Chapters Appendices (2)
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Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel CHAPTER 1 The Problem and its Background
Have an individual ever feel good because a group of people approached and talked to him? Or have an individual been motivated to do something because he feel like the society accepts him as who he is and what he is? Well, that is called social approval. It is a positive evaluation or appraisal of a group to an individual. It helps a person be motivated to gain the favor of the society. hey feel motivated to perform better and do things that are already approved by the society he!she is in. "nd before a person can gain social approval, he!she has to have some social interaction. #o now, what is social interaction? #ocial interaction is one part of our daily lives. It is the act of two people mutually oriented to each other $Weiten, %&1'(. "s we social interact with others, people tend to determine whether they are approved by the society they belong in $#utton ) *ouglas, %&1'(. In one study conducted by +eary, it illustra ted that social approval and selfesteem are related. He argued that when an individual feels that he!she is accepted by the society, his!her selfesteem increases $#utton et al., %&1'(. #elfesteem is a person-s evaluation of him!herself and of how other people perceive them. "ccording to +eary-s #ociometer heory of #elf esteem, social approval is one main source of selfesteem wherein whenever an individual feels that he!she is accepted by the society, his!her selfesteem boost $+eary, ottrell ) /hilips, %&&1(. #ocial approval not only motivates an individual-s selfesteem but it also motivates an
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel individual to perform better and perform things that are already accepted by the society which results to a better performance $#utton et al., %&1'(. "ccording to ast and 0urke-s theory of selfesteem an individual-s performance is influenced or affected by their surrounding-s appraisal and feedbacks. Whenever they receive positive feedbacks, their selfesteem becomes reinforced. #o when does 2ob performance takes place? 3ot 2ust in the study but in general? 4ob performance takes place after an individual-s selfesteem increases because according to +eary-s #ociometer heory, whenever an individual gains social approval, that individual-s selfesteem increases which means he!she is motivated to perform better so performance becomes better $#utton et al., %&1'(. 4ob performance became the other variable instead of 2ust performance to demonstrate the relation clearly. 4ob performance is all the behaviours, duties and tasks an employee should do in his!her work environment and how well he!she performs them $0erghe, %&11(. herefore, 2ob performance of sales clerk was chosen because they are known as front liners they are employees who interact regularly with customers $5obertson, %&&'( and is also the key on how customer will perceive the service 6uality of a company or management $0erghe, %&11(. #ales lerk is considered front liner because they are the ones assigned and responsible in greeting, approaching, helping, and interacting with customers $7okemuller, %&1'(. he performance of these people toward their 2ob can help the study determine whether the selfesteem has an effect to the relationship of social approval and 2ob performance. he study was conducted at #tar mall-s 5obinson-s department store and the respondents were the sales clerk of the said department store. #tar mall-s 5obinson-s department store
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel was the most convenient store to conduct the survey. he staffs were approachable and supportive. " survey was conducted to one hundred and fifty selected participants with ages from %& to 8& years old, both male and female. he test conducte d was used to measure the respondents- level of social approval needs, selfesteem and 2ob performance to see if self esteem mediates the relationship between social approval and 2ob performance. #ales lerks are very important in a store or management. hey are the key to the success of the management and they also have a lot of power within their field. hey also have a big role wherein the perception of the customers for the service 6uality of their store depends on how they serve the customers. *espite the importance of sales clerk, there aren-t many studies regarding sales clerk and their source of good 2ob performance. he researchers felt the need to conduct a study regarding sales clerks- performance in order to value them more and give benefits afterwards. Background of the Study
#ales field is one wideknown field nowadays because almost everyone buy, sell, e9change and trade almost everything so as sales field gets wider, sales profession is getting in demand too. One of most known position or 2ob is sales clerk : they are the ones who welcome, greet, approach and entertain all customers enter their working place. #ince sales clerk interact and sociali;e with customers everyday while their duty, they tend to have a need of social approval from them and also with their colleagues and superiors. herefore, the researchers decided to conduct a study where it-ll focus on not 2ust the 2ob performance of the sales clerk but also its source which is social approval and self esteem.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel "fter gathering information and during the process of the study, it is determined that social approval and selfesteem makes a sales clerk fully motivated to demonstrate a better 2ob performance. Research Locale
