation Report (ref. 16.18). (Check ref. no.) This report may be required as per ref. 16.3. (Check ref. no.) Tripod Incident Analysis (ref. 16.16). (Check ref. no.) This report may be required as per the criteria set in subject reference.

Periodically (usually monthly)  Summary of Near Misses/Accidents (ref. 16.19). (Check ref. no.) This is a mandatory report, see also ref. 16.3. (Check ref. no.)  Construction Accident Curve (ref. 16.20). (Check ref. no.) This document may be prepared to visualize the Summary of Near Misses/Accidents reports produced during a project. See also ref. 16.3. (Check ref. no.) 14. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting 14.1 Introduction Fire prevention measures reduce the risk of fires to occur. Company shall establish an effective program for fire prevention. However, an effective fire prevention program requires the active cooperation of all parties involved with the construction execution of the project Subcontractors must provide fire prevention facilities and trained personnel and must make fire prevention arrangements on the basis of the Company requirements. 14.2 Fire Fighting Check, adjust and optimize this paragraph for additional procedures given by authorities and/or client and/or others authorized. Fire Reporting  

The person discovering a fire shall alert all personnel in the immediate vicinity and shall immediately thereafter follow the instructions concerning reporting fires (attachment 4). (check attachment no.) If a Fire Alarm System is present this should be activated by the person discovering the fire.

The fire alarm number (see attachment 8) (check attachment no) has to be dialed as soon as possible and the fire and fire location reported.

Supervision If a fire occurs, the nearest supervisor is responsible for all immediate fire suppression or control work until he is relieved by appointed/authorized personnel. In case a supervisor is not in the immediate area, personnel present in the area shall start fire fighting themselves to the extent possible. This means no actions shall be taken that could endanger the safety of the personnel. 14.3.1 Fire Extinguishers Basic training in the use of fire extinguishers shall be given to the personnel as required for their function. (Check whether this is applicable for specific project.) The location of fire extinguishers shall be shown on a plot plan. Regular checks shall be made to verify that sufficient fire extinguishers are present. The location of each fire extinguisher at site shall be clearly marked. They shall not be transferred from established locations. This enables all personnel to find and use fire extinguishers at the various site locations. (Check whether this will be done in construction area.) Fire extinguishers, suitable for the various classes of fire and with a content of at least 9 kg powder, shall be located as follows: a. Portable or permanently mounted fire extinguishers shall be available throughout the SITE within 15 meters of any ongoing work involving welding, burning or use of open flames. b. At least one permanently mounted fire extinguisher shall be provided in each building, preferably near a door, and additional fire extinguishers mounted as required to have one within 30 meters of any point inside the building. c. Each item of industrial mobile equipment, including all welding machines, having diesel or gasoline engines, shall have a permanently attached mounted extinguisher. d. At fuel or combustible material storage areas, extinguishers shall be located within 15 meters of any point on the perimeter of the stored material. In addition, these areas are to be fenced in, identified with signs restricting and prohibiting vehicle access, fire ignition sources and smoking. Aisle fire breaks shall be provided whenever combustible materials are stored. e. A "BCF" fire extinguisher shall be mounted at each large electrical installation, such as a substation, transformer, generator or motor control center. f. Regardless of the minimum number of fire extinguishers determined to be necessary, additional extinguishers shall be placed adjacent to scattered or widely separated hazards, welding shops, gasoline dispensing points, store rooms, fuel areas, and construction areas.

Extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged and operable condition, and kept in their designated places at all times when not in use. 14.4 Fire Prevention Various aspects have to be taken into account and must be instructed to all personnel in order to establish effective fire prevention arrangements. 14.4.1 Fire Preventive Rules The following rules must be followed:  the storage of combustible materials under stairways or in attic crawl spaces is prohibited;  all combustible waste material shall be removed from building interiors at the end of each shift, and placed in waste receptacles located at least 2 meters away from any structure;  the accumulation of waste materials in out-of-the-way places, such as shelves, closets, bins, cabinets or other spaces, is prohibited;  the storage of any materials against the exterior of buildings is prohibited;  waste material receptacles shall be placed 3 meters away from any structure;  areas around and routes to fire doors, exits, stairways, fire hydrants, monitors or fire extinguishers shall be kept free and clear of obstruction;  clothing or rags soiled with oil or paint, and mops treated with oil, shall be stored in metal lockers that do not contain other combustible materials;  outside storage areas and grounds around structures shall be kept free and clear of weed and debris accumulations;  lint, fluff and dust accumulation in shops and similar locations shall be removed from all surfaces at least once each week;  flammable liquid spills shall be immediately cleaned from floors, ground, equipment and drip pans. 14.4.2 Smoking and Open Flames The following rules must be followed:      

"No Smoking" signs shall be strictly observed; when smoking is not permitted except in specially designated smoking areas, adequate noncombustible commercial type ashtrays or butt cans shall be provided in these areas; receptacles for discarded smoking materials shall be provided at the entrances to areas where smoking is prohibited; ashtrays and other receptacles provided for smoking material shall not be emptied into containers of combustible materials; fire created for disposal of trash shall not be permitted without the prior approval of Company; "No Smoking" signs shall be posted and smoking shall not be permitted at the following locations:

1. locations subject to release of flammable vapors;

2. interior and exterior storage areas for flammable liquid, supply rooms, fuel oil storage and handling areas; 3. motor vehicle, woodworking, technical maintenance shop, garages and other locations; 4. battery rooms, valve pits, attics or crawl spaces. 14.4.3 Flammable Liquid Storage  

        

The following rules must be followed: Flammable liquids shall not be stored or dispensed in buildings or places of public assembly, general warehouses and/or in buildings containing sources of ignition, such as space heaters, cooking devices, open electric motors, motor vehicles or where welding or cutting or power generation operations are conducted. Inside storage of flammable liquids shall be confined to isolated fire resistant buildings, except that small quantities in approved sealed containers may be kept in medical facilities where they are required. These supplies will be stored in wellventilated metal cabinets when not in use. Gasoline, acetone, alcohol, naphtha and benzene shall not be used for kindling fires or as a solvent for cleaning clothes, tools, equipment or exterior of buildings. Only approved solvents shall be used for cleaning purposes. Storage of paints or paint materials, other than in paint storage buildings, shall not exceed 100 liters capacity, and shall be in the original sealed containers and be stored in ventilated metal cabinets, isolated from other materials. Flammable liquids stored in any building in addition to liquids in tanks or devices used for such purposes as cleaning parts shall not exceed 100 liters aggregate capacity. In paint shops, flammable paint materials in containers in excess of 4 liters but not exceeding 100 liters must be stored in ventilated steel cabinets. Fuel cans used for gasoline shall be approved safety cans and shall have the upper part and top painted red to identify them. These cans shall only be used for gasoline, and gasoline shall not be placed in unmarked cans. Drums, cans and other flammable liquid containers shall be tightly closed, except when being filled or emptied. Personnel coming into contact with flammable liquids in the course of their assigned duties shall be thoroughly trained in the hazard of these products. Rubbish, brush, long grass or other combustible materials shall be removed from the immediate areas where flammable liquids are stored and handled. "No Smoking" signs shall be placed conspicuously in and around storage locations, and carrying open lights, matches, lighters and the like shall be prohibited.

14.4.4 Heaters 

All temporary gas heaters shall have a minimum clear space of 1 meter from the front and both sides. The back of the heater, if not provided with a shield, shall be at least 1 meter away from the wall. Gas lines on LPG (propane) gas heaters shall be equipped with an approved pressure regulator, and all gas lines inside the structure shall be protected from impact damage. The heater shall be anchored to the floor of the structure or immobilized in some other manner. All such heaters

  

shall have an approved pilot valve, which cuts off the gas flow in the event of flame loss. Gravity flow oil heaters shall be equipped with an automatic flow valve or an equivalent device that will stop the flow of oil in the event of flame loss. Electric heating units in wooden buildings shall be provided with adequate guards and placed on a plate of fire resistant material. Clothing shall not be hung over heaters, nor shall objects be placed on the heater.

