Characters in the Noli Me Tangere

March 18, 2019 | Author: Dowie M. Matienzo | Category: N/A
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Noli Me Tangere...


Characters in the Noli Me Tangere 1. Juan Crisosto Crisostomo mo Ibarra – represente represented d the affluent affluent and liberal liberal European European-educated Filipino. Ciic-minded! libert"-minded and patriotic! he desired the education of his people. #. Elias – represent represented ed the Filipino Filipino masses masses in the noel. noel. $s $s the s"mbol s"mbol of the common people! he did eer"thing to indicate them from the in%ustices suffered from the &paniards. '. Maria Clara Clara – represented represented Filipino Filipino (omanhoo (omanhood d trained in a conent conent and immersed in education basicall" religious in orientation. ). *on +afael +afael Ibarra – Crisostomo Crisostomo,s ,s father father!! (as %ailed %ailed for helping helping a "oung bo" bo"  being harmed b" an ignorant ignorant &panish ta collector. collector. e (as used b" +i/al +i/al in the Noli to s"mboli/e an affluent landlord (ith social conscience. 0. &isa – mother mother of asilio and and Crispin2 Crispin2 s"mboli/e s"mboli/ed d a lot of things in Filipino Filipino societ" during +i/al,s time. time. &he (as used b" +i/al to illustrate the t"pical characteristics of Filipino mothers! (illing to defend her children from all forms of in%ustice and accusations. 3. Capitan Capitan Tiago Tiago – a rich landlo landlord rd (hose (hose (ealth (as (as deried deried from his inolement in the illegal opium trade2 (as used b" +i/al to represent the subserient Filipino to the authorities to protect his personal and business interest. 4. *ona 5ictorina 5ictorina – as a social climber! she married *on Tiburcio Tiburcio to support support her claim of being a &paniard. &he despised eer"thing Filipino2 (as used  b" +i/al to s"mboli/e s"mboli/e colonial mentalit" mentalit" among Filipinos during his his time. 6. *ona 7atroci 7atrocinio nio – as the mistres mistresss of the alfere/! alfere/! she (as (as noted to be be imprudent! ulgar! cruel! and 8uarrelsome. &he s"mboli/ed the mentalit" of the 9uardia Ciil. :. 7ilosopo Tas"o Tas"o – represented +i/al,s +i/al,s epitome of of a philosopher2 (as  perceied to be a sage b" b" the educated and a (eird (eird or lunatic b" those those (ho did not ;no( him. 1
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