Checklist For Evaluating Sim

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  CHECKLIST FOR EVALUATING THE STRATEGIC INTERVENTION MATERIALS IN ______________ _________________________ ___________ Title of the Material: ___________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________ __ Name of Evaluator:_________ Evaluator:________________________ _____________________________ __________________________ ____________ Designation:______________________ Designation:________ ________________School:_______ __School:____________________ __________________ _____ Direction: Evaluate the intervention materials on each of the following features. Kindly check the appropriate column of your choice. Please write comments and suggestions. Features of the SIM Evident Not Evident A. Guide Card 1. Gives a preview of what th the e students will learn. 2. Presents the focus skill. 3. Guides the students o on n how to use the SIM. Comments/Suggestions:

B. Activity Card 1. Provides activities that: that:    on listed competencies/ 1.1 are organized based topics. 1.2 provide examples to concretize the concepts 1.3 students can complete independently independently,, in pairs, or in group. 1.4 allow students to formulate ideas on their own. 1.5 guide guide and challenge student’s thinking and learning. 2. Provides questions that: that:   2.1 guide the development of concepts and skills 2.2 elicit an explanation and not a one-word answer 2.3 establish the relationship between the topic/lesson and what students already know or are familiar to them Comments/Suggestions:

C. Assessment Card 1. Provides exerci exercises, ses, drills and activities activities that allow students to assess their understanding of what they have learned 2. Formulates in standard test formats to give students practice in test-taking techniques. 3. Gives clear instructions. 4. Provides an answ answer er (in a sep separate arate set/card). Comments/Suggestions:


Features of the SIM


D. Enrichment Card 1. Provides activ activities ities that reinforce the content of the lesson. 2. Provides opportunities for the students to: to:   2.1 apply what they have learned 2.2 work independently or in groups to explore answers or in new contexts. Comments/Suggestions:

E. Reference Card 1. Provides carefully res researched earched list resources that: that:   1.1 Will reinforce concepts and skills learned 1.2 Provide additional content not found in the textbook. 1.3 Students may be referred to further reading. Comments/Suggestions:

Validated by:

 ________________________  ___________ _______________________ __________ Signature Over Printed Name

Not Evident


 Adopted from the criteria set by the Department Department of Education (2005)

EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR TEACHER-MADE STRATEGIC INTERVENTION MATERIALS (SIMs) IN ___________ _________________________ ____________________ ______ (For the Validators) (Adopted from Ejem, 2011) Title of the Material: ___________ _______________________ _______________________ _________________________ ______________ Name of Validator:_________ Validator:_____________________ _________________________ ________________________ ________________ _____ Designation:________ Designation:___________________ ___________________Scho ________School:____________ ol:______________________ __________ Direction: Check the line which corresponds to your rating of a given feature. Please do this every item. Legend: Score




Strongly Agree (SA)

The provision is satisfied very adequately


Agree (A)

The provision is satisfied  Adequately


Disagree (DA)

The provision is slightly Satisfied


Strongly Disagree (SA)

The provision is not satisfied

A. Content and Accuracy Accuracy:: The Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs) 1. Present the least mast mastered ered topics and in information formation in Grade 7 Science (Physics) 2. Utilize factual information in text 3. Present topics an and d information applicable to heterogeneous types of learners 4. Are spec specific, ific, measura measurable, ble, attaina attainable, ble, realistic, and competency-based B. Clarity: The Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs) 1. Provide learning activities that are organiz organized ed and sequenced. 2. Have activities that are attainable. 3. Pose questions that ar are ew well-developed. ell-developed. 4. Use clear a and nd s standard-sized tandard-sized print. 5. Provides activities that are parallel w with ith educational theories and principles. 6. Uses simple words for ease of understanding. 7. Provide activ activities ities in line with the content and skills 8. Provide assess assessment ment in line with the cont content ent and s skills kills C. Appropriatenes Appropriateness: s: The Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs)














1. Are well-desig well-designed ned and suited in s shaping haping the studen students ts to become participative and not passive recipient of salient science concepts in every class discussion 2. Can motivate and guid guide e students to fully comprehend the least mastered topics in Grade 7 Science (Physics) 3. State directions at an appropriate lev level el of difficulty 4. Stimulate s students tudents to lea learn rn inde independently pendently 5. Help in dev developing eloping and enhancing the students hig higher her thinking skills in Grade 7 Science (Physics) 6. Provide activities w which hich conc conceptualized eptualized by th the e researcher Comments and Suggestions: Page Number