14.4.5 General fire Prevention Rules   

The area around welding/cutting or other flame producing operations must be kept free of flammable materials of all kinds. Welding/cutting or any spark or flame producing operation must be stopped within a radius of 10 meters during refueling operations. All motors shall be switched off during refueling. All tarpaulins used shall be fireproof.

15. Additional EH&S Requirements and Guidelines Check this chapter per specific project and add/remove project specific items In case of conflicts concerning safety rules client’s safety rules are leading. However legal/ authority regulations must always be adhered to. More information about this subject is given in paragraph 3.1. (check whether this statement will be used in this formulation for the specific project.)

16. References Document Number


Leve l


Project Procedure & Execution manual



Construction Procedure & Execution Manual



Field Construction EH&S Program



Risk Classification and Job Safety Analysis



General Conditions for Construction Work for Supply and Erect Orders



General Conditions of Subcontract



Toolbox Safety Meeting Report



Toolbox Meeting Attendance Report



Construction Safety Inspection List



Project Audits All Disciplines



Project Audit Subcontractors at Site



Cranes Inspection Checklist



Equipment Inspection Report
















Safety Non-Conformance



Outshipment Report




17. Attachments These and other project applicable EH&S documents may be included as attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

General EH&S Program Management Statement Safe Practice Rules EH&S Requirements BN-S-UC002 Emergency/Evacuation Procedure Construction Site EH&S Recognition Program Work Permit System High Risk and Criticality Study (check project document. no.) Alarm/Emergency Telephone Numbers Waste Management Procedure

General Conditions for Construction Work for Supply and Erect Orders Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Definitions 3. Temporary Facilities 4. Construction Equipment 5. Vendor and his Personnel 6. Materials and Storage 7. Information Supplied by Company 8. Information Supplied by Vendor 9. Work 10. Working Hours, Overtime, Standby Time 11. Milestones, Milestone Dates, Completion Date 12. Inspection and Expediting, Testing 13. Prices and Rates 14. Changes. Pricing of Changes 15. Physical Progress, Invoicing, Payment 16. Claims 17. Use of the Work and Acceptance 18. Release of Liens, Retention and Bank Guarantee 19. Safety, Health, Welfare and Environmental (SHWE) 20. Security 21. Preservation and Maintenance of the Site 22. Direction and Approval 23. Compliance with Law 24. Guarantees 25. Termination for Default and Petition in Bankruptcy

26. Continuity 27. Audit Rights 28. Title 29. Confidentiality 30. Patents 31. Insurance 32. Liability 33. Hazardous Substances Indemnification 34. Suspension 35. Cancellation 36. Termination, Suspension, Cancellation Liabilities 37. USA Export Administration Regulations 38. Assignment and Subcontracting 39. Force Majeure 40. Applicable Law 1. Introduction 1.1 These General Conditions for Construction Work supplement the "Instructions and Conditions Company which are part of the PURCHASE ORDER for the sale and supply of certain specified equipment and/or materials. The General Conditions for Construction Work govern the construction portion of the PURCHASE ORDER only. In case of any discrepancy in terms of ambiguity or nonapplicability between "Instructions and Conditions Company" and these General Conditions of Construction Work, these General Conditions prevail over the Instructions and Conditions. Special conditions may be added to these general conditions if, in the opinion of Company and/or OWNER, such is required. In case of any discrepancy between these General Conditions and the agreed Special Conditions, the Special Conditions will prevail. 1.2 Any change or modification of the General Conditions and/or the Special Conditions and any exceptions thereto by VENDOR in his proposal or otherwise shall only be valid and binding when expressly agreed upon by both parties and addressed in full in the Special Conditions and not by way of reference in the PURCHASE ORDER. 1.3 Headings and subheadings of articles and indices used in these General Conditions and in the Special Conditions are for convenience and ease of reference only and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provision or of the total PURCHASE ORDER. 2. Definitions The following definitions shall apply to the construction part of the PURCHASE ORDER. Words imparting the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires. 2.1 Purchase Order PURCHASE ORDER shall mean the complete Company PURCHASE ORDER with the General Conditions and Special Conditions for Construction Work, all documents which are deemed to be incorporated therein by reference and all agreed PURCHASE ORDER amendments. 2.2 Work

WORK shall mean all construction work to be performed and services to be rendered by VENDOR under the General Conditions and Special Conditions of the PURCHASE ORDER in respect of the construction work. 2.3 Subcontractor SUBCONTRACTOR shall mean any person or Company having a SUBCONTRACT with VENDOR for the performance of the WORK or part of it. 2.4 Company Company shall mean the Company who has awarded the PURCHASE ORDER, their designated representatives, and their representative or his appointed representative at the SITE. Such award may be in Company's name or in the name and/or on behalf of the client with whom Company has a contract. 2.5 Owner OWNER shall mean the client with whom Company has a contract to perform work. 2.6 Site SITE shall mean the location of both on-plot and off-plot units and facilities of OWNER's PLANT. 2.7 Plant PLANT shall mean the units and facilities to be constructed and of which the WORK is a part. 2.8 Materials MATERIALS shall mean any machinery, equipment, materials and other items (including the initial spare parts specified elsewhere) supplied by VENDOR and intended to be incorporated permanently in the PLANT or its facilities. 2.9 Surplus Materials SURPLUS MATERIALS shall mean any MATERIALS found to be surplus upon acceptance of the WORK or earlier, with the exception of the initial spare parts. 2.10 Construction Equipment CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT shall mean any lifting, transporting, testing, calibrating, protecting, and other materials and equipment, aircraft, watercraft, scaffolding, tools, implements and such other items as are required for the execution of the WORK but shall not include MATERIALS. 2.11 Temporary Facilities

TEMPORARY FACILITIES shall mean any temporary yards for the storage and/or maintenance of CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and/or MATERIALS, any temporary offices, WORK shops, change rooms and other buildings, any temporary sanitary facilities and installations for utilities including the connections to the points of supply, any office equipment, office supplies, any consumables used in the TEMPORARY FACILITIES and such other items as are required for the execution of the WORK but shall not include MATERIALS or CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. 2.12 Variation in Scope VARIATION IN SCOPE shall mean any increase or decrease in the WORK. 2.13 Vendor VENDOR means the party performing the WORK under the PURCHASE ORDER. 2.14 Extra Work EXTRA WORK shall mean any modification or alteration to a part or parts of the WORK in progress or completed. 2.15 Completion Date(s) COMPLETION DATE(s) shall mean the date(s) specified in the PURCHASE ORDER for completion of the WORK. 2.16 Milestone MILESTONE shall mean an event that forms part of the WORK or a stage that a part of the WORK has reached, whereas the event or stage has been defined in the PURCHASE ORDER. 2.17 Milestone Date MILESTONE DATE shall mean the date on which a MILESTONE must be reached, whereas the date has been defined in the PURCHASE ORDER. 2.18 Acceptance ACCEPTANCE shall mean Company's acknowledgement that the WORK or part of the WORK completed has been reviewed without noting any nonapproved nonconformances with the PURCHASE ORDER by issuing a Certificate of Acceptance. The guarantee period shall start on the date of the issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance. 3. Temporary Facilities 3.1 Company shall make available to VENDOR free of charge a sufficient area or sufficient areas of land for vendor's TEMPORARY FACILITIES. 3.2 VENDOR shall promptly remove any TEMPORARY FACILITIES when instructed by Company to do so.

