Characters Traits Tanjung Rhu

April 22, 2018 | Author: Aerene Gabriel | Category: N/A
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Characters Tr Traits Prefers the simple life # filial and loving son

+plit %etween traditional and modern values and %eliefs

Examples of of Te Textual ev evidence  Dislikes his wife’s gatherings with her friends where they eat cakes made with expensive foreign fruit (p.!"  $ought %inoculars for his mother to see %etter (p.! "  &akes sure that his mother’s %urial is done the right way (p.'"  Decides to take care of the family altar as his mother would want him to (p.)*"  Proud of the modern life he has %uilt %ut tries to keep tradition alive in his home. (p.)*"  ,is children have Chinese names (p.!"  ,e addresses his mother as -#h&a’ (p.!"  ,e has difficulty communicating with his mother a%out their past life. (p.)"  /a /ants nts to continue the custom of ancestral a ncestral worship %ut feels em%arrassed a%out talking to his dead mother (p.)0"

#h&a  &r T./. 1i’s mother  2ing’s grandmother3 -Popo’ (Cantonese for grandmother"  2ing’s  &other of nine children3 grandmother of thirtyfour and grea tgrandmother of seventeen  +mall3 thin3 with grey hair and %ent Characters Traits Prefers simple life

 

Treasures family



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7ind and understanding

Examples of Textual evidence 4ears chicken in the garden (p.!" Tells her son that she has everything she needs and does not need the things he can %uy (pp3 !3 " 4emem%ers the time when she was poor %ut happy3 when she was close to her son (p.5" 4efuses to go for an eye operation to remove her cataracts (p.'" 6nsisted on using real candles for years. (p.0" Takes Takes care of the family altar (p.*" &akes sure that the ancestral worship customs are followed  properly (p.*" 8nderstands her son who is trying to distance himself from his past and keep 9uiet. (p.)"

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