Proposed Change


Validated by:  _________________________________  ________________________ _________ Signature Over P Printed rinted Name of Validator


  (The Interpretation Scale for Content, Content Accuracy, Clarity,  Appropriateness of Strategic Intervention Materials Experts’ Evaluation)  Evaluation)   RANGE 3.01-4.00 2.01-3.00 1.01-2.00 0.00-1.00

DESCRIPTION Feature/s is/are provided very adequately Feature/s is/are provided adequately Feature/s is/are not provided adequately Feature/s is/are absent


INTERPRETATION Lessons no longer need modification or revision Lessons need slight modification and revision Lessons need much modification and revision Lessons need rewriting and reevaluation



Validator: __________ ______________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ ___________ Highest Degree:________ Degree:______________________ _________________________ ______________________ ___________________ ________ Designation:___________________ Designation:________ ________________________ _________________________ _______________________ ___________ Direction: Please check the appropriate box for your ratings Point Equivalent: 5 = Excellent 4 = Very Good

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3 = Good 2 = Fair

CONTENT’S CONDITION  CONDITION  Clarity of Test Items Suitability of Items Objectivity of the Items Adequateness of Items Attainment of Purpose Appropriateness of Evaluation Style Presentation/Organization of Topics




1 = poor




Comments/Suggestions: Item Number


Proposed Change


 _________________________________  _________________________ ________ Signature Over Printed Name of Validator


EVALUATION INSTRUMENT FOR TEACHER-MADE STRATEGIC INTERVENTION MATERIALS (SIMs) IN I N ______________________ __________________________ ____ (For the Teachers-Observ T eachers-Observers) ers) (Adopted from Ejem, 2011) Title of the Material: ___________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ ______________ _ Name of Teacher-Observe Teacher-Observers:______________ rs:__________________________ _________________________ ________________ ___ Designation:___________________ Designation:________ __________________School:__ _______School:_____________ _____________________ __________ To the Teacher: The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out your honest opinion regarding the developed Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM) in Grade 7 Science (Physics) Direction: Check the line which corresponds to your rating of a given feature. Please do this every item. Legend: Score



Very Much (VM)


Much (M)


Little (L)


Not at all (NA)

Features A. On the Strategic Intervention Materials Acceptability…   Acceptability… 1. I find the SIM attractive and motivates the learner’s interest. 2. I am willing to teach the le least ast mastered topic topics s using the SIM 3. I appreciate the teaching about the least mastered topics in Grade 7 Science (Physics) through the use of SIM 4. Observing how students express their ideas while answering the structured activities found in the SIM inspires me to employ innovative teaching strategies B. On the Strateg Strategic ic Interv Intervention ention Materials A Applicability pplicability 1. The objectives of the SIM are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and competency-based 2. The learning activities in the developed SIM can facilitate meaningful learning 3. The SIM facilitates learning among st students udents and cou could ld be given to them without the presence of the teacher 4. The SIM facilitate learning by doing and promot promote e selfdigging way of learning 5. The SIM enhance the value of honesty among the learners in doing the different activity cards, answering assessment and enrichment cards since answer keys are provided






Features C. On the Strateg Strategic ic Interv Intervention ention Materials Us Usefulness efulness 1. The SIM can enhance the development of students’ higher order thinking skills 2. The Learning activities in SIM deepen the understan understanding ding level of the learners about the least mastered topics in Grade 7 Science (Physics) 3. The activities can be carried out by studen students ts with little teacher’s supervision  supervision  4. I am challenged to develop my own SIM about the other least mastered topics in Grade 7 Science (Physics)





Questions: 1. What do y you ou like be best st about the developed S Strategic trategic Intervention Materials?

2. What do you like least about the developed Strategic Intervention Materials?

3. What problems can pro probably bably be encoun encountered tered in the use of the dev developed eloped Strategic Intervention Materials?