3.3 VENDOR shall, at his own expense, supply, install, maintain and remove the TEMPORARY FACILITIES that VENDOR may require. Prior to the supply VENDOR shall submit to Company all VENDOR's requirements including detailed drawings whereupon Company will establish the exact location of the TEMPORARY FACILITIES. 3.4 Company shall, insofar as they deem necessary, provide free of charge a supply of potable water, nonpotable water and electric power. VENDOR shall, at his own expense, provide, maintain and remove any temporary piping systems, cables and distribution boards VENDOR may require, including the connections to the points of supply. Connections to points of supply shall not be made without prior approval by Company. 3.5 Water and electric power shall be used conservatively. Electric power shall not be used for heating or for stress-relieving purposes or for testing microprocessors or computer systems. 3.6 In case a central sanitary sewer system is available VENDOR may, at his own expense, provide and remove any temporary system VENDOR may require, including the connection(s) to the existing system. Connections shall not be made without prior approval by Company. 3.7 VENDOR is responsible for the supply, installation, maintenance and removal of any telephone and/or telex connections VENDOR may require. All costs, including but not limited to subscription and usage, are for VENDOR's account. The routing of cables must be approved by the telephone Company and Company prior to their installation. 3.8 VENDOR shall not remove from the SITE any TEMPORARY FACILITIES without the prior approval by Company. VENDOR shall promptly remove any TEMPORARY FACILITIES when instructed by Company to do so 3.9 On acceptance of the WORK, VENDOR shall remove all remaining TEMPORARY FACILITIES and leave the area(s) in a condition satisfactory to Company. On acceptance of the WORK, VENDOR shall remove all remaining TEMPORARY FACILITIES and leave the area(s) in a condition satisfactory to Company. 4. Construction Equipment 4.1 VENDOR shall, at his own expense, supply, maintain and remove the CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT required for the execution of the WORK. 4.2 VENDOR warrants that the CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT shall be deployed at the SITE such that the WORK is executed in an efficient and expeditious manner. 4.3 The CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT shall be in first-class operating condition, safe and suitable for the efficient execution of the WORK and shall be accompanied by all safety, test and operating certificates and/or records required by manufacturer and authorities. VENDOR shall conduct regular safety checks especially on cranes, vehicles and scaffolding to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT not conforming with the foregoing shall promptly be removed by VENDOR and replaced with CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT acceptable to Company and/or OWNER without additional cost to Company and/or OWNER and without delaying the WORK. 4.4 VENDOR is solely responsible for the supply of his own fuels, lubricants and other products required for the execution of the WORK. In case OWNER is a manufacturer of such products, VENDOR undertakes to use only OWNER's products for the CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT at the SITE. 4.5 Oil and/or lubricant changes for CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT at the SITE shall only be carried out at locations approved by Company. All wastage shall be properly collected, removed from the SITE and safely disposed of by VENDOR. In case of spillage all cleanup, including removal and replacement of contaminated soil, shall be for VENDOR's account. 4.6 VENDOR shall not remove from the SITE any CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT without the prior approval from Company. VENDOR shall promptly remove any CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT when instructed by Company to do so. 5. Vendor and his Personnel 5.1 VENDOR shall act as an independent contractor with respect to the WORK, and neither VENDOR nor any of his SUBCONTRACTORS nor the employees, agents, representatives and servants of either shall be deemed to be the employees, agents, representatives or servants of Company and/or OWNER. 5.2 VENDOR warrants that the WORK shall be efficiently and expeditiously executed by an adequate organization and work force, in accordance with first-class skill and workmanship and to the entire satisfaction of Company. 5.3 VENDOR shall exclusively assign to the SITE personnel that are permanently employed by VENDOR. 5.4 VENDOR's site management and supervisory personnel shall be thoroughly familiar with and fully conversant in the English language. 5.5 Prior to commencement of the WORK, VENDOR shall nominate a construction manager who shall be responsible for the WORK, who shall be authorized to represent VENDOR and who shall be at the SITE permanently during the execution of the WORK. 5.6 VENDOR shall not replace or remove from the SITE any of his site management or supervisory personnel who have been assigned to the SITE without the prior approval from Company. 5.7 VENDOR shall maintain at the SITE an up-to-date list of all his personnel as well as his SUBCONTRACTORS' personnel working on the SITE. This list shall include the

employee's name, personnel number, country of origin and identity card or passport number. Company shall have access to this list at all times. 5.8 Upon instruction by Company, VENDOR shall immediately remove from the SITE and replace, at his own cost, any personnel either employed by VENDOR or his SUBCONTRACTORS, which Company regards as not suitable for reasons such as incompetency, language problems, reprehensible conduct, noncompliance with safety or security regulations 5.9 In the event that VENDOR is not able to immediately replace any personnel when instructed to do so by Company and in the event that VENDOR fails to have assigned to the SITE an adequate number of qualified personnel and is unable to improve this situation to the entire satisfaction of Company within five (5) working days after having been instructed to do so by Company, Company shall have the right to mobilize and assign their own and/or third party personnel until such time that VENDOR has fulfilled his obligations and a smooth execution of the WORK is assured. Any cost arising from such mobilization, assignment and subsequent demobilization shall be for VENDOR's account. 6. Materials and Storage 6.1 VENDOR shall deliver all MATERIALS as supplied under the supply part of the PURCHASE ORDER. 6.2 VENDOR shall unload, store and handle all MATERIALS. 6.3 MATERIALS shall be stored, maintained and erected or installed by VENDOR under conditions such that they are adequately protected from deterioration caused by ingress of moisture, dust or extremes of temperature, and that they are protected from accidental or willful damage. 6.4 MATERIALS supplied by VENDOR shall be new and unused, of first-class design and workmanship, within the specifications or if no such specifications exist, in all respects fit for the purpose intended. VENDOR shall obtain optimum guarantees from any third party suppliers of materials. 6.5 MATERIALS supplied by VENDOR shall be subject to Company's approval in respect of sources of supply. In case VENDOR fails to comply with this requirement, Company may instruct vendor to remove the MATERIALS from the SITE, whether or not they have been installed, and hold VENDOR liable for the costs of replacing such MATERIALS and for making good all other loss or damage to the WORK, including loss or damage to other contractors on SITE. 6.6 VENDOR shall have available the required construction lifting and holding equipment and manpower. 6.7 MATERIALS supplied by VENDOR and found to be surplus upon acceptance of the WORK or earlier shall be removed from the SITE by VENDOR after consultation with, and without any cost to Company. 7. Information Supplied by Company

7.1 Company shall keep VENDOR advised, in writing, about Company's representative and designated representatives. 7.2 Unless otherwise agreed in the PURCHASE ORDER, Company shall supply VENDOR free of charge with the following information: a. one reproducible or four copies of all construction drawings required for the execution of the WORK; b. two copies of all Company documents, except drawings, necessary for the WORK; c. if applicable, two copies of relevant OWNER documents such as safety and/or security rules and regulations. 7.3 In case Company has supplied VENDOR with four copies of all construction drawings, Company shall supply VENDOR with two more copies, free of charge, of those drawings that need to be marked up for "as-built" purposes. In case Company has supplied VENDOR with one reproducible of all construction drawings, VENDOR shall make for his own account copies required for marking up for "as-built" purposes. 7.4 VENDOR shall not in any way be relieved from any obligations under the PURCHASE ORDER should any information, whether obtained from Company or otherwise, be incorrect and/or insufficient. VENDOR shall screen such information received in the light of his scope of WORK and the requirements thereof. 8. Information Supplied by Vendor 8.1 VENDOR shall prepare as soon as possible his quality plan (inspection and test plan) for the WORK and submit this to Company for Company's and/or OWNER's approval and the possible imposition of hold/witness points. 8.2 VENDOR shall prepare his safety plan for the WORK and submit this to Company for Company's and/or OWNER's approval as soon as possible. 8.3 VENDOR shall be responsible for providing all drawings, calculations and any other information necessary for and prepared by VENDOR for the proper execution of the WORK.