he researchers conducted the study in #tar C>( suggested that
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel selfesteem is affected or increases, it means that their coping skills are being effective and recogni;ed especially with psychological threats $AC( suggest that self esteem is the outcome of being in social groups, as #ociometer theory $+eary, %&&=( proposed that selfesteem depends on rational condition. /sysc;c;ynski, #olomon, reenberg, "rndt ) #chimel, %&&8 argues that selfesteem is the feeling of achieving the standard and being a worthwhile person. 4ones $%&&>( revealed that when a person achieved a goal and the people around him!her are disapproving to his success, then it may cause a low level of selfesteem. #ocial
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel acceptance is an indicator of being accepted and liked with other people $#chwart;, 3akawoto, orman, ) >8(, /ugh $%&&1( and an $%&&8( found that employees who display positive emotions share a good relation with the customers and results to customers- satisfaction and positive evaluations regarding the sales and products. #everal researches have also been conducted and did not only focus on the smiling of the sales clerk but also other factors like eye contact, greeting and thanking customers $"bel, ) "bel, %&&A(. " company-s success can be dependent on their employees- performance. and verbally interpreted as very important. mployees who have a high selfesteem have good social approval. hey are open to various situations and criticisms made by customers so they tend to prefer feedbacks and responses to service as social approval. "lso, a good 2ob performance comes from a high level of selfesteem and good relation with people especially customers which is also a result of social approval $ast ) 0urke, %&&%(. he statement D I have a good relationship %ith the
customers.E got the highest weighted mean because they value their social interaction or relation with their customers. +ooking at the table above, ma2ority of the statements were answered as D 'ery
Important( wherein the e6uivalent weighted mean lies from =.&1 to @.&&. 8.C=
"gree "gree "gree
1@. I have made contributions as an employee.
#trongly "gree
1C.Iaccomplishallmytasks. 1>. I can handle confrontations and complaints from
=.&A 8.A8
#trongly"gree "gree
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel
customers. %&.I-msatisfiedwithmyperformance. %1. like I my2ob.
#trongly "gree 8.>
able @ illustrates the level of selfesteem of sales clerks of #tar mall-s 5obinson-s department store. #elfesteem is defined as one-s attitude or global effective orientation towards oneself 2+eary, 0aumeister, ) Ganna, %&&&(. It is the sub2ective appraisal of an individual to his!herself $#utton et al., %&1'(. +eary-s #ociometer heory stated that social approval causes selfesteem to boosts or increases $+eary, ottrell, ) /hillips, %&&1(. "s shown in able @, seven out of %1 statements got a high weighted mean ranging from =.&' to =.1C and were verbally interpreted as strongly agree. #ome of the statements were regarding on how sati sfied the emplo yees are with their 2ob e.g., )I am happy %ith my
performance.(* )I look good %hen I+m %orking.( and )I like my ,ob.( and how well they perform their tasks e.g., )I have made contributions as an employee.(* )I promote our
products properly.( and D I accomplish all my tasks(. "lthough most of the statements were alike, those are the statements that stood out with high weighted means. "ccording to 0randen $1>>8(, employees who love and en2oy their 2ob tend to have a higher selfesteem than those who don-t and when they are being responsible for their assigned tasks, they develop selfdiscipline and gain career development $0owes, n.d( Over all, almost all of the statements had a high weighted mean that lies from 8.=8 to =.1C which clearly states that the respondents of the study have a high level of selfesteem.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel mployees who have high selfesteem trust their decisions and 2udgments and are confident in performing their work tasks. hey are able to create social relationships especially with their customers and patroni;ers because they can communicate well. hus, employees who en2oy doing their 2ob performs better. hough the statement D I still feel good
even though my customers do not buy my product.( got the lowest weighted mean, it is still verbally interpreted as D agreeE which means that the level is still high. 0ecause employees have a high level of selfesteem, they are open to negative situations and are able to recover from re2ections and criticisms of customers 2Imran, atima, Gaheer, Jousaf, ) 0atool, %&1%(.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel
Table > The Le-el of +ob Performance of Sales Clerks of Star (all.Iaccomplishallthetasksgiventome. %&.Icanad2usteasilyatwork.