Observed by:  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________ _____ Signature Over Over Printed Name of Teac Teacher-Observer her-Observer


  (The Interpretation Scale for the teacher opinionnaire)

RANGE 3.01-4.00

DESCRIPTION Feature/s is/are provided very adequately


Feature/s is/are provided adequately


Feature/s is/are slightly provided


Feature/s is/are not provided adequately

INTERPRETATION Highly appealing, highly practical, and applicable, highly relevant, meaningful and useful.  Appealing and acceptable, practical and applicable, relevant, meaningful and useful Fairly appealing and acceptable, fairly practical and applicable, fairly relevant, meaningful and useful Not appealing and acceptable, not practical and applicable, not relevant, meaningful and useful


  DAILY STUDENT’S OPINIONNAIRE (Controlled Group) Name of Student:__________ Student:______________________ __________________Signature:__ ______Signature:______________ _____________ _ Grade and Section:________ Section:__________________Sc __________School:___________ hool:________________________ _______________ __ Direction: Below are the statements that describe your opinions about your Mathematics Class. Please check the column which corresponds to your answer. Description Yes No 1.  Are today’s Mathematics activities appealing and interesting? 2. Did you use SIMs in the class today today? ? 3. Are the drawings and illustrations in the SIMs clear? 4. Do you find the word words s and ex explanations planations in the lesson easy to understand? 5. Can you do the activities with less teacher superv supervision? ision? 6. Does getting the right ans answer wer on th the e activities encourage you to continue on the next activities? 7. Did you a have clear understanding of the co concept? ncept? 8. Did you like and enjoy the class toda today? y? 9. Are you encouraged to study Mathematics (S (Solving olving Logarithmic Inequalities) more? What are your learning experiences in Mathematics Class today?

What do you like best in the lesson?

Other Comments: rallel%20PDF/Full%20Paper/04.pdf



DAILY STUDENT’S OPINIONNAIRE (Controlled Group) Name of Student:__________ Student:______________________ __________________Signature:__ ______Signature:______________ _____________ _ Grade and Section:__________ Section:__________________Schoo ________School:____________ l:_________________________ ______________ _ Direction: Below are the statements that describe your opinions about your Science Class. Please check the column which corresponds to your answer. Description Yes No 1.  Are today’s science activities activities appealing and interesting? 2. Did you use SIMs in the class today today? ? 3. Are the drawings and illustrations in the SIMs clear? 4. Do you find the word words s and ex explanations planations in the lesson easy to understand? 5. Can you do the activities with less teacher supervision? 6. Does getting the right ans answer wer on th the e activities encourage you to continue on the next activities? 7. Did you a have clear understanding of the con concept? cept? 8. and enjoy class toda today? y?(Physic 9. Did Are you you like encouraged tothe study Science (Physics) s) more? What are your learning experiences in Science Class today?

What do you like best in the lesson?

Other Comments: rallel%20PDF/Full%20Paper/04.pdf



Title of the Material: “The “The Logas” Logas” Name of Student:__________ Student:______________________ __________________Signature:__ ______Signature:_______________ _____________ Grade/Section:____________________ Grade/Section:______ __________________School:___ ____School:_______________ ____________________ ________ Directions: Please check the given scale as basis for your assessment and give your knowledge to the best of your ability. Check the appropriate lines that best describe your assessment on the lessons and activities. Legend: (Scale Responses) Score


Qualitative Description


Very Much (VM)

Lessons are very easy, appealing, enjoyable, useful, and meaningful


Much (M)

Lessons are easy, appealing, enjoyable, useful, and meaningful


Little (L)

Lessons are slightly easy, appealing, enjoyable, useful, and meaningful


Not at all (NA)

Lessons are not easy, appealing, enjoyable, useful, and meaningful

Features/Characteristics/Criteria Features/Characteristics/Criteria EASY 1. The less lessons ons are easy to und understand erstand 2. The directio direction/instructions n/instructions are easy to follow APPEALING 1. The lessons are appea appealing ling as they are related to real life 2. Getting the right answers to the questions and getting the task done encourages me to continue the next lesson ENJOYABLE 1. I enjoyed doing the activities in the les lessons sons 2. I enjoyed doing the tasks in the lesson lessons s USEFUL   USEFUL 1. The lessons pro provide vide what I nee need d to learn about about the basic concepts on the least mastered topics in Grade 11 General Mathematics (Logarithms) 2. The lessons h help elp me understan understand d better on the basic concepts on the least mastered topics in Grade 11 General Mathematics (Logarithms) MEANINGFUL   MEANINGFUL






Features/Characteristics/Criteria 1. The lessons help helped ed me develop my interest on the least mastered topics in Grade 11 General Mathematics (Logarithms) 2. The lessons helped me de develop velop my an analytical alytical skills in doing the different activities about the least mastered topics in Grade 11 General Mathematics (Logarithms)





OBSERVATIONS/PROBLEMS/SUGGESTIONS ON THE LESSONS OBSERVATIONS/PROBLEMS/SUGGESTIONS 1. What are your obs observations ervations on the c concepts, oncepts, activities, an and d tasks presented in the lesson?