8.4 VENDOR shall prepare in accordance with Company's requirements and submit to Company the following documents:  Labor force report, daily before 09.00 hours. This report shall include the names of all of VENDOR's personnel and his SUBCONTRACTORS' personnel present at the SITE.  Safety/security/sanitation report, monthly.  Comparison actual/planned manpower, monthly.  Progress report, including a comparison actual/planned progress, monthly.  Updates of VENDOR's organization charts and detailed construction schedule. 8.5 VENDOR shall inform Company immediately if the information received is not sufficient to execute the WORK in accordance with the PURCHASE ORDER and with normal construction practice. VENDOR who has not so informed Company shall be deemed to have received sufficient information.

8.6 VENDOR shall supply Company with "as-built" information by way of marked up drawings to enable Company to prepare "as-built" drawings. 8.7 VENDOR shall, within reason, supply Company with feedback information requested by Company. 9. Work 9.1 VENDOR is deemed to have ascertained, prior to award of PURCHASE ORDER, the extent and risks of the WORK and to have gathered all information necessary to execute the WORK including, but not limited to, the location and conditions at the SITE, local conditions and facilities, conditions of labor, wage standards, safety requirements, environmental and industrial matters. 9.2 VENDOR shall not in any way be relieved from any obligation under the PURCHASE ORDER should any information, whether obtained from Company or otherwise, be incorrect and/or insufficient. VENDOR shall screen such information received in the light of his scope of WORK and the requirements thereof. 9.3 Should any WORK or MATERIALS be required applying normal engineering practice, which has obviously been omitted from the PURCHASE ORDER but is necessary for the proper functioning of the PLANT, VENDOR understands such is implied and shall execute all such WORK and supply all such MATERIALS as is implied therein. 9.4 VENDOR shall notify Company of any discrepancies found in the PURCHASE ORDER and obtain from Company interpretation and/or decisions on any questions that may arise as to the intent of the PURCHASE ORDER. 9.5 VENDOR shall at all times, in accordance with the best practices and at no additional cost to Company or OWNER, protect from damage or loss due to VENDOR's operations all materials and work and all other items on the SITE belonging to OWNER, Company or others. 9.6 If, in the opinion of Company, the organization, composition or strength of VENDOR's personnel, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, materials or equipment or other support is inadequate and would jeopardize any MILESTONE DATE or the COMPLETION DATE, VENDOR shall take remedial action immediately. In the event that VENDOR fails to take remedial action within one (1) week after having been instructed to do so by Company, or in the event that the action taken by VENDOR is unsatisfactory to Company, Company shall have the right to take any remedial action themselves. Any cost arising from such remedial action by Company shall be for VENDOR's account. 9.7 VENDOR shall follow the directions by Company and shall cooperate and keep harmonious relations with other subcontractors at the SITE in order that the WORK and the work of other subcontractors may be carried out in such a way as will serve the interest of the contract between Company and OWNER and/or the OWNER direct. 9.8 VENDOR shall not contact governmental and/or municipal authorities in connection with the WORK without the prior knowledge of Company. 9.9 VENDOR shall not contact OWNER without prior approval from Company. VENDOR shall refer to Company for a decision on any request OWNER or OWNER's employees may make to VENDOR which will affect the WORK or the progress or the cost thereof.

Pending Company's decision, VENDOR shall continue with the WORK in accordance with the PURCHASE ORDER, except that nothing in this provision shall operate so as to prevent VENDOR from immediately carrying out any emergency measure for the safety of persons and/or property which a representative of OWNER may request. In the event of VENDOR's carrying out emergency measures at OWNER's request, VENDOR shall report the occurrence to Company without delay. 10. Working Hours, Overtime, Standby Time 10.1 VENDOR shall comply with the working hours agreed for the execution of the WORK. Deviations from these working hours require prior approval from Company. VENDOR shall be responsible for obtaining permission to work overtime from the appropriate authority. 10.2 In the event that Company deems it necessary that VENDOR works overtime and/or works during holidays in order to safeguard a MILESTONE DATE and/or the COMPLETION DATE, VENDOR shall put this into effect immediately without extra charge to Company. 10.3 In the event that a MILESTONE DATE or the COMPLETION DATE is jeopardized for reasons contributable to Company and Company deems it necessary that VENDOR works overtime and/or works during holidays, Company shall pay to VENDOR the net extra cost of the premium payments of such overtime. 10.4 Standby time resulting from interruptions of the execution of the WORK caused by occurrences such as fire alarm, gas alarm, interruption in the supply of electric power, shall be dealt with as follows: a. costs associated with interruptions lasting one hour or less shall be absorbed by VENDOR; b. for interruptions that appear that they will be in excess of one hour's duration, VENDOR shall redeploy its personnel and CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, after consultation with Company. 10.5 Standby time caused by force majeure and standby time requested by authorities shall be for VENDOR's account. 10.6 The net cost of standby time requested and approved by Company shall be for Company's or OWNER's account. 11. Milestones, Milestone Dates, Completion Date 11.1 VENDOR warrants that any MILESTONE shall be reached at the MILESTONE DATE and that the WORK shall be ready for acceptance on the COMPLETION DATE. 11.2 Prior to commencing the WORK and within the time limit established by Company, VENDOR shall submit to Company his detailed schedule for the WORK, based upon the MILESTONE DATES and the COMPLETION DATE, and in the manner and detail required by Company. 11.3 VENDOR shall keep his detailed schedule for the work up-to-date, shall immediately notify Company of any delay to the schedule, either anticipated or actual, and shall state what action has been or will be taken to minimize such delay.

11.4 A MILESTONE DATE and/or the COMPLETION DATE shall only be changed in the following circumstances: a. where the WORK quantity has been substantially increased by written amendment to the PURCHASE ORDER and the prior consent of Company has been obtained for a change to such date; b. where the WORK quantity has been substantially decreased by written amendment to the PURCHASE ORDER and the prior consent of VENDOR has been obtained for a change to such date; c. in the event of delay caused by damage to the WORK through the fault of one or more of Company's other vendors, provided that VENDOR notifies Company, in writing, within two (2) working days of the occurrence and Company agrees to a change to such date; d. in the event of delay caused by force majeure, provided that VENDOR notifies Company, in writing, within two (2) working days of such event and obtains Company's written agreement to a change to such date corresponding to the amount of time lost; e. in the event of delay caused by Company exercising their right to temporarily suspend the WORK. 12. Inspection and Expediting, Testing 12.1 Company shall have access to and shall have the right to inspect the MATERIALS and the WORK or any part thereof at any time and place, before, during and after manufacture or erection. 12.2 VENDOR shall give reasonable notice to Company of his readiness for any required inspection. Such notice shall be sufficiently in advance of the assembly or closure of any part of the WORK, which might render it inaccessible for such inspection. In addition, VENDOR shall provide sufficient, safe and proper facilities for access and inspection by Company and/or OWNER. 12.3 Company shall be entitled to reject the MATERIALS or the WORK or any part thereof failing to meet the requirements of the PURCHASE ORDER. All resulting costs for replacement of MATERIALS or WORK including dismantling, rework, reinstallation and restoration shall be for VENDOR's account. 12.4 Company shall have the right to order, at any time, a reinspection involving the dismantling, where necessary, of any part of the WORK. In the event that the parts of the WORK conform to the PURCHASE ORDER any costs of reinspection and restoration of the WORK shall be borne by Company. In the event that the parts of the WORK do not conform to the PURCHASE ORDER, such cost shall be borne by VENDOR, unless VENDOR can prove that defects are caused by a contractor of Company and/or OWNER. 12.5 Inspection or failure to inspect by Company shall not relieve VENDOR of any of his obligations, responsibilities and/or liabilities under the PURCHASE ORDER, nor shall it be interpreted in any way to imply acceptance thereof by Company or the waiving of Company's or OWNER's guarantee rights. 12.6 VENDOR shall expedite materials and work furnished by his vendors and subcontractors to the extent necessary to safeguard any MILESTONE DATE and the COMPLETION DATE. 12.7 Materials and work furnished by VENDOR's vendors and subcontractors shall be subject to expediting by Company. Expediting or failure to expedite by Company shall

