Checklist Ambulance

October 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Sp Spes esififik ikas asii Ambu Ambula lanc ncee N o.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

3 St Standard Se Seatbelt AM/FM Ra Radio Ko Komunika kasi si Pin intu tu Belak elakaang Hatch atchba back ck Central LLoock Do Door   AC Double Blower   Sekat Sekat anta antara ra bag bagian ian depan depan (pen (pengem gemudi udi)) dan dan bbagi agian an belaka belakang ng (pasien) Dudu Duduka kann st stre retc tche herr (tan (tandu du pasi pasien en)) ambu ambula lann deng dengan an te temp mpat at penyimpanan tandu scoop/backboard. Stretc Stretcher her pasien pasien dengan dengan sis sistem tem pengun pengunci ci khus khusus, us, matras matras,, 2 strap pengikat pasien dengan kepala metal. Scoop Stretcher   Su Sumb mber er lilist stri rikk DC DC den denga gann 3 ke kelu luar aran an Ku Kurs rsii kkhu husu suss ddok okte terr ddan an pa para rame medi dicc Gantungan infus Lamp Lampuu pen pener eran angg kkab abin in pasi pasien en Lampu periksa APAR ka kapa pasi sita tass 1 kg Le Lema mari ri pera perala lata tann medis/ medis/Ko Kota takk obat-o obat-oba bata tann Se Sett perle perleng ngka kapa pann Oksig Oksigen en : 2 tabu tabung ng O2, O2, 1 un unitit regul regulat ator or,, 1 unit nasal kanule Oksigen, 1 unit masker oksigen La Lamp mpuu rot rotat ator or da dann si sire rene ne pa panja njang ng

7. 8. 9. 10 10.. 11. 12. 13. 13. 14. 15 15.. 16 16.. 17 17.. 18 18..

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2. Pe Pera rala lata tann Med Medis is Ambul mbulan ance ce N o.

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Ventil ntilan antition on dan dan Air irwa wayy Equi Equipm pmen entt


Portable Oksigen Equipment - Ele Electr ctric ic suction suction appara apparatus tus dan acces accesori oriss : portable portable suction suction,, wide bore tubing, tonsilar suction -



Flex Flexib ible le su suct ctio ionn ca cath thet eter erss

Pocket mask -

Po Port rtab able le min min 300 300 L Ca Capa paci city ty


Cons Consta tann flflow ow regu regula lato tor  r 


Nasal kanule


Oxygen tube

Bag mask rescucitators


N o.



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Immobilization devices -

Po Port rtab able le min min 300 300 L Ca Capa paci city ty


Cons Consta tann flflow ow regu regula lato tor  r 


Nasal kanule


Oxygen tube


3. Perala Peralatan tan P3K dan Obat-o Obat-obat batan an (amb (ambula ulance nce)) N o.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 12.. 13 13.. 14. 15 15.. 16. 17 17.. 18. 19. 20. 21 21.. 22. 23. 24. 25 25.. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 30. 31. 32. 33.

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Ka Kart rtuu Pet Petun unju jukk Pen Pengg ggun unaa aann A Ala lat. t. In Indiv divid idua uallllyy wrap wrappe pedd steri sterile le adh adhes esive ive dre dress ssin ings gs.. Ster Sterililee eye eye pads pads wi with th atta attach chme ment nt.. Ster Sterililee tria triang ngul ular ar band bandag ages es.. Medi Medium um ste steri rile le unm unmed edic icat ated ed dres dressi sing ngs. s. Larg Largee ster sterililee unme unmedi dica cate tedd dres dressi sing ngs. s. Alc lcoh ohol ol fre freee ccle leaans nsin ingg wip wipees. CPR mas maskk and and st ster erililee glo glove ves. s. Buterfly ccllosures. Crepe bandages 6 ” Elas Elastiticc aadh dhes esiv ivee band bandag ages es 4” 4” Vari riou ouss Ba Band Aid ids. s. Sur urgi gica call sc scis isso sors rs.. Splint Splintss (i (infl nflata atable ble or vacu vacuum um plus plus cervic cervical al colla collar) r) The herm rmom omeeter ter digi digita tall Burn aid Antis ntisep eptiticc sol solut utio ion. n. Burn blanket. Hypothermia bag Paracetamol. Reh ehyd ydrratio ationn sa sach chet et.. Eye an antiseptic Antihistamine Antacid Antis ntisep eptiticc sski kinn cre cream am.. Mouth oi ointment Suture sseet. Spygmomanometer. er. Stethoscope. Or Oroo-ph phar aryn ynge geal al Air irwa wayy. Int Intram ramusc uscula ulair ir inj inject ection ion needle needless aand nd syring syringes es Laxative. Cough pastille less.


N o.

34. 34. 35. 36. 36. 37. 38. 39. 39. 40. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 47. 48. 49.

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An Antitidi diar arrh rhea eall med medic icat atio ion. n. Metronidazole. Su Supp ppos osititor orie iess for haem haemor oroi oids ds.. Antispasmodics Doxycycline. Cura Curatitive ve ant antii mala malari rial al tab table lets ts 1% Hydr Hydroc ocor ortitiso sons ns topi topica cal.l. Ear drops. Xylocain 1%. Potent an analgesic. Antiemetic Cedocard Anti anafilaktik In Intr traa veno venous us giv givin ingg set set + flu fluid idss Endotracheal set Laryngoskope

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