2. What are the problems y you ou encounter on the c concepts oncepts presented and on doing the activities and tasks in the lesson?

3. What suggestions an and d comments can you g give ive on the concepts concepts,, activities, and tasks that will make it more easy, appealing, enjoyable, useful, and meaningful to the students?


The Interpretation Scale for Characteristics of Strategic Intervention Materials (prospective student-users opinion) RANGE 3.01-4.00







Not all

INTERPRETATION Lessons are very interesting, meaningful, useful, enjoyable, easy and appealing Lessons are interesting, meaningful, useful, enjoyable, easy and appealing Lessons are slightly interesting, meaningful, useful, enjoyable, easy and appealing Lessons are not interesting, meaningful, useful, enjoyable, easy and appealing


Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and Evaluation  Evaluation  This checklist is derived from the LRMDS Education Soundness Specification. Specification. Qualities of the Learning Resource, Teaching Resource, Professional Development Material

1. *Content is accurate and reflects the ways in which knowledge is conceptualized conceptualized within the domain. 2. Supports learn learners’ ers’ deepening deepening of knowledge within the content domain.  domain.  3. Presents controversial issu issues es with balance an and d fairness and in accordance with the DepED curriculum policies, where these apply. 4. Uses language and symbols of the content domain and its ways of representation, representation, and supports learners in developing and using them. 5. *The following are used used correctly and appropriately: appropriately:


terms and expressions symbols and notations diagrammatic representation graphical representation 6. Assists the learner with identifying and differentiating differentiating between different points of view and perspectives presented 7. Uses content in ways that are real real to life/authentic life/authentic for learners/users: learners/users:


are not over simplified or trivialized makes sense to learners within their imaginary or real world are realistic within the relevant context enhances learners’ learners’ social capital – their – their knowledge of how the world works and how to make a way in it 8. Reflects the profile of the target learner/user for the curriculum or training area. area. 9. Presents the same idea to learners/users in multiple/multi-directional modes


visual text (e.g. pictures, diagrams) verbal (written) text


symbolic representations oral (spoken) text both static and dynamic images 10. Learning objectives are are made explicit tto o learners/users. 11. The target learners/users are clearly identified (academic level/technical ability/dem ability/demographics ographics addressed). 12. Content is structured to scaffold learning. 13. Provides an opportunity for learners/users to to obtain feedback either within or outside the resource. 14. Pre-requisite knowledge/skills knowledge/skills are clearly identified and their connections to prior and future learning are established. 15. Is easy to use (time and effort to use it is reasonable) and the language is appropriate a ppropriate for the intended learner/user. 16. Clear instructions for use are provided (i.e., purpose, processes, inte intended nded outcomes are


explicit). 17. Learning and information design is intuitive (i.e., the the user knows what to do and how to do it). 18 The learning resource can be accessed by learners/users in deprived, depressed and underserved areas and communities. 19. The resource may not require teacher/facilitator intervention to be used effectively in varied learning environments and learning sequences ( may include instructions, terms, material in English/Filipino/local dialect as maybe necessary). 20. The learning resource connects to learners’ personal/local knowledge and experience  experience  a.  linguistic and cultural experience b.  local (community/geographic) conditions c.  individual and family circumstancescircumstances- including, gender, abilities, economic economic conditions d.  interest and degree of engagement (in particular addresses differently able learners) 21. *Resource does not confront or embarrass learners In any or all of the following ways:


require learner to expose personal data which whic h may embarrass them invade learners’ privacy  privacy  unfavourably compare learners’ learners’ learning performance with learners’ learners’ identity unfavourably or stereotypically compare family or community characteristics with

learners’ identity unnecessarily or indiscriminately confront cultural beliefs or practices 22... Equivalent or alternative access to information is available for learners’ with d 22. diverse iverse needs  needs 


- identical content or activity is presented in different modalities - different activities that achieve the ssame ame learning outcome are available 1. Recommend reproduction and distribution in current format. Resource acceptable as is. 