not relieve VENDOR of any of his obligations, responsibilities and/or liabilities under the PURCHASE ORDER. 12.8 VENDOR shall carry out all tests required, in the presence of Company and at times to be agreed by Company. Cost for testing shall be for VENDOR's account. 12.9 For testing purposes VENDOR shall, at his own expense, provide, maintain and remove any temporary installation, any temporary utility system including the connections to the points of supply, and any test medium required with the exception that Company shall supply free of charge all water and gases required for testing at the SITE. 13. Prices and Rates 13.1 All prices, whether lump sum, fixed, target, ceiling or any other prices and rates shall include, except where expressly stated otherwise in the PURCHASE ORDER, all VENDOR's costs, expenses, overheads, profits, taxes, fees, escalation and currency fluctuations to execute the WORK, TEMPORARY FACILITIES, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and MATERIALS. 13.2 All prices and rates shall be firm for the duration of the PURCHASE ORDER. 13.3 In case unit rates to be applied are not included in the section unit rates of the PURCHASE ORDER, VENDOR and Company shall agree upon new rates that shall be scaled from and be in proper relation with those included in 14. Changes. Pricing of Changes 14.1 VENDOR shall not execute any changes in the WORK without the prior written approval by Company. 14.2 Company shall have the right at any time to order changes in the WORK and/or the PURCHASE ORDER, and to order alterations to portions of the WORK in progress or completed. 14.3 Neither a MILESTONE DATE nor the COMPLETION DATE shall be changed as a result of changes in the WORK ordered by Company unless expressly otherwise agreed in writing by Company. 14.4 Changes in the WORK ordered by Company shall be dealt with as follows: a. VARIATIONS IN SCOPE shall be priced using the applicable rates for units of WORK included in the PURCHASE ORDER or, if such unit rates are not feasible, using a newly agreed lump sum or the rates for units of operation or time at Company's option; b. EXTRA WORK shall be recorded on Extra Work Authorizations (EWA's) (Form No. BNUC-4-1/3) and shall be priced using a newly negotiated lump sum or the rates for units of operation or time at Company's option. 14.5 Changes shall not be invoiced until they have been incorporated into the PURCHASE ORDER by way of a PURCHASE ORDER amendment.

15. Physical Progress, Invoicing, Payment 15.1 Physical progress shall only recognize the construction activities. Mobilization, setup and the supply of MATERIALS to the SITE shall not be expressed in physical progress. For VENDOR's cash flow purposes Company may agree, prior to PURCHASE ORDER award, to a downpayment or downpayments to cover these items. 15.2 At the end of each month and upon approval of the actual physical progress achieved, Company shall issue to the VENDOR a Progress Payment Certificate stating the value of the approved physical progress and of the approved and completed extra work. This Certificate is signed by Company, countersigned by the VENDOR and states the total value due to VENDOR to date. This total value minus previous payments, including any downpayment, represents the amount approved for invoicing. 15.3 VENDOR shall submit to Company on a monthly basis an invoice in accordance with the requirements of the PURCHASE ORDER. The backup shall include, but not be limited to, a copy of the Progress Payment Certificate covering the same period. 15.4 In case of a lump sum where VENDOR and Company agree, prior to PURCHASE ORDER for construction work award, on a payment schedule, such a schedule shall be linked to any MILESTONE DATE and the COMPLETION DATE. Invoices for progress payments shall be backed up by a copy of a Progress Payment Certificate stating the MILESTONE(s) achieved. If no MILESTONE(s) have been achieved during the month, the Progress Payment Certificate shall show the physical progress value of the previous month. 15.5 The last Progress Payment Certificate shall only be issued after acceptance of the WORK. 15.6 Company shall pay 90% of the amount of all approved invoices for progress and/or downpayments within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the correctly prepared invoice. 15.7 Company shall retain 10% of the amount of all approved invoices for progress and/or downpayments until the expiry of the guarantee period or until the receipt from VENDOR of an "on demand" Bank Guarantee in a form acceptable to Company or OWNER. 15.8 VENDOR shall invoice the retained 10% of the total PURCHASE ORDER value in respect of the WORK at the expiry of the guarantee period or upon issue of a Bank Guarantee in a form acceptable to Company or OWNER. Company shall pay the invoiced amount within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the correctly prepared invoice. 15.9 Payment to VENDOR shall not be interpreted as an acceptance of the WORK or any part thereof and shall not preclude Company's right of disputing any of the items involved. 16. Claims 16.1 VENDOR shall give Company written notice within ten (10) working days following the occurrence or discovery of any item or event which VENDOR knows, or reasonably should know, may result in a request for additional compensation under the PURCHASE ORDER or a change in a MILESTONE DATE or the COMPLETION DATE. Within twenty (20)

working days following the written notice, VENDOR shall supply Company with a statement supporting VENDOR's claim, which statement shall identify the particular contract articles under which VENDOR is claiming, together with the necessary supporting documents which shall include a detailed estimate of the additional compensation or time period. 16.3 Company shall not be liable for, and VENDOR hereby waives any claim or potential claim of VENDOR to Company or OWNER of which VENDOR knew or should have known and which was not reported by VENDOR in accordance with the provisions of this article. 16.2 Company and VENDOR shall endeavor to satisfactorily settle any claims. Irrespective of pending negotiations vendor shall continue to execute the WORK including any disputed parts thereof upon being instructed to do so in writing by Company. 16.3 In order to avoid disturbing a smooth execution of the WORK and to safeguard the working relationship between Company and VENDOR at the SITE, claims remaining unsettled in the opinion of the Company and VENDOR representatives shall be handled by Company's and VENDOR's respective home offices. 17. Use of the Work and Acceptance 17.1 Company and/or OWNER and/or their respective contractors shall have the right to use and occupy the WORK or part thereof before its completion. Such usage or occupation shall not relieve VENDOR from any of his obligations or liabilities under the PURCHASE ORDER, nor shall it be construed as evidence of Company's acceptance of the WORK or part thereof, nor shall it be grounds for a change to a MILESTONE DATE or the COMPLETION DATE. Damage to any part of the WORK arising from such use and occupancy and caused by weakness of structural parts or by defective MATERIALS or workmanship shall be for VENDOR's account. 17.2 When VENDOR considers that the WORK, or a part of the WORK needed for early operation, is complete, VENDOR shall notify Company thereof. Within fifteen (15) working days Company shall either issue to VENDOR a Certificate of Acceptance certifying that the criteria of the PURCHASE ORDER have been satisfied, or shall notify VENDOR of the deficiencies still to be remedied or activities to be completed before a Certificate of Acceptance will be issued. 18. Release of Liens, Retention and Bank Guarantee 18.1 Final progress payment shall not become due until VENDOR has delivered to Company a satisfactory form of affidavit providing a complete release of all rights to liens or retention arising, or which may arise, out of the PURCHASE ORDER and including a release and indemnification from all debts, claims, demands, damages, actions and causes of action, whatsoever, arising under, or in any way pertaining to the PURCHASE ORDER. 18.2 The Release of Liens shall accompany VENDOR's last invoice for progress payment, shall make proper reference to said invoice and shall clearly state that said invoice represents, with the exception of retention monies, the last invoice to be submitted to Company in connection with the PURCHASE ORDER.