%1. I appreciate advices and suggestions from my coworkers. A.ERA3E T)TAL8
"lways '.@C
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel
able A illustrates the level of 2ob performance of sales clerk of #tar 1
or the first step in the mediation process, the result shows that the unstandardi;ed coefficient beta is .1>1 which means that for every one percent $1K( increase in social approval, there is a &.1>1 increases in 2ob performance wherein it is shown that the relationship of social approval and selfesteem is stronger than the relationship of social approval and 2ob performance which is also e9pected because selfesteem was the mediating variable within the two. his effect is significant because the pvalue or significance level is . &&% which is still lower than the pvalue set, .&=. "ccording to ast and 0urke-s theory of selfesteem an individual-s performance is influenced or affected by their surrounding-s appraisal and feedbacks. Whenever they receive positive feedbacks, their selfesteem becomes reinforced.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel
Table @ Regression of (ediator .ariable to /ndeendent .ariable8 Self,esteem to Social Aro-al
#ocial "pproval
Std# Error
. @%%
or the second step in the mediation process, the result shows that the unstandardi;ed coefficient beta is .@%% which means that for every one percent $1K( increase in social approval, there is a predicted .@%% increase in selfesteem of sales clerk of #tar mall-s 5obinson-s department store. his effect is significant because the pvalue or significance level is .&&& which is lower than the pvalue set for the study which is .&=. "ccording to +eary, every time the social approval need is met, there is an increase in selfesteem since social approval is one main source of selfesteem $#utton et al., %&1'(. #ome studies also showed that selfesteem is influenced by other people-s appraisals, feedbacks and events where in they are being approved or accepted $+eary, 0aumeister ) Ganna, %&&&(.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel
Table 19 Regression of (ediator .ariable to *eendent .ariable8 Self,esteem to +ob Performance
#elf esteem
Std# Error
. '&C
or the third step in the mediation process, the result shows that the unstandardi;ed coefficient beta is .'&C which means that for every one percent $1K( increase in selfesteem, there is a predicted .'&C increase in the 2ob performance of sales clerk of #tar mall-s 5obinson-s department store. his effect is significant because the pvalue or significance level is .&&& which is lower than the pvalue set, .&=.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel
" good 2ob performance comes from a high level of selfesteem. mployees who have high selfesteem trust their own decisions and 2udgments. hey are open to various situations and criticisms made by customers. 0ecause of their high level of selfesteem, they are able to communicate and interact with their customers which results to good performance $Imran, atima, Gaheer, Jousaf, ) 0atool, %&1%(. Table 11 Regression of (ediator .ariable to Both /ndeendent .ariable and *eendent .ariable8 Self,esteem to Social Aro-al and +ob Performance
oefficients B
#ocial"pproval #elfesteem
.&&1 .'1&
Std# Error
.&C= .&>C
.&&% .'8>
.>CA .&&%
or the last step in the mediation process, the result shows that the unstandardi;ed coefficient beta of social approval is .&&1 and the unstandardi;ed coefficient beta of self esteem is .'1& which means that for every one percent $1K( in selfesteem, there is a predicted .'1& increase in 2ob performance but not for social approval and 2ob performance because the result is a negative .&&1. It can be noticed that the value of regression coefficient and beta has changed when selfesteem was regressed to both social approval and 2ob performance. #ince the pvalue or significance level of selfesteem and 2ob performance is . &&% it is still significant because it is lower than the pvalue set, &=.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel "s selfesteem increases, the performance also increases for which when an employee has a high level of selfesteem, he!she tends to perform before because he!she trusts her decisions $"nthony, %&&A(.
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel CHAPTER = S((AR4 )! !/6*/63S7 C)6CLS/)6S A6* REC)((E6*AT/)6S
his chapter presents the summary on the findings, the conclusions of the study and the recommendation for future performances and researches. Summary of !indings 1# he demographic profile of the respondents in terms ofF
1.1 "ge. out of @.&&. %.' #uperiors. #ocial approval needs from sales clerks- superior got a total weighted mean of 8.C= out of @.&&. %# he level of selfesteem of sales clerk of #tar out of @.&&. he level of 2ob performance of sales clerk of #tar K( with a significance value of .&&& determining that the relationship of the three variables are significant. Recommendation
he following recommendations are hereby forwarded 1# #ales clerk should improve their relationship with customers so they would have a social
approval from them that will help them have a better 2ob performance. $# he company may implement seminars or activities that will help sales clerks boost their selfesteem in order to help them have a better 2ob performance. %# #ales clerk should be aware and cooperate to the seminars and activities that will be implemented for the sake of the employees as well as the company. he superiors of the respondents should also improve their interaction and relationship towards their employees because it is also one factor for better 2ob performance. '# urther studies should be conducted with a different age range in order to differentiate whether age has an effect to the relationship of the three variables. =#
Jose Abad Santos Campus 3058 Ave., Pasay City Tel Bibliograhy Books
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