2. Resource requires modification before being reproduced. (Must undergo full Educational Quality Evaluation)

3. Do not reproduce. Resource does n not ot meet specifications. 

Evaluation Rating Sheet for PRINT Resources 


Factor 1: Content







Not Satisfactory 1

1. Content is suitable to the student's level of development. 2. Material contributes to the achievement of specific objectives of the subject area and grade/year level for which it is intended. 3 Material provides for the development of higher cognitive skills such as critical thinking, creativity, learning by doing, inquiry, problem solving, etc. 4.Material is free of ideological, cultural, religious, racial, and gender biases and prejudices. 5.Material enhances the development of desirable values and traits such as: (Put a check ( √ ) mark only to the applicable values and traits) 5.1

Pride in being a Filipino

5.8 Honesty and trustworthiness


Scientific attitude and reasoning

5.9 Ability to know right from wrong


Desire for excellence

5.10 Respect


Love for country

5.11 Critical and creative thinking

5.5 Helpfulness/Teamwork/Cooperation Helpfulness/Teamwork/Cooperation

5.12 Productive work

5.6 Unity

5.13 Other: (Please specify)


Desire to learn new things

6. Material has the potential to arouse interest of target reader. 7. Adequate warning/cautionary notes are provided in topics and activities where safety and health are of concern. Total Points Note: Resource must score at least 21 points out of a maximum 28 points to pass this criterion. Please put a check mark ( √ ) on the appropriate box 

Factor 2: Format




VS 4

S/NA 3

Poor 2

Not Satisfactory 1



Size of letters is appropriate to the intended user.

1.2 Spaces between letters and words facilitate reading. reading . 1.3

Font is easy to read.

1.4 Printing is of good quality (i.e., no broken letters, even density, correct alignment, properly placed screen registration). 2. Illustrations

2.1 Simple and easily recognizable. 2.2 Clarify and supplement the text. 2.3 Properly labelled labelled or captioned (if a applicable) pplicable) .


2.4 Realistic / appropriate colors. 2.5 Attractive and appealing. 2.6 Culturally relevant. 3. Design and Layout

3.1 Attractive and pleasing to look at. 3.2 Simple (i.e., does not distract the attention of the reader). 3.3 Adequate illustration in relation to text. 3.4 Harmonious blending of elements (e.g., illustrations and text). 4. Paper and Binding

4.1 Paper used contributes to easy reading. 4.2 Durable binding to withstand frequent use. 5. Size and Weight of Resource

5.1 Easy to handle. 5.2 Relatively light.

Total Points Note: Resource must score at least 54 points  out of a maximum 72 points to pass this criterion. Please put a check mark on the appropriate box  

Passed Failed

Factor 3: Presentation and Organization







Not Satisfactory 1

1. Presentation is engaging, interesting, and understandable. 2. There is logical and smooth flow of ideas. 3. Vocabulary level is adapted to target reader's likely experience and level of understanding. 4. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension level of the target reader. 5. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and interesting to the target reader.

Total Points Note: Resource must score at least 15 points  out of a maximum 20 points to pass this criterion. Please put a check mark on the appropriate box  

Passed Failed

Factor 4: Accuracy and Up-to-datedness of Information

Not present

Note down observations about the information contained in the material, citing specific pages where the following errors are found  


1. Conceptual errors.

Present but very minor & must be fixed 3

Present & requires major redevelopment 2

Poor Do not evaluate further. 1


2. Factual errors. 3. Grammatical errors. 4. Computational errors. 5. Obsolete information. 6. Typographical and other minor errors (e.g., inappropriate or unclear illustrations, missing labels, wrong captions, etc.).

Total Points Note: Resource must score 24 out of a maximum 24 points to pass this criterion. Please put a check mark on the appropriate box.


Failed (All issues must be documented in the comments section.)

Descriptors for Factors 1 to 4 of the Evaluation Rating Sheet PRINT Resources (LRMDS) Important: These descriptors will guide you in giving an objective rating for each criterion item in the rating sheet. For ratings of 3 and below, your written comments in the

rating sheet should indicate specific pages and brief descriptions of inadequacies in the material.