18.3 Retention monies shall be released at the end of the guarantee period for the WORK provided that Company shall be entitled to retain a sum which, in Company's opinion, represents the value of the WORK remaining to be done at the end of the guarantee period. 18.4 After providing a Release of All Liens and upon request of VENDOR, Company shall release the retention monies in exchange for a Bank Guarantee in a format and issued by a bank acceptable to Company, remaining in force until the expiry of the guarantee period and fully covering the retained value. 19. Safety, Health, Welfare and Environmental (SHWE) 19.1 VENDOR shall execute the WORK in strict accordance with all safety laws, rules, regulations and provisions issued by any competent authority and by Company and/or OWNER, pertaining to health, safety and welfare of personnel which are applicable to VENDOR or to the WORK and the environment. 19.2 When moving onto the SITE, VENDOR shall nominate in writing to Company one employee to be responsible for safety. 19.3 VENDOR shall supply and maintain adequate first-aid facilities for his own and his SUBCONTRACTORS' personnel in accordance with the applicable local or national regulations. 19.4 VENDOR shall supply and maintain adequate fire extinguishers for his CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and TEMPORARY FACILITIES in accordance with the applicable local or national regulations. 19.5 VENDOR is responsible for taking all SHWE precautions and for the safe execution of the WORK. The issuing of work permits or safety permits by Company or OWNER for work in areas where such permits are required does not relieve VENDOR from his responsibilities. 19.6 In the event that VENDOR has not taken all necessary SHWE precautions and/or does not meet all safety requirements, the work shall be immediately interrupted and shall not be restarted until all necessary precautions have been taken and all necessary requirements have been met. VENDOR is solely responsible for any delay or additional costs which may arise as a result of such a suspension. 19.7 VENDOR shall immediately notify Company of any incident and/or personal injury and/or accident arising out of the execution of the WORK. VENDOR shall confirm such notification in writing, giving all relevant facts and shall fully cooperate with Company and/or OWNER in a subsequent investigation. Company and OWNER shall have access to all documentation. 19.8 Explosives, inflammable and other hazardous materials shall not be brought onto the SITE or stored on the SITE without prior approval by Company. 19.9 VENDOR shall follow the directions of Company and/or the OWNER's representative responsible for safety. 20. Security

20.1 VENDOR shall execute the WORK in strict accordance with all security laws, rules, regulations and provisions given by any authority and by Company and/or OWNER. 20.2 VENDOR shall supply and maintain adequate security to protect MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and TEMPORARY FACILITIES at all times. 20.3 Whenever it becomes necessary for VENDOR to remove MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT or TEMPORARY FACILITIES from the SITE, a Release Statement must be signed by Company before removal. 20.4 VENDOR shall follow the directions of Company and/or the OWNER's representative responsible for security. 21. Preservation and Maintenance of the Site 21.1 VENDOR shall maintain the SITE in a neat and orderly condition and shall promptly store or remove any debris and waste. If, upon receipt of written notice by Company, VENDOR fails to comply with his obligations, Company may remove or cause to be removed such debris and waste at VENDOR's expense. 21.2 VENDOR shall preserve and protect all existing vegetation such as trees, shrubs and grass on or adjacent to the SITE which is not to be removed and which does not unreasonably interfere with the WORK. 21.3 VENDOR shall preserve and protect all fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity and structures and other remains or things of geological or archaeological interest discovered at the SITE. All such finds shall, as between Company and VENDOR, be deemed to be the absolute property of Company or OWNER as the case may require. VENDOR shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his personnel or any other persons from removing or damaging any such article or thing and shall immediately upon discovery thereof and before removal notify Company of such discovery and carry out at the expense of Company, Company's instructions as to the disposal of the same. 21.4 On acceptance of the WORK, VENDOR shall leave the SITE in a safe and clean condition to the entire satisfaction of Company. 22. Direction and Approval Any direction, notification, approval, review, comment or the like by Company shall not relieve VENDOR of any of his duties or responsibilities under the PURCHASE ORDER except when such direction, notification, approval, review, comment or the like is in writing and specifically mentions such relief. 23. Compliance with Law VENDOR shall in execution of the WORK comply with all applicable laws, orders, rules and regulations and bylaws of government or local authorities and shall indemnify and hold Company and OWNER harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, costs, losses, expenses and judgements arising from or based on any actual or asserted violation by VENDOR of any applicable laws, orders, rules and regulations and bylaws. VENDOR shall, at his own expense, procure all necessary Permits, Certificates and Licenses required in the name of VENDOR pertaining to the execution of the WORK.

24. Guarantees 24.1 Throughout the term and execution of the PURCHASE ORDER, VENDOR guarantees that the MATERIALS and the WORK are fit for the purpose expressly specified or manifestly implied in the PURCHASE ORDER and are free of defects in design (to the extent that such design is not furnished by Company), materials and workmanship until one (1) year after the date that the PLANT in which they are incorporated is placed in operation but not later than eighteen (18) months after Company has obtained mechanical completion from OWNER, irrespective of whether VENDOR's engineering designs, data or information have been reviewed, commented upon or approved by Company or have been incorporated in the PURCHASE ORDER; provided, however, that said MATERIALS or WORK are not subjected to conditions more severe than described or implied in the PURCHASE ORDER. 24.2 If any item of MATERIALS or WORK not meeting this guarantee is discovered during said period and VENDOR is notified thereof, VENDOR shall promptly, and at his own expense, make such alterations, repairs and replacements as may be necessary to meet this guarantee. Should VENDOR fail to take any action required according to this article, Company shall be entitled to take such action or to have such action taken and to recover from VENDOR all costs thereto. 24.3 Where defects or deficiencies cannot be corrected, the faulty MATERIALS shall be promptly removed at VENDOR's expense and VENDOR shall either: a. furnish and install proper MATERIALS and perform rework and restoration of the WORK to the extent necessary to satisfy the requirements of the PURCHASE ORDER; or b. reimburse all costs incurred by Company for removal and installation of replacement MATERIALS including transportation and, where involved, those costs for rework and restoration of the WORK. 24.4 Repairs or replacements shall be subject to the same guarantees as heretofore for a period of one (1) year from the date that the plant in which they are incorporated is placed in operation or one (1) year from the date of such repairs or replacements, whichever is the longer. 24.5 The preceding guarantees shall also extend for the benefit of OWNER. 25. Termination for Default and Petition in Bankruptcy 25.1 In the event VENDOR fails to comply with any requirement of law or the PURCHASE ORDER such as, but not limited to, failure to comply with specifications, instructions and conditions of the PURCHASE ORDER, to furnish an adequate and sufficiently skilled labor force, or to rectify omissions, imperfections or faults in the WORK within a reasonable time limit as instructed by Company, or in the event of the presentation of a petition in bankruptcy by VENDOR or any other party or in the case of a voluntary or compulsory liquidation of VENDOR, Company shall be entitled to immediately terminate the WORK or any part thereof. Company shall notify VENDOR of such termination in writing. 25.2 In the event of such termination, Company may take possession of the WORK in its existing state together with all MATERIALS, whether or not already incorporated in the WORK and CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and may finish the WORK by whatever method it may deem expedient, including engaging third parties.

