ChE/Chemistry Trivia

November 18, 2018 | Author: Darwin Eugenio | Category: N/A
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ChE/Chemistry Trivia...


1) The main main buff buffer er system system of of the human human blood blood a) H2CO3 - HCO3 b) H2CO3 - CO32c) CH3COOH - CH3COOd) NH2CONH2 - NH2CONH+ 2) Cutlery Cutlery (e.. s!oon s!oon and for"s) for"s) made of ##### ##### metal metal $as ser%ed to hihest hihest honore honored d uests uests of &m!eror Na!oleon ''' of rance because this metal more !recious than old and sil%er in the 1*th century. a) latinum b) Osmium c) ,luminum d) henium 3) The most most abunda abundant nt metal metal in the earths earths crust crust is/ is/ a) ,l b) e c) Na d) Ca 0) 't is a monoamine monoamine neurotransmitter neurotransmitter biochemically biochemically deri%ed deri%ed from try!to!han try!to!han a) o!amine b) erotonin c) Oytocin d) ,drenalin 4) 5hat $ord $ord deri%ed loosely loosely from t$o oyens oyens refers refers to a hihly hihly toic rou! rou! of !ollutant !ollutant chemicals !roduced ty!ically as by-!roducts from manufacturin !rocesses6 a) dioins b) furans c) o7one d) anoic 8) ,n illeal illeal dru in in many countries it has stimulant and !sychedelic !sychedelic effects a) 30-9eth 30-9ethylen ylenedio edioyme ymetham tham!het !hetamin amine e b) Nitr Nitrou ous s oid oide e c) Cannabis d) :ol! :ol!id idem em tart tartra rate te ;) Hair contains contains a s!ecial s!ecial class of !roteins called called ###### ###### $hich are also !resent in in $ool nails nails hoofs and horns. a) Chitin b) ) =nun =nuntr triu ium m (&le (&leme ment nt 113) is a tran transa sact ctin inid ide e elem elemen ent. t. 'ts 'ts most most stab stable le "no$ "no$n n isot isoto! o!e e ununtrium-2>8 has a half-life of 2? seconds. 5hat is the ne$ '=,C-a!!ro%ed name of this element6 a) @i%e i%ermo rmoriu rium b) Co!e o!ernic rniciu ium m c) Nihonium d) 9osco%ium *) @ihtn @ihtnin in  stri"e stri"es s ##### ####### ### # O 3 and ####### the o7one layer of the atmos!here. a) dest destro roy y $ea" $ea"en en b) !rod !roduc uce e stre stren nth then en c) !rod !roduc uce e $ea $ea"e "en n

d) s!lit $ea"en 1?) ry ice is a) ice $ith added hyrosco!ic molecules b) ice $ith added silica c) fro7en $ater  d) solid carbon dioide

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