Factor 1: Content

1. Content is suitable to the student's level of development. Descriptor:

The scope, range and depth of content and topics are appropriate to the target audience learning needs The level of difficulty is appropriate for the intended target audience age and stage of learning   The level of detail is appropriate for the achievement of the specified learning outcomes for the intended target audience 2. Material contributes to the achievement of specific objectives of the subject area and grade / year level for which it is intended. Descriptor:

Material promotes achievement of objectives of the intended subject area(s) and grade / year level(s). Material supports the achievement of learning objectives and outcomes o utcomes of the intended subject area(s) and grade / year level(s) Material reinforces, enriches, and or leads to mastery of certain learning competencies 3. Material provides for the development of higher cognitive skills such as critical thinking, creativity, learning by doing, inquiry, problem solving, etc. Descriptor:

The learning activities require cognitive effort not just chance selection of responses The learning activities include one or more of the 6 facets of learning. l earning. (Explain, interpret, apply, have perspective, empathize, have self knowledge) User is required to assume an increased i ncreased responsibility for their learning. Material promotes development of higher order thinking skills. 4. Material is free of ideological, cultural, religious, racial, and gender biases and prejudices. Descriptor:

Refer to the Social Content Guidelines Section 6.8. There are no ideological, cultural, religious, racial, and gender biases and prejudices found in the material. Presentation of social content including i ncluding values and perspectives is fairly represented. All social content is fairly presented and does not violate the Social Content Guidelines 5. Material enhances the development of desirable values and traits. Descriptor:

Inclusion of identified desirable value(s) / trait(s) is/are evident and/or properly discussed in the material. Presentation of controversial social content is balanced and structured to promote an educated understanding of differing points of view. 6. Material promotes interest of target reader. Descriptor:

The material is presented in such a way that is likely to connect with the target reader’s knowledge and experience.


Focussing techniques and cueing devices are evident such as variation in typeface, boxes and underlining. 7. Adequate warning / cautionary notes are provided in topics & activities where safety & health are of concern. Descriptor:

Inclusion of adequate warning / cautionary notes (where needed) is evident in the material. For example: “How to” instructions; symbols to represent health and safety requirements for activities. Factor 2: Format 1. Prints 1.1 Size of letters is appropriate to the intended user. 1.2 Spaces between letters and words facilitate reading. 1.3 Font is easy to read. 1.4 Printing is of good quality (i.e., no broken letters, even density, correct alignment, properly placed screen registration). 2. Illustrations 2.1 Simple and easily recognizable 2.2 Clarify and supplement the text 2.3 Properly labelled or captioned (if applicable) 2.4

Realistic / appropriate colors


Attractive and appealing


Culturally relevant

3. Design and Layout 3.1 Attractive and pleasing to look at 3.2 Simple (i.e., does not distract the attention of the reader) 3.3 Adequate illustration in relation to text 3.4 Harmonious blending of elements (e.g., illustrations and text) 4. Paper and Binding 4.1 Paper used contributes to easy reading. 4.2 Durable binding to withstand frequent use. Descriptor:

Consider quality of paper, packaging and binding is appropriate for the intended use and expected life of the resource. 5. Size and Weight of SM 5.1 Easy to handle 5.2 Relatively light Descriptor:

Components are packaged for easy handling. Factor 3: Presentation 3: Presentation and Organization 

1. Presentation is engaging, interesting, and understandable



Presentation promotes engagement and supports understanding by the target user Presentation stimulates active rather than passive learning. 2. There is logical and smooth flow of ideas. Descriptor:  

The logic of presentation of ideas is clear and evident to the target user. Material is presented in well organized, consistent and predictable fashion. Structure is apparent. 3. Vocabulary level is appropriate to target reader's experience and understanding.


Vocabulary used is suitable / appropriate to the target reader age and level. New or complex words and terms are clearly and consistently explained or defined. Consider the amount of technical vocabulary voca bulary used and the devices used to interpret, explain and define technical terms. Consider the general level of difficulty of non-technical words used in terms of familiarity and abstractness. 4. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension level of the target reader. Descriptor:

Length of sentences is suitable to the target reader. Consider the complexity of sentence patterns typically used. (Simple, compound, complex) Be aware of attempts to simplify by omitting needed connections between ideas which may reduce the user’s ability to make meaning. m eaning.   5. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and interesting to the target reader. Descriptor:

Sentences and / or paragraph structures are varied and interesting to the target reader. Language structures enhance meaning making. Note the effective beginning or end. use and placement of topic sentences in paragraphs; this is usually easier at the Factor 4: Accuracy  Accuracy and Up-to-Datedne Up-to-Datedness ss of Information Information

1. Conceptual errors Descriptor:

No conceptual error found Presentation of content will not lead to the development of misconceptions or misunderstanding. 2. Factual errors Descriptor:

No factual error found Presentation of factual content is accurate and up-to-date. No outdated information, improper use of statistics; inaccurate graphs; over simplified models, examples or simulations. 3. Grammatical errors



No grammatical error found No spelling errors. 4. Computational errors Descriptor:

No computational error found 5. Obsolete information Descriptor:

No obsolete information found 6. Other errors such as errors in illustrations, diagrams, pictures,

maps, graphs, and tables


No error found No outdated information- maps; inaccurate graphs, diagrams or pictures. No over simplified models, examples or simulations.