25.3 Immediately after notification of termination of the WORK, VENDOR shall deliver to Company all drawings, specifications and information related to the WORK, irrespective as to whether such drawings, specifications or information are supplied by Company or VENDOR. 25.4 Immediately after notification of termination of the WORK and if Company so instructs, VENDOR shall take all steps necessary to fully vest in Company the rights and benefits of VENDOR under existing contracts VENDOR has with third parties. In the absence of such instruction, VENDOR shall terminate the contracts with these third parties. 25.5 VENDOR shall enable Company, to the extent desired by Company, to take over any or all MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and TEMPORARY FACILITIES owned by VENDOR, for which Company shall compensate VENDOR. 25.6 In the event of termination, Company shall pay VENDOR the value of the WORK executed. Company has the right to deduct from such value the unpaid value of WORK executed by subcontractors of VENDOR, retention money and all costs and expenses incurred or to be incurred by Company because of such termination. 25.7 Company is allowed to retain all payments until the costs and expenses, because of termination, have been determined. In the event that the total of payments made by Company to VENDOR up to the time of termination exceeds the total payable by Company under the foregoing conditions, VENDOR shall immediately refund such excess failing which Company shall have the right to sell in such a way as Company may deem proper any or all MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and TEMPORARY FACILITIES of VENDOR in order to recover these costs and expenses out of the proceeds of such sales. 25.8 The aforementioned does not prejudice the exercise of any other rights or remedies which may be available to Company. 25.9 VENDOR shall remain liable under the terms of the guarantees for the portion of the WORK executed and for the MATERIALS supplied up to the time of termination. 26. Continuity In order to secure the proper continuation and timely completion of the WORK in the event of default or a forfeiture by VENDOR, VENDOR shall include in all of its contracts with third parties, a provision similar to the following: "Company/OWNER shall have the right to take over this agreement on the same terms and financial conditions as are applicable to VENDOR, in the event of termination for reason of default by or forfeiture of VENDOR, provided that Company/OWNER so request by written notice within ten (10) working days after the date of such termination and provided further that Company/OWNER undertake to fulfill all payments due as of such takeover date." 27. Audit Rights 27.1 VENDOR shall keep and cause his subcontractors to keep, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, books, records and accounts pertaining to performance of the WORK, including VENDOR's and his subcontractors' personnel records, correspondence, instructions, plans, drawings, receipts, and such other

documentation and related systems and controls necessary for an accurate audit and verification of reimbursable costs. VENDOR shall preserve, and shall cause his subcontractors to preserve, said documents during the performance of the WORK and for a period of three (3) years after ACCEPTANCE. 27.2 VENDOR shall permit and cause his subcontractors to permit, at reasonable times during the performance of the WORK and for a period of three (3) years after ACCEPTANCE, representatives of Company and/or OWNER to interview VENDOR's and his subcontractors' personnel, review VENDOR's and his subcontractors' accounting and cost control systems and inspect books, records, accounts and other documents set forth in Article 27.1 and make copies thereof, as necessary to audit and verify the completeness and accuracy of reimbursable costs contained in invoices submitted by VENDOR, or for any reasonable purpose. 27.3 If an audit indicates errors in VENDOR's invoices, VENDOR shall make appropriate invoice adjustments or promptly refund overpayments. 27.4 As applicable, VENDOR shall include the above audit rights in all his contracts with third parties. 28. Title 28.1 All drawings, specifications and other documents supplied by Company to VENDOR remain the property of Company. 28.2 Unless otherwise stated in the PURCHASE ORDER, title to all drawings, specifications and other documents supplied by VENDOR shall vest in Company or OWNER as required and Company and/or OWNER shall have the right to use these drawings, specifications and other documents for any purpose whatsoever without any obligation of any kind to VENDOR. 28.3 Within five (5) working days after ACCEPTANCE of the WORK and at any other time when instructed by Company, VENDOR shall hand over to Company all drawings, specifications and other documents whether supplied by Company or VENDOR. 28.4 Title to the WORK, whether completed or in course of execution, shall vest in Company or OWNER as required. VENDOR agrees that OWNERSHIP of MATERIALS shall ultimately be vested in Company upon delivery to the SITE of the respective MATERIALS. The OWNERSHIP of MATERIALS supplied by VENDOR and found to be surplus upon ACCEPTANCE of the WORK, or earlier, shall pass back to VENDOR. 29. Confidentiality 29.1 VENDOR shall hold in confidence and shall not copy, reproduce, use, divulge or disclose to others any information made available by Company or OWNER in connection with the PURCHASE ORDER except to the extent necessary for the sole purpose of executing the WORK. In the event VENDOR requires to divulge or disclose any information to others, VENDOR shall obtain prior written approval by Company and shall ensure that the information is protected by a confidentiality provision. 29.2 VENDOR shall not disclose the existence of the PURCHASE ORDER or the name of Company or OWNER for reference, publicity, advertising, business development or other purposes without the prior written approval of Company.

29.3 VENDOR shall not take any photographs or motion pictures at the SITE without prior approval of Company. 30. Patents 30.1 VENDOR hereby grants to Company and OWNER a nonexclusive, royalty free, irrevocable license under patents now or hereafter owned by VENDOR which cover any apparatus, article, process or composition used or produced in the performance of the WORK. 30.2 VENDOR shall indemnify and hold Company and OWNER harmless from all costs, expenses and/or damages arising out of any infringements or claims of infringements of patents in the use or sale of MATERIALS and CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT except MATERIALS and CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT furnished pursuant to Company's and/or OWNER's design. 30.3 VENDOR shall promptly notify Company if VENDOR has or acquires knowledge of any patent under which a suit for an alleged infringement reasonably could be brought in connection with MATERIALS and CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT to be furnished pursuant to Company's and/or OWNER's design. 30.4 Patents shall include copyrights and similar rights. 31. Insurance 31.1 Insurance by Company/Owner Without limiting the obligations or liabilities of the VENDOR and his SUBCONTRACTORS, VENDOR and his subcontractors shall be coinsured parties on the Construction All-Risk insurance policy to be maintained by Company or OWNER, or be nominated parties to an indemnification arrangement to be specified, with regard to physical loss and/or damage to the WORK and/or the PLANT. VENDOR is deemed to have full knowledge of the terms and conditions of the insurance or indemnification arrangement in force, a copy or extract of which may be seen at the office of Company. 31.2 Insurance by Vendor VENDOR shall procure or maintain the following insurances at his own expense: a. Personnel VENDOR shall provide cover for his personnel, whether engaged directly or indirectly in the WORK, in accordance with the statutory requirements of the government or governments having jurisdiction over VENDOR's personnel. b. Liability Insurance VENDOR shall maintain his existing insurances such as his liability insurance for bodily injury, death and property damage. Such insurances shall include a waiver of recourse in favor of OWNER and Company. c. Automobile and Motorized Equipment VENDOR shall maintain or arrange for legal liability insurance for all automobile and motorized CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT used or furnished by VENDOR, at least to the limits required by law for public roads. Such insurance has to remain in force whilst on the SITE and has to include a waiver of recourse in favor of OWNER and Company.

d. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and TEMPORARY FACILITIES VENDOR shall maintain or arrange for all-risk insurance coverage for loss and/or damage to CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, including automobile and motorized equipment, and TEMPORARY FACILITIES owned or hired by VENDOR. Such insurance shall include a waiver of recourse in favor of OWNER and Company. 31.3 VENDOR shall immediately inform Company of any injury, loss or damage arising out of or in consequence of the PURCHASE ORDER and VENDOR shall adhere to the damage reporting procedures in force at SITE. VENDOR shall refrain from any act or commitment, whether direct or implied, which could jeopardize the position of any of the coinsured parties under the insurance policy or the position of the underwriters. 31.4 Upon request by Company, VENDOR shall furnish copies of his insurance policies. Should VENDOR at any time refuse to provide the insurance coverage required or should such insurance be canceled, of which VENDOR shall immediately notify Company, Company shall have the right to procure the same in VENDOR's name and deduct such costs from the sums due or to become due to VENDOR. 32. Liability 32.1 VENDOR assumes full responsibility for: a. loss of and/or damage howsoever arising to any of VENDOR's property or the property of VENDOR's personnel and for all sickness, injury or death of VENDOR's personnel arising out of or in connection with the PURCHASE ORDER; b. loss of and/or damage howsoever arising to any CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT and TEMPORARY FACILITIES. 32.2 VENDOR shall take every practicable precaution not to injure any persons or damage the WORK, MATERIALS, PLANT and any adjoining or other property. In the event of any injury, death or damage, either directly or indirectly, arising out of or in connection with the PURCHASE ORDER, VENDOR shall satisfy all claims made arising therefrom. VENDOR shall indemnify and hold harmless Company and/or OWNER from and against all action, suit, claim, demand, damage, cost, charge and expense arising in connection therewith. Nothing contained in this Article 32.2 shall be deemed to render VENDOR liable for injury, death or damage to persons or property resulting solely from a negligent act or omission of Company, their employees or their SUBCONTRACTORS not being engaged by VENDOR. 32.3 Any losses and/or damages which are not paid by insurance or the indemnification as referred to in Article 31.1, paragraph 2, and the amounts of deductibles as defined in the insurance policies or in the specified arrangements of indemnification shall be for VENDOR's account. 32.4 In case that in connection with VENDOR's WORK any claims are made against OWNER or Company, or seizures are made in any manner of any of their properties, Company may retain as may be necessary all amounts due or to become due to VENDOR, until such claims have been satisfied and such seizures have been taken away. 32.5 VENDOR, his employees or his SUBCONTRACTORS shall not be liable for loss of use, loss of time, loss of profit or any other indirect or consequential damage incurred by