SOCIAL CONTENT GUIDELINES (LRMDS) To ensure that text, art, and photos / illustrations of textbooks and teacher’s manuals and other instructional materials materials teach social values as well as Government Government's 's

educational thrusts, the following guidelines on social content are prescribed: 

The Nation and Citizenship 1.  Treat national symbols and institutions with respect. 2.  Foster obedience to and respect for the t he Constitution and






the law. 3.  Encourage participative and responsible citizenship (e.g., depicting individual initiative rather than overdependence overdepe ndence on organized government aids and dole-outs). 4.  Avoid any bias favoring foreign products, practices, and values. 5.  Use illustrations and photographs of Philippine communities, objects, animals, and people. 6.  Show Filipino technology, games, dances, dress, food, festivals, celebrations, and customs.














1.  Foster attitudes of tolerance, tol erance, understanding, and appreciation of the diverse sectors and groups in society. 2.  Present a balanced rural and urban society. 3.  Give example of lifestyles lifesty les or situations existing outside Metro Manila. Use both rural and urban situations without stereotyping either. 4.  Avoid comparisons, which may be divisive to social classes, cultural, or religious groups. 5.  Show respect for different family patterns (nuclear, extended, single parent or two parents). 6.  Promote and respect the rights of children, elderly, differently able, and other vulnerable sectors of society. 7.  Refrain from devoting space and attention to fads or transitory personages and events, untested theories or views. 8.  Promote the need for the t he high ethical standards and codes of behaviour and their observance in all aspects of Philippine society. 9.  Do not depict physical, sexual, and mental abuse of adults and children as well as violent sports and entertainment. 10.  Do not give situations that would encourage crime, violence, and vices. 11.  Avoid materials that malign people, promote violation of laws and matters contrary to law and morality.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture 1.  Respect racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity in our society. 2.  Avoid bias and stereotypes in reference to any individual or groups. 3.  Avoid inaccurate, unnecessary, or inappropriate portrayal of or reference to racial/ethnic or cultural customs, symbols, observances, festivals, dress, names, or language.

Religion 1.  Use religious references, symbols, celebrations, and language (in the text, illustrations, and photographs) only when appropriate to the subject matter. 2.  Ensure that any appropriate references to religious groups are accurate and authentic within the setting and/or period of history presented.

Role Models 1. sex bias; stereotyping of partners male andinfemale roles. and 2.   Avoid Portray husbands and wives as homemaking family management 3.  As much as possible avoid choice of living persons as role models, except for persons of exceptional and


4.  5.  6. 


acknowledged accomplishment or virtue regardless of their racial, ethnic, or cultural origin or affiliation. Refrain from glorifying or unduly extolling persons p ersons and their accomplishments. Present a balanced picture of roles of workers and managers. Show good role models of public servants se rvants such as police officers, soldiers, and government officials instead of caricaturing or ridiculing them. Show workers who contribute to Philippine development.


















1.  Avoid sexist language, bias, and stereotyping of males male s and females as to professions, occupations, contributions contributions to society, and home and family roles and behaviours. 2.  Do not differentiate either explicitly or implicitly between the capability of males and females to contribute to the political, economic, or social well being of Philippine society or the world. 3.  Maintain balance in treatment of gender roles, occupations, and contributions in the text and illustrations.

1.  Promote responsible parenthood and shared decisionmaking in various areas of home life (e.g., family planning, family financing, education of the children, etc.)

Health and Safety 1.  Promote females, physical children and and mental adults. well-being of males and 2.  Discourage use of tobacco, alcohol, narcotics, and restricted drugs. 3.  Avoid depicting enjoyment of junk food. 4.  Promote health and safety standards and precautions.

Environment 1.  Portray efforts to conserve the country's natural resources and protect the quality of the environment. 2.  Promote personal and community involvement in environmental management for sustainable development.

Others 1.  Avoid commercial brand names and corporate logos. 2.  Encourage humane treatment of animals and respect for life of all kinds (including plants).



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