OWNER or Company except to the extent such loss or damage is recoverable from insurance. 33. Hazardous Substances Indemnification The WORK may involve activities falling under the coverage of laws and regulations relating to the environment and may involve the potential of exposure of individuals to hazardous, toxic, or contaminated substances or may require the handling of same. Notwithstanding any other provisions contained elsewhere in this PURCHASE ORDER to the contrary, VENDOR shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless OWNER, Company, its subcontractors, if any, and its and their officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from and against any and all claims, losses, costs, expenses, judgements, damages (including incidental or special damages), penalties and liabilities suffered by Company or OWNER as a result of or arising out of or in connection with the performance of work or services as it relates to the regulation of the environment, including without limitation, those activities relating to: 1. Handling, storage, or disposal of hazardous, toxic, or contaminated substances, whether above or below ground; 2. Hazardous waste exposure; 3. Pollution or contamination of air, land, water, property, or person; 4. Leakage or spills of hazardous substances, whether above or below ground; and 5. Removal and/or remediation. VENDOR shall at all times retain exclusive control over ad final approval of and shall be solely responsible for evaluation implementation, and all other decisions relating to environmental laws, rules, and regulations. Further, VENDOR, by its execution thereof, expressly releases Company from future liabilities which may arise in connection with such decisions as they relate to environmental regulation. This indemnification shall apply whether such regulation of the environment and safety is pursuant to Federal, State, or Local laws, and in any event, including, without limitation, all respective implementing regulations as may be in effect from time to time. Further, this indemnification shall apply whether (1) the activities involve workers, employees, or agents of OWNER, Company, VENDOR, or third parties; (2) the party seeking indemnification is responsible for the situation giving rise to claim; or (3) the claim results in a monetary obligation that exceeds VENDOR's contractual commitment hereunder; provided however that VENDOR shall not be liable for the indemnification hereunder to the extent that any such claim results for the sole or intentional misconduct of OWNER or Company. A claim shall include all costs, expenses, penalties, attorneys' fees, fines, and civil sanctions arising out of or related to such claim, including all those related to the environmental, safety, and health aspects thereof, as well as any costs related to investigation, removal, remedial action or other clean-up of hazardous, toxic, or contaminated material. 34. Suspension 34.1 Company shall at any time, at their sole discretion, have the right to suspend the WORK or any part thereof. Company shall notify VENDOR of such suspension by giving

five (5) working days' notice except in cases of emergency endangering persons, operations, equipment or property when notice shall be effective immediately. 34.2 Upon suspension, VENDOR shall continue to execute any unsuspended WORK and shall take all necessary actions to maintain and safeguard the suspended portion of the WORK. 34.3 Within five (5) working days of written notice, VENDOR shall resume the suspended part of the WORK. In the event VENDOR fails to adhere to such notice, termination for default shall be applicable. Failure by Company to order a resumption within one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days following suspension shall entitle VENDOR to abandon the suspended portion thereof. 34.4 Company shall reimburse VENDOR only those costs as a result of suspension that have been approved by Company. 35. Cancellation 35.1 Company shall at any time, for any reason at their sole discretion, have the right to cancel the WORK or any part thereof. Company shall notify VENDOR of such cancellation by giving five (5) working days' notice, except in cases of emergency endangering persons or property when notice shall be effective immediately. 35.2 Immediately after notification of cancellation of the WORK, VENDOR shall deliver to Company all drawings, specifications and information related to the WORK, irrespective as to whether such drawings, specifications or information are supplied by Company or VENDOR. 35.3 Immediately after notification of cancellation of the WORK and if Company so instructs, VENDOR shall take all steps necessary to fully vest in Company or OWNER as required the rights and benefits of VENDOR under existing contracts with third parties. In the absence of such instruction, VENDOR shall terminate the contracts with these parties. 35.4 In the event of cancellation, Company shall reimburse VENDOR the cost of MATERIALS incorporated in the PLANT and the value of the WORK executed up to the time of cancellation. Other costs shall only be paid when they have been approved by Company. 35.5 VENDOR shall remain liable under the terms of the Guarantees for the portion of the WORK executed and for the MATERIALS supplied up to the time of cancellation. 36. Termination, Suspension, Cancellation Liabilities In the event of termination, suspension or cancellation of the WORK or any part thereof, neither Company nor OWNER shall be liable to VENDOR for any loss or damage either direct or consequential, as a result of such termination, suspension or cancellation except as defined in Articles 25.0, 34.0 and 35.0 respectively. 37. USA Export Administration Regulations VENDOR shall not disclose or ship, directly or indirectly, any information made available to VENDOR pursuant to or in connection with the PURCHASE ORDER or the direct product

thereof (equipment, plant, process or service) to any country where such disclosure or shipment is restricted by the laws and regulations of the United States of America. 38. Assignment and Subcontracting 38.1 VENDOR shall not assign or subcontract the PURCHASE ORDER, nor any part thereof, nor any interest therein, to a third party, to an associated or subsidiary company of VENDOR, to a company with whom VENDOR is engaged in a joint venture, nor any other company or organization without the prior written approval of Company, both in respect to the portion to be assigned or subcontracted and the party to which VENDOR proposes to assign or subcontract. 38.2 Such approval by Company shall not relieve VENDOR from any of his responsibilities, obligations or liabilities under the PURCHASE ORDER and VENDOR shall bear the entire responsibility for his assignees or SUBCONTRACTORS, as the case may be, and their respective employees in the same way as for his own employees. VENDOR shall ensure that his obligations hereunder, insofar as necessary or practicable to secure proper and timely execution of the WORK, shall be fully reflected as obligations of assignees or SUBCONTRACTORS respectively in all assignments or subcontracts and that relevant information and instructions from Company shall be passed on to these assignees or SUBCONTRACTORS respectively. 38.3 No assignment or subcontract shall bind or purport to bind Company and each assignment or subcontract shall provide for the possibility of its immediate termination in the event of termination or cancellation of the PURCHASE ORDER. 38.4 All assignments and subcontracts issued by VENDOR for the supply of MATERIALS or WORK shall be in writing and shall include that the assignment or subcontract is subject to expediting and inspection by Company. VENDOR shall furnish Company with three (3) unpriced copies of each assignment or subcontract immediately following its issue. 38.5 Company is entitled to assign the PURCHASE ORDER at any time to an affiliated Company or to OWNER, upon giving VENDOR at least ten (10) calendar days prior written notice. 39. Force Majeure 39.1 Loss or damage or delay in, or failure of performance of either party hereto, shall not constitute default hereunder or give rise to any claims for damages if and to the extent that such loss, damage, delay or failure is caused by force majeure which is, for this purpose, defined as occurrences beyond the control of the party affected, and which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, said party is unable to prevent. 39.2 Upon the occurrence of force majeure, the party so affected shall promptly give notice to the other party, to be confirmed in writing, and shall use its best efforts to mitigate the effect upon fulfillment of the WORK and shall resume performance of the WORK as soon as possible. 40. Applicable Law The PURCHASE ORDER shall be governed by the law of The Netherlands. All disputes arising in connection with the PURCHASE ORDER shall be settled

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